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12x03 - Significant Others and Significant Brothers

Posted: 12/08/23 08:15
by bunniefuu
[Khloé] So I walked into Rob

with Blac Chyna at my house.

Excuse me?

Having Chyna over at my house

without my knowledge is disrespectful

because Chyna's Tyga's ex-girlfriend,

and I just don't want that drama

in my personal space.

I told him, I said,
"You've burned your last bridge."

Really, what a [bleep] nightmare.

By the way, Rob's out of my house.

Robert has moved in

with, I guess, his girlfriend, Blac Chyna.

He's trying to buy the house
right next door to her.

You better not be paying
for his down payment.

He doesn't deserve it.

We have to be a little more understanding.

No, we just have to stop babying him
and step back.

Cut the cord.

[upbeat music]

[Mason] I wanna get in there.

Okay, climb up into the cart.

I cannot even get in this…


[Kourtney] Let's find some stuff, okay?

-I want to go on that side.
-Ooh, natural gum?

-How exciting.
-[Mason] Can I taste?


Yo, yo.

-What up, my main man?
-[Mason] Hi. I'm trying gum!

Were… We just found natural gum.

-Natural gum?

[Kourtney] Okay, let's try it.

[Mason] Yeah.

How is it?

-You like it, Mase man?

You like it enough
that you wanna purchase it?

Okay. I got cinnamon, also.

-[Mason] Yum! Yummy!
-Kourt, what about these?

[Kourtney] No, they're not organic.

[Mason] Oh, man!

Look, looky, looky!

They're organic, but they're not vegan.

-Those are not organic,


I knew you were gonna say that.

I don't know how long
I could shop like this, but…

-[Kourtney chuckles]
-…it, it seems all right.


[theme music]

[upbeat music]

-Are those mine?

You're putting my icing stuff
on your tits.

-I need more.

[Kim] 'Cause they're, like, exploding.

I need them to calm down.

That's not very sanitary.

[Khloé] Question,

like, don't we kind of think
it's a miracle

that Rob, who doesn't even
show up to Christmas

for the past three years, literally.

He wouldn't leave his room.

But the fact that now
he's created a Snapchat,

the fact that now he wants
to be so public blows my mind.

She gave him confidence.

More power to her.

[Kim] After Rob and Blac Chyna
started dating,

Rob is now, like, all over social media

and, like, out and about.

[Kim] Like, he hasn't been like this
in so long

that even though there's been some drama,

if this is what it takes, then…

I don't care who he's dating.

I'm so happy that he's just,

you know, feeling better about himself.

If some [bleep] is getting him

to remove his braces
and shave his beard and work out…

My thing is, do what you want,

do what makes you happy, whatever.

But he should have said to us,

"Hey, guys, this is how I feel."

"I can't help who I love
and I fell in love with her,"

but Kylie should know this.

He just has no loyalty.

He has no loyalty.

[Khloé] Chyna is Tyga's ex,

and Kylie's dating Tyga now,

so it's pretty complicated.

But am I happy he's out and about?

For sure. Am I disappointed
that Rob isn't talking to me

after he got out of my house?


'Cause I've been
the only one that stood by him

and defended him
and wanted the best for him.

So that's just where it gets frustrating.

-Oh. You just…

You just riled me up!

[Kim] Yeah.

[Khloé] Flips hair Kimoji!

Where is it when you need it?


[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Okay, kids.

I've been hit in the face, I've been…

Your kids are like little animals,
right, Mason?

How old are you?

Stop getting older!

What's up, big man?

You're coming to me.

You're coming to me, man.


What are you doing?

He's smart!


[Mason speaking indistinctly]

Mase, we're gonna eat.

[Mason chatters]

-We're gonna eat.
-What happened, Reign?

She stopped me.

[Kim] Corey is my mom's boyfriend,

and they've been together for a while now.

Who wants gluten-free, dairy-free pizza?

You should get, like, the,
the damn Green Award for, like,

the healthiest house or something.

[Kourtney] I should.

[Kim] I think it's kind of funny
that Corey's

so close to Kourtney.

I don't know, like,

It's a little weird, but,

it's, you know, he's the nicest.

[Kourtney] Want some pizza?

[Penelope] It's yucky!

[Kourtney] What?

It's nasty.

Mom, I don't like the pizza.

-Come on, Mase, cheer up.
-[Mason] No.

[Khloé] You like it?

-It's so good, right?

[Kourtney] You want some rice?

[Corey] Reign, is it good?

[Kourtney] Ah! This is not
giving gluten-free a good name.

[Penelope babbles]

Where you going? Where you going?


[Kourtney] This was a fun dinner!

What more could you ask for?

[Penelope giggles]

[upbeat music]

[Kourtney] Where am I gonna be?

You're gonna be kind of,
like, gorgeously here.

-Yes. Yeah.
-In your little,

kind of, you know [bleep] off pumps,

looking super sexy, but kind of, like,

you know, you're ready for business.

[Kourtney] [bleep] off pumps.

-I love it.

I love some [bleep] off pumps.

I have been asked to sh**t

the cover of Architectural Digest,

and it is such a dream come true.

I mean, it's my favorite magazine.

This is, like, literally a dream.

I'm so… It's like
I can't even believe this day

is happening and that it's real.

And I'm so excited.

Oh, god, well, we're thrilled
to be here right now.

She's… she's asked me
if we thought this ever

would happen
for about the last year and half.

So do you think we could ever, like,

I've been reading this magazine since…

I can't even remember.

So I'm super excited.

Well, we're excited.

[man] Beautiful! Here we go. Lovely.
Have you done this before?

[Martyn] That's good.

Nice, love!

Too bad I don't work in this office.


[Martyn] Beauty, gnarly, gorgeous.

[Kourtney] I've been working on my house

for the last two years,

hoping that it would be

on the cover of Architectural Digest.

I'm obsessed with interior design,

and so I'm just so happy.

This is like a dream come true.

[Kourtney] So I guess we're sh**ting this

other cover at Khloé's now.

-This is, like, my thing…

…and she doesn't really care
as much about interiors as I do,

-'cause I'm, like, obsessed.

Like, I'm, like, so excited.
This is, like--

[hairstylist] You've wanted this forever.

Literally a dream… come true.

[upbeat music]

[Martyn] Beautiful, that's lovely.

It was nice when you had
your hands together around, too.

That's lovely, beautiful.

[Kourtney] The fact that
I'm sharing this with Khloé

is just crazy.

We're the first siblings

to be on an Architectural Digest cover,

so it's just such an amazing day.

[Kourtney] All right, we're
ready to rock and roll.

[Khloé] Let's sh**t this.

[indistinct chatter]

Mason, smile.

[Martyn] Gorgeous!

Oh, you look great!

Lovely, that's fantastic!

Look over at Kourtney for me, Mason.

-[Khloé] Mase, look at Mom.
-[Martyn] Yes!

Lovely, that's good!

[upbeat music]

Was one of these salads for you?

[Kim] Yeah, but I don't want it.

I think we're gonna get
this big Rick Owens bed.

Like, have you seen the one that's, like…

-goes up, like, really high?
-[Kourtney] Mm-mm.

And it has, like, a border around.

It's really cool, you'd like it.

Is it wood?

They had it in marble,

but we're gonna have to make it
in, like, wood or something.

Yeah, you don't want a marble bed.

No, it's, like, way too hard.

You can only have that if you're, like…

-Single and, like…

Not even.

Someone could bang their head on it

if you're hooking up.


-The marble looks so--
-[Kourtney] And die.


So it's just not, like, comfy.

So, did you hear that, uh,
Rob bought a house?

Yeah, so what is the deal?
Like, Khloé doesn't know?

I guess not, but--

She's gonna, like, freak
that he has, like, his own house,

-right down the street.
-Yeah, but I think she'll be--

It's so good for him.

I think also, it's like,

it wasn't working out with him
being there, so…


But she's definitely gonna freak out.

Yeah, but I think it's so good

that he's, like, you know, on his own.

He's, like, saved his money.

And he's, like, doing his own thing.

I mean, there's just been a lot of drama.

I feel like Mom needs to tell Khloé.

I feel like Rob should tell her,
but have they even spoken?

I don't know.

I think Khloé and Rob always
had a really special bond.

[Robert] Are you going to school today?

-[Robert] You are?

No, he's not.

[Kim] Like, they were really close in age,

and they were BFFs.


The point of the matter is I miss you.

You make everything feel like
we're back at home.

I'm happy.

You're happy, good.

[Kim] They lived together.

They have such a history together.

So I think Khloé's just extra hurt that

he still hasn't called her
since he moved out.

So I understand it,

and I really do feel bad for her.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] So tired already.

[stylist] Cancel, cancel.

[Khloé] No, I don't wanna go.
How do we get…

Kourtney, are you going out?

-Can you go with Kourtney?

Jen will go with Corey.

Jen, is your husband in town?

-No, so Jen's gonna…

-…come with us, Khlo!
-He's gone.

She might be going just with you.

[Kourtney] Why?

[Khloé] I'm just, this seems
like such a bore!

[Jen] It's gonna be fun.

You just need to get, like, into it.

But I feel like we could…

Like, I'm having such a nice time
in glam so far.

Well, it gets better.
I can tell you that much.

We have jobs in the morning.

How is everyone gonna work tomorrow?

[Khloé] I'm not as young
as I once used to be.

Khloé, you only live once.

[Jen] Yep, she's right.

[Khloé] It's nine o'clock, you guys.

[Kourtney] What, are you saying
it's early or late?

It's super early.

[Kourtney] Let's call Corey.

[Khloé] I don't know Corey like that.

Like, we're just gonna FaceTime Corey?

[Kourtney] Yeah, I FaceTime him
literally every day.

[Khloé] I love Corey.
I think he's super nice.

And I love how happy my mom is.

[Khloé] But still, I'm not, like,

hanging out with Corey
one-on-one all the time

because I, like,
am respecting everyone's space.

Like, Kourtney and Corey are like…

conjoined twins.

-[Jen] Where is he, honey?
-I know.

-Where's your little bitch at?

[phone rings]

-Hi, Dad!

[Corey] What's up, baby girl?
Hey, stepchild.

Oh, hey!

So, Kourtney and I were just
wondering what you doing?

[Corey] Justin wants me
to come meet him at Nice Guy,

so I'm about to roll over there now.

-Okay, well…
-What should we do?

[Corey] I mean, I think y'all should,
like, meet at Nice Guy,

and then let this be like
a little headquarters,

and then we'll just go from there.

We can have a drink and figure it out.

[Corey] Yeah, whatever y'all want.

-[Kourtney] Headquarter it up!
-I'll be there in, like, 15 minutes.

[Kourtney] We're gonna headquarter it up.

[Corey] Yeah, yeah, that's headquarters
for now… Nice Guy.

Okay, see you soon, Dad.

I always thought my dad
would wear a gold diamond chain.

[Corey] All right, see y'all soon.

See you soon.

[electronic music]

[Kris] What are you doing?

[Kylie] So I just learned

that you can eat the skin off
of a kumquat.

[Kris] I've never had one.

Is it sour?

Is it good?

My mouth is getting all weird,
like it's sour now.

You eat the skin.

Oh! Oh, that is so disgusting!

You are such a piece of [bleep]
for making me taste that!

-I like it.


Hi, guys.


Wanna see how cool I am today?

[Kylie] So cool.

[Kris] How great is that?

The cover of Architectural Digest

is a big deal.

[Kourtney] It's super cute, right?

-[Kylie] Mm-hmm.
-[Kris] I love the living room.

-Me too.
-It's so beautiful.

[Kris] And look at your backyard.
Look at you.

The only thing I cannot stand

-is a couple things.

So her room, these drapes and chairs
have got to go.

-It just pisses the [bleep] out of me.

I cannot stand that flower arrangement.

Cannot stand those pieces of art,

even though they are major art,
so it's fine.

Khloé looks beautiful--

But this black couches,

I would personally make them white,
just for life.

Kourtney sometimes thinks
she's a design critic.

And now she's criticizing Khloé's house?

[Kris] Khloé's house

is in Architectural Digest, also,

so Khloé must be doing something right.

[Kourtney groans]

Oh, oh!

-[Kris] I can't.

How's that kumquat?


Very, very interesting.

[Kylie chuckles]

[upbeat music]

[Kim] I wonder how my hair looks today?

[Khloé] Why?

'Cause this is so short.
I feel like it doesn't blend.

I love your hair.

I just feel like I look ugly today.

Well, look at me.

I look like a [bleep] lumberjack.

I love it.

[Kim] Wait, do you find it at all

bizarre that Kourtney and Corey…

-Are BFF?
-…are BFF.

Like, every photo I see of them,

it's like they're leaving The Nice Guy.

-They're going to dinner…
-That's all they do is go to The Nice Guy.

They're doing that,
and I'm like, "What is going on?"

Did you see the hike they went on
and they're, like, posing together?


-[Khloé] That was like--
-Wait, that looked like a family photo.

That was a family photo,

-but not their family.
-That was so inappropriate.

It was so ina-- Right?

I knew it wasn't just me
that thought it was weird

that Kourtney and Corey are spending

so much time together.

[Kim] Him and Kourtney,
they go out at night together.

They, like, hang out in the day.

They go on hikes.
Like, they're always together.

So I think I need to talk to Kourtney,

just to kind of call her out on it.

I was, like, uncomfortable.

Like, out of this world.

That's the nail in the coffin for me.


-Hashtag Okurrr.

-Okurrr, okurrr, okurrr.

[upbeat music]

[Kris] Come on, Sean's gonna make us
a yummy lunch.

Thank you.

[Kris] That looks beautiful.

[phone ringing]

-Hey, Rob.
-[Rob] Hey, Mom.

Hi. Say hi to Kourtney.

Hi, Rob.

[Rob] Hey, Kourtney.

We tried to FaceTime you
yesterday, the kids.

Mason lost a tooth yesterday.

His second tooth.

[Rob] That's it?

I feel like he should've,
should've lost way more teeth by now.

I don't think so. I think it's like

-when you're six.
-You start when you're six.

[Rob] I don't know.
My son started kind of early, but--

Yeah, he did.

What's your son's name, Rob? I forgot.

[Rob] Robert.


I thought it was Cornelius.

[Rob] His name is Robert,
uh, III, actually.

It feels really good to talk
to Rob on the phone

when he's in such a good mood
'cause it's been a long time.

[Kris] He's always had a sense of humor,

and to get that back is everything.

Well, um, we move you in on Wednesday.

[Rob] What?


Are you excited?

[Rob] Yeah, I can't wait
to put my [bleep] all over that bed.

Me too.


[Rob laughs]
No, I'm just kidding.

[Kris] Rob's excited about his new house.

And I can tell that Rob

is getting really excited
about life again.

And I just wanna make sure that he feels

and remains independent and on his game.

So I wanna help him get set up,

and basically, help in any way
that I can if he needs me.

KoKo loco.

All right, I'll talk to you later.

-Khloé's just walking in.
-Hi, guys.

-[Rob] Okay, love you.
-Love you.

-Bye, honey.
-Hi, Khlo.

[Khloé] Oh, hello.

[Mason] I lost my tooth last night!

He lost his tooth last night.
Did I tell you?

[Kris] Wait, what did
the Tooth Fairy bring him?

Oh, hello.

-A hundred bucks.
-Ask him…

-What, Kourtney?
-And what else?

-A hundred bucks?
-[Khloé] Let me see your mouth.

Oh, that is so disgusting.

[Khloé] Kourtney, you gave him $100?

No, I tried to find
the two-dollar bills last night.

-I gave her a stack…
-So you deprived… So, instead…

-…of two-dollar bills.
-Let's do 100?

That's all I had in my bedroom.

I'm going to your house
and I'm ripping out a tooth.

I'll just tell you that.

[Kris] So I wanted to tell you something.

Oh, my god.

[Kris] Um, so you know how I helped

-Kylie get a house?
-[Khloé] Okay.

So Robert is doing the same thing.

-[Khloé scoffs]
-And he's getting a house.

[upbeat music]

[Kourtney] You think it's good?

It's really good.

[Kris] It's his money.

It's not his money 'cause I know

-how much money he has in his account.
-Yes, it is.

He has enough money for a down payment.

-Yes, he does.
-You are

one of the world's

-biggest liars.
-Biggest enablers.

-I'm not a liar.
-You are lying.

-[Kris] Yes, he does.
-[Khloé] You are

one of the world's

-biggest liars.
-Biggest enablers.

-I'm not a liar.
-You are lying.

No, he has the money for the down payment.

[Khloé] Like, seriously, everyone…

[Kris] What? What did I do now?

-Why are you so angry all the time?
-Oh, I'm not…

[fake coughing]

Do you have a cough?

I'm just allergic to [bleep].

-[Kris] Oh, okay.
-[fake coughing]

I would have such deep fights in my family

because I was "enabling" Rob

by letting him live with me.

[Khloé] And then the one person
who yelled at me the most,

which is my mom, now she's helping Rob?

I just find it mind-blowing.

[Kris] He's very excited

and I want you to be supportive

-and get on board.
-I don't even talk to Rob.

I know, but just if you happen to see him.

[upbeat music]

[upbeat music continues]


[Kourtney] Where were you?
Where'd you just come from?

-From the back.

[Kourtney] How good does a crepe sound?

[Kim] I hate crepes.

They make me think of, like,
eating a dead body or something.

Oh, my god, I love that consistency.


P and North were so funny.

They were hanging out and then P was like,

"When I grow up,
I'm gonna be a doctor or something."

And then North was like,

"When I grow up," whatever.
And then P's like,

"You're not growing up.
You're getting littler."

[playful music]

And then North goes, "Ah!"

And then I go, "P, I think
you hurt North's feelings,"

and then P goes, "Ah!"

And just, like, they were
both hysterically crying.

Thank you.

-[Kourtney] Thank you.
-[waiter] You're welcome.

-So you're going to church tonight?

Does Corey go to that?

[Kourtney] No. He doesn't.

But… I feel like he'll go out.

Like, if I'm ever, like…

Like, he totally would've come last night.

-But it was, like,

-so last-minute.
-Is that weird

that you go out with Corey, like, partying

on your nights out?

[Kourtney] No, it's not weird.

[Kim] But, like, do you love
hanging with him?

Yeah. I mean, he's fun.

You just need to get to know him better.


I obviously live with him, at Mom's house,

but I feel like

I don't even know where he's from.

Or, like, does he have sisters?

-Does he--
-He's from Hotlanta.

He is?

I just don't know much.

Just ask him what you wanna know.

But I don't think you need
to be that nosy, either. Like…

Just, like, if you know things
when you know them.

Like, I don't know, "Kanye, like,

where did you go to high school?"

-I don't either.
-You know, like…

That's what I'm saying.
Like, who even cares?

[upbeat music]

-[Kris] Shana. Hi.
-[Shana] Hi.

So, this is our…

-…fabulous courtyard.

-[both] ♪ Ah ♪
-[Shana] Fabulous.

So I was thinking

-this could use a couple of trees.

Well, I already found lemon trees.

You're the best.

I already found kumquat trees,

and then we can also get a vine
back here in it,

-and then kind of get it--

-Gotcha. Perfect.
-You know what I mean?

-Love it. Love.
-Something like that. Okay.

And I'll show you the other couple areas.

-Okay. No, let's do that.
-If you don't mind. Yeah.

[Shana] This pool, I mean,

-I'm excited for…

-Isn't that exciting?

-Yeah, this is fabulous.

-Yeah, I'm pretty happy for him.
-All right.

He's really turned a corner

-and, yeah. Yeah.
-Oh, I'm so glad.

And he's, like, really loves
this responsibility.

-You know? It's really cool.
-I love that.

So I'm happy.

Rob is moving in
to his new house tomorrow,

and there's a ton of stuff to get done,

but I'm just happy that Rob gets to

have his own place again

and kind of get his life back together.



[phone ringing]

Hi, Khlo.

[Khloé] Hey.

What are you doing?

[Khloé] It seems like
you're wanting to take

quite a [bleep] ton of my stuff

when you told me
you only needed a few things.

Well, I just, those are
kind of, like, I'm just…

I'm just saying, like--

[Khloé] That also, my assistants,
as I told you yesterday,

will not help you with one thing
in regards to Rob's move.

I cannot…

I don't… I don't need her to help me.

I just needed to find out
which of those things are available.

[Khloé] Right, and you wanted them
to set up movers?

Oh, I just didn't know if you guys

had somebody you used or not.

[Khloé] No, they're not doing anything.

They're not doing a single thing.

Like, my people are busy.

We have other jobs over here.


[Khloé] Rob's not inconveniencing my life.

[Kris] Okay.

[Khloé] He's done that enough, for years.

[upbeat music]

[birds chirping]

[Faye] Okay, love the house.

-You do?
-[Faye] Love.

First of all, this is my first install

not seeing a project.

-[Kris laughing]
-You are so crazy.

Faye Resnick is one of my best friends

and she's an amazing interior designer

and has very graciously agreed
to help me with

Project Rob, as we call it.

-So I got four barstools.
-[Faye] I love it.

I got three beds,

and then I got four big

-doo-dahs over there. Yeah.
-Chairs for the fire pit?

-The doo-dahs are always good.
-Yes, the doo-dahs are good.

[Faye] It's beautiful, Kris.

[Kris] It's been a labor of love,
for sure,

and I'm so excited
to get his house all set up

and help him get settled in.

Ooh, I love those chairs.

[Corey] Hey, Kris.

-[Kris] Yeah?
-[Corey] Your baby is here.

-[Kris] Hi.

-Welcome home!
-[Rob] Yay!

Wait, we have to start at the front.

-Hi, Kourt.
-[Kourtney] Hey, Mom.

You guys have to come in the front.

You've been up
since, like, 5:00 a.m. doing this?

-For two days.

[Faye] Oh! Oh, my god!

-Thank you, thank you.

-[Kris] Hi.

-What's up?
-Hi, come on.

[Kim] Kourtney and I,
we wanna see Rob's new place

and make him feel welcomed.

It makes me happy that he's just,

you know, feeling better about himself.

And I know that my mom's really happy.

Like, he hasn't been like this in so long.

It's, like, so refreshing.

I love those big cups.
Where are those from?

Those are what I have,
and, of course, she copies.

It's like, I wanna be the one person.

Mom, it's just not cool that you copy me.

Like, I go to lengths

to try to get things
that not everybody has.

Okay, well, I can't return those.

I bought them all for [bleep] Khloé…

Then I'll maybe have to buy them.

'Cause it's not cool.

Just no one copy me.

I go through a lot of work to get things.

I heard you the first time.

[Rob] Whoa, whoa, whoa.

[Kris] Okay, so look at the office,

and tell me what you think.

Faye's been working her ass off, too.

Rob, that's your dad's desk.

Yeah, I know, I know. That's good.

I remember that one. It's perfect.

-[Kourtney] I don't like this rug in here.

[Kourtney] I don't.

[Faye] Kris?

[Kris] He loves it.

[Faye] Honey, I really, really, really dig
the rug in there.

I think it speaks to your father.

-It just reminds me of…
-[Kris] Yeah.

-[Faye] That piece, Kourtney?

The rug in… in his office.

I dig it.

-[Kourtney] Really?
-It reminds me of your father.

I think it brings an old world
because we've got

-so much edgy stuff going on.
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

I just feel like it's so traditional

for, like, Rob.

[Kris] What do you think, Rob?

Honestly, I'm so bad with everything.

We can't have feminine [bleep] in here.

So we're gonna go through it
and guess who's gonna help you?


Let's remove the stuff
and then see if we like it.

It's fine if you're a female,
but maybe not for,

for like a young, dope guy,
who has the dopest sister

with the best taste in interiors
on the planet.

[Kim] Kourtney's just, like, taking over.

I mean, I get it.

Kourtney's on the cover
of Architectural Digest,

but still, it doesn't mean she's, like,

the expert of everything.

-Oh, what happened here, Robert?

-All of the good stuff is now all gone?

I don't know, Kourt… That's Kourt. Kourt…

-Okay, that's gonna upset me.
-[Rob and Corey] Talk to Kourtney.

[Faye] Kourtney?

-Let's talk to Kourtney.
-[Faye] Kourtney!

Kourtney cannot control the whole show.

Kourtney, you totally messed up
my little thing going on

that I really liked.

[Kourtney] What? I know.

So I really liked it,

but I feel like it's really cool
for, like, a girl.

-[Faye] A girl?
-[Kourtney] Yes.

Those are the most masculine pieces.

-[Kourtney] Really?

Rob said he didn't like them.

Because you told him

-that you didn't like them.
-No, no, no. I said…

No, no, no, I didn't. I swear I said…

-Don't put it on me.
-I said, "What do you like

on top of here?"

And he said, "Nothing."

[Faye] Okay, now it was so exciting
and now it's so boring.

[Rob] Look what you did, Kourtney.

[Kris] Faye did this because she loves me

and she loves Rob.

And she's really good at what she does.

So for Kourtney to come in

and criticize anything
is just embarrassing.

Now I'm really sad.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Hello?

[Kris] I'm in the office.


Your hair looks good.
I like the light ends.

-[Kim] Thank you.
-Yeah, it looks pretty.

It's just annoying
because they're all pieces

this way so close

'cause I didn't really dye my hair.


So all the light pieces
are just, like, these tape-ins.


[Kris] Lame. Speaking of lame…

-your sister.

-Kourtney Kardashian.

Designer, decorator, home enthusiast…

[both] Extraordinaire.

She is really

getting a little carried away
with herself.

I feel really bad because, you know,

I asked Faye to help me move Rob
into his new house,

and so we were having so much fun,

and she came in and just pretty much

made us feel like we were idiots.

And she just feels like she's the expert

on all things design and decorating.

She's getting so crazy.

She's pretty good at it,
but she is getting crazy.

I just felt really bad for Faye…

[Kim] That's Kourtney.

[Kris] I think I'm gonna say something.

It's just not okay to be that rude.


Kourtney's become, like, the new diva.

[Kris] Yeah.

[phone chimes]

Speak of that little devil,
she's texting me now.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] I have, like, so much work to do,

I just can't function.

[Corey] You're always working.

So what is going on?

[Corey] Nothing much.

Same old, same old,

just taking care of your queen and…

What a fun job you have.

And why do you like her?

Because we're both crazy.

She just shows hers more than I…

She… I show mine. I just think mine.


…let it out all day, so,

but we've been coexisting good.

It's fun, she's just fun.
We're just alike.

-She's just mom

-and I'm just me.

[Kim] I'm always with Corey.

But I just don't feel like I've, you know,

really taken the time
to sit down and talk to him.

And Corey's been around for a while.

I don't think he's going anywhere.

So, you know, maybe it's time

that I do really, you know,
start hanging out with him

and getting to know him better.

Do you, um, have any brothers or sisters?

Yeah, I've got half-sisters,

-a half-brother…

They're younger than me,
so I, I was like, long gone

and kind of like

our worlds never were together.

Hmm, interesting.

But my family dynamics is not y'all's,

so what y'all see as normal,

I don't see that [bleep] as,
like, it's not like that.

Like, I have my,
like my closer cousins with me

were on my dad's side,

but they all, they were always
way older than me,

but they used to babysit me
when I was little.

And, um, I never had the house
full of people.

It was like me and my dad,
then my friends.

Then, like, his girlfriend's kids

would become, like,
my sisters and brothers.

Like I never had this dynamic,
this [bleep] that y'all have,

I don't, it just don't exist.

-Y'all got a great--
-So because you don't have that,

like a close family,

is that why you hang around
Kourt and the kids so much?

[Corey] Yeah, you guys are family.

[Kim] Listening to Corey talk was just

all coming together and making sense to me

why he loves spending time with our family

and with, you know Kourtney and the kids.

[Corey] A lot of my friends
and people I've met along my journey

have become closer to me than my family.

-You know what I'm saying?

I mean, I got all kinds of friends.

I got big friends, I got little friends.

North is your little friend.

That's my girl.

[Kim] I think sometimes when
you have such a big family,

it's so like the norm

but I hear about Corey's life

and it just, you know,
makes me feel really lucky

that I do have such a big family.

[Kim] So to find someone
that just kind of fits in,

and is so chill, and goes with the flow,

is like really, I think,
a blessing to my mom.

-[Kim] Where does your dad live?

-So he's still there?

Now, my dad now, me and him tight.

I… I talk to my dad every day.

I love my dad to death.

I mean, if it wasn't for my dad,

there's no telling where my life would be.

So, y'all are like my dad.

Yeah, I wanna meet him.

Yeah, so I think I might
take your mom to Atlanta.

That would be fun. You should.

I'm thinking about it.

That would be so fun. She would like it.

-Cheers to that.

[upbeat music]

[Rita] Hello!

-[Rita laughs]

How are you?

-[Rita] How are you?
-You look beautiful.

-Nice to see you!
-I'm sorry we're late.

-Yes! Yes! Yes!
-Yay! Let's go do this.

Today, Khloé and I are sh**ting a piece

for College Humor
with my girlfriend Rita Wilson.

[Kris] Every time I get
the opportunity to do something

way out of my box

is really fun.

And to also to be able to do it

with my daughter and my girlfriend,

it's gonna be a fun day.

My character's name is Anita.

-[Kris] Anita.
-Anita Taiton.

[director] And action!

-It's Anita.

-[Rita] Ladies…
-Anita! Sorry.

[Rita laughing]


-[Kris] Khloé goes, Khloé goes,

"It's Anita."

[director] And action!

[Kris] Rita…



[Khloé] This is gonna take all day.


[quirky music]

Mm. So yummy.

I didn't really eat very much
for a couple days.

Why not?

I was just so busy.

How is the Rob move going?

-It's done.

Just doing the blinds on Monday

and the Internet goes in on Monday.

Hope he says "thank you" to you.

He did, yesterday.
I thought he was gonna cry.

He was so sweet.

I want you to come see the house.

I will.

-Whenever he feels like inviting me.
-I think you'd really like it.

You don't think it's weird

that Rob, like, hasn't called me one time?

I don't think it's weird.

I think it's certainly
disappointing for you

and I would want him to call me, too,

but I think you guys just see
this whole thing differently.

And I think he knows

that he probably should've
talked to you about it,

but felt that you were just
very judgmental.

He doesn't really hold a grudge.

What would he hold a grudge over?

-I mean, he doesn't--
-Me taking care of him

for six years?

[Khloé] What I'm so confused about is

why Rob has such issues with me,
all of a sudden.

I'm allowed to say

I don't want strangers in my home.

I just want Rob to reach out to me,

so I'm just waiting.

It's the waiting game.

Boys are different
and he's very sensitive.

I didn't realize how sensitive he is.

And I think he…

loves you very much.

He shows it.

[upbeat music]

[seagulls squawking]

Um, my table.

Nice. How nice.

-[Kourtney] I love this table.
-[Kris] Hey, guys.

I want you guys to know,
this is a non-organic banana

because it is [bleep] hard to open, "A"…

Oh… [bleep].

And bananas aren't meant to be this large.

-[Kim] Really?
-[Kourtney] Mm-hmm.

What color is an egg yolk supposed to be?


Good answer.

[Kris] What kind of pool towels
should I get?

-[Kourtney] Mmm…
-Like, do you just get 'em

at Bed, Bath & Beyond,
or, like, what's the…

I'm not telling you where I got mine

'cause I don't want you to copy me.

[Kris] You know, Kourtney,

there's something I really wanna
talk to you about.

[Kourtney] All righty.

You have a certain beautiful style.

-And your home

-is insanely beautiful.

And I couldn't be happier
for my firstborn child.

-Believe me.

But sometimes,

you tend to be the authority

on everything decorating.

You were very, very opinionated

and Faye had worked so hard all day.

Do you want Rob to just live with things

that are very feminine?

What do you want me to do,
come over and lie?

[Kim] I mean, done in a day
or whatever she did,

it was fine, but, like, you can't,

-like, fault someone for--
-But don't do it in a day.

Who wants to do their house in a day?

How are you going to expect me
to do my work

if you don't let me do so freely

and have something called an opinión?

Which is very valued

and many, many, many people
around the world would love it.

Are you on Team Kanye?


-[Kourtney] I am.

He inspires me.

But I'm sorry if I came off insulting.

That wasn't my intention.

I really didn't mean to insult
all of the hard work

that they put into the home.

But I also just really
want Rob to be happy

and I know that he doesn't wanna hurt
my mom's feelings,

so I'll hurt her feelings for him.

I decided I think I'm gonna
hang up my mover's hat.

The next time one of you guys
decides to move…

[clicks tongue]
…I'm going to retire.

I'm stepping away.

Everybody knows what they're doing,

and I think everybody's
ready to go out on their own

and, like, leave the nest.

I feel you.

It's so hard to have so many kids.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] A little hot out here.

[Malika] This sun is testing my Botox
in a major way.

Ooh! Ah!

What's going on, kiddo?

You look stressed on your face
or is that just the sun?

-I think just the sun.

'Cause you're too pretty to stress.

Ah! Yeah. I wish stress…

-…monitored prettiness.

So I take it

you won't be sending Rob
a housewarming gift.


-He should be sending me one.
-Do you even talk to him?


He doesn't call to check on me
or to say "hi."

Or, like, "I miss you," like…

He's lived with me for how many years,

and you're just, like, you're okay.

Just, like, completely leaving

and not saying a thing to me?

-That hurts my feelings.
-That doesn't mean

he doesn't think about you.

But it shouldn't be okay for people

just to leave that easily.

Well, then, why don't you tell him
he's hurting your feelings?

'Cause he doesn't care. That's--

How… How do you know?

You guys could be thinking

the exact same thing about each other.

[Khloé] Rob has always been
my best friend.

Even though the world might have been

removed from Rob for the past few years,

I never have been.

I've always been by Rob's side
and loyal to a fault,

so I never imagined, out of any sibling,

that he would be able to cut me off

the way that he has.

You're… you're more emotionally stable.

Why don't you be the bigger person?

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Try to call Rob.

Perfect. No answer. What else is new?

Oh, that's cute.

Little gray house.

Oh, my god, it's so cute here.

Looks cute.


That plant is dead.

Hi, Juanita!

Is Robert here?

-Oh, he's not here?


Well, thank you.
I was just gonna say "hi."

Thank you.

Oh, well. I tried.

[line ringing]

[Malika] Hello?

Are you sleeping at 2:30 in the afternoon?

[Malika] Yeah, 'cause I woke up
at 4:30 this morning

to get my hair done.

-[Malika] What?

I know you told me

that I should try to make
the first move with Rob

because you know he won't. So…

I called him, of course,
he doesn't answer.

But I drove by his new house,
just to go pop up

and, like, say "hi" and, like, whatever,

and he wasn't home or I don't know what.

[Malika] Just keep trying.

Yeah. Just keeping trying.

[Khloé] You know, I'm a little

frustrated about this whole situation

'cause I feel like this is
just getting dragged out

way longer than it needs to.

[Khloé] I decide
to just be the bigger person,

and I don't really see the effort

he's making on his end.

So I'm not really sure
what else to do, as of now.

[Malika] Well, I'm proud of you.

Well, I love you. Thank you.
Just had to vent.

[Kim] Coming up next week…

My mom is insane.

My entire room is cleared out.

It really annoys me
that you guys come to the city

and don't hang out with me.

-We, like, forget.
-[Kendall] I do love my career,

but I feel like I'm missing out
on certain things at home.

I don't wanna be forgotten
just 'cause I work a lot.

Rob went on his Instagram,

making fun of the food that I bought.

There is no way I'm gonna
let my brother disrespect her.

You're blasting Mom
and it's petty as [bleep].