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02x12 - Paddington and the Tooth Fairy/Paddington Goes to Work

Posted: 12/08/23 16:32
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

it has been a very funny and rather magical couple of days.

It all started when Judy and I were playing in the park."



- Oh!

- Oh!

Ha, ha! That was lucky.

It might have hit my wobbly tooth.

Why is your tooth wobbly, Judy?

Because it's getting ready to fall out.

Fall out? Ooh!

Yes, because it's a baby tooth.

All baby teeth wobble and fall out eventually.

Then you get adult teeth.

But the best bit about losing a baby tooth...

is that you get a visit from the Tooth Fairy!

- The Tooth Fairy?

- Yes.

You put your tooth under the pillow at bedtime.

The Tooth Fairy visits, takes the tooth and leaves you a gift.

A fairy who leaves gifts? My goodness!

I've never met a fairy. If only I had a wobbly tooth...


No. I can't make any of them wobble.

It looks like I won't be getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy.

Don't worry, Paddington.

When my tooth finally wobbles out,

you can be there when I pop it under my pillow.

Thank you. I would like that very much.

So, when will it wobble out, Judy?

Oh, not for a while, I don't think.

- Oh!

- Oh, Judy. It fell out!

You know what that means, Paddington?

[Gasps] The Tooth Fairy!

That's an excellent tooth.

I reckon you'll get something great for that one.

Hope so!

Did the Tooth Fairy visit you when your baby teeth fell out?

Oh, yes. She'd always leave me something very special.

Really, Mrs Bird? And what did you get?

Well... Och! You'll think it silly.

But I used to collect buttons.

The Tooth Fairy would leave me the most wonderful buttons

- for my collection.

- Buttons, Mrs Bird?

Yes, Paddington. Who doesn't love a button?

How wonderful!

I think I'd like a special button too.

What do you think she'll leave you, Judy?

Hmm. A coin?


Well, if I'm not going to have a visit from a Tooth Fairy,

perhaps I could lose something another fairy might like?

Right, I think that's everything for Ms Potts'

Town Hall Jumble Sale.

- What are you up to?

- Oh, I'm trying to lose my hat

so I can get a visit from the Hat Fairy.

Oh, Paddington, I don't think there is a Hat Fairy.

You only get a visit from The Tooth Fairy.

That's when you get your gift.

Oh, so who gives the Tooth Fairy a gift?

Erm... no one.

That doesn't seem very fair.

I think I'd like to leave her a gift to say thank you.

- Brr!

- That's a good idea.

You've got plenty of time.

The Tooth Fairy only comes once we've gone to bed.

But that's so long to wait.

Well, the sun is shining.

Get your gifts ready and enjoy the day.

The time will fly by!

"So I left a lovely gift for the Tooth Fairy

under Judy's pillow.

And mine too,

just in case the Tooth Fairy came to visit me.

All that was left to do was to make sure she knew where to go."

What are you doing?

I thought it'd help the Tooth Fairy find your pillow.

That's brilliant! Let's go and put my tooth there now.

Why do Tooth Fairies love teeth so much, Judy?

Do they use them as bricks for their houses?

Or maybe they give them to babies

who haven't got any teeth yet?

Aaah! Paddington! I've lost my tooth!

- I know.

- No, Paddington.

I'velostmy tooth!

This is a disaster! What am I going to do?

No tooth, no visit from the Tooth Fairy!

And then she won't get her gift!

It must be somewhere, Judy.

Where was the last place you saw it? Think back.

Hmm. So...

my tooth came out...

and I put it in my egg cup...

No. My pencil case...

No. My boots!


Wait! I put it in the pocket of my old coat!

Oh, no! Where is it?

Mum, have you seen my coat? The old blue one?

The old blue one? Um...

Oh, I gave it away to the jumble sale!

Oh, no! My tooth was in the pocket!

[Gasps] I'm so sorry, Judy! It's only at the Town Hall.

Perhaps, if you're quick, it'll still be there.

Quick, Judy! We have to get it back!

"The hunt was on, Aunt Lucy. We had to find that tooth!

Because before we knew it, it would be time for bed!

And if there was no tooth, there would be no Tooth Fairy!

So we asked Miss Potts if she still had the coat.

But she had already sold it to Baaz.

We asked Baaz if he had the coat.

He'd bought some clothes to put on a scarecrow.

But it wasn't there.

And then Baaz remembered...

His niece, Simi, had been at the farm.

She'd gone from the farm to the park with Sofia and Mateo.

So off we went again.

And Sofia told us Simi and Mateo had gone to the playground."

There you are! Hello, Simi!

Oh, hello, Paddington. Hello, Judy.

- What are you up to?

- We're looking for a blue coat.

- Oh!

- It's OK.

We're looking for my wobbly tooth, it's in the pocket.


Don't worry, you can keep the coat,

but do you know where it is?


How did it get up there?


And how are we going to get it down?

Leave it to me, Judy. This is a job for a bear!

"So, that's what I did, Aunt Lucy.

I used all my bear skills to rescue that tooth."

Be careful, Paddington!

Don't you worry, Judy! I'm an excellent climber!

Got it!

Oh, no. Whoa!

- Whoa!

- Paddington!


Oh, phew!


Hi, Mateo!

Bye, Mateo!



Aha! Phew. That went well.

Here's your coat, Simi.

Thank you, Paddington. Bye!

Here you go, Judy, your lost tooth.

Well, it's not lost any more.

Except it is, because it's not in your mouth.

I know what you mean, Paddington.

Thank you! What would I do without you?

Now you can pop it under your pillow.

Do you know what?

I think you should keep it under your pillow.

No, I couldn't possibly. It's your tooth.

But if it wasn't for you, Paddington,

I wouldn't have it at all.

I think you deserve a visit from the Tooth Fairy.

No, I'm just happy to have helped you find it.

But if the Tooth Fairy wanted to pay me a visit as well,

I'd be very honoured.

"So all that was left to do, Aunt Lucy,

was for Judy to go to sleep."

- [Splat]

- Ah!

JUDY: Paddington! Paddington!

Paddington! The Tooth Fairy came!

And, look, she brought me a coin.


[Gasps] Look! The Tooth Fairy paid me a visit too!

- A letter...

- Read it out!

"Dear Paddington, I know you didn't have a tooth to give me,

but because you were so kind in helping Judy,

and left me such delicious treats,

I thought I'd leave you something very special..."


- A button!

- Oh! That's a nice one.

That's areallynice one.

Oh, we should go and show Mrs Bird!

Mrs Bird! Look what the Tooth Fairy brought me!

"It was a magical day, Aunt Lucy.

I learnt that when you lose things, you can find things too.

What's more, I found out that Tooth Fairies like marmalade,

just like me.

Love, from Paddington."

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

it's always important to be helpful

and yesterday I got to help Mr Brown by joining him at work.

It all began at breakfast."

Aren't you late for the office?

- He's working from home today.

- I've got so much to do!

And a big, important business presentation tomorrow.

If you've got so much to do, why don't I help you?

Oh, you could make it a bring your bear to work day.

Ooh! Great thinking!

It's always good to have an extra pair of hands

or paws, in this case.

- Anyone else want to help?

- Sorry, Dad,

but we've got to finish making our soapbox race car.

We'll make the fastest soapbox car

Windsor Gardens has ever seen.

Is that really more fun than going to work with your dad?

- Yes.

- Yes.

Ah! Business time.

Ah! Business time.

I'm curious. What's in your briefcase?

Oh, just the essentials.

A marmalade sandwich?

I tend to only have business papers

and important things in mine.

Oh, but marmalade sandwiches areimportant.

Aunt Lucy always says life is like a marmalade sandwich.

There's the bread, which is hard work

and the marmalade, which is fun.

And when you have both, everything's great.

I think that's very true, Paddington.

Oh! Why do you have a picture of our family on your desk?


Oh, so I can still see all your faces when I'm not with you.

People often have pictures of their loved ones.

What a great idea. One moment!

There we are. Photos of my loved ones.

Aunt Lucy, us,

Pigeonton, Mr Gruber, Sofia, Mateo,

Miss Potts, Lucky, Zakira, Lenny the gerbil,

that cat I helped from the tree, and... Mr Curry.

Er, might be best to choose maybe two photos,

so we can still use the desk.

Very good point. I'm learning so much already.

"With my desk set up, it was time to get down to business.

Except I didn't know how to."

Mr Brown, what do people do at work?

Well, I'm preparing a very important presentation

on my computer about how to improve the company.

I have to go into the office tomorrow and show my boss.

That does sound incredibly important.

Could I have something incredibly important to do?

Yes, of course, Paddington.

You are very good at talking to people,

so how'd you like to answer the phone for me?

- Oh, yes, please.

- Brilliant.

Then let's get to work.

- [Phone rings]

- Oh, Mr Brown. It's ringing!

Well, go on, then, answer it.

- But what do I say?

- How about,

"Mr Brown's office. Paddington speaking. How can I help?"

Mr Brown's office. Paddington speaking. How can I help?

Got it! Mr Brown's offi



- Oh! Oh, they've gone.

- Not to worry.

- I'm sure they'll call back.

- Oh, good!

Ooh! Mr Brown! My chair spins!

Yes, most office chairs do.

- [Phone rings]

- I'll get it!

Mr Brown's off



Too late again.

Also, Mr Brown, I appear to have shrunk.

There's a lever under the seat.

Oh, I see. Whoa!

- [Phone rings]

- Don't worry, Mr Brown,

I'll answer that!

Oh, no!

Hello, Mr Brown's



Oh! Oh, bother.

Business is very tiring, isn't it, Mr Brown?

Ha! It certainly is. But I am finished!

[Contented sigh]

[Sniffing] Mmm. You smell something?

Thought you might like a wee scone while you're hard at work.

Oh, thank you, Mrs Bird. What do you think?

Hmm! You'll never get much speed with that drag

and your nose angle is way out.

Make everything smooth so that the air flies over it.

And you can put fins on the back, like a shark.

Can we put shark teeth on too?

Well, it won't make it faster,

but it'll make it fierce, so I say go for it.

Ah, I thought I could smell your famous Highland butter scones.

- [Reacts to heat]

- Shouldn't you be working?

Oh, it's OK. I've left Paddington in charge.

He's being very helpful.


- [Phone rings]

- Ooh!

Mr Brown's office. Paddington speaking.

How can I help? Oh, good! You're still there!

I'm afraid he's not here at the moment.

Can I take a message?

One moment.

OK. What's the message, please?

The big presentation has been moved to this afternoon.

Great. I'll let him know.

Hmm? That's strange.

I could have sworn I wrote it down.

Oh, dear.

"I'd made such a silly mistake, Aunt Lucy.

I'd accidentally written on Mr Brown's computer screen

and it wouldn't come off.

And then I saw a button that I thought could help."





My presentation? All gone?

I'm terribly sorry. I only wanted to be helpful.

I was trying to delete the message I wrote on the screen.

What does that say?

"The presentation has been moved forward to this afternoon."


Argh! I have to run!

Very impressive.

It's not just going to be the fastest

soap box in Windsor Gardens, but the fastest soap box ever!


- Is everything OK, Paddington?

- Not really, no.

I accidentally deleted Mr Brown's presentation

and now he's got nothing to present.

I don't think he'll ever want me to help him again.

Oh, dear. Did you try to undo it?

I wish I could, but it's in the past, Mrs Bird.

Yes. But you can undo things on computers.

You can?


It's come back. Amazing!

Oh, but we're too late. Mr Brown needs it now.

Well, then. Let's print it out and get it to him.

But how will I ever get there in time?

With Windsor Gardens' fastest soap box car!

- One...

- Oops. Forgot the presentation!


- Mayhem!

- Sorry!

So, now, I know I promised you a presentation

on how I can improve the company.

And, well, uh, the funny thing is, uh,

earlier today, there was an accident.

Excuse me. Might I interrupt?

Paddington? What are you doing here?

It's OK. I've got your presentation in the briefcase.

Oh, Paddington, thank you, thank you.

Now, where was I? Ah, yes. How to improve the company.

Well, here is how we do it,

with... a marmalade sandwich?

I must have picked up the wrong briefcase.

I fail to see what we can learn from a sandwich.

Oh, that's where you're wrong.

My Aunt Lucy always says life is like a marmalade sandwich.

[Gasps] That's it, Paddington! You're a genius!

Am I? Oh, good!

Paddington's right.

We spend all our time busy working.

If this company was a sandwich, we'd all be bread.

We need some marmalade in the middle.

- Marmalade?

- No, no, not actual marmalade.

My recommendation is we make the middle of the day fun.

Instead of just eating lunch, we could play games,

we could tell each other funny stories,

we could make music, do whatever makes us happy.

It's like this sandwich. That is our presentation.

"I was so happy I helped Mr Brown, Aunt Lucy.

I really enjoyed being a business bear,

but I think I'll take a break from it now

and focus more on being a rare sort of bear.

Love from Paddington."

- [Phone rings]

- Oh, don't worry!

I'll get that, Mr Brown.

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪