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01x10 - The Beacon

Posted: 12/09/23 10:24
by bunniefuu
How could I let this happen? -Adora, it's not your fault.

-It is my fault.

Entrapta's gone because of my plan.

This only happened because we were together.

Mermista's right, being together makes us vulnerable.

Maybe there's a reason the Princess Alliance fell apart.

Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea.

Mermista, no, you can't say that.


I don't want to be a part of it anymore.

Sea Hawk, take me home.

[Glimmer gasps]


Oh, Glimmer! Are you hurt? [Angella grunting]

Mom, you're crushing me.

-[Bow laughs]

-[Glimmer grumbles]

We're on the edge of greatness Turning darkness to light We're right beside you Ready to fight We're gonna win in the end We must be strong And we must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go We must be strong Mom! I'm fine, cut it out.

I will not cut it out.

I've been beside myself with worry.

You usually teleport out of my embraces.

-What's going on? -Nothing.

I just need to recharge.

That's all.

Of course.

Guards, carry my daughter to the moonstone chamber.

I don't need to be carried, I can walk.

You're embarrassing me.


Then you have time to tell me what happened.

I received word of Entrapta's loss.

Well, Glimmer? Bow? Adora? Someone tell me what happened.

-Commander, it's my fault.

-The thing is Leave my friends alone.

-Give us a minute.

-A minute? You were being held by the Horde.

I have been going mad telling myself stories about what could happen.

Jeez, Mom, relax.

I'm fine.

We'll talk later.

This conversation isn't over.

I'm-- I'm sorry.


-It's happening more.

-Does it hurt? No, not much.

-Tell your mom.

She'll know what to do.


Glimmer, Shadow Weaver did something to your powers.

You can't teleport and, whatever this is, keeps happening.

I don't want my mom freaking out any more than she already is.

Okay? Besides, I always feel better after I recharge, so Then it's agreed.

I'll recharge, stop glitching.

My mom never has to know.


Not only did you lose the princess known as Glimmer, but I learned that you've known Adora was She-Ra all along.

[Shadow Weaver]

Now you see why I felt it was so important to bring her back.


All you did was invite attack from an enemy combatant with detailed knowledge of our operations.

If I had known, I never would have agreed to your foolish plan.


Yeah, bad plan.

Wasn't it your--? Oh.

-I can feel you watching me.

-I am not.



See, I told you.

Just needed to re-- -[shouting]

-[Bow gasps]

-It didn't work.

-Work? It made it worse.

Glimmer? Are you up there? [shouts]

Uh, guys? We have a problem.

We cannot let my mom see me like this! There you are, Glimmer.

Are you feeling better? [chuckles]

Whoa, Mom, can't a girl recharge in private? -We were just leaving.

-Is everything all right? Glimmer? Glimmer, do not walk away from me.

I just wanted to talk.

Hordak really let Shadow Weaver have it.

Did you see the look on her face? Yes.

Well, I mean, I think.

It's hard to tell with the mask and all.

[robot beeping]


Serves her right.

If she wants credit for my plans, she can take the blame, too.

-Oh! What is it? -Shh.


Oh, sorry.

What is it? [sniffing]

[in normal voice]


Yeah, that's-- That's concrete.




Maybe it's like a cold.

I've never been sick before.

Having an immortal mother has some advantages.

-What do you do with a cold? -Stay out of sight.

Displays of physical weakness are discouraged in the Horde.

They're right.

I haven't been training, and look what happened! [grunting]

Stop it, Adora.

They're not ripe.

Okay, cold.

Um Lots of liquids and, uh, rest.


I'll make soup! Great, I'll nap.

When I wake up, I'll be good as new.

Yeah, just gotta let it run its course.


Why did I make my bed so high? Give me a boost? [both grunting]

[both shouting]



We're not letting it run its course.

You're getting worse.

No, I'm not.


Okay, maybe a little.

You're sick because of whatever dark magic Shadow Weaver made with the black garnet.

Maybe the sword can heal you.

She-Ra healed the trees in Plumeria.

Uh Sort of, not really.

She-Ra definitely fixed the Sea Gate.

Glimmer's not machinery.

You don't know how to control She-Ra's powers yet.

No offense.

This is a great idea.

She-Ra will fix me, then everything will be normal.


How hard can it be? -Did no one hear what I just? [groans]


For the honor of Grayskull! [Entrapta grunting]

[door beeping]


-That's Entrapta.

I know her name, I was just Ugh, never mind.

Lord Hordak himself tasked me with your interrogation.

So, there's no use resisting.

I don't care what it takes.

I'm going to drag the Rebellion's plans out of you.

-Ooh! What's that? -[Catra]

What? Hey! [Scorpia]

Catra! Oh! Oh, oh, there you go.


Give it back.

-Oh, I like that thing.

Can I have it? -No.

And stop.

I'm interrogating you.

What do you want to know? Why were you in the Fright Zone? I was waiting for my friends.

They had trouble finding me before.

I figured I'd make it easier and stay put right here.

They left you.

No, no, they're my friends, they'll be back.

Say, your tail secretes some kind of paralyzing agent, right? Do you think I could have a sample, to study? You can't touch another woman's tail without asking.

Some friends.

They left you, and they're not coming back.

Isn't that just like Adora? She left me, too.

Like I was nothing.

And me.

I didn't want to go, but she could've asked.

Adora got Bow and Glimmer back.

All these princesses care about is people who are just like them.

But you're not like them, are you? [Entrapta]

Fright Zone log, hour 45.

Is that right? I don't know, it was hard to tell in the walls.

Hour 45, that's-- That's too many hours.

This angry feline person seems to be correct.

They're not coming back for me.

You don't have to be something you're not with the Horde.

Think of what you could accomplish here.

What we could accomplish, together.

I've made more progress in secret here than I did in a non-secret life out there.

Horde technology gives me so much to work with.

Emily's the best bot I've ever built.

Who's Emily? Oh! How rude, allow me to introduce you.

[Scorpia grunts]

I got you, I got you, I got you.

Those princesses have no idea who they've left behind.

Ooh! The Eternia heal! Heal Glimmer.

Who's ready to stop messing with sharp objects? I am! -Maybe if you point it at me? -Or, unpopular opinion, don't point a sword at our friend.

It's fine, I got this.

Maybe it's like a motion.

Like a jabbing motion? Or a strike.

Do you want to get hit with a sword? Can everyone please be quiet? I have it! [grunts]

Am I the only one who cares about sword safety around here? [gasps]

I think it's working.

Yup, definitely working.

I'm pretty sure I feel something.




Sword safety! I don't think anybody's gonna notice.


Sorry again.

About the wall.

-Don't worry about it.

-You're not mad? People usually get mad.

Are you kidding? I'm impressed.

You rebuilt that robot, I mean Emily, on your own? While living in the vents? Sure did.

Not only that, but she's better than ever.

Stronger, increased weapons capabilities, and affectionate, too.

Who knows how powerful she could be if I had access to a little First Ones tech.

You don't have any here, do you? -First what? -First Ones tech.

Advanced technology left by a lost civilization? Makes our innovations look like toys? I've tried to integrate First Ones tech into my experiments for years, but my understanding of their code is rudimentary.

If I find the key to their language, there's no telling what I could build.

Such a find could yield almost unlimited power.


And where would one find this tech? It's buried all over the planet.

It gives off a signal that can be traced.

Lately, I've been tracking the strongest signal I've ever seen.

It must be a massive stash.

-Where? -[Scorpia]




I mean, uh, where? I've triangulated the signal to the Whispering Woods.

The whole shifting landscape thing makes for a complicated variable, but I've created a map that's accurate within two quadrants.

How do I get this map? Like any good scientist, I carry everything I need on my person.

[Catra grunting]

I'm not sure we can trust her.

If she's telling the truth, it could give us an advantage over the Rebellion.

Hordak will see I'm more valuable than Shadow Weaver.

I bet he'll promote you to What comes after Force Captain? Watch Entrapta, I'll see if this pans out.

I hope it does, I wanna build something big.

Oh, sorry, my bad.

Which hair part was in which thingy? What good am I if I can't even heal one princess? [grunts]

Why even carry a sword? -[knocking on door]


Everybody, just act normal.

Mom, we're busy.

I won't be long.

You are requested for dinner with me.


But Mom! I'm really tired.

Can't I just stay in my room and rest? I'm sorry, I don't know why I said request.

It's not a request.

You are required to have dinner with me because I'm your mother and I'm also the queen, so I can make you.


She's playing the queen card.

No need to answer.

I'll see you in an hour.


I can't stay here and be useless.

Bow is right.

-I don't know how to use my powers.

-I didn't say that.

Or not that exactly.

The Horde has a lot of things wrong.

Okay, everything.

One thing they are right about is training.

How can I train if I don't know about She-Ra? I'm going to go where I can learn.

Then I'm gonna fix you, Glimmer.


How? Can you do it in an hour? Probably not.

I'm not sure where to go.

I need the place Madame Razz took me.

It's some sort of beacon.

I can't explain it but I can get answers there.

Running away.

Great idea.

I won't have to go to dinner.

-I'll get my things.

-No, I do this on my own.


-[Adora crashes]


-She's okay.

I hope she stays that way.

-Going somewhere? -Like I'd tell you.

I've got a lead on something big.

I'm not letting you take credit.

Not that it worked out last time.

[breathing heavily]

Don't worry about Hordak.

I've got experience being yelled at.

Mostly by you, actually.

You get used to it.

I will not get used to mediocrity like you.

And I certainly don't need your pity.

I was hard on you, I won't deny it.

And I won't apologize.

I just wanted to prepare you for the world.

I wanted you to be strong.

Yeah, well, congratulations, I'm plenty strong now.

I don't need you.

Listen, Glimmer, I appreciate you trying, but you can't protect me anymore.

We have to tell your mom.

We're not telling anybody's mom! And what do you mean, protect you? Isn't it obvious? This is all my fault! If I hadn't gone with Perfuma, we wouldn't have separated.

I wouldn't have gotten kidnapped, and you wouldn't be sick.

See? My fault! That's crazy! It's obviously my fault! I let myself get distracted.

I shouldn't have been weird about you being with someone else.

I'm sorry, Bow.

You can't be sorry when I'm trying to be sorry.

But your sorry is wrong and mine is right.

You know what? Let's hug.


-I'm glitching, aren't I? -It hurts so much.

How am I gonna get through dinner without my mom noticing? Ah.


We start a fire, then she'll have to cancel.

Just a small one? It was definitely this way.

I think.


Oh! That rock looks familiar.


Because I passed it an hour ago.

I gave the staff the night off so it could be just us.

And I made your favorite.

I didn't make it, the kitchen made it before I gave them the night off.


We've hardly talked since you returned.

Well, not much to talk about.

Not much to talk about? You were kidnapped! -You lost a friend during the escape and-- -I get it, Mom.

I failed.

-That's not what I-- -[shouting]

Stop! Make it stop! Glimmer, what's happening? What aren't you telling me? Don't yell at me! I know I messed everything up.

-I know I'm a big disappointment.

-What are you talking about? Entrapta died rescuing me, the Alliance is over, and Shadow Weaver did something to my powers! I'm sorry I couldn't be perfect like you.

You have no idea what it feels like to be such a screwup! I don't know how you feel? I got your father k*lled! I ordered the battle your father perished in.

-I've never forgiven myself.

-I-- I didn't know that.

Yes, well, you never talk to me.

-Why didn't you tell me you were sick? -Because I was ashamed.

I acted without thinking, the thing you're always telling me not to do.

I teleported right into their trap.

The Alliance is over, and I'm to blame.

Oh, Glimmer, I'm the one who failed.

If I hadn't let the Alliance fall apart after your father died, this wouldn't be happening.

You feel like a failure? Don't make the same mistake I did.

I should have kept fighting.

And you should, too.

But the other princesses, they all quit.

-The Rebellion isn't done? -With my daughter leading it? Not a chance.

Even if my powers are gone? We'll figure it out.


[voices whispering]



This thing is useless.


But I've been walking in a straight line! [grunts]

I'm trying to help! Why are you stopping me? [grunting]


[grumbles, then yells]

I should know better than to trust a princess.

[voices whispering]



Just let me fix this.

Please, I-- I can't let anyone else get hurt.


You win.

You want me to be weak? Well, I am.

And I'm afraid.

Because I'm no good at any of this.


[grunting and shouting]

I'll never find this magical tech.

If it even existed in the first place.

On second thought.

[Catra chuckles]

Hey, Adora.