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13x13 - Loyalties and Royalties

Posted: 12/08/23 08:38
by bunniefuu
[Caitlyn] Maybe we could
have it over at your place.

-[Kris] She's gonna give us both a facial?
-[Caitlyn] Yeah. I thought, what the heck!

I think you should do it.

My emotions are a roller coaster
when it comes to Cait,

but I definitely think it's healthier,
as a family, to have a relationship.

[Kim] Did Cait bring the book over?

I've never been so angry
and disappointed in somebody

in my whole life.

[dance music plays]

[Kendall] Your Internet sucks! Sorry.

Can you explain to me
what exactly is happening?

You do know about Jay Leno's Garage.

How much do you know about that car,
'cause he'll ask you about it?

[Kendall] I knew it was gonna be a thing.

-Now, how much do you know?
-[Kendall] Oh, no.

[Caitlyn] I'll give you things to say,
and you can get away with it.

I know that when I shifted...
I know personal things about the car.

-That I've learned.
-[Caitlyn] Like what? Like what?

[Kendall] I didn't know
there was gonna be a test.

I can tell some funny stories,
like you wanted to paint it gray...

-I still do, so don't tell that story.
-You can't! Not in a mill...

-You don't want to paint it gray.

-That is the coolest color.
-Don't make me look stupid then!

So, don't say that.

[Jay] Hi, kids.
-Wait. I'm trying to explain to her...

-What is that?
-If she wanted to repaint the car...

-You can't repaint the car.

Thank you, Jay. Thank you. Thank you.

What would be an analogy?

You get a Prada bag,
you rip off the Prada thing.

-[Caitlyn and Kendall] Yeah.
-And put some other name on it.

-[Jay] I'm trying to make an analogy.

[Caitlyn] There isn't.
So, anyway, we're working on it.

[woman] Okay, quiet on the set. Action!

[car engine revving]

Here we are! Jay Leno in the house.

-How are you?
-Hi. Good to see you.

-[Kendall] Nice to see you.
-Good to see you, Jay.

-Caitlyn, how you been?
-Great. So cool, I can't stand it.

-[Jay] 265, right?
-[Caitlyn] Yeah. Kendall loves driving it.

-Does it attract any attention?
-So much.

I get a lot of attention
from old men, which is great.

-Oh, really?
-I'm shocked.

No, they always...

I'm shocked creepy old guys
would be attracted...

Driving a hot Corvette?

It's so funny. They'll pull up,
and be like, "Such a nice car.

It's your dad's, right?"
I'm like, "No, it's mine."

-Is that what they say: "It's your dad's"?
-They're like, "I'm sure it's your dad's."

I'm like, "No, it's my car."

The great thing is,
it's only got two seats.

-Sorry, pal.
-Sorry, Dad

-[Jay] Let's go for a ride.
-[Kendall] Yes.

-[Caitlyn] Take it.
-[Jay] All right.

Do it like I taught you, Kendall.

You can just yell out,
"Don't keep my daughter out too late."

-[Caitlyn laughs]
-[Kendall] Bye, Dad!

Yeah, goodbye!

[Jay] Goodbye!

[bouncy dance music plays]

-[Kim] Can I try mint chocolate chunk?
-[woman] Absolutely.

-[Kim] Shall we sit in the back and eat?
-[Kourtney] Sure.

Let's sit in the back, P.

[Penelope] It's spilling.

-[in sing-songy voice] Spilling.
-[Penelope] Mom.

-[Kim] That ice cream looks pretty...
-[Penelope] Okay.

Okay, she's eating too much.
Take it away. Hurry.

[phone rings]

-Caitlyn. What am I supposed to say?
-[Kourtney] Caitlyn called me last night.

Do I answer or no?

She's gonna be like,
"I tried to call you."

And what do I say?

Mom is gonna k*ll me. Hello.

[Caitlyn] Hello.
How's my little Kimmy doing?

-That kind of energy... I just can't.
-[Kim] I'm doing good.

I was out of town this weekend.
I just got back yesterday.

[Caitlyn] How's your schedule?
We should meet for lunch or dinner.

Yeah, I, um... I'm not sure exactly.

-[Caitlyn] Oh. Okay.
-[Kim] But I could find out.

And I'll let you know.

[Caitlyn] Ooh, we can
get together and catch up.

-[Kim] Yeah.
-[Caitlyn] Then I'm back to work, yeah.

-[Kim] Doing what?
-[Caitlyn] Travelling all over.

-I think I'm going to Europe.
-[Kim] On a book tour?

[Caitlyn] Oh, yes.

[Kim voiceover] I know my mom
is really hurt by Cait's book,

and I want to be there
for my mom and help her, like, heal

and get over this,
but I feel really awkward,

'cause I've always been
the one that likes to keep the peace.

And I feel bad,
'cause Caitlyn is Kendall and Kylie's dad,

and I want to be really respectful.

-I'll call you.
-[Caitlyn] Love you.

-Love you. Bye.
-[Caitlyn] Bye.

-[Rob] Khloe? Khloe?
-[Khloe] Huh? Yeah?

-Stairway to heaven right there.

-What are you doing?
-Just lying in bed. I don't feel well.

[Rob] Meeting time, you and me.

I just feel like [bleep].

-What do you mean?
-I have the worst cramps!

You tell me all the time,
"Rob, get up to go to the gym."

"Rob, get up to go to your meeting."
I say, "I'm throwing up."

-"Oh, no, you're lying, Rob."
-'Cause you are lying.

-Do you want me to get in bed with you?
-Want to go night-night? Come here.

No, don't do that.
Don't... don't hug me like that.

[laughs] Okay.

Isn't it weird that we bleed
for five, like... three to five days

and we don't die?

Is that normal?

The menstrual cycle,
it just doesn't really sit right with me.

That just means you get to lie
in bed all day and just not do anything

that we planned on doing together?

[Khloe voiceover] Rob couldn't last
a day with having to deal with

what girls have to deal with.

Right now, I have debilitating cramps,
and I feel nauseous and gross

and, like, a blimp.

I want to be in sweats eating
a [bleep] ice cream cake right now.

But I can't. I have to sit, look cute,
put on this face, be in an interview,

talking about what
a blimp I look like, like, come on.

Do I have a temperature?

-You use the back of your hand.
-Okay, do it.

[Rob] Yeah, you do, actually.

[Khloe laughs]

You're [bleep] weird.

It could be 'cause you have
this stuff on you.

Do you remember when you [bleep] the girl

that won the Kim Kardashian
look-alike contest?

I thought you were talking about
the girl who came to your house butt-naked

and I went upstairs, had sex with her,
and she perioded on the bed.

And then was like, "Oh."

And we were completely fine with it,
and then she just left after.

I kind of remember that story.

Why didn't you ever sleep with someone

who won a Khloe Kardashian
look-alike contest?


[Kourtney gasps] sh**t!

I just dropped half my snack
that I was just making.

-[dialing tone]
-[Kris] Hey, Kim.

-[Kim] What are you doing?
-[Kris] In the meeting. What's going on?

Um, real quick.
I just wanted to get your permission.

I want to call Caitlyn
and ask her for a copy of her book.

[Kris] Um, I'd actually
love for you to read it,

because then I'd like to get
your take on what my concerns are.

Only because I spent so many days
so upset and crying about it.

-You know, I'm, like, hysterical...

[Kris] That this is the way somebody
views this 25 years together.

-[Kim] Yeah.
-[Kris] It's wild.

Maybe I can see things a different way.
I just think, you know, I...

I'll be really honest with you.
If you're overreacting.

-What's right and what's wrong.
-[Kris] Yeah.

I'll just read it from start to finish
and tell you what I think.

I'm sure Cait has her story,
and my mom has her story.

But I don't want to be
in the middle of, like, this drama.

It's just not necessary.

-Okay, I'll call her.
-[Kris] Okay.

[electronic sitar music]

-[Mario] Morning, Kendall.
-[Kendall] Morning. How are you?

-[Mario] Very good. Slept late?
-I feel asleep at 5:00 p.m.

-And woke up at 5:00 a.m.
-[Mario] That's good.


I am in India sh**ting
with Mario Testino for Indian Vogue.

And I'm just obsessed with him.
He's the best. His energy is just amazing.

I get to travel a lot, luckily,
and experience new places.

In India, you feel
you're thrown into another world.

I landed and there were elephants
walking down the street

and men riding horses
around with gems all over them.

I think it's cool.

[Mario] Wow, it's amazing.

Okay. I think we have it.

Oh, my God.

[man] Beautiful.

[dance music plays]

I feel like my upper back
and stuff has definitely been sore.

-[Joe] In a good way, you mean.
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

-She doesn't know the difference,
I've learned.

-[Kourtney] I don't.
-[Khloe] She thinks she's in pain.

But I realized it's really
just muscle soreness.

[Joe] Let's go.

[dance music plays]

-[Joe] Eight. Nine.
-[Khloe] Oh, [bleep].

That's it. If you want
to go faster, go faster.

Yeah, Kourt.

[Joe] One, and back.

Take your time, then. [laughs]

That's it.

You look like a Family Guy character.

[bleep]. Where the [bleep] is Robert?

-He's coming here?

[Joe] Two, one.

He's been so good,
so it's, like, bizarre he's not here.

Let me call him.

[dialing tone]

-[Rob] Yes, baby.
-Why aren't you here?

You've been so good
and haven't flaked at all recently.

[Rob] Khloe, you had your personal day.

I'm having my personal day.


[Rob] Because I would
rather [bleep] all day like you do

when you take your personal days.

If you all get a day,
I'm-a get a day.

[Khloe] You're having a meriod?

Rob is definitely delusional.

If he knew how bad and intense
period cramps are,

he would feel
like such a [bleep] idiot for saying this.

Like, he has no idea
what us girls go through.

Rob, you live down the street. Come over.

A meriod is not gonna cut it, my brother.

Honestly, it feels like you have
someone inside your stomach

trying to get out of it.

[Rob] The aliens
are gonna get me! [he laughs]

[Khloe] Okay, Rob. I got to go.

[Rob screams] Oh, they're getting me!

[Khloe] He's so weird.

[bouncy dance music plays]

[Kendall] It's so random you got that car.

-[Kourtney] Me?
-[Kendall] Yeah, why'd you get that car?

-[Kourtney] Did you see it?
-[Kendall] I saw it. It's out front.

Oh. My son's middle name is Aston.

And I just felt the need
to own one at one point in my life.

[Kendall] Yeah.
-So I thought, why not do it now?

-[Kendall] Mm-hm.
-[Kourtney] How was India?

[Kim and Kourtney] I've never been.

We stayed at this, 300-year-old palace,

but now it's a hotel.

It was really cool and beautiful.

-[Kourtney] Who did you go with?
-I was sh**ting for Indian Vogue.

I literally was there for,
like, a day and a half.

-[Kendall] And it was really cool.

But I actually met this prince.

He's, like, um, the first gay prince
to come out in India.

-[Kendall] He's really awesome.

In India, it's not acceptable to be gay,

and it was really interesting
to meet Prince Manvendra

and hear his story.

I think what's really similar
between my dad and Prince Manvendra

is the bravery and being able
to take that chance to come out

and hope that everything goes all right.

Next time he's in town we should
set up a dinner for you guys.

-I want to hear...
-[Kendall] His story was interesting.

I had the best matcha tea yesterday.

[Kendall] Oh, from where?

From this artist's studio.

-What's matcha?
-I'm not meant to drink matcha.

-But I love it.

-He said it's so good for you.
-[Kendall] 'Cause of my migraines.

-Why? Caffeine is good for you.
-No, not for my type, at least.

-[Kourtney] Oh, really?
-Like, my aura migraines, no.

-[Kim] You can't have caffeine?
-Sorry. No, I think that's for my anxiety.

[doorbell rings]

-[Caitlyn] Well, Kimmy.

-There you are.
-What's going on?

Haven't seen you in a while. How you been?

-[Kim] I've been good.
-You're looking gorgeous as usual.

[Kim] Thank you.

-Into the hair.
-I went a little curlier this morning.

I'm into it.

-So, you got the goods.
-I got the goods.

The book.

So, Mom's obviously upset about it.

-I know.

That really bothers me,
but I have to be honest in the book

on how my feelings are.

[Kim] If those are your feelings,
those are your feelings.

But Mom, like,
she feels a way about you,

and she can feel however she wants.


You both have the right
to feel however you want.

And, you know, I'll always love her.

We'll always have 23 years
of our lives, raising all these children.

-I mean, I'm not throwing that all out.

Well, I think that's what she thinks.

I'm gonna read it
and I'll tell you honestly if I feel,

like, "You know what?
I get why she's upset,"

or, "You know what? I don't."

This book, it's my story.

Everybody has stuff in life
that they have to deal with,

and this was my stuff, and this
is how I dealt with it, you know?

And in doing that, and being
so honest with yourself,

and how freeing that is to not live
your life with secrets and stuff inside

is an amazing road to travel down.

It's just, it's just very fulfilling.

You know?

[Kim voiceover] I want to give
Cait the benefit of the doubt.

I'll be hopeful
and I'll read the book for myself

and see what I really think.

I'll let you know if I'll still be
speaking to you after I read this book.

Argh. Read it with an open mind.

-Talk bad about my mom...
-I'm telling you...

...I come for you.

My girl! Get over here!

-How was tennis?

-What'd you do?
-But I was trying to catch a leprechaun.

-You are?

-Did you say hi to me? I don't think so.

-I don't squeeze like you!
-[Kourtney] Oh!

-[North] Where's P?
-They're in the play room.

-Um, so Caitlyn brought me her book.

I read it to be... I feel
like I'm really fair, and like...

-Did you read the whole thing?

'Cause I was thinking,
is Mom exaggerating?

That's what I thought.

She's so angry at Mom.

Like, for no reason.

It was like, "I didn't speak
to my sister because of Kris.

I didn't see my kids
because of Kris."

Like, grow up and say,
"I didn't call my kids."

And Caitlyn discredits Mom.

She said, "I didn't see
a dime of my money."

She was insinuating that Mom
took the check and pocketed it

and, like, had this huge savings.

Like, the part of, like, our lives
that people don't ever see

is that, for a good, like,

when they first moved to Hidden Hills,
when no one lived there,

everyone thought,
"We're moving out of Beverly Hills,

We've got to be broke,
we've got to this."

Borrowing money from Grandma,
and, like, couldn't...

-From me.
-Yeah, couldn't pay the bills, like...

The money wasn't going in Mom's pocket.

They made the money together
and even when Mom would book appearances,

like, I worked for her, I would hear her
phone calls in the office.

She would, like, hustle to get speeches.
She changed Caitlyn's career.

And she made her have
this motivational speaker business.

And then she said, "The Kardashians
were so upset when their names

their names weren't mentioned
in Diane Sawyer, but it was deliberate.

We did research.

Any time the word "Kardashian"
was mentioned, people thought--

They put the word
"Kardashian" with publicity stunt.

And, so, we deliberately never
put the name in there."

And that sounds pathetic.

-It's so pathetic.
-That just sounds calculated.

I'm just like, "Honey, no one knew
who you were for the last few decades.

We got you more life, you know?

The show's not called
Keeping up with the Jenners."

Caitlyn said she invented the show

and she was the only one
that was famous at the time.

But it's just, whatever
her perspective is, have some class.

Yeah, and just respect for someone
that you've been with for that many years.

-In that situation, especially.
-[Kim] Yeah.

Never once has she said,
like, "I'm sorry" to Mom or anything.

I said, "You're allowed
to feel the way you feel.

My mom's allowed
to feel the way she feels."

Then why do you want to hang out?

Why do you want to be part of the family
if you're just gonna talk [bleep]?

So did you say that?

-I haven't talked to Caitlyn since then.

If you turn on my mom
and you continue to bash us,

I can't, even for the sake
of even my sisters,

spend time with someone that
does not even care about my mother.

It's like, enough already.

You don't have to, like,
tear someone down.

-Let's all build each other up.

While she's busy building herself up
and tearing us down.

-[Kim] But using us.

-[Reign] KoKo!
-[Khloe] Reigny!

Hello! Come here.
I was with him this morning.


[Reign] KoKo.

[Khloe] Anyway, Rob, it's nice to see you.

[Rob] It's really good to see you guys.

[Khloe] I'm still waiting
to work out with you.

-I was on my, uh, meriod, so...
-[Scott chuckles]

-[Khloe] Mm-mm.
-[Scott] Are you on birth control?

'Cause if you are, it'll be
a shorter turn for your meriod.

[Rob] I'm thinking of getting
the new male birth control.

[Scott] Ooh.
-[Khloe] Listen.

If you want to joke about periods
and joke you have one...

-I'm talking about birth control. should suffer the consequences.

'Cause they're not fun.

-[Scott] What are the consequences?
-It can't be that bad.

You get cramps, you have nausea,
sometimes you throw up.

-I get migraines.
-[Kourtney] I don't get any of those.

-Me, too.
-Me, too.

Some girls do. It's, like, really severe.

-You should know what it feels like.
-[Rob] I don't care.

None of that stuff bothers me.
I don't fear pain.

Okay. Well, I think you should know
what it's like to feel what we feel.

Let's go see Rob menstruate.

I know about this device.

I know a lot of athletes do it.

If you have an injury,
it makes your muscles contract.

And if it's put in the wrong place,

I think it could really make
a good lasting effect on someone.

-[Kourtney] Hi. How are you?
-I'm Dr. Trumpi.

Hi. Kourtney. Nice to meet you. Come in.

So I figure, why not do this to Rob?

You want to know what a [bleep]
period cramp feels like? Be my guest.

-Hi. How are you?
-Good. Hey, I'm Dr. Trumpi.

I'm Khloe. Nice to see you.

[Scott] What's gonna go on in here?

This electrical machine will muscular
contractions mimicking cramps.

See, Rob? You want to make fun?
Wait till you feel this pain.

[Rob] Khloe enjoys [bleep] with me.

She obviously doesn't
have anything better to do

since she's on her period or whatever.

I'm curious
to what this is gonna feel like,

but, regardless of whatever
Khloe's plan is,

I don't think it'll be that bad.

We'll hook these up: electrodes on you,
so you can have some empathy

for all
your females around you, right?

What you need to do is relax here.

We'll put these here first, okay?

We'll start just with two. We have eight
electrodes, but we'll start with two.

-Hold on to something. Hold her hand.
-[Rob] Oh, [bleep]. Don't t*rture me.

-[Dr. Trumpi] Okay, you ready?
-[electrodes buzzing]

We'll start with two. We have
eight electrodes. We'll start with two.

-Hold on to something. Hold her hand.
-Oh, [bleep]. Don't t*rture me.

You ready?
Okay, I'm gonna go real slow.

So you get a sensation
of what it feels like.

-[Rob] All right.
-[electrodes buzzing]

I'm gonna turn it up a little bit.
I'm gonna go slow.

[Rob laughs] Just a little.

[Scott] Could this stimulate him

-[Dr. Trumpi] Not this time.
-[Rob] Oh, not this time.


-Okay, ready?
-I'm touching my sister's hand.

-I'm gonna keep going. Tell me when...
-[Rob] I just contract when I laugh.

-When I'm not trying to think about it.

That's what I do
in the tattoo appointments. [he groans]

-Does it really hurt?
-[Dr. Trumpi] Does it hurt?

-[Rob] Yeah.
-Does it really?

[Dr. Trumpi] All right.

[Khloe voiceover] Apparently,
my meriod cramp device worked.

And it's not that I want
my brother to endure pain,

but I want him to know what I have
to go through every single month.

So I feel like I need
this cramp device in my back pocket

whenever he has an excuse.

I go ahead and give him some cramps.

So do you feel, like, more sympathetic
towards them now or no?

I mean, yeah, I respect
a woman who gives birth

and has periods all the time.

[Scott] It must have sucked.

[dance music plays]

-[Kim] Mom?
-[Kris] Hey, I'm in the office.

-Hey. You look nice.

-Well, thanks, so do you.
-[phone rings]

[indistinct chatter on phone]

[Kris] ♪ Happy birthday to you

[Kim and Kris] ♪ Happy birthday to you

♪ Happy birthday

♪ Dear Tristan

-[Kris] ♪ Happy birthday ♪
-[Kim high-pitched] ♪ To you! ♪

-[Tristan] Oh yeah.
-Oh, get it, Kim, get it!

-[Tristan] Hey, girl.
-[Kim] Hey. How does it feel to be 21?

-[Khloe] He's 26.
-[Tristan] 26.

-[Khloe] Don't be an ass[bleep].
-Thank God.

-[Khloe] Bye, you guys.
-[Kris] Bye.

So... I read Caitlyn's book.



She has her thoughts,
and you have your thoughts.

That's fine, but I do feel like there's
a way to tell your side of the story

without being so negative.

Like, everything is always your fault.


I think what she doesn't realize,
when it says you got all the checks,

yeah, it was a household.

She never paid a bill from 1972.

-You were in charge of that.
-Didn't know how much a gardener was.

And in the book writes,
"Well, Kris didn't need me anymore.

All of the checks for Keeping Up
With The Kardashians all went to Kris."

"Went to Kris"?

How about it went to the mortgage,
the insurance, and education?

You start talking about how I was hoarding
money, when we didn't even have it?

You know when you get to know
somebody and you're dating?

And I said to Cait,
"You were married before.

How did you and your wife break up?"

She weaves this elaborate story
about how she and Linda broke up.

Cait could've told me the story
that she writes about in the book,

which is, gee,

Linda got so angry and nasty that she had
to tell her about her gender dysphoria.

Why wouldn't you have
told me what happened with Linda,

so I could make my own decision
if I wanted to get married

to someone who really
wanted to be a woman?

She just literally started three families

with three different people
and [bleep] everyone over.

But can't handle that negative publicity,

so I'm gonna be the scapegoat.

-She's gonna throw me under the bus.
-It's so wack.

Like, it really is so wack.

If this is the way that someone
feels about me after 23 years

and about
all the wonderful memories that I have...

[voice breaks] ...then...
it's just better for me to say,

"You know what? I have my own
memories, and they were great.

And the last five years were hard,
but I still have those great memories."

So I choose to be the bigger person
and just wish them well.

And I feel sorry for her

that this is how she has her memories.

[Kim voiceover]
My mom has been so fair to Cait.

And Cait just has no decency
towards my mom, whatsoever.

It's just hurtful.

I feel like my mom is
carrying this burden of feeling

like she has to maintain a relationship
with Caitlyn for all the kids.

Like, we're grown up. I don't think
my mom has to try anymore.

It's time to move on.

I just, like, have no respect
for her anymore.

Someone that had this perspective,
I wouldn't even want around.

Over it.


[Khloe] Can't even see.

-[doorbell rings]

-[Kim] So nice to meet you.
-[Manvendra] How are you?

-Hello. I'm Prince Manvendra from India.
-I'm Kim.

[Kim] So nice to meet you. Come in.

-You got a beautiful house.
-Thank you.

-How are you?
-[Manvendra] How are you?

-Nice to see you.
-[Kim] Kourtney.

-Hi. How are you?
-[Khloe] Hi.

-[Kim] Khloe.
-Nice to see you.

-[Kim] Beautiful outfit.

-Do you want to sit down?
-[Manvendra] Yeah.

Did you just come from India?

We went to San Francisco to raise funds
to make our LGBTA center,

community center, "A" stands for allies.

-That's the first one in India.
-[all] Oh, wow.

I knew that my coming out
would definitely make a difference.

How was the response publicly?

My God, don't even ask me what happened.


The first reaction
was they all set a bonfire

and they burned my effigies in that.

-[Kendall gasps]
-The whole town.

They got together, and there was
protests going on everywhere,

and they said,
"He's put a shame to the royal family.

He should be stripped of his title."

If your parents wanted to could they
strip you of your title and banish you?

-They did, in fact.
-[Khloe] Oh, they did.

So, uh, my parents publicly
disowned me from the royal family.

-[Khloe] Oh...
-They also disinherited me.

-From the ancestral property.
-[Khloe] Oh.

-[Kendall] Wow.
-Yes, so...

Have you spoken to your parents since?

Yeah, then, things did improve.

I have to educate them, I have to make
them aware what is right, what is wrong.

And media helped me a lot.

Media, print media and television media,
that helped change their minds.

Once people feel
like other people will accept it,

then it must not be that bad.


The more they hear about it,
the more common it becomes.

I mean, even just
with our situation, your dad.

It's, like, 20 years ago,
if you heard someone was transgender...

-That would be... [gasps]
-[Kendall] Yeah.

-Now, it's, like...
-Someone said the other night:

"Before she publicly came out,
we heard she might publicly come out."

And they were nervous.
They were like, "I don't know if America

or the world is ready for this."

Mm-hm. I was so happy for her soul
that is was a positive reaction.

-I can only imagine...
-[Kendall] It could have been bad. know, how strong
you have to be to...

Really, I mean,
and how scared you must be.

When did you know?

It was around 12 or 13, I guess. I mean...

But you still got married to a woman?

Mine was arranged. I was shown a number
of princesses from across the country.

-[Kim] Oh, and you pick?
-I picked one who I thought I would...

-Assuming I'm straight.

-You know?
-Do you still speak with her?

Uh, no, I don't speak to her anymore.

But, uh, I mean, I haven't
spoken to her after our divorce,

because, um, it really hit me
hard on my heart,

because those moments of living with her,

I realized that, uh, I kind of
made the biggest mistake.

We kind of mutually decided.

I said, no, I can't keep her
in this, uh, way.

I can't continue with this kind
of a t*rture, I would say, for her.

-It's amazing of you, to do that.
-I said, it's not right.

Do you know if she's married now?

-Yeah, yeah.
-Oh, she is?

So, because it's very difficult,
in India especially,

for girls to get married after divorce,
I mean, I was just praying.

I said, I just wish she gets married,

'cause, like, my satisfaction
was that she got married.

That was itself the beginning stage
of my... my coming out.

Till then, I was feeling very guilty after
this whole... this whole thing happened.

And to be so thoughtful of her...
It shows really great character.

I think coming out
is such a personal decision

that you have to do it in your own time,

but I think that it's really
commendable that he waited

his wife remarried to come out,

because he was so sensitive
to her experience.

The last words of her I still remember.
She told me just before we parted ways:

"You have tried to spoil my life.

I would advise you please don't
do it to another woman."

I feel like there are some similarities
between Prince Manvendra's stories

and my parents' stories, so I would
like my mom to meet him and talk to him.

I think it could be really interesting.

I have friends or relatives,
who have known her

and, uh, she seems
to be enjoying her life.

-[Kim] That must make you feel good.
-[Manvendra] Yeah, I mean, of course.

But sometimes I go back, flash back,

and I again think, "Oh God, why did
I cause so much of misery to her?"

It's really clear
that the prince and Caitlyn

handled their situations
totally differently.

I know Kendall's such a daddy's girl,
but I think it's important to understand

what my mom's been going through
just so that Kendall knows both sides.

It seems like such a simple thing,
just to be who you are.

-But it's really not.

You know, and so many...
for so many different people.


[electronic dance plays]

[Kim] What does this thing say?

[Kendall] The artist is Tracey Emin.

And the dimensions of her
ex-boyfriend's [bleep].

So he has a really big [bleep]

and the message
is to his new girlfriend saying,

"I'm glad to hear you're happy."

-Do you like the placement over my bed?
-That is so funny.

-[Kendall] It's good, right?
-It's 22 centimeters.

-[Kendall] Yeah, it's big. I think, right?
-[Kim] So funny.

I, uh, I finally read your dad's book.

-You read the whole thing?
-[Kim] Yeah.

There's just certain things that you
don't have to say about my mom.

I feel like my mom always holds
in her feelings to her kids

'cause she doesn't want us to pick sides.

She doesn't want us
to be in that position.

I feel like Kendall should know.
She should know what the book says.

And then she should know
what my mom's feelings are.

I just want to treat Kendall
like an adult and give her the truth.

I think we always baby her and Kylie,

thinking they're the babies
of the family and they're not.

They're grown now.

Like, what did she say?

[Kendall] Like, what did she say?

There's a way to tell
your story without being so negative.

Like she says in the book: "Kris knew."

But Kris knew what?
You're making it seem like Kris knew:

"I'm transgender.
I feel like I'm in the wrong body."

And then she goes, "Oh, Kris knew.

I said that I, you know, liked to dress up
and she said "Don't do that here."

Or something like that. And I go,
you know what? She was 30-years-old.

She loved you. She probably didn't
know what you even meant.

Then Cait said, "Every check Kris and I
got, she wouldn't let me write a check.

She wouldn't let me write anything.
Kris got all the money."

Where do you think that money went to?

You're making it sound
like she just went shopping.

But you guys had to pay for the home,
insurance, health insurance...

Yeah, she wasn't out buying
crazy stuff with your money.

They hardly had any money
and they were putting it into an account,

paying taxes, and doing this
and paying old bills.

And then, with her transition,

she goes,
"Those kids felt a way about it."

Like, made it, you know,
said that we were so upset.

-That's so awful to say about your family.

Like, the kids that, like...
You met Robert when he was two.

-[Kim] Totally.
-[Kendall] You helped raise you guys.

-But if I was apart...
-Those are partly your kids, too.

-What the [bleep]?

In the back of the book, she says,

"And when we did Diane Sawyer,
we specifically took out

every reference that said
Kardashian or insinuation to them.

We did research, and studies show..."

And I'm like, instead
of having our back and, like...

Like, if you're not gonna mention
our name, or your name, fine,

but don't diss it
at the end of your thing.

It's like a backhanded... yeah.

Yeah. You should, like,
make it seem better and help.

I think what upset me
the most about my dad's book

is what she had said about my family

because, at the end of the day,
she raised the Kardashians.

And at the end of the day,
the Kardashians are still part

of my blood, so I understand where
my mom's coming from a bit more now.

So I think that just that little...

She's pushing herself further
and further away from all of us.

And then she complains, like,
"Why don't you come and hang out with me?

And it's, like,
"Because you're being mean."

-[Kim] Yeah.
-[Kendall] I don't know what got into her.

[bouncy dance music plays]

[doorbell rings]

-Hi, Kris.
-Hello. How are you?

-You must be Prince Manvendra.

There's not many people that come
to my door in such beautiful garments.

-You look so beautiful.
-Yeah, thank you.

Amazing. Come on in. My girls have said
so many wonderful things about you.

-Oh, have they?
-They can't say enough.

They had a beautiful meeting with you.

-How are you?
-Yeah, I'm doing great.

And I'm so happy to meet you.

-I've heard so much about you, and...
-You have?

Yes, and I wanted to meet you
to... to talk to you.

I was fascinated with your story,

because you did something
that was so against your culture.

[Manvendra] Mm-hm.

And the price you had
to pay is extraordinary.

And that's--
I mean, I admire you for your strength.

-Thank you.
-[Kris] And for being true to yourself.

And I'm not sure why your story
makes so much sense Caitlyn's doesn't,

But what do you think
was the biggest thing

that you had to face
when you finally said,

"This isn't me. I'm gay"?

-My life.

There's nothing more precious
than your own life.

You can get a house, you can get husband,
but you can't get a life back.

-So I sacrificed my old life.
-How long were you married?

I was married for,
uh, 16 months, I would say.

-[Kris] Oh, wow.

-Mine lasted 23 years.
-[Manvendra] My goodness.

I felt like I was married to someone

who really wanted to be married to me.

And then to suddenly,
you know, wake up one day

and realize that wasn't gonna be
the end of your chapter, is devastating.

Somewhere down the line, she will
also be having a feeling of guilt.

Or like a, "Why did I do that to her?"

It's very liberating for me
to be able to talk somebody else

who's gone through a similar situation.

And to have someone
really validate that it's okay to feel

the way that I've been feeling,

and that sooner or later
it does get a little bit better.

The way that you've treated your ex-wife

gives me hope that there are
people out there like you

that are very considerate, and loving,
and caring and that's a big deal.

I'm just hoping that you also get treated
the same-- similar manner by, uh...

-[Kris] Aw, maybe one day.
-One day. I have, I have that hope.

-Thank you.
-That positive, uh, hope.

-And, um, I believe in destiny.
-I do, too.

Yes. And I believe that
when two strangers are meeting,

they're meeting for a purpose,
and for a good purpose.

If I'm meeting you today, I'm sure there's
something good coming in your life.

Aw, thank you.

I will definitely pray and wish
something good comes

and you will live a very happy,
satisfied life.

And if you'll be happy, I'm sure you'll
give more happiness your daughters.

[Kris] Did you see my sheep? These
are the bronze ones that live outside.

[in squeaky voice] And this is
what I got! My little babies! Look.

I can tell you miss Kylie and I a lot.

[Kris] The mommy and the baby.
All right, come here.

I'm gonna make you look at my sheep.
They're right here.

[Kris claps, laughs]

-Aren't they cute?
-Why don't you trim your grass?

It's just trying to grow back
after all the rain. We'll replace it.

-Aren't they cute?
-[Kendall] So cute.

[Kris] I know.

I spoke to Kim about Dad's book.

And I heard about all the stuff
she was saying in it.

-[Kris] Mm-hm.
-How a lot of it's so not true.

[Kris] Yeah.

The weird part is
I don't think it's a purposeful lying.

-I think she thinks that's what happened.

For some weird reason.

It could've been handled
in the most amazing, loving way.

Talk about your journey
and keep it to that.

That I would've had great respect for.

Don't talk about it
in a real negative way.

Like, everything was, like,
I am such a bad person.

There's lies that are printed in a book

that lives there for the end of time.

So your children are gonna read
this book about their grandparent

and have a story that's fabricated.

-That's in print and is a fabrication.
-Yeah, you're right.

And then she goes around dissing
the Kardashians,

but it's, like, those are
the kids that you raised.

If you have a problem
with them, you raised them.

It makes no sense to me that she would
go around bashing us for no reason.

It's insane, Mom.

That's insane!

[Kendall] It's insane, Mom.

It blows my mind that she would do that.

-But here's what you have to understand.
-It's insane, Mom.

Here's what you have to understand:

She walked away from four other kids,

and then turned around
and blamed it on me.


This was kind of like my final straw.

And, at some point, I just have to let
it go because it's too painful to bear.

It sucks, but, like, it's not worth
putting too much energy towards it.

But if that's, like, making you stressed,
like, it's not your fault.

Yeah. I appreciate that.

My mom has been
pretty protective over Kylie and I

and I can really appreciate it,

but at the same time,
I think Kylie and I are old enough now

to try and deal with it on our own.

I mean, my dad is my dad,
I'll always love my dad.

I love my dad to death. But I think my mom
needed to know that it will all be okay.

And that we'll be fine.
And I just... needed her to know that.

It's unfortunate, 'cause that part,
that connection is falling apart.

But that's okay.
I've learned to be okay with it.

I just never want you
to feel like I don't love you

more than anything
in the whole, entire world.

Thanks for just being you.
You have a heart of gold.

A heart of gold.

-'Kay, I'm leaving.
-You don't want some turkey meat loaf?

-Sure don't.
-Give me a kiss. And a hug.

No kisses. 'Cause you have
so much makeup on.

Mom, please, seriously, seriously.
Mom, this gross!

-This is so gross.

Look at your lipstick
that you have on. It's so weird.

-You look like you have a hickey.
-That's gross.

Awesome. Moms are gross.
That's what happens.

Better leave or I'm gonna kiss you again.

-I'm gonna get you.
-[Kendall] Leave me alone.

[Kris] I'm gonna get you.
[she laughs] I'm gonna get you.

[Kim] Coming up next week...

When do you think
you're gonna start dating again?

Hi. How are you? Kourtney.

[Kris] We're discussing
your birthday party.

So we got Disneyland. Is that good?

That doesn't...

[Khloe] This is something
you want to do, Rob.

I wonder how Tristan would feel.

"I'm pregnant,
but it's not yours and it's not mine."

Having Khloe be my surrogate
would give me peace of mind.

There are fewer follicles
than for normal 32-year-olds.

[Khloe] Shut the [bleep] up.