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03x03 - Once Upon a Time in the Waste

Posted: 12/09/23 10:33
by bunniefuu


Hey, Catra.

Catra? Boy, you are just as fast on sand as everywhere else.

Whoo! Ha.

Now, what are we looking at? I'm looking at the Crimson Waste.

The place Hordak sent me to die.

I have no idea what you're doing as the last thing I told you was to leave me alone.

I know.

It was so noble of you.

You pushed me away in order to save me.

It just brought us closer together.


I'm not [groans]

You know what? It doesn't matter.

Nothing matters anymore.

You know what I see here? All my hard work ignored because of one mistake.

My dreams turning to dust in front of my eyes.

But mainly I'm looking at that? [squeals]


Must be abandoned.

According to Force Captain orientation, the Crimson Waste is deserted.


It better be.

I'm not in the mood to deal with people.

Or that information could be completely wrong.

Maybe I should have skipped orientation, ha, ha, you know what I mean? [groaning]

We're on the edge of greatness Turning darkness to light We're right beside you Ready to fight We're gonna win in the end! We must be strong - And we must be brave - We must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go We must be strong [groaning]

- Of course Hordak is wrong.

- [creature spits]

He's a shut-in who lives in his lab and doesn't know how to do anything.

Why am I surprised at this? - Move it.

I'm tired.

- [squeals]




Hey, Catra, I'm not questioning your leadership here, but maybe we shouldn't pick on the heavily armed crowd? Oh, yeah? And what are they going to do? Send me to die in the Crimson Waste? [gasps]

- Would you look at that, I'm already here.

- [goon]

Good riddance to that She-Ra girl.

Are you kidding me? If I ever see that boy or his sparkly friend, or that angry blonde one again, I swear, I'll [Catra clearing throat]

Which way did they go? Who are you? You said there was a sparkly girl, a boy with arrows, and a blonde.

- Which way did they go? - Buzz off, Kitty Kitty.

What, are you too dumb to understand a simple question? Just point, genius, and I'll figure it out.

- [clearing throat]

Hey, Catra? - What? Last thing I remember, Hordak sent us here to track down First Ones Tech, not Adora.

So, why do we need to know which way they're going? Because Adora and her friends are always after the same thing we are.

Of course they're in the middle of nowhere.

- She had the nerve - So, spit it out.

Where are they going? There are only two rules in the Crimson Waste.

One, the strong make the rules.

[Catra laughing]

So, here's the thing.

I've done this.

The whole "threatening people" bit, the intimidation.

I've been there.

And I just don't care anymore.

- Some people have a bad day.

- [screeching]

I've had a bad life.

If I want something, it's taken from me.


If I win a fight, I lose the w*r.

Threats only work on someone who has something to lose.

But me? [shouts]

I've already lost it all.

You can't be any good at this, because you just let yourself get distracted.

- [thud]

- [gasps]

- [giggles]

- So what'll it be? [grunts]

Hey, you know, we don't think of you as an outsider at all.

You are okay with us.

We'll take you anywhere you wanna go, boss.



I can't believe I'm standing in front of Mara's ship.

How do you know this is Mara's? Light Hope showed me Mara's ship crashing.

Right before the stars disappeared.

I don't know who Mara is, but that's definitely the ship that says your name.

- Wait.

Says my name? - Not Adora.

It says She-Ra.

This is incredible.

A First Ones ship? This thing used to travel through space.


Think of all the amazing things it contains.

Or it could be empty.

That's an option, too.

This can't be it.

Where's the message coming from then? Has this ship always been here? The Crimson Waste got hit with the mother of all dust storms.

And when it cleared, this was unearthed.

And then people stole everything they could pry up and take.

If they didn't want things stolen, they should have bolted everything down.

- Besides, no one comes here anymore.

- [chuckles]

- Because there's nothing left to steal? - Well, that.

And it's haunted.

- [She-Ra Mara]




- [gasps]


Where is that voice coming from? And where's the door? This ship is massive but this room is tiny.

There has to be a door around somewhere.

Hold on.

[all gasping]

[all shouting]

[She-Ra Mara]




[Scorpia laughing]

Oh, boy, you really had them going.

I've never seen a room of murderous toughs look so freaked out before.

It was truly an honor to witness.

What, those washed-up hacks? They needed to be taught what happens when they try to thr*aten me.

They won't be bothering us anymore, that's for sure.



Oh, oops, sorry.

Can you carry her again? Scorpia, you don't have to ask.

Carry her, idiot.


You know, I'm starting to think this place gets a bad rap.

- Oh, I'm with you.

- [groaning]

It's nice and toasty.

If you look for the ground ripples you can avoid the quicksand.

And my exoskeleton is loving this dry climate.

And you can take whatever you want.

The meaner you are, the more they listen.

- Give me your dart g*n.

- Oh! Uh - Yeah, go.

- See? [laughing]

I'm going to call you Kyle.

- Uh What? - Shut up and keep walking, Kyle.

Uh Okay.

[both laughing]

So, this is fun.


It is.

[Scorpia gasps]


- Stop it or I take it all back.

- I'm not saying anything.


You're doing that thing with your face where it's obvious what you're thinking.

Do you mean smiling? [groans]

Look, I'm just acknowledging [grunts]

- We make a good team, that's it.

- Right.

A good team.

That's us.





[Scorpia chuckles]

This is crazy.

Are there really animals this big? Come on.

- Not anymore.

- [shrieking noise]

What? [groaning]

- What are you trying to pull? - Nothing.

What are you talking about? - Catra, what's going on? - I'll tell you what.

Kyle here wasn't paying attention.

And led us right into an ambush.

[all shouting]



We do this on three.

- One, two - [Bow]

Wait! On three or after three? [Huntara groans]


On three.

One, two, three! [both shouting]





This is it.

This is the same message from my tracker pad.


I am Mara, She-Ra of Etheria, and I am gone.


I have so many questions for you.

I don't even know where to start.

I am Mara, She-Ra of Etheria, and I am gone.

Um Hi? I'm Adora.

I am Mara, [distorted]

She-Ra of Etheria, and I am gone.

- Well, that's unsettling.

- No.

No, no.

This isn't it! I've done this before.

There's usually a password or something.

- I am Mara, She-Ra of Etheria, - Eternia.

- and I am gone.

- I have the sword.

I am She-Ra.

Administrator detected! Speak to me! I am Mara, She-Ra of Etheria, and I am gone.

[Adora laughing]

- Adora? - Of course it's on a loop.

Of course it is.

Because why would a hologram ever give me a straight answer? Solve a puzzle.


Let go.

I do everything they tell me, waiting for answers, and all I'm left with is Why was I taken from my family? Why was I forced to become a soldier? Why did I come here if this was nothing but another dead end? Adora, I'm sorry.

Maybe we can [She-Ra Mara crying]

I don't have much time.

I barely made it out.

If you are seeing this, it means you wield the Sword.

You are the new She-Ra.

It means I failed.

I was supposed to be the last.

And I am so, so sorry.

[all shouting]

Oh, no.

It's Tung Lashor! [laughing]

I'm sorry, what? Tung Lashor leads the number two g*ng in the Crimson Waste.

He's been itching to push Huntara out for years and become number one.

With her gone, they'd run this place.

And it looks like today is our lucky, lucky day.

I never thought you'd be dumb enough to step foot out here without Huntara.

But here you are.

And now I'm gonna leave your bones as a warning to all who cross Tung Lashor, strongest in the Crimson Waste.


It sounds even stupider the second time.

Seriously, Tung Lashor? Pfft.

- Which one of you came up with that? - [chuckles]

Right? It's like, what, did you lose a bet? [laughing]

- [shouting]

- [groans]

You done, outsider? [laughing]

Are you kidding? I'm just getting started.

First, all that "leaving your bones" talk, it's just too much.

But I'm sure around here you're considered very scary.


Second, they're not with Huntara anymore, they're with me.

And third I like that whip.

I think I'll be taking it.


- Is that so? Big talk for such a little - Hey, do you even know how to use a whip? - Can't be hard if this guy figured it out.

- Uh - I said - [Scorpia]

I think it's all in the wrist.

Like wa-pow! Crack! Whip! I'm not going to say whip when I use the whip.

No one does that.


Maybe you can say a catchphrase then.

Like, uh Like, "Whip.

" It's I mean, I'm just spitballing here.

- I like, I don't know, like - Enough! I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face, outsider! [Tung Lashor growls]

Who's the strongest in the Crimson Waste? [all]

Lashor! Lashor! And don't you forget it.

Whip! Catra! [grunting and shouting]

Where's all that big talk now, Kitty? - Catra! - [laughing]



You cheating little [shouting and grunting]

- What? Oh, no.

- Oh, hold on.

- Great.

Thanks for the whip.

- Guys.

- [Tung Lashor]

Anybody! Help me, please! - [laughs]

That was too easy.

Now, who's the strongest in the Crimson Waste? Catra.



Catra! [all]

Catra! Catra! Catra! Catra! And don't you forget it.

Yeah! I don't know what they told you, but it wasn't all bad at first.

We were the first ones to settle Etheria, to study this planet's magic.

How could it go so wrong? Light Hope use the Can't w*apon The w*apon w*apon What w*apon? Bow, how's it going? Have you fixed it? [Bow]

I'm trying, but I think the message got damaged when the ship crashed.

I opened a portal to a completely empty dimension and pulled Etheria in.

I hid us from the rest of the universe to keep everyone safe.

This is the one place they'll never find us.

I saw what they would do.

The deaths that would follow.

I couldn't stop them before, but I can now.

Hiding is our only option.

Maybe it's been a week.

Maybe it's been thousands of years.

I never wanted to be a hero.

I won't be remembered as one.

[alarm wailing]

You have the Sword now.

It is the Administrator Key to our planet.

With it, you can activate a portal.

So I'm begging you.

Don't do it.

Leave us here.

If you open a portal, death and destruction will follow.

For the good of the universe, Etheria must stay in Despondos.

If not, everyone will [clapping nearby]

Who's there? Come out and face Huntara! [both grunting]

- You two joined Tung Lashor? - [Catra]

They haven't joined him.

They joined me.

Hey, Adora.


For the honor of [grunting]

This might be the quickest I've ever won a fight.

Always so dramatic with you, isn't it, Adora? [groaning]

Huntara! Get them out! [grunting]

- Stop her.

- [gasps]

[all cheering]

A toast to driving Huntara out of the Waste! [all cheering]

A toast to finding all this new loot, huh? And a toast to Boss Catra, best leader we've ever had! Yeah! - Scorpia! A toast to Scorpia! - [woman]

Oh, yes, Scorpia! Whoo! What? I can't.

You guys, I Thank you.




Can you believe this? They said this was called a "party.

" I like it.

When we go back, there's going to be a lot more parties.

- Uh, the crazy desert lady got away.

- Let her.

We've got the most important thing right here.

You heard that hologram.

This is the key to the whole planet.

When I bring this back to the Fright Zone, Hordak will see me for what I'm worth and I'll be back on top.

Or, you know, counterpoint, we don't go back at all.

What? Why wouldn't we go back? Uh Because you hate it there? I don't.

Hear me out, okay? Within a day, you've defeated the gangs ruling the Crimson Waste and made yourself their leader.

This is the happiest I've ever seen you.

Scratch that.

This is the first time I've ever seen you happy, period.

So, why would we go back? Let's stay here.

Forget Hordak.

Forget Adora.

Forget all of them.

We could rule the Crimson Waste together, just the two of us.

We could, you know, be happy.

I I don't I have to go check on the prisoner.


Catra, you can't do this.

Well, hello to you, too.

What can't I do this time? Hordak is trying to open a portal.

He wants to bring the rest of the Horde army through to Etheria.

We can't let that happen.

The rest of the Horde army? Hordak is part of a gigantic evil army from another world [laughs]

Never a dull moment with you.

Why would I be against more Horde? That means we win and you lose.

We'll all lose if Hordak uses his portal machine.

Light Hope and Mara both said that opening a portal will endanger everyone.

You'll listen to anything weird old holograms tell you, won't you? You should really try to get over that.

Besides, how do you know about what Hordak's doing? Shadow Weaver told me.

- We know all about Hordak's plan.

- Shadow Weaver told you? How exactly did Shadow Weaver tell you this? - You didn't know? - How? Catra, Shadow Weaver is in Bright Moon.

Shadow Weaver left me for you.

All of this happened because of you.

Catra? Catra, please, you have to listen.

[Catra grunting]


Hey, Catra.

Whoa, there.

Gotta be careful, boss.

[all cheering]

Catra? You okay? We are going back.


We are going to open a portal.

And we are going to crush them all.

[closing theme playing]