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04x07 - Mellow Drama Falls/Journey to the Center of the Yeti/The White Board/Doofus Penny's Grand Opening

Posted: 12/10/23 07:30
by bunniefuu
♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's
got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's
got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk... ♪


Easy does it.

Don't drop that baby.




Look at this place!

check this guy out.

Ooh, an authentic

of an archetypical
1920's villain character.

That's really old.

Ha ha ha!

Give me the deed
to your farm,
Lulu bell,

or I will force you
to marry me!

You'll never take
my family's farm,
snarly mcfarland!

And I'll never marry you,
you vile villain!

Come here, my pretty!



[No sound]

Snap: Hey,
bucko, buckette!
Over here!

Are you guys giving me
the silent treatment?

[No sound]

what is this place?

This is
mellow drama falls.

Everything in this town
was erased

the silent movie era.

And since the movies
were silent back then...

[No sound]

Both: What?

Mellow drama falls
is silent, too.

But if these characters
are out of old melodramas,

shouldn't they be

Snap: Oh, that got old
a long time ago.

They used to run around

doing their
hero-and-villain thing,

but now they've settled
into a nice, quiet life,

making their melodramas
nice and, uh, mellow.

Hey, check out
this guy!

He looks
kinda like you, Joe.

Would you knock it off
and get back to work?

Oh, you're never
any fun.

Rudy, wasn't that
the villain

on the chalkboard
at the theater?

It sure
looks like him.

Oh, now this
should be fun!

No one's been erased

into mellow drama falls
in forever!

That new villain's

going to rip
this town in twain.

We can't
let that happen!

You're right!
Let's go!

[Train whistle]

[All talking at once]

Well, bucko,
it looks like you

re-inspired everyone
in mellow drama falls

to get back to doing
the jobs they were
drawn to do.

Ha ha! Now they look
like they're having
a good time.

Rudy: That's really old.

Welcome once again
to "snap sh*ts,"

the show that takes a shot

at giving you
a snap's-eye view of chalkzone.

Today we're bringing you
an exciting report

live from the top
of mount yadda yadda,

home of the once-feared
yadda yadda yeti.

The worst assignment
ever this is.

Spy fly is on location

to explore some
of the mysteries

of the yadda yadda yeti.

How are things on
mount yadda yadda,
spy fly?

Things are cold,

This is the coldest
region in chalkzone!

Why you send me

Ahem. Well,
as you may remember,

when we first
encountered the yeti,

she was considered

But she was
really just in pain

because she had a pickle dog
lodged between her toes.

But other strange life forms
might be living in the fur

of such a large and obviously
unhygienic creature.

Ugh! Unhygienic? Phew!

This thing is more foul
than last Thanksgiving's

Snap, whispering:

We have to keep
our voices down.

The yet is hibernating.

Spy fly: Da. Ok.

Here I am,
at the base
of yeti's lap,

which appears to be
a resting place for...

What's this?!

Snap: Fascinating.

There seems to be
a small camp

or village
of some kind.

Spy fly: Yuck! Comrade,
the yeti is littered
with old picnic food.

And it is alive!

Snap: Shush!

Spy fly, don't shout!

We don't want
to wake her up.

I know that,
you nudnick!

You think I want
to wake up this
giant hideous--




Spy fly,
are you all right?

Oh, this is terrible!

Spy fly: Ok. I'm back.

Hey, hey, hey,
see what's in the armpits.

Spy fly: Yuck!

Kidding! That is
what you have to be.

Ok, ok. At least
check out--hurl!--The ear.

Yuck. Fine.

But that
is my last stop!

Happy now?
Can I leave?

Wait! What's that?

Those are prehistoric
cave dwellers.

We could learn a lot
from these guys.

Move closer, spy fly,
so we can see them better.

Spy fly: The heat
is melting the wax.

Now what, comrade?

All: Huh?


[Spy fly panting]

Spy fly: Uh, hello? Hello?

I appear to be lost.


Help! Help!!


Great gumballs, comrade!

I seem to be inside
the yeti's eyes,

which are now open!



Spy fly: Aah!

Snap: Uh-oh.

Spy fly, I think
the yeti sees you!


How dare you disturb
my hibernating!

[Spy fly panting]

I am out of here,

Snap: Hoy calloy.

Can spy fly slip out
a good story or what?

Join us next time for another
edition of "snap sh*ts"!

Spy fly: You will pay for this,
comrade snap!

Happy now?

Penny: A fever?
How can you have a fever

when it's 100 degrees

Rudy: Uhh, I know.

I must be the only kid
in history

to catch the flu
in the middle of summer.

Oh, that's terrible,

Are you able to do
anything besides sleep
all day long?

Yeah, I'm keeping
myself entertained.

My mom went to the store
and got me a whiteboard,

which is kind of weird,

since she knows
that I'm a chalk man.

You mean one of those
dry erase boards

with the really smelly

Yeah, these pens will
knock you out. Whew!

Did it come
with an eraser?

No. I guess I'm supposed
to erase it with my elbow.

Hey, you're giving me
your look again.

Don't give me your look.

It'll be fine
in chalkzone.

What?! Do you want me
to go in there and get it?

Ok, I'll go in
and get it.

Why are you
standing there?

You know you want
to come with me.

What is it?

I have no idea.

It's called
a whiteboard.

It's kind of
like a chalkboard

that doesn't
use any chalk.

No chalk?!

So how does it work?

You need a special pen.

You see? It draws
kind of like chalk.

Is that
what I think it is?

Sure looks like it.

A magic portal?

A portal
to whiteboardzone?

It's like an empty
white wasteland

of pure nothingness.



Snap: For smelly

it sure is

And it makes
a squeaky sound.

And you can erase it
with your elbow.


Blocky, that was
our doorway out
of here!

Don't worry,

I'll get us out
of here in no time.

Oh, that's funny.

My whiteboard pen
won't work on this
side of the board.

Because it's made
out of chalk.

We're trapped!!

Calm down, penny.

If there's a way
into this place,

there's got to be
a way out.

Hey, maybe
this guy knows.


Don't hiya me!

You're not supposed
to be here

unless you're drawn
in erasable pen.

Well, you're not drawn
in erasable pen.

What are you doing here?

I'm the eraser.

I keep
this place clean.

Yeah, well,
you've certainly
done that.

Mr. Eraser,
this world must have

had something in it
at some time.

Oh, yes,
of course it did.

Here, look into
my magic mouth

and I'll tell you
the whole story.

Eraser: In the old days,

everything that was erased
from a whiteboard

ended up in whiteboard zone.

Our creator has
used his elbow

to erase us
into whiteboardzone!

We is alive,
my friend!

Do you smell
that funny smell?

Yeah, it must be
from all the pens.

You know what else
I noticed?

I noticed that all
this smelly nothingness

is really slippery.

And it makes
a squeaky sound.

Let's go skating!



Both: Unh!

What is this thing

that gets in the way
of our skating?

What are all
of these things,

my friend?

Oh, man!

I have an idea.

Do you remember how
our creator used his elbow

to erase us into

Yeah. So?

Let's use our elbows

to erase this
big pile of junk

so we can
keep on skating.

Ha! That's so crazy,
it just might work!

I'm ready above.

I'm ready below.

Both: Whoo-hoo!

Blue: It's working!

Red: We is erasing,
my friend.


Man, I am exhausted.

Me, too.

And my elbows
hurt like crazy.

Not only that,

but we hardly made
a dent in all this junk.

We need more
than just our elbows.

What we need
is an eraser

that obeys
our every command.

Eraser, voice-over:
That's when I showed up.

Hey, look!

We got our very own
whiteboard eraser.

Wow! Where did
you come from?

I don't know.

I guess I came
from a whiteboard somewheres.

That makes sense.

Well, now that
you're here to obey
our every command,

I command you
to erase this
pile of junk.

Who said
I'm here to obey
your every command?

Isn't it obvious?

We wished for you,
and now you're here.

Yeah! Now get to work
and start erasing.

We is commanding you,
my friend!

You know, I think I will
start erasing things.

Red: Aah!

Blue: Don't erase us,
you nitwit!

Erase the junk!

[Both screaming]

Blocky: Well,
isn't that nice.

After a few minutes,
you erased everything,

just like
they asked you to.

What a great guy!

I think you're

a crucial detail,

Where did they go
once you erased them?

I don't know.
I guess they went

to another

That makes sense.

Mr. Eraser, do you have
a whiteboard pen?

I need to draw a portal
back into chalkzone.

No whiteboard pens!
Too messy.

I've got a pencil.

But pencils don't work
on whiteboard.

I know. That's why
I like them so much.

So what good is it
going to do me
around here?

Oh, it won't do you
any good at all
around here.

But if you go
through that portal,

you can use it
in there.

Penny: A portal!

Everyone: Hurray!



And we've got
a pencil

to play with.

Ok, what you
want to do

is draw
a whiteboard pen

so we can
go back into

and draw
a portal
into chalkzone.

Now that's
a blockheaded idea.

Why, thank you.

What you want to do
is draw a portal

into chalkzone.

Wouldn't it be better
if we just a drew a portal

straight into
the real world?

Better for you,

but I want
to go home.

No, penny's right.

Except for one thing.

We're already
in the real world.

[All gasp]

When did
that happen?

I don't think
that this

is the real world,

What makes you
say that?

Well, I'm usually
not see-through
in the real world.

Well, you're not
see-through over there.

Oh, my gosh!

I've fallen asleep
in the blazing hot sun!

No wonder I'm so...


I bet you're hot, Rudy.

You always turn
your electric blanket
up so high.

Electric blanket?!

If you're too hot,
you can always go out

and jump in the snow.
Ha ha ha!


Yes, it must have snowed
two feet last night.


Don't smudge up
my clean windows
with your fingers.

Use your elbow.

Stupid snow!

It's like a frozen
wasteland of pure

Whoa! For a frozen
wasteland of nothingness,

it sure is slippery!

Penny: That makes sense.

♪ Ta ta ta ta ♪

♪ ta ta, ta ta ♪

Say, that's where
those doofi live.

Hey, and there's
doofus penny's lab.

"Grand opening."
What's that all about?

Hello, snap!
Come in!


You are the first
customer to visit

my scientastical
hall of wondoors.

Yeah, uh, wondoors?

It's just one door
after another.

[Snorting laughter]

Well, what's so scientastical
about a bunch of doors?

It's what is
behind the doors

that is so super

Come on! Let's see
what's behind

door number zero.

Well, why is it called
door number zero?

Because this is
the zero gravity room.




Can we turn off
the room now, please?

Don't you like
zero gravity?

No! On a scale
of one to 10,

I'd give it a zero! Ow!

As much fun as that was,
I've really got to go now.

Oh, no,
you have to stay.

The most scientastical
rooms are yet to come!

Next, the image
transmorfication room.


Oops, sorry. That's
the Benjamin Franklin room.

He's my hero.

A hall of mirrors?

Oh, this is kid stuff.

Ha ha! Look how short
and squat I look.

Ha ha ha!

You're short and squat
for real.

Ha ha ha!


I'm short and squat!

What have you
done to me?!





Fingers? No!
I want my mitts back

and I want them back
now, now, now!

All right, all right.

We'll take the side exit

so you don't have
to walk

in front of those
mirrors again.

Now, if you want
to keep your color intact,

you'll have to wear
one of these.

Ah, now that's
more like it.

I'm footloose
and finger-free.


Aah! What's my color
doing over there?

Ahem. Unfortunately,
the pigmentation
extractor room

is still
under development.

Oh, perfect.
Under development.

How do I get
my color back?

You have to catch it.

Oh, of course.

[Blows raspberry]

Ah! Uhh!

Aah! I can't go out
like this!


Excuse me?

Don't worry,
all you have to do

is take
the color-restoring elixir.

And I suppose
you've developed
a ton of this stuff.

Of course I did.

Only the best
for my patrons.

It's right here
in this cabinet.


Here you go.


Aah! I'm green!

Oops. Try this one.





Ok, this will
have to do.

Snap: Come back!

And I promise I'll
never bring you back

to this doofusy
place again!

Doofus penny: Ahh.
Another satisfied customer.

snap: I'd give it a zero. Ow!

♪ Chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk... ♪

♪ The chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk ♪

♪ chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk ♪

♪ chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk ♪

♪ chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalkzone! ♪