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04x08 - Not Forgotten, Not Forgiven

Posted: 12/08/23 07:47
by bunniefuu

Previously on The Kardashians.

So, I decided I'm gonna do
Ryan Murphy's show

called American Horror Story.

I think it's just fun
to try something new.

Every year I was gonna try
to do something that was a challenge.

What, like it's hard?

Please welcome Kim Kardashian.

KIM: I'm in Miami right now.

I have to go to Milan
with Dolce & Gabbana.


I was just in Paris and London.


KIM: I know I'm supposed to slow down...

PAPARAZZI: Kim, please.
Look at me one second.

...but I can't.

Tristan, is he still with you?

No, he has moved into his home.

I feel like we all, like, brush it off.

I just can't do it anymore.

- Happy Good Friday.
- Hi.

Tristan has made horrible decisions

and choices with my sister.

- Tristan's hoping I'm gonna forget.
- No, never forget.

You continue to work on yourself
and keep chippin' away.

I wish I could work on forgetting things.

I just can't anymore.




♪ Come on, get ready ♪

♪ Come on, get ready ♪

♪ Heads up, you're lookin'
at the next big thing ♪

♪ What, what, you're lookin'
at the next big thing ♪

♪ With a lotta people in the spot ♪

♪ And they wanna see what I mean ♪


Hey, you.

♪ The next big thing ♪

♪ Ba, ba-ba-da-ba ♪

♪ Ba-da-da-ba-ba ♪

- Hey, Mom!

I will never... I don't think I'll ever

- fit in your clothes again.
- GUEST: Why?

KRIS: Happy birthday, honey.

Thank you, Mom.

I am turning 44.

- This is my bowling outfit.
- GUEST: You look so cute.

The 40s are the best, honestly.

So many amazing things
have happened to me in my 40s

and I feel truly grateful.

Happy birthday, Kourtney.

Do you want a photo with me?

I wanna, uh, label this
"Filthy rich cattle tribe".

Okay, nice.

I can't wait 'til Khloé can...
join me in the 40s next year.

Should we, like, do something vibeyer?

Don't drop me.






- Hi, birthday girl.
- KOURTNEY: Guys, hi.

Sainty, are you gonna say hi to Koko?

KHLOÉ: Hi, guys.

- KIM: Hi.
- KOURTNEY: Hi. Happy birthday.

- Thank you.
- You have to look at my card.

It's very great.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Will you open it?


"I'm proud to call you my sister.

"Hopefully, this makes up for

all the other things I've called you."

The card doesn't matter.
But just this part, guys.

Is this not so fitting or what?

- KOURTNEY: It is.
- I wasn't sure if she'd be mad

- at me for this card.
- No.

KIM: One of my obsessions is
looking for funny cards online.

This one was made

- for me and Kourtney. Yeah.
- For us.

We all used to say the meanest things.

I used to have no feelings.

All I would say is like,

"You're so [BLEEP] cellulitey," and...

But, like, in high school, she'd be like,

"Ew, my sister has big, saggy tits;

you would hate her."

And, like, guys at school
that I would li...

at, like, a party and I'd
literally walk away crying

and be like, "Bye, guys."

Well, I'm sorry for the past. [CHUCKLES]

[SOFTLY] Thank you.

KHLOÉ: The little ball sucks.

- Hi.
- Hi, baby.

KOURTNEY: You guys, I got Armenian food.

- You look beautiful, babe.
- Thank you, babe.

Veronique got me
this crown when I walked in.

You deserve it.

- I agree.
- The birthday girl.

I kinda got talked into doing a big party.

My usual vibe for every birthday
is Disneyland

or going on a trip
so that I'm out of town.

And I went to Santa Barbara with Travis.

That was, like, all I needed.
I was like, "I'm done."

- GUEST 1: Hey, happy birthday.
- KOURTNEY: How are you?

- Hi!
- How are you?

How are you?
I have the birthday girl crown.

- Thank you.

Thank you. I was...
I'm, like, over it already.

It was fun.

But I'm never gonna have

a birthday party again [CHUCKLES]

- because, like...
- I get it. I know.

...I didn't even bowl,
I didn't play one arcade game.

It's like hosting things at your house.

-That's what it's like. You just have to

stand there and say hi to everyone.

- It's, like...
- It's draining.


- Oh, my gosh!
- Whoa!


Mom, can you break the fire

by burping on it?

TRAVIS: Get in here.


Tonight is just about getting
to celebrate my birthday

with my family, my closest friends.

I feel amazing.

Forty-four, like, it's just a number.



Looks good.



KIM: I just got my first script.
I'm gonna show you what scene.

SCOTT DISICK: So, are you excited,
are you nervous?

I am really excited.

I mean, I... Do you know
what your character is like?

- Mm-hm.
- What made you decide to do this?

- I wanted to try something new.
- That's so cool.

I've literally traveled
from Japan to Paris to London

to Palm Springs to Northern California,

like, all over the place.

And now I have to go to New York

for American Horror Story.

There's so much going on.

I know when I was in Cabo

I said that I wasn't gonna
fill every space

and I just wanted there to have
some time for me to do nothing.

So, my intentions for the year,

- can I tell you what they are?
- Please.

To not feel like I have
to fill every available hour.

That's a great intention.

And that clearly hasn't worked out.

But why can't I just be

in law school, and be an actress,

and be a [BLEEP] minister?

Why can't I do it all?

Ya know, it's, like,
do whatever you wanna do.

And am I bothering anyone? No.

Let's see. What is my name?

I just wanna make sure that I'm prepared.

I have a lotta lines.
It's a lotta, lotta work.

- Start it up. You want me to play someone?
- Hold on.

"Siobhan turns Anna
around to look at herself

- on the floor-length mirror."
- Turns her around? Yeah, baby.

- "She looks absolutely amazing."
- Ooh.

"Look at this woman.

Do you seriously think anyone

is gonna try to [BLEEP] with her?"

- Uh-uh.
- Mm-mm.

Scott will always lighten the
mood and just have fun with it,

which will, I think, kind of,
like, ease my mind

at least until I get to New York

and realize this is happening,
this is real.

SCOTT: How long is this taking?

- Two... Three episodes a week.
- For three months?

- For four months.
- Wow.

Who's on this show?

- Emma Roberts.
- Oh, yeah.

So, she's gotta be Anna.

Do you know where you're filming?

Probably in Jersey.

I wanna go on set and watch you.

I like my character. I'm this publicist.

She's an "I don't give a
[BLEEP]" kinda girl.

She just has, like, no emotion.

I'm channeling Tracy
and Kourtney in my head.

Ooh, she k*lled someone.

"No, but I [BLEEP] your uncle Eugene

- [LAUGHING] to get this job."
- SCOTT: Oh, my God.

That's what it says.

I just have to get it together.

All these people were,
like, speaking out like,

"You should give the role to Salma Hayek."

"Why don't you give a real actress a job?"

And I said to her like, "Oh, my God,

what did I get myself into? I feel bad."

And she's like, "Do not feel bad.

"Maybe this whole road has led you here

'cause you are supposed to be an actress

and this is your real career."

And I'm like,
"You are right, Salma Hayek."

And I was like, "Can we play sisters
in something?"

[CHUCKLES] "'Cause you are my idol."

I'm down to get a place

for you in New York and split it.

And when I say "split it",

you pay 90% and I pay 10?

- Like...
- I'm just making sure that it's, like,

a private entrance and exit and all that.

And the thing is townhouses
are kind of on the street,

but if you're gonna have
security at night, who cares?

Well, what if I wanna,
like, sneak around town?

- And get your [BLEEP] on?
- And get in and out.

You're allowed to get
your rocks off here and there

after a long day at work.

Let someone come in there
and pound the pavement.

- No?
- I just need new vibes.

- New [BLEEP].
- New energy.


I get it.

I have no idea what this script is saying.

Okay. Let's get back to business.


"Can I show you something?

"Look at this woman.

Do you seriously think anyone is

gonna try to [BLEEP] with her?" [CHUCKLES]

Oh, that was a [CHUCKLES] line?

- Yeah.
- I was like, "Uh, I don't think so."


♪ It's always been, always been ♪

♪ Always been, always been ♪


♪ It's always been, always been ♪

♪ Always been, always been ♪

♪ It's always been, always been ♪

♪ Always been, always been you ♪


What's up?

It's such a weird, cold day.
What's goin' on?

Not much.

So, all the kids are doin'
somethin' in the summertime.

I'm doin' piano 'cause I bought a piano.

I'm gonna start workin'
on my piano skills.

Who knows? Maybe I might be so good,

I might be able to do it
at a Christmas Eve party.

- Dream big.
- You got to.


Even though Tristan and Amari

have both moved out

and they're out of my home,

I'm not just gonna...

cut the cord there.

I was involved with Andrea

with most of their medical appointments

here in the United States
for about seven-plus years.

She appointed me to help her
with anything medically

and told all of Amari's
medical staff that,

and now that she's not here,

I'm still going to honor
what she's asked of me.

I... take that very seriously.

I would just always
wanna be there for Tristan

to help him make the right decisions.

I think that's what Andrea would want.

It's all about growing.

- Yeah. Do your thing.
- Ya know?

What's... Yeah, everyone has
their time of-of,

ya know, growin' up.

And, like, that's what
therapy helped me realize.

Like, you can't live life with regrets.

Tristan has been doing
a lot of therapy work

and Tristan has been
working on himself a lot.

He wants to prove
that he is a different person

and I'm really not
involved in these things.

This is between him and each individual
family member.

I'm in a place now
where I can actually really see

and own up to the mistakes I made.

I don't think, to be honest,
years ago, I don't think

I knew the damage
that I've probably caused.

In this family, if you do something
to one of us,

it affects everyone

and they're entitled to their feelings.

It's not some small thing that happened.

No, I hear you.

But time has gone by.

It's done. My son is here,


...other son is here,

and some of their emotions
have settled down.

Not forgotten, not forgiven,
not any of that,

but just settled down.

I have a lot of respect
for your whole family,

so I feel like it's important
for me to, ya know, go down the line

and, and speak to everyone,
and whether they wanna hear it or not,

I would feel better...
expressing my truth to them.

Most people want to, like,

run and hide from these situations

and Tristan wants
to walk right into the storm

and face it head-on,
and I commend him for that.

As a man, you gotta own
your, your, your shit.

But I think it's important for him

to have these conversations
for his own growing journey,

his spiritual journey,
the journey he's on.

You had a private talk with Kim.

I know that. I know you had

a private talk with my mom. And Rob.

- Rob, yeah. I spoke to Rob.
- I think you attempted everyone,

and, at different times,
I talked to Kylie and Kourt,

and I know you've
been wanting to talk with them

and I know for a while...

uh, they just didn't want to,

or weren't ready, or had their own stuff
going on in their lives.

But I know now they're willing to talk.

It's long overdue
and I think it's important and...

It's long overdue, but I feel
like it's good to have,

especially with Kourtney.

I've never... We've never had, like,

a real conversation.

I think every time we've seen each other

it's been at, like, ya know,

family events
where it's, like, in passing.

And I think Kylie deserves
a lot out of that conversation.

Yeah, and she's gonna, she's going to.

Like, especially me being,
like, me being the older one.

I have forgiven Jordyn.

Of course, I was upset at the time.

And we moved on.
I mean, there's no bad blood.

I've posted on my Instagram stories.

But Jordyn and I are... good.

TRISTAN THOMPSON: I should've handled
it differently.

I should've handled it
more like as in, ya know,

as the older person, ya know?

The wiser statesman, ya know?

Elder s... Elder statesman, so.

You could be old and not wise.

Well, you could be... Yeah, you could be
old and stupid.

Yeah. I mean, I just want

everyone in my family to get along.

- Yeah.
- Sometimes it takes guys to be...

Ya know, sometimes, for men,

they don't realize 'til they're 40 or 50

when the train's already gone.

Hopefully, my train hasn't left.

You're... U-Uh, I absolutely
hate your analogies.

Him and my mom in an analogy w*r

would be iconic, actually.

The ping-pong tournament
of them just throwing

these random one-liners

that have nothing to do
with the situation at hand.

Kendall, she's like a little pony.

She... [LAUGHING] Maybe, never mind.

"You're so sexy, just like a pony."

Ya know? Life just throws

a monkey wrench at you sometimes.

You should do a, a whole
piece on just catchphrases.

What do you call it when you,
like... Chops. You...

- What?
- What?

- You bust your ass.
- KRIS: You hone your skills,

- but you something your chops.
- 'Kay.

Put it like this. It's easier to sit
in your own shit

than get out your shit
and wipe yourself off.


What are you talking about?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't think they make sense

in the context of what he's talking about.

I totally understand why

Kylie and Kourt feel the way they feel,

and you have to do the work
in order to really get past it.

- Yeah.
- If they're willing to

have a talk with you
and wanting to, that's great.

Yeah. No, I think... Li-Listen, everyone...

I don't know how it's gonna go,
but I think that's great.

I'm excited.

- Good job... No. Other hand.

KHLOÉ: Good job.



KIM: We're in New York City.

I'm sh**ting the cover of Time magazine.

Crazy bucket list,

dream come true, pinch me moment.

But I'm very proud of SKIMS

and it's for our
"Most Influential Businesses" cover.

- CHRIS APPLETON: Yeah, that's hot.
- So cool, right?

Call it a day. We're good.

I'm in New York and I have, like,

back-to-back, lined up things to do

in these, like, two days that I'm here.

Oh, shit. Here we go.


So, I have a Met fitting.

I'm working with the Schiaparelli team.

It's our first Met fitting.

It's the most amazing all-pearl dress.

It is very Karl.

All we needed was that cat.

That's what's so funny, I forgot about it.


When I think of Karl, I think of pearls.

Hi, bubs. [GASPS] That face!

- KIM: What?! I...

That's the first time I've ever heard you
say you love it!

North, she's usually my biggest critic

and now I've got the stamp
of approval from North,

and that's all I needed.

Sure, I'm in a big hurry,

so I can just sign maybe one or two now.

I have to go back and forth

from New York and LA
for the next four months.

- Is this a nice area?
- SPEAKER: Uh, yes, Tribeca's the best.

So, I have to find a place to stay.

So, I can read my lines in here.

SIMON HUCK: Are you going to your fitting?

Yeah, right now.

- SIMON: Bye, Kim.
- Bye.

And now I have to go to an

American Horror Story fitting,

and I play a publicist,

so I have to look the part.

It's becoming more real,
seeing the character come to life

and trying everything on.

- STYLIST: What do you think?
- KIM: Very cool.

I'd say it's a little Kris Jenner vibes.

It's, like, some of the stuff is amazing.

And finally, I have to go from here

to have a meeting with SKKN BY KIM.

I really wanted to rebrand
and launch skincare.

I mean, maybe I am
just doing too many things.

Is it weird I don't like
the cheese on pizza?

I just like the bread.

So tired. I'm, like, gonna faint.

SPEAKER 1: Think it's from all that stress

from this role that she's preparing for.

- KIM: Mm-hm.
- SPEAKER 1: The anxiety.

And it's a lot of dialogue, too.

- KIM: I have a lot of dialogue.
- SPEAKER 2: You do. There's a lot.

KIM: And I'm like, "What the [BLEEP]?"

SPEAKER 1: What did your
acting coach say you need to do?

What's the technique that actors do to
memorize lines?

Just [BLEEP] memorize.

SPEAKER 1: Just read it
over and over again?

- Over and over...
- Yeah.

[YAWNS] I just go with the flow.

I definitely feel a little bit,
like, overwhelmed right now.

Like, [SIGHS] I can't breathe.

I just feel like I need a breather.

I don't have a minute.

It's so many days of that in a row

that I just can't catch up.

I feel, like, faint,

and, like, just at this current moment,

I'm like, "Oh, my God,
I just wanna get in bed."


It's the lack of sleep
that [BLEEP] with me.


♪ Feels like a dream, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh ♪


- Hi.

Hi. How are you?

- That was great.
- I wanna sit right here next to you.

- Oh, on these little things? Okay.
- Yeah.

- I've never... I don't think...
- I think it would be fun and exciting.

...I've ever sat on these things.

- Aww.

Oh, my God. I just took all of the cousins

to the movies and it was a doozy.

What?! A doozy?!

Does that mean, like, it didn't go well?

Do you know how many kids
I took to the restroom at one point?

Ten. We counted.

You took all ten, or,
like, separate times?

No, no... ten at one time,

and I had to make sure
I didn't lose one of them.


- That was scary.
- Yeah, that seems crazy.

I have a special relationship
with every one of my siblings.

I just love them all so much,
but Kylie's my little baby.

I had a talk with Kendall the other day

because Tristan was here
dropping off the kids or something

and I was saying, "Oh, Kendall's about
to come over."

And he was like, "Oh, I wanna say hi."

And I was like, "Oh, no, you"...

Like, "You can leave," or whatever.

And he was like...
"Are you kicking me out?"

I was like, "I'm not kicking you out.
I just...

Kendall doesn't like you very much."

So, like, he was just like,
"Oh, I wanna talk to her,"

and blah-blah-blah.

He's been saying, like,
he's wanting to talk to you guys.

- Mm-hm.
- So, he would love to talk to you.

There doesn't have to be closure,

but how could there ever be any form

of progress if no one's willing to talk?

I would love to talk to him.

I'm cool with Tristan, as of now.

Ya know, I said what
I had to say on the show.

I know that he...

I'm sure he saw those things, ya know?

I'm just really disappointed in Tristan.

I think it's really [BLEEP] up
that he knew he had another baby

on the way with somebody else,

which makes me uncomfortable,

um, to put someone in that position,

especially when there's a child involved.

This was...

just really unforgivable in my books.

I feel like... it's confusing for me

'cause I actually really like Tristan,

- like, as a person.
- Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

So, to s... And, like, have
to separate him as a person

and then the things that he's done to you.

- Yeah.
- There's a sense of, like,

distrust or...

I don't know.

Like, "Who are you?

Which one is it?"


Tristan is... That's the biggest

mind[BLEEP] of all of this.

You're all these great [BLEEP] things,

but you couldn't [BLEEP] be great to me?

Like, and now, after the umpteenth time

that you decided to go put
your little ding-a-ling in some [BLEEP]...

- The dang-a-lang. It's always...
- Your ding-a-ling

in a [BLEEP] ding-a-linga.

That's what you decided to do.

Dang-a-lang here, dang-a-lang there.

- Totally.
- Dang-a-lang for everyone.

You're just swingin' it around
like it's a [BLEEP] carousel.

I just want the best for you,

...and I think that you deserve the world.

- Thank you.
- So, that's really... all I want.

I have a forgiving personality
and, ya know, I appreciate

that Tristan takes
my daughter out with True

and has a good relationship with her,

so I think that after his mom passed away

it just wasn't the right time
to talk about things,

so we just never did.

So, I think that it would be
a good thing for us

to just talk about
everything that happened.

I just feel like say whatever
you wanna say to him.

- Yeah.
- You should.




- CHRIS: Kim?
- KIM: Hm?

[LAUGHS] You gotta wake up, babe.

- What time...
- You just keep sleepin' in.

I know.

Chris Appleton recorded me in my room.

He's like, "Kim, you have to get up."

I overslept. I've never done this,

like, in my entire career.

I am so tired, and my day's

It's insane.


He woke me up at 6:00,
and he's like, "Babe, it's 6:00;

we have to leave
in an hour, hour and a half."

And I was like, "My fitting!"

At least you got some sleep.

I have The Today Show talking about

our SKIMS pop-up in Rockefeller Center.

I have a visit to the pop-up.

It's just early in the morning,

and I'm chilling with the SKIMS ice cream.

From her SKIMS pop-up shop

right here at Rockefeller Center.

- Hi, Kim. Good morning!
- How are you?

We had just saw you
eating ice cream, and you said...

right before we came on, you're like,

- "I have a brain freeze."
- I needed to wake up.

I'm still on West Coast time.

I looked on TikTok and saw me
walking up to people,

fans that I know and love...

- We have a whole men's line coming soon.
- Ooh. Oh, my God.

...telling them all of our SKIMS secrets

about how we're launching men's soon.

Actually, no recollection of this.

Is that the big Tiffany store
that my mom went to?


- I wanna walk in.

Have no idea that
I stopped at the Tiffany store

and was posting all about it.

- Ooh, guys.


Did I really go?
It's like... felt like a dream.

Like, did I go? I thought I dreamt that.

Like, this whole morning
has been a complete foggy dream.

I mean, I've never seen a prettier store.


We have to leave in 15 minutes,

and we are doing our... No pressure.

There's all these events
that I have to go to,

and then I have acting class at midnight.

Oh, guys, we're gorg tonight.

- You look so hot.
- KIM: Thank you.

- Whew, but we made it.

This event is for Olivier Rousteing
from Balmain,

who's, like, one of my dear friends.

Olivier might have
a little something to do

with the reason you're on this planet.

He's done so much for me
that I like to show up for my friends.

Kim happened to be in New York City

while we're in Brooklyn.

Kourt texts me saying,
"Hey, you're in New York.

Oh, my God, we're in Brooklyn."

KOURTNEY: I did invite Kim
to the Blink-182 show.

KIM: I don't know how I'd make it,

and it was, like,
a two or three-hour drive.

She, ya know, made a big effort
to be here, took a helicopter.

Kim was like, "If we're in the same city,
I'm coming to the show."

So, that was nice.

Wait, you guys, I ate half a burger,

a real burger the other day.

- I, like, had to.
- SPEAKER: Okay.

He wasn't with me
'cause I would never have.


I said I ate half a burger.

- It's okay, my baby. I love you.

SECURITY GUARD: Kourtney's in there.

- KIM: Kourtney is?


This is the beginning of

the Blink-182 North America tour.

My kids, they're actually on two trips

during this time with their dad,

and they were with me the last two weeks.

So, it's the longest time
that I'm not going to see my kids.

I believe it's 12 days
total that I'm gone,

so that's really different for me.

I was just having a, a one-day breakdown,

thinking that I needed to leave

'cause I was, like... needed fresh air.

No, go around. Like, it...
That's what's fun,

- is, like, walk in the city.

I just, like... I love
to see sights in cities,

and on tour, you're mostly
in the venue or in the hotel,

and I'm like, "Ah!" I feel like Rapunzel,
like, trapped in the tower.

Like, I just wanna get out
and [CHUCKLES] see the world.

Should we take a photo, like,
watching premiere together?

KIM: We have to do it tonight.

The premiere of our
show airs tonight. Season Three.

- Season three.
- All the drams.


Hangin' out behind
the club on the weekend

Actin' stupid, gettin' drunk
with my best friends

I couldn't wait for the summer
and the Warped Tour

I remember it's the first time
that I saw her there

To have my sister here
when I'm on this tour,

a little bit homesick, it's so nice.

She took my hand
and I made it, I swear

Because I fell in love with
the girl at the rock show

She said, "What?" and I told he r ♪

Sometimes it can be, like...

- Lonely.
- Yeah, and you don't

know anyone in town,

you need, like, a buddy.

Yeah. Rock out with my [BLEEP] out.

- Let's hope not.

- ♪ I'll never forget tonight
- ♪ With the girl at the rock show

- ♪ I'll never forget tonight
- ♪ With the girl at the rock show

- Woo!

- KOURTNEY: How's my baby?
- TRAVIS: Good.

KOURTNEY: That was so good.


Wait, is your arm so tired?
We were, like, d...

We held our phone up for the whole song,

- and we were like, "Our arms are dead."
- For one song.

Yeah, it's crazy.

I have class in 30 minutes.

KOURTNEY: Oh, okay.

Thanks for coming.

KIM: It's now midnight,

and I have an acting class
on Zoom in my room.


That little monologue's gonna
be hard for me to remember.

Hey, here, we're gonna make sense

of it so fast. Ready?

- Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
- Can I help?

KIM: I came here to sh**t
American Horror Story.

I'm not gonna show up unprepared.

My mom sent me a text saying,
"I've seen your schedule

and it's giving me anxiety,
and you have to slow down."

"Shh. You're okay. You're okay."

But there's not much more I can cut down

'cause I've committed to things,
and I gotta figure that out.

[SOFTLY] [BLEEP], tomorrow's
gonna be hard, you guys.


♪ 24/7 drip, I could get used to this ♪

KYLIE: Tristan is coming over
to talk to me.

I do feel a little nervous.

But I think in any
relationship, friendship,

I think communication is key.

And I am protective of Khloé.

That's what it comes down to.
I think she deserves the best.


- TRISTAN: Well, hello there.
- KYLIE: Hey, hey!

- What's up?
- g*ng g*ng.

- Yes. What's happenin'? How are you?
- What's happenin'?

- Good. How are you?
- Good, good, good.

Ya know, the last time
you were here was what? Taco?

- Taco Tuesday. No, uh...
- Taco Tuesday?

...Khloé's birthday, COVID birthday.

- Oh, that's true.
- Yeah.

Is that the last time you were here?

I think. I think so.

- Yeah. It's been a minute.
- That's crazy.

It's been a minute.

We used to really have,
like, some nights here.

Mm. Some good nights.
I remember... Remember, uh...

And then I reti... I retired.

- Yeah, you just said, ya know...
- Yeah.

- How's your brother?
- He's good. Amari's good.

- He's happy?
- Yeah. So happy.

- He's going on his walks?
- Yeah, yeah.

Walks. Three-mile walks.

- Aw. Good.
- So, he's good.

What's goin' on with you? How you been?

I've been good.

Um, so, you wanted to talk to me.

Yes, yes. No, I wanted to talk to you.

I think it's been long overdue.

- And I think...
- It's been long overdue.

I feel... It really bothers me
because it's, like,, we've always had,
like, a such a dope relationship,

- and then I feel, like...
- Mm-hm.

Everyone got affected
differently, ya know?

- Mm-hm.
- But I think you were affected the most

by a situation with, ya know,

losing a, a, a sister basically, ya know?

- Like, you lost Jordyn...
- Yeah.

...who was a, a big part of your life.

Because I mean, like,
I know how much she meant to your life...

- Mm-hm.
- ...and your guys' connection was,

ya know, you guys were,
ya know, two peas in a pod.

- So, the fact that, ya know, I...
- Yeah.

...put myself and her in a situation

that wasn't right

and wasn't smart

made it tough for you and Khloé

because, at the end of the day,
you-you have your best friend

and then you have your sister

who you love more than anything else.

So, it's 100% on me.

- Yeah.
- But I-I'm... I wanna say I'm sorry

and I feel bad about it.

The fact that I came
with my poor decisions,

and bein' a [BLEEP] idiot,
and just being young and stupid,

- I wanted to say I'm sorry again for that.
- Thank you for saying that.

Just because, I mean,

- life is so short, and...
- Yeah. sucks because

even though, ya know,
we made our mistakes,

it's, like, sometimes it's hard

to come back from situations like that.

I appreciate that.

I think I was so codependent

with Jordyn that I could've never imagined
my life without her.

- Yeah.
- We would've probably still been,

- like, living together.
- Yeah.

And I think she needed
to grow without me,

- I needed to grow without her.
- Yeah.

- But, ya know, Jordyn and I are cool.
- Okay.

Like, we still talk and
catch up. We're good.

Well, let her know
I apologize for, ya know,

ya know, whatever, ya know,
she went through a lot

during that time, too,
and probably gave her a lot of flak,

so I'm the reason why
that relationship, ya know...

- Yeah.
- ...went a different direction.

Well, I just wanted to make sure
I just say it to you

and just let you know because it is...

It's... I was a [BLEEP] idiot.
So, I just wanted, ya know?

- You do some dumb-ass shit.
- Dumb-ass shit

and it's like, why the [BLEEP]?

- Why, Tristan? Why?
- "Why the [BLEEP] was I doin' that?"

I think you have such
a good heart and good energy,

and, like, to know you is to love you.

- Like, I think you... You're just...
- Yeah.

Your spirit and everything,
so it's, like, it is confusing.

- Yeah, no, no.
- 'Cause, like, some of the shit you do...

It's like, "[BLEEP],

- who is this guy [BLEEP]?"
- [BLEEP] crazy.

I think a lot of it
was just, like... selfish

and not really, like,

understanding the value of,
like, good people.

Gotta grow up.


Ya know, Kylie's been there
for my family and us,

ya know, through the worst of times

and her life got altered,
uh, because of my actions,

so I wanted to just,
ya know, be accountable

and I wanted to say
my apology to her and Jordyn,

so, hopefully, she'll relay
that message to Jordyn

because it affected a lotta people.

The most important thing
is I think I'm trying t...

I wanna gain back
the respect of my family.

So, ya know, that's what I'm just
tryna do one day at a time.

It's just...

hard to

forgive the things that you did to Khloé.


But I want to... move on...

- Yeah.
- ...from that,

- y-ya know?
- Yeah.

I'm not in a position
to-to ask for anything.

I think the only thing I could do is

continue to just prove myself
and be who I am.

And then I think, over time,
is maybe not forgiveness.

Maybe more so try to gain
everyone's trust back.

At the end of the day, you want
your family to be comfortable around you.

You never want someone
to look at you side eye,

or question your character

- or-or your integrity as a human being.
- Yeah.

Ya know what I'm saying?

That's, like, my motivation
with anything. Like,

I never want my daughter
to go to school and, like,

talk so great about me, then a little kid
comes and says,

"Oh, well, your dad
is like this, this, this."

And then she'll be embarrassed.

- Yeah.
- And that will break my heart

because she views me
at such a high regards.

You wanna just be a good influence
and role model for them.

- Yeah.
- Ya know what I'm saying?

So they could be proud of you

and say proud like, "That's my daddy."

- Ya know what I'm saying?
- Yeah.

- You don't want 'em to be, like...
- Oh, Tristan.

So, like, that's, like,
the stuff that motivates...

- You're gonna make me cry.
- I'm sorry.

I-I-I'm not trying to, but, like,

ya know, having, like...
I mean, the three most important things

in life: basketball, my mom, family,

like, all of it was taken away
from me all in a, a year's span.

It's, like... it-it's
the biggest wakeup call

you can get in your life.

- Ya know what I'm sayin'?
- Yeah.

So, try to right my wrongs
as best as I can while I'm here.

I just want the best for Khloé.

- Yeah, 100%.
- Like, she's the most magical person

- on the planet...
- Mm-hm.

- I'm sure you know.
- Oh, million percent.

And she just deserves,
like, the absolute best.


- Nah, I just...
- Well, I appreciate you coming over here.

- Yes, Kylie. I'm...
- This was great.

I appreciate you. Love you.

- Thank you.
- Love you so much.

- Alrighty.
- Okay, I'll see you.

- See ya.
- Alright, love you. Thank you.

- Love you, yeah.
- Alright.


- I'm gonna get run over by a car.
- SIMON: Yeah. Yeah. Sorry.

Hi! It's me, Khloé.

SIMON: [LAUGHS] It's Khloé.

- KOURTNEY: Look at all this Lemme.
- SIMON: Oh, my God!

So exciting.

- It is Lemme Land in here.
- Lemme Land.

So, this is the first time
that Lemme will be in store.

- Yeah.
- There's something about, like,

in-store shopping.

Oh, it's... Yeah, and especially now.

Yeah. It's comin' back.

KOURTNEY: The decisions,
and all the meetings,

and everything that went into it.

I'm super proud of myself.

I'm super proud of our Lemme team.

- Amazing.
- We're excited to have you guys with us.

- Oh, well, we're little content machines.
- Me too.

We're here to hustle.

- We're here to work, work, work.
- Yeah.

It's all gonna be in ASMR, so.

Oh, like, on... Whisper it?

[WHISPERS] Get in, loser.
We're going shopping.

ASMR is "Autonomous Sensory
Meridian Response".

But it's basically,
specific sounds that give you,

like, a tingle or, like,
a feel-good response in your body.

[WHISPERS] Why settle for online
when you can find us in store?

Let's go find some Lemme.

I am known to be a budding ASMRtist.

[WHISPERS] This is my ASMR voice.


[WHISPERS] I'll take one of these.


One of these.

[LAUGHS] This one doesn't shake.


- That's it.
- Okay.

KOURTNEY: Oh, there's my daughter.

- What?

SIMON: This royal appearance

that we're getting. What a treat.

- I didn't know we were getting you.

Just want a hug and then I'll continue.

I love sharing my work with my kids.

I think Penelope seems the most interested

in what I do.



I feel like our show
has to clear the song, "Attitude."

SIMON: Attitude.

♪ Attitude ♪

KOURTNEY: I feel like
I have no hair to flip.


♪ This attitude ♪

- SIMON: Attitude.

KOURTNEY: Watch, I'm making a TikTok, P?

♪ You've got this attitude ♪

PENELOPE: Mom, that is really cute.

KOURTNEY: She gives great feedback.

She has an amazing aesthetic.

Like, I love her opinion.

- So, do I just kinda go like that?
- Yeah.

KOURTNEY: And I find it really valuable.

I am really close with my daughter,

and I'm just happy that she
is a strong lady like me.

Oh, we're locked in.

♪ You've got that attitude ♪


♪ Keep it movin' ♪

♪ I'm about to get down ♪

♪ New York, midtown, LA, play the sound ♪

Oh, I do have one little thing

to talk to you about before you leave.


There's so much going on all the time,

so I wanna check in
with my kids from time to time

to make sure that they're
just feeling good emotionally.

Because just when you think
that everything is in order, it's not.

And just when you feel like you've done

the best job you possibly can,

[CHUCKLES] you didn't.

- My back hurts. I don't know.
- Does it?

- Yeah. I mean...
- Like, achy?

Yeah, but I don't know
if I'm just being ridiculous.

Well, you know scoliosis
runs in our family.

I don't have scoliosis.

But what's it called?

It's called [SLOWLY] coccydynia.

You have coccydynia?


Tailbone pain.


"Pain in or around the bony structure
of the bottom of the spine."

- Oh. Booty boo-boo.
- Can't imagine.

Well, that would be the only

thing in the entire universe

that would possibly slow you down,

the way you've been going lately.


Back in the 80s,

at Bible study, the teacher used to say,

"If the Devil can't get you bad,
he'll get you busy."

And what that meant was

just a distraction
from everything in your life,

- yourself.
- I'm not, like, distracting

myself from anything.

Ya don't think so?


- Oh, there ya go. You're not tired.

I'm just trying to tell you I worried.

I will say American Horror Story
put me over the edge.

- I seem like I'm losing it?
- Ya know,

...I think that you're so overwhelmed

that you are going
from thing to thing to thing.

You started off this year...

- But the one... You know why?
- saying, "I'm gonna do less."

And now you've done twice as much.

If I have all these things
that I've committed to,

there's nothing I could cut out.

I think you think
that you can do everything.

Yeah. I don't know, I just...
certain things I like as a challenge

and then, you know,

I get into it and realize
maybe it's, like, a lot.

So, I'm always like, "Wait a minute,
do I have imposter syndrome,"

where I can't believe
that, like... we did it,

and, like, I just don't believe it,

so I work hard to just make sure

that it doesn't go away. Ya know?

Ya think the world's gonna stop
if you just say no to people?

I said no to someone
and they stopped speaking to me.

- Oh, well, thank God.
- And that really...

Why don't you send a thank you note?

You've really gotta listen to me.

KIM: Talking to my mom

doesn't really help my schedule,

but it definitely makes
me feel more grounded.

And I just know she has, like,

such a good perspective on everything.

She's right, but I just can't
wait to, like, push through

and get through, like, The Met madness

and American Horror Story

and just, like, look up and be done.

It scares me that

I see something you don't see

...and I think that you're gonna burn out.


♪ Just watch me now ♪

♪ Watch me, watch me, watch me ♪

♪ Just watch me now ♪

♪ Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh ♪

What's up? What's up, P? How are you?

- [WHISPERS] Wish me luck, P.

Say a prayer, alright?


- Hi!
- TRISTAN: Hi, superstar.

- I have a notebook ready.
- Oh, I'm... Principal's office, right?

- Yeah.
- On a scale of 1 to 10...

- Yeah.
- how scared are you?

How scared? No, I'm not scared.

-I'm not scared. No, no. But it, it does
-I'm just kidding.

feel like I'm going
to the principal's office, which is good.

KOURTNEY: When we were in Palm Springs

for Easter,

Tristan kept referencing his life

and his future with Khloé.

I wanna hear your plan
about Khloé forgetting.

I have thoughts on how you could make it...

- ...stay intact.
- Okay. Alright, guys.

And he texted me the second
he left my house asking to talk,

and I was trying to eat
my Cheetos in peace,

and didn't want to go talk to
him when I was in Palm Springs.

So, Tristan and I
really have not... connected

and I just can't fake it, so.

Let's go... Here lemme t...
I'll take my notebook.

Thank you. You wanna see it?

- I have my notes.
- Oh, you have your notes?

Oh, okay. Well, ok-okay.

I thought it was for me to write down...

[LAUGHS] Oh, to write down notes?

"Listen, you better
write down what I say."

I was gonna tell you, this is

what I want you to take from this.

Exactly. I'm big on that, too.

Especially in therapy. Write down,

- ya know?
- Yeah. I always write down notes.

- Always in therapy 'cause...
- Do you go to therapy?

Mm-hm. I've been goin' the last two years.

- Oh, nice.
- Yeah, it's great.

I'm really not here to judge.

I don't have any, like, anger.

It's just more like I'd want,
like, an understanding of, like, you could do these things
or how it got there.

- Mm-hm.
- Like, I am curious just as to like,

"I wonder if Tristan ever was like,

'I don't have remorse.'"

No. So, [LAUGHS] that's, that's fair.

The next day, after you, like,

do the deed, like, do you feel anything?


For me, personally, when-when I...

- when I cheat...
- Yeah.

...I feel disgusted the next day.

But then... so then why do you do it again?

I was just literally just,

just cheating just for-for an action.

Like, just cheating just for a feeling.

But also, it really came down
to not really knowing how to love

'cause that's the way I grew up.

I think, with therapy, I realized that my
childhood upbringing...

- Mm-hm.
- ...what I saw from, like, my dad,

- how he would treat my mom.
- Yeah.

As a kid, when you see that,
the trauma you have is

'cause you can't protect your mom

- 'cause you're so young...
- Mm-hm.

...and 'cause your mom
tells it's gonna be okay,

you basically numb
your emotions of being scared

- or feeling sad.
- Mm-hm.

It's my form of the defense mechanism.

Do you think your mom
was, like, just always happy

because she, like, numbed certain things?

Yes, and I think she did
that more for us as kids,

so we wouldn't have it bother us.

- Yeah.
- You know what I'm saying?

So, I never understood

how to feel pain

or how to feel someone's emotions

because the most important
person in my life,

even though they're
being treated terribly...

- Mm-hm.
- ...never, like, allowed me...

- Was, like, happy.
- Always happy.

So, I never understood,

like, pain and suffering,

you know what I'm saying?

I've never seen a man treat a woman good.

- Mm-hm.
- I've never seen a man

not cheat on a woman.

I've never seen a good f...


I made a mistake...

- Mm-hm.
- ...but did I really...

- Multiple.
- Multiple times.

But did I really ever understand

why I'm makin' the mistake?

But what do you think the mistake is?

- Like, truly. Like, what...
- No. The m... So, the mistake is I cheated

and if I was ahead of it
and maybe told Khloé...

- Yeah.
- she... we might've been able

- to figure it out together...
- Right.

...instead of her being blindsided.

Okay. So then, for Khloé, putting Khloé...

- comparing her to your mom...
- Yeah.

...and thinking, like, you never had

the mom who put herself first...

- Mm-hm.
- ...but with Khloé,

do you feel like
she needs to put herself first

...and be like,
"You don't stand a chance"?

Well, I think I can't tell Khlo...

As... No, I know you can't tell her that.

- I think, I think...
- I'm just saying.

But I don't think you deserve Khloé...

- Yeah.
- or the way... the actions that you've

done have been something
that she's deserved.



KIM: Next on The Kardashians.

So, guys, I'm having a baby.

- Oh, my God!
- Swear.

KRIS: Group hug, everybody!

KOURTNEY: I mean, it truly
feels like a miracle.

BAND MEMBER 1: Hey, Travis.

We got an announcement here!

I'm glad his [BLEEP] still works!

KIM: This is my tenth Met
and it'll never get old.

It's looking, like, beachy.
Um, the pearls look fake.

This is my worst nightmare.

Which one's Kylie's? Shit.

Your grandmother went over to Kris.

She's screaming at her. Screaming!

Cici is the Kardashian family history.

The Kardashian castle has crumbled.


♪ Baby, I'm back, starlight so bright ♪

♪ This is the moment stars line up, up ♪

♪ It feels like a dream, oh ♪

♪ Feels like a dream, oh ♪

♪ It feels like a dream, oh ♪

♪ Feels like a dream, oh ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪



No, I'll be fine.

Ugh. I'm so tired.


Oh, I'm exhausted thinking about my week.



Yeah. So, I don't know
what your question was.