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02x26 - Paddington's Hatching Surprise/Paddington the Best Bear

Posted: 12/08/23 16:48
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

spring is a very special time of year

and the garden is in bloom..."


- "..the park is in bloom..."

- Hurray!

"..and Mr and Mrs Brown's hayfever is in bloom."

- Atchoo!

- Hurray!

"And down at the city farm,

something very springlike was about to happen."

- Hurray!

- Shh!

"Some very new friends were about to join us."

I wonder where mother hen Orla is?

She's at the vet's, as she hurt her wing.

It's getting better, but I need to go and collect her.

In the meantime, this lamp will keep the eggs warm.

Could you guys look after them?

You can count on us, Baaz, to look after her eggs.

They're going to hatch into baby chicks very soon!

You can count on us, Baaz, to look after baby chicks.

And soon they'll grow into chickens!

You can count on us, Baaz,

to look after fully grown chickens.

It's OK, Pads, I can take over at that point.

- Good to know.

- Thanks, everyone.

See you later!

Oh! And watch out for Gertrude trying to escape.


- Gertrude!

- [Chuckles]

We could choose one egg each to look after.

Which one do you want to look after?

They all have to be looked after, so...

I don't mind at all.

In which case, I choose...

that one!

OK, I'll have...

that one, with the coolest shell!

Now all we have to do is... wait.

- [Cracking]

- [Gasp]

It's happening!


ALL: Aw!

I'll look after you.

- [Gasps] Here comes mine!

- [Cheeping]

ALL: Aw!

Look, the little chick loves me!

- Very cute.

- Hmm. Very "cute".

I wonder when my egg will hatch.

I think you'll have to be more patient, Paddington.

Patience is a virtue, as my Aunt Lucy always says.

Jonathan! Wait for me!

I'm not going anywhere, until you hatch.

"Luckily, I had my emergency marmalade sandwich.

But as I didn't know how long it would be,

I decided to eat it very slowly."

- Baa!

- Come here, Gertrude!

Gertrude! Come back!

You guys are so great!

Yeah! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Hey! I'm over here!

- [Laughter]

- Hey!

We're one big happy family! Group hug!


Woohoo! Ha, ha, ha!


Come on, Gertrude! Good girl!

Hi, Paddington. Chick's not hatched yet?

I think I'm in for a long wait.

Well, maybe I can help. Here.

- Baa!

- Oh, no, Gertrude! Come back!

Thank you, Simi.

Now, how hard can it be?


Oh, my!



Oh! Oh, bother!




[Gasps, then chuckles] Let me help you.

- Oh!

- There.

Ah! Thank you, Simi.

- [Crash]

- Baa!


Easy does it.




- [Cheeping]

- [Chuckles]

- [Buzzing]

- Oh! Oh, dear!

There must be another way to keep it warm.

Maybe I should sit on the egg, to keep it warm?

Huh? Paddington! You might squash it!

That's better. Now that it's warm and cosy,

it should start hatching soon.

- [Cracking noise]

- Oh, my!

I think it's happening.

[Cracking noise]

That's strange. There's a cracking noise,

but the egg isn't cracking.


Ah! Now I see what's happening.

[Gasps] Gertrude!

It's like we've always been together.

Jonathan! I think I heard Baaz come back.

- He needs you.

- OK. Where is he?

Way, way over, on the other side of the farm.

- Is it urgent?

- Oh, yeah.

As urgent as it gets.

- What about the chicks?

- I'll watch them. You go!

He's gone now. I'm here.

Here you go.

What? Fine!

"It was getting late, Aunt Lucy..."


"..and I was struggling to keep up my watch."

- [Cock crows]

- [Gasps] Must... stay...



"I had to stay awake in case the egg hatched,

so I decided to try and make myself

as uncomfortable as possible."

Are you OK, Paddington?

Not really. But that's good.

You see, I'm trying to make myself uncomfortable

in order to stay awake.



Maybe I should keep watch for you, and you can have a rest.

Thank you, Simi.

But I've come this far.

I'll see it through.


Oh! Maybe I have another idea.

I decided to make the smelliest thing possible

- to keep me awake and alert.

- Yuk!

Now I won't fall asleep.

- Ugh, Paddington!

- [Sniffing]

- How does it smell?

- Very, very bad.

I think I need a lie down.



Judy! I couldn't find Baaz anywhere.

- [Clucking]

- [Gasps]


Judy? What are you doing? Are you ok?

I'm a mummy hen. Isn't it obvious?


- I think you're scaring them.

- Cluck!

Aaah! And you're kind of scaring me too.

Scary? I'm not scary.

I'm a lovely chicken mummy.

Aaah! OK. Yep. Totally get it.

Oh, I'm sorry, Jonathan.

I was just jealous of you.

The chicks were giving you all the attention.

Maybe you're just trying too hard.





[Gasps] Oh, no! The egg! It's hatched!

But where's the chick? Help!

Help! Help!

Are you OK, Pads?

It was my responsibility to watch the egg.

And now I don't know where the little chick has gone.

Don't worry. Look.

PADDINGTON: But, Simi, the chick has turned into a baby tortoise!

I must have mixed up the tortoise eggs

with the hen's eggs!

Oh! What a silly sausage I am!

So where is the chicken egg?

I think I might know.



Ha, ha! Aw!


"The little ones were back with their mothers,

and it was more than worth waiting for.

Spring is a wonderful time of year, Aunt Lucy.

Love from Paddington."

"Dear Aunt Lucy.

I've always wondered what the Browns were up to

before I came to live with them.

Well, last week I was able to see,

thanks to their family photo albums."

Oh! Ho, ho! Look at little Jonathan!

But what's that you're holding?

- MRS BROWN: Aw! Blunky!

- Oh, yes!

Blunky was this disgusting old blanket

Jonathan used to take everywhere with him.

That tatty thing! It was covered in drool.

Ah... I miss my Blunky.

[Gasps] I had no idea you were a princess, Mrs Brown.

I'm so sorry! I've not been addressing you as Your Highness,

- Your Highness.

- Oh, Paddington! Ha, ha!

That's a photo from our wedding day.

Oh, it was such a special day. Look at us dancing.

Oh! I was so nervous!

Oh, look. There's me giving my speech.

So many bad jokes.

[Chuckles] Still, what a wonderful day it was.

I do wish I could have been there.

Me too.

It's really unfair

that we didn't get to go.

Well, you weren't born.

And we hadn't met you then, Paddington.

Why don't you do it again?

Then we could all be there.

Oh, but we're already married.

Well, we could renew our vows.

That's a lot like a wedding day

and it would mean the whole family could enjoy it.

- I think that's a great idea!

- Mr and Mrs Brown,

I would like to help you make it as special as your wedding day.

Well, at the wedding I had a best man, so, this time round,

how would you like to be my best bear?

Oh, I would absolutely love that!

"Being best bear came with a lot of very important duties,

Aunt Lucy. I had to write a speech.

I had to arrange suits.

And I arranged to get

Mr and Mrs Brown's rings cleaned.

Although getting Mr Brown's off was a bit tricky.

Another best bear duty was to make sure

the bride and groom didn't see each other

on the morning of the big day.

That's apparently very bad luck."

Aaah! What's going on?

- Happy second wedding day!

- [Laughs]

- We're here to get you ready.

- Hmm... You know,

if we're going to make this like our actual wedding day,

then I think we need to make you all official.

Judy, will you be my bridesmaid?

Eeek! Yes!

Mrs Bird, will you be my maid of honour?

Oh, I'd be honoured.

And I'm going to need a page boy.

Someone smart, adorable and precious.

Can you think of anyone, Jonathan?

Well, Paddington's already best bear so, um, Mateo?

No. You, silly.

How do I look?

Oh, you look wonderful, Mr Brown.

We'd better hurry to get to Mr Gruber's.


PADDINGTON: Goodness! These are super shiny!

Make sure you don't lose them,

otherwise it'll ruin the ceremony.

[Nervous laugh] Yes, we wouldn't want to do that!

Oh, I won't, Mr Gruber.

I'm going to make sure

everything goes perfectly.

I wanted to ask, I've had a new camera come in today,

so if you want any photographs taking,

I would be more than happy to help.

- Aaah!

- Oh, yes. Thank you, Mr Gruber.

That would be lovely.

Oh! Oh! All, uh, ready are we?

I assume I'm the, uh, best man?

Um... I've actually gone for a best bear.


I'm sure we can give Mr Curry

something important to do.

Can't we, Mr Brown?

Yes, of course. You could be an usher?

It's very important.

You're to make sure

everyone's in the right place

- and tell them what to do.

- It sounds like

bossing people around.

I'd love to.

[Gasps] Here it is! My wedding dress!

Oh! What a special day that was!

Is she OK?

People get very emotional about weddings.

Not me, but most people.

Wow! Look! I've found Blunky!

ALL: Yuk!

It's no big deal. I'm way too old for this now and...

Oh, I've missed you, Blunky!

I can't wait to see my wedding dress again.

It's so beautiful, it's white, elegant, long and...

[Gasps] It's been eaten by moths!

What am I going to wear now?

Thank you for agreeing to conduct the ceremony, Ms Potts.

This is all very exciting!

Let's just hope the bride turns up.

Ha, ha, ha! Of course she'll turn up.

[Nervous laugh] Of course she'll...

Wait. She will turn up, won't she?

Don't worry, Mr Brown.

Here's the flowers you asked for.

Oh, and also, I whipped you up a little something

out of old metal, for the ceremony.

Wow! It's just like the one we had at our wedding!

Oh, I feel like I'm back there!

Oh! I'd forgotten just how nerve

-wracking a day that was.

Oh, I do hope she turns up.

It's gonna be fantastic!

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

I love a good celebration. You got the fun,

you got the dancing, the music.

Oh, no! I forgot about music.

Wait a minute. Ms Potts, I need music for the ceremony.

- Yes.

- And you play the violin.

I think I see where you're going.

[Horrible, scratchy sound]


Well, that's not very good.

Maybe it would make more sense for me to play the music.

Great. Music sorted!

Looks like everything might just turn out OK.

A quick stitch here, and if I trim this then...


I love it!

It's much more special because we made it together.

Hmm. It could use something round the waist, though.

Ooh! Have my hair ribbon.

Thank you, Judy.

Now, this dress could really use a veil.

Mum... I'd like you to have Blunky.

Oh! That's very sweet.

But only if we wash it first.

I want everyone in orderly lines.

No making noise during the ceremony.

Friends of the bride on the left, groom on the right.

Bride or groom?

I'm friends with both

and I've actually been to loads of weddings.

I even went to the Queen's wedding.

Oh, Toq, what are you like?

You weren't even born when the Queen got married.

TOQ: Well, yes, but I found a time machine

and also I've been to a wedding in space.

Oh, sit where you like.

Say cheese!

Oh, I feel almost as nervous as on my actual wedding day.

Do you think she'll come, Paddington?

Maybe she's run away. Maybe I'll never see her again!

Mr Brown, look.

[Gasps] You're here. Oh, I've been so nervous.

Ha, ha! Wait. Is that... Blunky?


Welcome, everyone.

We are here today to celebrate the very special love

- between Mr and Mrs Brown.

- [Gentle sobbing]

I thought you didn't get emotional at weddings.

Och, there's just something in my eye.

- [Blows nose]

- Oi! Shush, shush, shush.

I did say no making noise during the ceremony.

Now, who has the rings?

Paddington, the rings?

Oh! Of course, the rings.

Where... ? Oh! I'm sure they...

Oh, my! Um... Oh, oh, the rings!

I'm afraid, Mr Brown, I've lost the rings!

Hmm. Paddington.

Ah! There they are!

Sorry. They're a little sticky.

These rings symbolise your continued love for each other.

I pronounce you still husband and wife.

- Aw!

- Shush! Shush, shush, shush.

"I was so pleased the ceremony went well, Aunt Lucy.

We even had a party afterwards.

Thanks to Mr Gruber's camera,

the Browns now have a new special photo album.

With me in it.

Maybe they could do it all again, if you ever visited,

so we could have an album that includes you too, Aunt Lucy.

Love from Paddington."

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪