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04x06 - Princess Scorpia

Posted: 12/10/23 08:22
by bunniefuu
[Scorpia snoring]


Good morning, world.
Force Captain Scorpia, reporting for duty.


Wake up, check.

Looking sharp, check.

Breathe in new day.


Make bed, check.

Feed Emily, although
I'm still not sure that you eat, check.

Hey, careful there.

Cool, right?
Catra gave it to me in the Crimson Waste.

She's got a matching one.
It's, like, our thing, you know?

I know, I know,
she said we're not friends anymore,

but she didn't mean it.

And maybe I misheard her,
there was a lot going on.

There was a cannon.

Push down doubts and insecurities,
[sighs] check.

I am brave, strong, loyal,
and I give great hugs.

And I am going to be
the best friend I can be!

[Horde soldiers] Come on! Let's go!

Move! What are you doing?

- Darryl! Seriously?
- Watch out! I'm coming through...

Yep, today will be a great day.

[Horde soldier shouts]

♪ We're on the edge of greatness ♪

♪ Turning darkness to light ♪

♪ We're right beside you ready to fight ♪

♪ We're gonna win in the end ♪

♪ We must be strong
And we must be brave ♪

♪ We must be brave ♪

♪ We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have and never let it go ♪

♪ We must be strong ♪


- You dropped one.
- My bad.

[Bow] Watch your step.


At this rate, we'll have
the supply line open in no time.

Just hang back.

[groans, then gasps]

Looking for this?


This one's mine.


Looks like it's your lucky day.

I've got this rune
I've really wanted to try out.



[both shout]


I had that one!

You are the queen.
I can't let anything happen to you.

Besides, whatever dark magic
Shadow Weaver taught you

obviously didn't seem to be doing the job.

It's not dark magic.

And it would've been really cool
if it had worked.

Aw, you guys. Look at us.
The Best Friend Squad back together again.

Whoo! Take that, Horde!

Best first Rebellion mission ever!
Thank you so much for letting me come!

[Horde soldiers groaning]

This can't be all of them.
Where's the rest?

There aren't even any bots.

I didn't see any others.
They probably ran away scared.

All right, we should head out.

We've still got another outpost
to shut down

before we can re-open supply lines
to the Kingdom of Snows.

Come on, let's move.

[Flutterina] Wasn't She-Ra amazing
in that battle?

You are so lucky she saved you
before that Horde soldier reached you.

She didn't save me. I was doing a thing.

Oh, right.

I mean, your little magic trick
would've been cool if it had worked.

Anyway, your real strength is in teamwork.

And the way you let Adora give you orders
even though you're the queen, I...

She wasn't giving me orders. We're a team.

The greatest team!

That's why she can talk to you like that,
all, "I'm She-Ra, I know best."

But you stay friends. What a bond.


Like lambs to the slaughter.

Hey, guys, wait for me!


The Rebellion is dismantling
our Northern Perimeter.

Why are our outposts
unprepared for an attack?

Because they're skeleton crews.
I called back the main defenses.

What? Why?



The Princesses have no idea what's coming.

Let them waste their time
on some useless outposts.

We are saving our resources
for the big mission.

The final part of our plan, remember?
It's almost time.

We're not ready.
I need more time to complete the w*apon.

We've put everything into this plan.
We don't have more time.

This technology
is based on Entrapta's research,

but I've reached a dead end.

I need her notes, her recordings.

They must hold the key
to making this work.

Entrapta is a traitor.

You think I don't know that?

This is what she left behind.

And this is what I will use
to defeat every last Princess on Etheria.

Horde Prime will be here soon.

And when he arrives,
he will see what I am capable of.

I will return to his side,
victorious, worthy.

But first, I need those recordings.

Hmm? Hmm.



Emily! You know
you're supposed to stay in my room.

You little scamp.

Come on, no guilt-trip.
It's for your own good.

We can't let Catra see you.

And right now I'm bringing her a cup
of my famous soothing tea.

Old family recipe.

If anyone could use a pick-me-up,
it's Catra.

Go on.

Okay, you can come.
Can't say no to that cute little face.

- Hey, where are you...?
- [Catra] Who are you talking to?

Catra! Oh! Hot!

Okay. Boy, wow, you can really,
ha, ha, sneak up on a gal. Ahem.

Are you okay? You don't look so good.
Have you been getting enough sleep?

- Here, I made you some...
- I didn't ask for your opinion.

I have a job for you.
I need you to find Entrapta's recordings.

That thingy she was always babbling into.

You want Entrapta's recordings?
Does this mean...?

It means that Hordak needs them.

I'm so close.

If I can pull this off, everything,
everything will have been worth it.

Find me those recordings
so I can finish this.

Yes! Yes, I'll find them, I promise.

Did you want any of the tea?

You know what, it's not a...

What are you still doing here? [growls]

See, Emily, what did I tell you?
Catra just needed a loyal friend.

I'll find those recordings
and then she can relax

and things will go back to normal.

Scorpia! A little help?

Hey, guys. Can't stay long.

I'm on a super important
top-secret mission for Catra.


Good luck with that.
I'm sure Catra will be super grateful.

Uh, yeah. Of course she'll be grateful.

Everything Catra's done
has been to help the Horde.

And if we stick with her,
keep doing our jobs, I know she'll notice.

You know, eventually.

Yeah, right.

Our guys are getting att*cked
on the Northern Perimeter,

and Catra's letting it happen.

She doesn't care about any of us.

No. No, you're wrong.

Catra's under a lot of pressure,
and maybe she just...

When are you gonna wake up?

Hey! We were supposed
to be loading these onto the transport.

Scorpia... Ugh. Just get out of here.
We've got real work to do.

Good idea.
You do your job, I'll go do mine.

Just a well-oiled machine.

[Bow] I don't see defensive bots here.

It doesn't look like
there's anyone on watch.

But we don't know what they've got
inside the outpost.

Let's go in nice and slow.
Here's what we're gonna do.


[shouting and grunting]

Glimmer, what are you doing?

You can't just rush into battle
on your own like that.

You're the queen. You're too valuable.

Am I the queen? Because it seems like
you're the one giving all the orders.

- And what's your plan? More dark magic?
- It's not dark magic!

And I don't know. Ugh, maybe,
if it helps me do what needs to be done.

- Magic won't fix everything, you know.
- What good is magic if...?

Double Trouble, sometimes you're too good.

- [She-Ra] have us for.
- I don't need you guys to save me.

Stop treating me like I'm weak
and let me make my own decisions!

We're just looking out for you!

Hey, what's going on with you two?

- Nothing!
- Nothing!

Okay, we're talking this out.

Adora, is there something
you need to say to Glimmer?

No. I don't know.

What? It's fine.

Come on, you can do it.

Communication is the key
to a good friendship.

I don't know why Glimmer is suddenly okay

with trusting Shadow Weaver
after everything she's done to us.

I'm just... I'm worried about her.
It's too dangerous.

You really think
I'm naive enough to trust her?

Glimmer, would you try phrasing that
a little more constructively?


Everything I'm doing is to protect people,
is to protect you.

I'm not asking you to trust Shadow Weaver,
but can't you at least trust me?


- Of course, I trust you, Glimmer.
- There you go.

That's how the Best Friend Squad does it.

Ugh. I have to do everything around here.

[both shouting]

Help! Help!

- She-Ra, help!
- Flutterina!

Help! Help!

Put me down!

I'm on your side. Now, follow my lead.

[clearing throat] Help!


Anything yet?

I know we've looked everywhere,
but it's got to be here somewhere.

Super Pal Trio.
Man, those were good times, huh?

Focus! Scorpia, you can't let Catra down.

Think like Entrapta. Think like Entrapta.


[as Entrapta] Bots!


Tiny food.

Uh, First Ones tech. Runestones.

[in normal voice]
The Black Garnet Chamber!

[groans] Yeah, this place
also gives me the creeps.

But some of Entrapta's stuff
is still in here,

so, the recordings might be, too.

[laughs] Wow.

So many good times in here, huh?

That time Entrapta hacked
the Black Garnet.

That time Shadow Weaver tried to k*ll us.
And before that...

You're not gonna believe this, Emily,
but I'm actually a Princess.

I know, right? That's what they all say.

[laughs] It's ridiculous, I know,
but it's true.

The Fright Zone
used to be my family's kingdom.

But then Hordak showed up,
and, well, you know, the rest is history.

It's not like the Black Garnet
ever worked for me anyway.

[whooshing noise]

Ah, it's for the best.

I mean, can you imagine? Me, a princess?

I just need to find those recordings,
and then...

Commencing experiment number 703.
Ready, Emily?




In addition to uploading back-ups
of my logs into Emily's hard drive,

I've upgraded her to record visual data.

Now when an experiment blows up
and I lose all memory of that day,

I'll still have record of the research.

Everyone smile!

I told you to be ready to leave.
Have you even started packing?

I'm a scientist.

The only thing I'll need
in the Northern Reach is my mind!

Also my giant drill.

Also... everything in this room.

Super Pal Trio field trip!

I can't wait.

We can watch the snow fall,
drink hot cocoa...

[Entrapta] Can the hot cocoas be tiny?

[Catra groans]

We're there to dig up First Ones tech.
We're not making cocoa.

That's my wildcat, always on goal.

What do you think
is buried out there, anyway?

Oh... Something big.

Who cares?
Pack your stuff and let's go already.

I'll bring the cocoa
if you bring the tiny mugs.

It's a date.



I miss her.

Wait, Entrapta's recordings?
She stored them inside you?

We did it, you beautiful bot!
We found them!

We've got to go tell Catra that...
Well, can't you just take them out?

Not possible?

They're deeply ingrained in your processor

and can't be accessed
without dismantling you?

Catra needs these recordings,
and I wanna be there for her.

I'm loyal, that's my whole thing.

I'm sure it'll be fine.

She wouldn't hurt you. She wouldn't.
Even though the recordings are inside you,

and she's kind of said the words
"scrap metal" and "Emily" together a lot.

Come on, I know a great place to hide.
I mean, think, not hide.

We're not hiding.
We're thinking, that's it.


- Bow, can you take them out?
- I can't risk hitting Flutterina.

Come on, work with me here.

[man] Drop your weapons
or the girl gets it.

Ugh, it'll do.

Let her go, now,
or it's not gonna be pretty.

- Glimmer, no. They could hurt Flutterina.
- Someone has to do something.


[both shouting]

Why isn't anyone guarding these outposts?
Where is everyone?

[man] I don't know.

I haven't practiced this one as much.
I'm still getting the hang of it.

It's a truth spell if it works.

But if it fails,
it can be extremely painful.

[man] Okay, okay! Catra called back
our bots and most of our team.

I don't know why, I swear.

- I don't, I really don't!
- I think you do.

Glimmer, stop!

Catra pulled her forces
from the Northern Perimeter.

We've been wasting our time all day.
And this guy is wasting mine.

Bow, put him back
with the others and let's go.

Glimmer, what are you doing?
You took things way too far.

I wasn't going to hurt him.
Did you think I would really...?

Look, maybe we should get some rest,
and talk about this when...

The Kingdom of Snows' supply line is open.
We're done here.

Fine by me.

And scene.

Welcome to Horror Hall. It was part
of the Royal Scorpion Family's kingdom,

but nobody comes here anymore. [chuckles]

I would sneak down here
to hide when I was a kid. Yeah.

Oh! Check out these guys! That's Pointy.
Over there is Captain Pointy.

And this here is the widow,
Madame Pointessa.

Okay, fine, I made those up.
I don't know their names. [laughs]

But this, this guy,
this is my granddad, the king.

He was the greatest.

That's what the Horde told me, anyway.
I don't remember him. I was too young.

I have Granddad to thank
for my opportunities in life.

He made the alliance with Hordak.

As part of it, our kingdom gave up
our Runestone, and Princess.

My granddad must've known
I'd be happier as a soldier.

And I made friends in the Horde, like you.


Okay, well, things didn't
exactly work out for my kingdom.

But Granddad stayed loyal to the end.
That's what scorpions do best.

Brave, loyal, great hugs.

I need to be there for Catra.
I'll just tell her about the recordings.

She is my friend, and she will
not hurt you if I ask her not to.

[Catra] I don't care what it takes.
We are opening that portal now!

No! I won't!

I need to tell Hordak. He'll understand.

[Entrapta shouting]

[Catra] Get her out of here! I don't care!

- She was threatened. She didn't mean it.
- Put her on the transport to Beast Island.

[Scorpia] Beast Island? You can't!

You wanna be next?


Catra betrayed her.

She betrayed me
and I just let her take Entrapta away.

Catra doesn't care.
She'll hurt people to get her way.

If she knew the recordings
were inside of you...

But I still have time.
I can still be a good friend.


You better have something for me.

Entrapta's recordings.
She stored them all in Emily.

The chip got damaged when I extracted it,
but hopefully that won't matter.

It was just so small
and, you know, pincers.

- You broke the recordings?
- I didn't mean to.

I asked you to do one thing.

One simple thing
and you completely ruined it!

But of course you ruined it. Yeah.
You're Scorpia. That's just what you do.

You couldn't handle Emily,
you never know when to shut up.

The only thing you've ever done
is get in my way!

What did I expect?

I mean, how can you possibly
be this useless?


You're a bad friend.

The recordings?

Entrapta must have taken them
with her before leaving. There's nothing.


I gave you an order.

Get over it.

You don't need Entrapta. You never did.

You don't need a Princess in your life
telling you what to do.

Look at what you've done without her.
You built an army. An empire.

You and me, we don't need anyone.

Forget them all. No one matters,
nothing matters but this mission.

You want to prove yourself,
prove your worth? Then do it.

You and I are going to conquer Etheria.
And then, they'll all see.

Of course.

Yes. We will prevail.
Give me another day, and I will be ready.

Does that mean I can give the command?

It is time.

Okay, I bought us some time.

Catra didn't know that was just old junk
or that I was lying to her.

There's nothing I can do for her,
but maybe I can still help Entrapta.

Ready for a Super Pal Duo field trip?

We're getting out of here, Emily,
for good.

[closing theme playing]