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04x06 - You're Spiraling

Posted: 12/08/23 07:46
by bunniefuu

KIM KARDASHIAN: Previously on
The Kardashians...

We are over budget, over time.

KHLOÉ KARDASHIAN: I feel like no matter
where I turn,

there's just stress after stress.

- Is Vegas on track?
- Nothing's on track.

Which is, obviously, adulting.

Do you not have any joy?

Yeah, when I see my kids.

You know, everything that's
happened with my mom, like,

I needed someone that could

help me through this
and you answered the call.

CICI BUSSEY: Is he driving you crazy?

I mean, I've survived this long.

- Yeah, yeah.

- How are you, Kim?
- I'm good, how are you?

I just love helping people

and helping to slowly change the system.

It's something that I just feel

like I have to do in this lifetime.

And I'll never stop doing that.

You see somethin' that's wrong

and you says, "I can't accept it,

- I've gotta say something."
- Yeah.

That's what our
justice system is all about.

- Well, I'm here to say something, so...
- That's good.


What was my dad not doing

that made you wanna look elsewhere?

I thought that the grass
was greener somewhere else.

That's my life's biggest regret.



KHLOÉ: Oh, where you, where you going?

You're gonna swim here?

We are in Palm Springs,
California, Easter weekend.

We come here every year.

Every kid, every sibling.

The Easter egg hunts,
the bunnies, just everything.

We get all this quality
time with all the kids.

We are... just Easter Bunny'ing it up.


KIM: Hey, guys.

Guys? It's just me.

- Hi.

What are you doing?

KHLOÉ: Just hangin' out.

I feel like I've been on the road nonstop.

ALLISON STATTER: Soccer moms for the win!

KIM: I was just in London.

Oh, my gosh. Who's excited?


KIM: Paris. We are on the pitch

at the PSG game. This is crazy.

And I snuck a trip to Japan
in between all of this.

We're just gonna end our spring break
with even more memories in Palm Springs.

- Hi, Kourt.
- Hi.

KIM: Reigny. Saint went to go
play soccer at the park.

How the heck are ya? Um...

Everything's all good.

I mean, we're here.


KOURTNEY: Knowing that the goal was, like,

not about who's right or wrong,

just, like, moving past it
and getting to a better place.

And then once we were through the edit,
I feel like it was...

- Like, we can breathe. Okay.
- We can move on.

We can be cool.

- Know that everything's okay.
- Yeah.

Nothing really hap...
Like, we didn't have a talk,

like, nothing even really happened,

'cause I think we're
just all kinda the same

where we just don't wanna
have a deep talk about it.

We just wanna move on.

- Just sweep it under the rug.

- Yep.
- KOURTNEY: Mm-hmm.

Sweep, sweep.


- Hey.
- KIM: Hi.

KRIS JENNER: Oh, somebody looks cute.




- KRIS: Wow.
- Were you guys talking?

KRIS: It's like the kissing

- bunny is here.
- KYLIE: Were you guys talking about me

or something? Like,
why are you so quiet now?

- We were talking about you.
- Yeah, we were.

Penelope... I wanna take you to a farm

and go see all of her horses and animals.

What do you think? P, do you wanna come?

- Okay. I got [LAUGHS] one taker.

- North will go.
- KRIS: It's so cute.

Life is so crazy right now,

but I really wanna focus

on spending more time
with my grandchildren,

because that really does make me so happy.

They have a whole
beautiful equestrian center.

I think I get so distracted
and so busy with other things

that I really wanna make it a point

to plan some fun
activities for the grandkids.

KIM: Can you ever have a day

with some grandkids without a nanny?

- KRIS: Yes.

Well, she's never had all the kids before

at one time without help.

KRIS: P, are you hungry?
There's food over there.

But I know she's raised
all of us so I know she can do it.

- Do you guys wanna sit at the table?
- Yeah.

But it's just hard
to release control of that.

What's up with your lot here?

- We walked by it this morning and...
- KHLOÉ: Yeah.

- ...what are you doing with that lot?
- Listen, I may sell it...

- get out of a couple things.

So, Tristan and I bought two lots together
in Palm Springs when we were together.

Here we are, many moons later,
and we still own these lots together.

And I definitely think that

Tristan won't give up his end of the lot.

- I don't even wanna build.

Hopefully, time will get the best of him
and he'll sell me the other half.

Oh, my God, you guys,
I've never even told you.

- KRIS: What?
- KIM: You know.

Yeah, you're gonna do The Bachelorette.

Yeah. So, I decided
I'm gonna do a TV show,

Ryan Murphy's show,
called American Horror Story.

KHLOÉ: That's amazing.

- KRIS: Isn't that crazy?
- BOTH: That's amazing. Amazing.

- Yeah.
- It came about because

- we were having dinner at my house.
- KIM: Mm-hmm.

- And we started talking...
- And I wasn't even gonna come.

- I know.
- And you were like, "Just come,

- Ryan Murphy..."
- Ryan was coming over for dinner

with his husband.

We started chatting at dinner.

And then he kept on saying,
"I really want you to do

a American Horror Story."

He wrote a part for her.

- KIM: Mm-hmm.
- Just for Kim.

Listen. What happened
to my part, Ryan? Huh?

And he did the OJ show,

which I thought was so fascinating.

Remember that OJ series?

- Yeah, where Ross played Dad.
- KIM: Uh-huh.

I am very nervous.

- You're gonna be so great.
- 'Cause I'm just, like, not an actress,

- you know?
- KRIS: Yeah, but you really are.

I think it's just fun
to try something new.

- I really just want new energy.
- Oh, my God. It's amazing.

I said every year I was gonna
try to do something that

was a challenge, work-wise.

- KYLIE: Mm-hmm.
- I'm almost done with school.

I just finished two more classes.

I have, like, three or four more left.

I can knock 'em out in,
like, ten months, and then

- just prepare for the Bar.
- KHLOÉ: Cannot wait for you

to be done with them.

KIM: That'll free up half of my day.

I just feel like

Kim can tell me tomorrow
she's running for presidency

and I'm like,
"Alright, girl, do your thing."

For Kim, it's just... I... It's another day.

I'm ready for a nap.


I know I'm supposed to slow down,

but I can't 'cause this is,
like, a huge production.


- I'm just excited...
- Have the title. get outta Calabasas.

- KRIS: You're never in Calabasas.
- What do you mean?

- You're always outta town.
- Mom thinks you are gone all the time.

KRIS: I think you're living your life.

I just don't think that
you're there enough to say,

[LAUGHS] "I need to get outta Calabasas."


KIM: Oh, my God, I had
the hardest week with the kids.

It was, like, comical
if you think about it.

- Really?
- Kourtney's definitely

the one that I go to for my mom advice

and, like, I think her and I
have, like, a lot in common

when it comes to parenting stuff.

- I think we also have older kids.
- She's had more experience. Yeah

And so, we go through more similar...

- Yeah.
- ...things.

No matter what, like, she'd drop anything

for us to have, like, parenting advice.

I don't care what
kinda fight we're in, like,

she knows the kinda shit
that I'd be going through.

I can understand the kinda shit
that she'd be going through.

And that's how
our relationship's always been.

North was throwing a fit,
trying to get her in the car.

It's so draining for me,
after, like, an hour, hour and a half.

- Yeah.
- That I literally was in the car

and I was, like, driving
to school in the pouring rain

and I was, like, hysterically crying,

but Chi was right behind me,

so she couldn't see that I was crying,

-but I was, like, driving
-Oh, my God.

and I was like...

...[PANTS] "I just gotta get to school."

So, w-we're in the car and Chi's like,

"Mom, I have to go potty."

But we were on that long strip to where

- there's, like, nowhere to pull over.
- Oh, my God.

I didn't have a cup.
I didn't have anything.

Couldn't she just squat in...
on the side of the road?

-It was pouring rain. Is she gonna, like,
-Oh, it was raining.

- pee outside in the rain?
- Yeah.

Like, and I'm just like...

And she's gonna cry,

and she's so clingy, and she holds my leg.

- Like, it's just... it depends on the day.
- Yeah.

And then nothing was good enough.

I took Saint on his trip.
He was so excited.

But then North was furious
and she wouldn't speak to me

'cause she didn't get an alone trip.

And I'm like,
"You always get alone trips."

But what if you don't make it so extreme

and do, like, a private dinner
with North or something.

- Go on a walk, go on a hike, go to tea.
- Yeah.

Even if you spend, like...

I'll do with Reign,
like, where we're just sitting

and, like, talking

and, like, have, like,
real focus attention.

Yeah, I need to do that.

It doesn't have to be, like,

- a crazy thing, you know?
- Yeah.

I think I have a more
gentle approach with my kids.

I find, with my kids, that coming from

a more loving approach works best.

And I feel that way,
but... with a little bit

of tough love in there, too,
and a little bit of frazzled,

"Shit! What the [BLEEP] is going on?!
Get the [BLEEP] over here!"

- Per... Like, energy also.

It's like, "Go to bed!"

I'd be like, "It's [BLEEP] 10 o'clock
and you're still up?! Go to bed!"

Like, you're driving me crazy, ya know?

So, I definitely think
we're different, like, in that way.

- Yes.
- Ya know?

- Totally.
- Like, I get frazzled.

And then North, she'll go to her dad's.

She'll be like, "Dad is the best.

"He has it all figured out.

"He doesn't have a nanny,
he doesn't have a chef,

he doesn't have security,
he lives in an apartment."

And she'll start crying.

"Why don't you have an apartment?

I can't believe
we don't have an apartment."

They do that at Scott's, too.
Like, "Dad has the best house.

"Your house sucks. He has the best house.

It's not super big. The vibe's better."

I feel like everything falls on

the parent that's, like, more involved.

Yeah. But, like, we make our own food.

"That's amazing that you
make ramen," you know?

- Mm-hmm.
- Like, "Great," you know?

That you boil water
and pour it onto some noodles.

- Yeah.
- I do make pancakes every morning,

and that has been a game-changer.

They love it 'cause we're
sitting at the table

and they're happier.

Yeah. Except for one wants
a smoothie, one wants this,

- one wants that.
- So, I say, like, one of you...

They rotate, like, choosing breakfast.

But, like, oh, my God, I just need a day.

- Kim.
- Me.

PRODUCER: In terms of being a mom?

- Kim.
- Me.

For sure.

I mean, she gets worked up.

Like, when she gets frazzled,
where she's just like...

- Yeah. Teeth clenched, yeah.
- "Get over here, Kimberly." Ya know?

- "Get over here now. Get over here now."
- Yeah... yeah.

Ya know, and then
you'd be like, "Ah, okay!"

Ya know, "Get off my arm!"

Ya know? And I can see...

I don't, I don't grab the arm,
but, boy, do I want to.

- For sure the same energy as my mom.
- And I used to see it in myself

until I did the work.

I'm, like, literally dozing.

Take a nap.

I think I will for, like, 30 minutes.

Take one here if you don't want
[LAUGHS] any,

any of your kids around.





Hi, guys. Oh, Dream is here?

KHLOÉ [OVER PHONE]: Dream's with me.

We're home at my house.

KHLOÉ: Do we have room
for Penelope? Always, right?

- KOURTNEY: P, Koko's gonna come

grab you on the golf cart!

Tristan's with them. Is that okay?

I feel like she gets it from me.

I told her, like, the first day of school,

I was, like, so triggered by him.

I don't know why. And then I was like...

Right. I know why, but I was like,

I feel like we all, like,
brush it off and are fine.

And then I was just, like, so triggered

and I was like,
"I just can't do it anymore."

Like, I just can't...

Tristan has made horrible

decisions and choices,
ya know, with my sister.

There's times when I'm so triggered

by him I can't be around him.

And then there's times
when I just let it go

because we just want harmony

and, ya know, he's the father
of my niece and nephew.

- Hello!

- Wow. No, that view is pretty special.

It's my first time here.
I haven't even seen it.

- KOURTNEY: Oh, really?
- Yeah.

Oh, do you want a tour?

- Yeah, let's do a tour please. Hello.
- So, this is the casita.

- Happy Good Friday.
- Hi.

- Hi, happy Good Friday.
- TRISTAN: P, what's up?

- Hi. What?
- Hey!


KHLOÉ: I'm really proud of myself

for where me and Tristan are

and how I am able

to allow him to be
the father he wants to be.

But where I am at with Tristan

has nothing to do with what
I expect my family members to do.

If Penelope has her feelings
about Tristan, rightfully so.

And good for you, girl.

KOURTNEY: And that's Penelope's room.

- The second master.
- Oh, yeah!

'Cause she's the second
queen of the castle.

I want Penelope to have these feelings and
I don't want to talk her out of them

because I don't want
this behavior to be something

that I'm validating or I'm justifying.

I want her to know

that how she's feeling
is the right way to feel.

We should not accept
someone treating us like this.

So, the question is,

do you do the Kylie house
where it's unplugged from the world

and like, "I'm done with LA,"
and this is it?

Or you do more like what Kourt does.
There's two ways to look at it.

Like, who's getting the lots?


KHLOÉ: Or we could
just split our lots back in two

and you can have one and I could have one,

but then we're still next to each other.

In fact, it makes no point.
You might as well just... ya know?

- They were twice the price.
- Tristan's hoping I'm gonna forget.

Never forget. We continue to... ya know?

- KOURTNEY: Work on yourself.
- Work on yourself and, you know,

- keep chippin' away.
- Wish I could work on forgetting things.

- [LAUGHS] I just can't anymore.
- Let time figure it out.

KOURTNEY: But we have,
like I said, like, I looked,

- I looked at every lot.
- "Let time figure it out." Tristan.

Right now he is convinced

that we are going to build this house.

And... I don't know if he thinks

that we're gonna do this,
like, together as in a couple.

Or we're just doing this
and we're gonna, like, have a co-op

and we're just gonna, like, share this...

home that we built together.

Let's go back home and take showers.

Who's with me?

- 'Kay.

Yeah, I don't know where his head is at,
but one of us will break, eventually.

Either I'll sell it to him
or [LAUGHS] he'll sell it to me.

So, we'll figure it out.


Um, Tristan, later I wanna hear

your plan about, uh, Khloé forgetting.

I have thoughts on how
you could make it stay intact.

Okay... Alright, guys.


♪ Whacked out, hangin' out,
cool for the summer ♪

♪ On the hood of your car
like the city kids do ♪

♪ We'll be wrapped up,
jacked up, stuck with each other ♪

Heck no. Someone is late!

Somebody didn't tell me that you were back
from the store.

After talking to Kourtney,
she really encouraged me

to do small things with my kids,
like one-on-one cooking stuff.

Let me season this chicken.

Whatever the kids wanna do,
and North loves to cook.

Tell them the movies
you made me watch last night.

- Tell 'em what you're into these days.
- We watched Tupac.

Everyone thinks
I don't know Tupac, but I do.

She loves Tupac. Said, "Same, girl, same."

I'm making the cucumber rolls.

You know I'm a ambidextrous.
I could do it with both hands.

Oh, wow. You should FaceTime
Auntie Kendall.

Don't cut your hand.

- So first, you have to cut it straightly.
- Mm-hmm.

North is really special,
and smart, and creative.

A little crosshatching.

And definitely beats to her own drum.


KIM: Like, her personality

is really, really silly.

Ew, this cucumber nasty.

I go like that.

Wait, that's zucchini.

- Hm? This is a zucchini?
- That's zu...

Oh, they, [SIGHS]
they won't know the difference.

Should we call the chef in?

No, we're doing this on our own.

I'm gonna stick to what I know.

My second time rolling sushi.

It's so interesting
because her temperament as a child

is, like, the same now.

You definitely just
come out your own person.

Guys, a little secret.

Oh, you lick it as you go.
You think that's sanitary?

Kourtney always says North
is my lesson on this planet.

It means that I'm supposed
to learn even more patience.

She teaches me patience.


She has taught me a lot about life.

Come here. Show me your shirt.

Oh, good, we got it to work.

Northy, I'm going to a prison soon.

Can you eat it like that?

- No. You want some?
- No thanks.

You're just gonna eat
an onion like an apple.

This is what she does, people.
She eats veggies like...

like apples.

I love spending this time
with North right now

just because I'm about to go
to Pelican Bay and visit a prison there.

And anytime I can talk
to her about what I do

and why I do it is really important to me.

- What does she do?
- PRODUCER: The prison work.

KIM: You help someone
and then they pay it forward

- and then they do the same thing.
- Uh, I think it's good.

It's just really important
for my kids, all of them,

to see what it's like to help someone else

and to put someone else first.

And there's no better way through example.

- ♪ Michael like Jackson, hee-hee ♪

Oh, my gosh, this onion breath
is gonna make me cry.

- No, it's so strong.

Oh, my gosh,
my eyes are literally tearing.

How do you not tear?

We're the best chefs.


PERSON: Great.

KRIS: Alright, I'm gonna take the kids.


Where's my little ladies?

Hi! Are you ready to go on an adventure?

- KID: Yeah.
- Oh, my God, hi, guys!

I was thinking of something
to do with the kids because school's out,

and what better way to, ya know,
spend a day than on the ranch?

Okay, let's go. Little ladies,
we're gonna go to the elevator.

Okay, we're gonna have fun, guys.


KHLOÉ: My mom is taking
True and Stormi alone

and... I'm going because...

Well, I'm following secretly
because my mom won't let me go.

TRUE: My mommy's car!

- KRIS: No, it's just her car.
- KHLOÉ: Hi!

- No, it's mommy!
- KRIS: Oh, it is?

- I am here.
- Oh!

- Mama!
- I c... I came to say goodbye.

- Mama!
- Hi!

- Hi, Storm.
- We were doing just fine.

- TRUE: Mama.
- Hi.

- Aww.
- TRUE: Mama.

- My girls.
- Alright, popsicles.

Let's get in the car.

KHLOÉ: No, I'm not.

- Okay, everybody get in their seat.
- KHLOÉ: I love you guys.

Have so much fun!

- Love you. Mean it.
- Okay, bye, guys.


♪ Far as you can see that's my energy ♪

♪ That's that energy, that's that energy ♪

♪ Like this is the best of the best ♪

♪ And forget all the rest ♪

♪ Come and get what you... ♪

KRIS: I think it's wild
that I invited 12 grandchildren

and I got two.

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Now you have the floor,
it's in your control ♪

♪ Bring out the iconic ♪

Okay, so here's some snacks,
animal crackers,

'cause we're gonna go see the animals.




KHLOÉ: How's it going?

We're fine. You don't have to worry.


We were playing a slime game

on True's iPad.

- TRUE [OVER PHONE]: That's Stormi.

- Oh, Stormi, sorry.
- KHLOÉ [OVER PHONE]: You know you could

take their iPads away and play...

Oh, that would make me popular.

- KHLOÉ: You could play I Spy.
- Okay, I gotta go.

KHLOÉ: Or tell them to do...
Or tell them the animal game.

KRIS [OVER PHONE]: Okay, let's play the
animals game.

- Bye, Khloé.
- KHLOÉ [OVER PHONE]: 'Kay, b...

- Okay, let's play I Spy.
- No.


KRIS: There are so many snacks in here.

I don't know where your mother thought
we were going.

We could go through
a snowstorm with all this food.

Hey, you said my name, Lovey.

- Who said your name?
- You. Said Storm.


Look at the purple flowers.

- Look, right there. Right there.
- I see them out my window.

My girlfriend has a farm that I adore

and I've always wanted
to bring my grandkids

for a little trip to her petting zoo.

TRUE: I know how to speak cat.

- Whoa, guys.
- Meow.

I know how to do a Japanese cat.

[LAUGHS] How cool is this?

Oh, look at the donkey.

Look at all the goats right there.

- Hi, Miguel! Thank you.
- MIGUEL: Welcome.

We have some cookies if you wants
to give cookies to the hor... mini horses.

KRIS: Do you wanna give the
horses some cookies?

- Okay.

MIGUEL: I'll show
you how to do it. You wanna try?

- KRIS: Yeah.
- MIGUEL: Come on in.

- Come on, guys.
- MIGUEL: They're really friendly,

- don't be afraid, okay?
- KRIS: Oh.

TRUE: Lovey, I don't wanna do it.

KRIS: You don't have to. I can do it.

MIGUEL: Yeah, just do it like that.

- I'll give him one.
- MIGUEL: Okay.

- Okay.
- See? It's eating.

He tickles.


Listen, I know my mom,
obviously, birthed six kids,

but it's been a minute
and I can't handle this stress.

And trust me, my mom does not
want me to be calling her nonstop.

So, I'm just gonna go.

- Horse is out!
- KRIS: A horse is out?

- MIGUEL: I'll get it.
- KRIS: Uh-oh.

And my mom, God bless her,
she's easily distracted.

I just don't know. If there's a huge horse

stampeding through, will she grab my kid?

I don't know, I'm just
thinking all these thoughts.

Come on. Come on, ladies.
Stormi, let's go.

Popsicles? They were in
the car the whole time?

It tastes good.



Well, I did take True to Pre-K
and then I just stayed.

So, I didn't follow anyone.
I just stayed on campus.

Do you wanna get on the pony, Stormi?

- STORMI: Yeah.
- Okay.

- MIGUEL: Yay.

KRIS: Alright, everybody.

You can have one.

You have a lot of friends here, Stormi.

I get excited about cookies
too, don't you, Stormi?

Look at this goat's eyes.
Come here, quick.

I wanna see.

This is great. The kids are doing amazing.

Look at their eyes. Isn't that crazy?

It's really fun.

- Let me take a photo.
- Can they see?

KRIS: One, two... I don't know, but see...

Wait, Truzzel, Truzzel,
stand next to Stormi.

- TRUE: No!
- KRIS: Oh, my God.


Wait a minute.

- Lovey. Lovey!
- Is that your mom?

Khloé's here? Did you guys know
Khloé was coming?

For real?

TRUE: Mama!

And how sneaky. How sneaky.

- What are you doing here?
- KHLOÉ: Hi, guys.

Mom, I couldn't let you
have all the fun without me.

- TRUE: Mama, Mama!
- Does she not trust me or something?

- What's happening?
- Hi!

- Oh, my g...
- KRIS: Like, we haven't seen each other

- in-in days.
- Are you okay?

- Are you guys okay?
- KRIS: Yeah, they're just fine.

- What's wrong with you?
- Well, they don't look like it.

- Look at them.
- What's wrong?

- Clinging to me. Are you okay?
- Clinging to you?

What'd you do to them?

- Is this a joke?

What happened in that car?

- Don't play into her.
- KHLOÉ: Are you guys okay?

- Khloé, you drove over to spy on me.
- Yeah.

She totally hijacks
my date with my grandkids.

- And this is Khloé, the life of the party.
- Hi.

I have no shame in my game.

- I am here and I'm proud.
- Really?

She made True look at the animals.

She made you do that?

Who wants to go to the horse barn?

- No.
- No.

- KHLOÉ: Huh?
- Oh, wow.


I'm not gonna go with Lovey.
I'm gonna stay with you.

- You're gonna stay with me? Okay.
- TRUE: I'm gonna stay with you.

Okay, girls.

KRIS: Five minutes ago,

they didn't even know she existed.

All they cared about was
the donkey and the ponies

and the pigs and the goats.

They didn't care about where mom was.

Mom, can I ride a horse?

KRIS: Let's go up to the horse stable.

MIGUEL: Yeah, of course.

KRIS: But if Khloé comes riding in,

can't handle a little competition.

- I don't like walking.
- Yeah, you should...

You don't like walking? Well...

Do you want me to carry you?

- Come on.
- Mom, they... Mom, you can't carry her.

- Yeah, I can.
- You have a bad hip. Here.

Not anymore. That's why it's titanium.


Wow. Wow.

W... Just one day. That's all I asked for.

You're pretty strong, Koko.

KHLOÉ: I'm not sorry that I came.

I'm very happy I did.

And I think the kids are, too. Calm down.

Oh, my God.

Look at how fabulous.

First of all, did you forget

that I have raised six kids

and I have a little bit
of experience taking people to

- a petting zoo?
- Yeah, 40 years ago.

- Hi, Hunter.
- He's kinda a little lazy.

- But he's not, like, skittish?
- No, he's, he's mellow.

- Things have changed in 40 years.
- Not at... Not a farm. And...

Mom, you don't know how
to put them in the car seat.

- Like, things have changed, so.
- Well, they didn't even have

- car seats when I had kids.
- That's what's so scary.

- Come on.

KRIS: Oh, my gosh. Run on the grass.

Woo-hoo! Go, ladies, go!

- Let's go.

Hi, baby.

KHLOÉ: Okay.

KHLOÉ: I'm trying.

- Let's go, Hunter.

Hunter isn't listening.

- Hunter, [KISS SMACKS] let's go.
- MIGUEL: Come on, Hunter.

Maybe loosen the reins a little.

What? You've never been on a horse.

- KHLOÉ: Come on, Hunter.

- Yes.
- KRIS: There ya go!

Yes. There it is! She's running!

True, look, your mommy's
running on the horse.

Khloé looks so happy on that horse.

And actually, I think it's an extra
blessing that she's here today.


Days like this are delicious.


Well, guess what?

- Thank you.


I've had the best time
because I got to take my granddaughters

- on an adventure, and...
- And I snuck along.

And this one surprised me. Oh, boy.


She's like my bonus kid today,
so we had a really great time.

- I loved sharing...
- But I'm your... I'm really your kid.

I know, but like the bonus
of having one of you with me,

like an extra bonus,
like a little surprise.

Yeah. Yay.


♪ And you feel the thunder ♪

♪ We'll lay under stars ♪

Malika and I just landed in Crescent City,

which is in Northern California
near Pelican Bay Prison.

Thanks, guys.

Malika always asks me
about the work that I do,

and she's, like,
a really empathetic person

and I think that she
would have a lot to say,

and has a great platform.

And I'm just grateful
that a new group of people

gets to hear and be inspired.

Is it normal that I'm a little nervous?

There's nothing to be nervous over.

If it's, like, a safety issue, like,

when I first went into, like, San Quentin,

they gave me a full, like, breakdown.

Like, you're so safe, you're so protected.

They don't get people to, like,
come and visit all the time.

They're just grateful
to have people to talk to.

- Okay.
- We're gonna meet with people

that, uh, were incarcerated, maybe, like,

lifers and had, like, life sentences,

and then got out
after, like, 20 years, 25 years.

So, you'll get to see

that you might have this, like, stigma of,
like, what people are like or what...

it's just... they're just like us.

- MALIKA HAQQ: Complete opposite.
- They might've made some, like, choices

that we wouldn't have or, like, just some
really bad circumstances that like...

Things like this, I take and I'm like,

"Okay, this is what
I wanna teach our boys."

MALIKA: Alright. Thanks.

KIM: We're gonna meet with Scott Budnick

and he is the person that

brought me to my first prison,

and he has an organization

called ARC, which is

Anti-Recidivism Coalition.

SCOTT BUDNICK: Good to meet you.

- I've heard so much about you.
- Good to meet you, too.

- Hi.
- Here's Kimmy.

She's here.

Scott helps so many people get out,

and I just learn more and more every year,

and open myself up to helping,
so that's why I'm here.

Malika was saying to me in the car that
she's nervous and she's scared to go.

- Yeah.
- But, like, is that a normal

- feeling people have?
- I think it's... It's, uh...

I think it's the feeling...
I mean, I was scared to go the first time.

- Yeah... yeah.
- MALIKA: Okay, good, then I feel normal.

When you see the, like, hope and joy

that, like, you bring

- just by showing up...
- Yeah.

Like, no one comes here.

Definitely not a Kardashian.

And so, to be able to see people who care,

right, and are here just...
to be supportive,

like, it's a beautiful thing.

I think you'll come out
inspired by the guys you meet.

And, like, I think
you'll come out hopeful.

We're gonna meet with a group of prisoners

at Pelican Bay Prison to hear
what their experiences are like.

SCOTT: The irony of this place,

you're probably in the most beautiful
spot of...

in all of California,

and, like, all the healing
properties of nature,

but no one in the prison
ever gets to experience any of this.

You know, every time Scott calls me
and there's an opportunity or a situation,

I definitely wanna be a part of it.



MALIKA: I mean, that i...
that's i... that's intense.

There's no way to get away from that.

SCOTT: Yeah.

Yeah, the cages is what really got me.

Our cameras couldn't come in and see,
but it was really powerful.

One of the most disconcerting
things that I saw

was just people inside cages,

like, this wide,

maybe only, like, three-feet wide.

But I think I wanna be really clear,

I believe that if someone
does commit a violent crime,

there has to be consequences.

I think sometimes people feel like
anyone that works on reform

is just super easy on crime
and that's not the case.

You can see someone's rap sheet

and then just automatically
form an opinion of them,

but then if you understand
why they got to the place

that led them to make those decisions,

you would completely change your mind.

Some really deserve second chances

and just being open
to hearing their story,

I think, is just super important.

MALIKA: It's like I was
telling Kim, I was like,

my jaws were so tight

'cause I didn't wanna
cry in front of them.

Oh, wow.

Like, I mean, I-I did

end up crying [LAUGHS] afterward.

Yes, and that's fine, by the way,

'cause it gives them
permission to cry also.

Just the cages k*lled me.

- SCOTT: Yeah, the cages.
- The cages just felt like animals.


Malika, when you, uh,
when he was crying in the cage

and you put your finger up and, like,
you guys touched fingers in the cage,

that was... whew. [SIGHS]


KIM: Whew. It's cold.


So, now we're going to have lunch

with some of the guys from ARC,

and they've all been lifers
that have gotten second chances

and gotten out and now they work at ARC.

And even some of the guys
have been in Pelican Bay.

When you can hear what
other people have been through

and they can be open
and share their stories,

and then talk about how they
never gave up...

is really inspiring.

All of us were incarcerated
in the same institution.

On average, everybody's spent
at least 20 years of incarceration.

Let's do a quick round house.

Just, uh, what you... what...

how much time you were sentenced to

and how much time did you do?

Twenty-seven years to life
and I served thirty-two.

Did 50 years to life.

Had my sentenced
commuted by Governor Brown.

I served 16 years off that 50 to life.

I was sentenced to 30 years of life
and I served 22 years.

I was incarcerated at 18 years old.
Sentenced to life without parole,

plus four years.

And I served 23 and a half years.

ARC MEMBER 2: I was sentenced to 28 years.

Ended up serving 20 years incarcerated.

ARC MEMBER 7: I was sentenced to

and did 21 years, four months,
three weeks, six days.

Uh, I was sentenced to 25 to life
plus two life sentences, plus 20 years.

And I did 25 years and maybe three or four
days off of that.

Um, I was sentenced to 30 years to life
plus another 11.

And I ended up doing, uh, 20.


I don't know how many
of you guys are in therapy,

but, like... There ya go.
That's what I'm talkin' about.

I'm proud to admit that
my therapist has been like a godsend.

And as far as my healing,

because, like,
on one hand we're told, like,

we have to be tough because

we-we survived all of this crazy shit.

But, like, nah, man, the-the world
expanding in front of our eyes

from these tiny, little cages
to, like, this great, big world is huge.

I always like to ask this
'cause I'm just always so curious.

What was your first meal
when you guys got out?

- In-N-Out.
- KIM: Ah, that-that would be mine.

- You know, for-for years I sat in prison,

I've wanted a big ol' New York steak.

When I got out, that was the first thing
I went to do is get this big old steak.

My jaw was hurting the next day

'cause we weren't used to eating meat.

I've been to prisons before.
I've experienced this.

Malika hasn't, so this was her first time.

The number one thing that I'm hearing

that is the problem is not being fixed.

Like, everyone gets stuck
in a cycle of how they grew up.

So, it's just, like, how do you get
people to really make those changes

so that they don't have...
that, like, cyclical problem

of the same problems
growing up with the gangs

and growing up
with parents that aren't there.

Like, I don't have the answers.

ARC MEMBER 4: Right now,
we're doin' this on the,

on the opposite end of the pipeline.

People already gettin' into prisons

and we're tryin' to find a way
to get 'em out and not return.

We need to start at the
beginnin' of that pipeline

- to say how can we stop the flow...
- Yeah.

...of them ever gettin' in to begin with?

And what comes with that is

healthier families,
healthier communities.

That is how you stop the

- transgenerational...
- Yeah.

...mass incarceration,
or poverty, or gangs, as you mentioned.

My last year incarcerated,
they spent over a $100,000,

$100,000 in that year
to keep me in a cage.

How much therapy could
you provide in a grade school

for you to help to stop
them from goin' to prison?

KIM: I just really believe in redemption.

I believe in rehabilitation.

Like, who in their life has been perfect

and hasn't made bad decisions?

ARC MEMBER 6: What is, what is the drivin'
point for you

to, to wanna do the work that you doin'?

I think I just saw something on Twitter,

like, a little video that someone
had made on a girl's case.

She was someone that answered
the phone and was, like, a phone mule.

I was like, how does this happen?
How does that make sense?

It just, like, opened up my heart.

I just really connected to that.

Once I realized the influence that I have

and that people were listening,

I just couldn't stop and I wanted

to get more and more involved.

North, your mother is literally
in history books now.

As a person that championed
my case and humanized it.

I was able to help you,
and then I learned so much along the way

and was like, "I can't stop here."

There's so much more I have to do.

There's so many more Alices out there,
like, we have to help.

You gave me, like, purpose.

You gave me freedom.

And then the president
signed the First Step Act,

which has let out 30,000 people.

And my attorneys, they wrote that bill.

So, it was like a ripple effect
and it kept going,

and then you're just like,
"Wait, how can I do more?"

And, so...

I've been working on prison reform work
for about five years now.

And as time has gone on
and as I've helped more people,

my empathy has grown more and more

and I have a lot more compassion than,

ya know, I did a year ago
and then I did at 10 years ago.

If people have really shown
that they can change,

why wouldn't we give
people a second chance?

Well, I wanna thank you
for-for really, uh, puttin' your heart

into... to makin' this system better.

It means a lot to the men inside.
So, thank you so much.

Well, we have to all take a selfie.

- Oh, we get a selfie!
- KIM: Wait, hold on. Hold on, let's see.

Malika get in. Okay.


Kim, what was it like seeing
someone with your face tattooed

- on their body in prison?

I was honored.

I was honored. It was cool.


♪ Tell me what you want now ♪

♪ Tell me what you need ♪

♪ I got the beat to move ya ♪

♪ So get up onto your feet ♪

♪ You got that boom boom boom ♪

KRIS: Hello.

- KHLOÉ: Hello.
- Where's Miss Truzzel?


So, what else is happening?

A lot and nothing all at the same time.

KRIS: After Khloé and I
went to my friend's farm,

I've been trying to figure out
what her next chapter might be.

She's so funny,
and so smart, and so articulate,

and she's so great with people.

And I thought, "Wow, you know what?

"I would love to listen
to Khloé's point of view

on so many different things."

I really feel strongly
that you should have a podcast,

which now everybody's
doing it from their house.

You could come over,

you could go to Kylie Cosmetics
down the street

and you could record there
once a week, whatever it took.

I think you would really be a person
I would listen to and you're my daughter.

But you have to weigh out
risk versus reward.

L-Let's just say I'm talking about Caitlyn

and I accidentally say Bruce for a second

and then I go, "Oh, Cait..."

You know, like, I would know
it was an innocent mistake.

- Right.
- It wouldn't be with malice intent.

That little thing that seems so innocent,

I could be annihilated for.

KRIS: I get Khloé's point
about the Kardashian name

because it does draw a lot of attention.

And if she says the wrong thing,
I understand where that fear is.

But fear is like fire.

It can either heat your home
or burn your house down.

It can go both ways.

I think she's gotta get over
this fear that she holds inside

and have the confidence
to be able to go out there into the world

and share what her special gift is.

You could do so many
great things on a podcast.

As I appreciate all of that

and I'm sure I'd be
good at a lotta things,

but I can't take on other
responsibilities like that.

Like, starting something completely new

because I don't have a team to lean on.

Like, I don't have a management team.

You are only there
until the contract is signed

and then you dissipate until
you wanna bring me a next contract,

which that's your choice.

You're in your 60s,

you've managed your ass off for all of us.

You've got us to all where we are.

I'm not complaining about that.

I'm just pointing it out.
I don't have a middleman to go to

to say, "I need help here, X, Y, and Z."

You have no idea how I don't sleep,

how I can't do

any of the things that I should be doing

because I'm trying to fix

the [BLEEP]-ups that have happened.

I understand that.

I look at the glass half-full,
I always have.

And so, I'm just here to say,

"Let's really look forward
and think about the positive."

But then if I go ahead
and I take on this podcast deal,

I'm... overwhelmed with work
that I'm doing all on my own

'cause I have no team, no support.

And so, before I take on another project,

I need to fix the 20
that are so [BLEEP] up.

And I don't know even how to do that.

And you don't know how to do that,

because if you did, it would've
been fixed by now and it's not.

I think one of my frustrations with you is

there's not a lot of follow-through

after something is done.

And this is me talking
to you as my manager.

When you are on your vacations,

when you're in other countries,
when you're at dinners, lunches,

ya know, you might be
on a yacht for two weeks,

which you should be.

You have an assistant that will say,

"We can't do this unless we talk to Kris."

And then when I get
ahold of you hours later,

that makes me boil
in whatever my issue is.

Her and I are very similar
in that we like to control things

and we like to do everything ourself.

And it's not a knock on her,
but there's no possible way

that she could do everything on her own

and have everyone feel
that they're equally taken care of.

When you wanna take on multiple clients,

you have to fulfill their multiple and
different needs.

You don't give enough to each one

'cause you physically can't.

That's not a fair statement.

I agree that i-it's very difficult for me

to be in two places at the same time.

- Right.
- I understand

- your frustration.
- Or six places.

However, we would build
a team with a company

who said they have
a complete production facility.

They completely build a team around you.

I don't trust that because I've never
had a team built

in one of the other jobs I've ever had

since I've been working for you.

Well, you and I disagree.

There's issues
that I have with my manager,

not my mom, my manager.


when I try to address those issues,

I get a lotta pushback.

And it's always, like,
either a guilt trip,

things that a mom would do.

And those lines get really blurred.
They're very gray.

No-Nowhere... Do I have one...

Do I have one person at Good American that
represents me?

Also, from my management side,

who can I call, besides you,

that can give me an answer
and help me immediately?

'Cause I've never...
I can't name one person.

I never feel like there's people
that are looking out for me.

I have to do it all on my own

in every single category and job I have.

If I go ahead and I take on
this podcast deal,

I don't have faith
that it's gonna go the way

you are so nonchalant,
like, "It's gonna be great."

You're disappointed in my,
you know, performance,

and I-I feel terrible about that.

I wanna find the thing
that makes you happy.

That's my job. You have a really

big following and a really big voice,

and I think you would be somebody

- that everybody...
- But it's not about...

...would wanna listen to.

- I... I think you're missing

- the whole...
- I'm not.

I get what you're saying.

- But...
- I think we just look at it differently.

I don't know one thing I said that was not

- exactly the way it is.
- I think we just look at it...

It... I'm not saying it wasn't.
I think your expectation...

- So, who-who am I... who can I go...
- Listen! I just said,

if you wanna do a podcast,
we'll build a team.

That's what I'm getting at.

And what I'm getting at is

I'm not gonna continue the conversation

and I'm not talking to this bullshit that
you keep trying...

- Okay.
- ...because I'm never [BLEEP] heard.

We put a Band-Aid over a b*llet hole.

- Oh, my God.
- And she likes to patronize me

and be like, "Oh, no, everything's fine.
We'll work on it."

It's all bullshit. I'm so turned off
from all of this.

You don't even understand
what I'm saying. Okay?

'Cause you're just somewhere else.
You're spiraling.

It's almost like
I'm trying to take my stance

and be like, "I'm not gonna
take on other jobs."

- Okay, okay, okay.
- The point is... Don't... No, no, no.

You're not gonna "okay" me.

Okay, I get the point.

I-I'm not gonna keep belaboring

this whole thing over and over again.

- I get the point.
- But we need to

if you haven't understood.

It's... I don't wanna cause more...

I don't wanna put salt

- in a wound right now.
- Right. But why...

But who cares about my wound?

I want your wounds to be
n-necessarily taken care of.

- But how are you doing so?
- But right now, let's just...

Calm down, Khloé.
You're just getting upset again

- and it's-its... you're... it's...
- Oh, and it's... [SCOFFS]

...festering into all
these other things that aren't...

It's just not healthy for you, babe.

- It's not healthy. You're so mad.
- Oh, yeah, so let's throw

a pod... let's throw a podcast into it.


I don't know if my mom fully understands
everything that's happening in my life.

I don't know. I don't have
a lot of expectations, I guess.

Without expectations, you don't get hurt
with anything.

Um, I think I've had so many
expectations for so many years

and they've always... fallen short,

and so it's just easier
to just not expect anything,

and then just be grateful
with what you get.

I don't know.

Maybe it's like a defense mechanism.

I have no idea. But it's just...
it's what serves me better.

My heart's in the right place.
I just want the best for you.

If you don't wanna do a podcast,
don't do a podcast.

If this isn't in your heart,
then you don't wanna do it.

I don't like to see Khloé upset.

I'm very solution-based,

so when I let somebody down,
or I disappoint anybody,

or make somebody
sad or mad, I wanna fix it.

And I want to find a way
to make Khloé happy.

I want you to do something
that's in your heart.

I don't have a lotta things
in my heart, in general, these days.

I understand.

KIM: Next on The Kardashians.

- Khloé's mad at me because...
- Why?

I haven't been paying
enough attention to her.

She thinks I can be
in four places at the same time.

Things haven't been
resolved with me and my mom.

We definitely need to talk things out.

- Ah. Hi, Howie.

- High five.

KRIS: According to my kids,

there's not enough of me to go around.

- Problem solved.
- Am I supposed to do something?


- Welcome home.
- Hi.

No, is she really talkin' to me?

Come on over here. Come to mama.

Chris Appleton has been doing
my hair for a really long time.

He's, like, my hair husband.

Today is the big day.

We are in Vegas
and we're about to get married.


Guys, I've never done this before

and I haven't even rehearsed.

I was rushing
and I forgot to invite Khloé.

What really stung
was that she went to Usher.


- ♪ Like woah ♪
- ♪ Like woah ♪

♪ Like woah ♪

♪ Like woah ♪

♪ Pop pop, beat don't stop ♪

♪ Let me see you pop and drop ♪

- ♪ Like woah ♪
- ♪ Like woah ♪

- ♪ Like woah ♪
- ♪ Like woah ♪

- ♪ Let's go ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ 'Cause I've been like that ♪

♪ Got no chill like that ♪

♪ Move on bad,
lemme show you how it's done ♪

♪ Bang bang, hit that frame,
let me see you do your thing ♪

- ♪ Like woah ♪
- ♪ Like woah ♪

- ♪ Like woah ♪
- ♪ Like woah ♪

♪ Pop pop, beat don't stop,
let me see you pop and drop ♪

- ♪ Like woah ♪
- ♪ Like woah ♪

- ♪ Like woah ♪
- ♪ Like woah ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

Guess who shows up? Little Miss Buzzkill.

Let's not talk about when
I came over on a Friday at 6:00 p.m.

and you [BLEEP] because I was
bothering your Dateline

on East Coast feed time.


So, you didn't wanna play

Simon Says then with your...

I had about nine of
your grandkids that day

and you were like...

The eyes that you gave me.

- Oh, I know what that means.
- Well... it was Dateline.


And it wasn't a rerun.