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03x09 - Feel, Deal, Heal

Posted: 12/08/23 07:41
by bunniefuu

KIM: Previously on The Kardashians.

Oh my god, Tristan called me today.

Where do you guys stand?

Like, is there a talks of chances?

No. No chances.

We've done this song and dance
a handful of times already.

I mean, there's still boundaries.

-I love you.
-I love you.

-Thank you for coming here with me.
-Yeah, I'm so excited.

We both love to be there for each other

and support each other as much as we can.

-Here's my husband.

KOURTNEY: We're just doing

-what we do best.

[CRYING] I'm having such a hard day today.

Kim has been through so much.

I'm heartbroken seeing
Kim in so much pain.

...get it together. I just can't.

KHLOÉ: When one sister is
having a tough time,

we are here for one another.

THRASHER: Let's make a hit.

You like the echo?
That's not an auto-tune.

-KIM: That's where my family comes in.

Without them,
I don't know what I would do.

You're under a lotta stress, Kim.

[CRYING] Like, when is
this ever gonna end?

Like, it never will.

And I'm stuck with this
for the rest of my life.

You did the only thing you could do.

You got a divorce.




KYLIE: Kourtney?!

Are you coming down?!


PERSON: Kylie, I even, uh...

What is it?

-KYLIE: It's not like a sex thing, right?

What, what would it be?

-Like, [BLEEP] my brain.
-I don't kn... I don't know.

Maybe you guys put it
in between each other

or something.

Kourtney asked me to do her glam today.

I am honored...

and we just get along really well.

I think I understand her,
she understands me,

and we have a special bond.

Her being the oldest sibling
and me being the youngest.

Thank you for hiring me today.

Khloé's gonna be like,
"What... are you doing?"

-Ooh, leopard queen.

-KOURTNEY: Look at that hair, Khloé.
-KYLIE: I love your hair.

-[BLEEP] yeah.
-...You look cute.

No, I'm... Look how streaky it is.

-I'm, like, hiding it.
-KYLIE: It's... Looks really cute.

KHLOÉ: Absolutely not.

KOURTNEY: I do think
you should be confident

even in your imperfections.

KHLOÉ: Okay.

KOURTNEY: I was just thinking about, like,

the... beauty standards
in the world today.

I just feel like we have huge influence,

and, like, what are
we doing with our... power?

I think I just see so many young girls

on the internet now, like, fully editing.

-Like, the editing and the... and it's...

I went through that stage, too,

and I feel like I'm in a better place,

but other people
can instill insecurities in you.

We all have our little things,

so it's normal to be insecure sometimes.

But I... always just remember being like

the most confident kid in the room.

I always loved myself.

I still love myself.

And, um, one of the biggest
misconceptions about me is that

I was like this insecure child,

and I got so much surgery

to change my whole face, which is false.

I've only gotten fillers, and I feel like

I don't want that
to be a part of my story.

I will always want everyone
to just love themselves.

KHLOÉ: That's how I accumulated

all of mine is from other people.

Mine are not self...

Trust me, I had the most confidence.

I was chubby and in a skintight
bodycon dress.

You couldn't tell me otherwise.
Society gave me insecurities.

I've been torn apart...
the minute that I've gone on TV,

that I didn't look like my sisters,

so, therefore, it's not good enough.

And then when I started
whatever, changing my look,

you... get better makeup,

you do fillers, you do
whatever, I had a nose job.

And there's still people
constantly bullying you.

It's like, "So, which one is it?

You didn't like me then,
you don't like me."

Like I... You have
to do things for yourself.

Also, I look back and you weren't chubby.

-Well, I was. I mean, it's fine.
-You weren't.

-You actually weren't.

This is chubs.

It's like I'm wearing a fat suit.

-Khloé, stop. Kylie.

We're still growing up
in front of the camera,

regardless of how old we are.

We're still growing and
evolving, and it's just unfair,

I think, to have so much
pressure put on... people.

I think we're all just trying
to do the best we can.

Who knows if I never heard
mom say, talk about my nose,

-if I would ever think
-Oh, s...

-I needed a nose job.

She... I definitely heard her

-talk about your nose.
-Isn't that interesting?

-Like, how...
-KHLOÉ: Yes. Mom talked

-about my nose all the time.
-you don't realize in... how you guys

always talked about my ears?

-I love...

But I talked about
your ears 'cause I love them.

But I didn't think...
I didn't receive it like that.

I received it as, like, everyone's making
fun of my ears,

-calling me Dopey.
-Did I?

Everyone pulled... "Oh, you little Dopey!"

Oh, as, like, a little kid.

-Yeah, we never...
-And I'm like that...

[BLEEP] me up.

Yeah, you never think about it.

I never thought about my ears.

-And then for, like...

five years I never wore an updo,

and then I had Stormi and she has my ears.

-And it made me

realize how much I love them

'cause I'm like, "Wow, if I'm insecure
about my ears,

-KHLOÉ: But they're cute.
-"and I'm like...

think my daughter's the
most beautiful thing ever."

-KYLIE: And I just like...

-Now I wear an updo every carpet.

We do live in a world that is
obsessed with perfection.

I think my mom always, like,

you know, had us, like, dressing alike,

and being really polished, and hair done,

and I think I'm just really conscious

with my own kids about giving them

the freedom to express themselves,

and not put so much pressure
on, like, perfectionism.

KHLOÉ: Like, I definitely don't want

our kids to have those insecurities,

but I do my best at home.

KOURTNEY: I think the messaging is like,

"You're good enough just the way you are."

You know? And, like... owning who you are.

Social media's been
really interesting for me.

My friend actually hit me today who's,

like, going through something,

and they're like,
"How do you stay so strong?"

And I think I've just heard every negative

possible thing and rumor
anyone could say about me.

The more it happens, I think you just

become stronger and more numb to it.

And yeah, I mean it can be a really dark,

dark place sometimes,

and... you also have to realize,

like, no matter what drama, like,

I'm going through on social media,

I have such a beautiful... personal life.

Like, I have the best kids,
I have really amazing friends

and family who know who I am.

So, you have all these people
that are so close to you

that understand exactly
what you're going through.

I think that that's a beautiful thing.

Thanks for this gorgeous glam.

-Yeah, you do look gorg.
-You look really gorg.

-You really do you.

-KYLIE: Mm-hm.
-I wish I had my hair done.

-This is just my sh...
-Your hair looks great.

my showered hair.

KHLOÉ: So, you just had

the Kylie Jenner doing your makeup?

You know I've been begging her
to do my makeup for years.

KYLIE: Yeah, I'll do your makeup.

I can't [BLEEP] wait.

-Love ya.
-Love you.

If this all, like, went away tomorrow,

I know that I have

real love...

to fall back on,

and that's all that really matters to me,

so... it becomes easier.


We are Pooshing our way through the day.

This is my Poosh event
for Poolside with Poosh.

-PRODUCER: Are you excited?
-I'm so excited.


-GUEST: Thank you.
-Doing a smoothie at Erewhon.

It's so good. I just tried it.

-Oh, you did?

It's so great.

I think it's a good vibe in here.

I think Kourtney has this

desire to do something
just all on her own.

Now she's really on this amazing path

in finding her passion in life,
and she's expanded her horizons.

It's just phenomenal to me.

Oh, you did?


I really feel supported

at our Poolside with Poosh event.

Atiana comes and Landon
brought his girlfriend, Charli.

It's good. Try it.

KOURTNEY: And all of my friends are here,

and it's just, like,
a really fun afternoon.

Hi, how are you?

So good to meet you in person.

KOURTNEY: Thank you.

Aw, thank you. Oh my gosh. Thank you.

One of my superfans, Zachary Spencer,

who I adore,
who creates the coolest content

is at our Poolside with Poosh event,

and I just feel so honored
that he flew all this way.

Was so special.

No way!



-Hi! Wait, did you move?

-To New York?

Oh my gosh!

-But I'm so out of the loop.

I literally never lea...
I, like, don't talk to anyone.

I don't leave the house.

-I'm, like, in a bubble and I, like...
-You're, like, amazing.

don't like to leave the Calabasas.

-GUEST: Honestly, I feel that.
-TIFFANY: But in a good way.

I'm just, like, doing living my life...

KOURTNEY: No, and I even, like,
with my family,

I'm, like, protect my energy,

and, like, just to then
now be like an adult,

and be like, "I'm married. Bye, everyone."

Like, it's so nice.

I feel like doing Poosh
and then building Lemme,

and wanting to have some distinction

from my sisters and my mom.

Like, we all work together.

Our lives are so intertwined.

I think for my soul,
like, I need my own thing,

like my own identity.

When I do have things
that feel like they're mine,

I think it feels more special

then having these successful moments.

Like, it makes it all the more worth it.

I'm gonna do that then for sure.



-Hey. How are you?
-KIM: Hey. Good, how are you?

-Good to see you.
-Good to see you.

This so fun for me.

God. There's so much to go through.

I love storage unit projects.

I love to go through,
I love to, like, organize.

Like, there's just no reason
we should own any of this stuff.

Like, I'm just so organized.

I have everything documented in an app.

Everything's photographed and labeled.

It should just be, like, iconic shit only.

I definitely have to clean it out because

I'm just, like,
a memory hoarder. The good.

So, these are all my Met looks.

The bad.

I saw Victoria Beckham wear them...

and it was to pay my rent or to get these,

and I got these and they're mortifying.

The disgusting.

Like, a real hazmat suit
when COVID was happening.

So, I'm gonna hold on to everything.

This. Prince kicked me off stage in it.

Jennifer Lawrence drew
that for me a long time ago.


KIM: This is Elizabeth Taylor's
first contract.

But, like, this is so cool.

This was the cover of the Yeezus album.

When I first started to get into storages,

I think Kanye had, like, 32 storage units

and I got them all down to three.

-Like, what are these?
-PERSON: Well, that's music equipment.

There's a lot of just stuff that

was, like, random samples and Yeezy stuff,

and I mean, I finally am,
like, getting rid of some of it

'cause I need to purge
and realize that even, like, for me,

a lot of these pieces don't mean anything.

But the ones that do...

I love them and I'll keep them.

Can you imagine, like,
North's Sweet 16 and,

like, the merch tables

of the stuff she wants to give away?

'Cause I know what things

have been worn
and what was, like, samples.

Like, you can see they...
were like, "Make it this short,

take it in, do that," you know?

So, I know that this was all samples.

Most of this can just be donated,

and then some stuff
just looks cool for me to keep.


Yeah, I'm at...
I'm really at peace with it.

There's so many amazing things

that came out of my marriage
and my divorce.

I mean, this is, like...
how I calm myself.

Look, it says, "For the new baby."

That was supposed to be for Psalm.

I've kept every single Yeezy.

For me, I think this is, like,

me holding on to the Kanye that I know,

and I'm definitely not
gonna cry off this makeup.

Gonna get it together... um.

No, it's okay. I feel like
I've cried enough over this, so.

I would never take back

any of the hard things

that have happened
or any of the hard times.

I love my life...

but it's time to do

something different,
and I just need to, like...

I need a, I need a minute.

Yeah, w-we can just,
like, start getting rid.

It's like... the memories.

It's sad. I think...

[SIGHS] Yeah.


Yeah. Or his clothes.

These are... it's like a mix
of his actual clothes.

Um, he just gave it to me...

and was like, "Here."

He just doesn't want it anymore.


I have, like, a really good
photographic memory.

Like, these were all dyed
samples just to see

what color Sunday Service merch should be.

This is, like, my time capsule
of, like... the best times.

Like, I know this, like...
these are Yeezy samples,

so I'm, like, tryna

keep some, but you can't keep it all.

So, that goes in the merch section

for the song All Day.

The reality is...
life is really different,

and when you know it
can never get back there,

that's what sucks and that's what's hard.

But my kids will have the best memories,

and this will be
the best tribute for them.

...will you put this on that last rack?

I put my dad's shirt there,
this is another one of my dad's.

I had the best dad in the entire world,

so I would never wanna take

that experience away from my kids.

Like, he tells me to burn his stuff.

He's like, "Who cares? Burn it."

I thought maybe the kids
would think it was so cool.

So, I kinda kept everything for the kids.

Like, all these College Dropout stuff.

I'm gonna take some for North.

Oh, this is sick. It says "Chicago"...

with Champion.

Don't you think Chi
would love that one day?

And this has a "P" for Psalm.

I'll take these with me.

There's so many amazing memories in here.

I'm so glad that I have the space

and the place to keep it all,

and it's so fun to go through,

but I also am, like, in this purging phase

where it's, like, good
to get rid of some things,

and time to make new memories.

Or I just have, like, the best
memories from this time,

trying to, like, let go of things.

Yeah. I think I'm trying to, um...

realize that I don't need it.

Like, it's so not who I am today.

I collect memories.


KHLOÉ: Kourtney and I are taking
a lie detector test

for Vanity Fair.

Hi, guys.

I don't think I have anything to hide.

I mean, I get nervous
even when I tell the truth.

I'm always nervous.

It's like when you get pulled over,

you don't do anything
and your heart rate's going.

I'm like, "Why am I freaking out?

What did I even do?"

-PERSON 1: Hello.

PERSON 2: But I can show you
where your room is.

-KOURTNEY: Perfect.
-Oh, hear her. The boss.

PERSON 2: Yeah, we're right over here.

-Hi. I love your purple outfit.

I looked, I had not one
piece of purple in my closet.

Kourtney has her passion project.

She's working, she's successful.

She is just in her own world,

but when I get her
in the right head space,

Kourt is so silly and can be so fun.

So, I'm happy to spend

some more one-on-one time with Kourt.


KOURTNEY: Whoa. This room looks scary.

Oh my god, I'm getting so nervous.

I'm like, "What would I lie about?"

Freaking out.

Are you ready?

-Sam, are you ready?

-SAM: I'm ready, yes. Thank you.


-Let's start with something easy.
-KHLOÉ: Oh my god.

KOURTNEY: Did you have a good time
at my wedding in Portofino?

-I did.
-Is that true, Sam?

-That's true.

Did you like my wedding dress?

It was fine.



Oh my gosh. Inconclusive.

I mean, it was beautiful.

I just would've loved to seen you...

that at the after-party
and then something prior.

Okay. Do you think
I changed my sense of style

-when I started dating Travis?

Do you like my style better now?

I don't know. It's not bad or good.

That's not a real answer.

Do you talk shit

about what I post on my Instagram?

-I'm sure. [LAUGHS]

Is there a family chat without me?

-Actually, no.
-Is that true, Sam?

She's telling the truth.

Do you think I'm the funniest person
in our family?


Do you prefer to hang out
with Kim more than me now?

I just feel like you're
in a different place.

Like, you don't...

You're not in the present moment
when you're with us.

Like, you don't care to be with us.

If we go back eight years,

there's no fun to be had with Kimberly,

and Kourt was just like
a YOLO-type of chick.

Now... things are different.
Kim... doesn't ask questions.

She like, "You wanna go? 'Kay, let's...

I'll bury a body with you."

Kourtney's like,

"Well, who are we burying and why?"

And now, we're worried like,
"Is Kourt gonna out us?"

You never know.

Is there anything you'd like to clear up?

Any rumors? Any... Um, oh!

-KHLOÉ: What?
-Are you sleeping with Tristan?

No, I am not. I'm really not.

Sam, is she telling the truth?

-She is.

-Ooh, switcheroo.

I have nothing to hide, Khloé.

KHLOÉ: [LAUGHS] We'll see about that.


What else do you keep in your safe?

Do you have sex toys in there?

-Anything you don't want your kids to see?

KHLOÉ: Does Travis have
a foot fetish for your feet?


-KHLOÉ: It's a yes or no answer, Kourtney.
-Yes, yes.

-KHLOÉ: Yes.

You and Travis attempted
to get married in Las Vegas.

-We did.
-KHLOÉ: Do you regret

-not inviting any of your siblings there?
-I do not.

Do you hate... any of your siblings?

Kourtney, do you hate...
any of your siblings?


SAM: She's telling the truth.

-Oh, bravo.
-KOURTNEY: Thank god.

Thank god. And on that note,

I really appreciate you...
giving me your honesty today.

-KOURTNEY: Thank you.
-PERSON: Thank you both.

-PERSON: Thank you so much.

KHLOÉ: Oh my god. Who knew?

-She said I'm funny.
-You are funny.

I feel like Khloé and I
are at a great place.

We just vibe on, like, our sense of humor.

KHLOÉ: The "funny, fat sister"
was always my tagline,

which is so mean how, like,

-that's how the world was.
-So mean.

We also, I think, brought out
the best in each other,

and had so much fun together.

I feel like we're so deeply
connected no matter what.

All right, I'm going to neurofeedback.

-I'm giving you my mic.
-Okay, I gotta go.

I got my own shit to do.


Alabama! We're twins.

Our outfits are the same.
Our hair's the same.

-I know.
-What is the saying?

-Like, she understood the assignment?

Tonight is Travis's birthday party.

Kourtney is surprising him
and having all of his

closest friends and family.

KHLOÉ: Yes! Everybody, hide.

Where the [BLEEP] is Kim?

The cameras have to hide.

ALL: Surprise! [CHEERING]


I do love giving someone a surprise.

I-I love giving gifts
and having it a surprise.

I have a really hard time with

Travis pulling off a surprise.

Oh my god.

No one.

Hell yeah, man.

KOURTNEY: The second he picked me up

and he was in his workout
clothes from that morning,

I knew that he had no idea.

And I even gave him opportunities like,

"Do you wanna stop
by the house and change?"

For his birthday,

I took Travis and all the kids
to Tennessee.

Landon wasn't able to make it on the trip.

He just felt really bad,

so he asked me

if we could throw Travis a surprise party.

Yeah, it's really sweet.

No, it was perfect.

-Happy birthday!
-TRAVIS: Thank you so much.

-She really surprised me. I had no idea.
-Oh my gosh.

I was like, "Don't you think
the balloons are gonna give it away?"

No. Honestly, I didn't, I didn't even...

I was, like, looking down
when we walked in.

-I had not a clue.
-Oh my gosh. That's so funny.

Travis is such a great part of our family,

and I'm so happy for him and Kourt.

They are still in this honeymoon phase

and I hope it never goes away.

But it's so beautiful to see.

KOURTNEY: Um, that is so fun, though.

-Hi. You made it. We literally just...
-KIM: Hi, yes.

-He was so surprised.
-He was?

I was like how is he not gonna
be surprised with all of, like, the...

That's what I thought. I was so...

-I thought he for sure knew.
-with all of the cars.

I'm gonna go say happy birthday to Travis.

-Happy birthday! Hi!
-TRAVIS: Oh my god.

Hi, Kim. Hi.

Happy birthday.

Thank you so much. I'm so glad you came.

I'm so happy to be here.

I know Kourtney and I
have been through a lot lately

and I just, no matter what,

like, I'd wanna be here
and support on a birthday.

That's just kinda what we do.

And we all love Travis.

-Do you want anything?
-You want a matcha margarita?

I don't know if I should
drink tequila ever again.

But, like, y'all sing
Holly Jolly Christmas.

-[SINGS] ♪ Happy birthday to ♪
-Aw, thank you.

-Oh, now Kim's a singer.

They, actually, are all, like, singers.

They all have, like, like, good pitch.

I was, I was doin' it all day.

-Just, like, writing all day.
-MACHINE g*n KELLY: Oh, you were?


-Yeah, I agree.
-Thank you. Thanks, guys.

I, I look like I'm going on a press tour.

I'm not interrupting [INAUDIBLE].

-I'll follow you.
-TRAVIS: The sisters?

-I don't wanna interrupt the sisters.

We're not interrupting the sisters.
We're just walkin' by.

-How are you?

Cheers. I love you.

-I love you. Happy birthday.

-Happy birthday, boy.
-Happy birthday.

Happy birthday to you, my friend.

Can't believe he really had no idea.



Yeah, it was so cool.

It's not scary?

TRAVIS: I like doin' everything
I'm afraid of.

-I love that.
-TRAVIS: It was good.

You guys want another shot,
I'll do another shot.


-GUEST: To Travis Barker.

-To Travis and his birthday
-Cheers, my baby. I love you.


♪ I'm b-a-c-k, back, baby, I'm back, baby,
I'm back ♪

♪ In my habitat ♪

KYLIE: Is this, like, new stuff
or just your clothes

that you haven't worn?

KIM: It's clothes I haven't worn.

It's like kinda...
I mean, it's new stuff that I

-KYLIE: That's fun!

You should wear all this stuff.

The storage facility
that I have, we just went.

And I didn't realize it was, like,

the day our divorce was final.

I was, like, cleaning it out.

Ugh. I get so emotional
or, like, sentimental, you know?

But it's, like, sometimes I'm like,

"Why do I hold on to this?"

Yeah. You're holding onto the,

the reality you thought
you were gonna live.

This whole fantasy that you
created in your head of, like,

what your marriage was gonna be like

-and it completely shifted...
-Yeah. Yeah.

to something you would've
never expected, obviously.

I don't know how Kim handles

everything with, um, her ex-husband.

It's just... it's impressive. It's amazing.

I give her so much props,

but also, I admire the, like, strength,

and the cool, and calmness
that she has with it

'cause I just could never,
I'd, like, be spiraling.

After all of the mean
things that he's done,

-the kids have no clue.
-KYLIE: Mm-hm.

They don't know a thing.

I think it's just who we are

and how we were raised as a family.

-We're all really forgiving and loving.

They... think their dad is,
like, the best thing,

and the most amazing thing,
and he's so great with them.

-Why would I take that away

from them because I'm angry?

I mean, granted I have
a lot to be angry at,

but like... they don't know that.

I still have a stocking,

you know, and North wanted to post,

like, all of our decorations,

and she posted the stocking
and I'm like, "Oh my god.

"People are gonna think...

I agree with his...

some of the things that he says"...

-Well, that's just silly stuff.
-'cause, you know?

A stocking,

a gingerbread, and if that
makes your kids happy,

especially North since she's the oldest...

-then like do it.

-You don't have to explain yourself.

You're doing it for your kids,

-and it's...
-I think people on the internet, too,

also forget that we're all, like,

human just trying to
figure everything out.

We're all havin' a human experience.

The most important thing
in this situation is, like,

safety and protection
for you and your kids.

And I, I don't mean
that necessarily physically.

I mean that like emotionally

-and mentally.
-KIM: Yeah.

And just, like...

I don't know, always doing

the right thing by you and having
that self-respect for you.

KYLIE: And I don't think you
should change

just because he is different, you know?

-I think that you should just continue

to be you and project positivity.

KIM: I don't wanna look at it negatively.

I'm not going to take every experience

and bad thing that happened to me

and carry that into my life.

What am I supposed
to be learning from this?

How is this gonna make me a better person?

And I definitely jumped
into another relationship so fast.

It got my mind away from, like, stuff,

and that's not a way
to, like, run from things.

-KYLIE: Uh-huh.
-It's better to, like, deal...


-That's a good one. Deal...
-KYLIE: Deal and heal.

-heal, and then...

Feel. Deal, heal, and feel.

Feel, deal, heal.

Kim is just my girl.

We've realized that we're actually twins

'cause we lived the same life.

It's very hard to explain
'cause I can't tell you guys everything,

but I don't know, we woke up one day

and we're like,
"Wow, we're the same person.

We should really just be best friends

and [BLEEP] these other sisters."


She actually just texted me.

Feel, deal, heal.

-We should all get tats, matching tats.
-Feel, deal, and heal.



MAKEUP ARTIST: You didn't do
the carpet, did you?

-MAKEUP ARTIST: Last year?

I don't do the carpets. [INAUDIBLE].

-We're gorgeous.
-Oh, duh. We're gorgeous.

Tonight is the People's Choice Awards.

We are nominated for Best Reality Show,

and then I am nominated
for Best Reality Star.

PERSON 1: Oh, yes! This dynamic duo.

PERSON 2: The dynasty, darling.

-PERSON 1: Hello. So pretty.


PERSON 3: Ooh! Go, True.

I love you, Mama.


-TRUE: No lipstick.
-Oh, no lipstick? Oh my gosh. Okay.

PERSON 4: Congratulations, Coco!

-KHLOÉ: Thank you!
-PERSON 4: Go k*ll it!

I'm super grateful,
but this one in particular,

just getting nominated means so much

because it's been, you know,
I've had a little tough year.

But that True is getting so tall.

I know. The baby's gonna be huge.

Wears, like, a size nine to 12 months

and he's four months.

Well, he's gorgeous,

so he can be all the

-big he wants to be.
-Oh, well, thank you.

-KRIS: Yeah.
-It's no bueno.

No bueno.

Good luck, everybody.

This will be really fun.


We're right next to each other.

KRIS: Did something pop?

-No, we're fine. I swear.

Did we fall apart?

-No, not yet.
-No, we're just adjusting.

Wait until midnight.

Your zipper pops, we'll grab a sweatshirt,

and put it around your waist.


My zipper won't zip up.

Like, the whole zipper broke open.

So, literally, I have
to be sewn into my outfit.

The kicker is,

and I cannot have a droplet of water

because if I do, I'm gonna have to
use the restroom,

and God forbid I do that

'cause I'd have to be
cut out of my clothes.

It's outrageous.


MALIKA HAQQ: No, it fell, but
you can't pad it anymore

'cause that's not really helping.

Not only do I have
a crazy wardrobe malfunction,

someone hugged me

and it pulled on my hair extension,

which prompted it
to fall in front of my face.

-I'm just mad about my hair.
-MALIKA: Let me fix it really quickly.

-We'll fix it. We'll come back.

This whole night is such a disaster.



Khloé, I think we need
you back in your seat

'cause they're about to call you.

BOTH: And the People's Choice
Award goes to

-The Kardashians!

PERSON: This is your award, Khloé.

You have to come now.

-You just won...
-Okay, great.


KRIS: I'm so excited to accept
the award for

Favorite Reality Show. It's huge.

And Khloé's nowhere to be found.


Oh my god.

ANNOUNCER: Khloé Kardashian
is also winning tonight

for the Reality Star of 2022.


MALIKA: She went to get her hair fixed.

Well, Khloé was sitting
next to me one second ago.

Oh, here she comes.



KHLOÉ: So, I run to the stage.

When I get to the stage,
I'm panting like a dog.

This is live TV. It's mortifying.


-Thank you.
-Oh, you're welcome.

Oh my gosh. Wow, you guys.
Okay. This is so amazing.

Mom, I'm so sorry. I'm out of breath.

-Well, where, where were you?

I was trying to fix my hair. Oh my god.

-A girl's gotta fix her hair.
-It looks fabulous. All right.

Guess what, you guys?

It's because of you, the fans,

that we're here tonight.


Thank you for keeping us around.

This award means so much to me.

I've won it about four
or five times before.

I think the first year I won,
I was like, "Oh, okay.

It's like a fluke or, like, whatever."

And I'm so grateful
if I won just one year,

but winning multiple,
you're like, "[BLEEP].

Like, okay. It's not a fluke.
Like, this was intentional."

I feel so connected
to the viewers of the show,

and so, it just feels so good
and I feel so honored.

Yes. That looks like a restroom.

Those things only happen
to Khloé, though. Only Khloé.

-I have my hair.

-KRIS: Oh my god.

-What happened?
-KHLOÉ: It's t*rture in there!

I try to be as vulnerable
and honest as possible.

I try to show that life
isn't always pretty at times,

and laughter is the best medicine.

And I also ended up in a porta-potty

with a handful of hair extensions.

I didn't even get the award.
They mail it to me later.

Oy, yoy, yoy, yoy.

KHLOÉ: Thank you! What a whirlwind.


Oh my god, if I get in this bed,

I'm gonna fall asleep. I'm so tired.


And after the chat with Kim, I made notes.


KOURTNEY: I really, you know,
took the time

to think about the conversation

and I just had so many thoughts
about it and

thought that we could go deeper.

KOURTNEY: I don't have the
energy to take my shoes off

and put them on again.


Can I take your shoes off you?

If you'd like.

I hear someone walkin'.

-KHLOÉ: Hey.
-Howdy, partners.

Hi. The gray sweatsuit crew.

I know. I just said, "Howdy, partner."

KHLOÉ: Kourtney wanted me here because

she's not always great at

articulating herself in the way
that she would want to.

But I get what Kourtney
tries to say a lot of the time,

so I think I'm just,
like, emotional support.

So, I thought that...

it would be nice to

talk once after our last chat

a while back now.

Like, you've been thinking about it?

-It's been a while.
-No, it's been a while.

-And I've been saying after our talk...

I think it was nice to let it settle,

but I think the point of this is just

caring about each other enough
to be concerned about our feelings.

-It's, like, I feel... I have notes.

My purpose in having this second talk,

and... even having the first talk,

and not just avoiding it,

is that I do want to have
a relationship with my sisters.

I want it to be a relationship
where we are cared about

and where our feelings matter.

And I just want a more
meaningful relationship.

This is about moving forward

and not thinking about, like, the past.

It's about, like, I don't feel
cared about when I'm overlooked

or, like, my feelings are overlooked.

I hear you. Family over everything.

I feel like you're so driven,

and I don't know if you
really understand what's driving you,

and if you don't understand
what's driving you, there's no...

you're not the master of your mind.

-KOURTNEY: And knowing what drives you

will lead you to your happiness and joy.

I just am content.

And I think being content is,
like, a really good place to be.

I've just never wanted
to depend on anyone else.

-Like, it's that simple.

-Well, you don't have to depend

on anyone else as of many years ago.

So, like, what continues to drive you?

A lot of the doubt, a lot of the hate,

a lot of people always being like,

you're, like, starting off as, like,

-a reality show person.
-Kim's a very competitive person,

-so someone saying...
-KOURTNEY: No. So, I think a lot of it...

-KIM: I'm so competitive.
-and I have this written down is, like,

it's so connected to what people think...

-and I think, like, your relationship

to yourself and those

close to you are, like, the most important

and much more important
than what people think.

I definitely love
to prove other people wrong.


for sure, the drive I have is like,

"Oh, okay, I wanna build
this really successful business.

"Oh, I wanna build another one.

"And, oh wait, I have another idea.

I'm gonna... Let's see
if I can do it three times."

Like, that's just who I am,
but it's only against myself.

I'm not saying, "Let me compete with you,
you, you, and you and see if I..."

It's, like, actually with myself.

I love my drive, and it always
keeps me humble and in check,

and I just love being busy.

I just try to do as much
as I can in this lifetime

that makes me feel fulfilled.

There's self-awareness,
which is, like, knowing yourself

and why you make certain choices.

I, like, love self-awareness,

-and I just love knowing myself.
-But I'm, I'm self-aware

that I'm competitive.
Like, I love that about me.

I think we're driven by different things.

-And that's okay. We're different people.
-And I... Totally.

I know for a fact that Kim loves Kourt.

We all love each other.

I think we all get hurt, sometimes,

in the sidelines of something

or we're all blinded by something else,

but we're never
gonna be that family that like,

"I haven't talked
to my sister in three years."

That's never gonna happen here.

But it's okay if you
wanna take a step back

and have a little distance, that's fine.

But you're not getting away from us, babe.

I don't know.

I'm not here to analyze you.
It's just about, like,

I think telling each other what
we need to, like, feel cared, cared about.

You guys are also like...

like, one of the most important things.

-That was it.

All right. I'm late for my thing.

-It's been real.
-What thing?

I have to go downtown...

to the City Hall

'cause Travis is filming
something and I'm going,

and then we're having dinner.

KIM: I really appreciate that I'm having
this conversation with Kourtney,

and I don't wanna fight with my sister.

I want her to be by my side.

Let's talk about it and let's move on.

All right. Bye, guys.

-KHLOÉ: Bye, Kourt.
-KOURTNEY: Bye, everyone.

How are you feeling?

-I feel fine.
-I mean, you both are

very different people and that's okay,

and I think you guys just

both have to accept

that it's okay that you guys
are in your own lanes.

I feel like I recognize
how she could feel.

I absolutely do.

And just have respect
for each other, I guess.

-Like, why can't we all have our own...

ways that we feel fulfilled?

Like, I need to recharge,
sometimes, by locking my doors

-and not talking to anyone.
-Ugh, I wish I could do that.

You can come over and do it.

KIM: Next on The Kardashians
season finale.

[GASPS] Oh, they're so cute.

I have this amazing vision in my head.

The toys are perfect.

The perfect gift to give my kids.

The inside of the houses, however.

This is a little messy.

-Yeah, this I don't like either.
-PERSON: Okay.

This is horrible.

We're getting, like, a ton of backlash.

A lot of it fell on me.

Boohoo approached me about being
their sustainability ambassador.

This is not, like, one person's problem.

I've officially started the process

of changing my son's name,
so I'm going to do.

I never called him Wolf ever.

Like, it wasn't even on the list.

It's been a rough week.

This was just a really, really
shocking way to start the new year.

All of a sudden,
you're stripped of the caretaker

that you had your whole life.

He was just, like, screaming on the phone

trying to tell me that she's gone.



♪ We, we got it, I'm so in charge ♪

♪ Get it on the downbeat, one, two three ♪

♪ Get it, got it, I agree ♪

♪ One look, it's hard to beat ♪

♪ Sweet like candy, I'm a treat ♪

♪ Eyes on the prize, shopping spree ♪

♪ I get what I want and need ♪

♪ Call it hot, that's just me ♪

♪ I know you like what you see ♪

♪ You want it, you, you, you got it ♪

♪ You, you, you need it ♪

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ We, we got it, I'm so in charge, yeah ♪

♪ We, we got it, I'm so in charge ♪

So, when I was chubbier,

so was my little Camille.

It's not just me.

Everyone has their camel toe moments.

I'm not, like, excited about this,

but what are you gonna do?

And so, I took my power back

and I named her Camille the camel

for the world to know

'cause no one's gonna [BLEEP] with me

and embarrass me about something

that I can't [BLEEP] control. 'Kay?

No, just Camille. CTC, cover the camel.

And we would say that to each other.

Like, if we saw each other
and there was paparazzi,

we would say, "CTC."

It was, like, our code word,
"Cover the [BLEEP] camel."

She was really popular for a while.

Little Camille problems.

Well, that's what...
who Camille is. She's shameless.
