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02x17 - Paddington gets locked out on Christmas Day/Paddington Feels the Music

Posted: 12/08/23 16:38
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

I hope you had

a Merry Christmas.

Thank you

for the Peruvian panettone.

I've always loved Christmas traditions,

but this year I learned that making new traditions

can be fun too.

It all started on Christmas morning."


Woohoo! Ha, ha, ha!

- So cool!

- Ho, ho!

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪


- Oh!

- Aaah!

Yes! I win! I win!


[Contented sigh]


What a wonderful Christmas it's been!

Hmm. I think I'm ready for bed.

- [Beeping]

- Oh!

That's my alarm to start on the food.

- You mean...?

- It's still morning.

Really? It feels like we've been up for ages and ages.

I'll listen to my new music in my room.

I'll play with my new toy, if I can get it out of this box.



And I'd best start peeling veggies!

We'll give you hand, won't we?

- Hello! Yes, I'm awake!

- [Playing noises]

Um, wouldn't it be more fun to do something altogether?

There's all that lovely snow outside.

Paddington's right.

Let's have a nice family walk in the snow.

Walk off breakfast.


But I've finally got my toy out of its box.

It'll still be there when we get back from our walk. Coats on!

Just a quick walk for me.

I've lots of cooking to do.

MRS BIRD: The roasties, the stuffing,

the cranberry sauce, the Yorkshires, the pudding...


Oh, wow! It's like a Christmas card!

This was a wonderful idea, Paddington.

Bit chilly, though. I'll just get my hat.

- Who has the keys?

- Oh, Mrs Bird does.

Me? I thought you had the keys.

Well, I haven't got them.

Oh, dear.

Please tell me we're not locked out on Christmas!

- I knew walking was a bad idea!

- If we don't get back in soon,

there'll be no Christmas dinner.

Now don't panic. I know exactly what to do.

If only we could climb up higher somehow.

Oh! I can climb, Mr Brown. Bears are excellent climbers.

Brilliant! Just shimmy up that, uh, drainpipe.

No problem.

- Now what?

- Climb through a window!


PADDINGTON: They're all shut!

- Argh!

- Stand back!

There is nothing for it. I will charge the door.

I don't mean to interrupt your plan, Mr Brown,

but doesn't Mr Gruber have spare keys?

Great thinking! Let's phone and check.

[Doorbell rings]

Yes? What do you want?

Merry Christmas, Mr Curry.

We were wondering if we could use your phone.

We're actually, uh, we're locked out of our house!


Locked out? At Christmas?


Ahem! Of course you can use the phone.

- [Bleeping]

- [Sighs]

The turkey is supposed to be going in now.

Not sure there'll be time for turkey this year.

[Gasps] Christmas is ruined!

Not yet, it isn't. As long as we still get the potatoes!

- Yorkshire puddings.

- Cauliflower cheese.

Right. There you are. Help yourself.

Oh! Merry Christmas!

Oh! Merry Christmas, Ms Potts!

I didn't know you and Mr Curry spend Christmas together.

Actually, this is the first time.

JUDY: Bit like a party, isn't it?

[Gasps] Then what about a party game while we wait?

Ms Potts is a sophisticated lady!

She doesn't want to play party games!

Actually, I love games!


Mr Gruber isn't answering. Must be out.

Oh, what are we going to do?

This is going to be the worst Christmas ever!

- [Laughter]

- Gobble, gobble.

Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.

Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.

- Turkey!

- Got it, Judy!

Another point for the girls!

[Mr Curry grunts]

Hmm. Ahem!

- ♪ Na, na, na, na, na...

- Oh!

- Butterfly!

- Graceful bird!

- No.

- A swan?

- An emu?

- A mushroom?

A mushroom? No!

Oh! Sugar Plum Fairy?

Ha! Yes! Aha, finally!

- [Sighs]

- Any luck reaching Mr Gruber?

No. No luck, I'm afraid.

Mr Gruber? He said he'd be picking up gingerbread

from Sofia's today. You could try there.

Great! Oh, thanks, Ms Potts. Right, come on, everyone.

PADDINGTON: Well, I must say, that was an unexpected treat.

JUDY: The games were pretty fun.

Maybe we could pop by Mr Curry's next Christmas too!

No time for Christmas pudding now.

- Aw!

- Nobody likes it anyway.

- MRS BIRD: It's traditional!

- Oh, and delicious!

- Hi!

- Merry Christmas!

ALL: Merry Christmas!

Um, have you seen Mr Gruber?

We're locked out and he has our spare keys.

Oh, my goodness! I'm sorry.

Well, he was here earlier to pick up his gingerbread.

Then he bought some seeds for the ducks.

Perhaps he's at the lake.

- [Bleeping]

- That's the mince pies gone.

But we can still have potatoes?

Oh, I've just been making some mince pies.

Take some. My Christmas gift to you.

That's very kind.

Are you preparing your Christmas dinner?

That was yesterday.

Columbians do presents

and dinner on Christmas Eve.

We're just making some treats.

Want some help, Mum?

- No, thank you.

- Ha! Point to me.

[Laughing] We're playing Aguinaldos.

It's a traditional Columbian Christmas game.

Today's the, uh... Pause game... yes


-no game.

You can't say yes or no.

Restart game!

- Can we join in?

- Of course!

- Sure you want to?

- Yes.

Point to me. Want to give up yet?

- No!

- [Laughter]

Oh, Paddington. Come on, let's walk around the lake

- and look for Mr Gruber.

- Yes!

- [Laughter]

- Ha, ha! Point to me!


Oh, no Mr Gruber.

- I'll go this way.

- And I'll go this way.

- JONATHAN: Snowball fight!

- [Giggling]

JUDY: Got you!


- Ha!

JUDY: Missed me!

Ha, ha!

Ha! Gotcha!

- Oh!

- Yeah! Ha, ha, ha!


I am so sorry!

Ha, ha! Don't worry.


- We should do this every year!

- Ha, ha! Yes!

Oh, it's great to get some fresh air!

- [Chuckles]

-Come in, PC Wells.

You're needed at the station. Time for secret Santa. Over.

Copy that. On my way.

Thanks, everyone. Bye

-bye! Merry Christmas!

ALL: Merry Christmas!

- We've had the best time!

- [Bleeping]

- [Gasps]

- No stuffing!

Oh! I thought it was gonna be the potatoes.

"We couldn't find Mr Gruber in the park,

so we decided to look for him back at his shop."

MRS BROWN: Oh, I don't think he's in.

OK, I'm out of ideas.

This was not exactly the Christmas we had planned.

No, instead we saw lots of our friends.

- Played games.

- Had a snowball fight.

Went for a beautiful walk.

You know what? You're right.

Roast potatoes would've been nice.

I think this may have been one of the best Christmases ever!

If we hadn't been locked out, we'd have spent most of the day

in different rooms.

Instead, we've spent a wonderful day together.

Paddington! The Browns!

Oh, what a wonderful surprise!

Merry Christmas, Mr Gruber! We're locked out.

Do you still happen to have our spare keys?

Of course!

Thank you very much!

Are you having a nice Christmas, Mr Gruber?

Oh, yes. I've had a little walk

and now I'm just tidying my shop.

Do you mean that you're on your own?

In that case, Mr Gruber, you're on potato duty!


"Though this wasn't the Browns' most traditional Christmas,

it turned out to be one of their best.

Everyone has their own Christmas Day traditions,

but the most important thing is that Christmas Day,

like all days, is spent with people we love.

Love from Paddington."

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

I've always known that listening to music

can make you happy or sad.

But I didn't know you can also feel music.

It all started at the town hall."

A... one, two, a one, two, three, four!

Stop! Stop! What is that noise?

Are you talking to me?

We can't hear a thing over that crashing!

Pardon? I can't hear a thing over this crashing!


Paddington, that isn't music!

You have to listen to the beat and play along with the others.

But I can't hear the beat over the noise of the cymbals.

Do you have any quieter ones?

You don't really get quiet cymbals, Paddington.

The Windsor Gardens' parade is in just a few days

and we are leading the march.

The entire parade depends on us.

The stakes are very high!

So we have to get this right!

There's been a parade every year since... before I was even born!

Legend has it no one knows who started it.

- What? I started it!

- You did?

Yes! When I first got my job here at the town hall.

See that flag? I waved that flag

when I led the first

-ever Windsor Gardens' parade,

and I will wave it at every parade, every year,

until the end of time!

Wow, Ms Potts.

What an altogether surprising and inspiring story.

I can see it really is an honour to lead this parade.

Hmm. I will try my very best to hear the beat.

Good. From the top.




- [Sighs]

- PADDINGTON: Oh, dear.

I really am very sorry.

Are you OK?

Um, I think so.

Oh, no! Ms Potts I've broken your drum and these cymbals.

- Have I ruined the parade?

- No!

No. We can fix the instruments.

As long as we can still march, we can still... Ow!

Uh, I think you've hurt your ankle.

I can probably walk it... off!

I really am very sorry, Ms Potts.

The parade will have to be cancelled.

The Windsor Gardens' parade cannot be cancelled!

- But who will lead it?

- You.

- Ms Potts...

- You cannot fail.

The fate of the entire Windsor Gardens' parade is in your paws.

Promise me.

Promise me you will succeed!

I promise.

You go home and rest,

and leave the parade to me.


Hello, Baaz. Do you know how to fix this drum?

No, but if you hum it, I'll play it!

- Hum what?

- I'm kiddin'.

Of course I can fix it.

Wait. Is... is this Ms Potts' parade drum?

Don't tell me there's a problem with the parade!

Well, Ms Potts has hurt her ankle,

so she put me in charge,

but the cymbal and the drum are broken

and somehow I need to play both and lead the march,

and I just don't know what to do at all.

Hmm. Both at the same time...

[Gasps] Hold on, Pads. I think I have an idea.

Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you...

the one

-bear band!

Very impressive.

And is it possible to play it while marching?

No, Pads. You play itbymarching!

Take it for a spin.

- [Drumbeat]

- Oh?

[Drumbeat and honking]

I'm not sure this is going to work!



You'll be fine, Pads.

All you've got to do is give it some practice.


[Distant honking]

Who is disturbing the tranquillity

of my gnome painting?

[Honking and drumbeats]

Bear! Please be quiet!

I'm trying to prepare for the parade!

But I'm practising for the parade, Mr Curry.

I'm the band leader.

The Windsor Gardens' annual parade?


You are leading the band

for the Windsor Gardens' annual parade?

- Yes.

- You are?


Well, in that case, carry on!





- Shh!

- [Whispers] Sorry.

[Rumbling drumbeat]


- [Barking]

- Easy, boy. Good boy.

- [Barking]

- Whoa!

Oh, no!

- [Baby cries]

- Sorry!

Got it!

Oh, no!



- [Quacking]

- Oh!

It's not working, Baaz.

The parade is today

and I just can't get the hang of it.

[Soft music]


That is beautiful, Simi. I had no idea you played.

- Thanks.

- How do you keep the time?

You sound perfect. I can never seem to keep the beat.

You see, I can't really hear the music clearly,

so, instead, I sort of feel it.

- You feel music?

- Yeah.

You can feel it in your body.

But you have to listen differently,

and not with your ears.

If I could "feel" the music like you,

that would really help!

Do you think you can... teach me?

I don't know. But I can try.

I'll tell you what I do.

Just let the music flow through you.

Feel it in your heart.

[Music plays]

Wow! That was amazing!

I could feel it! I could really feel it!

Hmm. It's pretty cool.

You should join the marching band!

Come and be in the parade with us!

Oh, I don't think I'm good enough for that.

Simi, you are the best musician I have ever heard!

You should certainly be in the parade.

Paddington, where have you been?

Sorry! Simi is going to join us.

She's brilliant.

Right. Let's get this parade started.

[Music plays]


- Baa!

- Gertrude!


[Music plays]



- I knew you could do it.

- Awesome parade, Paddington.

Oh, we aren't finished yet.

Follow me.


"It was the best parade ever, Aunt Lucy.

And it truly was an honour to be the leader.

I wish you could have seen it, Aunt Lucy,

but maybe, if you close your eyes, you'll feel it.

Love from Paddington."

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪