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02x08 - Science Vs Magic

Posted: 12/08/23 17:14
by bunniefuu
♪ Keep your eyes on the western sky ♪

♪ In Applecross Wood a dragon tries to fly ♪


♪ It's Digby Dragon, there's magic with a twist ♪

♪ With Fizzy, Cheeky Chips and Grumpy Goblin in the mix ♪

♪ Join the fun with Digby ♪

♪ Digby tries to breathe fire, learns to fly higher ♪

♪ Digby Dragon always aims for the sky ♪♪

[bird chirping]


Whoa! [laughing]


Come on, I can do this.

I can even do a mighty loop-de-loo...



[gasping] Uh-oh.

[Digby screaming]Digby?

And you... and you...

[falling whistle]


[Digby screaming]




Nuts! Nuts! Nuts!


Oh, hiya, Digby.

Sorry, Chips.

I was trying to fly like a proper dragon.

But... [sighing]

Digby! You all right?

I'm okay, but my wings...

Beyond repair.

You can't have been following the instructions.

Or maybe the wings just weren't very well-made.

Th-- those wings are precision-made.

Well, were precision-made.

And besides, I'd rather trust science

to keep me in the air than magic.

Excuse me?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Magic and science are both great.

Well, I could find a magic spell

to make you zoom along super fast.

You wouldn't need those clunky bits of wood.

Well, I could use science to make a whole flying machine

that could fly you safely high above the clouds.

Let's do it.

What? What?

Let's have a competition!

Grumpy, you make your flying machine.

Fizzy, you do your spell.

We'll see which one's best.


Agreed! Agreed!

Hmph! Hmph!


Science? Magic? Ha!

I prefer a good ol' nut.

Or two. Or three!



I've got to find a really powerful flying spell.



More spell books, Fizzy.

Who-- whoa!



A supersonic rocket spell.

Oh, how fast would I go?

Let's try it out!

Uh, but maybe have a test run first?

Oh, okay.

I'll practice on Nigel.

Put your seatbelt on and lock it,

fly like a supersonic rocket.

[steam hissing]

Yes! Oh, wow!

[both cheering]


[Fizzy, gasps] Uh-oh!





Well, it was definitely fast.

Maybe I should practice a bit more?

Yeah, you practice.

I'll go and see how Grumpy's doing.

[steam hissing]

[machine beeping, gears whirring]


Time for a cuppa.


Don't worry, my little nutties.

I'll find a safe hiding place for you.



Bath time!

Don't mind if I do.

Whoa-ho-ho! Whoa...

This is epic.

Well, that's science for you.

I reinforced the crank case and refined the flywheel.

Ah, looks pretty complicated.

Hmm, deceptively simple.

You just lift the red handle,

and you'll be up, up, and away.



'Mazing!Huh? Chips!

What are you doing in there?

Having a nut bath, silly!

Don't worry, you just need to push the handle down

and then you'll come back down, as well.

What, the red handle?

Yes, the red handle.


Pushing the red handle.

[metal creaking]


Look out!

[both panting]

Was that 'sposed to happen?

Mmm, maybe I reinforced the crank case

a bit too much.

Grumpy, you could've waited for me before

sending Digby up.

Oh, hi, Digby.

Huh? Digby?

But then, who...

Um, do you want me to come down now?

Uh, there was a sort of accident.

The engine fell off.[Grumpy groans]

Without the engine, how will Chips get down again?

He won't.


What about your spell, Fizzy?

Make me fly and I can save Chips.

I still can't control it, Digby.

You'd fly all over the place.[gasps]

Well, we've got to do something.


Oh, clouds!

Hello, mister cloud!

[sighs] This might be a long trip.

One, two, three,

four, five, six!


Only six?

Hmm, I don't want to run out of nuts.

Oh, I know!


I'd better ration them.


Uh, Grumpy, your engine

controls the direction of the balloon right?

Well, it would if it was on the balloon.

So might it be able to control

the direction of Fizzy's spell?

You mean, I do my spell on Grumpy's engine?

But who'd steer it?

I would.

You can't mix science and magic.

Terrible idea.

We've got to try!

Okay, let's use magic as power.

And science to steer.

Let's go save Chips!


[engine powering on]

Oh, wow!

That one moves you left,

and this one moves you right.

Got it.The spell won't last long,

but it should get you up to Chips.

Once you're aboard, attach the engine.

A-- are you sure you want to do this, Digby?


Ready? Ready.

Put your seatbelt on and lock it,

fly like a supersonic rocket.

[engine rumbling]

Wh-- whoa...


Whoa! Ah! Ah!

[Digby sputtering]


Science and magic rock!

Chips? Chips?


[distant fizzling]




Ah! No!

Must ration last nut!

Must be strong!

Oh, maybe just one lick.


Oh, come on, Chips!

Where are you?

Oh, Digby!

Oh, Chips!


Wait there!


[gasps] Got to get lower.

Uh, maybe if I...


[engine sparkling]

Wh-- whoa! Whoa!

[both gasping]Digby!



[Chips gasps]


Made it.

Yes, you did!

You haven't got any nuts, have you?

Sorry, Chips, no nuts.[groans]

But I did bring us an engine to get us home.

[machine powering on]

Can't eat an engine.

[Digby giggling]


[both gasping]


[Digby] Look at the clouds.

[Chips] Oh, look at that one over there.

The best things happen when Fizzy and Grumpy get along.

Well done, Grumpy.

You made a great science-y machine.

And your magic spell was perfect power.

Fancy a cup of tea?

Ooh, tea and cupcakes. Perfect.

Cupcakes? Surely you mean biscuits.

Cupcakes are much better.

Soft and--Exactly.

Biscuits are crunchier.

You've just not had the right cupcake.

You can't dunk a cupcake.

Well, you shouldn't dunk biscuits.


[horn honking]

[balloons inflating]

[horn honking]

Happy Turnip Day, Fizzy.

Happy Turnip Day, Archie.

[Grumpy grunting]

[gasps] Wow!

All hail the Great Turnip!

Oh, yeah, yeah. Happy Turnip Day.

What's up, Grumpy?

Oh, this is my first time playing the Great Turnip.

I'm not really sure about this hat.

Oh, it looks well good.

But is it turnip-y enough?


You're right, needs more leaves.

I'll be right back.Oh, don't be too long.

We can't judge the carving contest

without the Great Turnip.

[Albert grunting]

[both gasping]

This might be the biggest turnip I've ever grown.

'Mazing turnip, Albert.

Check out mine.

I carved it to look exactly like a nut.

A "tur-nut".

[Fizzy] Wow, Chips!

That's brilliant.Nice job, Chips!

Ooh, I'm so gonna win

the turnip carving competition.

And as an extra bit of Turnip Day 'mazingness,

I cared this nut to look exactly like a turnip!

Ooh, I can't wait to show Digby.

Digby! Digby?

Where is Digby?

It's funny, but I can't ever remember Digby

coming to Turnip Day.

You're right. Last year he had dragon flu.

Yes, if I remember correctly, the year before

he sprained his tail and had to stay at home.

Oh, no! Poor Digby!

He can't miss out again.

Digby! I'm a'comin!


Digby, there you are![gasps]

Why aren't you getting ready for Turnip Day?

It's Turnip Day? Today?

How could I forget?

Oh, don't worry.

There's still plenty of time to carve your turnip.

Why don't you do a nut? I did a nut.


I-I need to get home.

What in the name of turnips is going on?

Nothing! No, nothing at all.


Is there something you're not telling me?


I can't, it's too embarrassing.

Digby, we're friends.

Okay, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.

Mm-mmm, squirrel's honor.


I'm afraid of turnips.


Afraid of turnips.

Turnips? Why?

Well, I was a little dragon,

it was my very first Turnip Day.

I was playing Pin the Tail On the Turnip,

but I spun too fast

and fell into a barrel full of turnips.

Turnips to the left of me, turnips to the right.

There I was, stuck in the middle of them.

I haven't been able to even look at a turnip since.

Oh, Digby. That's terrible.

You're missing out on so much fun!

Turnip food, turnip carving,

the Turnip Day song!

♪ Turnip, turnip, turnip ♪

♪ Turnip, Turnip Day-- ♪

Chips! If it's all the same to you,

I'll just go home until it's all over.

Well, if you're sure, Digby.

Oh, and this was gonna be the best Turnip Day ever.

[grunting][Mungo hooting]

There must be something wrong with this turnip.

It just isn't working!

It's lovely, Grizel.

Much better than mine.Ugh!

Because you said you should be a princess,

I thought I'd carve a castle.

What? Mungo! How did you do that?

Right, well, as I inspired you,

it's only fair that I get to enter it

into the competition.

But, Grizel,

isn't that cheating?

Of course not. Now come on.

I've got a turnip carving competition to win.




Oh, turnips!


[Grizel] Oh, come on, Mungo!

And be careful with my turnip.

Do you mean my turnip, Grizel?

I've already explained all this.

It doesn't matter that you carved it.

I inspired it.

So I get to enter it into the competition.

[gasps][Grizel cackles]

I can't wait to see

their silly faces when I win!

Don't worry, Mungo.

I'll let you polish my trophy.

Ooh, thank you, Grizel.

[gasps] That's cheating.

I need to stop her.



No, just balloons.

Perfectly ordinary

turnip-shaped balloons.

Oh, I can't do this!

But I can't let Grizel get away with it.

I have to stop her.


Oh! Uh... [gasping]


Oh, turnip!


[both sputtering]

[Albert] Well, I have to say,

you've all done extremely well again this year.

A very high standard indeed...


[sighs] Hoo...


Whoa, whoa...

Normally, the Great Turnip

would announce the winner of the carving competition.

But seeing as he's not here,

I get the honor to proclaim

that the first prize goes to...

[Digby screaming]

[sighs, gasps]

Giant turnip!


Digby! Oh, you came!

[Grumpy screaming]

[all cheering]


And the Great Turnip.

Just in time.

Sorry. Thank you.

[clearing throat]

It gives me, the Great Turnip,

the greatest of pleasures

to announce that the winner is...


Yes, I won! Me!

[all cheering]

Well done me!

Oh, I mean Grizel.


Give it here.[Digby] Stop!

Huh? What?

Grizel, I think you have something to tell us.

Yes, actually. [clearing throat]

First, I'd like to thank me.

Without all of my hard work and dedication,

I would never have become the master carver I am.

Well, if you're a master carver,

show us how it's done.

It would be interesting to see the master at work.

Um, I can't give away my carving secrets.

Albert, may I? But of course.

I can do this.

It's just a turnip. It's just a turnip.

Grizel, a master carver deserves a special turnip.

No way, absolutely not.

Oh, please show us!

Yeah, we wanna see your tip-toppity-top class skills!

Uh, w-- um...

Oh, fine!

I didn't carve the turnip!

[all gasping]So who did?

Mungo. No!

But I inspired him, so technically it's mine.

I'm afraid not.

And I'll have to take these.

[gasps] Not the rosette.

First prize goes to Mungo.

[all cheering]

I won!Magnificent.

Oh, don't worry, Grizel.

I'll let you polish my trophy.


Digby, I thought you

were afraid of turnips.

I was, but you know what?

Turnips aren't as bad as I thought.

Mungo, since you're the champion,

could you show me how to carve?

Ooh, that would be fun.

And Grizel?

For cheating,

you can clear up.



♪ Turnip, turnip, turnip ♪

♪ Turnip, Turnip Day-- ♪

♪ Turnip, turnip, turnip ♪

♪ The turnips will turn up to play on ♪

♪ Turnip, turnip, turnip ♪

♪ Everybody say ♪

[all] ♪ We love turnips on Turnip Day ♪

[Fizzy] ♪ The turnip is your best friend ♪

[Chips] ♪ With a turnip life's complete ♪

♪ Lovely, cuddly turnip ♪

♪ Can't be beat ♪

♪ I like my turnips purple ♪

♪ In a tart or a soufflé ♪

♪ I love every kind of turnip ♪

[both] ♪ That turns up on Turnip Day ♪

♪ Turnip, turnip, turnip ♪

♪ Turnip, Turnip Day ♪

♪ Turnip, turnip, turnip ♪

♪ The turnips will turn up to play on ♪

♪ Turnip, turnip, turnip ♪

♪ Everybody say ♪

[all] ♪ We love turnips ♪

♪ On Turnip Day ♪♪

[all clamoring]

That's brilliant!

Oh, your carving is amazing, Mungo.

I like yours too.

Fancy a turnip tart?

Oh, yes, please.

You know, I think Turnip Day

might be my new favorite celebration.

Oh, yuck!

That's horrible.

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪♪ Hey ♪


♪ Hey ♪
