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01x02 - The Sword pt. 2

Posted: 12/09/23 09:51
by bunniefuu
We're on the edge of greatness Turning darkness to light We're right beside you Ready to fight We're gonna win in the end! We must be strong - And we must be brave - We must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go We must be strong Glimmer? Yeah, I see her, Bow.


I wanted to make sure it wasn't just me.



Huh? [both grunting]

-Stay there! -What did you do?! What did I do to you?! I didn't know being a Princess was contagious! Okay, okay, everyone, calm down! -How'd you do that? -I didn't do anything.

I picked up the sword and then, woosh, I'm in a tiara! I don't care how she did it.

Make sure she never does it again! [roaring]

[all shouting]


Do it again! Bow! Do what you did before.

-I don't know what I did! -We have to go.

[all grunting and shouting]

[all groaning]

What is this place? No idea.

It's gotta be better than out here.


Grab on, I can get us in.

You've never teleported three people before.

-Have a better idea? -[both gasp]

What's on this door? Looks like a password.

You can read that? You can't? -What's it say?! -Uh, "Eternia.

" Oh, come on! Have you always been able to read First Ones writing? Wanna tell us what's going on? I don't know.

I just read the word on the door.



You read a word in a language no one's spoken for a thousand years, and the door just opened into a mysterious ancient ruin.


Think I did this on purpose? To be a Princess? Princesses are monsters! Monsters? -You're the monster! -Whoa, whoa.

-She did save us.

-I don't care! We can't trust her, Bow.

Have you forgotten everything the Horde's done? People we've lost.

[Glimmer sobbing]

We need to find a way out and get her back to Bright Moon.

My mother will know what to do.

So, thanks for saving us from that bug thing -when you could've escaped instead.

-I didn't save you.

I wanted to get the sword.

Sure it's not because you secretly like us? [chuckles]

I don't like you.

You're my captors.


Thanks for saving us.

I'm Bow, by the way.



" Ah.

Weird name for a Horde soldier.

Is it? [whispers]

For the honor of Grayskull.

-What are we doing? -Nothing! Uh Look at these carvings.

Might be a First Ones ruin.

What's a First One? You've never heard of the First Ones? They are the original settlers of Etheria.

They disappeared a thousand years ago, but they left behind old ruins and technology.

So, what happened to them? No one knows.

The Horde didn't tell you about them? -There's a lot the Horde didn't tell me.


How do we get out of here? [sighs]

It'll take forever to find a way out at this rate.

Wanna turn on some lights? -I don't know how.

-Maybe there's a magic word.

What's the First Ones' word for "lights"? -I don't know.

I'm not magic.



Everyone, stand back.

Uh, Glimmer? Maybe take it easy.

We're a long way from Bright Moon.

It'll be a while until you can recharge.

-Bow! -You have to recharge? Can we not talk about this in front of her? Stand back.




-[Glimmer groans]

-Are you okay? I'm fine, Bow.

-Oh, hey.

That's you.

-That doesn't look anything like me.

I mean, the other you.

The scary one in the cape.

That was me? -What's that inscription say? -It says "She-Ra.

" -[Light Hope]

Greetings, administrator.

-What is it? What is your query? It's some kind of ancient hologram.

What is your query? Uh Hi.

What is this place? How do we get out of here? -What is your query? -She's broken.

She's old.

I'm surprised any of this stuff still works.

Administrator not detected.

Lockdown initiated.

-I didn't do it! -No.

No lockdown! -Get it to stop! -What makes you think I can? -Query not recognized.

-Gotta be a password or something! Uh, stop it! Uh, Eternia! Eternia! -Give me the sword.

-No! We need the scary lady in the cape.

She's the key here, maybe she can get us out.

You're a Horde soldier.

I'm not giving you the sword.


Eternia! Uh, cape! Uh She-Ra! -Hold on! -Glimmer, no! [screaming]

Glimmer! Glimmer? Glimmer? [groans]

Did it work? [chuckles]

Yeah, it worked.


-Are you all right? -I'm fine.


I think I used too much power.

I don't know who could've predicted that Oh.



-Bow -An hour ago.

Bow! Sorry.

I'm glad you're okay.

No more teleporting.

You could hurt yourself.

I'm fine.

Let's get back to Bright Moon so I can recharge.

-Why are you still here? -What? We're hardly a crack security team.

You could've escaped.

Why didn't you? I just-- I wanna figure out what's happening to me.

If I go back to the Fright Zone, I'll never know.

I never knew where I came from or who my family was.

Shadow Weaver said it didn't matter, that I was nothing before Hordak took me in.

There's always been a part of me I don't know anything about.

And all of this, it feels familiar somehow.

I don't know how else to explain.

Glimmer's mom knows more about First Ones' tech than anyone.

She'll know what's going on for sure.

So, if you want your questions answered, stick with us? Let's go.

There should be a village nearby.

They'll give us a ride to Bright Moon.

We've wasted too much time.

For the last time, where is Adora? I don't know.

You think I keep her on a leash? You're lying.

She would never depart without telling you.

-Then she let us both down.

-Have it your way.

I already know where she is.

-We've been tracking her.

-Uh, then why did you ask me? Because you are going to bring her back.

I don't think so.


Your insolence will not protect her.

You will do as I ask.

Oh, yeah? Or what? Or you will suffer the consequences in her place.

[chattering and laughing]

-The jacket comes off.

-Why? If the villagers see a Horde soldier, they'll freak out.

So, we gotta fix all this.

I feel ridiculous.

You need something to tie it all together.

I don't like it.

You don't look like a Horde soldier.

Just keep a low profile.

We'll be in and out.

-What is this? -It's a festival.

Like a big party.

You don't have parties in the Fright Zone? Oh, right, parties.

I mean, yeah, pfft, of course.

I, uh-- I don't know what that is.

-Ah! -Did you hear me? In and out! She has never been to a party before.

This is serious.

[children cheering]

[all gasp]


So, seriously? No parties ever? -What do you do on your birthday? -Huh? No birthdays?! How is your life this sad? [gasps]

What is that? That would be a horse.


It's majestic.

-You wanna go meet it? -What? No! [whining]

Come on, it's okay.

See, he likes you.


This is the best day of my life.

-Bow -Come on, I know you like her, too.

[rumbling nearby]

[people screaming nearby]

What's going on? It's the Horde! Why are they here? The people of Thaymor aren't a threat.

Did you say Thaymor? This can't be Thaymor.

-Did you know about this? -No.


But there's a mistake.

Thaymor's supposed to be a rebel fortress, not a civilian town.

Do you think that matters to them? This is a big mistake.

I just need to talk to them.

Get as many people out as you can.

I'm sorry.

Adora! Stop! -Adora! -Catra? They let me drive a t*nk.

Believe it? I don't understand.

Why are you here? Uh, duh, we came to find you.

"Cover for me.

No one will know I'm gone.

" Did you just get captured right after you snuck out--? What are you wearing? Uh Bow! [shouting]

Hey! There's no time.

We have to stop this.

-What? Why? -Because this is a civilian town.

These aren't insurgents.

They're innocent people.

Innocent people who kidnapped a Horde officer.

Let's get back to the Fright Zone.

Shadow Weaver is freaking out.


It'd be funny if she weren't such a terrible person.

Catra, no.

I can't go back.

Not until the Horde leaves this town alone.

Help me.

What are you saying? This is wrong.

They've been lying to us, manipulating us.

Hordak, Shadow Weaver, all of them.


You just figured that out? Manipulation is Shadow Weaver's whole thing.

She's been messing with our heads since we were kids.

How could you be okay with that? It doesn't matter what they do.

We look out for each other.

And soon we'll be calling the sh*ts.

Now, can we go home? [gasps]

I'm not going home.

Not after everything I've seen.

Come with me.

You don't have to go back there.

We can fix this.

Are you kidding? You've known them for, what, a couple hours? You're gonna throw everything away for them? Ugh.

What happened to you? I don't know.

But I have to do something.

I'm sorry, Catra.



I think that's all of them.

Let's go! -What will we do? -There's nothing we can do.

You're almost out of arrows.

I'm almost out of magic.

You can't say that.

You're Glimmer.

You throw yourself into every fight.


Every decision I've made has almost gotten us k*lled.

-My mom's right, I'm not ready.


You are not giving up now.

Sorry your mom doesn't see how strong you are.

You can do this, Glimmer.

And not alone.

You're right.

-We need Adora.

-Didn't she sell us out to the Horde? I don't think she did.

We need to find her.

She can help us.

Just trust me.

Okay? [horse neighing]

Oh, man.

That was a lot stronger than I thought.

Are you okay? Catra! [yells]

Sorry! It was a reflex.

Why are you doing this? Because you left me.

If I don't bring you back, Shadow Weaver will have my head.

Enough with your identity crisis and let's go home.

Or do I need to zap you again? [shrieks]

Glimmer? [growls]


-Watch out! -[shouting]

Adora! [yells]


What are you doing? Why did you save me? We need you.

We need She-Ra.

I should've given this back to you in the ruin.

You could've saved us and I knew that.

But I was stupid.

And a jerk.

And I'm sorry.

You're not.

I'm the Horde soldier.

-How do you know you can trust me now? -I don't.

But I hope I can.

I feel like maybe you're here to help us.

For the honor of Grayskull! [grunting and shouting]


It's been an honor serving beside you.

Bow! Are you okay? Is that Adora? It's She-Ra.


Retreat! [all screaming]


You did it.

I did? You saved us.

You saved everyone.


I did it.

I turned against the Horde! I turned against them.

Why? I can't go back.

Where am I supposed to go? Hey, hey.

It's okay.

You're with us now.

So, come on, let's go home.

Best-friends squad! Wait, whose horse was this?