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04x06 - Reggie the Red/Vincent Van NoGo/The Further Adventures of Super Hero Snap/It Is To Laugh

Posted: 12/10/23 07:29
by bunniefuu
Rudy's got the chalk!

♪ Rudy's got the chalk-a ♪

♪ chalk-a,
chalk chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk-a ♪

♪ chalk-a,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk-a ♪

♪ chalk-a,
chalk chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk-a ♪

Rudy's got the chalk!

♪ Rudy's got the chalk-a ♪

♪ chalk-a,
chalk chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk-a ♪

♪ chalk-a,
chalkzone ♪

Rudy's got the chalk!

♪ Rudy's got the chalk-a ♪

♪ chalk-a,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk-a ♪

♪ chalk-a,
chalk chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk-a ♪

♪ chalk-a,
chalkzone ♪

Rudy's got the chalk!

♪ Chalk-a,
chalk chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk chalk chalk ♪

♪ chalk chalk chalk ♪

♪ chalkzone ♪

You cannot tell me
what to do!

I can if it's
about my art project!

It isour project!

Mr. Wilter
made us a team.

Some team!
You didn't do anything!

I am doing
something now.

I am removing
these trees.

Don't do that!

Don't tell me
what to do,

or I'll clobberize you!


Paper cut!

Somebody call
the nurse!

Mr. Bullnerd,
I'll have 500
after school!


I will not rough house
with paper.

I will not...

I feel kind of bad
for Reggie.

I'm half the reason
he got busted.

Then perhaps
you should help Reggie

with half
of his detention.

Tuh! I don't feel
that bad, penny.

Besides, I promised I'd go
pterodactyl sailing with snap.

Everyone tells me
what to do.

Mr. Wilter, my dad,
even tabootie!

It is so unfair!

I am perfectally able
to do things on my own.

Come back here, chalk!



Ooh, pretty stars.


I thought this chalk
was white.

Ah, who cares?

I still have to write
the same dumb words.

I will not...

What the...



You all right, kid?

Ah ha ha...

Sure, Mr. Oversized
talking baseball.

I am fine.

Where did this
come from?

You drew it
when you fell.

You must be
a new great creator.

Great creator? Me?

You've got
the magic chalk.

That's right.
And anything you draw with it
will become real.


Like this?!

Indeed it is!
What is it?

It is, duh...
A sun!

Oh, how nice.

Uh...a sun?


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, boy,
this is fun!

Now it's your turn,
Mr. Baseball.


What a great place
this is.

With this magic red chalk,

no one will be able
to tell me what to do.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
I'll just go over here and...

Wow! Or maybe
I'll go this way.


Nothing like
pterodactyl sailing,
eh, bucko?




Rudy, please erase
your portals

after you're done
with them.

But I didn't draw
this portal.

Then who did?

I'll tell you who.

It was that nasty
new creator kid and
his magic red chalk.

New creator kid?
New creator kid?

Yeah, look what he did to me.
I'm trapped.

Hang on, granny.
I'll help you.



Uh, sorry there,

Well, here I am...
Back where I started.

Miserable, no-good,

A mean new creator?

Who came in
fromyour classroom.

Oh, no! It's gotta be
Reggie bullnerd!

Reggie bullnerd
is in chalkzone?

Yes! And he's got
the red chalk!

The red chalk?

Ah, it must have been
hiding in the classroom

waiting for someone
like Reggie to come along.

Help! Help!

Sounds like it found
the right guy.

Yeah, and now
it's my job

to stop Reggie
and the red chalk.

Let's go!


Help! Help!

"Beware of trap."
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh! Oh! Ow!

Oh, gimme a break!

Hey, you know?

Looks like
Reggie's been here.


You gotta stop
that new creator, you know.

Well, did you see
which way he went?

The chalk
in his hand

was dragging him toward
the magic chalk mine.

Oh, no!
Come on!

♪ A healthy body
and a healthy mind ♪

♪ 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 ♪

♪ helps protect
the magic chalk mine ♪



Who are you,

and where do you
think you are going?

Do you not know
it is forbidden

to enter
the magic chalk mine?

Oh, sorry.
I did not know.

I have the magic chalk!

Nobody can tell me
what to do.

Ah! Not thered chalk!

Don't worry about me.

You must stop
that boy

from getting
more red chalk

it's too late!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

I think
it's too late.

Reggie the red!

Reggie, stop!

Well, well, well,
if it isn't patootie

and the kid
from Greenland!

Out of my way!

Watch out, bucko!

The red chalk has taken
control of him!

He will not rest
until all of chalkzone
is in chaos!

[Horn honking]







Dad says collecting trash
was fun!

But throwing it
is even better!

I order you to stop!

Nobody tells me
what to do anymore!




Aah! Ugh!

Bucko, you gotta draw

Drawing's not
the answer, snap.

I gotta get Reggie
to take the chalk
back to the real world.

And I think I know how.

Ok, Reggie the red,
you win.



I win?

I cannot defeat
your mighty redness.

Well, now you're getting
the picature, patootie.

I have just
one final word for you.

You must never
take the red chalk
into the real world.

Is that an order,

Yes! Your power
would be too great there.

Everyone there
would have to do
what you tell them.

Wa ha ha ha ha!

Then iwill take the red chalk
into the real world!

Come on, red chalk,
we are going back to school

so I can make everyone do
what I want them to do.

Ooh, ow!
Stop it, red chalk!

You will do what--ow!
I tell you to do--ow!

I am in charge!

I am Reggie the red!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


Aah! Aah! Aah!

Ow! Ooh!


Hey, Reggie the red,
need a lift?


Ooh, what pretty stars.

Ha ha! Nice work
using Reggie's drawing
to save chalkzone.

Now that's teamwork.

Yeah, but there's
a few more things

I need
to take care of.

Red chalk, red chalk,
red chalk.

Now it's time
for the sleeper to awaken.

Huh? Where am I?

Hey, what are you doing,

Well, since it was
half my fault that
you got into trouble,

I decided to finish
half of your chalkboard
writing assignment.

Hey, well, that is
extremely generous
of you, tabootie.

No problem.
You've been sound asleep
for at least an hour.

Asleep, of course!
That strange world.

It was all
just a dream.

What strange world?

Uh...never mind.

So I guess we could be
a team after all.

Uh, I guess so.

But don't forget,

I'm still gonna
clobberize you!


Spot: Beware of trap!
Ha ha ha ha!

Rudy: How could they?

How could hipwazee magazine
send me this rejection letter?

Rudy, calm down.

"We regret to inform you
that your submission

does not meet our needs
at this time."

Not meet their needs?

Vampire cannibals
is exactly what they need.

It's fresh,
it's edgy.

Maybe they thought
that the idea

of vampires who
are also cannibals

is a little too edgy.

Yeah? Well, that stinks!

Ow! Ow ow ow ow
ow ow ow ow!

Rudy, pull yourself

You're coming
completely unglued.

I think it's time
for a cooling-off period
in chalkzone.

Ow! I really did a number
on my toe back there.

Come on!

We gotta see this!

It's beautiful!

Crowd: Ooh!

Hey, bucko and buckette!

Check out the new facade
of the stick figure bakery!

It's incredible!

It looks like something done
by Vincent van Gogh.

He's one of my
favorite artists!

Mine, too!

Then you guys
are in luck!

Because the painter
who did this mural

was created by someone
named Van gogh
in the real world.


That makes him
a Van gogh original?

Where is this
rare masterpiece?

Inside the bakery
collecting his pay
for the mural.


This is
an abomination!

How dare you
ask me to change
my painting?

This mural is me!

To want me to change it
is to want me to change me!

I might as well change this!

That's Van gogh?

No, no, that's
Vincent Van nogo.

He's a caricature
the real Van gogh
drew of himself.

Please, Mr. Van nogo.
We love your mural.

It's merely
that you put
the entrance arrow

at the window.

Our customers'll think
they gotta climb
through the window

in order to come in.

It's just one
little change.


I cannot change!

I will not change!

I refuse to change!

This is terrible!

He needs help.

I'll say.
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

You think you could
talk some sense
into him, Rudy?

You know, artist
to artist?

It's worth a try.
Come on!

Van nogo went
this way.

Say, bucko,
I don't think

we're in plain old
chalkzone anymore.

No, we're not!
This is incredible!

This whole area
is drawn in the style
of Vincent van Gogh.

Look over there.

Theo: Why do you
always do this?

Vincent: I just fall apart
when people criticize my work.

Theo: And then it's up to me,
your brother Theo,

to put you back together
again and again and again.

Where's your ear,

My ear?
I don't--aah!

Who are you?

Uh, I'm Rudy tabootie,

and these are my friends
penny and snap.

We're huge fans
of yours.

Penny: We saw
what happened
at the bakery.

Snap: And we
thought maybe
you could use,

you know, a little
cheering up?

Cheering up?


I won't cheer up
until people appreciate my art!

But they do!
They will!

Your real-life creator
went on to become

one of the world's
most admired painters!

No way!
No way!


I'm sure if you'd
just be patient

and learn to work with people
a little better,

you'll be just as big a success
here in chalkzone.

Vincent, where
is your other ear?

I, uh, lost it

Spot: Hey, Rudy,
couldn't we just
draw Vincent another ear?

Ooh hoo hoo
hoo hoo hoo!

I could, but then he wouldn't be
an original Van gogh anymore.

Rudy's right.
We have to find it.

Woman with French accent:
'Ere is your ear.

Rebecca debris?

Don't you remember?

You threw your ear at me

simply because I asked you
to change the color of the eyes

in this otherwise excellent
portrait you did

of my little dog froofie.

Froofie has green eyes.

You painted them all swirly
and very strange.

I painted the eyes
as I saw them!

I will never change
that portrait!

Then you will never 'ear
from your ear again.

Bye-bye, Vincent.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

[All yelling]


Oh, my gosh!

Theo, you put Vincent
back together again.

We'll go after his ear!

[Rebecca laughing]

Rudy: Miss debris!

Penny: Please stop!

Unhand that ear!

[Rebecca laughing]

Sacre bleu!

Je dormais ici!

[Rebecca cackling]

You guys keep following her.
I got an idea.

[Rebecca cackling]

Madame debris, stop!

Lend me your ear!

Penny: I think
she went that way!

Madame debris!

Man: Hey, keep it down!

Woman: This is
a quiet painting!

[People yelling]

Ah ha ha ha ha!


Stop right there,
miss debris!

I have here a portrait
of your dog froofie
with green eyes!

Oh,tres bien!

Very nice.

I will trade you
this portrait
for Vincent's ear.

Oh, all right.

I really didn't want
this yucky thing anyway.

There. Now you've got
your ear back,

and she's got
her portrait.

Everybody's happy.

Spot: Wow!
Way to go!

How dare you?!

She chooses
your work over mine?

You think you're better
than me, don't you?

No, no, I was
just trying to--

get away from me!
All of you!

Get away!

You better go.
Don't worry.

I'll take care
of this.

What's his problem?

I'm on his side.
I love his work.

Penny: You and
everybody else!

He just can't seem to hear
praise--only criticism.

Face it, bucko.

Some people are only happy
when they're miserable.

Well, at least
I have one thing
in common with Van gogh.

We both experienced

"We regret
to inform you

that your submission
does not meet"--

Rudy, there's something
written by hand

on the back
of this page!

Send more.

Cannibals in Idaho a bit much.
Try a different story."

Wow! They did like
my stuff after all!

They want you
to send 'em more!

A different story!

Yeah, and I already
know what it is.

"Vampire cannibals


Vincent: This is an abomination!

Look, snap.
That cloud looks
like cotton candy.

Aw, blocky,
you think every cloud
looks like cotton candy.

No, I don't.
Looky there.

There's a cloud
that looks like...

Generic man.



Gosh, generic man,
what happened?

The...evil villainess
major brand...

Has escaped
from her humane

but not as
secure as we'd hope
correctional facility.

Major brand!
Major brand!

It's up to you,
blue boy wonder,

to bring
this villainess

to justice
once again.

You caught
the evil villain
before, snap?

Indeed he did.

Her abilities are worthless
against the blue boy.

He has no super powers.

Yeah, well, I don't know
if havin' no powers

is a good thing.

You're our
only hope,
blue buddy.

You can do it,


Ok! I'll give it a try!


Ah ha ha ha!

Cease and desist,
major brand!

Gasp! It's that
little blue zit!

Surrender, evil one.

Your super-power
draining abilities

have no effect onmoi.


Ah ha!

I have anticipated
your interference,
super shrimp.

Meet my new sidekick,
falling rock!


He flat now,
major brand.

Major brand:

Now we can get back
to our busy life of crime.

Snap, are you
all right?

How could major brand have
defeated our great blue hope?

She had help,
that's how!

Now I need to find me
a sidekick,

someone who has
no super powers

and is unable
to be flattened.

There's no one like that
in all of chalkzone.

Not true.

There is
one person who meets
that description.

Come on!

[Major brand laughing]

[Alarm ringing]

Hee hee hee hee hee!

Mine! All mine!

Unhand those pastries,
evil villains!

What the--

or suffer the wrath
of the blue boy wonder and...

The flat kid!

Ha! I laugh at your
pathetic partner!

Falling rock, sic 'em!

[Both laughing]

That was fun!

Oh, do it again!
Do it again!

It can't be.
It can't be.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

You cannot flatten
the flat kid,

for "flat"
is the flat kid's
middle name!

Maybe falling rock
can't hurt the flat kid,

but he can still flatten you,
blue zit!

Oh, falling rock...

Squish the blue bug

while I escape
with our ill-gotten gains.

Oh, no, not snap!

I'll save you, buddy!

No, wait!


Good work, super buddies.

I will now deliver these two

to a more secure but less humane
correctional facility



You two are
an unbeatable combo--

flat kid
with your flatness...

Oh, thanks,
generic man.

And you, blue boy wonder,
with your ability to...

Withstand pain.

My pain is your gain.

Major brand:
It's that little blue zit!

♪ Ha ha ha,
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha,
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha,
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha,
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha, ha ha,
ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha haaa ♪

♪ ha ha ha,
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha,
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ ha...ha...ha...
Ha...ha! ♪