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13x02 - Paris

Posted: 12/08/23 08:31
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

[reporter 1] How's Kim, Kris?

Kris, how's everything with you?

-Kris, how's Kim?
-[cameras click]

-[reporter 2] Kim!
-[reporter 3] Kim!

[reporter 2] Kim, how you doing?

-Kim, are you, are you okay?
-[reporter 3] Kim!

[reporter 4] Are you okay, Kim?

Kim, are you okay?

I just, like, don't want to cry
in front of the kids.

Or, like, let them think
anything's wrong, you know?

Okay, yeah, so we won't talk about it
in front of the kids.

Because I think it'll, like, scare them

if they start seeing
more security and, you know…

I just want to, like,
see them for a second.

[Kim] Bugs!

[upbeat electronic music]

I think this could kinda be cute.

So, wait, did we pack
the Givenchy Couture stuff?


[Kim] So, let's pack these…

I am getting ready to go
to Paris Fashion Week.

I haven't been in, like, two years
'cause I've been pregnant,

so I am so excited to go.

I just want to make sure
all my outfits are right.

This we should for sure pack.

But we need to tailor it,
so we can bring it.

And let's have, like, a tailor prepped
for when we get there.

[Kim] Paris means a lot to me

because that's where we had
all of our wedding guests come out.

And that's where I had
my wedding dress designed,

at the Givenchy Couture House.

[choral music]

Oh, my gosh!

[Kris exclaims]

All our wedding prep was there.

We have those bridesmaid dresses
from yesterday…

that will be at the location.

[Kim] That was where I have
so many amazing memories.

[Kourtney] They didn't say "I do" yet.

[Khloé] Say "I do!"

-[Kim] Okay.

I do.

It's just been such a fun journey in Paris

that I can't wait to have all
the glitz and the glam

of what Paris Fashion Week is all about.

This is the same one J.Lo wore
on the cover, remember?

Yeah, I had it.

-[woman] I wish I…
-Yeah, I wish I'd kept it.

We'll put those there.

Let's go through these
and then we're done!

[upbeat electronic music]

[Monica] Guys, can we get that box open?

-[Monica] Hi.

-How are you?
-Good to see you.

Good to see you.

Hi, Mason.

[Monica] When do you leave?

-[Kourtney] Tomorrow.
-[Monica] Okay.

Kim invited me to go to
Paris Fashion Week.

I've never gone.

I just feel like it's iconic,

and it's a unique experience.

Okay, I have this one vintage Alaia dress.

I'm just gonna try it on.

A lot of it is, like, what you're wearing
and all the designers are gonna dress us,

and we're gonna go to some fun shows,

and then I'm excited to go out also
and be social.

-Yeah, get--
-[Kourtney] I think

-it makes me too crazy.
-Do you want to go through your closet

and, like, we normally do? Do you want me…

-…to start pulling out stuff?

[upbeat electronic music]

[Mason] It's weird, Mom!

[Kourtney] It's weird?

-It's a little bit.
-Just too crazy?

I mean, it… it would require

-a lot of work.
-It's like you're a balloon, Mom!

Like a balloon?


[Kourtney] Hey, here's the leopard pants.

They're huge.

-[Mason] So huge!
-[Kourtney] Mase.

If you pull 'em up, then you're gonna
look like Steve Urkek, but a girl.


[upbeat electronic music]

[Kim] I just feel, like,
as flat as can be.


[man] Mm-hmm.

I'm so excited to be here
for Paris Fashion Week.

Should I put hair all the way
in the back so it's just like…

[hairdresser] Yeah, just move it
and let it fall.

[Kim] My mom, Corey and I arrive
in Paris today,

and Kourtney and Kendall come tomorrow.

Kourtney's never been,
so this is Kourtney's year.

And I'm so excited that
we're all going together.

What is that, closeup?

I just got so close to your face.


Is this always something…

[Stephanie] No.

…that she does?

She's, like, the best at it.

Simone, my assistant Stephanie,
and I are on our way

to go to a Balmain fitting.

[Kim] Should we walk out?

[Stephanie] Let's do it!

[upbeat pop music]

-[reporter] Hello!

-[crowd clamoring]
-[cameras clicking]

It's really hectic, but it's so much fun.

[woman] Kim, can I see your ass?


[Simone] What did she say?

[in French accent]
Can I see your… I don't know.



[upbeat pop music continues]

[Kris] Hey, guys.

We're meeting with my mom and Corey,

and we're all gonna go and see
what we should wear to the show.

[man 1] Come on in, come on in.

[Olivier] How are you, good?

Your hair is so long.

So long.

That's what they said.
I was like, "Yes, I'm here!"

Olivier is the designer for Balmain.

He's one of my good friends.

I'm so excited to go to his show,

I'm so excited to see his vision.

So, yes, up there, we have all the khaki.

There are a lot of things for you!

I know.

[Olivier] Do you want to see
a bit of the collection? The clothes?

And then you can choose whatever you want.

You look amazing.

[Kim] Thank you.

Can now fit into things.

Inspired by all the kimonos
and ponchos that you are wearing,

so, you can see, like, all the…

[Kim] Whoa. The metal one will be like,


Oh, maybe the metal one with the gold bra.

Let's get the gold bra to go under.

-Yeah, that would be so cool.
-Underneath the clothes.

[indistinct chatter]

[in sing-song]

[Kris] Take a deep breath.

It's going to be fabulous.

As usual.

-Thank you.

[Kris] Love you.


Thank you.

[upbeat electronic music]



[Kourtney] Was that a good entrance?

No one cared when I walked in.

Hi, guys.

Someone, get excited! I'm in France!

-[stylist] Hi, Kourtney. Whoo!
-[Kim] Whoo, yeah!

Do you want to try on your Balmain look?

Yeah. I do.

-How was your flight?

Thank you, Pascal.

It was good except
they almost didn't let me on.

-That's so crazy.

I almost wasn't able to get on my plane

because my passport was going to expire
within three months,

and I had to get permission
from the French Embassy

to be able to get on my flight.

But it definitely made me, like, anxious.

[Kourtney] Should I take a shower
or do I not have time?

-[Kim] Yeah, I would.

[Kim] Just that I would hurry.

Kanye's coming for one night.

-[Kourtney] Yeah.
-[Kim] He lands in an hour.

So, we'll figure out the sleeping sitch.

Ooh, fun times.

So, this is one option.

Or if you wanted to do…

[Simone] This top is really cute.
So should we try?

[Kourtney] Yeah.

I feel like it's not, like…

-[Simone] I'm not, like…

[electronic music]

I'll show Kim.

And I'm definitely exhausted
from racing from the airport.

-Not flattering.
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

But we're also, like, crunched for time

because we just have to get ready
and get there.

[Kim] Not super-fab.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Hi, babe.

I'm so glad you're here.

Kanye saw pictures online
of an outfit that I was in,

and was like, "I have to fly out there

and help you with your looks."

[Kanye] I just… I'm missing something.

This is not the right color.

He has his tour still going on,

so he had one day off
and was able to break away

to help us get our outfits all set up
for the Balmain Show.

What kind of shoes would I wear?

[Kanye] I don't mind that look.

Kourtney just landed.
She hardly had any time to get ready.

So, no earrings?

I like it with the sunglasses only.

It's our first show,
so this sets the tone.

So, we really just…
our first show is so important.

Glasses the whole time, during the show?

-[Kris] Hi, Kourt.
-[Kourtney] Hi.

[Kris] I didn't even see you
standing there.

[Kourtney] Hi. Hi, Corey.

[electronic music]

[cameras clicking]

[Kourtney] We're at the Balmain Show,

which is my first Paris Fashion Week show.

Hello, you!

Oh, hi.

-Very chic! Thank you for being here!
-You've been working hard.

[Kourtney] Everything is so
high-energy and fast-paced.

It's just, like, really exciting.

[man 2] Thank you so much.

[audience murmuring]

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Sitting in the front row is just
such an honor.

It's always so much fun when your friends
are working on exciting things

and they kind of talk about it
along the way.

[music continues]

Seeing all the models and final product
is so amazing.

I'm so proud of Olivier.

It's such, like, a powerful moment.

[upbeat music intensifies]

[crowd cheering, applauding]

You liked it?

[Kourtney] Insane!
I loved every single thing.

Work the camera a little bit. Yeah, that!

[upbeat electronic music]

[Youssef gasping]

-How are you?
-[Kanye] Good.

I didn't know you were here.

[Kanye] I'm not here. I'm a ghost.

[Kim] I'm so excited for Kourtney to
experience the Givenchy Couture House.

-Long hair.
-I know, don't care.


To be fitted at Givenchy is, like,
so special.

[Youssef] Where'd Kanye go?

[Kim] I don't know where he went.

[Youssef] Oh, he's pulling.

Is that what he's doing? Of course.

[Kim] Kourtney's, like, off and on.
I mean, she went to design school.

But then she's also, like,
very, like, "[bleep] fashion,"

anti-fashion at the same time.

So, I just want to, like, revive her.

I think she just, like, doesn't like to
spend hours and hours getting ready.

I think this with, like, um,
bleached out jean shorts.

-[Kim] And a bra. Yeah.
-And heels.

[Youssef] Cool.

So, wait, did you fly for,
like, twelve hours?

You're kidding?
And then you have a concert, like…

-a day?
-Tomorrow, yeah.

[assistant] Tomorrow?

You could have FaceTimed!

-He could have [bleep] FaceTimed!
-No. Nope.

'Cause you can't see everything
through the FaceTime.

No, because he was like,
"I can't believe you wore those shoes,

I can't believe you wore
that revealing skirt."

Like I… but I sent him a photo.

-I feel like that's what…
-I didn't see…

-you would want her to wear…
-…the final, final look, though.

-…when she's 60.
-What upset you?

-The see-through look?

[Kim] I wore a sheer, vintage Gaultier…

[Youssef] That look where
someone kissed you on the butt?

[Kim] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I mean, you were everything.
Your Instagram, I died.

Stephanie, like, grabbed…
I saw a picture of you grabbing his neck.

No, the guy literally att*cked…

like, he's been attacking everyone.

He's the same guy that did
that to me at the Balmain Show.

Oh, I've heard of that guy and I was like,
"No, it can't be the same person."

[Kim] There's this, like,
prankster guy that, two years ago,

did a prank on me

and picked me up, and then yesterday,
we were walking into a restaurant.

I actually didn't even see him
or feel him or knew…

I didn't know anything was going on.

I felt a push from Pascal.

[Stephanie] Hey!

Like, the guy went to go,
either bite my butt or kiss it.

[Kim] And Pascal just tackled him.

[Youssef] Pascal m*rder*d him. R.I.P..

But I didn't feel anything
but a little bump,

so I just was like, "Oh, what?"

It's just a stupid prank,

but it really does get into
your personal space and it's not funny.

You know, I think it's just kind of crazy

that this guy thinks it's okay to do
these pranks on people.

-[Kanye] I was thinking this.
-[Kim] This?

-You have beautiful…
-Yeah, that's different.

-But you got to flex it with those.

-[Kim] Riccardo has a vision for you.
-[Kourtney] Okay.

[Kim] He wants you to wear a suit.

-Like when he met you at Kris's birthday.
-[Kourtney] Okay.

-[Youssef] You okay with that?
-[Kourtney] Cool. Yeah.

You're in for something,

-let me tell you that!
-I know.

Riccardo Tisci is the designer of Givenchy

and he wants me to be in a black tuxedo

because he loved that look when he met me

at my mom's 60th birthday.

Can I get some lace?

Like, if that was coming…

At home, how I look is just not
a priority.

But it's fun to be a Barbie doll
and let everyone dress me

for the couple days that we're here.

What if we…

-Yeah, that's better
-What do you think of that?

-Or do you like it more chill?
-[Youssef] No, I agree with you.

That's why I was thinking, like,
that kind of lace just…

if there was coming up out of the neck.

[Kanye] If you have that,
then you don't have to hem it.

Or, and what about the earrings?
So, you guys have any…

-[Youssef] The cross ones?

I don't have the, like,
balls that Kanye does

when it comes to asking designers
for things.

Like, he'll just be like,
"Oh, she needs this coat.

Oh, she needs to wear this."

[Kanye] Try this on.

[Kim] Ooh, I love that.

Like, the long Givenchy peacoat
with the stars in it.

That's, like, a couture piece,
and he's just like,

"She's wearing this.
Like, it is what it is."

What do you guys think?

-With the big velvet choker?

[Youssef] Okay.

[Kim] Can I be annoying
on Snapchat with you?

What? Are you?

Am I on Snapchat now?

[Kim] You guys…


-[Kourtney] Bye, thank you.
-[Youssef] Bye.

Bye crew.

[upbeat techno music]

Oh, my anxiety is on fleek.

-Like, it's crazy.
-[Simone] Fleek?

[Kim] Do you know what "on fleek" means?

'Cause you were like, "Fleek?"

[Simone] I just didn't know that was,
like, still a thing.

Oh, it's not.

-She has…

I texted Kendall and said,
"I cannot wait to see you tonight."

I'm excited for tonight's Givenchy show.

My mom is, like, at every fashion show
with Kendall,

and they have the best time.

And Kim has obviously seen her
a bunch of times,

so I'm really excited now
to get to see her myself.

[Kim] Getting ready,
about to walk out the door,

the Givenchy show.

Givenchy, here we come.

[in sing-song] Givenchy…

with Kourtney.

[man speaks in French]

-[Youssef] Hello.

Hi. Mwah. Mwah.

-Mwah, mwah.

-How are you?

The Givenchy show is totally different
from the other fashion shows.

It's outside,
it's a really beautiful night

and a really cool atmosphere.

[Kourtney] Kenny!

Oh, my God, you look so good.


I'm so excited that my sisters are
at the show.

It's always really nice to have
my family in the audience.


[Kendall] I can't believe this is
the first time Kourtney's seen me walk.

I'm, like, really excited she's here.

[Kris] Hi.

Wow, you look gorgeous.

-I like your hair back.
-Thank you.

You look stunning.

[Kim] I love this.

[upbeat music]

[cameras clicking]

I so badly want to, like,
embarrass Kendall and scream,

and jump up and down,
but it's not that kind of environment.

So, I have to contain myself

and just be very proper
and just be proud of her.

[audience cheering, applause]

[Kim] It was so brilliant.

I feel slow down the…

And the shoes…

[Kourtney] That was amazing.

-Very breezy. Very cold.
-Yeah, it was cold.

Poor girl, she waited all day
for her dress.

Sorry, we were, like, so panicking.

I didn't have my dress, by the way,
I didn't tell you guys,

I didn't have my dress until literally,
like, an hour before.

-It's like craziness.

Yeah, because the bird on the print
is a very special print

that you have to do by hand
and apparently they had to do it today.

-It was like, oh.
-It was crazy. But we did it!

We made it.

Oh, hey!

Oh, hi!

Are you ready for tonight?

-Yes. Are you going out?
-[Kim] She is.

Your hair goes with it.

-I know.
-You can walk the show.

Guys, I'll be the first
five-foot-tall model.

There's a first time for everything,

[upbeat electronic music]

-Are you changing? What's your look?

That cutout one, but we were maybe gonna
do a high pony if we have time,

but do we?

If it'll make you feel good.
How long does it take to do a high pony?

Like, 15 minutes?

[Kim] Okay. Do it.

How fun was the show?

Wasn't it fun to see Kendall?

I loved it.

[hairstylist] Should we just
take this off?


It's our last night here
and Kourtney still wants to live it up.

So, after dinner, she is going
to meet up with Kendall.

[electronic music]

[muffled upbeat music]

Okay, so here's an, here's an aggressive
thing I want you guys to do.

Collectively, just…

Spread the empty rack.

Let's make an empty rack,

and then on the empty rack,

from everything that's here,

just put on the rack,
[bleep] that y'all think is sick.

I'm just gonna go and drop out
the window and say this one is okay.

[man 1] Yeah.

[man 2] Confirming Chance coming out
for "Ultralight Beam"?

-[man 1] Yes.
-[man 2] Perfect.

[woman] Okay, let's go.

-Okay, could you…
-[woman] We're walking, we're walking.

I'm gonna perform with
a watch and everything.

[audience cheering]

[audience screams]

-["Heartless" by Kanye West plays]
-[audience cheers]

♪ Heartless ♪

♪ Heartless ♪

♪ In the night, I hear 'em talk ♪

♪ Somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul ♪

-♪ To a woman so heartless ♪
-♪ Heartless ♪

[Kanye] I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I've been…

[crowd singing] ♪ Heartless ♪

[Kanye] I'm sorry.
I have a family emergency.

I have to stop the show.

[crowd clamors]

[cars honking]

[line ringing]

[dispatcher in French] 2-1-1 speaking,
good evening. What is your emergency?

[sirens wailing]

[cameras clicking]

At three in the morning,
I was at the nightclub

and got a text from Simone
saying, "Who's here with Kim?

I just heard her say, like,
'Take whatever you want.'"

[female reporter] It was the middle of
the night when five masked men broke

-into the TV star…
-[male reporter] A pretty scary situation

-for reality star Kim Kardashian West.
-[female reporter] …$6.7 million

and a ring worth $4.5 million.

[Kourtney] Kim called me
from Simone's phone, like, seconds later

screaming for help,
like on the top of her lungs.

[female reporter 1] In Paris,
Kim Kardashian has been robbed.

[female reporter 2] A source tells us
Kim begged for them to let her live.

She is being sent home.

[sirens wailing]

[Kris] Being woken up
in the middle of the night

with that call was probably
one of the worst nights of my life.

[cameras clicking]

[Kendall] I was in the club with Kourtney.

And Jen Atkin, our hairstylist,

ran up to me, freaking out,

and she was like,
"Kim just got robbed at gunpoint."

And I literally
immediately started crying.

I remember bodying people, just,
like, pushing people to the side

and running out.

[sirens wailing]

[Kris] As I was talking to her,

I was trying to wake everybody up,

throwing on sweats,
being frantically upset and…

in shock.

[Kanye] ♪ How could you be so… ♪

[reporter 1] Her husband, Kanye West
was in New York at the time…

[reporter 2] The news brought the show
to a sudden end.

[Kanye] I'm sorry.
I have a family emergency.

I have to stop the show.

[reporter 3] The star has been
badly shaken.

[reporter 4] She thought they were
for sure going to k*ll her.

[Kris] When I pulled up to her hotel,

I just remember throwing my arms
around Kim

and thinking, "Okay, she's, she's alive."

[Kendall] It was horrifying.

When we walked in, Kim was,
like, in the corner, sobbing, crying.

Besides Kim being in shock,

we were all so traumatized…

that we left Paris

even before the sun came up.

[siren chirps]

[Kanye] So, when we get to the apartment,

I'd like to create a block
so she can walk clearly in

with absolutely no one
within 10 feet of her.

[suspensefu music]

[indistinct chatter]

[cameras clicking]

[Kanye] Izzy.

I need all security and drivers
to create a wall

that way and a wall that way.

[reporter 1] How's Kim, Kris?

Kris, how's everything with you?

Kris, how's Kim?

-[reporter 2] Kim!
-[reporter 3] Kim!

[reporter 2] Kim, how you doing?

Kim, are you, are you okay?

-[reporter 4] Are you okay, Kim?

I just, like, don't want to cry
in front of the kids.

[somber music]

Or, like, let them think
anything's wrong, you know?

Okay, yeah, so we won't talk about it
in front of the kids.

Because I think it'll, like, scare them

if they start seeing more security,
and, you know.

I just want to, like, see them
for a second.

[Kim] Bugs!

Where is she? Where is she?

Bugs! I missed you.

[North gurgles]

[Kim] So much.

Did you miss me so much?


[Kim] How much?

How much?

♪ I won't leave you alone ♪

[North coos]


♪ I won't leave you alone ♪

It's been the most devastating thing

to have one of your children fear
for their life,

thinking at any moment
they were going to die,

when they have two small children.

[Kim] I missed you.

[North laughs]

I love you.

For the rest of us,
the thought of losing Kim

is emotionally scarring…

[choking up]
…and hard to overcome.

That's it.

I can't talk about it anymore.

[phone chimes]

[Kim] This is a number from Paris.

I don't want to answer it.
Will you answer?


[North babbling in background]

[Izzy] I've been piecing bits
and bobs together, because…

the version I heard was
two men dressed as police officers.

-[Kim] Yeah.
-I was picturing, like,

oh, man, what if these were
just, like, kids…

-like some raw kids, and like…
-They were 40 to 50.

Yeah, that means that
this is what they do.

They were sent there for sure.

They were sent there, but they also know
if anything had really happened to you,

like, I wouldn't have stopped
until they was dead.

[dramatic music]

It's so hard to believe
that this even happened.

And for a trip that started off
so magical…

it turned out to be such a terrible,
terrible nightmare.

I just am so sad that it was all…

in a city, Paris,

that we love so dearly,

and that we've had
such amazing memories in.

It just breaks my heart.

This bull [bleep] isn't gonna happen

Never. Never.

All right, I love you.

-[horns honking]
-[indistinct chatter]

[Kris] Do you need help
with anything, Kim?

[Corey] I'm just so happy you're safe now.

-[Kim] Yeah.
-That's all I was worried about.

What I'm worried about is that…

you're in shock

and you don't want to get to a place where
you have post-traumatic stress syndrome.

You know, I think
you should talk to somebody.

I think I'll be fine.
The only thing that, like…

My body just feels, like, drained.

I feel like I've been in, like,
a fight or something,

and my body is just, like,
exhausted for the past, like, three days.


Normally, we don't have security stand
outside of our doors.

Our life is just gonna have to change.

Like 150%.

And everybody has to be armed.


It was so crazy because, like,
I haven't had my phone in a few days,

So I haven't been able to see
what's online,

and then I just saw people like
Howard Stern said

that I should go to jail if this is fake.

And I'm like, why would anyone make it up?


I wouldn't make up that,
like, my ring got stolen

and then have to never wear my ring.

But you know what?
That's the world we live in, man.

Why would I want for me to look unsafe

-for more people to target me?
-[Corey] To target you, yeah.

Anything you do, somebody gonna bring
negativity and doubt to it

just no matter what.

[Corey] This family's gonna have to
deal with that forever.

[wind blowing]

[birds squawking]

[Kris] Kendall, how are you feeling

-since the whole thing?
-[Kendall] Uh…

I'm exhausted.

I mean, I hate to bring this up,
but what I keep thinking about

-is that you could have walked in.
-Yeah, totally.

And that's what I keep waking up

-with nightmares about.
-No, it's so crazy.

And thank God we were all, like,

around and awake.

Like, I was in the club with my friends.

We had just arrived,
and they went to the bathroom first.

-[Kendall] And I went to the table…
-We went to the bathroom,

and then my phone rang.

And it was Simone's phone, but it was Kim.

And she was, like, "Help!

Help me!"

"Help me!"

Like, screaming on the top of her lungs,
"Help me!"

Somebody… Like, she couldn't even talk.

I literally stopped.
I almost fell on the ground.

Like, I had just stopped,

-and I was, like…
-[Kendall] I immediately started crying

in the middle of the club when Jen…
'Cause Jen was…

I've never seen Jen so serious
in my entire life.

And then she called me
right after she called Kourtney.

[Kourtney] Oh, so you were on the phone
with her when I was calling you?

[Kris] Yeah.

You can't begin to explain…

the emotions running through your mind

when you get an hysterical phone call

from one of your children

because she had just been assaulted.

[Kris] Once I got that call,

I had pajamas on, and I ripped it off,
and I started grabbing clothes,

running down the hall.

And Corey's yelling, "You can't run down
the hall with no clothes on."

And I'm like, "Watch me."

I just remember I'm running out the door,

and I grabbed my blanket,
knowing that was Kim's favorite blanket,

thinking I'm just gonna wrap her up
in this blanket

as if that was gonna make everything
go away.

I was, like, numb,

and the only thing I could think of was,
"Bring a blanket."

[Kris] How long did it take you
to get there

-after it happened?
-Five minutes, right?


[Kendall] When we got to the apartment,

we got there at the same time
that the police got there.

So we were, like,
fighting with the police,

trying to get upstairs,
and they finally let us up.

So me and Kourtney ran up,
and when we walked in,

you could see it in her eyes.

Like, you could see that she wasn't even…

When I would go and hug her,

she was, like, uncomfortable
with me hugging her.

[Kris] I know Kim is so shaken up,

-and it's gonna take her…
-I think we all are.

…a really long time to process
what even happened.

It's so crazy to think that that was,
like, my sister going through that.

It's really, really crazy.

[somber music]

[crickets chirping]

-[Khloé] Thank you.


-Hi, Keeks.
-[Kim] Hi.

[Khloé moans]

[sentimental music]

[Khloé] I was in Cleveland

when I found out about the robbery.

And so I finally get in touch
with Kourtney,

and I could hear it in her voice,

she's cry-- like,
she's shaking and she's crying,

and she tells me the entire story.


you feel so helpless.

How are you feeling?

Just, like, exhausted.

Emotionally, you're gonna be exhausted,

-I think, for a while.
-[Kim] Yeah.

[phone chimes]

[Khloé] Rob wants us to FaceTime him.

[phone rings]

-[Rob] Hey, babe.

[Khloé] Hey, babe.

[Rob] Hey, Kimbo John.

-How you feeling? You calm?
-Yeah, just tired.

[Rob] I just wanted to make sure
you were good.

Thanks for thinking of me.

All right.

-Have fun.
-[Rob] Love you guys.

-I have to go.

Do you sleep okay at night?

[Kim] Yeah, I sleep fine.

But today I have anxiety,
so I'm, like, ugh.

I hope I just don't start.

But I will say that I think that…

[Khloé] Is it 'cause Kanye's gone?

Maybe I was thinking that.

Kanye's on the road, and, you know,
he's being as supportive as he can,

but he still has to finish his tour,

and it's hard for him,
'cause he wants me to be there with him,

and, you know, it's good that,
you know, my sisters are here

and I have such a big family,
and everyone's just being so supportive.

Did they tell you how we had
that conversation, like, that day

about, what would you do, like,
in this situation?

And then Kim was like, "I would tell them,
like, take whatever you want."

Yeah, I was, like, if I get robbed,
if I ever get robbed, I would be like,

"I have everything, take it all,
take it all, I don't care."

[Kourtney] Then Simone wrote me
and was like,

"Guys, who's here with Kim? I heard
her say, 'Take whatever you want.'"

So then when I saw that,
I was like, "Pascal."

I, like, ran out of the bathroom,
I was like, "Run to Kim."

Yeah, he was, like, so out of breath.

And I was, like, on the balcony.
I remember, I was, like,

practically naked,
hiding in a bush, on the balcony.

And I'm like, "I think they're gone."

Pascal called the police,
and it was really hard for me

when the police started to show up,
'cause they were dressed

in the same uniforms,
except for the face masks.

And so I was just, like, who do I believe?
What's real? Like, what's going on?

We waited to do as much police work
as we had to do

and then we flew on a flight home.

I do think it's weird, though, that, like,

-Jasmine and them left…
-So if you wait across the street…

-They were obviously watching.
-…you can see the lights on

because we're the first floor,
so they must've been told

we were the first floor.

-They were definitely watching you.
-They definitely were watching.

So I turned the lights off
and went upstairs.

[dramatic music]

What I think happened, now,
after, like, thinking about it so much,

is that there was probably

a group of guys that were following us
the entire trip.

I was Snapchatting that I was home,

and that everyone was going out.

So I think they knew
Pascal was out with Kourtney,

and that I was there by myself.

They had to have known
we were leaving that day.

They had this window of opportunity,
and just went for it.

I was laying in bed, like,
should I wash my face?

I'm so tired, I'm in my robe,
I need to get up, I need to wash my face.

And then ten minutes later,
I was, like, dozing, dozing.

And then I heard pounding up the stairs.

And I thought it was you
and Stephanie, drunk.

I'm calling to them, like,
"Hello, hello? Hello?"

And there's no answer.

And then at that moment,
when there wasn't an answer,

my heart started to get really tense,

like, you know, your stomach
just kind of, like, knots up,

and you're, like, okay, what's going on?
What's going on?

I knew something wasn't quite right.

And my door was open like this.

And then I saw…

two guys holding another guy down

in police uniforms,
but right outside of my bedroom,

five feet away.

So I slid off my bed,
and picked up my phone, and I'm like,

I don't know how to call 911
in a different country.

And so I, like, called Pascal,

and then the guy came in,
grabbed the phone from me,

threw me on the bed.

And I was like, this is it.

Then the concierge,
that I realized was the concierge,

'cause he was handcuffed,
with the key to my room.

What I've heard from talking
to him afterwards is they said,

you know, "Where's the rapper's wife?

Like, let us up to her room." Um…

In French, so he ended up being
our interpreter.

'Cause I couldn't understand them,
they couldn't understand me.

He was telling me, 'cause when they go,
"Ring, ring, ring."

He goes, "Give them your ring."

Like, "Okay, it's on the table." You know?

And I said, while I'm being tied up,
I'm like,

"Are we going to die?
Are they gonna k*ll us?"

And I was just, like, crying, and like,

"Tell them I have babies."

They asked for money, I said,
"I don't have any money."

They dragged me out to
the hallway, on top of the stairs.

That's when I saw the g*n,
like, clear as day.

And I was, kind of, looking at the g*n,

looking down back at the stairs.

And I was, like, I have a split second
in my mind

to make this quick decision, like,
am I gonna run down the stairs,

and, like, either be shot in the back,

like, it makes me so upset
to think about it, but, like,

either they're gonna sh**t me in the back…

or if I make it and they don't,

if the elevator does not open in time

or the stairs are locked,
then, like, I'm [bleep].

There's no way out.

Then we go back into the room,

I remember looking at the concierge,
who was sitting down on this, like, desk.

And I just said, like,

"Are we gonna die?
Like, what's happening to us?

Like, I have babies. Please tell them.

Please, they can't understand me,
but tell them I have babies at home,

like, please, like, I have a family,
like, let me live."

[sentimental music]

[choking up]
And then, um…

then he duct-taped my face
and, like, my mouth, to get me to, like,

not yell, or anything,
and then he, like, grabs my legs,

and I wasn't, you know,
I had no clothes on under,

so he pulled me towards him at,
like, the front of the bed,

and I thought, like, okay,
this is the moment.

They're gonna r*pe me.

And I fully, like,
mentally prepped myself.

And then he didn't, and he, like,
duct-taped my legs together,


um, then, you know,
they had the g*n up to me,

and I just, like, knew
that was the moment,

they're just totally gonna sh**t me
in the head.

I just prayed that Kourtney's gonna have
a normal life,

after she sees my dead body on the bed.

I have a family, I have my kids,

like, my husband, my mom, like,

I'm not gonna make it out here,
like, I know how these things go.

That was, like, the last thought
and then they picked me up

and put me in the bathroom.

And then ran.


It's all replaceable, none of it matters.

Just you.

["Paradise" by Jeremih playing]

♪ Oh, I knew life would be alright ♪

♪ But who could've known
It'd be this good? ♪

♪ Oh and they tell me ♪

♪ It gets better ♪

♪ Better, better ♪

♪ Better ♪

♪ This is more than life ♪

♪ This is paradise ♪

[kids laughing in video]

-♪ Oh I knew life would be alright ♪

♪ But who could've known
It'd be this good? ♪

♪ Oh and they tellin' me ♪

♪ This gets better ♪

♪ Better, better ♪

♪ This is more than life ♪

♪ This is paradise ♪

Come on in.

[Khloé] Coming up next week…

-Whatever happened to that guy?
-I'm getting a restraining order on him.

When I found out that
he had mental health issues,

I was very conflicted.

You've got to send him a message
so he won't keep coming back.

You've been through
a really traumatic experience.

You have to make sure
that you get the right help.

[Khloé] Keeks?

[Kim] I'm, like, getting reminded of
what happened.

[Kylie] They said there's a break-in,
glass breaking…

-I'm leaving now.
-[Corey] Chill out.

You can't tell somebody
when they're having a panic attack

to chill out.