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12x15 - Stealing Home

Posted: 02/29/12 05:57
by bunniefuu
So, uh... you are dating that nurse.

Uh-huh. Kind of.

MAN: I have to work with you?!

Uh-huh. And what happened to Doc Robbins' niece?

Oh, nothing. I'm just keeping my options open.

I called her, genius.

She's not answering her cell phone.

Why do you think I called you people?

You know what?

I want to talk to your boss.

I want to talk to him now.

She's busy.


All right, what's going on, Mitch?

Meet Dwayne Hicks.

He reported his wife missing.

He's all yours.

Mr. Hicks, I'm Nick Stokes.

This is Sara Sidle.

We're with the crime scene unit.

When's the last time you saw your wife?

Last night.

Debbie and I had an early dinner and then I went to work.

And where do you work?

What the hell does that have to do with you finding my wife?

Are you refusing to answer the question?

Okay, look...

Mr. Hicks... we're just trying to help you out, man.

All right.

I work as a night manager at the Swift Deal, okay?

All right. And, uh... where was the last place that you saw Debbie?

Deb... yeah, Debbie.

At home.

You want to know what we ate, too?

Um... which house is yours?

Five twenty-eight.

The vacant lot.

Yeah, it's a vacant lot because someone stole my house.

So you're saying when you went to work last night, the house was there, and your wife was inside?


And now they're both missing.

Ye... that is what I'm trying to tell you people!

Come on!


♪ CSI 12x15 ♪

Stealing Home Original Air Date on February 22, 2012

♪ Who... are you?

♪ Who, who, who, who?

♪ Who... are you?

♪ Who, who, who, who?

♪ I really wanna know

♪ Who... are you?

♪ Oh-oh-oh

Who... ♪

♪ Come on, tell me who are you, you, you ♪
♪ Are you!


Is your name Julie Finlay?


And were you born in Philadelphia?


Have you used any illegal dr*gs, including marijuana, in the last ten years?



Do you...

...resent having my honesty gauged by debunked pseudo-technology?

Don't do that...

Yeah. A little bit.

Please keep your answers to a "yes" or "no.


Do you have any criminal history?

I was married twice.

Did my time.

Have you ever had sex with an animal?

(laughs): Oh, my... really?

Oh, God.

SPECIALIST: Yes, or no?

Well, my first ex-husband was a bit of a dog.

And my second, a pig.

Does that count?

I don't know why you bother.

Those people never have a sense of humor, you know that.

I know. I couldn't help myself.

Well, I did pass, didn't I?

Welcome to Las Vegas.


Well, at least it's a better picture than I took in Seattle.

Things are looking up.

Yeah. Um, hey, guys?

Do me a favor, come in here for a second?

I want you to meet someone.

Sara Sidle, Morgan Brody, this is Julie Finlay.

Uh... Finn, with two N's.

So nice to meet you.

Finn's coming on board.

Oh. I heard about your, uh, amazing blood reconstruction from Greg.


Why don't you guys give her the official tour?

I'd love to, but I'm due back at my crime scene.

We have a house to find.

But, uh, it's nice to meet you, Finn.

Nice to meet you.

I'll do it.

I'll even give you the unofficial tour.


I like her already.

This damage is recent.

BRASS: Yeah. Ran the plates.

Car belongs to the missing wife Debbie Hicks.

Supports the husband's story that the wife was inside the house when the house was stolen.

I mean, if you want to kidnap someone, why take the whole house?

Captain, I talked to the neighbors.

A couple of them saw the house driving off last night.

Thought the family was moving to another neighborhood.

(rap music blaring)

What the hell?

What'd you do with the house?

What do you mean, me?

You stole the house!

I didn't do nothing, okay?

You stashed it away somewhere!

DWAYNE: Really? Why would I steal my own house?

JIMMY: Because it's not your house, Dwayne.

STOKES: Hey, calm down, now.

Oh, my God!

Just 'cause you live in the house doesn't make it yours.

Possession is 9/10 of the law.

What are you, a lawyer now?

I don't need to go to law school...

What happened to our house?

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

And you are...?

I'm Marla Hicks.

I'm Dwayne and Jimmy's sister.

Dwayne and Debbie jacked our house, Marla.

Debbie is missing, dumb-ass.


That is a load of crap.

Oh, is it?

Okay, he has always been trying to steal from me.

Every since we were kids.

Oh, really?

Are we going to do this out in front of all these people?

MARLA: Not right now!

Jimmy, not right now! Hot Wheels, my pot, my Jarts.

I loved those Jarts.

The Jarts were for both of us.

(honks horn)

It's a two-man game!

A woman is missing, and this fighting is not helping us find her.

You know, that's an excellent point.

So let's take this family feud downtown.

Nice. Talk about pot more in front of cops.

Why don't you try and steal the police station?

MARLA: Why don't you both shut up?

JIMMY & DWAYNE: Shut up, Marla.

MARLA: Oh, funny.

A family like that kind of makes me glad I'm an only child.


STOKES: Well, maybe if we figure out what happened to the house, we'll figure out what happened to the wife.

No prints.

They didn't even bother to turn the water off.

They just sliced right through the pipe.

Well, there's four different sets of shoe prints around the house.

Is it even possible to move a whole house overnight?

Yeah. Yeah, actually, it is.

And it's not really that hard to do.

Just slide two support beams under the joists, jack it up, lower it onto a flatbed... and off you go.

With the wife inside?

Yeah, she had to have been unconscious, or she would've heard something, or felt the house moving, don't you think?

Unless she was dead.

Could be the perfect crime.

No body, no crime scene.

JIMMY: Debbie is a total bitch.

I'm surprised Dwayne's been with her for this long.

BRASS: They're having marital problems?

Hell, yeah.

At each other's throats night and day.

About anything in particular?

Money, mostly.

You know, Debbie loves her slots.

She gambled away their savings.

Wow. That must have really pissed Dwayne off.

Yeah, I was mad.

We lost our condo.

We had to move back in with my mother.

So the house belongs to your mother.

Where is she?

She's dead.

Oh. Sorry for your loss.

So your mom left you the house?

She would've.

If she had a will.

Look, I don't know what my idiot brother told you-- and he is an idiot-- but Debbie swore off gambling, all right?

So we... we are in a good place, right now.


Oh, really?


Because there was a disturbance call at the Tasty Time last week, involving you and your wife.

All right.

Debbie got a little flirty with the fry guy.

And she knows how much I hate that.

It seems you hate a lot of things about your wife Maybe enough to want her dead?

Look, if I k*lled my wife, why would I be the one to report her missing?

Maybe to throw suspicion off yourself and onto your "idiot brother"?

Well, why don't you find out what he was doing last night?

Getting the old r*fle cleaned, if you know what I mean.

Lucky you. Where?

Black Stag.

Why make that face?

Where'd you go after?



Yeah, alone. Why do you think I had to pay for it?

It says here you work in construction?

Off and on.

I don't know if you've noticed, but not a lot of building going on in Vegas these days.

But you have the skills and connections to move a house.

And you said, I quote, "Debbie's a total bitch."

Look, I did not steal that house.

And I did not hurt Debbie.

I love that you're all up in my business.

Have you even talked to Fred?

Who's Fred?

Fred Blanchard.

He and my dad had a dry-cleaning business together.

Until my dad stole all their money and took off.

When was that?

Ten years ago.

I haven't seen or heard from him since.

Tough growing up without a dad.

You didn't know my father.

Him leaving was the best thing that ever happened to our family.

He was a real son of a bitch.

Your brothers think that Fred stole the house.

Fred? No.

Fred would never do that.

He was there for us the second my dad left, and... actually, a few years ago, he and my mom got really close and he moved in.

So Fred was living in the house, too.


Until my mom died.

And then Dwayne kicked him out.

I'm sure it was Debbie's idea.

What about you?

I mean, no will.

The house is just as much yours as it is theirs.

I... I don't want any part of that damn house.

I'm glad it's gone.

You glad Debbie's gone, too?

I didn't like her, but...

I never wanted anything bad to happen to her.

SANDERS: I heard you and Finn worked together in Seattle.

Yeah, yeah. Heard right.

Rumor has it you fired her.

Right again.

So that means there's a good story in there, somewhere.

David! What the hell you got here, buddy?

Road k*ll.

Lost an arm and a leg.


No I.D., but... check out these tread marks.

About 22 inches, give or take.

This is only sixteen.

So our guy was run over by at least one big-rig and maybe a car or two.

90 degrees. He's been dead around eight hours.

SANDERS: Died last night.

Not a lot of streetlights.

Would've been hard to see in the dark.

Hey, there's a bar back there.

Maybe he, uh, hit the hooch and hit the road.

You know, for someone who got run over a couple times, I'm not seeing a lot of blood.


Check this out.

Blanched skin.

His injuries have an orange tone.

So the blood wasn't circulating.

He was dead before he was run over.

Yeah, this isn't a hit-and-run.

This is a dump-and-run.


HODGES: 528.

That's the right address.

As opposed to the other houses that were stolen last night?

Any of these guys the Hicks brothers or Fred Blanchard?

No, but any of them could've hired these guys.

Or it was just a random house-stealing.

Or maybe Debbie Hicks was still gambling, and she owed somebody some money, and they took her and the house as payment.

Let's get a closer look at that guy.

(taps keys)

Where was this taken?

Corner of Sunset and Barlow.

But there's no other traffic-cam footage after that.

Doesn't mean we can't track it.

You must be Finn.

You must be Stokes.

Yes, ma'am.

Hi. David Hodges.

Anything you need to know about Sin City, I'm your man.

Russell tells me you're quite the insider.


Yeah, how did you you duck the "sex with animals" question on your polygraph?

Given your tentacle porn fetish.


Russell told you about that.


What do have you got for us?

Well, it looks like our house thieves were pretty sloppy.

I accessed all the 911 calls from last night.

Several reports of downed power lines, as well as a dozens of reports of sideswiped cars and other property damage.

Looks like "Housezilla" left quite a path of destruction.

Follow the destruction, find the house.

Yeah, and maybe Debbie.


FINLAY: House is heading east.

What's over there?

STOKES: About a hundred miles of desert.

That's a lot of ground to cover.

Not if you have eyes in the sky.

I like the way you think.

Jim. Stokes.

We need a chopper.

(Russell, Finlay laugh)

Will you look at this!

You, uh, want to wrap it up, take it back to the lab?

RUSSELL: Yeah! (laughs)

You're still doing that?

If it ain't broke.

Hook up the satellite, I want to live here.

FINLAY: It's nice and quiet.

No annoying neighbors.

Well, maybe one, but he's quiet.

Those are guys' legs.

It's definitely not Debbie Hicks.

Ruby red shoes.

I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

(wood creaking)

Do you need a hand?

Oh, no, I've got it.


I'm Finn.

David. Welcome aboard.

Thank you.


Chest is completely concave.

Obvious death; crushing injuries.



These shoes match the impressions I found at the Hicks property.

He's definitely one of the house stealers.

Has he got an I.D. on him?

"Dennis Hutchings."

I recognize him from the surveillance video.

RUSSELL: Finn, do me a favor, and get a picture of that jack under there.


RUSSELL: Actually, you know what?

I think I got something in the truck we can use to get that out of there.

I got it.

What are you doing?

Aw, come on, Jules!

Don't call me that!

Well, get out from under there, will ya?


Here you go.

You know, I bet I know what happened.

I bet you they were trying to lower the house, this one got jammed, Mr. Hutchings here tried to fix it.

(wood creaking)

Cause of death: terminal stupidity.

Cause of death: karma.

Guy steals house, house kills guy.

Hey, fellas, lower it back down, will you?

MAN: Yes, sir!

We should probably get in there.

It's time to figure out what happened to Debbie Hicks.

It's hard to tell if this mess was from a struggle or what.

Well, I can tell you that this was...

Does not bode well for Debbie.

Blood pool's over a liter.

Nobody can survive that volume of blood loss.

Injuries and death occurred here.

Drag marks leading to the kitchen door here.

So whoever k*lled her dumped her body before they dumped the house.

High-velocity spatter.

If that's from a g*nsh*t, it must have been a revolver.

I don't see any casings laying around.

k*ller could've picked them up, though, right?


Yeah, one single air bubble.

Spatter's not from a sh**ting.

It's expirated blood.

RUSSELL: So, Debbie coughed up blood during the attack.

Can you tell what kind of w*apon he used?

Well, we have a castoff pattern, relatively short arc-- one, two, three-- could be from a beating.

Maybe Debbie put up a fight when Hutchings came to steal the house.

He could've brought tools, right?

Maybe a hammer, a crowbar.

Short castoff arcs with no associated medium-force spatter.

Indicative of sharp-force trauma.

So you're thinking stabbing.



Three castoff events.

First s*ab's always for free.

So, that means she was stabbed at least four times, left here to bleed out.

Okay, let's back up a second.

So, just because Dennis Hutchings stole this house, doesn't mean he's our k*ller, though, right?

No, we got a lot of suspects here, boss.

Husband, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, Fred.

A whole lot of house to process.

Where you planning on sticking that thing?

In your mouth. Open up.

I don't understand.

Why you need my DNA?

To prove that you k*lled my wife.

Mr. Hicks, please step back.

I'll be with you in a minute.

You honestly think I k*lled Debbie?

I want to see you get his DNA good.

SIDLE: I'm gonna need to take yours, too.



Well, we need to eliminate everyone who has legitimate access to your house.

It's not his house.

It is my house.

Thanks for saying it.

Will you shut up about the house?! Debbie is dead.

JIMMY: It's not your house.

It is my house.

Where's the deed?

You can't even read the deed, so...

Hey, wait.

Hang on a second.

Don't you need a warrant or something?

Only if you refuse to give it voluntarily.

What, are you scared they might find out that you did it?

If you didn't do it, you don't have anything to worry about.

Look at his face.

His wife is dead.


He can't even fake a few tears.

You totally did it.

Get out of my face.

Get out of my face!

Stop it!

Guys, stop it!

Guys! Do you want to spend a night in jail?

Be good for you, bro.

Get used to it.

I want a lawyer.


I knew it was too good to be true.

You're alive?!

What happened to our house?!

Wait a second.

Where the hell have you been?!

I was out gambling with my friend.

All night?

Well, you lose track of time in the casinos.

We may have had a few mojitos.

Okay, five.

All right, well, I'm gonna need the name of your friend, verify your alibi.

Alibi for what?

House stealing and m*rder.


Well, when we found the house, we also found a bloody crime scene.

Do you know anything about that?

No. No.

Last night, I waited for Dwayne to go to work, and then I hit the Strip.

The house was spotless.

Do you know a guy named Dennis Hutchings?

I never heard of him.

I didn't k*ll anybody.

Look, when do I get my house back?

Mrs. Hicks, like I said, your house is a crime scene.

Then you should be talking to Dwayne's idiot brother.

If somebody was k*lled in that house, I bet you 100 bucks he had something to do with it.

Well, you know, we thought the blood was yours.

So who does it belong to?

BRODY: Amazing how much damage a big rig can do.

Good way to dispose of a body.

Hopefully, he got a piece of his k*ller.

Well, he definitely got a piece of the m*rder w*apon.

BRODY: Tip of the knife.

Non-serrated, single-edged.

So he was stabbed.


Based on my analysis, I found...

...four penetrating sharp-force injuries.

And you know that how?

Uh, Doc Robbins, this is Julie Finlay. Finn.

And this here is Fred Blanchard.

You I.D.'d my victim?

Well, technically, he's actually my victim now.

DNA matched Fred here to the large blood pool found at the Hicks' house.

The stolen house in the desert?


This guy was stabbed there?

It doesn't make sense.

We found him in the middle of a truck route.

Yeah, I heard.

Can I see your report?

Fred Blanchard's body was found right here.

And this is the route that the house took.

I don't think the drag marks in the kitchen were drag marks.

What do you mean?

This is hard to see in the dark wood, but if you look at the bottom of the door, that's blood.

That would not be there if somebody had dragged the body out because the k*ller would have opened the door.

So they're slide marks.

All right, so if Fred's body's in the house while it's moving, he could've slid out the back door when the house made this right turn, right here.

We know that Fred Blanchard's our victim.

Who's our k*ller?

Well, we have Dennis Hutchings, the dead, not so bright house thief.


So Fred comes home, catches Dennis in the act.

Dennis kills Fred.



Maybe. Okay.

Yeah, the Hicks siblings still have the best motive.

All right, Fred is living with the mom. Mom dies.

Kids are worried that Fred's gonna take the house from them.


Debbie and Dwayne kick him out.

But that's not a permanent enough solution.

Dwayne's alibi's a little shaky.

He said he clocked in to work at 7:00, but nobody could verify that he spent the whole night there.

Debbie's alibi's even shakier.

She said that she was drinking and gambling all night but can't remember all the casinos she went to after mojito number three.

(chuckles): What?

(cell phone chimes)


Brass just got a lead off Dennis Hutchings' phone records.

So, Marla, how do you know Dennis Hutchings?

I don't, really.

He was just doing a construction job at my school.

I'm studying to be a nurse.

But you hired him to steal the house.

(quiet laugh)

He was after me for months to go out with him.

So, finally, I said that I would, if he would do me a favor.

Stealing a house; that's a pretty big favor.

I didn't mean for anybody to get hurt, really.

I didn't know that Fred was gonna be there.

I told Dennis to make sure that the house was empty.

And he wasn't gonna let anything or anyone get in the way of his date.

Fred was like a father to me.

I hated the way my family treated him.

All because of that stupid house.

Okay, well, i-it still doesn't explain why you wanted to steal the house.

I didn't think it through.

I just wanted the fighting to stop.

I mean, my mom's body wasn't even cold before my brothers were arguing over who gets the house.

And how could they even want it after it k*lled her?

The house k*lled your mother?

She was... hanging a flower pot on the back porch and it... just collapsed on top of her.



First your mother, then Fred, then Dennis.

That's one k*ller house.


You my reinforcements?


New marching orders.

Doc Robbins found the tip of a knife in Fred Blanchard's rib cage.

So Finn was right-- this was a stabbing.

Now all we gotta do is find a knife with a missing tip.


Found something.

m*rder w*apon?

No, not exactly.



(anxious laugh)

Whew! Most families keep their skeletons in the closet.

Got it?



This house has k*lled four people now.

The mom, Dennis the home stealer, Fred Blanchard and now this guy.

That makes it a serial k*ller.

ROBBINS: Based on the height, shoulder width and clothing, looks like an adult male.

Fractured skull; possible blunt-force trauma.



They arrive within minutes of death, which means this guy decomposed in the wall.

What are the odds the family didn't know there was a rotting corpse in their wall?

Well, given the dehydration and the condition of the body, this guy's been dead at least ten years.

Hicks brothers would've been teenagers.

Old enough to commit m*rder.

According to Marla Hicks, the dad, Walter, walked out on the family ten years ago.

You think this is Walter Hicks?

Look, everybody says he was a mean son of a bitch.

His wife, his kids, his ex-business partner, Fred, they all hated him.

They all had motive.

(wry laugh)

Maybe he never left.



(crackling, flies buzzing)

There's some papers in here.

Well, they've been exposed to adipocere during decomp.

They were holed up in the wall with the body.

Could be significant.

Yeah. Maybe QD can help restore them.

First things first-- let's get our mummy back to the morgue.

(electric saw whirring)

(camera shutter clicking)

Okay. Let's run it.

Well, based on the tool marks on the mummy's skull, the k*ller's w*apon of choice was a hammer.

SIDLE: We did find traces on the mummy's clothing, of sarsaponin.

It's from the yucca plant.

It's sold commercially to eliminate strong odors.

The main distributor's a company called Stink Away.

So the k*ller must have doused him with it, tried to cover up the stench of decomp.

So it is possible that the family didn't notice the rotting corpse in the wall.

DNA results.

Our mummy is a daddy.

FINLAY: Really?

So it's Walter Hicks?

Uh, maybe, maybe not.

Here's where it gets really interesting.

I compared his DNA to all three of the Hicks siblings.

It turns out our mummy is the biological daddy of Marla but not Dwayne and Jimmy.

Uh-oh. Well... looks like Lois Hicks stepped out on her husband.

FINLAY: Okay. We still don't know who the mummy is or who k*lled him.

And we still don't know who k*lled Fred.

Actually, I may have a lead on that.

Epthelials under Fred's nails belonged to one of the Hicks brothers.

DWAYNE: Fred att*cked me.

Look, that's how I got these.

BRASS: That's why you're reluctant to give us your DNA.

You were afraid we were gonna connect you to Fred.

Like I told you, he att*cked me.

I'd like to believe you, Dwayne.

I really would.

But Fred is dead.

And more than likely you got those scratches because he was struggling for his life.

I didn't k*ll Fred.

Come on, Dwayne, you kicked him out of his own house.

Hey, that is not his house!

When Mom died, he should've left on his own.

So... so what?

I gave him a little push.

FRED: Dwayne, stop it!

You can't do this.

Yeah, I can. Here, Fred, take your stuff and get out.

If your mother were here, she'd be so ashamed of you all.

Yeah, well, she's not here-- she's dead. Time for you to go.

You cannot just kick Fred out!

This is his house, too.

BOTH: Shut up, Marla!

This is our family home, and he is not part of our family!

(all shouting at once)

Oh, man.

You kicked him out of the house in the morning.

He came back at night, right?

Maybe to get his things?

And that's when you k*lled him.

Hey, that's a great story.

That's your story; I'm sticking with my story.

And if you don't believe me, you can ask Debbie, you can ask Marla, ask them both.

BRODY: No prints in the house belonging to anyone outside of the family, and no sign of the m*rder w*apon.

Nick and I searched every inch of that house.

Okay, so blood spatter tells us that Fred was k*lled in the kitchen.

Tip of the knife broke off in his chest.

Maybe the k*ller... took the knife with him.

Oh, wait a minute... maybe the knife was still in his chest when he slid out of the house.

And broke off when he got run over.

Which means the knife would still be out on that road.

Okay, expand the search area.

And you can take boyfriend Greg with you.

Part of the blade.

Blood on it.

If we can find the other piece of the handle, maybe we can get some DNA, prints.

Well, I found one piece.

This is gonna take a while.

BRODY: Ridge detail.

You any good at jigsaw puzzles?

My dad gave me one for my eighth birthday.

Empire State Building, thousand pieces.

Did it in six hours.

By myself.

Let's see if we can break your record.

Got a partial.

SANDERS: We've gotten AFIS hits off of less.

I hear you're gonna blow my mind.

Blood on the knife is a match to our vic, Fred Blanchard.

Which means it's definitely the m*rder w*apon.

Not exactly blowing my mind.

Oh, we're getting there.

We recovered a partial print off of the handle of the knife.

It didn't match Dwayne Hicks.

So, we have three other Hicks, right?

Debbie, Jimmy, and Marla.

None of the above.


BRODY: But we did get a hit in AFIS.

Prints came back to a long-lost member of the Hicks family.



Dear old not-so-dead Dad.

My mind is blown.

He was in the system for assaulting a guy in a bar fight 15 years ago.

So now we know the mummy in the wall isn't Walter.

So who is he?

Walter Hicks is alive and well.

Came back to town... k*lled Fred.

Did he k*ll the mummy, too?

We still have no idea who that is.

Well, at least we know that mummy is Marla Hicks' father.

If Walter found out about it, that is motive.

Yeah. Yeah, and-and I sent the papers walled up with the mummy to QD.

If I can restore them, I bet they'll help us figure out who the guy is.

So you're saying that Walter isn't my real dad?

That's what I'm saying, yeah.

Your biological father's name was Tony Perrella.

He was a-a handyman.

Did some work around your house.

My mother had sex with some handyman?

I think it was a lot more than that.

I think she and Tony were the real deal.

I found some letters that he wrote to her.

You, uh, you want to take a look?

Thank you.

"I never believed in soul mates until I met you."

"When you told me you loved me, "I felt like the luckiest man in the world.

I can't wait to start our life together."

Sounds to me like she really loved him.

I think she was even going to leave Walter for him.

FINLAY: Yeah, and the little we know of Walter, that was a very good decision.

Tony was reported missing on March 20, 1991.

I was born in November.

So my mother probably didn't even know that she was pregnant when he was m*rder*d.

She probably thought Tony left her because he was tired of waiting on her to leave Walter, you know what I mean?

Yeah, it must have been hard on her.

Losing somebody that she loved that much.

My mother always had this sadness about her.

Now I know why.

(door opens)

BRASS: You know, it's funny.

When we were looking for you, we couldn't find any record of a Walter Hicks since 2002.

But then we ran your full name, Walter Douglas Hicks, and wouldn't you know it, there's a Walter Douglas living in New Mexico.

RUSSELL: Who just happened to use his credit card here in Vegas two days ago.

BRASS: So it's been ten years, Walter.

What brings you back to the city?

Gambling? Nightlife?

Or... maybe this.

BRASS: CSI found it in your old house.

I haven't lived there in ten years.

Tony Perrella's been dead for 20.


Your handyman.

We have some invoices here that said Tony spent a lot of time at your house.

Doing repairs.

Your wife.

RUSSELL: We also found love letters that Tony wrote to your wife.

I'm pretty sure you found them too, right?

And that's why you k*lled him.

Love letters?

That's all you got?

No, actually, we have a lot more.

We have some, uh, some receipts.

For some, uh, 2x4s, spackling, drywall, from a local hardware store.

Right around the time that Tony was reported missing.

RUSSELL: Yeah, don't forget that large bottle of Stink Away.

Stink Away. Right here.

BRASS: Ravenson Hardware keeps impeccable records.

You remember Tony now?

Lois took the boys to her mother for the week.

I... got Tony to come to the house.

You think you can screw my wife?


I love Lois.

You don't give a damn about her.

You stay the hell away from her.

WALTER: He said he wanted to fight for her.

He lost.

You got away with m*rder.

Too bad Lois died, right?

Probably got a little worried, maybe someone'd buy the house and find the body.

So you came back to move it.

And guess who shows up?

BRASS: The old businesspartner Fred.

What the hell are you doing here?

Heard about Lois.

What? And you came to pay your respects?

You never cared about her when she was alive.

Why start now?

We know what happens when you lose your temper.

Somebody ends up dead.

Fred threatened to call the cops about a financial dispute we had ten years ago.

Financial dispute?

Oh, you mean that's when you stole all the money out of your business account, and left Fred with nothing?

I didn't want to go to jail.

Take your hands off of me.

You come back to move the mummy out of the wall, but leave a fresh body in the kitchen?

I heard this big truck pull up outside.

And I had to get out of there in a hurry.

Yeah, that would be the house stealers.

It's... long story.

You know, you're a very mean, angry man, Mr. Hicks.

And anger's like a toxin.

It poisons everything it touches, especially your family and also that house of yours.

Prison is full of mean and angry people, Walter.

So you'll fit right in.

You are not seriously doing this!

I'm going after him.

Hey! hey!

Yeah, that's gonna help.

Do not do this.

Stuff is in there.

This is our...

What? You're gonna This doesn't belong to you.

Lock our stuff in there?

Oh, great, look at this.

Jimmy? Seriously?

Look at this.

You're so dumb.

...coming back.

DEBBIE: No...!

Thank you for coming.

I didn't know who else to call.

DWAYNE: You cannot change the locks on this house!

It's not your house, dumb-ass!

JIMMY: Like you said, bro, possessing is nine-tenths of the law.

It's possession, you idiot.

DWAYNE: Thank you.

Hey, arrest him, he's squatting.

Hell, sh**t him.


No, no, no...

No one is sh**ting anyone.

MARLA: It is just a house.

It's not worth k*lling each other.

Shut up, Marla.

You're not even our real sister anymore.

Yeah, you're barely family, okay?

We have the same mother, you idiots.

DEBBIE: Hey, are you guys gonna do anything?

Do something.

What are you doing?

We're gonna do something.


You are so dumb.

Why are you still doing that?

Get off my lawn.

DWAYNE: This is not your lawn.

It's the desert.

JIMMY: Get off my desert.

SIDLE: Finn?

Finn, um...

(chainsaw buzzes)

(all the Hicks shouting, "Whoa!")

You each want a piece of the house?

Great. Let's divvy it up.

What do you want?

You want the living room and the dining room?



Would you like the bedroom and the bathroom maybe?

Hey, hey, hey!

I'm just gonna chop it right in half.

You can't chop up our house.

Okay. Is that good?

(all the Hicks shouting "No!")

Or, you know, there's another way to settle this.

This house caused a lot of damage on the way up here.

Over $100,000.

Whoever owns the house gets the bill.

Wait... the house isn't even worth that much.

She stole it.

Yeah, give her the bill.


I never even wanted this house.

FINLAY: And then we told Marla that she could donate the house to a charity or the city, so she doesn't have to pay the bill.


It was actually Sara's idea.

Probably didn't hurt to have some crazy lady running around with a chainsaw.

You heard?

Yeah, I heard.

A little too familiar.

I don't get it.

What's that?

Well, I've been walking around this place the last couple days, trying to find the problem.

This place is like a family.

You've got the best of the best.

That's true.

So why... why'd you bring me here?

Best of the best can always get better.


You know that's only half an answer.

Jules, let's not do this.

I just don't want history to repeat itself.

Well, that makes two of us.