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12x07 - Snow You Didn't – Part 1

Posted: 12/08/23 08:18
by bunniefuu
[Kris] Where's Scott?

[Kourtney] Scott and Tyga
have been hanging out

at his house, all day and night.

I almost wanna, like, call Tyga

and just literally go off on him.

Like, don't we kind of think
it's a miracle?

That Rob wants to be so public
blows my mind.

She gave him confidence.

More power to her.

[Khloé] Am I happy
he's out and about? For sure.

Am I disappointed
that Rob isn't talking to me?

Yeah. That's just
where it gets frustrating.


[upbeat music]

[Kourtney] Whoa, guys.

[Khloé] How awesome is this?

Oh, my goodness.

-[Flip] Hi, how you guys doing? I'm Flip.
-[Khloé] Hi, how are you?

-Khloé. Your name's Flip?
-Khloé. Nice to meet you.

-Yes, ma'am. Thank you.
-How cool.

-Are you scared of heights?

-No? Are you sure?
-[Mason] Yeah.

Because I'm gonna test that today.

-[Mason] Okay.
-All right?

You just come on over here. Come on, bud.

[Flip] See if you can climb
all the way to the middle, Mase.

With your hands only.

[Kourtney] Khlo, take a picture of Mase.

[Khloé] I'm videotaping him.

-[Mason] Can I let go?
-[Flip] Yeah, you can let go.

[Mason whoops]

-[Flip] There you go.
-[Kourtney] Oh, my goodness.

Khlo, you have to do something,

like, you just have to jump off there.

-I don't like heights, though.
-Yeah, go do it with Mase.

-I'll do it with you.
-[Flip] That gives you more

of a reason to do it.

[Khloé] Oh, my god.

It's like, sorry, I can't handle this.

Mase, you gonna show them how to do it?

Go for it!

[Khloé laughs]

Three, two, one. Whoo!

[Khloé] Who would ever choose to do this?

-[Flip] KoKo, jump, okay?

[Flip] Come on, KoKo, you can do it.

-[Khloé] Oh, my, I literally just--
-[Flip] Walk in.

-[Kourtney] Just do it.

One, two… Ah!


-Just do it.
-[Mason] KoKo!

I'll give you my 100 bucks!

Stop pressuring me!



Oh, my god, I just can't do this.

Stop pressuring…

-Oh, my god. It's coming.
-Just jump.

-[shrieks, laughs]
-[Flip] Nice job!

That was an adrenaline rush, huh?

My sock.

[theme music]

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Khloé, your thing doesn't work.

I have chargers right here.

[Khloé] And it does. One's a Blackberry.

[Kim] I see one gray hair.

-[Kourtney] On me?
-[Kim] Yeah.

Like, a long, gray hair.

Ooh, yes.

[Kourtney] I love that. Where?

-Right there. I'm not.
-Don't pull it out.

[Kim] It makes you a little older, though.

That's okay. I'm 36.

It's crazy that I'm 35.

[Khloé] So weird. I'm 28.


Is Rob 28?

Who's Rob?

-Good question.
-Good question.

Who's Rob?

I think that Rob has his life with Chyna.

And I'm happy that Rob is at least

getting out of the house and living life,

but I just hope
that it will get to the place

where he wants to hang out
with his family again.

You guys, I wonder what my boobs
are gonna look like

when I'm done breastfeeding.

Years ago, I used to tape up my boobs.
This is 2009.

And I'm like, it is masking tape
on another level,

and now it's duct tape.

How do you take that off? Does it k*ll?

-It kills.

[upbeat music]

-[Sheila] You look pretty.
-[Kris] Thank you.

Do you want anything to drink?

-Want a water?

Sure. That'd be great.

So, what was the last… vacation

that you guys went on with your family?

-[Kris] Besides,

you go to Palm Springs all the time.

I was just gonna say, Palm Springs.

You know how we go on a family trip,

-you know, once or twice a year?

Nobody can ever decide where to go.

So, I'm thinking Vail.

Like, I have not been back to Vail…

in 20 years.

Our kids grew up in Vail.

Don't make me cry.

-[Sheila laughs]

Going to Vail on the family vacation

is brilliant.

Because that's where my kids and I,
and their dad,

spent most of their childhood

on every family vacation
during the winter.

They were some of the happiest times

of my family's life

and memories that we made
that will last a lifetime.

And it's just the perfect place
to take the family.

Remember that house we used to stay in?

[Sheila] Oh, god, yes.

The kids always looked so great.

The outfits.

-The Bogner outfits. Oh, my…
-The Bogner outfits.


-[Kris] Oh, my god.
-Lots of memories. Lots of…

lots and lots of great,

-great memories.

I would really like to not tell 'em.

Like, I'll surprise 'em.

Oh, my god.

I'll get 'em to meet me at the airport.

I'll tell the pilots not to say
where we're going,

no matter what.

It would be so fun.

[lively music]

[Kris] Oh, my god, Mom,
you know what I wanna do?

-I wanna see your condo.

That's what I was just gonna say.

I mean, I'm dying to see your condo.

Oh, you know, what I wanna do
is I wanna call Rob and…

Got the sweetest text from him
the other day.

-You did?

[line ringing]

[Rob] Hey.

[Kris] Hey, really quick. I'm gonna take

the kids on a surprise vacation,

and I would like to take you

because I think you'd have
a really good time.

Um, do you wanna come?

[Rob] What kids?

Kourtney and the kids,

Kanye and Kim,

and Khloé,

and Kendall and Kylie.

And it's about--

[Rob] You mean Kylie and Tyga, right?

I don't think Tyga's gonna go, no.

He's not going.

-And I just wanted to know…
-I don't want him to pop up.

I'm just saying, it just puts me

-in a, a situation that…

He will not be popping up.
It's just me and my kids.

[Rob] I got it. Uh, well, we'll see.

Uh, where are you guys going?

-[smacks lips]
-Can't tell you.

I can't tell you 'cause it's a surprise,

but it's like
a one-and-a-half-hour flight,

and it's a walk down memory lane,

but I don't want you to say that
to the girls

because I'm not telling them even that.

Planning this family vacation
is more difficult than it seems

because of all the things
that I have to navigate

about who is gonna show up.

It's just a little crazy.

You would go with me,

I promise you it could be
my 60th birthday present

'cause you forgot to call me
and say "happy birthday."

[Rob] I definitely didn't forget
to call you on your birthday.

I think you did.

[Rob] You're crazy.

[upbeat music]

Do you wanna snap me making eggs for Kim?

-[Kylie] I just wanna go…
-[Kourtney] Oh, my god, remember…

-…look at purses.
-…when we used to do that

and then we would put butter on it

-with cinnamon sugar?
-[Kylie] Guys…

-Mom, where's your ghee?
-[Kris] I don't know anymore.

[Kourtney] What goes on in this house?

Gotta use this [bleep].


[Kris] So do you guys want me to tell you

why I asked you to come over,
aside from cooking eggs?

[Kourtney] Sure.

So, we're gonna go on our family vacation,

and I just wanted to let everyone know

that I'm not gonna tell you
where you're going.

[Kourtney] Okay.

But I'll tell you,
you might wanna bring a sweater.

[Kris] I got a private plane

-and we're leaving Van Nuys…
-[camera shutter clicks]

…at ten o'clock sharp…

-[Kim] Mix it up.
-…on Monday morning.

-[Kourtney] Add a little…

-And we're gonna be gone…
-…sea salt and pepper.

-[Kim] Wait, do not snap.
-…for four days.

-She's saying when we're going.
-Oh, yeah, sorry, sorry.

[Kylie] Wait, let me make sure
this posted real quick.

[Kourtney] I don't think
you've said what we're doing.

[indistinct chatter]

Well, I just said we're leaving
Van Nuys at 10:00 a.m.

-on Monday morning.
-[Kim] Yeah.

You have to come with a great attitude

and a sense of adventure.

[Kourtney] When do we not?

Who's going on this trip?

-Is it just the girls?
-[Kris] No.

It's as many family members
as we can pull together

-who wanna go.
-[Kourtney] Is Kendall going?

-[Kris] Kendall is going.
-What about Rob?

Rob is supposed to go.

-He's really going?
-[Kris] He's so coming.

I have not told Rob
what kind of a trip it is,

and Scott wanted to know
if he could come on the trip.

[Kourtney] What do you guys think?

I'm, like, I just really,
really wanna have fun

with my sisters, though.

[Kris] I'll babysit Scott.

-I'm just saying--
-I'll be his nanny.

Is he gonna be… Like, do I have to worry

if he's drinking?

Okay, but if he's there,
he's there with his kids,

having a good time.

I think Scott should come, poor guy.

[Kourtney] Scott and I, on family trips,

have definitely had some issues.

You're starting to drink a little bit more

-and a little bit more.
-Don't worry about me.

Like, do you just write down

-all the reasons…
-Oh, my god.

-…to pick at Scott every day?
-So annoying.

[Scott] Yeah, I don't wanna be here.
I literally hate this thing.

I don't wanna have to be worried.

I just wanna have fun with the kids.

Like, have a great time.

[Kim] I would just say, do it.

Especially, like, maybe
Rob will feel more comfortable

if he ever goes.

[upbeat music]

[Kris] Do I look fat?

[Kourtney] No.

Don't use that word
in front of my daughter, please.

[Kris laughs]

[Kourtney] My son,

he uses that word all day.

-It's what he calls

the paparazzi.

I just wanna know
if Scott's definitely coming

on the family trip.

[Kourtney] I don't know.

I just wanna have fun without having

to worry about,

you know, somebody else.

Is T coming or not? Has anyone decided?

[Kris] He's not gonna come
if Rob's coming.

If Tyga does come on the family trip,

there's definitely more of a chance

of Scott just going crazy.

Hanging out with somebody that, like,

brings out certain behaviors in you,

like, is also a scary thing.

I just remember how sad last time was

when he saw all of us having a good time

on the family vacation.

That's called consequences
to your actions.

But I still felt bad.

-So what do you think?
-[clears throat]

I'm leaning towards yes.


[Kris] I'm gonna call him right now
and invite him.

[line ringing]

-[Scott] Hello?

-How are you?

-Good, what are you doing?

Just standing here with Kourtney
having a salad.

I just said that I made a decision.

If you wanted to come on the family trip,

but you just need
to keep it together, dude,

and have a great time
with your kids and your family.

[Scott] Well, you got yourself
a deal, kid.

You got yourself a deal.

You're gonna stay at a hotel
right next door to our hotel.

Just like you like it.

[Scott] That's not how I like it,
but okay.

[Kourtney] Scott really wants to go
on this trip with the kids.

And I just, like, I don't know, I just,

feel like it's a good opportunity to see

if, like, he can handle
coming on family vacations.

If I never try, then, you know,
I'll never know.

-[Scott] Perfect.
-Okay, cool.

All right, love you.

-[Scott] Okay, love you guys, bye.
-Okay, bye.

-[phone beeps]
-See, that wasn't hard.

[upbeat music]

[Kris] We're not gonna tell the passengers
where we're going.

[pilot] I know, I know all about it.
It's a surprise.

[Kourtney] ♪ Sister… ♪

[Kris] Hi.

Welcome to the…


…family trip.


-Do you know where we're going?
-[Kourtney] No.

Today's the day that we go to Vail,

and I am so excited to surprise the kids.

Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.


They still don't know where we're going

and that makes me really happy
because I pulled it off.

-[Kourtney] Love you.
-Love you.

[Kourtney] You guys,
where should we all sit?

[Kim] Why don't we sit
the four of us here?

-[Kourtney] Okay.
-You, me, Kanye, and Scott.

[Kim] And then kids can hang out here.

-[Kris] Hi.
-Hey, baby.

-How are you?

So, there's two planes?

[Kris] Yeah, the other one's right there.

-Sister? Sister!


[Kourtney] Hey, is, um, Rob coming?

[phone chimes]

[Kim] Rob flaked. You never texted him?

-[Scott] Rob went to Kentucky.
-[Kim] Well, he was going to.

[Scott] He told me days ago
he was going to Kentucky.

Wait, is this a joke?

[Kim] You know, I guess
I could've expected

that my brother wasn't gonna come,

but he's been so good lately,

and he's been, like, hanging out.

I just thought, like, maybe he would come.

I don't know, I think it's, like,

so disappointing for my mom

since she worked so hard
to get this trip together.

And it's just, like,
I feel bad for my brother.

It's like too bad for you.

[phone chimes]

[Kris] Oh, my god, now Rob's not coming?

[Kendall] Wait, what?

Are you serious?

[Kris] I am so disappointed.

It makes me so sad

that Rob's not coming on the ski trip,

and making yet, another memory

without him truly breaks my heart.

And he's been doing so much better lately.

He gets a little bit better
each and every day,

and this would've been so good for him,

and just really great to connect
with the family again.

[phone keypad clacking]

[phone chimes]

[Kylie] I just invited T.

[Khloé] Tyga's coming?

[Kris] Oh, my god.

I know Kourt is not gonna be happy

about Tyga joining the family trip,

but I don't want Kylie
to feel upset, or disappointed.

At the end of the day,
these are Kourtney's issues,

so I'm staying out of this one.

[Khloé] So we don't know where we're going

'cause Kris Jenner won't tell us,

but as long as the sisters are together…

-♪ We're okay ♪

Running. Running down the hall.

-[Kim] Good.
-"Running down the hall?"

-Down the hall.

[North mumbles]

[Kanye] I want the stupid jumbo jet.

I want that double decker.

-I want the--

[Kanye] Double decker, yes.

[Scott] Like, you could go overseas…

I need a 50-foot screen

-in the jet.
-[Scott] Yeah.

I want the roller coaster up in the jet.

No, you got to have a roller coaster.

If you don't have a hot tub,
you ain't popping.


[Kylie] Okay, so, we're going
towards Middle America.

I feel like it's just Colorado.

[Kris] Why do you think
we're going to Colorado?

I just said it to see if you acted shady.

[Khloé] And you're acting

-the most shady with Colorado.
-And you're acting really shady.

[Kris] We might.

[Khloé] Oh, we're landing very fast.

Don't look it up, guys, don't ruin it.

[Kylie] Who's gonna tell me
before I look at my map?

Don't look at your maps!

-We could look it!
-It ruins all the fun.

[Khloé] Yeah, Kylie.

[Kendall] We're in Vail. Vail Valley.

[Khloé] Vail Valley, it says Vail Valley!

[Kris laughs]

-Welcome to Vail.
-[Corey] Vail, Utah!


[Khloé] I am so excited
to be here in Vail.

My dad used to take us to Vail every year

for Thanksgiving my entire life,
and when he passed away,

we have not been back since.

[Khloé] And I think it's so cute
that my mom

brought us all here together as a family.

[Kris] Welcome to Vail, kids.

[Khloé] Have you guys ever been to Vail?

-[Kylie] No, never.
-Stop it.

We're gonna have a walk down memory lane.

[Kendall] I've heard all about Vail,

and all the family stories
about everyone going to Vail

because my sisters
would go there all the time

with my mom and their dad.

I've never been before. It'll be awesome.

-[Kylie] Thank you.
-[pilot] You're welcome.

-Have a nice time.
-[Kris] Thank you.

Hello, everybody.

-Where are we?
-[Mason] Hi, KiKi…

Kourtney, do you know where you are?

-We're in Colorado.
-[Kris] Where?

-[Kris] Welcome to Vail!

[uplifting music]

[Kourtney] Thank you.

Oh, are Kim and Kanye coming in here?

Do you want me to go in the back?

[Kendall] I feel like
we're going on a road trip.

'Cause there's no, like, snow yet,

it just feels very road trip-y.

-You good back there, Corey?
-Good and sleepy.

Guys, look outside.

-Get off your phones.

-All right, let's look.

[Kim] I am, like, doe-hauling

for Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.

Just let Mom surprise us.

I haven't missed a thing.

[Kim] I don't know why
I didn't think of Vail.

For some reason, this is not the place

that I thought my mom was planning.

It's gonna be so much fun to walk around

and go to all the places
that we used to go to.

And just to have, you know,
my husband there,

and the kids all get to hang out
and ski together

and do all the things
that we did when we were little.

[Kim] North is left-handed,

and Kanye was left-handed,

but his mom had him change
to right-handed,

-so he still--
-[Kanye] I'm like the ultimate example

-of a left-handed person.
-So are you ambidextrous?

Like, can you write with your left?

[Kanye] Not as well.

[Kris] He goes both ways.

[Kanye] No, I don't go both ways.


[Kourtney in British accent]
Khloé, let's talk about your accents.

Kourtney, do you want a pink [bleep],

-flamingo pink?
-No, no, hot pink.

Hot pink.

Ballerina pink…

-Let's ask your followers.
-…or gangrene.

No, I want to know from Kanye.

-Do you want a [bleep]?
-[bleep] of choice?

[Kanye] Baby pink.

-It was baby pink…
-Baby pink.

-…hot pink or fluorescent green?
-Kanye wins again.

-Baby pink.

You know what French said?

-[Kanye] No.
-Hot pink!

French said he wanted a hot pink [bleep].

[Kris in normal voice]
Welcome to Vail, kids.

[upbeat music]

Oh, look at this.

[Kris] Welcome to Inspirato.


[Khloé] Look how beautiful.

[Kris] Hi, guys.

-How are you?

-Watch your finger.
-Oh, I am.

-[Kris] This is amazing.
-Oh, my god.

Look at the pictures. So cute.

[Khloé] The fact that my mom
went the extra mile

and put so much effort into this trip

and having my dad's pictures
all around the apartment, it just…

Love is in the details,

and my mom showed us a lot of love.

Isn't this great?

-[Khloé] Look.
-[Kourtney] Hi, guys.

[Khloé] There's pictures everywhere.

-This is so cute.

[Kris] Yeah, Scott,
look at all the great pictures.

[Khloé] They're of Dad and everything.

Look, Mase, look. That was me and KiKi.

Look, that's Uncle Robbie.

This is nice.

-[Mason] Mom.
-[Kourtney] Yeah?

I want to see the snow.

[Kourtney] You wanna see the snow?

-You guys, how pretty is this?
-[Kendall] This is so pretty.

[Khloé] Oh, my god, guys. We're here.

[Kris chuckles]

[Kris] Ain't that good? Look at the…

Look at the ice skating rink.

-[Mason] Mommy.
-[Kourtney] Yes?

Isn't that great?

[knocking on door]

[knocking continues]

[Kris] Why don't you go answer the door?

Hurry up.

-Someone's here, you guys.
-[knocking continues]

-Knock, knock…
-[Kris] Who is here?

Somebody's knocking on the door.

I have so many memories
of Vail back in the day.

And I have another surprise
for the kids at the door.

And I cannot wait to see their reaction.

[Khloé] What's happening?

[door opens]

-[Sheila] Surprise!
-[all cheering, clamoring]

[Khloé] Oh, my god!

-[Kendall] Hi. How are you?

Oh, my god!


[Kendall] How are you?

-I'm so happy you're here.
-Oh, my god.

[Corey] How you doing?

-Yo, baby.
-It's nice to see you.

-[Todd] Great to see you.
-[Randy] Kris.


Every single trip
that the kids ever took to Vail

on these wonderful vacations,

they went with the Kolkers
and the Kraines,

so I thought what an amazing surprise

if I invited them on the trip

and we could all share a reunion together.

-Now that you're here--
-Oh, we're doing this

-20 years later, you know?

This is the 20-year reunion.

Before you were born.

Yeah, I was gonna say I wasn't part of it.

-They don't, like, get it.
-No, you were not, but…

-They don't get it.
-We used to come up with,

with Robert every single year.

They tell me all the time.

[Kim] Will you say,
"Hi, Auntie Kris, it's me."

-Yes, Scott, you got to do it.
-Yeah, you got to.

-Come on.
-Go on, Scott.

-Come on.
-You got it.

What do you want me to do?

[Kim] Just say, "It's me, Todd Kraines,"

and then I'm gonna go,
"And the real Todd Kraines."

-Come on. Okay, you ready?
-[Scott] Yeah, I'm ready.

[Kim] One, two, three.

Auntie Kris, it's me! It's Todd Kraines!

Oh, you better believe it.

You know, a long time ago,

when we started prank calling Kris

with the whole Todd Kraines thing,

I never even knew who the person was.

And then it became,
like, an on-going joke.

[Kourtney] We need to call right now.

[line rings]

-[Kris on phone] Hello?
-Auntie Kris, it's me.

It's Todd Kraines. Where are you?

[Kris] Stop calling this number.

-Let's do a Todd Kraines prank.
-[blows air]

-Come on, Todd Kraines it up.
-It's me!

[Scott] It's Todd Kraines.

[Kraines] Surprise!

Auntie Kris, it's me. Todd Kraines.

It's me. It's Todd Kraines.

-Auntie Kris, it's me.

[Scott] But I never thought
I'd actually, like,

go on a ski trip with him.


[Scott] Auntie Kris, it's me.
It's Todd Kraines.

[Kris] Okay, so, I wanted
to show you guys this.

-[Todd] Oh, wow.

I put together a little
walk down memory lane

for you guys.

[Todd] Oh, wow.

-[Kris] Look at you all…
-Oh, my god.

-Look. Look at your mom…
-Look at the hair.

-You're gonna make me cry.
-Who that?

When we were, like, 14 and 15,

we used to always say

when we're older
and we have families and kids,

we can never break

this tradition of coming to Vail.

We have to come with our kids.

[Kim] And so, the fact that my mom
made that happen for us,

it's such a cool thing

that we're carrying on this tradition.

-Look at this, baby Rob.
-[Kourtney] Me and Lindsey.

I can't believe Rob isn't here.

-Aw, we miss him so much.
-I know. I know.

Uh, that is the ugliest picture
I've ever seen of me.

[laughter, chattering]

[upbeat music]

[Mason] Let's touch the snow!

Guys, stick a little closer there.

[Scott] Mase…

[Kourtney] Look at the river.

-[Penelope] I can't see it.

You know, when Mom was little,

I took my Christmas card picture
here with my daddy.

[Kourtney] We stood on the bridge
and we took a picture

with Uncle Bob and KoKo and KiKi.

[kids clamoring]


My best friend surprised me…

-…and is on our family vacation.

Mason, let's see
if you're okay over there.

Mason, let's put our foot in the snow.

[Scott] Just for a minute, let her,

so she can touch the snow like you did.

I think the one thing

I wanna really get out
of this trip is that

we can go places together

and be a family even though
we're not dating or together.

[Mason] To make the biggest snowball.

[Scott] And I just want

her to see that I'm fine.

[Kourtney] Let's go.

[Kraines] All right, let's go, girls.

-[kids chuckle]

[Scott] All right, Kourt,
I'm gonna go check

-into my hotel.
-[Kourtney] Okay.

[lively music]

[Khloé] Ye, do you ski?

-[Kanye] I mean, I do ski…
-[Khloé] Not today?

I just feel like
I'm about to die every moment.

[indistinct chatter]

[Kim] Go show Daddy your boots, North.

Oh, those are cool!

[Kourtney] Zoe's on her way here.

Are your boots so heavy?

Are these boots so heavy?

[Kim] I grew up skiing and Kanye didn't.

And it's so fun having, like,
Kanye be so excited,

and we're teaching
our little girl how to ski,

and you know, it really is crazy.

It's, like, I've envisioned this
since I was little

of having these memories with my family,

and the fact that it's all happening

is really special to me.

[Khloé] We all made it.

[Kanye] It's so hard to walk
in those, right?

-[Khloé] Yeah.
-[Kris] Hold my hand.

[Kourtney] Does that fit, Mase?

[Scott] Kourt, what are…
Are we gonna watch the kids or what?

Yeah, let's watch them
for a sec and then go.

We're gonna ski this way.

We're gonna… Let's go this way.

[Kourtney] You're doing it, Mase!


You ready?

[instructor] Go, put your arms out.

Arms out for Dad.

-[Scott laughing]

-Are we going?

-[Kourtney] Yeah, let's go.
-[Kris] You did it.

-Bye, P!
-Wait, wait. Tell my mom!

[Kourtney] Bye, Mase!

[Scott] All right,
we're not leaving them forever.

Bye, guys. Bye! Bye!

[Khloé] You'll probably
never gonna see them again.

[Scott] Oh, P, bye!

You think it was like Titanic,

and they were getting
on, like, the little boat.

[Khloé] Kanye's a really good dad.

Kanye has great family morals

and how he always wants us together.

-Yeah, totally.

Probably even wants us, like,
in the studio with him or, like,

it's good, just like,

-I love that.
-Yeah, me too.

It's not at all
how I ever imagined he would be.

You don't know when someone has kids.

Yeah, totally.

And he has, like, surprised me
for the best.

[Kanye] Where you wanna go, Northy?

Where are you going?

You gonna make a snow angel like Daddy?


[Kanye chuckles]

[Kris] Oh, I need a picture.

Oh, is that too cute?


[Kanye] You gonna help me up?

Ah, so much snow.

Ah, it's snowing, it's snowing.

-[North laughs]
-It's snowing.

-[Kris laughs]
-[Kanye] I love you, Northy.

-[Khloé] Oh, where'd it go?
-Coming down!

[electronic music]

We used to yell "Cowabunga"
the whole time skiing.

I'll yell it with you.

'Cause Ninja Turtles were cool.

Oh, good. Well, Mason can do that now.

[Kourtney chuckles]

Whoo! Woo-hoo!

[upbeat music]

[Kris] Okay, who wants to go
to Sweet Basil?

Hi, boo… Oh!


These hats are everything.

-Where'd you get these hats?
-You look so cool, Mom.

-Thank you.
-[Kendall] Khloé's.

This outfit is from 1985.

-[both] Is it actually?

-Was it yours?
-[Kris] Yeah.

I cannot button the pants.

-[Kendall] You are so cool.

You can't tell.


Mom, you look like
Elton John or something.


[Kris] Let's go, we're gonna walk.

Don't eat any more.

Sweet Basil
is an amazing restaurant in Vail

and it's one of the places
that we would come to

every single time we would come to Vail.

And the kids continued
to go there through the years,

and I think it'll be a great memory.

[Kendall] Kourt, where's Scott?

[Kourtney] He's coming.

[Sophia] Cheers, babe.

There he is.

Hey. Hey! Want to say hi to your dad?

[Kourtney] Oh, boy.

Oh, my god, look at them
taking selfies, you guys.

Look at them taking selfies together.

Yeah. I think, I think they're,
like, a little bit crushing.

Scott's been great on this trip so far,

but I'm definitely a little nervous

because I know how
out of control things can get.

[Kim] Why don't we do a toast?

Thank you, Mom,
for bringing us all to Vail,

our favorite, most memorable place

in the world,

and surprising us
with the Kraines and the Kolkers

and making it old-school,

just like my dad would've wanted.

Thank you, Mom,
for putting this all together.

-I love you, guys.
-[Kim] Love you.

-Cheers, everybody.

[Kris] Thank you, everyone,
for being here.

[indistinct chatter]

[Khloé] Let's call… Rob.

-[line rings]
-Oh, look,

he's gonna answer you. Say "Hi, Bob."

Hi, Bob.

[Rob] Hi, P!

-Oh, Rob!

-We're at Sweet Basil.
-[Corey] Sweet Basil.

[Rob] Are you drinking?
What are you drinking?

-[Kraines] Tell him I said hi.
-Red wine.

-Red wine.
-Red wine.

-And here's Todd Kraines.

-[Randy] Can I… Can I say hello?
-Todd Kraines.

-[Sheila] Can we say hello?
-And Uncle Randy.

-We miss you.
-Pull it.

-Give it to Kanye.
-Just hop on a plane.

We need you down here.

-Get over here.
-[Kim] You need to come.

-I need to give you a big hug.
-It's our family vacation.

[Todd] Come on. I'm serious.

-We have a whole room for you.
-Hi, Bob.

[Kendall] I miss you.

[Rob] I miss you.

Rob, I think, definitely has some things

that he has to work out.

We've always been such a close family,

so it's just a different dynamic
when he's not around.

[Kim] It's just kind of sad.

We like him to, you know,
have all these memories

and live in the moment with us.

[Kylie] …later.

Love you.

[fan] Hello, Kim!

Hi, guys.

[fans chattering]

-Right here.
-[Kris] Oh, right here.

Oh, my favorite.

This is a place
that I used to take my kids

every time we went to Vail,

so it's really special
because I took my kids,

and now my kids are taking their kids

and we can have these same memories

with all the grandkids.

[Khloé] Do you want one of these cones?

-Or you want one of these cones?
-Or should we put it in a cup?

-Or in a cup?
-[Kris] Oh, my god.

This is, like, my favorite place
in the world.

[Kris] Do you guys have the sea foam,

-like a…
-[woman] Yes.

Ah! Beautiful.

What did North get?

-You want ice cream?

-[Kourtney] How do you like it?
-[Mason] I love this.

Kind of amazing.

-[Kris] Thank you so much.
-[woman] You're welcome.

Thank you.

-[Kourtney] Thanks, Mom.
-[Kris] Love you, guys.

[light upbeat music]

P said to me, "I don't like skiing."

-[Kourtney] Really?
-I said, "Why not?"

Her feet hurt.

And it does, it hurts my feet.

It's really not, like,

"this is the best feeling in the world."

I don't get people
who wanna ski by themselves, like…

That, like, love it.

I do. Like, I could've skied at the one…

Once we got down, we were like,
"Should we go back up?"

Oh, no. I… After lunch,

I was like, "Uh-uh. I got it. I'm done."

-[Khloé] I'm tired.
-Like, I was so ready for more.

[Kourtney] I just love it.

[Khloé] Have you spoken
to Kylie or Kendall?

[Kourtney] No, I haven't. Why?

No, I just didn't know
if you spoke to them.

I guess, like, T's coming on the trip.

I thought he wasn't coming.

I just don't know what that means,

like, for Scott.

Like, I don't want Tyga here, though.

Yeah, but you can't put…
I've told you a million times,

as much as I would like
to blame other people

for what Lamar's done
in his past, you can't.

Like, they still make their own decisions.

Totally. And I can't control people,
nor do I want to.

I'm just saying I'm not gonna lie

and say that it doesn't
concern me that, like…

That Scott's gonna, like, spiral.

[Kourtney] Yeah, and just when we're here
on vacation with the kids.

Tyga is in our family.

-And so is Scott.


Like, we're gonna have to come to some…


[Khloé] I do get why Kourtney is nervous

because she doesn't want Scott

to wanna go ahead and, like, rage.

But it's not Tyga's fault
if Scott wants to rage.

Like, Scott needs to know
how to control himself

and be an adult.

Like, let's hold Scott accountable

for Scott's actions.

[upbeat music]

[Kylie humming]

[humming continues]

Jordan, you have one guess.
What am I making now?

[Jordan on phone]
Uh… spaghetti?

[Kylie] You just know me so well.

We really are best friends.

-[knocking on door]

Oh, wait.

I think T's here. I'll call you back.


[Kylie] 18 hours later.

Or 19, 20.

Tyga is on break from his tour,

so I invited him out

to experience all this with me.

It's just nice,

and I just hope that

there's no tension
between him and Kourtney.

I made you spaghetti and garlic.

-[Tyga] That's very nice.

It's very nice of you.

[upbeat music]

[Kourtney] Who's up here?

Hi, guys.


-Can we talk?

[Kourtney] Can we go downstairs?

Kylie told me that she talked to T

about how I feel about him and Scott

and now Tyga wants to talk to me about it.

I feel like, you think I'm,
like, the bad guy all the time.

[Kourtney] Yeah.

[tense music]

-[Tyga] Can we talk?
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

[Tyga] I just wanted to,
like, you know, like,

pull you to the side and really, like,

clear up everything, you know what I mean?

[Kourtney] Yeah.

'Cause I feel like, you think
I'm the bad guy all the time.

I just felt like when I was hearing,

you know, a million stories, like--

-"T and Scott, T and Scott."

-Yeah. Mm.
-Um, you know.

And I was just like,

"He has three kids, he's, like, a father.

Like, what are you guys doing?"


But I feel like with me around, like,

it's way better because, like,

I'm actually a friend that he values

and actually listens to,

but at the same time, like,

he still has to make a decision as a man.

-You know?

Yeah, it's just like
when there's responsibilities…

-For sure.
-…or for example, like,

when I was hearing, like,

more serious things, like in Vegas,

or, you know, like, back at home

and I was starting to get
really, like, pissed at you.

-And I'm like…
-It was a point…

It was a point where it was
really, like, bad, you know?

-And I was kind of worried,

and I was really around him
like every day, you know,

but I feel like…

I feel like I helped him realize what…

more what's important too, you know?

Right. And I don't know
'cause I'm not there.


So, I tend to, like, shift the blame

-on other people.
-For sure.

It isn't my concern
what Scott is doing now,

but he is still the father of my kids,

and I want him to be the best
that he can be.

And so, I think it's reassuring to hear

that Tyga wants the best for him as well.

Maybe he is looking out
for Scott more than I think.

And I really can't blame Tyga
at the end of the day.

Yeah, he came a long way,
he's doing a lot better.

A lot better.

-It seems that way.

-Well, glad we talked.
-This bacon is really good.

-Is it turkey bacon or regular?
-No, this is turkey bacon.

It's all right though.


[upbeat music]

-[Khloé] Kendall, enough.
-[Kraines] Enough, no more.

Stop. Please, just stop.

-Kendall, enough.
-[Kraines] Do I make you randy?

[Khloé] Kendall, stop it, okay?

How many times do I have to tell you
enough is enough?

-[Khloé] Please.
-What did you say?

-[glass shattering]

-Okay, you need

-to calm down tonight.


We're just getting started.

We're about to play… some game.

It's about to get raunchy.

This is the perfect game for you.


[Kendall] Heaven, draw.

"Why am I sticky?"

Oh, my god, I have the best one,
you guys are toast.

Oh, I have the best one.

I have the best one!

-Why am I sticky?

-Why am I sticky?
-"A Fleshlight."

Why am I sticky?

"An endless stream of diarrhea."


-[Kraines] Why am I sticky?

Why am I sticky?

"Your weird brother."


-What a sicko!

Kourtney, why am I sticky?

Because Todd just spit on my face.

That's why I'm sticky.


All right, I'm sorry, go on.

So far, this trip has been
one of the best.

Like, Kendall and Kylie
are finally getting

to experience Vail,

a place that means so much
to me and my sisters,

[Khloé] Kourt and Tyga have made up,
we are playing such fun games,

just spending really great quality time.

"What's the next Happy Meal toy?"


"Mouth herpes."


But I can't stop thinking
about my brother.

He's the one piece
of this puzzle that's missing,

and I really wish he was here
'cause he would love this trip.

Pick a [bleep] card.

Shut the [bleep] up!

Then [bleep] frick… frickin' frack.

[Kraines] Frick frackin' fruck!

Frickin' frack fruck
frickin' frickin' fruck.

[upbeat music]

[phone chiming]

-[Khloé] You guys.
-[Kourtney] What?

[Khloé] Rob is just a [bleep] p*ssy.

He proposed in front of her whole family.

She said, "He proposed
in front of her whole family

at her house last night."

So he's engaged to Black Chyna.

And you don't even tell your sisters?

We wake up to all of these pictures

of my brother just getting engaged.

I'm just like, "Is this real?"
Like, "What's going on?"

Like, "How do we tell my mom?
Has she seen it?"

So, all these group chats are going on.

Everyone's calling us asking if it's true

and we just don't know.

How does our own brother not tell us?

It makes no sense. It's just so hurtful.

[Khloé] He proposed in front
of her whole family.

And the [bleep] up part is
we were talking to them all

at dinner last night.

That's so [bleep] up that he did that.

My feelings are hurt
just that he doesn't feel like

he could talk to me about that

or just, like, like, I was…

He was so involved
with me and like, Lamar.

I just find it weird he won't ever, like…

He acts like it's two different lives.

Like, he doesn't even give me
a chance, and I…

That's what hurts my feelings. I'm like…

We've all said, "Okay, do your thing, Rob,

but just don't get her pregnant
or get married."

I mean, that's it, you can't
tell him something like that.

[Khloé] This is ridiculous.
I told Malika and she cried.

[Kourtney] I just need to think
of what I'm gonna say.

I think I'll say something
like… Well, let's see if he…

[Khloé] Well, we don't know anything yet.

He hasn't told us anything.

That's the truth.

And I'm not gonna cover for him anymore.

I'm not gonna be, like,
"Oh, we're one big happy family."

If someone asks me,
I'll say, "I don't know.

I haven't spoken to him.
He hasn't told me."

I'm not lying anymore.

What am I lying for?

I've been covering for him for how long?


[Kim] I don't care if he tells me.

At all. I have not said
one word, I could care less.

I truly could care less.

[Kourtney] But you obviously could.

I woke up to 170 text messages
this morning.

[Kim] Did I start the text message chain?

I saw it, did I send one,
did I initiate anything?

[Kourtney] I'm just saying, who cares?

[Khloé] But come on.

[Kourtney] I just don't give
a flying [bleep].

[Khloé] But you don't think
it's [bleep] up

that your brother doesn't tell us?

Like, yeah, Kim might've
gotten married fast,

-or we got married…
-[Kourtney] Maybe he feels that

you guys are judgmental,
which clearly you are.

Because we're not… Hello, we at least

-involved everybody…
-Just be happy that [bleep]

he's been exiting the house.

It's not our [bleep] decision.

I said, "It's God's plan, it's not yours."

My brother is the happiest
I've seen him in a long time,

and I just hope that, like,

everything is genuine and sincere,

and, like, that's all we can hope.

It's not up to us.

So why cause any tension or add any drama,

like, we should just be happy for them.

-It definitely…
-But I'm not being a bitch.

[Kim] Like, I haven't even said
anything to him,

how I feel about him,

and how I think he's, like, a lunatic.

[Kourtney] That's nice.

And that's exactly why he didn't tell you

'cause you're a [bleep] bitch.

We all are reacting differently
to this news, and as we should.

[Khloé] He never mentioned anything,
not even, like,

an inkling that this was about to happen.

Finding out on social media leaves

a really bad taste in my mouth.

All of us have always wanted
the best for him.

Now that Rob has figured out
where his happy is,

instead of sharing that with his family,

he's, like, pushing us more away
and he just keeps doing things

to keep this divide between us,
which I find disturbing.

It's almost like
there's someone in his ear

giving him all this information

that he should stay away from us,

and I can't handle it.

That's [bleep] up.

[upbeat music]

-[Kim] Coming up next week…
-[Sheila] You all right?

-Rob got engaged.

I, I think I'm just in shock.

He has not spoken to any of us.

He must legitimately hate
our whole family.

[Khloé] Oh, yeah.

I know Kourt had a ton of anxiety,

but I could see those nerves
are completely leaving her.

There's no loyalty
or family unity with him.

Other people know more
about our family than we know.