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04x10 - The Day ChalkZone Stood Still/Bull Snap/Mine Alone/Let It Blow My Way

Posted: 12/10/23 07:33
by bunniefuu
♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's
got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's
got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk... ♪

[Rudy's parents
singing indistinctly]

Ok, kids.

Have fun watching
the ball drop.

Oh, yeah.
We'll be ringing in
the new year

just two houses away
at the tornquists.'

so if
you need anything,

you know
where to find us.

Yes, mom.

We have all
the important numbers
right here.

Both: All right, then,
happy new year!


Snap, the coast
is clear!

Penny: We're ready
to go!

[Blows horn]

I thought your parents
would never get out of here.

Come on.
The big chalkzone
new year celebration

has already started.


Oh, yay!
[Blows horn]

In just a few minutes,
the great clock in

time after time square
will chime

and then old man this year
will pull baby new year

out of his glass case

and turn the crown of time
over to him.

[All cheering]

Live long, baby new year!

[Shaking noisemaker]
Ok, we're ready.
Let's go.

Now you're talking.

Don't forget to erase
the portal, Rudy.

We don't want any
wild chalkzone revelers

finding their way into
real world.

Good idea.

Well, that's weird.
I can't erase
the portal.

That's not the only
thing that's weird.

[Both gasp]

It looks like
something stopped
the party

dead in its tracks.

Hello? Hello?

Lars? Hoops?
Are they ok?

Well, I can still
feel a pulse

in buttered
toast man's arm.

Both: Whew.

They're in some sort of

state of
suspended animation.

It's almost as though
time has stood still.

Hoy kaloy,
time has stood still.

Baby new year
never got released.

Penny: And the clock's
minute hand is missing.

[Gasps] Maybe that's
what froze time.

Old man this year
seems to be missing, too.

Well, at least I can
set the clock right again.


Don't worry,
baby new year.

I'll have you out of
there in no time.

Aah! Look out!

Whoa! No time
is right.

It appears that
we need

the actual
minute hand

for chalkzone time
to start up again.

Well, where is it?

Look, biclops is
holding something.

[Reading] R.T.

Check under
eyeball bush. Huh?

Hey, there's one.

Well, what can
you tell me?

Hmm. Check under
the eyeball bushes.

Maybe he means
under the ground,

in the root system.

...good idea.
Wow, you're smarter
than you look!

The roots form
a kind of filmstrip.

Well, what do
you know?

These bushes
have been recording

everything they see.

Ha ha.
Who knew?

Rudy: Wow, it looks like
old man this year

was none too happy about
giving up his crown.

He cut off the minute hand
and carried it away.

Somewhere in
that direction.

Snap: Well, what are we
waiting for?


The eyeball bush
record we've collected
along the way

shows that
old man this year

carried the minute hand
somewhere out here and--


Yeah, and that looks
like the kind of

place he'd go.

[Clock ticking]

♪ I've had my year of glory ♪

♪ the ending of my story ♪

♪ lay just around the corner,
what a crime ♪

♪ the clock was
fully wound up ♪

♪ I'd reached
the final roundup ♪

♪ but I couldn't
give my crown up in my prime ♪

♪ so I grabbed the hand
and ran ♪

♪ how sublime,
I'm out of time ♪

♪ I'm out of time ♪

♪ I'm out of time ♪

Out of time
is right.

Come on, Rudy.
Let's go clean
his clock.

Do you see the minute
hand anywhere?

He must have it
hidden away.

We have to find out
where it is

or chalkzone may be
frozen in time forever!

[Rudy and penny
Hey, watch it, pal.

All: Uhh!

Shh! Please.
You must help us.

I am old man
last year.

I'm old man
year before that.

And I'm old man
year before
year before that.

Unlike the others
in chalkzone,

we are impervious
to time,

so old man this year
has imprisoned us

so that he can have
the time fortress
all to himself.

You must help us.

Well, maybe we would,

if you'd let go of
our ankles!


All: Oh. Sorry.
Heh heh.

[Indistinct chatter]

Wow, look at
all the geezers.

Snap, shh!


What do you
want us to do?

Do you think
that what

old man
this year did

never occurred
to any of us?

We've all felt
the temptation

to stop time
in its tracks,

and reign forever.

Oh, yes,
I was thinking...

[All talking at once]

Me, too!

But none of us
did it.

We knew there was
no future in
stopping time.

Do you have any idea

where old man
this year

has hidden
the missing hand?

Oh, we have
an eternity of ideas.

This is a list of
all the places

to hide
the minute hand

that we
have considered
through the ages.

That hand must be
hidden in one of them.

Ok, here's what
we'll do.

We'll distract
old man this year...

Whoo! I only wish
I'd thought of this
months ago,

when I was younger.


I could've enjoyed it
so much more then. Whoo!

Penny: Yoo-hoo,
old man this year.

What? Who's that

you still have
a lot to learn

about controlling time.

Oh, do I?

Snap: Yeah, oldie.

a lot of life

hidden behind
that throne of yours.

My throne?
What do you mean?

Rudy: Yes, old man this year.

Come see the glories of time

that await you
behind the throne.

Great clockwork! Look!

A whole other dimension
lies before me.

Rudy's distraction
won't last long

we must check
all the hiding places
on the list.

Exceptionally good
chalking there, bucko.

It might be here.

Several men: Or here.

Ooh! Whoa.

This isn't another dimension.
It's just a drawing.

Someone's fooling me!

Keep looking.
Keep looking.

Old man
last year,

did old man
this year add
anything new

to this room
since he's been
in charge?

Only that ridiculous
sculpture of himself.

Of course.

Here's what you've
been looking for.

Now time can be
restored to chalkzone!

[All cheering]
Yeah, way to go, Rudy!

Good job, Rudy!

♪ Glory, the ending
of my story ♪


[All shouting at once]

No time!
Time out!


[All cheering]


Happy new year.

[All cheering]

Way to go, Rudy,

but I think
we'd better
get back to

our new year's Eve
before your parents
get home.

Yeah, but, uh,
what happened to
old man this year?

Rudy: Oh, the other old men
found a perfect place for him.

[Clock ticking]

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

[Men laughing]

Snap: Look at
all the geezers.

Rudy: ♪ the summer's
big event is ♪

♪ we're going to
chalklantis ♪

♪ we're going to
chalklan-- ♪

Rudy, I just heard
my mother

talking to
my grandmother
on the phone.

going to Spain.

Awesome wicked cool!

the whole summer.

Oh, no.
Not wicked cool.

If I go away
for the whole summer,

that'll give us
no time

to finally explore
the lost continent of

But we've been
planning this

for months.

I know.
And on top of that,

I feel as though

I'm losing
my best friend.

Well, I'm not
about to let
thousands of miles

spoil our
chalkzone plans.


Come on.


Rudy: I'll fly to
chalkspain every day

and pick you up in
my supersonic
transport plane.


Then we can still
hang out as planned.

Very clever, Rudy,

except that the flight
took 4 hours, 36 minutes,

.007 seconds.

I guess even at
supersonic speeds,

the trip's too long
for us to get
together much.

Maybe it just
can't be done.

No, no, wait.
How about this?


We can go Sci-Fi.

Um, are you sure
this is the best place

to draw your
apparatus, Rudy?

I'm almost finished.

Beamer complete.


Uh! Come on, Rudy.

We've got to catch
a 4-hour, 36-minute,

and 14.007 second
flight home!

[Both breathing heavily]

Both: Oh!

Snap: Whoa!
A teleportation device.

What a great idea!

Yup. Now we can save
hours of traveling

by just teleporting
penny between here
and chalkspain.

Are you sure
it's safe?

Of course it's safe.
It's a tabootie.

Ah, Rudy, please
let me take
the first spin.

I'd always wanted
to see chalkspain.

Wait! We should
test it

with an inanimate
object first.

Penny's right.
Let's make sure

the tele
is portating.


Well, we know
it went somewhere.

Let's try
to bring it back.


All right,
it works!

Come on, Rudy.
Send me to Spain.

Nothing happened.


Rudy and penny: Aah!

Whoa, snap,
quit horsing around!

Wow! Chalkspain's
just like I pictured it.

Hoy kaloy.

I'm a guy trapped in
a bull's body!

[Bulls mooing]

[Speaking Spanish]

Si. It's time for them
to run the streets
of Pamplona.

And be
in the bullfight.

Run the--bullfight? Oh.

Excuse me.
I think I have

a dinner date
in Barcelona.

Ah, Enrique,
another talking bull.


We get so many
who try to
get out of the bull--

snap: No, no, no.
Wait, i--
this is a mistake.


Aah! Aah! Uhh.

Snap's acting
really weird.

I don't think
he's acting, Rudy.

Something must have
gone wrong with

the teleportation

Somehow, snap's brain
must've gotten switched

with the brain of
that bull that
chased us.

Yeah. Talk about

Whoa! Whoa!


[Snap growling]

Oh, boy. Ok,
here's the new plan.

Take this

and fly
the supersonic jet
back to chalkspain.

Try to lure snapbull

back to
the teleportation

I'll stay here
and try to wrangle

Ok, but I've never
flown a jet before.

Do you think you can
draw me a manual?

Sure. Here.


[Bullsnap grunting]

Girl: Aah!
Aah! Snap!


[Crowd cheering]

Crowd: Hooray! Bull!

Oh, yeah, so ole
to all of yous, too.

Listen, could somebody
give me a lift back to
the field where i--

playing fanfare]

Crowd: Ole!

Crowd: Toro! Toro! Toro!

Hoy kaloy, this is not
how I imagined

my chalkspain vacation!


Snap? Is that you?

Penny, I never thought
I'd be so glad
to see you.

Can you get me
out of here?

Yes, I think I can.

All: La Nina?

On a toro?

Snap, you have
to charge!

Charge the cape,
and then
keep running.

Don't stop no matter
what happens.

All right.

If you say so.

Faster, faster!

Ay, toro!

Toro, toro!


Ay, caramba!



Penny, are you there?
Have you found snapbull?

Si. I mean, yes.

We are almost
in position.

That's right, bucko.
We're ready to go.

So hurry up already!

It's me.
It's really me.

Oh, thanks, bucko.

You think you could
unleash me now?

Sorry about that.
It was the only way.

That bull you
swapped brains with
was really mean.

Ah, well, then maybe
you should have
reminded penny

before switching us

Oh, no!
Penny, do you read?


Ahh. Well, at least we
got to visit chalkspain.

[Groans] I don't know if
"visit" is the word
I'd use.

Huh. Yeah?
Well, you'll have
plenty of time

to visit real Spain.

[Sighs] Yeah.

Are you going to go to
chalklantis without me?

Dr. Sanchez:
Penny! Penita!

I have exciting news.

I spoke to your
grandma this morning.

She's coming to stay with you
for the whole summer

while I teach a guest lecture
series in Spain.

Both: Huh? Ahh.

Rudy: Ay, caramba!


[Horn honking,
tires screeching]

[Breathing heavily]

Snap, I can't
thank you enough

for guarding the magic
chalk mine

while I'm running
in the chalkzone

endurance race.

D-D-Don't mention it.

Ok. Now,
don't let anyone in.

Don't touch
the magic trunk.

Don't wander in
the forbidden tunnels.

Stay alert!
Stay awake!

Hey, calm down!

Your chalk mine
couldn't be in
better hands.

What a worrywart.
Ha ha ha.

Hmm. I wonder how
the official magic
chalk mine guardian lives.


Announcer on TV:
Welcome to chalkzone's

mystery theater channel.

What does a guy with all this
got to worry about?

[Man laughing on TV]

Oh! Look out
behind you!

Man on TV: I can't
see anything!

It was like
a horrible scrawl.


Look what I found in
the forbidden tunnels
behind the mine.

Green chalk,
purple chalk,

chartreuse chalk,
and polka dot chalk.


All: Hey, cowboy.

How about turning up
the heat a few degrees?

Hee hee hee hee
ha ha ha ha

ho ho ho ho ha!

Hoy kaloy!
Scrawl and the beanie boys

could break in any minute!

I got to take
security precautions.

[Blows whistle]



That finishes the security

devices for this area.

Ha ha. I dare sprawl
to try to get those jewels.

Your puny
security devices

are no match for my
futuristic devices.


Oh, no.
More potential threats.

I need more security.

[All cheering]

You've got to get
by me

to get to
the finish line.

Hey, toast boy.


[All cheering]


Ow! Ooh! Ee! Ow!
Ow! Ooh! Ee! Ow! Ow!

[All cheering]

[Breathing heavily]

Rabbit: Might as well
sit down, big guy.

You can't win
this race.
Hee hee!

[All cheering]

♪ I'm the winner of the race ♪

♪ me, me, me,
me, me, me ♪

Hello? Snap

That's funny.

Computer voice: Intruder alert.
Intruder alert.

Aah! What is happening?


[Breathing heavily]

Oh, my gosh,
I'm so sorry!

Here, let me
help you.
[Alarm sounding]

Aah! Whoa!

Ha ha ha.
Well, what do you know?

Here we are, protectiating
the chalk mine.

Yes, here we are.

If I could reach you,
I would crush you.

I, uh, I see.

Tree: Hey, toast boy!

♪ I've been wishing for
a magical breeze ♪

♪ let it blow,
let it blow my way ♪

♪ hear it swishing through
the tropical trees ♪

♪ let it blow,
let it blow my way ♪

♪ let it blow my way ♪

♪ ooh, let it blow, let it blow,
let it blow my way ♪

♪ ooh, let it blow my way ♪

♪ I've been trying
just to fly my kite ♪

♪ for a long, long time ♪

♪ keep on trying cause
I think I might ♪

♪ catch a breeze this time ♪

♪ and when the breeze
comes a-rushin' through ♪

♪ let it blow,
let it blow my way ♪

♪ let it blow, let it blow ♪

♪ [indistinct] You, too ♪

♪ let it blow,
let it blow my way ♪

♪ let it blow my way ♪

♪ ooh, let it blow,
let it blow ♪

♪ let it blow my way ♪

♪ ooh, let it blow, let it ♪

♪ let it blow my way ♪

♪ ooh, let it blow,
let it blow ♪

♪ let it blow my way ♪

♪ ooh, let it blow my way ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalkzone ♪