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03x05 - Remember

Posted: 12/09/23 10:34
by bunniefuu

Pull the switch.

And let's end this.



Please, don't.

No! [Catra]




Whoa, whoa, whoa.



Since when do you sleep in? Where am I? How did I get here? Uh, you're in your room.

Are you okay? I I'm fine.

I was just having a weird dream.

There was something I needed to fix.

Of course you dream about work.

There's nothing to fix, Adora.

Everything's perfect.


It was just a dream.

Come on, get up.


We're on the edge of greatness Turning darkness to light We're right beside you ready to fight We're gonna win in the end We must be strong And we must be brave We must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go We must be strong [Horde soldiers]


It's really her.

It's her.

It's Adora.

- We love you, Adora.

- Yeah.

- Yes.

- All right.

- What are they all looking at? - You.

The Invasion of Thaymor went perfectly.

You're the hero of the hour.

Thaymor? Oh.


I defeated the rebel insurgents at Thaymor.



I did that.

Oh, please, you couldn't have done it without me.


What would I ever do without you? [both laughing]



Watch where you're going, twerp.

Force Captain.

I didn't know you were I'm so sorry.

You'd better be.


[both laughing]

Oh, Force Captain, don't hurt me.


[both laughing]

- Too good.

- Where are we going again? The locker room.

There's something I wanna show you.

Why are we going the long way? Let's take the side door, right Huh.

What? It's always been this way.

Are you sure you're okay? Yeah, I'm okay.

Do you have a concussion? I know you get hit on the head a lot.

But I figured your dumb little hair poof would cushion the blow.

I'm fine, okay? Don't make me kick your butt.

- Pfft.

As if you could.

- [laughs]

- [Lonnie]


- Huh? Surprise.

What is this? Are those ration bars? We wouldn't have been able to defeat the rebels at Thaymor without you.

Plus, you were the one who talked Shadow Weaver into letting us come.

So, we all pitched in, took Kyle's ration bars for a week and made this.

I'm hungry, but celebrating your victory is worth it.

You guys.

You even got the gray kind.

It's way better than the brown kind.

- Hey, it was Catra's idea.

- Oh, yeah? Eh, whatever, don't make a big deal about it.

Wow, I can't believe you like me.

- That is so embarrassing for you.

- Ow.

Stop it.

Get off.

This is not because I like you.



No, no, no.


Oh, come on, Kyle.


[both laughing]

- [Kyle]

Dang it.

- Whatever.

- What? - [Catra]

Hang on.

You got something right there.

[Catra laughing]

- [Shadow Weaver]


Get off the floor.

- [gasps]

You are the Force Captain who sacked Thaymor.

Sorry, Shadow Weaver.

[Shadow Weaver]

And you.

Look at you.

You're a mess.

Go get yourself cleaned up.

You're no longer children.

I have high hopes for you both.

Do not waste your time on such foolish games.

Yes, Shadow Weaver.

[Shadow Weaver]

Adora, come with me.


I will admit, I did not think that Catra and the others were ready to be deployed.

But under your command, they performed admirably.

You are becoming every bit the leader I always knew you to be.

Thank you, Shadow Weaver.

I couldn't have done it without them.

Suffice it to say, Hordak is impressed with your performance.

He is rewarding you with a new mission.

Really? You'll get the rest of the details at briefing.

Look at it.

This is who you are.

The Force Captain who will lead the Horde to victory.

- It's what you've always dreamed of.

- [gasps]

Everything is perfect.


Mara, dearie.

What did you just say? I said, are you ready for the briefing, Adora? Now run along.

Don't keep the sergeant waiting.




I'm Scorpia.

Oh, hey.


You know, I don't know what it is, but I do not like you.

It's this gut feeling I have.

Maybe it's that poof thing you do with your hair.

Or how much it draws attention to your gigantic forehead.

- Okay, can everyone lay off my hair today? - What kind of a name is "Adora"? It's like, okay, I get it, everyone loves you.

- But I do not.

- [man]

Welcome, Force Captains.

After the perfect execution of our mission in Thaymor, [chuckles]

the Horde is now in a better position than ever to take the rest of Etheria.

And here is our next target.

The Salineas Sea Gate, separating Horde territory from rebel-controlled waters.

We have a week to plan, - then it's go-time, people.

- [gasps]

Now, it's possible that you might have to go face-to-face with a Princess.


They're powerful and completely devoid of conscience.

But it's possible to take them out.



What happened to the stars? What's going on? Uh, Force Captain Adora? You have something to say? Where's the screen? There's no screen.

All the information should be in your report.


Force Captain.



Adora? Adora, what is wrong? Did you write this? Did I write a blank piece of paper? I'm gonna go with no.

No, there was something Something there, I I think.

- And I was running.

Why was I running? - Okay, calm down.

I can't.

There's something I keep forgetting, something I'm supposed to fix.

I remember a sword, a bright light, and you were there [shouts]


What was that? Sorry.

You were freaking out and it was freaking me out.

Well, you didn't have to slap me.

Come on, let's get you outside.

You need some air.

No, Catra, I don't need air.

How did we get here? We climbed up, like we always do.

Don't you remember? I don't know what's happening to me.

It's like I'm losing my mind.

- You just need to relax.

- Yeah.

You're probably right.

I'm fine.

Everything's fine.

Of course I'm right.

Everything's perfect.

Soon, the two of us are gonna be ruling Etheria together, just like we always planned.

Is that what you really want? To rule the world? I mean, yeah, obviously.

Isn't that what you want, too? I don't know.

Don't flake out on me now.

This is what we always wanted.

Everything'll be perfect as long as we stay together.

What if we don't stay together? What if it all goes wrong? Why can't you see that? Adora.

Stay with me, okay? You're just seeing things.

It's all in your head.




Thought we'd find you up there.

Get down here.

We got big news.

What? Okay, okay.

We just got word, we're being sent to Salineas tonight.

But they said at the briefing that's not for another week.

Adora, it's been a week.


- Adora? - [shouts]

I know this is wrong.

Can't you see it? My memories don't match.

We're jumping around.

Things are disappearing.

It's like time and space aren't working right.

And I Adora, stop it.




I think I remember.

None of this is right.

- We're not supposed to be here.

- Adora.

Everything's okay.

Stop saying that.

This isn't right.

Everyone keeps telling me everything is perfect, but it's not.

Everyone except Scorpia.


Adora, where are you going? You don't think things are perfect.


Ever heard of personal space? I happen to take it very seriously.

And also, what are you talking about? Things aren't right.

You must feel it, too.

I'm not sure why yet, but I'm starting to remember.

I need to get into Hordak's sanctum and you need to help me.

Hordak's sanctum? [laughing]

I'm not sure if you know, but no one is allowed in there without express permission.

I mean, this is basic stuff.

Are you sure you're qualified to be a Force Captain? All of my memories stop in Hordak's sanctum.

There's something in there, something powerful and dangerous.

That's where it all started.

That's where I have to go to fix things.

Okay, Adora, I totally hear you.

Everything's gonna be fine.

In fact, I think I know some nice people who can help if you just Scorpia, you have to remember something.

Tell me you remember.

Everyone's acting like things are perfect, except for you.

- Even Catra is - Catra? You do remember.

No, I I mean, I don't know.

And Catra, she was just scared, she didn't mean to What is going on? I keep forgetting things.

This is all wrong.

How did we get here? I don't know.

I just know we have to go to Hordak's sanctum.

- How did we get here? - Just go with it, okay? We need to get past those guards.

Oh, man, this is a bad plan.

What happens if we get caught? We are so fired.

- Shh.


- Shh.



Stop it.




Just move.




What are you doing here? Hands up.

[shouting, then gasps]


Did I just do that? I am so fired.

Scorpia, you need to focus.

- None of that matters.

- I don't like this.

Uh Wasn't there a door here just a second ago? Things are disappearing.

It's getting worse.

We have to hurry.

There's gotta be another way in.


- It's that lady.

- What lady? The one who says "Mara.

" Come on.

Okay, that makes no sense.

But I'm gonna follow you because I don't see a lot of other options.



Oh, she's so fast.


[Razz humming]



What? [panting]

Why is everyone so fast? - Whoa.

- This is it.

Come on.

I hope this works.

It will.

And you can go back to hating me.

Look, if you get us out of this, I promise I won't hate you.

I will just dislike you a reasonable amount.



No, no.

This can't be right.

It was here, it was right here.

Where is it? [groans]



It was Catra.

Catra did this.

She captured me, she took the sword.

She activated the portal.

Sword? The sword.

There's supposed to be a sword.

My sword.

But it's gone.

It's in the portal.

That's why we're here.

I need to find it.

[Imp chittering, then gasps]



Oh, that was close.


- Run.

- [shouts]

What is happening? I don't understand what's going on.

Adora, wait.

Wait up.


Scorpia? Scorpia.




Why, hello, Mara dearie.

Who are you? Why do I know you? What are you doing in the Fright Zone? Is this real? I am afraid so, dearie.

But you can still fix it.

There's still time.

Find me in the woods, dearie.

- Adora.

Adora, where have you been? - Lonnie, we have to get out of here.

- Where are Kyle and Rogelio? - Who? Our teammates since we were kids.

Where are they? Uh I don't remember.

I think I think they're gone? What is going on? Come on.

[Lonnie shouting]

Lonnie, we have to [gasps]





You've officially lost it, haven't you? Listen, we have to go.


Scorpia, Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio, they're all gone.

- What're you talking about? Who's gone? - They're gone.

There's nothing left.

And we'll be next if we don't get out of here right now.


You're not making any sense.

Everything's fine, okay? Don't say it's perfect.

I know it's not perfect and so do you.

You've gone crazy.

I'm not going anywhere.


What are you? [grunting and shouting]

Catra, no.

Catra, you can't.

We need to get as far from the Fright Zone as possible or we'll be completely erased along with everything else.

You think you can convince me by kidnapping me? What is wrong with you? I won't leave you behind again.

Why can't you just stay? We have everything we ever wanted.

It's not real, Catra.

As much as I wish that things could be simple the way they used to be, - there's no going back.

- [shouts]

Why did you do it? I don't know what you're talking about.

There's no time.

- We have to go.

- [grunts]

You look out for me and I look out for you.

Nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other.

You promise? I promise.

Everything will be okay if we just stay together.

Come with me.

You don't have to go back there.

We can fix this.

Help me fix this.


This can't be what you wanted.

Don't you get it? I am never going to go with you.


You always have to go and ruin it, don't you? [grunting and shouting]

Catra, look what's happening.

You're going to destroy everything.

I don't care.

I won't let you win.

I'd rather see the whole world end than let that happen.

Catra, no.



Oh, is that you, Mara? You made it after all.

Madame Razz.

It's been such a long time since we last saw each other, hasn't it? That or it hasn't happened yet.

- I always get those two things mixed up.

- I couldn't save anyone else.

It's not too late.

You can still bring them back.

But you must act quickly.

How do you know all of this? Because this has all happened before.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

For Madame Razz, it was yesterday.

This happened before with Mara.

Yes, dearie.

When she moved Etheria and took away the stars.


It was crazy.

It's all my fault.

I've been so afraid of becoming another Mara.

Destroying the world the way she did.

And now it's happening.


Destroy the world? No.

Mara saved the world.

And so will you.

But you can't waste any more time.

You need to go back to the beginning.

You need to find the sword.

That is the only way this will stop.

I did that, didn't I? I went back to the Fright Zone.

The portal wasn't there.

No, that wasn't the beginning.

You need to go back to the very beginning.

I don't understand.

That's all right, dearie.

You don't need to understand.

You just need to remember.

I have to remember.

Bow and Glimmer.

I need to find them.

Go on, dearie.



[closing theme playing]