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03x01 - The Price of Power

Posted: 12/09/23 10:32
by bunniefuu

Shadow Weaver? We're on the edge of greatness Turning darkness to light We're right beside you Ready to fight We're gonna win in the end We must be strong And we must be brave We must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go We must be strong Double the perimeter, and triple it at the Moonstone.

No one sleeps until we figure out how Shadow Weaver got into the castle.

Why are we stopping here? - This is where we're holding the prisoner.

- This is your prison? Well, technically it's the spare room, but it is more than adequate as a holding cell.

We removed the cushions.

- Most of the cushions.

- This is the prison? Yes, it's the prison.

Your Majesty, I know Shadow Weaver.

I know her tricks.

I need to be there for the interrogation, - I'm the only one who - Shadow Weaver is dangerous.

I will not let that woman near you.

Near any of you.

You are to stay away from this room.

- But, Your Majesty - That is final.

I need to get in there.

Shadow Weaver could have gone anywhere, but she came here.

I need to know why.

- If the queen would just listen to me - Adora, maybe this is for the best.

Shadow Weaver raised you.

She knows how to get in your head.

We can't risk her manipulating you.

That won't happen.


I guess we should all just head back to bed, get some sleep, heh, let the obviously unqualified Bright Moon Guards handle this.

- You're gonna try to sneak in, aren't you? - What? No.

No! Where? Where am I? You're in the Bright Moon prison.

This is a prison? Why does everyone keep? Of course, this is a prison.

You must be Glimmer's mother.

I can tell by the way your voice grows shrill when you scream.

- How dare you? - Shadow Weaver.

You will answer for the crimes you committed - during your time as my brother's teacher.

- Oh, yes.

Sweet, talented Micah.

You will not speak his name.

I am not the one who got him k*lled.

Tell us why you're here.

I have vital information to defeat the Horde, but I will only speak to Adora.



Catra, I found you.

Scorpia? - How did you get in here? - Oh, boy.

It was quite the heist.

Very high-level, dangerous stuff.

Now come on, I'm busting you out.

We don't have time before Before what? Uh Hordak.

He's called an assembly to witness your punishment.

But I'm sure it's It's probably nothing, but whatever it is, I won't let it happen.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

Gosh, these buttons are tiny.

Just so small.

Ah, hit the wrong one.

Okay, just a second.

Oh, sh**t, not that one.

Stop it.

I never stood a chance.

I did everything right.

I thought I could prove myself, but it doesn't matter what I do, I don't get to win.

Shadow Weaver was right.

She's not right.

Don't give up yet.

I can save you.

You really care, don't you? Of course, I care.

You're Catra.

You're our leader.

You're You're my friend.

You're everything to me.

Caring about people is what got me into this mess.

Get out of here, or they'll take you down with me.

What? Are you stupid? I said, leave.

Guards! - Adora.

- Aah! I'm, uh, here to relieve you of your duty.

Look, I told you, I just need to talk to her.

Ugh, Adora, Shadow Weaver will try to hurt you again.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do.

She's from the Horde.

She's evil.

Evil people don't change.

- I'm from the Horde.

I changed.

- That's different.

You're not like them.

You're good, and kind, and And She-Ra? I was just like the rest of them, and then I left.

Not because I picked up this Sword, but because it was the right thing to do.

I have to believe that the others can change, too.

Even Shadow Weaver.

Just Just trust me, okay? I'm strong enough to face her now.

I need to know if she's truly changed.

If the woman who raised me still has some good deep down inside her.

Deep, deep down inside her.

We trust you, but we won't let you face her alone.

Now, what do you need us to do? For the last time, tell us what you know.

I know that when you cast a truth spell, you should make sure you've drawn it correctly.

Sloppy work.

Are you sure you're Micah's sister? - She's trying to get under our skin.

- You could spare yourself the trouble if you would just let me talk to Adora.

No, you've put that girl through enough.

Now tell us the truth.

Why did the Horde send you here? What are you planning? You think Hordak sent me? I escaped from Hordak and paid the price for it.

You're dying, aren't you? Angella, can I speak with you for a moment? This isn't working.

We've tried everything, and her condition is growing worse.

- Perhaps we should let Adora - That is not going to happen.

You guys go in.

I'll distract them.

We should consult with the Princess Alliance - before we go further.

- Your Majesties.


So, who wants to see a magic trick? Adora.

Listen up, lady.

After all your kidnapping and mind-wiping, I am just looking for a reason to serve up a little payback.

- So, if you do anything to hurt Adora - Glimmer.

I've got this.

Look at you, my Adora.

You snuck into Bright Moon.

Why? That's the only reason we're speaking.

To see you.

You are the only one I can trust.

I've missed you, my child.

We're past that.

Try again.


You always were.

From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were different.

- You were - Special? No, what you always told me was that I didn't matter.

I was special only as long as I obeyed you.

Why are you here? What? What's happening to you? It took all of my magical power to come to you.

I am dying, Adora.

- You're lying.

- Adora.

I don't think she is.

For the Honor of Grayskull.

I don't know why you're here, but I won't let you suffer like this.

I'm going to heal you, Shadow Weaver, and then you will answer our questions.

Do we have a deal? Adora, you don't know how to heal.

I can figure it out.

She'll die if I don't.

Maybe I can help.

I was once a teacher of magic in Mystacor.

I trained your father, Princess.

I can help you control your magic, Adora, but first you must trust me.

Fine, but in return, you trust me.

Trust that I'm not stupid.

Trust that I'll see right through your mind games.

Stop lying for once and trust me with the truth.

Hordak, great.

I've got a lot to cover with you today.

I've integrated the First Ones tech from the Northern Reach to our portal machine, but we're still missing something.

Luckily, I just picked up a signal.

It's some sort of First Ones message.

I don't know what these other words are, but this one's easy.

It means "portal.

" It could be the missing something we're looking for.

Where's Catra? We should send her out ASAP.

Catra is no longer a concern of yours.

She's being sent to Beast Island.

I'm confused.

As you can see the overall productivity of the Horde has increased by 400 percent since Catra has been your second-in-command.

And look at this chart.

The evidence shows that First Ones tech has gotten us closer than ever to creating a working portal.

Catra has been incredibly successful at getting new tech for us.

And this latest signal is coming from here.

The Crimson Waste.

We don't have a moment to spare.

We need Catra.

It is meaningless.

I'm not going to squander troops on a lifeless wasteland.

This discussion is over.

You are a Princess, so, you have a Runestone.

Yours dwells there, within your sword.

With it, you channel the elemental magic of Etheria.

Let it flow through the sword and into you.

You must learn to concentrate.

Focus your power.

I've tried this before.

I can't get it to work.

What do I do? Point the sword at you, or what? Calm down.

Your frustration will cause the energy you produce to become destructive if you're not careful.

There must be peace in your mind if you are to heal.

Come closer and allow me to help you.

You are afraid, but refuse to admit it.

Afraid of your power, of it spiraling out of control.

Let yourself feel it, then move past it.

You are greater than your fear.


What are you doing? I'm sorry.

I tried.


I told you both to stay out of here.

She's She-Ra, Mom.

What do you expect me to do? I held up my end.

Now you hold up yours.

Why are you here? You want the truth? I have nowhere left to go.

Catra betrayed me.

Hordak cast me aside.

I wanna take them down.

And helping you is the best way to do it.

Hordak has been working for years to build a machine capable of opening a portal through the fabric of space.

He intends to bring the rest of the Horde's armies through this portal and use them to conquer Etheria, once and for all.

Armies? There's more of the Horde? A force so large, you cannot even comprehend it.

You have struggled to hold off Hordak's paltry troops for years.

You will stand no chance against the full might of the Horde.

What makes you think he's close to finishing this portal machine now? Because he has something he didn't have before.

A Princess who knows how to combine First Ones technology with the Horde's machines.


That's why she's been after all that First Ones tech.

How stupid do you think we are? She knows the Horde is losing, and she's trying to scare us.

Portals to other worlds? It's ridiculous.

I know how this must sound.

We on Etheria have no concept of a universe beyond our reach.

And yet, the evidence stands before us.

Me? Hordak succeeded once before.

Years ago, he opened a portal.

It was only for a moment.

And in that, a child came through.

That child was you, Adora.

You were brought through a portal from another world.

What? Leave her alone.

You're lying, we all know it.

You lie about everything.

I gain nothing from lying.

Adora is different from us.

Do you think just anyone could bring a dying woman back to life? Not quite the reunion you pictured, is it? Perhaps you would have preferred the comfort of lies.

I think that's quite enough.

Don't listen to her, Adora.

Where are you going? Adora? Light Hope.

I know you're here.

Greetings, Adora.

I was not expecting you for training today.

But this shows an uptick in your dedication.

You said you've been watching me since I was an infant.

So, you must know what I really am.

Where I came from.

Answer me.

It is true.

You are not of Etheria.

Why didn't you tell me? Explain.

Why are you asking about events in your own memory bank? My what? Why are you asking for the clarification of events you witnessed? I was a baby.

Babies don't remember things.


I shall make a note of this.

Light Hope, where did I come from? This is the portal that you came through, Adora.

The Horde stole you, turned you into a soldier for their w*r.

I could not stop them.

So, I watched and waited for the day I could unite you with the Sword.

The Sword.

These powers.

The First Ones came from beyond the stars.

They made the sword so that it would only respond to one of their own kind.

I'm I'm a First One? You are upset.

I do not understand.

Did I have a family? Could I go back? A portal brought me here, could a portal take me home? When Mara cut us off from the rest of the universe, she destroyed our portal capabilities.

Attempting to open one now would have devastating consequences.


She must have come from the same place I did.

- Why did she do it? - It is irrelevant.

This is your home now.

As She-Ra, you You aren't listening to me.

You are behaving erratically.

To bear the power of She-Ra is an honor.

Don't I get a say in what happens to me? Don't I get a choice? No.

This is your destiny.

You do not choose.

You were chosen.



Where are you going? It is happening again.

We shouldn't have let her talk to Adora.

I can't even imagine what she must be feeling.

- Ah.


- Are you okay? I'm not sure yet.

But I think I know what I have to do.

My whole life, people have been hiding the truth from me.

So, I'm gonna look for answers myself.

Mara started all of this when she stranded Etheria.

She's the only clue we have about portals, and And me.

I'm going to the Crimson Waste.

I'm going to follow the message from Mara.

I know it's incredibly dangerous, but this is my choice.

- You don't have to come with me.

- Adora.

Of course we're going with you.

You think you could get us to stay behind if you tried? I want you all to watch and learn.

There is nothing I do not know.

Nothing I am not willing to do to punish those who betray my trust.

Your former Force Captain has proven to be compromised, ineffective, and worthless.

To the rest of you, take a lesson from this.

This is what happens to failures.

You're the failure.

You need me, just like you needed Shadow Weaver, because you have no idea how to run this place.

All you know how to do is hide in your lab.

Maybe that's why you can't defeat a group of teenagers.


Save your little speech.

There has been a change of plan.

Hi, Catra.

I saved your life.

You're welcome.

I don't understand.

Entrapta has interceded on your behalf.

You should be thanking her.

Instead of the many punishments I intended, you are being sent to retrieve First Ones tech for us in the Crimson Waste.

The Crimson Waste? It's a total dead zone.

Nothing survives out there.
