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01x04 - Flowers for She-Ra

Posted: 12/09/23 10:19
by bunniefuu
Awesome! I can't believe Mom agreed to let you stay in Bright Moon.

[guards whispering]

Yeah, awesome.

Seen the dining hall, throne room, portrait hall.

So, the last stop on our grand tour is your new room! Ta-da! [gasps]

Pretty standard.

Got your vanity, bathroom, crystals, bell pull, tea nook, more crystals, bed, desk, and, of course, the waterfall.

-Is the waterfall for showering? -Ha! Good one, Adora.

"Waterfall for showering.

" [laughs]

-I'm right down the hall.


-Wait-- [door closes]


Different than the Fright Zone, but I'll get the hang of this.



We're on the edge of greatness Turning darkness to light We're right beside you Ready to fight We're gonna win in the end We must be strong - And we must be brave - We must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go We must be strong [Adora grunting]

Come on, get flatter! No! Go back in, go back in! [shouting]


Glimmer? Glimmer? I think I k*lled the bed.


[in normal voice]

Ma'am! I mean, Your Majesty.

Sir! [coughs]

So, uh what are you doing up? When the cares of the day weigh on me, I come here.


Who is that? -King Micah.

My husband.

He built the Rebellion with me.

And he was one of the first casualties of the Horde.


I didn't know.


My daughter believes you can help.

Glimmer has vouched for you.

I love my daughter.

I'm willing to give you a chance.

Do not disappoint her.

[Glimmer snoring]


[both screaming]



Glimmer! -What are you doing in here? I couldn't sleep.

I've never slept without other people around.

And I ran into your mom, I think she doesn't like me.

-What? My mom loves you.


She loves She-Ra.

Mom can be intense, heh.

Our meeting with the Rebellion Generals is today.

You're invited.

She wouldn't invite you if she didn't like you.



-Meeting's about to start.

-Uh, chairs are still empty.

Those are for other Etherian Princesses.

None have been active since I was a kid.

The Rebellion had a defeat years ago, most Princesses gave up.

Kingdoms keep to themselves.

New Princesses do the same.

Other than Spinnerella and Netossa.

Hey, guys! [whispers]

We're not really sure what they do.



What? What? I don't understand.

-This is not your chair.

-Sorry, first day, won't happen again.

-What did I do? -You sat in my dad's chair.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I received a distress call from Princess Perfuma.

Horde is laying siege to her kingdom.

She's asking assistance.

General? Plumeria is located near the front line.

The Horde has set up, -cutting off the supply route.

-Bright Moon will provide aid.

-I have a better idea.

-Fight? You propose this every meeting.

No! I was gonna say let's use aggressive fist-to-face sparkles.

I said, no, Glimmer.

Now sit down.


Send me, Glimmer and Bow to lead the mission.

Send me as She-Ra.

I'll make sure everyone gets there safely.

I promise, I won't disappoint you.


Very well.

You will deliver food and supplies.

Under no circumstances engage the Horde.

You leave at dawn.


I give up! I give up! [grunts]

Quit playing around, Kyle! -Where's Catra? She's supposed to be here.

-Not anymore, cadet.

-Why aren't you dressed? -[Kyle shouting]

Oh, Lonnie, Lonnie, sweet dumb Lonnie.

They made you Force Captain? Congrats, Catra! [shouting]

Hordak knows a good thing when he sees it.

Shadow Weaver won't be the only one Uh [Kyle grunts]

What do you need? Ooh, giving me my first mission? -Explain how you lost Force Captain Adora.


I've told you everything I know! You're lying.

You have to be lying.

What happened to Adora? What did you do? What did I do? She left us! She left me! Ever think Adora's not as loyal as you thought? I will learn the truth, even if I have to drag it [Shadow Weaver shouting]

Out of my way! [children laughing]


Mom didn't say anything about the plants dying.

I don't think she knows.

Wait, where's Adora? [grunts]

-You gonna be She-Ra the entire time? -I told Queen Angella I would.

People like me better as She-Ra.


Could Adora do this? [grunting]



Very useful to our mission.

Hey, guys.

What is that? -Must be from the Horde camp.

-You're here! Princess Perfuma.

Commander Glimmer.

Ooh, I get a hat.


Oh, my.

Everyone, come quick! It's Oh, it's It's [shouts]

Look! The universe has heard our pleas and sent the legendary She-Ra to help us save our home.

[clears throat]

We heard about the blockade.

We've come to help.

We brought food and supplies for you.


Welcome to Plumeria, She-Ra.

Um, Glimmer, what's happening? Come with me, I'll show you around.

You're gonna love it.

[baby cooing]

Our people have lived here for thousands of years.

We're known for our beautiful flowers, our majestic trees.

This is the Heart-Blossom, the center of our kingdom, the source of all my magical powers.

This tree is fine.

What happened to everything else? We're in a rough patch.

The universe will right itself.

-Everything is dying.

-Blight hit after the Horde arrived.

We don't know why, nothing stops it.

Don't dwell on the negative.

The Heart-Blossom is still healthy, and the She-Ra is here, and the celebration's about to begin.

Celebration? [grunts]


[Shadow Weaver]

You will not refuse me! -[Hordak]

Shadow Weaver.

-Lord Hordak! You have disobeyed my orders.

I've done no such thing, Lord Hordak.

My will is your will.

Explain why you've requisitioned more troops to look for one missing soldier.

A soldier I ordered you to give up on.

-Finding Adora is crucial-- -Our mission is to k*ll Whispering Woods so we can march on Bright Moon.

Our mission is to destroy the Princesses and the ridiculous Rebellion.

You are distracted, Shadow Weaver.

Ground troops demand attention.

The siege has carried on too long.

Increase power until victory is achieved.

And never forget, I gave you your magical power and at my slightest whim, I can take it away.

Understand? Of course, Lord Hordak.


No, it's okay.

You need this food more than we do.


It is our honor to serve the She-Ra.

We are so honored to have you.


That's She-Ra.

-I know.

The She-Ra, right? After all these centuries, you've finally returned.

Break out party kale.

At our hour of great need, like in stories.

-What stories? -Stories we've been telling for years.

She-Ra, who tamed the beasts of Beast Island with a single word.

What about the time She-Ra defeated Horde soldiers on a flying horse? Or the time she saved Thaymor from a legion of Horde soldiers? Or the time she borrowed my toothbrush and used it to defeat soldiers.

-Bow, that's not true.

-You're right.

It was two armies! [all cheering]

Hey, calm down! Give her some space.

One at a time.

You first.

-Oh! Thanks for the -Windchime.


-[expl*si*n nearby]

We're so excited for you to heal our land.

Will you do it before the drum circle or after? -You want me to heal your land? -Yes! Like the story, "She-Ra Heals The Forest And Brings The Trees Back.

" I've seen her do weird stuff.

This'll be a snap.

It's not that simple.

Plus, I don't like that smoke.

Horde's up to something.

We should investigate.

We? This is my power.

I grow plants.

We're not strong enough.

All we want is to live peacefully in our ancestral home.

-And then She-Ra saved the day once again! -[laughs]

We need you, She-Ra.

[all chanting]

She-Ra! She-Ra! She-Ra! Yes, healing.

That is a thing I know how to do.

I need to take Bow and Glimmer to those trees.

I know what I'm doing! -I can't heal a thing! -Stories say you have healing powers.

They also say I fought the Mantisaur.

Concentrate really hard.

That seems to work whenever you transform.



-Did I do it? -No, you punched a tree.

-The opposite of healing.

-Let me try again.




-Magic blast.

Also not healing.

-I'll get it this time.



-Magical transformation? -Wait, is that what happened to our horse? [grunting]


It's okay.

You'll get it soon.

Soon isn't good enough! People expect me to save their land.

I thought I was better as She-Ra, but I'm useless.

[expl*si*n nearby]

-My hat! -[Perfuma]

She-Ra! Come quickly! Something terrible has happened! The Heart-Blossom is dying.

Please, She-Ra, heal our land.

Oh, come on, do something.

[She-Ra grunting]



-[all gasping]


I don't know how to heal.

-Who are you? Where's She-Ra? My name's Adora.

I was chosen to carry the sword.

I haven't done this long, and I don't know how it works.

She's just a girl! I never meant to deceive you.

I am She-Ra, I'm just not the same She-Ra.

Then you can't save us? -[expl*si*n nearby]

-[all gasping]

[all crying]


There might be another way.

I know the Horde.

They use machines to poison your land.

-To save your home, we have to stop them! -You're not She-Ra from the stories.

-You're supposed to save us.

-It will be all right.

We'll rebuild.

Believe the universe will repay the Horde for their evil deed.

The universe won't protect you! You want She-Ra to fix things, but won't save yourselves? At least Adora's trying.

If She-Ra can't save us, no one can.

We need to make sure our people are safe.

We leave today.

-Are you okay? -I just wanted to help.

But all I've done is disappoint an entire kingdom.

I'm sorry I let you guys down.

We wanted everyone to see what an awesome person you are.

I thought I was being supportive, but I was being terrible! She-Ra's not the reason we like you.

We like you because you're our friend.

[expl*si*n nearby]

You have a plan, don't you? Yeah.

I think I do.

All clear.

Find the machine.

Every camp is laid out the same.

Guard duty's in half-hour shifts.

Walk in when the shift changes, three, two, one.


Shift change! -[man]

Finally! Boring shifts go by slower.



The Horde is poisoning the land.


What are you doing here? We have security clearance, password 5-echo-niner.

-On your way.


We haven't used that in months.

-Hands up! -[alarm wailing]

-Adora? What do we do? -Run! Hey, the Bright Moon guys left.

"We've gone to the camp to find the w*apon.

I wanted to say I'm sorry.

I couldn't be the hero you wanted.


" She's trying, even though we were negative.

Glimmer was right.

This is our home, we can't let her do this alone! She-Ra and our friends are risking their lives to protect us from the Horde.

We need to help them! Get the warchimes, we march! [all cheering]

[all shouting]

-How many soldiers can you take? -Between one and zero.




I'll take them all, if you give me a minute.

[soldiers shouting]

[horn wailing]

I always said the universe will repay the Horde one day.

That day is today! For the She-Ra! [all shouting]





I've never been so alive! [grunting and shouting]

For the honor of Grayskull! [grunting and shouting]

For Etheria! [shouts]



Ew! Yuck! [man]

Retreat! Retreat! Thank you so much! You inspired us to save ourselves.

How can we ever repay you? Join the Rebellion, help reform the Princess Alliance.

Um, are you sure? Didn't that go horribly the first time? Horribly for our parents.

We have a chance to do it right.

We're stronger together.

Think what the Princesses united could do.

Would I get to hit people with flowers? Absolutely.

You have a deal.

Hey, everyone! Look at us.

We're mighty rebels now.

[all cheering]

-Force Captain Catra-- -This was brought to me by soldiers, retreating because their camp was att*cked by Adora and She-Ra.


Still trying to protect her.

You think you could keep the truth from me? It's just a phase, she's confused.

I'll bring her back in, I swear.

[Shadow Weaver]

Oh, yes, you will.

Because until I tell you otherwise, that is your mission.

And to ensure success, no matter where Adora goes, no matter how long it takes, my shadow spies will find her.


-Find her and bring her home.

What is this? [chuckles]

Since you've never slept by yourself before, -Bow and I thought we'd throw a sleepover.

-Got you a new bed.

It's wonderful.

We can do this tomorrow too, since Glimmer's grounded.

For one week.

Three weeks less than normal.

Mom said she'd consider my plan to recruit new Princesses! Thanks, guys.

I might not ever be the perfect hero, but that's okay.


Of course it's okay.

Do you have any idea how annoying you'd be if you were perfect? -Aw! Best Friend Squad! -Yeah, we're not calling ourselves that.

-I prefer "The Glimmer Group.

" -Nah.

We're the Best Friend Squad.

[closing theme playing]