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01x07 - In the Shadows of Mystacor

Posted: 12/09/23 10:22
by bunniefuu

[Shadow Weaver]




Good morning, Glimmer.


It's too early.

Five more minutes.

-But it's a beautiful morning.

-Today's canceled.

Go back to bed.


I can feel you staring at me.

Why is it the one who snores is the first one to fall asleep? What? I don't snore.

Adora, do I snore--? Adora? [groans]



Too early to teleport.

-What are we looking at? -I don't know.

I heard a noise.

-I thought I saw something.

-A bunny? Maybe a butterfly? -Did you get any sleep at all? -[gasps]

Someone has to stand guard.

You're on edge because of what happened with Entrapta's infected robots, but it's over.

You gotta relax.

You need a vacation.

Which is why we're going to Mystacor.


Mystacor? No way.

-Wait, what's Mystacor? It's a floating kingdom, home to Etheria's sorcerers.

Tranquil gardens, beaches, and healing springs.

My Aunt Castaspella happens to be head sorceress.

You'll love it.

You won't have to worry about evil things.

Mystacor is protected by a spell so evil can't find it.

It's the most peaceful place in all of Etheria.

You'll relax in no time.

-I've never relaxed in my life.

-We're about to change that.

Just wait.


We're on the edge of greatness Turning darkness to light We're right beside you Ready to fight We're gonna win in the end We must be strong And we must be brave We must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go We must be strong Shadow Weaver.

You wanted to see me? Ah.

Force Captain.

How kind of you to join me.

What's up? You're being spookier than usual.

My shadow spies found Adora.

She's on her way to Mystacor with her new friends.


This is going to be too easy.


Another Adora mission.


When do I leave? [Shadow Weaver]

The only place you're headed is out to stand guard.

I'm going to use my magic to go after Adora myself.

You will see that I am not disturbed.

No one else can be trusted to bring her back to the Horde, least of all you.

Now go.

I said, go! [grunts, then panting]


From the farthest regions of Etheria, I command you, be as one! [screeching]

We're here.

Uh, we're on a cliff -overlooking a thousand-foot drop.

-Yes, we are.

But not for long.

-[Glimmer laughs]

Woo-hoo! -Woo-hoo! Uh, guys? Come on, Adora.




[gasps, then shouting]


-Ooh, ouch.

Are you okay? I'm fine.

I thought I saw-- I'm just stressed.

Hang in there, Adora.

Next stop, Mystacor.

[Glimmer laughing]

We rode a flying mountain through clouds.

It never gets old.

Uh, sure, yeah, heh.

It was great.

Aunt Casta can be a lot.

But don't worry, I know how to handle her.

Is that my Glimmer? Hi, Aunt Casta.

It's been so long since you've come to visit.

And Bow.

[Bow grunts]

-And who's this? -My friend Adora.

She's also sometimes a warrior named She-Ra.

-Don't freak out.



How nice Glimmer has finally started making some new friends.

We were pleased when she started bringing Bow.

I was sure she had made him up.


-[clearing throat]


-You've done something to your hair? -What? Yes.

I cut it.

I see that.

You're not wearing the sweater I knitted.

Don't you like it? Sure, I like it.

It's great.

It's a little warm for sweaters now.

-You'd tell me if you didn't like it.


-I'm wearing the socks you sent.

-I've always been fond of this one.

What brings you here to visit your aunt? Is it once in a blue moon already? Ha, ha.

We're on a diplomatic mission.

I'm rebuilding the Alliance-- You must be starving.

I'll have a feast prepared.

I'm sure your mother hasn't been feeding you.

[people laughing]



There's an eclipse this evening.

I'm headed to inspect the Lunarium.

Nothing would make me happier than to give my niece a tour.

Uh We had the tour before.

We don't wanna get in your way.

It's all right.

Adora hasn't seen it.

It'll be fun.


I guess it's up to Adora.

What do you say, my dear? -Uh Sure? -Oh, I like her.




The lunar lenses.

We use them in the ceremony to renew Mystacor's defenses.

Keep us shielded.

You will be coming -to the Eclipse Ceremony? -[Glimmer]

Aunt Casta, I've seen the ceremony dozens of times.

We're tired.

Maybe we'll skip this time? Nonsense.

Adora hasn't seen it.

It's a sight to behold for a newcomer.

Don't you want to spend more time with your aunt? Of course.

But we also wanted to show Adora the beach.

If the beach is the reason you're here, I shouldn't keep you.

I certainly don't want to waste your time.


-Auntie, I didn't mean it that way.

-Adora? Well, someone is enthusiastic.

Ah, yes.

The Hall of Sorcerers.

These are the Great Ones who led Mystacor through the ages.

This is Micah, my brother.

We trained in these very halls.

Glimmer looks just like him.

-He had a beard.

-Glimmer's dad was your brother? Do you know what aunt means? No.

I was hoping someone would eventually explain.

We'll avenge my dad and make sure the Horde never hurts anyone.

Mom believes in us, and in She-Ra.

If your mother believes, who am I not to? She's an angelic being, I'm just a common sorceress.


Please, not this again.

She never writes.

I send letters, but do I get a reply? -What happened to her? -Light Spinner.

A scar on Mystacor.

She sought power and control above all else, and she was cast out.

Though some say she never really left.

That she's only biding her time, waiting to exact her revenge.

But those are only children's tales, of course.

Anyway, on with the tour.

Are you hungry? I've had the dining room redone since last time.

[gasps, then panting]


Aunt Casta's gone to fix us a dinner and now it's finally beach time.

You okay? It's worse than we thought.

You need sand and waves.


It's time for something more.

-So, we just, like, lie here? -Absolutely.

Letting your cares melt away.

Didn't you relax in the Horde? -Uh, no.

We hit things.

-This is so much better.

Right, Bow? [snoring]

Just try it, okay? [sighs]



[mimicking bird noises]

[grunts, then sighs]


[humming and groaning]

-This isn't working.


Can I move now? Yes.


We're going to have to take relaxation to the next level.

Bow, wake up.

-What? -We need to show Adora the steam grotto.

Whoo! Steam grotto.


-Right? Ah.




The pools are full of magic minerals.

Sorcerers use them to cleanse themselves of worry before big ceremonies.

Now, just clear your mind.

Breathe deeply.

Focus on the warmth on your skin.

Let your body go perfectly [snoring]


[Shadow Weaver]


[both shouting]

No, no, no! No.

-Help! -Adora! -Shadow Weaver's here! I saw her! -There's no one here.

You brought your sword in here? Are you okay? -What happened? -Shadow Weaver was here.

-In the Sorceress Hall, too.

I saw her.

-What? Who is Shadow Weaver? Shadow Weaver raised me.

She taught me to read, tie my boots, subvert the enemy, be victorious.

-Okay, sure.

Mom stuff.


Commanding officer stuff.

-And mom stuff.

-Adora, she isn't here.

She was never here.

-Not possible.

-You don't know what she's capable of.

Shadow Weaver really did a number on you.

But you're okay.

You got away.

Do you wanna try something else? We could get massages or find you something to hit -if that would work.


It's okay.

I'm okay.

I need to be alone.

Clear my head.

-You sure? -Yeah.


Adora has finally lost it.

Did you see her in here? I think she's going nuts.

I'm not crazy! I'm not crazy.


You're just a stupid statue.

Pull it together.

No way Shadow Weaver can be here.



For the honor of Grayskull! -[Catra]

Hey, Adora.


Catra? Where are you? How did you find me here? [Catra laughing, footsteps nearby]



-Getting colder.

-I won't let you get away with this.

-Did Shadow Weaver send you? -[Catra]

What do you think? Shadow Weaver controls us both.

She always has.

Catra, wait.

[Catra laughing]

Catra? -[Hordak laughing]



The Horde had hopes for you, Force Captain.


Does the Rebellion truly think you can save them? Nothing can stop the Horde, least of all you.

-Show yourself! -[Hordak]

You will lead every Etherian to their complete and utter annihilation.

Nothing will be left but smoking ruins.

Your new friends buried beneath.




What have you done? [pants]

Uh -Sorry.

I didn't mean-- I thought I saw-- -Adora! Your friend has destroyed years of sacred writings.

She could've destroyed the lenses that protect Mystacor.

She didn't mean to.

Adora would never-- This is the person you hang around with? Auntie, wait.


-I'll handle her.

The Horde isn't here, Adora.

You need to sleep.

-Promise me you'll try.


I'll try.

[knock on door]


I'm really sorry-- -Save it.

How could you do this? -You were supposed to be our friend.

-I am.

You've ruined everything I've worked for.

What kind of friend does that? -Glimmer-- -Maybe you should just go.

Is Adora coming? I didn't wanna wake her up.

She needs to sleep.



[both gasping]

[people screaming]

-Adora! We have to get out of here now! -What's happening? The spell is failing! We need to go! What do you mean, failing? Where's Glimmer? Everything that's about to happen is your fault, Adora.

You're to blame.


[both groaning]

-[Shadow Weaver]


-Shadow Weaver! [Shadow Weaver laughing]



The eclipse is nearly over.

When it is, the shield will be down.

The Horde will conquer Mystacor, and bring you home to me.


I'll stop you! [Shadow Weaver]

Why? To help these people? Who are they to you? They don't understand you.

Just as they did not understand me when I walked among them as Light Spinner.

-What? -They feared my dark power.

They'll never accept you.

-Not like I do.

-No, no! You're wrong! For the honor of Grayskull! You know what I say is true.

You are the ambitious, cutthroat, ruthless warrior I raised you to be.


The Princesses don't care about you.

They want to use you for your strength.

Return now to the Fright Zone.

Rule by my side.



These are my friends.

They've been kind to me.

-Something you never were.

-I prepared you for greatness.

You never loved me.

You just played twisted mind games.

I'm none of the things that you say I am.

I'm not like you.

You are bitter and cruel, and you used me! This is who I am.

You hurt my friends, so, now you're gonna pay.


[Shadow Weaver]

It's too late.

The eclipse will be over in moments.

Mystacor will fall and it will be your fault.

[grunting and shouting]

[Shadow Weaver yells]


Huh? [Shadow Weaver laughing]


I can give you Etheria.

We can rule together.

You were nothing before I took you in and nothing without me! You're weak.

Adora, enough of this.

Come home.


I'm not going back.

You have no power over me anymore.


[Shadow Weaver]

No! [all groaning]

Adora! Are you okay? [Adora]

I'm okay.


Yeah, I think I'm finally okay.

She's gone.

I'm so sorry we didn't believe you! We've been bad friends.

You're not.

This is what Shadow Weaver does.

She manipulates people, pushes them apart.

It's never gonna work again.

It's my fault she was here.

-I endangered Mystacor.


You saved Mystacor.

Glimmer has chosen friends well.

I'll knit you a sweater.

What size are you in the shoulders? I'm, like, really tired.

-Glimmer? -Right here, Adora.

Hello? Shadow Weaver? [chuckles]

You've been going about this the wrong way.

If you wanna take down Adora, you have to go for the heart.

[closing theme playing]