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13x03 - The Aftermath

Posted: 12/08/23 08:32
by bunniefuu
[Kourtney] Bonjour! I'm in France!

-[paparazzo] Kim!
-[paparazzo 2] Are you okay?

[Newscaster] In Paris,
Kim Kardashian has been robbed.

[Kim] Howard Stern said
that I should go to jail if this is fake.

[Corey] Anything you do,
somebody gonna bring negativity and doubt.

This family's gonna have to deal
with that forever.

[Kim] I heard pounding up the stairs,

and then I saw two guys
holding another guy down.

And so I, like, called Pascal,

and then the guy came
and grabbed the phone from me,

threw me on the bed.

I'm not gonna make it out here.
Like, I know how these things go.

Either they're gonna sh**t me in the back
or the elevator does not open in time.

I'm [bleep]. There's no way out.

I just prayed that Kourtney is
gonna have a normal life

after she sees my dead body.

♪ ♪

[all greeting]

[Khloe] Hey, Mom.

[Kris] Well, you're a sight for sore eyes.

[Khloe] I don't really know
what that expression means.

[Kris] It means that my eyes are sore,
and seeing you makes everything better.

[Khloe] Isn't that cute, Mommy?

[Kris] So you guys are taping at 3:15.

[Khloe] It's really scary.

I really normally don't get
nervous doing interviews.

But, because I am the first one
to do press since the robbery

and it's incredibly different
than anything we've ever dealt with,

I'm really nervous.

I know everyone is curious and wanting
to have answers to everything,

there's a time and a place for everything.

[Kris] Love you.

[Khloe] It's a weird position to be in,
but we have to get out of our homes.

We all have responsibilities,

and we need to, you know, do our jobs

and just get back to normal life,
even though life is now different.

[crowd cheering]

[Ellen] Tell me how Kim is doing.
I'm sure everybody is wondering.

-Tell us.
-[Khloe] I mean, she's not that well.

I mean, it's incredibly traumatic,
what happened to her.

But our family is super close and great,
and we'll get through it together.

And we do appreciate, like,
all your guys' love and support.

And it-- it will take time.

[Kevin Hart] It's dope you are
being there for your sister.

That's great. That's great.


♪ ♪


[Kris] I thought you handled
that really well today.

Under the circumstances,

since you are the first one
to be out there doing press.

This morning, we had to get on the phone
with everybody from Paris,

and, when Kim was walking the attorneys
through the incident again,

I got really upset.
I didn't expect that to happen.

You know what's so crazy?

Kim said that she's had her Blackberry
for, like, a decade or whatever.

And she said that morning,
at 11:00 in the morning Paris time,

her alarm went off.

[Khloe] Yeah, the alarm went
off, mm-hmm, she told me that.

[Kris] She's never set her alarm
on her Blackberry,

out of the whole time
she ever had a Blackberry.

And then, two days later,
you guys do the thing with Tyler.

[Khloe] Mm-hmm.

[Kris] And you guys say that
that's Daddy's way of communicating.

It's through false alarms.

[Khloe] Mm-hmm.

[Kris] I mean, how random is that?
It's so crazy.

The day of Kim's robbery in Paris
was also the anniversary

of their dad Robert's funeral.

And it's crazy because we all believe
that when we lose somebody close to us

they still have a way of communicating,
if you really pay attention.

And right before she was robbed,
Kim's Blackberry alarm went off.

And it had never gone off.

So maybe that was a warning for Kim.

[Khloe] I mean, how are you feeling
with everything?

[Kris] It's... it's just...

Because I did go through
that experience with Nicole,

I keep going over all the events
in my head, like, what could've happened.

-[Khloe] But you can't live like that.
-[Kris] No, I know.

But I think, you know, at any moment,

Kourtney and Kendall could've walked back
in that house.

And had that happened, it would've been
a much different outcome.

And I thought, "You know, I could've lost
three of my kids in one flash."

[Khloe] Mm-hmm.

[Kris] Life is so crazy
and so unpredictable, and so short.

And we just have to wake up every day
and thank God we're together,

and alive, and we're all okay.

[Khloe] Yeah.

♪ ♪

[Khloe] Hello, Northie!
Wait, can I have a hug hello first?

It's very rude. There you are. Ha-ha-ha!

I thought you forgot about me!

Oh! Oh, now you want to give me a hug!
Nice to meet ya. Thank you.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

-[North] Do that, too, Mommy!
-[Kim] What? Nice to meet you?

-[North] Yeah!
-[Kim] Nice to meet you!

-[Scott] Hey, Reign-aloosh!
-[Khloe] You look cute, Kourt.

-You look like a little "weetch."
-[Kourtney accented] I'm the wicked witch.

-The very, very, very wicked witch.
-[Khloe accented] Oh, wicked.

-[Kim] Hey, Bob.
-[Scott] Oh!

That's what I'm talking about!

-[Kourtney] Hey, Bob. Hey, Bob.
-[Scott] Yo. Get it.

Yeah, that's normal.

Yo, Rob, is that cool? A hug?

-[Rob chuckles] Yeah.
-[Chyna] Is it okay? Is it okay?

[Kim] You've grown.

-[Chyna] I'm feeling it now.
-[Kim] You've grown.

[Chyna] I'm feeling it.

[Rob] What up, man?

[Chyna] I didn't even know you
was gonna be here.

[Kim] Yeah. I wanted to come over.

I've been taking North
to school every day.

I just wanted to be there and, like...

[Chyna] Mm-hmm.

[Kim] So I'm just gonna take
this time off to really just...

be with them.

[Kourtney] Guys, dinner's ready!

[Chyna] Okay, let's go eat. Let's go eat.

[Khloe] Kourt, can you tell us
what this stuff is?

[Kourtney] It's all gluten-free,

[Kim] I don't really have that
much of an appetite these days,

so don't give me a lot.

[Khloe] You guys, this looks very amazing.
Thank you so much.

-[Kourtney] We should say a prayer first.
-[Khloe] Okay.

[Kris] Kourtney, say the prayer.

[Kourtney] Dear Lord Jesus,

thank you for this food that we
have in front of us,

our safety, and our lives.
In Jesus' name, amen.

[All] Amen.

[Khloe] You are a great prayer giver.
She's very monotone with Jesus.

"Dear Lord Jesus."

[Scott] She's not monotone otherwise?
-[Khloe] I know, but with Jesus,

you can't, like, be more emotional?


[Kourtney] Mom's saying
I should tint that window.

-Don't you think no?
-[Kris] From the outside,

-so they can't see in.
-[Rob] Uh, you 100% should.

[Kourtney] Why? I like to look out.

[Kris] I would worry about somebody
walking down the street, looking in here.

It's a security measure.

[Kim] Do you think
we have enough security?

[Kris] No.

Little things like that I think about.
I don't sleep at night.

I'm, like, going through every
minute detail in my brain.

As a mom, you want to keep your kids safe.

And, in this case, one of the things,
among many of the changes

that we need to make, is security.

[Kim] Not even joking, you guys,
you have to watch out.

[Kris] Yeah, you cannot post
those pictures

-of all those Rolex watches.
-[Rob] Yeah.

[Kim] Like, all the flashiness on, like,
the Instagram, and, like, all of that.

[Rob] We don't think like that.

[Kim] I'm just saying,
just for your safety.

It, like, scares me. It's no joke.

[phone chimes]

Oh, come on.

[Scott] What?

[Kim] Halloween costume. Of me gagged.

[Kourtney] Oh, my God.

[Kim] And it's, like, a long
wig, long hair, a big diamond ring.

[Scott] That's crazy.

[Kim] It really is hard when
people sometimes don't treat you

like you're human and you're going through
such a real, raw experience.

You know, that's really traumatizing.

And people just...

I mean, I even saw a comment
where someone, like,

wished I died that night.
And I was just like, "Really?"

Like, what evil of a person are you
that you would wish death upon someone?

It just sucks when you're getting judged
by the whole world.

♪ ♪

[Kris] Kendall,
what are you doing tonight?

[Kendall] Just hanging out at my house.

-[Kris] Oh.
-[Kendall] With a friend.

-[Scott] Ooh, with a friend.
-[Kris] Ooh. What friend?

-[Kendall] Friends.
-[Kris] Oh. Friends.

Are these male friends or female friends?

-[Kendall] Oh, my God.
-[Scott] A bunch of dudes.

[Kris] A bunch of dudes?

[Scott] Do you just not like
being alone at the house?

-[Kendall] I actually don't, nowadays.
-[Scott] It's understandable.

[Kendall] Yeah.

Did you get, like, a restraining order?

[Kendall] Yeah, I did.

Before Kim's robbery,
I had someone break into my house.

I used to be the one
who was so independent.

I was always kind of by myself,
in a good way.

But now it's, like, fully flipped.

[Scott] So what exactly
happened with this dude?

[Kendall] Oh, my God.

So I came home one night,

and there was a guy sitting on the side
of my street, and I was like, so weird.

Like, he just looked like a homeless man,
like, sitting on his knees like this,

in the street.
And so I was like, that's weird.

So I, like, drove around and I went into
my house, and I watched the gate close.

So I turned my car off,
getting my stuff together.

I'm about to open my door,
and I look in my rear-view mirror,

and he was standing, like,
there with... I just saw his figure.

-[Scott] In the gate?
-[Kendall] In the gate, behind my car.

[Scott] And you see him?

-[Kendall] I saw his figure.
-[Scott] And now what?

[Kendall] I freak out.
He goes, "I need to talk to you."

And I was like, "No, you need to leave."

And, like, so I called one of my friends
immediately. I'm sobbing, crying.

-He's banging my window, screaming.
-[Scott] Oh, God.

[Kendall] So, then I start backing out
and I get to my gate.

The gate opens and I get out.

Then all, of a sudden,
he starts running after me.

At that moment is when my
friends pulled up, and they,

like, had him sit on the curb.

And we waited for the police to
come, and I'm, like, crying,

and I'm, like, freaking out.

[Kris] He went to jail?

[Kendall] He's in jail,
and until trial, he stays in jail.

-[Scott] That's scary.
-[Kendall] Yup.

[Kris] So, it's, like, a full-blown,
selected jury...

-[Kendall] Yep. Like a movie.
-[Kris] The whole nine?

[Scott] That's ridiculous.

[Kendall] I've never been
to a court like that before.

♪ ♪

[cell phone ringing]

-[Kim] Hello.
-[Ina] Hey.

[Kim] Hey.

I don't know why I have to go back
to Paris to talk to the investigators.

I'm like, is it nothing I can do?

[Ina] It'll be a [bleep] show
if you go back there.

[Kim] Yeah, like, obviously,
if they found the guys,

and I have to go to court and, like,
tell my story, I'm happy to do that.

But, like, they haven't found anything.

[Ina] Right.

[Kim] I was watching Nancy Grace

and she was like, the whole thing is,
like, fishy.

She goes, "I don't, when I say
it's an inside job, I don't mean Kim."

And I think that's where people
get it, like, misconstrued.

Like, when they hear "inside job,"
they think "done by the Kardashians."

It's just really frustrating.

-All right, call me if you need me.
-[Ina] Okay.

-[Kim] Okay, bye.
-[Ina] Bye.

[Kris] I'm really trying
to keep an eye on Kim,

and making sure she's okay.

I don't want her to bottle up her emotions

and not feel anything,
because I feel like she's still numb.

I canceled your thing in Vegas.

-I canceled Kendall's.
-[Kim] Were they mad?

[Kris] No. I mean, everybody understands.

We canceled Kendall's 21st birthday party.

[Kim] I don't think anyone
needs to cancel anything.

Like, this happened to me, you know?

[Kris] I know, but it happened
to all of us if it happens to you.

We're all feeling scared and sad,

and you seem to be calmer
than the rest of us some days.

Most people would never have
handled it like you've handled it.

You're so strong.

And that's your nature,
and that's your makeup.

But you also-- when you go
through something like this

you have to take care of yourself.

And maybe it's something that
you need to talk about.

So I really think you should see
a therapist.

And make sure that you get the right help,

so it doesn't creep up on you,
like, three months from now.

Because you've been through
really traumatic experience.

[Kim] Yeah, I mean, I think
I'm just gonna, like, take a minute,

and just do what I want to do,
but not have, like, a set thing.

I'm just gonna, like,
figure it out as I go,

with, like, obviously being cautious.

[Kris] Yeah.

I know it's gonna be one day at a time,

but nothing prepares you for this kind
of traumatic event in your life.

It's all so completely devastating.

And emotionally just unbearable.

And I worry about Kim every single moment.

How she's dealing with what's going on.

You just have to do whatever
you think makes you feel safe.

-[Kim] Mm-hmm.
-[Kris] You just have to be careful.

[Kim] I'll be all right?

♪ ♪

[Kourtney] I posted on Snapchat,
"Mood: Armo," today,

in this outfit and this hair.

And then I squatted down
on the floor, like this.

[Kim] That's very Armo of you.

[Kourtney] Remember Dad's old
Fila sweat suits? I wish we had those.

[Kim] You had them.
-[Kourtney] I did, for so long.

-[Kim] You got rid of them?
-[Kourtney] I guess.

-[Kim] That's so sad.
-[Kourtney] I know.

[Kim] So...

It's like I spent two hours on the phone
with the French attorney today.

It's like spending days getting
all these negative stories taken down.

[Kourtney] Did they take that video down?
-[Kim] Yeah.

And they issued me a public apology.

After everything we've been through,

I see online that there's video footage
of me inside the hotel room.

Maybe, like, five or six hours
after the robbery.

I remember just getting fingerprinted
and we're exhausted, we haven't slept,

we've been sitting there with the police
not able to move for five hours.

And someone invades, you know,
my privacy again.

[Kourtney] So, it still says,
"She's on a phone.

She said her phone got stolen."

[Kim] Why wouldn't I want to
Facetime my husband and kids?

This is five hours after it happened.
It's totally illegal.

We heard that footage got sold for...


[Kourtney] And it says here,
you have no marks from the zip ties.

Oh, and they were saying
there was no damage to the doors.

[Kim] Yeah, because the concierge opened
the [bleep] door for them.

[Kourtney] Right, which everyone knows,
so it's just stupid.

[Kim] I'm trying to not let it
get to me, but it's like,

at some point, you just--
I, like, hope I don't snap.

♪ ♪

[Kendall] How'd you get your plants
to go up?

[Kris] A guy puts little metal things
on the house

once a week and keeps it growing up.
It's a process.

-[Kendall] Got it.
-[Kris] Yeah.

[Kendall] This court process is so much
more than I thought it was gonna be.

It's kind of overwhelming.

[Kris] Yeah.

[Kendall] I just found out
that even I have to testify.

Ugh, I can't believe I have to see him.

Is it, like, weird of me,
though, that I feel bad for him?

I don't think he's mentally there.
I don't even know if he can,

like, control what he's doing
kind of a thing.

Like, he thinks what he's doing
is normal and fine.

Being in the public eye is
pretty crazy, just because

people actually feel like they know you.

And they get very caught up in it.

And they don't realize
that they don't actually know you.

That was my scenario.

So when he came into my house,
he thought it was okay.

Like, he literally, like, talked
to me as if I knew who he was.

So, when I found out that he had
mental health issues, well, I feel bad.

[Kris] You have so much compassion
for people, but the--

on the flip side of it,
you need to show everyone

that you're going to act on every single
predator that comes at you.

[Kendall] Ugh.

[Kris] Those are cute jeans.

[Kendall] You're cute jeans.

-[Kris] Those are mine?
-[Kendall] No.

[Kris] Oh, I thought you said
"your cute jeans."

[Kendall] I did.

-[Kris] Those are my jeans?
-[Kendall] No!

-[Kris] Then why did you say...
-[Kendall] You are cute jeans.

[Kris] Huh?

[Kendall] All right, I'm going home.

♪ ♪

[door closing, footsteps]

[Khloe] Keeks?

[Kim crying]

[Kim] I'm, like, in my room,

like, crying, getting reminded
of, like, what happened.

-[Kim sniffles]
-[Khloe] That's gonna happen.

This is still so fresh.

In our family, we go through things
and kind of forget about them so quickly.

Like, we have to remind ourselves,
no, this is trauma,

and we need to all make sure
we're catering to you and, like,

help you through something, you know?

Kim is such a strong, strong woman,
but to have a g*n held to your head,

not knowing what's gonna happen to you,
that [bleep] you up.

So, I know she's going back to
those feelings

and the terrifying thoughts.

This is going to be
an incredibly long journey for her.

It doesn't matter
if people think it's fake.

Obviously, that's crazy.

[Kim crying] I can't.

[Kim cries quietly]

[Khloe] We need to stop.

I just don't want everything
on camera right now.

[Kim cries]

♪ ♪

-[Kris] I'll show you gluten-free cookies.
-[Kim] Hi, guys.

-[Kris] Hi.
-[Kourtney] Hi.

[Kim] I'm so exhausted.

[Kourtney] I'm so exhausted, too.

[Kim] You are? Why?

-[Kourtney] I just can't sleep at night.
-[Kim] Why?

[Kourtney] Like, every little sound
wakes me up lately.

-[Kim] Paris jitters?
-[Kourtney] Mm-hmm.

-[Kim] Really, you think?
-[Kourtney] For sure.

[Kim] I did not sleep last night.
I totally freaked out.

He always comes up the back stairs.
Like, I always know.

He, like, comes out, like,
in the stairs that go into my room.

[Kourtney] Mm-hmm.

[Kim] But he came up the front stairs,
and all I heard was, like, his feet, like,

-stomping, and I'm like...
-[Kris] Oh, God.

[Kim] Like, at 3:00 in the morning,
he came in,

and that's the same time,
like, the robbery happened.

And after a concert,
he can't hear that well.

So, I'm going, "Hello? Hello?",
exactly like I did,

and he's not responding
'cause he can't hear me.

-[Kourtney] Mm-hmm.
-[Kim] I started crying,

-and I'm freaking out in bed.
-[Kris] Oh.

[Kim] And North fell asleep with me,
so, I'm, like, grabbing her,

-and I'm like, "Hello!", like, "Hello!"
-[Kris] Oh.

[Kim] And he's not answering me,
when he walks in I'm like,

-"Hello, ass[bleep]."
-[Kris] Oh.

[Kim] "We've got to come up with a plan.
Like, you have to announce yourself."

[Kris] It's disturbing.

[Kim] I was just-- it was a stupid thing,
but the body wash that I had

when we were in Paris-- I, like,
looked at it as I'm, like, all tied up.

-I unpacked it. It was in the shower.
-[Kris] Oh, God.

[Kim] So I threw it away.

I, like, thought of it, you know?

[Kris] Well, yeah, those are
tragic memories...

-[Kim] Yeah.
-[Kris] ...that are gonna

-trigger a feeling.
-[Kim] Yeah.

So, I'm, like, okay, I know it's time
that I have to, like, see a therapist.

'Cause I don't want to have these, like,
feelings and flashbacks and, like...

[Kris] That will start to give you
some comfort, I feel like.

[Kourtney] Yeah.

[Kim] I've always been really aware
of my emotions and how I'm feeling, and

I've never thought therapy
was the best choice for me,

but I do want to be responsible
for my kids and my husband,

and do whatever I have
to do to really get through this

and not be some crazy person
that's always scared

and anxious, and I just...
I don't want to live my life like that.

[Kris] Well, if her and I have
that feeling at our level,

-we can only imagine how you feel.
-[Kim] Yeah.

[Kris] Like, I-I can't even fathom
what that feels like.

[Kim] Yeah.

[Kris] Hey! It's 5:00 somewhere.
It's quarter to 5:00.

[Scott] This poor guy didn't drink
before he met you.

KRIS [laughing]: I know.
That's what happens.

-Neither did you.
-[Scott] Yeah.

-I guess you're right.

[Kris] He was a snowboarder.

[Scott] That reel went to [bleep]
real quick.

The underdog's coming back.

[Corey] Back to snowboarding.
[Scott groaning] Right.

What are you getting into there?
You're typing fast.

[Kris] This video. Hold on.

[Scott] Well, where is this from?

-[Kris] Kanye. He made this.
-[laughter on screen]

You got to watch it.

[Kim] Hey, cha, cha.

[Kourtney] Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

[Kris] Kanye's producing a video
he'll present to Kim

on her birthday, which is a compilation
of amazing family moments,

and it's so sweet.

It really represents the best time
of my life.

[Kris] Christmas Eve.

[Robert] Hey!

[Kris laughs]

[girls speak indistinctly]

-[Kim] A real one?
-[Kris] Oh.

[Khloe] Here's my dad.

It's... April, 1992.

My dad's right there.

Isn't that a pretty view?

[Kris] Oh, God.

[in video] Hey, who's the father
of these lovely...?

-Oh, my God, that is so...
[woman] Here, Robert!

[Robert] All right, one more, now.

All right, I wish you all...

[Kris] Ever since Robert passed away,

it's been a huge responsibility
and a weight on my shoulders

to know that I am their only parent,
and it's just on me.

-[Khloe] Bye!
-[Robert] Bye!

-[Scott] That's sweet.
-[Corey] Yeah, that's so dope.

[Kris sniffles]

[Kris] Ah. It's like the fifth time today
I've cried over that damn video.

[Scott] By the way, how many...?
You've gotten 37 messages in ten minutes.

[Kris] It's all I do all day
is put out fires.

[Matthew] There's someone at the gate,
trying to get in for Kendall.

They have...

I told them "no", obviously,
and they have him holding there now.

-[Kris] Send security there right now.
-[Matthew] Okay.

[Kris] And have the bodyguards
take pictures.

[Corey] Babe.

[Matthew] Um, yeah,
if you could just try and hold him.

[Corey] Hey, jump in your truck
and run to the gate.

It's, like, an intruder trying to come
into the neighborhood under Kendall.

Don't really expose yourself,
but see what's going on.

[Scott] That's pretty weird.

[Kris] I just feel like I need
to micromanage every single one

of the kids' properties.

[Corey] I know you got a lot
on your plate,

and the security thing-- I don't know
if you can fully wrap your mind around it,

and I really, really want to help you lock
things down around the family.

[Scott] I'm sure Corey can handle this.

I don't think you need to take
on every little thing.

[Kris] Ever since we returned from Paris,
I've been interviewing companies,

sure that we find the most qualified team
to take care of such a big family.

[Corey] What's up?

[Kris] Just trying to figure
out the security, babe.

[Corey] You should relax
and shut it down tonight.

[Kris] Everybody in a direction.
-[Corey] I've done...

[Kris] I don't know what...
[Corey] I... I did that.

I told you, I got the chart ready
for you by the bed.

Look at it in the bed.

[Kris] I appreciate everything Corey does.
He has such a background in security,

but I have to pick the perfect team

because nobody's gonna protect my kids
like me.

I think I'll finally relax when
I feel like everybody's covered

I just want them to feel safe.

I don't even care about myself
anymore, I swear to God.

I just want them to be safe.

[Kim] Ken, do you want to see the merch?

[Kendall] Yeah.

[Kim] It says, like, "California,"
and this is, like, the crest.

-This says "Las Virgenes."
-[Kendall laughs softly]

[Kendall] These colors are really cool.

[Kim] These are all in the show,
these with jackets.

What's going on?

[Kendall] Not much.

Dude, I don't think I want to testify.

[Kim] Why?

[Kendall] Because I feel really bad.
Is that weird?

He's, like, mentally challenged.

I don't know.

-It makes me really sad.
-[Kim] But that's not your responsibility.

Like, after Paris,
our lives are so different.

Like, I can't sleep unless I have, like,
four security guards

just outside my house.

If you don't set the tone for it now,

you're not gonna be able
to sleep at night.

[Kendall] Mm. That's true.

[Kim] Kendall is so sweet,
sensitive and caring,

and she feels so guilty having to testify.

I understand that,
but this guy could've really hurt her.

So she has to protect herself
first and foremost.

You're lucky, obviously,
in a sense that, like, nothing happened.

He didn't do anything, you know, to you,

which it could've gotten
really out of hand.

[Kendall] I mean, the thought
of even having to see him

in court freaks me out,
and it0 just gives me crazy anxiety.

[Kim] I know, but you just have to, like,
fight through it.

[Kendall] Yeah, I guess.
I want to be protected,

obviously, but I'm conflicted.

Like, can't we just send him to a hospital

where he can get the help that he needs?

I don't know. It's really confusing
but scary at the same time.

[Kim] You're doing the right thing.

Like, you testifying against him
is the right thing to do.

[Kendall] Yeah, I'll do it, I guess.
I just, like... I feel really bad.

♪ ♪

[Kim] Do you see that roll-y thing I have?

Like, North lays in it, and I
just, like, flip her around.

-[Kourtney] Do a video.
-[Kim] Okay.

Oh, wait, sh**t. Sorry.
I haven't been on Snapchat for so long.

-[Kourtney laughing]

-[Kourtney] Aah!


[Kim] Okay. Wait, I stopped it.

[Kourtney] Aah! [laughs]

-[Kim] Wait, this is cute.
-[camera clicks]

Oh, my God, doing it backwards
is kind of funny.

-We call Kendall?
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

[Kim] She finished testifying.

[line ringing]

-[Kendall] Hi.
-[Kim] Hey, how'd it go?

[Kendall] Finished out the
questions with my attorney

and then his attorney got on.

And he didn't have anything to ask.

So he just confirmed everything
that I had already said, basically.

[Kim] Yeah.

[Kendall] I'm shaking the whole time.
I had anxiety the whole time.

[Kim] Yeah.

[Kendall] And that was it.

[Kim] Well, at least it's over--
you're done.

[Kendall] Yeah.

[Kim] You know, they extended
his restraining order for five years,

so that's good.

-[Kendall] How do you know that?
-[Kim] It was on TMZ. Is that true?

[Kendall] Yeah.

[Kim] I am really proud of Kendall
for doing something that

she didn't necessarily want to do
but she knew that it was for her benefit.

You know, she has to protect herself,
and she can't worry

about someone else's circumstances.

So I'm really proud of her.

There's a sketch of you.

[Kendall] There is?

[Kim] Like, one of those
courtroom sketches.

[Kendall] Oh, my God,
I'm gonna look it up.

[Kim] Did you see on the Daily Mail

it said you and Scott
can't quit each other?

[Kendall] "Romance Rumors on Lunch Date."
Oh, my God.

[Kourtney] Keep it in the fam.

-[Kendall] Ew.
-[Kourtney chuckles]

♪ ♪

-[Kris] Okay, Corey?
-[Corey] Yeah.

-[Kris] Hold on. Okay, Kylie?
-[Kylie] What?

[Kris] You're both on the phone.
So, Kylie, tell us what's going on.

[Kylie] They said there's
motion detectors, break-ins,

glass breaking, all in the master bedroom.

[Kris] Corey's on his way.

[Corey] I'm rushing over there.
I'm not that far.

[Kylie] Normy! What if they do
something to Norman?

[Kris] They're not gonna do
anything to your dogs.

-[Kylie] But, Mom...
-[Kris] So just calm down.

-We'll take care of it.
-[Kylie] I'm on the [bleep]ing 405.

-I'm in Beverly Hills.
-[Kris] Kylie, honey, it's gonna be okay.

[Kylie groans]

Okay, we'll call you in a few minutes.

Okay, so, Corey, for real, where are you?

[Corey] I'm rushing down the 101.
I'm 14 minutes away, tops.

[Kris] Okay, don't you think
it would be quicker

if I just went over there now?
I could run over there right now,

-and I'll be there in three minutes.
-[Corey] No. You can't protect yourself.

Let me deal with it. Listen, she's safe...

[Kris] I said to you... She's not safe!

[Corey] She is not home.
It's been issues with the alarm system,

but just in case it's not,
you stay at home safely

because I know how to defend myself.

You do not, so let me handle it.

[Kris] I think what you don't
understand is these are my kids.

And I'm the only one here,
in this neighborhood,

so if you're really not three or four
minutes away, then I'm leaving now.

[Corey] You're not thinking logically,
so just chill out.

[Kris] Don't tell me to chill out!
Don't tell somebody

when they're having a panic attack
to chill out!

[Corey] Calm down.

[Kris] So if you're not there
in a couple minutes, then I'm leaving.

[LAPD] Are there dogs inside the house?
[Kris] Yes, there are four.

[LAPD] Okay, now that might be
the initial signal.

They found no evidence of any crime.
No one there.

[Kris] Oh, wow. There's nothing?

[LAPD] Someone was saying they
were the homeowner's stepfather.

[Kris] Oh, yeah, that's Corey.
Corey. Corey's there.

[LAPD] Oh, okay. Yeah,
the deputies have cleared the location.

[Kris] Okay. Well, I'm really
sorry for the bother.

-[LAPD] Okay, thank you.
-[Kris] Thanks a lot.

Hey, babe, thanks for going over there.

[Corey] Not a problem.
Not a problem at all.

[Kris] I just don't... I can't believe
that we don't have security set up

over there yet.

[Corey] Can we talk about
how the first thing you did was panic,

caused yourself more stress.

You can't go into
no hostile situation panicking.

[Kris] Of course I'm gonna panic.
I'm gonna panic right now

because of everything else
that's going on.

It's my job to take care of everybody.

[Corey] Life and death is not a job.

The thinking is not the same.
It's not a business deal.

You-you can't protect yourself.
You can't...

[Kris] After what we just went
through in Paris...

[Corey] Which should teach you
to let it be handled properly.

You running over to a violent
situation into a house,

two or three intruders,
what the hell you gonna do?

[Kris] I can't forgive myself
for what happened.

[Corey] It's not your fault.

[Kris] Yeah, but you just...
That's not how your mind works,

when you feel like you could've done
something to make it not happen.

[Corey] You did everything--

And I go over it and over it
and over it, like a loop in my mind.

[Corey] Because this is so,
so, so close to your heart,

you're never gonna think clear.

And I think I should just take
that off of your chest

really help you with the security thing.

I swear to you, I know how important
your kids are,

and I know how important you are to me,
and I'm gonna always treat

your kids and protect them
just like I would protect you.

You're never gonna think
nobody's good enough to help you

protect your kids better than you,

but we have to put the
right people in place,

we got to interview people, and I just
want to help you deal with that situation.

I'm here for you, and you know it.
So just think about it.

[Kris] Okay.

Thank you. Appreciate it.

♪ ♪

[Caitlyn] Kendall! Where are you?

What the heck are you doing out here?

-[Kendall] Hanging out.
-[Caitlyn] Hanging out? Enjoying the sun?

[Kendall] Yeah.

[Caitlyn] It's beautiful up here.

What a great view.

[Kendall] It's better at night, too.

[Caitlyn] Well, how are things?
Do you like your new car?

[Kendall] I love my new car.

[Caitlyn] Maybe I should come over
and borrow the car

-and put some miles on it.
-[Kendall] No.

[Caitlyn] You know I'll be good to it.

[Kendall] Mm...

[Caitlyn] So how are you doing
with the whole Kim thing?

[Kendall] I'm okay.
It's just all really crazy.

-[Caitlyn] Did you testify the other day?
-[Kendall] Yeah.

-[Caitlyn] How did that go?
-[Kendall] It was good, I guess.

-I don't know.
-[Caitlyn] Was the guy there?

[Kendall] Yeah.

[Caitlyn] Oh, get out.

[Kendall] Yeah. It was one of the most
uncomfortable things I've ever done, like,

in my life.

[Caitlyn] Sorry you had
to go through that stuff.

[Kendall] Thanks, Dad.

[Caitlyn] He was probably excited
that you had to come

all the way down there because of him.

[Kendall] No.

Like, I hate that someone said
online... someone, like, wrote,

like, "Kendall has an obsessed fan."

I wouldn't... 'Cause a fan, like...

[Caitlyn] Yeah, wants an autograph...

[Kendall] Loves you, wants an
autograph, a picture.

He's just, like, obsessed.

[Caitlyn] Obsessive person, yeah.

[Kendall] He wasn't like,
"Oh my God, Kendall!"

He was like this the whole time.

[Caitlyn] Was he, really?

[Kendall] Like, we didn't make
eye contact once. It's sad.

Like, I was on the verge of tears
the whole time because I felt bad for him.

Even though it's, like,
necessary right now.

It's just, like... makes me sad.

[Caitlyn] No, I totally agree.

-[Kendall] He's been through...
-[Caitlyn] It's sad,

that somebody would go to that extent
and what they did.

[Kendall] Yeah, it's scary,
and it's definitely necessary

to, like, protect myself,
'cause I don't know

what anyone is capable of doing.

[Kendall] My day in court was
really intense.

I was really nervous.
I've never done that before.

And I never want to have to do it again.

But I'm realizing now that,
regardless of his mental health,

that we, as a family, have to
take action and have to protect ourselves.

But I really do hope that he gets
the help that he needs.

[Caitlyn] I can't believe between Kim,
that guy,

all these crazies are coming out.

[Kendall] It's crazy.
what's happening in the universe.

[Caitlyn] Well, nobody's after me.

-So far so good.
-[Kendall] I might have to go inside.

-[Caitlyn] Why?
-[Kendall] 'Cause I'm sweating.

[Caitlyn] We wouldn't want you to sweat.
Let's go inside.

[Kris] Did you ever get your
passport renewed?

[Corey] I'll do it this week.

[Kris] All right.

[Corey] Do you want to go
to the range with me?

-[Kris] No.
-[Corey] But why?

[Kris] I don't want to sh**t a g*n.

You'll be sitting right there,
and you can sh**t the g*n.

[Corey] Once you stop acting
like a wuss puss, I'm gonna show you.

-[Kris] A wuss puss?
-[Corey] That's like a punk and a p*ssy.

[Kris] Did you get the memo
from Kendall about Victoria's Secret?

[Corey] I'm already organizing it,
so I just got to get her that second guy.

[Kris] Well, because this is
her first time back in Paris.

-[Corey] Ever since everything.
-[Kris] Since the incident.

She needs to know that if she's sleeping,
there's somebody right outside her door

-so she feels safe.
-[Corey] Oh, I'm on it.

I plan on having that little formula
around her all the time.

[Kris] Sometimes I'm too emotional
because I'm so attached,

so Corey's been really instrumental
in helping me identify the security teams.

[Corey] I just want to ask you, like,
some general questions

about before you go putting somebody
around your girls.

[Kris] I need to really lean
on someone else from time to time

so I can think clearly.

Thank God you're in charge.

To have you help me with this
means everything.

It really does.

[Corey] Anything that's bothering you,
or you feel like you want it better,

but you can't give it all the energy
because you're so spread out?

-[Kris] Yes.
-[Corey] I want to help.

Teamwork is everything.

[Kris] Yeah. Teamwork is everything.

-[Corey] I got you.
-[Kris] Well, I appreciate it.

It's nice to have a partner in crime.

-[Corey] I definitely want to be--
-[Kris] No pun intended.

[Corey] Your partner in crime.

-I love you.
-[Kris] Love you, too.

[Kris] Do two of these with guac,
and then, um, put chips out,

so... 'cause I think people
will be here shortly.

[man] Okay.
-[Kris] Oh, [bleep], I should've...

-[Kylie] I'm glad I got the comfy memo.
-[Kris] The memo.

[Kylie] I would've worn the same thing.

[Kris] I know, but you look so cute.

-[Kylie] Is everyone really comfy?
-[Kris] I don't know.

Wait till she gets here,
and then you can always change.

Build your own taco salad?

[Kylie] Am I the first one?
I'm like the best daughter.

-[Kris] Yes, you are.
-[Kylie] No, I really am.

[Kris] I know.
Don't tell anybody else, though.

Look at the cake I ordered.
Isn't it pretty?

[Kylie] Mm-hmm. It's cool.

[Kris] Today's Kim's birthday,
so we decided to surprise her,

and Kanye has her out
while we all gather at her house.

I know that Kim said
that she doesn't want to do anything

for her birthday, but I know

the incident in Paris could've gone
from bad to worse.

We're so glad we have her,
and we really want to celebrate her

now more than ever.

-[Kylie] Hey, Mase!
-[Kendall] Hey.

[Kylie] Me first! Me first!

[Kylie and Kendall] Me first,
me first, me first, me first!

-[Kendall] Me first!
-[Kylie] Me, me, me, me!

[Kylie and Kendall] Oh!

[Kylie] Corey first?

Hi, Bob!

[Allison] Hi, everyone. Hi, Ky!
-[Kylie] What's up?

-[Allison] How are you? Mwah.
-[Kylie] Kourtney!

-[Kourtney] Who wants to take Reign?
-[Kylie] Me, me, me. No. Me.

[Kris] Hi, everybody.

[Penelope] Why is KiKi not here,
even when they live here?

[Kourtney] Because we will surprise her.

She doesn't know that we're here.

[Kris] They'll come in 10 minutes.

[Kylie] Wait. Should we go outside now?

[Kendall] We should go outside.
You guys, we're gonna go out front.

-She's five minutes -away.
-[Kylie] Come on, guys.

[Kris] We just didn't think it
was a good idea to jump out

and yell "surprise" when she walks
in the door,

because that would probably
really scare Kim,

so we all decided to wait outside
in the driveway.

[Kendall] Come on, guys. Come here.
They're about to get here,

and when they get here,
we all say "Surprise!"

-[Kris] North, here she comes!
-[Corey] Here she comes. She's pulling up.

-[Kourtney] Is that her?
-[Kris] Three, two, one.

[Kris] North, here she comes!

-[Corey] Here she comes. She's pulling up.
-[Kourtney] North, is that her?

[Kris] Three, two, one.

-[Kylie] Oh, there they are.
-[all] Surprise!


[woman] Happy birthday!


[overlapping shouting, cheering]

[Scott] Give her a hug, Mase.

Give her a hug!

[Kim] I am totally surprised.
I... I never get surprised.

I always know what's going on.

I think it was maybe good for me
to see even my brother show up,

all my best friends show up at the house
where I feel comfortable,

with lots of security. It's all I want.

If anyone wants to know what to get me
for a present, just security.

Wait. I want to take a pic of this.

Okay, wait.
Get out of it, Rob, for one sec.

[Kris] Let's eat!

[Corey] I got something to ask you.

Hey, security's here to follow you home.

-You cool with that?
-[Kylie] Sure.

-[Corey] All right.
-[Kylie] Thank you.

[Kendall] Kim, do you want to open
me and Kylie's first?

-I have to leave.
-[Kim] Yeah.

-[Kourtney] Which one?
-[Kendall] Come. She's gonna open it.

[Kim] Oh, my God.

[Kim gasps loudly] My necklace!

[Kendall] You got it back.

-[Kim] I'm so excited.
-[Kris] Let me see.

[Kim] It says "Saint."
It's the necklace that...

I lost.

-[Kris] Yay!
-[Kim] New and improved.

[woman] Back in business.
-[Kim] I'm back.

Thank you!

Love you.

Oh, Bugs, you have a present for me?

Let me see.

"You are the best mommy. Happy birthday.
We love you. North and Saint."

[Kim gasps] I love it.

Thank you, guys, so much for coming over
and making my birthday so special.

[woman] Oh, kisses!

-[Kim] Should we do the cake?

-[North] Let's do the cake!
-[Kim] Let's do the cake, girls!

-[Kris] Okay, Rob's got it.
-[Kim] Oh.

[Scott] Yeah, Bob.

[all] ♪ Happy birthday to you... ♪


I can't stop thinking how that night
could have left my kids without a mom.

Now I just want to, like,
dedicate my life to my kids

they have all the great memories.
Like, I, you know, feel so lucky

I had my dad for 22 years.

I want my kids to have me
longer than that.

[all] ♪ Happy birthday to you. ♪

-[Kim] Okay, help me blow it out.
-[cheering and whooping]

[Rob] One more.

[overlapping chatter and cheering]

-[Scott] Your 25th birthday!
[woman] To 26!

[Kim] Okay, we'll cut the cake.



-[Kim] Coming up next week...

[Khloe] I'm so excited for the launch
of my Good American line.

Our girls are all sizes and hips
and curves.

It's something that empowers women.

[Rob] I want to be a good dad
the way Dad was to us.

I'm about to have a baby.

I know I have a lot of work to do
on myself.

[Kim] I have to have a surgery
on my uterus...

because I'm gonna try
to have one more baby.

[Kris] You're in so much pain.

[Kris] Don't do something
that would put you in great danger.