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01x08 - Princess Prom

Posted: 12/09/23 10:23
by bunniefuu
Uh, hey, guys? I got an invite for the All-Princess Ball, Winter Wonderland.

-Do you know what this is? -[both]

Princess Prom! Princess Prom! Princess Prom! We are going to Princess Prom! Okay, you've gone crazy.

I'll come back later.

The Ball is a meeting of Etheria's princesses.

And a giant party! -Dancing, food, fancy dresses.

-Dancing? It happens once a decade.

I've been waiting for this! Uh I'm only a princess sometimes.

Are you sure I should go? Of course.

Every princess is invited.

That includes you.

Oh, yeah.

It's all in the invite.

"Rules for greeting the hostess.

Curtsy depth.

Stair-descending etiquette?" The Ball has been going on for centuries.

There's a lot of etiquette stuff.

It's gonna be fun! Princess Frosta is hosting in the Kingdom of Snows.

Her magic is incredibly powerful.

She'd be a huge get for the Rebellion.


Don't worry.

I'll be with you, and so will Bow.

He's my plus one.

-Uh Actually -We can handle anything.

-About that.

-It's the best friend squad in action.

-Right, Bow? -I'm going with Perfuma.

What? We're on the edge of greatness Turning darkness to light We're right beside you Ready to fight We're gonna win in the end We must be strong And we must be brave We must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go We must be strong I'm sick of this.

Shadow Weaver failed.

If Hordak finds out, she'll take us down, too.

We need to think big.

It's time for someone new to take over.


So, you in? -I'm hanging out in your room! [chuckles]

-You're the only one I can trust.

-We're friends.

Stop being so you and help me think.

I have a plan, but it's not enough.

I need to capture Adora and I need to impress Hordak.

How do I do both? Try something at the All-Princess Ball.

Adora will probably be there.

Ooh! This year's theme is Winter Wonderland.

-How did you get this? -They sent it.

I'm a princess.

-You're a princess? -Yeah.

The Horde crash-landed in my family's kingdom.

We let them stay.

-My family gave Hordak the Black Garnet.

-You're a princess? I thought everyone knew.

It's covered in Force Captain orientation.

I shouldn't have skipped that.

Okay, you're going to the Ball.

Oh, no, I'm not going.


No one liked my family, even before.

Ah I never really fit with the other Princesses.

I made them uncomfortable.

They don't like that.

They don't like me.

And that's why you have to go.

They pretend they're better because you're different! They abandon people because they don't fit in! Yeah! They take best friends and turn them into giant sword ladies, who run off with people inferior to you! You're telling my life with words.

It's time to show those princesses.

You're going, I'm coming.

We'll make this a night no one will ever forget.

Super Pal Duo is going to Prom! I said yes.

I didn't think it would be a big deal.

It's not.

It's fine.

I'm just surprised.

When did you talk about it? Oh.

She was super slick.


-Wanna go to the Ball with me? -Okay! [grunting]

-That's super slick? -I thought it'd be fun.

She's cool.

She's fine.

But we always go to events together.

We wear matching outfits, share inside jokes.

And then we eat ice cream afterwards.

It's our thing.

There's nothing wrong with a new thing.

I gotta get ready.

We'll hang out there.

-But I liked our old thing.



No time to waste.


Advance prep will be the key to success.

I've divided the rules into dance, etiquette, and greeting the hostess.

[clears throat]

I familiarized myself with targets.

Ask me anything.


-Rules the Kingdom of Snows.

Biggest kingdom outside Bright Moon, neutral to the Horde.

Allies with Star Sisters, friends with Mermista, but not Sweet Bee, who is dating Peekablue.

Up is friends, down is frenemies.

And I made an obstacle course.

I feel good! I've prepared for all scenarios.

-I am so ready for this Ball.

-Great! What are you wearing? I was gonna go as She-Ra.

She has better hair.

You can't go as She-Ra.

They have a no weapons rule.

Neutral ground.

Leave your sword.


How are there more parts to this? -[gasps]

You know what this means? -That I should just keep studying? -It's makeover time! Whoa.

[pop music playing]

[both laughing]



Yeah! Huh? [gasps]




Don't just lean it.

Don't keep it with the other swords.

Adora, come on! Whoa, heh.

-It's big.

-[pop music playing on speakers]


The Ball is an ancient tradition.

A princess's first Ball is a rite of passage.

-Plus, the Kingdom of Snows is big.

-That's why we need Frosta.

If she joins us, the other princesses will follow.


Here we go.

[music stops]

Hold for one, two, and three.

That's Frosta? But she's, like, 10.

[crowd gasping]

I'm 11 and three quarters.

Revered hostess.

We come under the ancient rules of hospitality, bringing greetings from Bright Moon.

And She-Ra, the legendary warrior.

[crowd chattering]

You are welcome under the rules of hospitality.

Leave conflict at the door.

Enjoy the Ball.

Thank you, Your-- [shouts]


Couldn't mention she's a kid? You researched, I assumed you knew.

You know what? It's fine.

There's time to win her over.

Come on, let's rock this Ball! [pop music playing on speakers]

Oh! There's Entrapta! Heh.

Adora! Glimmer! Are you here for the social experiment? -Social experiment? -Different groups are forced to mingle.

Hierarchies form and break.

It's the perfect place to observe behavior.

And they have tiny food.

-Where's Bow? -He's coming later.

He didn't come with you? Aren't you friends? -Why would you think we're not? -There he is! Bow! They're matching.

That's our best friend thing! -Feelings seem to be hurt.

-I'm here.

Don't make a thing out of it.

[both laughing]

They're making up their own jokes? What? Is Perfuma his new best friend now? -Not gonna get into this.


People are walking around.

Or that.

Have you seen? [singing]

She's a beauty Can't you see She's attending this with me She's my Princess of the Sea Mermista Oh, hey, it's my crew.

So, Sea Hawk's your plus one? No.

He is just my ride, okay? Just my ride.


Of course.


I am her plus one.

This is the best social experiment ever! -Whatever.

Do they have a kelp bar? -To the buffet! -Advent-- Oh, hi, Bow.


-Hey-- -[laughs]

That's so funny, Adora! What a funny inside joke the two of us just came up with! The She-Ra, Glimmer.

It's great to see you.


Perfuma was telling me about a winged horse that ate all the apples in Plumeria and then flew away.

-Sound familiar? -Sure.

Isn't this fun? Adora and I are having such a great time, just the two of us.

Right, Adora? Okay.

Uh, we're gonna say hi to people.

Wanna come? No, you guys go on.

We'll find you later.

I wanna hear this story that Adora was just telling.

Perfect, Frosta's alone.

I'm gonna smooth things over with her.

Coming? [laughing]

Never mind.

I'll be right back.

Revered hostess.

I've come to apologize.

I was so rude.

Yes, you were.

But you're only an honorary princess.

You can't be expected to know better.

Your kingdom is beautiful.

-I'm honored to be here.


Thank you.

You're gonna ask me to join your Rebellion? -You know about that? -Of course I do.

Princesses talk.

The snow peas and the cookies are touching.

Do it right.

Princess Frosta, the Rebellion needs you.

Your kingdom is powerful.

-Your alliance could defeat the Horde.

-The Horde isn't a threat.

Because the Kingdom of Snows is so out of the way.

-Joining the Rebellion is your best bet.

-The Kingdom of Snows has defended itself well for thousands of years.

We do not need your help or your Rebellion.

Please continue to enjoy the Ball.

[all laughing]


Perfuma was just telling me about a winged horse -Where have you been? -[groans]

Winning over Frosta.

Scratch that.

Failing to win over Frosta.

Are you okay? Why does it bother you? It doesn't! Bow can hang out with whoever he wants.

I just [groans]

I never had that many friends.

It's always just been me and Bow.

But now, what if he likes his new friends better? -What if everyone does? -That's not gonna happen.

Trust me, Bow isn't the type to leave his old friends, and neither am I.

Revered hostess, they're from the Horde.

Hostess, Princess Scorpia was invited, per the rules of this Ball.

Rules which I personally have utmost respect for.

-You do not! -[Frosta]

Princess Adora.

The rules state clearly that all princesses are welcome.

-They're up to something, I can feel it.

-Enough! You see a child, but I have worked too hard to gain respect, only to throw it away because you feel they're up to something.

The All-Princess Ball is neutral.

I will not dishonor that legacy.

Scorpia is a princess.

Princesses get plus ones.

They stay.




[both grunting]


I'm shocked.

We're not breaking any rules.

Didn't you read the invite? I know you're plotting something.

I'll be watching.

Wherever the two of you go, I go.

Suit yourself.

Have fun with following us! [grumbles]

Glimmer, you get Scorpia, I'll take Catra.

[pop music playing]

No! [crowd gasping]






Wow, that is good.

Oh, what is--? I don't even know what's in this.

What? Sir? Garçon? What's in this? Bow! Wait up! -Glimmer.


-There's something I need to tell you.

Things between us have been weird.

I just wanted to say-- -It's all right.

I accept your-- -I forgive you.

You forgive me? I'm allowed to hang out with other people.

But that's how it starts.

Suddenly everyone has new friends and nobody needs me.

-Then I'm all alone.

-What are you talking about? You have me, Adora, and the Rebellion.

That's what I'm talking about.

It used to be us.

Now everything's changing.

-I don't want you to leave me behind.

-No one is leaving you behind.

I wanted to hang out with you and Adora and Perfuma, but you keep leaving.

I know change is scary, but you don't get to take it out on me.

Now, excuse me, I am going to get my cummerbund.

It's freezing.

We'll talk later, okay? [gasps]

-Princess Prom.

Hour two.

-Don't touch her! [yells]

You're right.

This is a better vantage point.

Hi, Adora.

Have you met my assistant? She brought snacks.

She stole my food, then asked me to spy with her.

Is this love? Entrapta, she's from the Horde.

The people the Rebellion are fighting? The Rebellion you're a part of.


We should keep a better eye on her.

She just walked away.


Is that a? [gasps]

Oh, no! Princess Scorpia is planting heat bombs! We have to stop her! [footsteps approaching]

What are you doing? Let me go! Let-- It is my duty as hostess to now announce, it is time for the first dance.

-[all cheering]


[pop music playing over speakers]


I don't know about you, but I am having a blast.

-Whatever your plan, it won't work.

-You sure? [sobs]

I got into a fight with Bow, and I don't know where Scorpia is! -What? Glimmer, don't-- -Have you seen Bow? He went to get his cummerbund when that Horde princess left.

Do you mean Scorpia? When did you last see Bow? A while ago.

Isn't he with Perfuma? No.

Perfuma says he's been gone this entire time.

Maybe my plan won't work.

But then again Maybe it already has.

Say, where's your friend Bow? [groaning then shouting]

-[crowd gasping]

-Oh, no.

-What did you do to him? -[laughs]

Nothing permanent.

-How dare she? -Tell me what you did! [grunting]

She's got Princess Ball is a ceremony of unity.

v*olence is forbidden.

-You don't understand.

-I understand perfectly.

In accordance with the rules over the centuries, I hereby revoke your invitation.

You are to leave my kingdom and never, ever-- [all gasping and shouting]

Remain calm! Stop! Glimmer! Catra has Bow.

You have to find him! Catra.

What did you do? I did nothing.

Scorpia, Lonnie, and Kyle were very busy.

-It was fun distracting you.

-This isn't a game! -People are gonna get hurt.

-It's never been a game to me.

I'm after something bigger, and no one will stop me.



Bow? Bow! Where are you? [gasps]

Get away from him! [shouting]

-No! -[thud]




[Sea Hawk]




You wish.



[grunting and shouting]

-Ha! -[shouts]

[both screaming]

-Hang on! I can get us out of this.

-Oh, Adora, I don't want you to.


Catra! [gasps]


See you later, princess.
