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02x08 - Paddington and the Vegetable Thief/Paddington Takes to the Ice

Posted: 12/08/23 16:29
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

I can't wait to tell you how I helped to protect

Mr Curry's Prize Pumpkin!

It all happened when we were preparing

for the Giant Vegetable Competition."


It's ginormous!

- [Loud pop]

- Oh!

Ah! Oh...

We're not gonna win the Giant Vegetable Competition with that!

It was always gonna be tough to beat Mr Curry's entry.

I know. Why don't you enter

the Vegetable Sculpture Competition instead?

- Yes!

- That sounds like fun.

Then, once the competition's over,

we can turn it into soup.

PC WELLS: All right, Mr Curry, what seems to be the problem?

[Gasps] Is that PC Wells?

- As I was saying



- Hello, PC Wells!

- Hello, Mr Curry!

- Hello, Paddington!

What brings you to Windsor Gardens?

Well, it seems Mr Curry has had a trespasser in his garden.

Goodness me!

- What's a trespasser?

- Ha!

It's when someone is on your private property

without your permission!

And why would anyone want to trespass in your garden?

One word, Paddington. Pumpkin!

A pumpkin has trespassed in your garden?

No! The trespasser will be after my prize pumpkin.

Well, good luck getting past all my traps.

My spotlights. My trip wires. And my garden gnomes.

They'll be keeping an eye on it

so it won't be swiped before the competition tomorrow.

[Gasps] They'll try and swipe it tonight!

Why would anyone want to do that, Mr Curry?

Someone doesn't want me getting to double digits!

I've won the Giant Vegetable Competition

for the last nine years!

I've got the trophies to prove it.

No need to.

Um, PC Wells, I'd love to help you find the trespasser

and save Mr Curry's pumpkin!

Someone's not playing fair

and I want to help to get to the bottom of it!

Oh, well, I don't see why not, Paddington.

It'd be good to have an extra pair of eyes!


- I'm making a house!

- A castle!

- A knight!

- A dragon!

Judy, can I borrow your camera?

Yes, of course, Paddington.

- A pony.

- A big, giant, scary monster!

- A lovely, fluffy bunny rabbit.

- What about a crocodile?

[Police siren]


I've taken a closer look at the door, PC Wells.

Nothing suspicious here.

[Chuckles] Well done, Paddington.

It's good to be thorough.

As police officers, we're here to help

and notice anything out of the ordinary.

So let me know if you spot anything suspicious!


[Gnome repeats electronic message]

Paddington! You found a clue!

A piece of pink fluff.

That seems very out of place.

Wonderful, PC Wells!

[Clattering and cries of pain]

Oh! My trophies!

I told you I'd won for the last nine years!

Oh! This is a very stressful time for me.

Well, we've found one clue, and



Mr Curry, stop! You could be about to step on another clue!

A footprint! And it doesn't belong to me.

It can't be PC Wells', because it's the wrong size.

Mr Curry?

Oh, it was only you, Mr Curry. It's not a clue after all.

It is a clue, Paddington.

The bottom of my shoes has a pattern on them.

That footprint is smooth...

I knew it! That means someone has definitely

been snooping around my pumpkin!

If you think the trespasser will come back tonight,

there's only one thing for it. A stake


[Gasps] Wonderful!

What's a stake


It's when you find a place to hide, keep watch

and try and catch someone in the act.

It's a very important part of our investigation.

PC Wells, might it be useful to keep watch from our treehouse?

It has a very clear view right over Mr Curry's garden!

- It does?

- Great idea, Paddington.

Would you like to join me on the stake


It would be my honour! We've got to keep Mr Curry's pumpkin safe!

Thank you! I'll finally be able to have a good night's sleep,

knowing you're watching over Patricia!

I mean, the pumpkin,

whom I definitely haven't named Patricia.

[Stumbles and crashes]


- I don't know what to make!

- This is impossible!

Nothing's impossible, Jonathan!


Where are you off to, Paddington?

I'm going to the treehouse for the night.

PC Wells and I are holding a stake


so I have to be prepared!

Someone's been trespassing in Mr Curry's garden.

He's so worried and he can't sleep.

And I'm going to help him.

Oh! That's given me an idea for the Sculpture Competition!

- What is it?

- Just grab anything

long and thin, then I'll explain.

We have to finish before bedtime!

Permission to come aboard, Paddington?

Permission granted, PC Wells.

- So, what happens first?

- [Gasps] We watch.

Right you are!


Do you need a break, PC Paddington?

Oh, yes please, PC Wells.

I think I'll have a marmalade sandwich!

Shh! I can hear footsteps!

They're coming from this garden.

- Hello, wee cub!

- Mrs Bird?

I just wanted to see if you'd like any tea?

Thank you.

Ah, this reminds me of my old stake

-out days. Have fun!

Thank you, Paddington.

You just can't do a stake

-out without tea!

- Aah!

- [Commotion]

There's someone in the greenhouse!

I'd better get down there quick!

Wait for me!


- Shh!

- [Commotion continues]

They're coming out!

- Is that... ?

- [Chuckles]

Yes, it is! But Mr Curry will never believe us.

We need photographic evidence.

Oh, did I miss it?

Oh, I slept through my alarm.

However, my perfect pumpkin is safe,

as the trespasser did not return.

PADDINGTON: Oh, but they did Mr Curry!

And PC Wells and I...



- ..know who it was!

- [Everyone gasps]

You do? Then do tell!

- It was



- It was you, wasn't it,

Mrs Bird! You've always envied my pumpkins!

No, Mr Curry, it wasn't Mrs Bird.

Then it was Mr Gruber!

You couldn't stand the idea of my pumpkin

beating your measly marrow for the tenth year in a row!

And it wasn't Mr Gruber!

[Splutters] Well, it was one of you lot!

You've always been jealous of me

and my brilliant giant

-vegetable growing skills!

- It was you, Mr Curry!

- [Everyone gasps]

You were sleep


The pink fluff we found on the watering can

was from your, uh... teddy.

I don't have a teddy.

And the footprints were from your slippers.

Oh, I always knew it wasn't any of you lovely lot!

I'm sorry. I'm so tired.

The pressure of the competition has made me a little stressed.

Yes, Paddington told us. So we wanted to cheer you up.

So, for this year's Vegetable Sculpture Competition...

We made you!

That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me.

You really have captured how handsome I am!

Well done, PC Paddington! Another case solved!

"I'm so pleased, Aunt Lucy, that PC Wells and I

solved the case of the trespasser.

And I hope Mr Curry will be able to sleep soundly tonight."


I know I will.

"After my exciting night on the stake


Love... "


"Dear Aunt Lucy, this week I've learned

that we shouldn't let our worries hold us back.

It all began when I stumbled upon

something strange in the park."


Oh! Good morning, Mr Gruber!

Oh! Good morning, Paddington.


Oh! Mr Gruber...



Paddington? What are you doing on there?

Well, at the moment, I'm trying to get off.

I'm coming!

Thank you, Miss Potts.

Oh, whatever this is, I don't think it's working.

It's an ice rink, Paddington. It's for skating on.

Oh, skating on?

I don't know how anyone manages to skate on ice.

It's very slip... slippery indeed.

[Chuckling] It's meant to be slippy, Paddington.

You're supposed to wear ice skates,

special shoes with blades that help you move across the ice.

They'll be renting them at the kiosk, but, uh...

I'm not sure if they'll have bear

-sized ones.

Oh, well, that is a pity.

We'll have to sort something out.

You can't miss Friday's Ice Disco.

I would love to go to an ice disco.

And you will. I'll order some special skates, just for you.

Oh, thank you!

- Oh!

- Let's go!

Hold it! Jonathan, your shoes are undone again.

Oh, Dad! We're in a hurry.

We're going to practise our routine with Mateo.

Miss Potts says we can do a special performance

at Friday's Ice Disco!

Ooh, do you think we might have a dance on the ice?

There's really nothing more romantic and graceful

than ice skating together.

I've always wanted to skate with you.

Hmm. You know my thoughts on ice skating.

What's fun about slipping around and falling over?

Nope! You certainly won't get me on the ice.

Oh, darling. [Chuckles]

[Bursts out laughing]


Why are we laughing?

Oh, because Mrs Brown believed me.

Iamgoing to skate with her at the disco on Friday.

I'm learning as a surprise!

Wow, Dad! Who's teaching you?

I am teaching myself. Ha, ha! How hard could it be?

[Squeals worriedly]

You're doing great, Dad!

Thanks, children! Yes, I'm definitely making progress.

Graceful as a... swan! Oh!

PADDINGTON: Wow! They're magnificent, Mr Gruber.

I've never seen skates so beautiful.

Ah, yes, my old skates.

I used to skate in my youth, back in Hungary.

But why are you selling them?

If you brought them all the way from Hungary,

then they must be very important to you.

These skates bring back lots of happy memories.

But also some sad ones, I am afraid.

It was the Hungarian skating championships

and my partner and I were about to perform our grand finale...

a triple axel jump, ending in a swan


But I landed badly and I lost control, sending me spinning!

Oh, my partner waited for me to recover,

but I was just too nervous to get back on the ice.

I haven't skated since.

Well, now's your chance!

No, no, sweet Paddington.

I've left it too long and I'm too old.

Aunt Lucy says age is all in the mind.

Let's go to the park now. Bring your beautiful skates.

Thank you for caring, Paddington,

but it's been too long now.

And skates are meant to be skated with,

not left in a cupboard.

Someone will give these a good home.

Well, they'll be very lucky to have them.

I can't wait for my bear

-sized skates to arrive!

I so want to start learning to ice skate.

Hmm. Well, perhaps you can start practising, Paddington.

There's more to skating than skates, you know.


OK. Let's try it!


We have our finale!

I told you I could do a jump!

Just 'cause I'm younger you never think I can do anything.

Whoa! Knew you could do it, son.


"It was finally the day of the disco, Aunt Lucy."

Mr Gruber! Mr Gruber!

I've just picked up my new bear

-sized skates from Ms Potts.

Oh! How wonderful!

Oh! Oh, no!

Those skates in the window, size are they?

I'd like to try them on.

- Hmm.

- Well?

No, you can't!

I mean, I don't think I can part with them.

So that's your game!

You've tricked me into your store under false pretences!

I suppose you thought you'd lure people in here with the skates

and then sell them things they don't need!

Well, it won't work with me!

Oooh! What's this?

So does that mean you'll be skating on Friday?

Oh, I'm so pleased, Mr Gruber.

No, no, it is not I who will be skating in them.

With some padding and some adjustments,

I think we could make them fit you.

Fit me? It would be an honour.

He isn't paying and they're not even his size!

But you won't sell them to me? I'll never shop in here again!

How much for the porcelain bunny rabbit?

[Disco music]

[Gasps] What are you doing on the ice?

Have you really learnt? Just because I said...

Oh, darling!

May I have this skate?

I'm doing it! I'm really skating! Ooh!

I cannot believe the progress that you have made

in such a short time, Paddington.

Your perseverance has been quite inspiring.

Now, go and enjoy the disco.

Thank you, Mr Gruber.

Come on, Paddington.

That's it. Poise and balance!

"It felt wonderful to be skating at the disco.

I was so grateful to Mr Gruber,

although I did wish he was skating with me."

Thank you for coming to our first ice disco, everyone.

If you would all make your way to the edge of the ice,

we have a special performance by The Ice Extravaganzas!

Jonathan! Laces!


- [Everyone gasps]

- Jonathan!



Whoa! Whoa!

Oh, no!

Show off!

So cool!


- Woohoo!

- Yay!

- Fantastic!

- Well done!

Thank you for saving me, Mr Gruber

And thank you for saving me.

Because of you, I can once again enjoy ice skating.

One of my life's greatest loves.

You really are a rare sort of bear.

"So it seems there's really nothing better

than learning a new skill,

or re

-finding one you thought you'd lost.

The Extravaganzas re

-performed their trick beautifully.

And I do wish you could have seen Mr Gruber

gliding across the ice, Aunt Lucy.

He looked spectacular.

Love from Paddington."

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪