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03x02 - Taffy/Follow the Bouncing Bag/Nighty Note/Dream a Lotta

Posted: 12/09/23 14:36
by bunniefuu
♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalkzone ♪

[Horse neighs]

Zeke: Well, Dr. Sanchez,

I'm delighted that the best
veterinarian in plainville

will be helping old spangles
give birth this afternoon.

You'll need the best vet
in plainville, Zeke.

Delivering twin foals
is very difficult.


Yes! It's
highly unusual

for horses
to have twins.

So today's birth is
a very unique event.

Wash up,
mi bonita pennita.

Twin foals are
very sensitive to germs.

Mama, can Rudy
help us

with spangles
today, too?

Rudy can watch,
but no monkey business.

Are there monkeys
here? Ha ha ha!

Rudy, shh!

Now go wash up.
The foals will be arriving soon.

Uh, Rudy, that's
not a sink.

I know, but I have
to tell snap

I can't go exploriating
with him today

like we planned.

Rudy, where
have you been?

Snap. We, uh...

Never mind!


The saltwater Taffy glacier
has broken off the mountainside

and is about to slide
into the city!

Come on, penny!

We have to get that
glacier under control!

Besides, I know
you've always wanted

to study
the Taffy glacier.

Yes, but my mom
and spangles!

Penny, with your smarts
and my chalk,

we'll be done before
your mom even knows
you're gone.



The Taffy glacier
is approaching the city limits!

Aah! Run for your lives!

Wow! Look
at all that Taffy!


Rudy: Any ideas
how to stop it?

Well, usual glaciers
can't be stopped

until they slide
into the sea and dissolve.

That Taffy glacier's
gonna take

the whole city
into the sea!


We need to divert the glacier
away from the city

and into the wait-and-sea.

Divert the glacier?

A giant retaining wall
should do the trick.

Use the chalky-talky
to give me instructions

on where to draw
the wall, penny.

That's it. Left.
Now a little to the right.

Good, good.

Now we've got
a little hill there.

Uh! Got it!

[Townspeople cheering]

Rudy, you did it!

Great! Now let's
get back

to the real world
so we can...

♪ For he's
a jolly good artist ♪

♪ for he's
a jolly good artist ♪

I suppose
it can wait a minute,

and I did want to study
this Taffy glacier.

Hmm...the sticky texture
seems kind of familiar.



Thank you, but I couldn't
have saved the city

without the help
of my friends.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

I couldn't have
done it without me.

Thank you. Thank you.
That's right!

And we sure showed
that stupid Taffy
a thing or 2.

No yucky mess
is a match for snap.

That Taffy glacier
is really

just an oversized blob
of chewing gum.

You just got to show it
who's boss!

Say, not bad.

Hey, everybody...


You got to try
this stuff.



That's odd.

you want a bite?

No. There's
something strange

going on with
the Taffy glacier.

Are you looking
for this?

Aah! No!


Ah! Uh!
This is unacceptable!

Well, she did want
a closer look at the Taffy.

Very nice.
Come on.


Get me out of here!

Hang on tight,


Pull up! Pull up!

Whoa! Yah!



Penny, are you
ok up there?

What in the world?

It's, uh...
My latest experiment.

You started
an experiment now?

This is

Rudy: Penny!

Of course.
That Rudy boy.

Penny is grounded
until further notice.

You can just go
back home, Rudy tabootie.

And you, you are not
to leave this room.

Is that understood?

But--but i--we--

oh, I'm so sorry.

You should be.

Now I'll just have to
take care of spangles myself.

Oh, I really
wanted to help.

Rudy: Penny!

Oh, I almost forgot!


Grab the rope
with your trunk.



Rudy! Ah!

Oh, I have to do something,
but what?

Penny on chalky-talky:
Penny to Rudy. Over.

where are you?

Never mind. Listen.

I found something
that might help.

Remember the sticky toads
of tempura cove?

[Toads croaking]

Rudy, you got to
draw something!

I remember.
So what?

The Taffy's consistency

is similar
to the sticky toads',

and the toads
were loosened with...

Of course!
Lemon slices! Got it!


[Coughing and gasping]

[Rudy coughing]

Got any other

Yes! Yes! Botanical tree
of talcum powder point!

Rudy, you got to
draw something!

Taffy also has
tentacles, so...

Salt stopped
that tentacle tree.


Uh! No!




They need my help,
but I can't leave my room!

If only I could draw
something like Rudy

that would rescue

But I don't even have
magic chalk!

Just regular
white lightning.

Aah! People are
supposed to eat Taffy,

not the other way around.

I know. Our only
hope now is...Penny!


Ok, I only get
one sh*t at this,

so I'd better
get it right.

If chalkzone city
is here,

then I'll put
penny cove right here.

Oh, please let this work!
Please let this work!

Oh, please
let this work!


Oh, Rudy, you're
all right!

Thanks to you.

Aw, how sweet...

And sticky.

Dr. Sanchez: Penny!
Penny, come quick!

I need your help!
Please, come here now!

[Spangles neighing]

Oh, well done,
Dr. Sanchez.

Thank you.

Well, thank penny
and Rudy, too.

They took care
of the big foal

while the little one
was being born.

Thank you, too, kids.

You know, I still need a name
for the little one.

I think since she
seems sweet-natured

and it took a lot
of pulling to get her out,

why not call her Taffy?

Zeke: Taffy? Yes.
That's a wonderful name.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Taffy it is!
Taffy it is!

Dr. Sanchez: Of course.
That Rudy boy.

Gee, pen, you don't believe
in traveling light, do you?

It's the heaviness
of these chalk rocks

that I want to study,

Easy there.
Don't fall...

Until I'm out
from under you!


Make yourself
at home.

Sit anywhere.

Penny's voice:
The chalkzone rock samples

must be weighed
against real-world rocks

to compare their density.

I'm impressed,

This chalk
tape recorder

you drew me
didn't break.

What can I say?

The stuff I draw
is indestructible.

Lucky thing, too.

If that recorder
had been smashed,

we would have lost
all of today's data

because somebody left
my regular tape recorder

on all night
and wore down the--


Oy kaloy!
Here we go again.

Rudy: Come on, penny.

I already apologized
for wearing down your batteries,

and I just made
a note to myself

to replace them. See?

Ok. I know it was
an accident. Aah!

Oh, that's got to hurt.

Oh. A little help,

Sure. Be right down.

That's him.
That's him!

That's the kid I saw
in that world of chalk,

or my name
ain't Vinnie raton.

Better safe than sorry.

Oh, wait till I get
my hands on that kid.

I'll make him show me

how to get
into that chalkworld,

and then--huh?

Hey! Where did he go?
Nobody can disappear that fast.

[Barking and growling]


Aha! Ha ha ha!
Ooh, I bet

something in here
will give me a clue.

I want my chalkworld
theme park!


Don't drop that
big, heavy...Rock.

Together: Someone's
stealing the backpack!

All our chalkzone
samples are in there!

And the chalk
tape recorder!

Oh, now, you see there.
That's not good.

Come on! We can't
let it get away!


Ha ha ha! Oh, you,
my little baggy friend,

could hold the key
to making me a gazillionaire!

Where is it?

There it is,
over there,

above that herd
of cowboys.


Fascinating. These cowboys
are half boy and half cow.

[Loud scraping]

Oh, you're starting
to bug me, bag.

Give it up, will youse?


If I can draw a portal
on the little slate,

I can grab the chalkzone
evidence and...

Hurry up, Rudy. The cowboys
are getting restless.

shrimp, sir?

I'll stuff you, shrimp!
Leave me alone!

Look out!




Ha ha! Baggy boy,
you and me

are gonna go somewheres
nice and quiet-like,

where we can be alone.
Ha ha ha!

Man: Look out!

Ah ha ha!

Aah! Look out!


Rudy, look! They're heading
out into the--


Gumbo swamp.

Oh, dang it!
I'm calling the cops!

The words are
on the move again.

[Engine revving]

He drove right through
my trailer, I tell you.

[Growling and barking]

All right!

Hurry, Rudy!





Farmer: There he is!
That's him!

Stay where you
are, Mr. Raton.

It's that creepizoid
Vinnie raton.

He saw our stuff!
He saw me!

Let's get out
of here fast.

We've got to shake him
loose from the backpack.


I have an idea.

Snap, take us back
the way we came.


Are you sure
about that, bucko?

Yes. We've got to
get back to the park.




Look out! Gangway!


[Whistle blowing]

There's your stepladder,
Rudy, dead ahead.

[Whistle blowing]

Wah ha ha ha!


Man: What is
wrong with you?

[Shouting angrily]

But I got proof
of that chalkworld

I was telling you about!
I ain't crazy, I tell you!

It's real!

Well, it's gonna
take me all day

to write
this one up.

Let's see...
Property damage,

reckless driving...

Hey, mister,
give me my backpack!


And theft.

I got my eye
on youse kids!

I know about
the secret

and i'm
gonna find it,

if it's the last
thing I do!

Get your hands
off me, you...

Well, what
should we do now?

Uh...get fresh

Vinnie: I want
my chalkworld theme park!



Oh, doggone it!

Can't those new neighbors
keep it down?



All right, that's it.
I can't take this anymore.

I'm lodging a complaint.

Hiya, guys. Listen, I'm trying
to get some z's downstairs,

so, you know, if you
wouldn't mind keeping it down!

Ow! No! Hey!
Leave me out of this!

No, no. Thank you very much.
I don't want to dance.

I just want to sleep.
No, no, no, no.

Oh, this ain't
working at all.

What these guys need
is some direction.

Excuse me,
general g-clef, sir.

to speak freely.

There are
some unruly notes
in my building, sir,

in need of a music
lesson, sir.

It sure
would be swell

if you could
come down

and put them
in order, sir.


All right, you guys,
listen up.

This here
is general g-clef.

He and his staff are here
to help you organize.


Ah, that's
more like it.


A nice little

to soothe me
back to sleep.

Carry on.


Finally, I can get
a little shuteye.


[Music playing]

[Lively music playing]

Hey, where's that
cool sound coming from?

[Loud banging]

Whoa! Uh!


[Pounding on door]

Duh. Of course.
They can't hear me.



Well, I'll be a...

Hey, would y'all mind
keeping it down?

Y'all! You!
You need to be quiet!

All right, that's it!

I'm telling you
to quiet down,

or else I'll--

snap, my man!

Why didn't you
tell me you ran

the grooviest jam
in nightzone?

I do? Oh, I mean,
yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hello. I do.
Keep it up.

Do not stop.
Go, go, go.

Ooh, they're
going, all right.

Come on, baby.
Let's dance.

Oh, queen rapsheeba,

I thought
you'd never ask.

♪ Late night, clear night,
look at the stars ♪

♪ shining like
a million little streams ♪

♪ dream a lotta,
dream a lotta ♪

♪ dream a lotta,
dream a lotta dreams ♪

♪ close your eyes
wherever you are ♪

♪ wrap your arms
around the moonbeams ♪

♪ dream a lotta,
dream a lotta ♪

♪ dream a lotta,
dream a lotta dreams ♪

♪ dream a lotta laughs,
dream a lotta fun ♪

♪ dream a lot of running
and of jumping in the sun ♪

♪ dream a lotta joy,
joy for everyone ♪

♪ dream a lotta dreams ♪

♪ la la la la
la-la la la ♪

♪ la-la la-la
la-la la la ♪

♪ dream a lotta,
dream a lotta ♪

♪ dream a lotta dreams ♪

♪ dream a lotta,
dream a lotta ♪

♪ dream a lotta dreams ♪

♪ dream a lotta,
dream a lotta ♪

♪ dream a lotta,
dream a lotta dreams ♪

♪ chalk ♪

♪ chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪