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01x06 - System Failure

Posted: 12/09/23 10:21
by bunniefuu


Oh, I got it.

-Don't forget this.

-[both shriek]


Buttered biscuits.

I'll never get used to these things.

[whirring and beeping]

At least I don't have to get lost in that maze anymore.

A pig.

So cute.

[powering down]


Day 103.

104? No, definitely 103.

First Ones artifact number 58 yielded a treasure trove of code.

If I can translate it, it could hold the secrets of the First Ones.

[alarm ringing]




My robots respond to the code.

Could this be my big step towards making ancient and modern technology compatible? [shouts]

Edit to log.

I'm now going to run.

We're on the edge of greatness Turning darkness to light We're right beside you Ready to fight We're gonna win in the end We must be strong And we must be brave We must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go We must be strong Princess Entrapta will be a total catch.

-My mom will be impressed.

-Uh, I'm all for impressing Angella.

-Why is Entrapta important? -She's brilliant.

She makes robots and rehabs old tech.

She's a big deal in the Etherian makers community.

Which I am a part of, because I dabble in gadgetry.

-What does any of that mean? -If Entrapta joins the Rebellion, she'll invent cool junk for us.

We'll have weapons -to stand up to the Horde.

-Trick arrows! I ran low, so I built new ones.

This one's a stun arrow, this is a flare.

And this one? This one's just pointy.

And here's my newest one.

Sonic arrow! [laughs]

When will we need a sonic arrow? -If we have to wake up early? -Or if we get separated in a crowd? [both laughing]

"Separated in a crowd.

" [groans]

I bet Entrapta will like my arrows.

Must've been a rockslide.

Any loud sound could cause another slide.

We need to be as quiet as-- For the honor of Grayskull! [groans]


-Ha! Getting the hang of this.

-That was dangerous.

What? It worked.

You can't just bust through everything.

-Could've caused an avalanche.

-I didn't, okay? I spent my whole life without powers.

I'm not gonna stop now.

[lightning crashing]


She's got lightning.

Something's wrong.

The distress beacon is lit.

-They must be under att*ck.

-There's no report of the Horde.


Be careful.



-Are you okay? -This place feels wrong.

It's nothing.

Hey! Who's there? Hello? Princess Entrapta? We're here to, uh, recruit you for the Rebellion.




We need to be careful.

Entrapta has traps set up all over her castle.


They're supposed to be cool.


-[both gasp]

They're coming.

Get out of the square.

-Who's coming? The Horde? -Hello? Come back.

We should move away from whatever is making that sound.

This way.

[Bow gasps]

-What the? -[roaring]


Looks like one of Entrapta's designs.

Why would it att*ck us? -All right, stand back.


It could be a-- [Glimmer & Adora scream]

Glimmer! Adora! [grunts]

[both grunting]


He's all alone with those things.

He needs us.

-We have to get out first.

-I'll teleport us out.

-Uh, is this out? -Ugh.

[both shrieking]

-No more teleporting.

-Sounds like a good idea.


-[both gasp]

Not again.


I'm saved.

Princess Entrapta? I mean, so good to see you.

I hope you don't mind, we let ourselves in.

Then we let ourselves out of your cage trap thing.


Welcome to Dryl.

Things are usually fun here, but now it's all gone deadly.


Let me go.

Keep your voice down.

The robots respond to sound.

-We're just trying to help you.

-Oh, thanks.

What's going on? -Why are the robots attacking? -We're just the kitchen staff.

Mini-cupcake? Entrapta only eats tiny food.

-[Soda Pop]

And delicious fizzy beverages.

-Uh Thank you? You're safe here.

We've got enough food.

It's tiny, but still.

The bots will run out of power, right? We need to do something.

You can't just hide here.

Oh, yes, we can.

We don't have powers like the princesses.

We can't fight.

-[tracker beeping]

-[all gasp]

Sir, kindly quiet your whatever that is.

It tracks energy signatures from magic.

-It'll help me find my friends.

-Are those dots your friends? [clanging, then robots roaring]

Gonna go with no.

Lucky I found you.

I designed the castle.

I'm the only one who can navigate it.

Oh! -Which means you can help find our friend.



Is she sure about that? -I think we passed this picture already.

-Oh, isn't it cute? I usually have my electronic map, but like my bots, it's evil right now.

-Uh, yeah, about that.

-Why did you invent k*ller robots? You're abnormally tall.

I like your sword.

It's First Ones tech.

Can I touch it? Uh, thank you, yes, and not right now.


Robots? -They didn't start that way.

Usually, they're useful.

They do everything.

Cleaning, filing, hygiene.

Ooh, they're sound-activated.

I'll show you.

Could we maybe not do that? [robot approaching]

[all shouting]

Isn't it adorable? [roaring]


-It's trying to talk.

-I don't think it's good.

-Make it stop.

-Make what stop? Bot 329 is attempting to communicate.


Oh, no.

Bad bot.

Princess! [grunting]


[She-Ra grunting]

She-Ra, stop! Turn it off.

Turn it off.

[She-Ra breathing heavily]



-The door won't hold.

-Almost done.

-Are you sure about this? -Uh, you guys? Now.


Here goes nothing.



-sh**t! -It's a sonic arrow.

It'll draw more bots.


Is it over? I did that? Hey, I did that.

Nice work.

Now let's find my friends.

Come on.


Wake up.

Please, wake up.

The tall one seems infected, too.

She turned less tall.

How does it work? She's not an it.

She's my friend.

What do you mean, infected? It's fascinating.

I've experimented with a disc recovered from a mine.

It was a game changer.

It held more First Ones code than anything I'd seen.

But it reacted with the tech that powers my bots.

-It infected them with a virus.

-But why would that make She-Ra sick? I'd have to take her apart to be sure.

Her sword is First Ones tech.

Must've spread through that.

You're not taking her apart.

She is a person.

If we destroy this disc, will that stop the virus? Destroy it? The experiment isn't complete.

I think this experiment is a failure.

But what if it's not? No, it's a failure.



There's two of you.

That's nice.

How are you feeling? Just peachy.

Why are we whispering? -Sound activates the robots.

-What robots? -The ones attacking us.

-Oh, those robots.

-Okay, I'm gonna take a nap.

-No, no, no.

Stay awake.

We have to go to Entrapta's lab and destroy this disc, -and then you'll be all better again.

-Better? I'm fine.

I'm She-Ra.

[laughing, then snorts]

Hi, Glimmer.

We've gotta get to your lab.

She's getting worse.




[Adora laughs]


Aha! [gasps]


Oh, we're here.

I mean, of course we're here.

We were never lost.




The door is infected, too.

It won't let us in.

That is so smart.

And awful.

We're all gonna die.

I've got this one.

I'll just teleport in.

Ooh, teleportation.

How does that work? Tell me.


Later, when we're not facing a robot uprising.

It's a date.

-I'll be back.

-I'll just wait here.


[robots roaring and Glimmer shouting]

That was not a great plan.

It's full of robots.

-How did they look? -Evil.

I couldn't get near the disc.

[both screaming]

[all shouting]

Oh, he's kind of cute.



Uh, guys? A little help? [screaming]

-[tracker beeping]

-[all shouting]

-Don't say it's more bots.


That's Glimmer.

I know where Glimmer and Adora are.


Not good.

We have to do something.

-We have to save them.

-Oh, no, sir.

It's one thing to fight them off, but to seek out danger? -It's madness.

Pardon me.


They're princesses, they have powers.

-I make baked goods.

-We don't have powers.

Never stopped me.

It doesn't have to stop you.

You're a master archer.

We're ordinary people.

I'm a master archer who's out of arrows.

That never stopped me, either.

You each have a skill, even if it doesn't come from some jewel.

You say you're just ordinary? I say you're warriors of the Rebellion.

To the Rebellion.

[both panting]


[robots roaring]

[Glimmer and Entrapta grunting]

Incredible development.

The bots seem to be working together.

I think that's a bad thing.

We need to find a way in.

The air duct.

We can use that.

Don't suppose you have other powers that could be useful? I don't have enough energy to teleport without leaving some legs behind.

-I'll give up one if you give up one.

-[robots roaring]



Ha, ha! -Woo-hoo! It's Bow.

Yay, there's a rainbow.




-How you doing? -Getting the hang of this.

[grunting and shouting]





You're okay.

I was so worried.

Big fan of your work, princess.

Maybe not this, but your other work.





-You okay, Adora? Oh, yeah, sure, I'm totally [snorts]

Entrapta was experimenting and infected her machines with a virus.

She-Ra's sword got infected, and made Adora all weird.

I teleported in the lab.

It's full of bots.

Maybe She-Ra'd have a chance, but it's hopeless.

We don't need She-Ra.

We can do this together.



Where's the disc? How fascinating.

It has completely protected itself.

-We have to find a way to turn it off.

-I found the bots.

Adora! -[screams]



Glimmer! -We'll get your friends.

You two, get that disc turned off.

Keep them busy.

[all shouting]

[grunting and shouting]

We got your back, princesses.


Not gonna work.

How do we shut this down? The power conduit.

[both grunting]

[Bow laughs]

Dumb bots, you're going the wrong way.

Bow! Uh, why isn't the computer turning off? [laughs]

It's running on its own power now.

We need to burn this place to the ground.

-Experiment officially failed.

-Wait, I have an idea.


Now's your chance, sonic arrow.

I believe in you! [screeching]


Where am I? What's happening? Thanks, tall one, and companions, for saving our lives.

I would be honored to join you and provide weapons.

Thanks, guys.

You saved us.

The Rebellion needs people now more than ever.

-We are ready.

-Ha! So, maybe you had a point before.

What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you.

What Glimmer is trying to say is that you were right, -we can't always rely on powers.


Is that what you were trying to say? -That I was right? -Yes.

-My sonic arrow was a good idea? Ha, ha.

-It was brilliant, and you were right.

The bots would've gotten us.

I didn't know She-Ra could get sick.

-What if it happens again? -We destroyed that She-Ra-hating disc.

-I never wanna feel that way.

-Thanks for saving us.

All in a day's work for Bow and his Kitchen Knights.

His Baking Brigade.

Pastry Patrol.

I'm still working that out.

[both chuckle]


Look at that rock just staring at us.

That rock really needs smashing.

And since She-Ra's not sick anymore, she should smash it.

Ha, ha! What? It's practice.

For the honor of Grayskull! [sighs]



Day 105.

104? Eh.

The last experiment hit a few bumps, but it was not a total failure.

I made important discoveries.

The disc is more powerful than I imagined.

With a few adjustments, the next experiment will be a success.

[closing theme playing]