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12x13 - Havana Good Night

Posted: 12/08/23 08:21
by bunniefuu
[cheerful music playing]

-[Kim] Hi, P!
-[North] A mia!

A mia sia!

[Kourtney] Okay, guys, scoochie-scoochie.

-[North] Scoochie-scoochie.

-[Kim] Scoochie-scoochie.
-[Kourtney] Como estasa?

[North babbles]

[Kanye] Peace. Thanks a lot. Thank you!

Viva la Cuba!

-Thank you.

-Gracias. Thank you.
-[both chuckle]

-Long live Cuba.
-[Kim speaking indistinctly]

-[Kim] Hit it. Whoo!

[all whooping]

[dance music playing]

[horn honking in tune]

[honking continues]

[all cheering]


[Kanye] Have you ever honked
your horn like that?

-[indistinct chattering]

[theme music]

[upbeat music playing]

[Kim] Oh, those license plates
that say "Cuba" are so cool.

-[Kourtney] Really?
-Like that pink one.

[Kourtney] Thank you.

[Kim] Should I get this for North, Kourt?

Or would she like this bracelet better?

[Kourtney] I like the necklace.

I feel like I need to get Mason
one more thing.

[Kim] What if you get him, like,
a wooden one of these?

[Kourtney] That is cool though.
He loves the cars here.

Which car do you like? This one, right?

Yeah, I like that color.

Kourt, have you heard from Scott yet?

[Kourtney] Yeah.

Didn't he want to come on this trip?

Yeah, but he couldn't.

He decided too last minute, so the visa…

[Kim] Oh, that's right.
It's like his vibe though.

I think he would like it,

but he's more of, like,
a lay-in-the-sun kind of guy.

-[Kim] Yeah.
-Like, I feel like I don't--

-The running around…
-[woman] This is free for you,

-this bracelet.
-…and the museums.

-Oh, thank you.
-You're welcome,

-and this is free for you…
-[Kourtney] Thank you.

-…this bracelet.
-Muchas gracias.

You're welcome, ma'am.

[Latin music playing]

[Khloé] Thank you, Armando.

Oh, look at the marketplace.

[Khloé] Oh, how cute.

Probably the freshest fruit.


-True? Yeah?
-[Armando laughs]

-[Malika] It's true?
-[Khloé] Probably.

You like the peanuts? You like peanuts?

[quirky music playing]

-Do I like penis?



-[Armando] You like?
-Yes, I like peanuts.

Oh, how cute.

-[Khloé] Aw.

Thank you.

I was like, Malika, don't you dare.

Khloé, I swear, I heard it twice.

[Khloé] I don't know
why I'm, like, worried.

But Lamar was so good.

-Like, he started--

I know that you're worried.

I've just tried not to bring it up to you.

No, but I asked him.
I said, "Have you been having

any more dark thoughts?"
He goes, "No, I'm great."

And that's what concerns me.

[Khloé] I feel bad that
I'm letting the issues at home,

you know, trickle into my Cuba trip.

But I finally got in touch with Lamar,

and he sounds great,

but almost too good, where now,
I'm like, paranoid.

And I'm like, "Why do you sound so good?"

It just, like, freaks me out.

I mean, he's given you
reason for concern. I can--

-I know that 100%.
-I just feel bad.

I feel really bad even questioning it,
but, um, I also told him, I'm like,

"It's gonna take you time
to earn back your trust."

[Khloé] I don't know, like,
this behavior is just different.

[Malika] I mean, it is.

Everything is out
in the open now, so it's not…

there is no secret

to what he could potentially do again.

So crazy.

I mean, even his drinking alone
is so bothersome to me,

and it makes me so furious
because he can't be drinking.

It hasn't even been one year.

But, honey, we know he shouldn't,

but he's not choosing that.

I think you've done
a great job at being, like,

supportive and loving and helpful.

I would just, would like to see you be
a little more protective of yourself.

Malika and I have been the best of friends
for, like, 17 years,

and we just know how to read each other.

[Khloé] She definitely knows
when I'm in my moods,

and she also knows
how to get me out of my moods.

And especially
when you're in a foreign country

for such a limited amount of time,

you want someone
to get you out of that mood

really [bleep] quick,
so you could enjoy where you are.

And Malika does that for me.

I'll say a little prayer for you.

[Malika] A big prayer for you, actually.

[upbeat music playing]

-[Kris] Hey, Scottie.
-[Scott] Hey.

Where are the forks?

-[Scott] Oh, I found them.

Or you can use just a plain silver one

-or a black and silver one.
-I like this one.

-You do?
-Is this an outfit or pajamas?

-It's kind of in between.
-It's very chic.

-It's Hermès.
-That was pretty obvious.


I notice you're doing a little remodeling.


Did you see what I did?

-I took all the--
-That's, like,

half mid-century modern in there now.

Yeah. Where am I confused in here?

-What are you trying to say?

At what point are you gonna
change the floors now?

-'Cause the floors don't match.

The black and white tile came
before the Minotti furniture.

Like I said, it's getting dated.

Yeah, well…

I mean, if you like it,
that's all that matters,

but you just really, like,

pulled a Bruce Jenner out of that room.

[Kris laughs]
Oh, yeah, I did.

And PS, that TV should probably
be centered.

[Kris] Yeah, well, you know,

I think you're worse than Kourtney.

Now I know why you guys are
two peas in a pod.

By the way, we're not together.

I understand that,
but you act just like she does.

Yeah, must've made a great couple.

-Is this centered now?
-[Kris] Well, it's better.

-Who would do that to somebody?
-I don't know.

-I don't know.
-It's just rude.

It's, like, t*rture.

-[Scott groans]
-I'm sure.

Anyway, I'm pretty bummed, by the way,
that we're not in Cuba.

I feel like we're missing out
on something huge.

Well, I think you've just got
FOMO right now

because everyone went to someplace

-where we've never been before.
-I know.

I tried to go, but there was so much

I had to deal with visas and customs.

And I was like,
I don't need to get arrested

-on the border of Cuba.
-Yeah. Yeah.

But it looks so cool.
And now I'm like, "What am I doing?"

Like, "Why am I in California,
and everyone's in Cuba,"

-you know what I mean?

I heard that in Cuba,
there is literally no cell service.

But of course, the girls happened
to figure out how to get the Internet,

and I have to say,

now the girls are posting all these photos

with all these outfits on
and Cuban cigars,

and I got a serious case of FOMO for Cuba.

I'm not happy. I'm not happy at all.

Well, look at it this way,
you just fixed my television today.

-That should be good.
-[Scott] You know what?

-I can rest well tonight.
-Yeah. That's right.

[dance music playing]

[paparazzi clamoring]

[Kim] When we first got here,
we were living life,

rolling around town.
No one knew who we were.

But the word is spreading,

so now, like, people are showing up

and paparazzi, and it's starting
to get a little bit hectic.

-[horns honking]
-[Kanye] We love you!

[Kanye laughing]

Easy, Daddy.

-Hi. Good morning.

-Hi. How are you, Armando?
-I wanna go to the front.

[Malika] Just sit with KoKo.

[indistinct chatter]

[Kourtney] Mase, scoot over.

[upbeat music playing]

[Khloé] I thought no one knew
who we were here.

[Malika] That's far from the truth.

[dance music playing]

-[Khloé] Thank you.
-You're welcome.

[Khloé] Today, we are gonna go
salsa dancing with everybody.

This is not something that I typically do,

but that's the point,
is being somewhere new,

trying new things,

and just stepping outside
your comfort zone. This is fun.

[Kanye] Babe, this might be able to work
as a skirt, like, on the low.

[North] I want my skirt, Mama.

-[Kim] You want a skirt?
-[North] Yeah.

[Kim] We forgot to bring it.
You have a purple skirt

at the house. That's so annoying.

You can't salsa dance without dresses,

and we left ours at the hotel.

Thank God, my husband has the skills.

I'm so glad that he figured this out
and made it happen.

Oh, my god,
Kanye is making her an entire dress.

This is the most genius thing
I have ever witnessed.

-What's that?

Designing your wife's skirt.

-The cutest thing ever.
-So cute.

Yes, Kimmy! I love it!

[Malika] Now, can you make
your daughter a skirt?

-[Kim] If North didn't have a dress,

she would feel so left out.

Everyone is happy and looks very Cubano.

So, do you know how to dance salsa?


[instructor] So, why don't you try it?


Let me show you first how to do it.

Actually, it's very simple.

And after that,
so we can join with the guys.

-[Khloé] Okay.
-The first step is forward.

One, so, two on the spot, and three.

We close, and now we go back.

We do our leg, like, five, six, and seven.

[instructor] This is the basic step. Okay?
So let's try again.

One, two, three, and five, six, seven.

And now we change into the second one.

And one, two, three, and five, six, seven.

And one, two, three, and five, six, seven.

Okay, so now let's add one more step.

[Kim] Even though I hate dancing,
I'm gonna be a trouper.

Everyone else is excited,

and I know North will be excited
just to see this.

[dance music playing]

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

They're having so much fun.

[dance music continues playing]

[Kim] It's so good to see
Khloé letting loose,

having so much fun.

This is just one of those moments

where it just makes you so happy.

I just hope that Khloé is gonna make

the best of the trip

and continue on and have a good time.

[all whooping, cheering]

[upbeat music playing]

-[Scott] Kris?
-[Kris] Hey.

[Scott] Hi. So?


I came up with a master plan.

A master plan for what?

[Scott] For feeling
like I'm missing out on Cuba.

[Kris] You still have Cuba FOMO?

[Scott] Have you seen all the pictures

they're posting on Instagram?
With all these

-little Cuban outfits…
-They're colorful.

…and Cuban sandwiches
and Cuban chicken and Cuban cars

and all these things, and it's like…

-[Kris laughs]
-…enough is enough.

So I'm bringing Cuba to me.

-[Kris] I love it. I'm in.

All we got to do is get, like,
some chicken, vegetables,

throw some plantains in the air.

We could put on some old,
little, like, pastel clothes

that Kourt and Kim have been wearing
with the little tube tops.

They sure do look good though.

-They look amazing.
-I know.

-I'm pissed off.
-I'm not gonna wear

a tube top, but I hear you.

What do I know?
I'm just a guy trying to get to Cuba.

If I can't go to Cuba,
I'm bringing Cuba to me.

The embargo's over, baby.

-I'm going Cuba, full force.

-I wanna be part of the party.
-I appreciate you

-being a part of the party.

When Kourtney's been away
with the kids in the past,

Scott has used this as almost an excuse

to do whatever he wants to do
and hang out with his friends,

but I think it's really a testament

to how Scott is changing
in such a great way,

because he really wants
to hang out with me and Kylie

while Kourtney's out of town
with the kids,

and that's really impressive.

-[Kris] I'm in.
-All right.

-Okay. Done.

I'm go-- I'm getting out of here.

-Okay. Okay.
-I'm going to work.

[Scott] All right, I'll see you
tomorrow in Cubaville.

[upbeat music playing]

Look where we are right now.
This is absolutely perfect.

I'm gonna eat some rice and beans,

'cause they're my favorite food.

-[Kourtney] I'm serious.
-[Mason] Mama, what can I have?

I ordered you guys rice, chicken,

same kind of stuff we're gonna eat
the whole time we're here.

[Khloé] Want some bread, Mase?

Want to dip it? Do you want to try it?

[Kourtney] The salsa dancing
was everything.

Kourtney, we are the world's
worst dancers ever.

I just hope you know.

Everyone is like this, like, so cazh.

-You and I are like…

[Malika] Oh, stop. It hurts.


Like, we cannot dance.

Kourtney, push play.

You're gonna die. Push play.

-[Khloé] Push play.
-Oh, my god.

-I'm dying already.
-[Khloé] Look at your arms.

You're so mom.

[Malika] That's not it at all.


[Kim] There you go.

-So cute.
-[Khloé] Kim, watch it.

Wait. No, look at Khloé.
Khloé's, like, into it.

[Khloé] I really tried to give it my all.

-[Kourtney] Look at Kim.


I couldn't move with my skirt.

[Khloé] I was getting a little too hip-hop

-rather than salsa.
-[Stephanie] Yours is very hip-hop.

-[Khloé] We are so bad.
-[Malika] Good times.

Like, it was, like,
our biggest fight that, like,

I don't dance
at Kanye's concerts. You know?

You're like,
"I don't dance. Period, babe."

-"I love your shows!"
-I did not dance

on Dancing with the Stars.

-[Kim] Like, I did not dance.

[Malika] Look, it's not for everybody.

My biggest fear was,
during Watch the Throne,

that if I, like, sit next to Beyoncé,

'cause she dances
and she's up, like, you know.

So, in the last night of the tour,
she came to the dressing room,

was like, "Hey, do you want
to sit together?"

And I was like…

[fake sobbing]

And then she wanted to go in the mosh pit,

and I was like, "Wait,
what do we do in the mosh pit?"

She's like, "Dance!"

"Just let loose, just dance!"
And I was like…

-"My life is over."

[upbeat music playing]

-[Scott] Hey, hey, hey!

We're not in Cuba.
I'm bringing Cuba to us!

-Oh, my god.
-Are you ready?

[Scott] Jordyn?

-Oh, my god.
-[Scott] Were you supposed to go to Cuba?

-Well, you are now.

I'm down to try it.

Thanks for being a good sport.
It's, like, rice and beans.

-I mean…
-[Jordyn chuckles]

[Scott] In order to get my Cuba on,

there's definitely some levels
and steps I have to take.

I want to ease everybody into
where I'm going with this thing.

I don't want to just jump in there,

dancing around town with a cigar
popping out of my mouth.

So today, just Cuban food.


This has got a heavy, uh, aroma to it.

[Kylie] An aroma.

-[Scott] So, plantains.

-Those look good.
-[Kylie] Okay.

-They look like buffalo wings.
-[Jordyn giggles]

I didn't need to go to Cuba
to see a [bleep] buffalo wing.

[Scott] Holy Chicago,
this is a lot of rice.

[Kris] I knew I smelled something.

-Welcome to Cuba!

Cuba? This looks like my kitchen.

Yeah, but it's Cubano now.

Oh, okay. Do you want me
to get you a plate?

-I guess. Yeah, all right.

I mean, this looks good,
chicken and onions.

[Scott] I didn't need to go
to Cuba to see that.

[Kris chuckles]

[Kris] This is pretty cute though.

I mean, who else would go out
of their way to do this?

[Scott] Not many, not many.

[Kylie] Okay.

[Jordyn] Okay, you just went for it.

-[Kylie] You like it?
-All right.

-[Kylie] This is really good.
-[Kris] Good job, Scott.

I feel like we need some Cuban music.

[Cuban music playing]


-[Kris] Oh, my god.
-Don't worry, fella.

I got a pocket speaker.

[Jordyn laughs]

Let's get it, girls.

[Scott] Oh, yeah!

[Scott] Who needs to travel?

This music. I'm sorry. I'll just…

-[music slows down]
-Whoa! Whoa!

-Just a little bit.
-Where do you think you are,

-Just a little bit.

[Scott] You can't just go
turning down the music

in the middle of Cuban lunch.

[upbeat music playing]

[Kanye] You look so hot, babe.

[Kim] Thanks, babe.

Especially here in, like, Cuba.

Like, appropriately hot for Cuba.

[Kim] What would my life have been

if I was with anybody else?
Like, all my friends,

if I haven't seen them for a while,
they're like, "You guys are twins."

"Like, could you ever imagine
your life with anyone else?"

Like, "What else would you do?"
And I was like, "I know."

[Kim] I gotta see if Khloé won't help me
with North on Mother's Day.

-[Kanye] Where are you going to be?
-[Kim] New York.

[Kanye] We didn't plan
to be together on Mother's Day?

I booked a photoshoot
that lands on Mother's Day,

and now that I'm getting back into work,

like, everything's moving so fast,

and it's just one of those sacrifices

I'm gonna have to make.

[upbeat music playing]

[Cuban music playing]

[car horn honks]

[French] If I had this
back in the days, man.

Oh, forget about it. Come on!

-Where are the ladies?
-Where you at, man?

I'm already jealous that I feel like
I'm missing out on this whole Cuban trip.

So, today, I'm upping
the ante a little bit.

-[horn honks]
-[Kris] Wow.

Come on!

-[Kylie] That is so cool.

-[Kylie] No!
-[Scott] You think

they're gonna have Cubans?

-[Kris] Frenchie?
-[Kylie] You guys,

-this is perfect!
-How are you doing, ladies?

-[Scott] How are you?
-This is amazing.

-[Scott] Want to hop in?
-[Kris] We want to hop in.

[Scott] No problem, girls.

-This is unbelievable.
-[Scott] Hop in.

Scott and French are so crazy.

But I love this car,
and I'm down for the ride.

Who needs Cuba?

-[Kris] We got Cuba.
-We got it right here.

[French] The AC don't work
in here, but it's okay.

Now you guys know
how I felt, 50 years ago.

-Come on, girls. Let's do this!

Ay, caramba!

-[Kris] I love the music.
-I don't even know how to, like,

-hold this in my mouth.
-It's, like, so amazing.

-Want to light it?
-[Kris chuckles]

This is a nice little ride.

Oh, whoa, Frenchie.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

[Cuban music playing]

-This is disgusting.

This is so gross.

This is the way to live life, man.

Cuba's feeling good.
We didn't even have to get on a plane.

-Cuba's nice!
-I want to hit the dance floor.

By the time I'm done with the carpet,
it's gonna be smoking.


[exaggerated laughter]

This is what people did in the '50s.

They just drove around.

[Kris] There wasn't a lot to do.

That's a nice way to live, man.

[Kylie] Wait. I will say, though,

my Lip Kit launches in 40 minutes.

-Oh, yeah.
-[Kylie] Less than 40 minutes.

[Kris] Oh, [bleep], yeah. You're right.

I completely forgot.
That's all the time we have.

-You show me where--
-And step on it.

-You show me where to go, y'all.
-Okay, step on it.

We don't have time to [bleep] around.

[Scott] The whole bringing Cuba to LA vibe

was going pretty, pretty well.

But, of course,
Kris and Kylie started talking

about Lip Kit launches,

so, in a nutshell,

you can never slow anybody down, I guess.

Okay, we got to go home. So, step on it.

[Scott] I'm really starting to think
Cuba's not all it's cracked up to be.

[upbeat music playing]

[Khloé] It is our last night in Cuba,

and we have one last dinner
planned at La Guarida

before we go back to LA tomorrow.

[Khloé] You guys,
how gorgeous is this place?

-So fabulous.

-[Khloé] Hi, guys.
-[Mason] Hey, what's up?

-[Khloé] Hello there.
-[Mason] Hi, Northy.

[Kanye] Do you guys have sangria?

[Khloé] She loved-- Those were
the bananas we had earlier.

[Kim] You like the bananas?

[Kourtney] I think we'll have
one, two, three, four,

-five sangrias.
-[waiter] Sangrias?

Right? 'Cause everybody…

Okay. We were looking around

when we were driving,
at the end of the day,

how chill everyone is, like, people.

They're just, like, lax.

'Cause they have no Internet
or social media.

They're, like, sitting on
the bus and they're just, like,

looking out the window, like, really…

-[Kim] Yeah, we saw a bus too.

[Kanye] Did you like the beans, Northy?

Did you like the rice?

How do you feel about
that white dress you're wearing?

I was just thinking
that even the first two questions…


…were so, like,
what I would probably ask you.

-[Kanye] Do you like what you're eating?

[Khloé] What is Mom doing, by the way?

[Kim] She's with Kylie.

Didn't they ask you
about doing Adidas for her?

They didn't ask me, but--

Kanye was doing his Adidas deal.

Mom called the people

that Kanye was doing
his deal with and said,

"Hey, we want to do a deal for Kylie."

But they only have
a certain budget a year,

'cause they were looking at him
like a celebrity deal.

So then, she shot the campaign for Puma.

But did she tell Kanye after that?


And then, once it was announced,
Kanye found out.

This is what Puma is,
y'all got to really realize.

It's like if I made a show on Sunday night

and didn't tell none of y'all about it.

But I had did a couple of shows
with y'all,

just two shows with y'all first.

So people saw me and thought,
"Aw, oh, he's cool on camera," blah, blah.

Somebody offered me a deal

and I, like, did it
and didn't tell none of y'all,

and brought all of my, like,
whatever cool friends.

Like, now it's like Jay-Z, Beyoncé,
blah, blah, is all on the show.

I mean, I don't agree with going
against the family in that way.

I think Mom or Kylie, whoever,
should've presented it

-to Kanye first.
-A hundred percent.

[Kim] Kanye had Kylie walk
in his first two Yeezy shows.

[stage manager]
All right, models, line up.

[man] Gonna start soon.
Dress! Go with the lineup.

[Kim] He really believed in her
as a part of his brand.

And you know?

I understand that my mom's job
as a manager is to get us deals,

but sometimes, I feel like

everything has to be
really carefully played out.

And I feel like that was, like,
a conflict of interest.

Our family, they're human beings first,

and, even with family,

people choose self, they just do.


[Khloé] Northy, did you know
that your mommy is our sister?

You know Auntie Kourtney
and KoKo are my sisters?

Mm… yeah.

Just like baby brother's your brother?


[Kanye] So what's gonna happen
on Mother's Day?

Are we going with you
or you just don't want to see,

uh, your, uh, husband
and children on Mother's Day?

So now they want me to go to my fitting
at 5 p.m. on Sunday,

so that means I'm gonna have
to leave at, like, 6 a.m.

I feel really bad,
but I made this commitment,

and I've already had
to reschedule this once,

so I feel bad pulling out

because I'm just not that person
when it comes to work.

Like, I always stay committed.

[Khloé] Why don't you just tell them
you won't do your fitting

-until the morning of…
-[Kourtney] The morning of the show.

Say, "It's not an option."
"It's my Mother's Day,

the first one with my son."
Just be dramatic.

-[Penelope muttering]
-Boss up.

-It's honest, and I think…
-[Khloé] It is honest.

…anyone could really respect that.

What do you want me to do
exactly on Mother's Day?

[upbeat music playing]

-[Khloé] So, Malika, are you packed?
-[Malika] Yeah.

-Did you have fun?
-I had the best time.

-[Khloé] Right?
-I called it on our way in.

-Would you come back here?
-Yeah, I would.

-I love it.
-I would.

I love it. I lo--

I hope they just keep this 1950s vibe.

I mean, they could, like, modernize it

-a little bit if they want.

Maybe, like,
just the hotel that you stay in,

but I think, like, I love this look.

It's so cool. I love that you have no--

You're going to someone's house
and it's a restaurant.

Like, it's so cool.

Like, yesterday
when we were going to lunch,

I was like, "Where are we going?"

And everyone is so nice here.
And I love Armando.

-Like, a lot.
-You really love Armando.

He's just so informed.

Like, if I were to take you around,

like, California, I'd literally be like…

"Here's Robertson,
I can't tell you any facts about there."

-Like, he knows everything

going back to, like, the 1700s.

-Armando is the best.
-Khloé, you can't take him home.

He's, like, the nicest man.

Let's go so we can catch our flight.

[Malika] Thank you for an amazing trip.

Another amazing memory.

[upbeat music playing]

Good morning, Khloé.

-Good morning!

Armando, did you know

that you're Khloé's
favorite person in Cuba?


-Oh, thank you.

I love you. You're so great.

Another nice day.

-Came, we saw, we conquered.

[Khloé] That we did.

I absolutely loved this Cuba trip.

Not having a cell phone
was, like, super nice and enjoyable.

And I wish we could stay longer,
but I gotta get back to reality

and figure out everything
that's been going on since I've been gone.

A lot could happen in three days.

Has a lot changed
since, like, Obama came here?

Cuba changed five years ago

when they had the opportunity
for the private business.

Do you like when people want to come here
to develop new things?

-No. No.

The Cuban people are always the same.

-No change.

I don't want it to change.

It's perfect how it is.

[Malika] Say bye to Cuba.

[Khloé] Bye, Cuba.

Are they good?

Didn't it feel so good, guys,

to be, like, not connected with the world

-and just not have our phones?
-[Khloé] Yeah. I was telling…

I was telling Malika earlier.
When we were leaving,

I was like, the first day, like,
when we got off the plane,

I was like, "Oh, my god!"
Like, there's no service.

-Oh, my god!
-I was a little freaked out.

And that's why everyone's so calm and cool
and, like, relaxed.

[Malika] Yeah. Don't you feel
like it's something

-you guys should do more often?
-[Kourtney] Definitely.

Even just, like,
communicating, like, with,

"What time are we leaving?"

Like, that was, like, a challenge.

Like, nobody was on their phones.

At dinner, everybody was
actually paying attention.

[Malika] We had really
good conversations at dinner.

-[Kourtney] We did.

-[Malika] Um, so, Cake…
-[Khloé] Huh?

Um, we're heading home.
What are you gonna do about Lamar?

I need to just go home and see.

Like, I don't know
if Lamar's done anything yet.


Hope for the best.

-That's all you can do.
-[Khloé] Yup.

[Kourtney] Does this plane have Wi-Fi?

[upbeat music playing]

[Kourtney] We're just doing
a little organizing, you know?

What the hell is this?

Oh, my god. Can I have that?

[Kourtney] Yeah.

-Knock yourself out.
-I'm gonna show you what it is.

[Kim] Watch this.

This is, like, a selfie stick
that stays somewhere though.

[playful music playing]


[Kourtney] Like, am I ever
gonna use a selfie stick?

Yes, I need one.

[Kim] I'm dying for one.

God, this is a life changer.

-What took me so long?
-[Kourtney] It is?

Do I need it back?

But how the hell do you take the photo?

-Like, my arm can't reach.
-[Kourtney] No. Here, look.

There's a remote.


So, I'll have literally people,
like, friends of mine call me

and be like, "Ugh, was Kanye
so pissed that Kylie did Puma?"

Like, people that don't even know

how the deal went down
or, like, anything like that.

-People literally ask me.

[Kim] I just wish that my mom spoke
about it with us,

because I feel like
we're such a close family

that we should all be able to communicate

so that we don't step
on each other's toes.

I do see both sides.

[Kim] I definitely see how
Kylie should've done that deal.

You know what I mean? I never want to get
in the way of anyone's money.

Did he care that she did a second sh**t?

No, not at all.

[Kim] He tweeted about it
and was being funny.

I'm just annoyed with Mom at the process.

I mean, what's done is done,

but this is something that means a lot,

so I want to explain to my mom

that, in the future, communicate
and just be upfront.

[upbeat music playing]

[camera shutter clicking]

[Kim] Bye.

[Stephanie] That's nice that he came.

[Kim] Yeah, so sweet.

Did he just come for today, like…

[Kim] He flew to New York
just to hang out.

[Stephanie] Just for Mother's Day, right?

-That's nice.

Today is Mother's Day,
and it's the day of the sh**t.

I pushed my fitting to later in the day

so that I can just wake up
with my kids and Kanye,

and have a normal Mother's Day
before I flew out to New York,

because I understand how important it is.

Were you surprised when you woke up?

They just started playing, and I woke up.

-Like, I was, like, startled.
-[Stephanie] Was it loud?

Yeah, it was, like,
so loud, and I was like…


I thought he was playing
music, like, blasting it.

I didn't know
there was actually an orchestra.

And he's like, "Go get North."

Kanye was so sweet.

I woke up to a full orchestra.

At least a dozen people
playing the cello and violins.

[orchestral music playing]

It was honestly, like,
the sweetest thing ever.

-That's so nice of him.
-Of course, 'cause he's like,

"Babe, I have nothing to do
for Mother's Day."

That's cute. Saint's first Mother's Day.

[Stephanie] He always does
the most extravagant things.

I know. Everyone on Twitter was like, cra…

[Stephanie] That's crazy.

[both chuckle]

[upbeat music playing]

[Malika] Ooh, sangria!

Very Cuban of us.

I had the best time
with Kourt and the babies.

I feel like I haven't done a vacation
with her and the kids ever.

-They're so good, right?
-And they were the highlight

of my trip, seriously.

-They're so good.
-You guys were fun, but…

because of that, I text Scott.

I was like,
"Honestly, you are so blessed."

"You have the most amazing children."

I was like,
"I wish you could've been there,

but I… you know, I miss you.
I just wanted you to know that."

And he's like,
"I know. My kids are the best."

"I really wanted to be
with you guys. I miss you too."

It was a short conversation,
but I just wanted him to know,

like, "We thought of you."

"Your children had a good time."

He always has FOMO, like, with us.

And he thinks, like,
we do things out of sympathy,

but in fact, we really want him there.
Like, we love Scott.

He's a part of our lives.

[phone ringing]

-[Khloé] Excusez-moi.

-[Khloé] Hello?
-[Lamar] Hello.

Hey. You know, we were talking,
and your phone cut out,

and you never called me back.

Why does he breathe
like a 600-pound fat man sometimes?

Why do you breathe like that, Lam?

Are you… are you having trouble breathing?

I can hear him over here.

[Lamar] No. Like what?

So, why do you breathe
like you're, like, a super fat person?


-[Lamar] Like what?
-Like you're a super fat person.

Like you have--
Are you having trouble breathing?

-[Lamar] No.

Is it from smoking too much?

-[Lamar] No.

Do you really just breathe
like that right now

to [bleep] with me here?

[Lamar] What?

[groans loudly]


Nothing happened! Nothing happened!

Coming back from Cuba,

I really want to keep Lamar
in, like, a positive space.

[Khloé] I've been so worried
this entire time.

It makes me feel good to know
that he is doing okay.

But there comes a time

where you go through
certain life experiences,

and you just realize, you know what,

no matter what I do,
there's nothing I can do.

He has to take control of his life.

[Lamar] It's been lovely, Khlo.

It's been even better for me.

[Lamar laughs]

[Khloé] Okay, I'll call you later.

-[Lamar] Bye, baby.

He's really cute when he wants to be.

Mm, it's all an act. Don't fall for it.

[upbeat music playing]

[Kris] How's your house coming?

-[Kim] So good.

[Kim] We discussed that bathroom today.

He does not wanna do it,

'cause they said it'll take
four to six months more.

[Kris] It is so small.

It's wild.

[Kim] I know.

There has been people
that have come up to me privately,

like, not in front of Kanye,
that is, like, "Oh, my god."

"Was Kanye so pissed
when your mom did that deal for Kylie?"

"Like, I would die if that were me."

It kind of goes with the territory
of wearing all these different hats

and being a mom and manager.

I run a business,

and the biggest part of my business
is making sure that I really pay attention

to what works for everyone involved.

You know, it's like, what if
I wasn't related to any of you?

I would be making business decisions

based on deals that come in

and the best fit
for each one of my "clients."

We discussed it.

I thought that we had really--

But you discussed it after the fact.

Sometimes, it's about a business decision,

which is completely not personal.

Well, sometimes,
when you're dealing with family,

it's not really about a business decision.

[tense music playing]

She was the model
that he wanted over anyone.

He saw Kylie and was like,
"She has to be my Yeezy model."

I would've just liked the heads-up.

Like, "Hey, we did try to call Adidas."

"It didn't work out,
but I want to go to other brands."

Mm-hmm. I never went to another brand.

They came to me.

-Or, "Hey, this deal came in."
-[Kris] Okay.

"I know you wanted to work this out,
and you really wanted Kylie."

"If the funds aren't there, cool.
We got to make this move."

-Or, "This is the deal

she's getting here."
"Do you want to match it?"

-"Do you want to do this?"
-Well, I did. I told him that.

He goes, "Well, you know,

-let me talk to somebody."
-You never said--

He had no idea

until the sh**t was already happening.

I'm just trying to give my best energy

and do the best job
for everybody that I can.

I was the one who initiated

the conversation in the very beginning.

But you didn't initiate it with him.

You tried to go and get an Adidas deal.

-No, no, no.
-Yes, and at the same time,

he was trying to negotiate
his Adidas deal.

-Yeah, but I didn't know that.
-Let's say, Kendall's with Estée Lauder,


I have a new manager,
and my manager decides

to call Estée Lauder to get me a deal.

And you're renegotiating with Kendall.

It could be a big thing,
but it would take a little bit of a dig

if I were to sign a huge deal
with Estée Lauder.

Don't you think it would be shady of me

if I didn't call you to be like,
"Hey, I know you're with Estée Lauder,

I know you've already got that
with Kendall,

but my new team's taking me over there."

You would be like, "Wait. That's weird."

"Why is she gonna, like,
step on Kendall's turf?"


Sometimes, I get ahead of myself too,

and sometimes I forget to communicate

maybe the way that I should.

So, I feel bad, but it wasn't intentional,

and I'm really happy
that things worked out the way they did.

It's perfect,
because Kylie can do her thing.

She's so excited to be with the brand.

The brand's excited to be with her.

And it all worked out for the best.

-Yeah. Totally.
-[Kris] You know?

[Kim] I'm just really glad
that my mom understands

where I'm coming from,
and that, in the future,

if something like this happens again,

she's just able to communicate with me.

I mean, we ultimately want
what's best for each other.

Like, everybody deserves
to have a very successful life,

if they're willing to work hard,
and it's a good fit.

And my job is to find those opportunities,

you know, like,
Kimberly Cupcakes. [chuckles]

All the things we would do…

-so wild.
-[Kris] Yeah. Yeah.

Well, you know, it's not like
you could sing or dance.

We made the best of it,
but it got us to here.

[chuckles softly]

[upbeat music playing]

[Kris] Hi!

Oh, P, you look so cute!

-[Malika] You look fantastic!
-Thank you!

-[Khloé] You look gorgeous.
-Thank you.

[Kris] Look how cute this table looks.

Uh, and there's a band?

-[Khloé] Who made you a martini?
-[Kris] My boyfriend.

[Malika] Hey, Scottie!

Come on out. I've been waiting for you!

We did have such a great time in Cuba,

and I know that my mom
and Scott really felt left out,

so Kourt and I throw
a Cuban-themed party at my house,

and really get them to feel
that Cuban vibe, like, to a T.

I want them to really think
they're in Cuba.

In Cuba, our phones did not work.

And it was the most amazing experience.

-I'm a doctor right now.
-I understand that.

-I'm on call.
-I'm a doctor.

I would love for you to give me
your phone for 30 minutes.

Okay, take it.

-I love you for this.
-You do? It's fine.

I thought if you gave up a fight,

-like, I could too.
-You're gonna have the best

Cuban experience.

[Khloé] Scott, I need your cell phone.

Food is just being brought out,
if you guys want to sit at the table.

-[Scott] Let's do it!

So, literally, this is
what we ate every single day.

[Malika] Rice, beans,
plantains, and chicken.

[Kourtney] Ooh, yeah, P.

-Bring the vibes.
-[Mason] Ooh, yeah, P.

Look at how beautiful this looks.

[Khloé] Kimmy!

Oh, my god!

-That's a really cool dress.
-[Kim] Thanks.

[Khloé] So, you know what?

We just wanted to bring you guys together.

To the people who were
not able to come to Cuba,

we wanted to bring Cuba to you guys.

-[Scott] And we appreciate it.
-[Khloé] So, here we are.

-[Kris] Thank you.
-No cell phones.


[Mason] This is just pretend.

KoKo planned it
as a certain kind of thing.

-Because I wanted--
-This is all fake?

I want-- Masey, you know
how we got to go to Cuba?

I wanted Lovey and everyone
to pretend that they were in Cuba,

'cause they couldn't go.

Mase, what was
your favorite part about Cuba?

Having dinner with everyone!

-Aw, that's nice.
-Aw! That's nice, Mase.

[Khloé] See? That's why we're
trying to have dinner here.

Remember the cars that we drove in?

Those were awesome.

Did you like the pink one or the red one?

[Mason] Green and red.

-Did you like salsa dancing?



-Go, Mase, go!

[Scott] You know, it meant a lot
that Khloé went out of her way

and really made, like,

an amazing authentic Cuban night
at her house for me.

The best part of the night is

Mason telling me all the stories
about the cars in Cuba,

and just watching Kris have fun.

And not everyone was sitting
on their phones, texting away,

emailing, and not really being present.

You know, maybe I didn't get
to go to Cuba,

but at least I'm getting to spend
some really nice time with them now.

-[Khloé] Yes!
-[Kris] Oh, wow!

[all exclaim]

-Here we go! Here we go!
-[Corey] Dancing with the Stars.

[Kris] Oh, that is kind of amazing.

Kim, let's turn it up.

Get out there.

I actually threw my back out,
so I can't really move.

You sound like your mother.

[salsa music playing]

[Khloé] Should we be dancing
with these girls?

[Kris whoops]

[Kris] Go, Corey!


-Conga line!
-[all cheering]


[music ends]

[all cheering]

[Kris] That was fun, you guys.

[Khloé] Smile for the camera, P!


[Khloé] Oh, P, you're so cute, P.

Maybe our Cuba trip will remind all of us

to take advantage of family time
when we have it.

[Malika] Trip was legit! [laughs]

-[Khloé] Yeah!
-[Kris] That was so fun.

Oye! Oye!

-What does "oye" mean?
-[Kris] Arriba, arriba!

-I have no idea.

I think that's just like, "Hey."

Oye. Okay.

[Malika] Your mom is really enjoying Cuba.

-[Kris] Oye.

-[Kris trilling]
-[Khadijah] I think so.


-[Kris] Okurrr! Okurrr! Okurrr!
-[Malika] Okurrr! Okurrr! Okurrr!

Okurrr! Okurrr! Okurrr!

Okurrr! Okurrr! Okurrr!

[Kris] Okay, I got to go now.
Love you, guys.

[all] Love you.



[Khloé] On the next episode…

-[Scott] You can eat this.

She thinks she's allergic to everything.

I want to replace everything
with regular gluten,

and then we'll see the end result.

[Kourtney] Did you see the emojis?

That's Kylie. Look at her.

[Khloé] You're not pissed
that Chyna made an emoji

about you?

Do you still take
your medicine every morning?

Lamar hasn't followed through
recently with so many things.

He obviously doesn't care.

[Khloé] No.