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01x03 - Boots, Boots, Boots and Team Player

Posted: 12/09/23 16:03
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Coming up next on Betsy's

Kindergarten Adventures--

-My grandma sent me rain boots and I

can't wear them until it rains.

-Seems that whenever I have my car washed it rains.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Whenever he has his car washed, it rains.

-So this week everyone will get to show

us his or her favorite sport or game.

-I'm not good at any sports or games.

THEME SONG: A, B, C, and one, two, three.

It's kindergarten time for you and me.

So climb aboard and take a seat for kindergarten fun

with Betsy.

We'll make new friends along the way.

And have adventures every day!

With Betsy.

Kindergarten adventures.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Sometimes the day

can start out kind of ordinary.

But that's when something amazing might happen

that could make your day exciting.





-Oh, dear.

Coming, coming.

Betsy, will you please keep Gracie in the kitchen?

-OK, Mom.

Easy, Gracie.

Easy, girl.

Oh no!

Kitty, stop that.

That's Kevin's food.

Wow, what's that?

-I don't know.

But the delivery man said it was for you.

-Gee, I wonder who it's from?

-It looks like it's from Grandma in Seattle.



I hope it's a super-fun Sandy Dream

Castle with veterinarian's office and pony corral.


I wouldn't count on that, Betsy.

Knowing Grandma, it's more likely that it's--


-Is there a letter?

-Oh, yeah.

Here it is.

Will you read it to me, please?


It says dear Betsy, the weather in Seattle has been very rainy.

So I got you something to wear when

the weather gets rainy where you live.

With much love, Grandma.

-Oh, Mom!


-That's so cute!

-Oh my goodness.


Aren't these the neatest-looking boots you've ever seen?

-They're pretty amazing.



They quack when I walk.

I'll have to send Grandma a thank you card.


We'll both have to thank Grandma for those boots.

-Can I wear them to school today?

-Oh, no.

Not today, Betsy.

-But why not?

-Look outside.

It's bright and sunny.

Those boots are for rainy weather.

-Yeah, but--

-Would you wear an overcoat and mittens to go to the beach?


-Would you wear a bathing suit to go play in the snow?

-I guess not.


Certain kinds of clothes are made

for certain kinds of weather.

So you wouldn't wear rain boots on a beautiful, sunny day, now,

would you?

-Well, if they were especially beautiful boots

with cute little duckies on them, I might.



-Don't worry.

I'll put everything away.

Come on.

It's almost time for the school bus.

-Good morning, ladies.

-Good morning, bus driver Bob.

-Beautiful morning, isn't it?

Not a cloud in the sky.

-Don't remind me.


What are you doing?

-Trying to make it rain by wishing.


Is it working?


It isn't.

-Well, why were you wishing for rain?

-Because my grandma sent me rain boots and I

can't wear them until it rains.

-I see.

Well, I have an idea.

Why don't I make you one of our weather watchers for the week?

-Weather watcher?


Each week I'll have two students be

our official classroom weather watchers.

-What would I have to do?

-Go outside and report on everything

you notice about the weather.

-What would I report?

-Is it sunny or cloudy or rainy?

Is it hot or cool outside?

Is the wind blowing, or is it calm?


Then what?

-Then we put what you report on your weather chart.

So, would you like to be a weather watcher?

-I sure would.


This week's weather watchers will be you and Scott.

-What do you have in there, Scott?

-Oh, just a couple of little things to help us

watch the changes in the weather.

-What's that?

-Wind chimes.

If we hear them ringing, we'll know it's windy.

-All right, everyone.

While our weather watchers are outside,

does anyone know what the four seasons are?


-Summer, fall, winter, and spring!

-That's right.

Now, what I'd like everyone to do

is draw a picture of their favorite season

and what you like to do in that season.

-See anything, Scott?


Not yet.

-Hey, what's that?

-It's a wind sock.

It will tell us what direction the wind is blowing.

-It's not doing anything.


It's not.

-Maybe there's no weather today?

-Betsy, there's weather every day.

It's just that the weather today is sunny, warm,

and the air is-- very, very still.


And no rain clouds.

I'll never get to wear my new boots.

-What are you two children doing out of your classroom?

-Hello, Principal Warner.

We're weather watchers.

-Weather watchers?


We report on everything we notice about the weather.

-I see.

All right, then.

Carry on.

-Wow, Principal Warner.

Your car sure is dirty.

-I know.

I drove through a big mud puddle on my way to school today.

-Are you going to have it washed?

-I should.

However, it seems that whenever I have my car washed, it rains.

Oh well.

See you later.


-So long.

-Whenever he has his car washed it rains.


Let's see what kind of seasonal activities you've drawn.

What season did you draw, Sarah?


Or fall, as some people call it.

It's the season that comes right after summer.

It's also the time of year when the weather starts

to get cooler and all the leaves on the trees

start to change color.

-And what do you like to do in the fall, Sarah?

-In the autumn my dad and I like to ride

our dirt bikes through the forest.

We go up and down over the hills,

looking at all the colorful leaves.

-That sounds like a lot of fun.

Well, Billy, it looks like you've drawn a winter picture.


In the winter my dad and I go visit my uncle, Chet.

He has a cabin in Lake Tahoe.

Uncle Chet's cabin is high on a hill

where my dad and I like to snowboard.

We'd go down that hill about a zillion miles an hour.

And when we get back to the cabin

Uncle Chet makes hot cocoa.

And we all sit by the fire.

-Sounds like you and your dad really enjoy the snowy weather.

-Oh, yeah.

It's totally awesome.

-Oh my goodness, Molly.

What a colorful picture.


Thank you, Mrs. O'Connor.

Every spring my parents and I go to visit

my mother's Aunt Maude in Ohio.

Spring is the time of year when the trees

and flowers all start to bloom.

My great aunt Maude is president of the Kettering

Women's Gardening Society.

And every year we attend the annual tea-- ha ha-- that she

hosts on the ground at her estate.

I get to drink tea and eat dainty little finger



That sounds positively elegant.

-Oh, it is.

-Well, we've seen drawings of autumn, winter, and spring.

There's only one season left.

What is it?


-That's right.


Does anyone have a summer drawing?


What do you like to do in the summer?

-Every summer my father and I compete in the annual Father

and Son Kite Fly-off at the beach.

We spend all year designing and constructing

the most elaborate kite possible.

But the kites have to be more than just beautiful.

They must also be able to fly.

-And how have your kites done?

-Well, I am sorry to say that so far none of our kites

have been able to get off the ground.

But this year my father and I believe

we have designed a kite that is not only

beautiful but also capable of flight.

-Well, good luck.

-Oh, thank you.

-Well, it was my first day as a weather watcher.

And all Scott and I saw was a warm, sunny day,

with no clouds.

The next day Scott and I were out on the playground again.

But this time something looked different.


The weather sure is windy today.

-It sure is.

Scott, look!

-Principal Warner washed his car!

-Remember what he said?

Every time he washes his car, it rains.

-Betsy, look at this.

-Oh my goodness.


Scott, I think we've watched enough weather for one day.

I think it's time we got back inside.

-I think so, too.

-It looks like our weather watchers have returned.

What did you see?

-Well, when Betsy and I went outside,

the weather was just like this.

-Then the wind started blowing so hard

that it blew Scott's weather sock

over the roof of the school!


-And tomorrow it will rain.


And how do you know?

-Principal Warner washed his car.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): That was a pretty exciting day.

I really liked being a weather watcher.

But the real excitement came the next day.

-Those are sure great rain boots, Betsy.

-Thank you, Bus Driver Bob.

My Grandma sent them to me.


Sometimes a day can start ordinary,

then something happens to make it really special.

-I am totally soaked.

-Good morning, Principal Warner.

-Nice weather-- if you're a duck, eh?

-It sure is.

-My goodness.

What was that for?

-Making it rain.

NARRATOR: Field trips are a fun way

to learn about all sorts of different things.

But when going on a field trip, always remember to--

-Stick together!

-That's right.

NARRATOR: But, if you do happen to get lost--

-One of the most important things you can do

is to ask a grown-up in uniform, like this security guard.

Then just stay right where you are.

That makes it easier for us to come and find you.

-We promise we'll never take off without telling

anyone where we're going ever again.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Monday mornings are the best.

Weekends are fun, but I like school better.

-See you after school, Gracie.

-Good morning, Betsy.

Nice hopscotch action.

-Thanks, Bus Driver Bob.

-No bouncing balls in the bus, Sarah.

Every time I stop the bus it bounces off of me.


Just like that.

-Sorry, Bus Driver Bob.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Every Monday morning

we always start a new project in school.

And new projects are so-- new!

-Mrs. O'Connor told me that I could bring my sports gear

to class for this week's project.


All I brought to school was my lunch.


Peanut butter.

Are you gonna eat that sandwich, Betsy?

-You know, children, you all have

something in common with Sidney.


I do not have a lizard's skin and tongue.

But Sidney does look kind of like my cousin George.

-We need exercise, too.

Just like Sidney.

It's good for our bodies and builds

strong muscles when we run, jump, and play.

So this week will be sports and games week.

Everyone will get to show us his or her favorite sport or game.

-I can show everyone how much I like

basketball and soccer and football and--

-Only one favorite sport or game per student, Sarah.

-One game?

But I like them all.

-I could show you how my dad and I throw our flying disk.

-And I'll do some ballet spins of my own.

-Is dancing a sport?

-Oh, sure.

I seen it on TV.

They danced at the Olympics.

-That's right.

And it's also great exercise.

Right, Maria?



-What about tic-tac-toe, Mrs. O'Connor?

Is that a sport or game?

-It is a game you play.

But not the type we're talking about, Betsy.

-What about hide and go seek?


Hide and go seek is fun.

Is there another sport or game that you like to play a lot?

-Um-- gee-- I don't know.

-I'm sure you'll think of something, Betsy.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): I wasn't sure.

At that moment I was totally stumped.

- cartons of milk on the wall, cartons of milk.

You take one down and pass it around.

Uh-- but you should drink from glasses.

You know, your mom and dad might not

like it if you drink from the carton.

-I just don't know what to do.

I'm not good at any sports or games.

-Yeah, me neither.

Except for horseshoes.

We always play them.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): I didn't know anything about horseshoes.

Or horse socks.

Gracie and I spent a lot of time that afternoon

trying to think of a sport.

But we didn't have any luck.

Well, I did most of the thinking.

Gracie was busy running from Kevin.

-No luck yet, Betsy?

-No, I'm-- wait a minute.

What about swimming?

I'm real good at that!

-Sure you are, dear.

But you don't have a pool at kindergarten.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Mom was right.

This was a problem.


I know how to make one.

We can vacuum all the sand out of the sandbox.

Then my friends can fill it up with water.

And I can show them all the strokes

I learned in swim class.


-What do you think, Mom?

Can I?

-I think it's a good idea.

But sandboxes are made to hold sand, not water.

And Principal Warner may not like it.

-I think you're right.

What'll I do?

Swimming is the sport that I'm best at.

-It's only one sport, dear.

There are lots of fun ways to get

exercise that you're good at.

-There are?

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Nobody told me about them.

-Is everybody ready to show the class their favorite way

to have fun and get exercise?



-Uh, what's wrong, Betsy?

-I still don't know what I'm good at.

-Don't worry so much.

You can always-- jump rope, or something.


Thanks, Molly.

Jumping rope is lots of exercise.

You guys tell me how I'm doing.


Whoops-- uh-oh.

Watch out.

-Well, at least you're good at coloring.

Is that an exercise?

-Don't worry, Betsy.

I'll show you how to do it.


It's easy.

All you have to do is practice.

-Who wants to go first?

-I will, Mrs. O'Connor!

My dad and I play basketball every day.


-I've got the rebound, Molly.

And I'll show you how to do a reverse lay-up.

-This is supposed to be my game.

-What's wrong with Molly?

I was only trying to help.

-I know, Sarah.

Molly didn't understand.

But she'll be fine.

Who wants to go next?

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Don't pick me, don't pick me.

-The closer you are, the more points you get.

-That looks like fun.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): I still didn't know what to do.

And everybody had a game they were good at.

Except for Sarah.

She's good at everything.

-We play horseshoes all the time at my house, Scottie.

My grandfather is an ace at this.

I'll show you how he does it.


-I don't mind.

-Maybe I should have brought our ping-pong table instead.

-Oh, that would have been great!

I love to play ping-pong!

BETSY (VOICEOVER): I was next.

And I wasn't ready.

I had to do something.

And fast!

-Let's see.

There's only one person left.


Now, where'd she go?

-Oh, she was here a few minutes ago.

-She still is.


-Betsy, were you trying to hide?


Well, maybe.


-How come?

-Because the only sport I'm best at is swimming.

But there's no pool here.

I'm not so hot at basketball or dance or--

-Hey, Betsy, I can show you how to play lots of sports.

Just ask everybody else.


You sure can.

-Betsy, just show us what you do when you have fun and exercise.

-That's all?

I can do that.

I think.

-Hey, Betsy, what about hop scotch?

You're always playing it.


Is it good exercise, Mrs. O'Connor?


-Hey, Betsy, I can show you lots of great moves.

-That's OK, Sarah.

Let Betsy do it by herself.


Who wants to play some more basketball?

Or soccer?

I'll show you some more of my moves.


Then we can stand around.

-What do you mean?

-You're so good at sports and games

that we always wind up watching.


That's no fun.


I get it.

I'm sorry.

I wasn't trying to show off.

-That's OK.

We just want to play, too.


-Is that OK with you, Sarah?

-That'd be great.

-Now, do you think you can teach me that reverse lay-up?

Because I need to know it so I can win.

-No problem.

-Now, work up those hopscotch moves, Betsy.


BETSY (VOICEOVER): Everyone liked watching me play.

Mrs. O'Connor called it Power Hopscotch.

But the best part was when the whole class joined in.

I even showed Sarah a move or two.

-Bye, Bus Driver Bob.

NARRATOR: Visit the Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures website

and see how Betsy's getting ready for school.

Play games, color pictures, and meet all of Betsy's friends


BETSY (VOICEOVER): My friends and I love to read.

You can find all kinds of fun and interesting books

to read at your local library.

Visit the library in your town today

to have your own adventures.

Just like me!

-Of course, garbage will have to be

taken out by somebody strong.

-When someone gives you a responsibility,

you should always do your very best.

-How about Billy?

-All right!

I get to take out the garbage!


-Glub, glub, glub, glub.