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04x08 - Brainy Bitsy/Teachers Lounge/2:40/Mosquito

Posted: 12/10/23 07:31
by bunniefuu
♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's
got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's
got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk... ♪

[Cows mooing]

Dr. Sanchez:
Nose. Nose.

That's right, bitsy.

That is your nose.

Now, this is how
you say "nose."

Very good, bitsy.

Mama is teaching
an orangutan

how to communicate
through sign language.



Very good, bitsy.

Wow! Bitsy's
a real fast learner!

Well, I hope
you're right.

If she learns
fast enough,
I'll be able to publish

the results of
my linguistics studies

in the next issue of
"animal science."

I have to get bitsy
her food, penita.

Can you stay with her
for a moment?

Sure, mama.

She's comfortable
with me.

I'll be back in
just a few minutes.


Whoa! Ha ha!

[Laughs] Wow!

You really are
one smart monkey.


Like I said,
you really are
one smart orangutan.

A genius, even.


Bitsy! Bitsy,
what's wrong?

What'd I do?

That's the sign
for crying.

I think she's saying
she hates being
in this cage.

Oh, this is
really sad!

Ok, kids.

Time to wrap it up.

[Both talking at once

penita, Rudy, please.

Bitsy needs her rest,
and I have work to do.

You can tell me
all about it later, ok?

[Gasps] But--but--mama!

Bitsy drew
a picture and--
no buts.

Now, scoot,
or I won't let you

come back in here
next time.


[Yawns] Oh, yes, yes.
Very good, snap.

Your orangutan
friendship call
is most authentic.

Why, thank you.

If I were
a wild orangutan
and I heard that call,

I would immediately
become your friend.

Speaking of friends,

where is
your friend Rudy

and his magic chalk?

He's sure to be along
any minute.

In fact, I just--


Bucko, buckette!
Glad you're here.

I told brainy bitsy
you could use
your magic chalk

to help her get out of
this jail cell.

Ugh, indeed.

I feel like a caged animal.

Oh, man, I'm so sorry
about this, brainy bitsy.

Rudy never meant
for you to be
caged up like that.

Oh, no, no, no.
Of course not.

Well, how did she
end up in that cage?

Penny's mom has a real
orangutan named bitsy

in a cage back in
the real world.

And bitsy drew a cage
around my drawing of
brainy here,

and then penny's mom
erased it into
chalkzone and--

I've heard enough!
I'll take this.

Huh? Hey!
Come back here!

In the name of
all who are free,

I, brainy bitsy,

vow to release my namesake
from captivity!



Wow. That was
certainly unexpected.

Yeah, and that was
my only piece of chalk.

Brainy bitsy
must have stolen it

to keep us in chalkzone

so she has enough time
to free the real bitsy.

Oh, why did I have
to draw a genius monkey?


Come on.
We have to go to

the chalk mine
for more chalk.

Ugh! This will
provide a hindrance

when they inevitably
try to follow me! Ugh!

Using my acute animal
sense of sight and smell

and my even more
acute brain,

I deduce that my namesake
must be imprisoned

in this wooden structure.


Oh! It's a tragedy,
I say!

A tragedy!

This shall not stand!


Be still,
I beseech you.

You'll ruin everything!

[Bars squeaking]

Hmm, oh, there must be

some kind of implement
I can--

ooh! Uh-oh!

The jailer approaches.

[Dr. Sanchez humming]

Ooh, there, there, bitsy.

I'm going to get
your dinner right now.

Advertise your product or brand here
contact today

Come! There's no time
to lose!

Huh? That's weird.

We know this is where
my blackboard is.

Uh, I think your chalkboard

has been horizontalized.

[Both gasp]

Here we go, bitsy.
A delicious--

Oh, no! Bitsy!

Bitsy! Bitsy!


Man, that is
one heavy mattress

you got there,



Dr. Sanchez:
Penny! Rudy!

This is no time to build
a pillow fort, penita.

I need your help!
Bitsy has escaped!

All right, bitsy.
We'll make our way

into that park
over there

and hide in the foliage
until nightfall.

Then, when the coast
is clear, we'll--bitsy?

Bitsy, come back here!

Rudy and penny:
Bitsy! Bitsy!

We want to help you!

Oh, this is
getting us nowhere!

If you were
an escaped orangutan,

where would you go?

I don't know.
A beauty parlor?



Where are you hiding?


My goodness,
Mrs. Johnson.

You really do need
a makeover.


[All screaming]

Hello, ladies.
Have you seen--


This way!
To the park!

Woman: There's a monkey
in the beauty parlor!


I don't believe it!

You were right about
the beauty parlor!

Yeah, and I think
I see a way

to get us all
out of this mess.

Rudy, but--



[Indistinct chatter]
All right, stand back.
Take it easy.

It was getting its
hair done?!


Bitsy, come down!

All right, people.

I've got my hose
and my axe,

and I'm going after
the creature on my ladder.

It's a big day for me.

Mr. Sparks,
that is not the way

to capture
a wild animal!

Rethink this!

What have I done?

Oh! Ahh!
Ooh ooh!

Hey, look over there.


Ooh! Eee!
Ahh! Ha!
Hee hee! Uh.

[Bitsy screeching]

It's over there!

[All talking at once]

[Bitsy screeching]

That varmint moves like
greased lightning.

[Bitsy screeching]

It's the orangutan
friendship call!

Boy: Now he's up there!

Girl: There it is
up there!

Jump, bitsy, jump!

Yes, jump!

I don't know.

I could have sworn
that varmint came in here.

Ok, people!
Let's keep looking.

She's got to be
around here somewhere.



Well, I succeeded in
rescuing bitsy...

Yeah, but she can't
live in chalkzone.

She can't eat chalk food
or drink chalk water.

[Sighs] We'll have
to take her back.

If only we could convince
your mother to set bitsy free

somewhere in the real world.

I don't think
we could ever be
that persuasive.


Yes, but perhaps
bitsy could. could this
have happened?

Poor bitsy,
out there somewhere,

cold, hungry, scared.

[Gasps] Bitsy!

Where have you been?

Mrs. Sanchez!

Both: We got bitsy!

Yes, yes!

Oh, bitsy,
why did you run off? free?

I want...Friends...
Like me?

She can speak!

Her vocabulary
has quadrupled,

and she wants
to be free!


Yes, bitsy, yes!

You should be free!

Dr. Sanchez: And I know
the perfect place
for her to live.

[Orangutans chattering]

Rudy: Safe haven
wild animal park!



Oh, I'm telling ya!
I just can't do it!

There is no such thing
as can't.

Come now, try it again.

But I got
no fingers!

I got
no nose, either!

What's wrong with
this picture?

Penny: Orangutan.

[Bell rings]

All right, class.
Let's get started.

For our first lesson
today, we'll--


Who is responsible for

Do you know who is
responsible for
this, patootie?

No, i--no, I, uh--

everybody knows
you are
the chalk artiste.

Right, patootie?

I'll have 500 afterschool,

500 every day

for the rest
of your
scholastic career!

No fair, Mr. Wilter!
I didn't do it!

It was somebody else who--

I'll break you of
your cartoon habit,

if it's the last thing I do,
patoo--i mean, tabootie.


There's no way
I'm doing detention

for somebody else's crime.

I have got to find
that drawing of
Mr. Wilter

and get him to tell me
who his creator was

before the end of recess.

Not to worry, bucko.

Finding that drawing
will be a piece of cake.

All the drawings kids do
of their teachers

hang out here at
the teachers' lounge.

Oh, see?
There goes one now.

Welcome, Mr. Bean.

Go right on in.

Oh, thank you, bouncer.

He must be
in there.

Uh, sorry, boys.

Teachers only.

Aw, come on.
I just need to--


No can do.

These teachers take
their rules seriously.

Oh, yeah?
Yeah, well, me and--

it's no sweat, snap.

We'll just
go undercover.

Ugh! See?

Well, uh, yeah.
I see perfectly.

Hey, hey!

Watch where
you're going, bucko!

uh, greetings.

I'm, uh--whoa!
Professor wobbles.

A new guy, huh?

Well, welcome,

[Band playing upbeat tune]

♪ I can, you can,
♪ he, she, it can ♪

♪ any student of
English lit can ♪

♪ so we can,
let's conjugate ♪

8,642, 8,643...

You--so shiny,
so perfect.

And you!

You were given to me by
Tommy in 1903.

And you, my precious,
were from Emma.

I Cherish you all!

Every single one of you!

Ok, now, that's
just plain weird.


You see a teacher
from up there?

Not yet, but he was
drawn squatting.

Oh, well, maybe I can
see him from down--

man: Watch out!
Woman: Hey, careful, now.

Not looking where you're
going is dangerous.

principal stringent?

Principal? Oh, no,
I'm still a teacher,

but someday, I hope
to be a principal.

My fellow teachers
call me Rebecca.

And you are?

Oh, um, i'm
professor wobbles, and--

A college man!

Ooh, what's
a bright guy
like you

doing in a dive
like this?

Uh, I'm here looking for
a colleague, um,

Mr. Horace wilter.

Do you know where
I can find him?


Sure, there's a whole
group of horaces

over by
the pencil sharpener.


They're worse
when they're
animated cartoons.

I can't stand them!

I wish they'd stop
making cartoon pencils!


Perfect! Come on,
snap--i mean, legs.

Let's go see
the wilters.

Stay here!

I'll let you
grade my papers.

Uh, no, I can't.


I guarantee, the wilters
aren't going anywhere.

I'm sorry,
but I have to go.



Man: My
beloved apples!

Both: Whoa! Whoa!

8,694. Whoa!

Wow! You really trashed
the teachers' lounge!

Didn't realize you were
such a rebel.

What nimrod is responsible
for this calamity?

How dare you!


That's not a teacher!
It's a couple of kids!

[All gasp]



Woman: Pretenders?
Man: Frauds!

Second man: Charlatans!

Third man:
Gate crashers!

Girl: Kids!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You guys better watch
what names you call us,

because my pal Rudy here,
the great creator,

will let you have it
with his--uh, Rudy?

Hello? Bucko?

Rudy: Yo! Teachers!

your new ruler!

I am your ruler!
Bow down to me!

All: Ooh!

An authority figure!

Just what we needed.

[All talking at once]

Hey, slick chalkin'
there, bucko.

And here's the guy
we came to find.

Here, Horace!
Here, boy!


You want to speak to me?

Uh, yeah.

Could you
please tell me

who your creator is?

I--i don't know.
Why should I tell?

What's in it for me?

How about
a nice, big bone?


Mmm! Mmm, mmm!

full name is...

[Bell rings]

All right, class.
Take your seats.

So, uh, Reggie.

I know it was you
who drew that
rude wilter.

Ha! Maybe so,

but alas,
you have no proof.

I'm not sure I need proof,

Reginald remicky Tracy
aloysius socrates yanni
sunshine bullnerd!

What?! Who told you
my full name?

Nobody knows
my full name!

a humiliating secret

I have guarded
my whole life.

So you better fess up!

Unless, of course,
you want everybody
to know.


[All gasping]


You're actually
raising your hand!

Oh, what is it, son?

Uh, Mr., uh, wilter.

Uh, well, I was the one

who drew that portrait of you
this morning.

[All gasping]

I'm impressed.

It took courage
to confess to that.

Sorry for
the mix-up,
Mr. Tabootie.

As a reward,
I'd like both of you

to share
the privilege of

leading the class in
the school anthem!

Ready, boys?

♪ Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi ♪

All: ♪ plainville,
oh, plainville ♪

♪ upon your ground we stand ♪

♪ plainville, plainville,
plainville ♪

Rudy: Plain weird.

[Horn honks]

Snap: I'll raise you 500.

Go fish.

4 aces! I win!

[All cheering]
Snap, my man!

So, what sort of
fabulicious prizes

do we win
with all of this?


10,000 chips
bought it?

Oh, well.

On to the next goal,
[Indistinct] Attraction.

Both: Whoa!
[Tires screeching]

Hey, what's
the big idea?

I just had
this car washed!

The name's band,
James band,
and I need your help.

The nefarious agents
of b.U.R.N.

Want to stop me
from reaching
the s.F.B. Asap.

And why should we
help y-o-u?

Because in 2 minutes
and 40 seconds,

this device is
going to go off,

and only the people
at the s.F.B.

Know how to shut it off.

Aah! Ok, then.

I have no idea
where we're going,
but let's go.

[Tires squeal]

[James Bond music plays]


This'll stop them.

James band
is approaching
the roaming coliseum.

All: Whoa!

Team 2, initiate plan "b."

Snap: [Gasp]
The eiffel flower!

Well, at least we're
getting to see some sights.

Look out!
Everyone! Duck!

Snap: I've always wanted
a convertible.

They escaped!
Prepare plan "c."

[Indistinct voice on radio]

Huh. A detour?

Hang on, everybody!

Well, I guess
we'll get to see
stonehenge up close.

The detour worked.

They'll never make it to
the s.F.B. In time.

With all these delays,

I don't think we're
going to make it!

Well, you're
the secret agent.

Don't you have any gadgets
up your sleeves?

The only things
up my sleeves are...
My arms!

Hey, that gives me
an idea.

stretch your arms

to grab
the lightposts on

either side of
the street.

Snap: Hang on!

All: Whoa!

The s.F.B.!
We're here!

The stick figure bakery?

Yes! S.F.B.!
Now, come on!

Oh, band!
You made it!

With 7 seconds
to spare.

6, 5, 4...

Yes, yes!
Now, will you
shut that thing off!


[Alarm rings]


Ok, everybody!

Time to pull the pies
out of the oven.

You mean
that timer thing

was just a...Timer?

You see,

b.u.r.n. Is
an organization

dedicated to burning
baked goods.

But thanks to you,
cooler heads
have prevailed.

That was
just ridiculous.

I'm just glad
it's over.

Now, we really must hurry.

We only have
1 minute, 20 seconds

to deliver this pie
to the p.W.E.P.

What's that?

People who eat pie.

Come on!
Oh, no!

Oh, here we go

Fish: Go fish.

[Playing rock music]

All: ♪ ahh, ahh, ahh ♪

♪ mosquito! ♪

♪ Ahh...ooh ♪

♪ ahh...aah...ahh...ahh...ooh ♪

♪ Ahh...ahh...aah... ♪

♪ Mosquito! ♪

♪ Chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalkzone ♪