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01x25 - Villains Be Illin/Waiter, There's a Fly in my Goop

Posted: 12/07/23 19:38
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR:Previously on The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle...

Our mighty moose helped his bestest bud achieve a lifelong dream

to become super action heroes!

Which they did when they saved

the world from a super gooped stress ball!

But also gettingsuper gooped-up powers wasthe super evil Fearless Leader.

Who, along withhis super-powered sidekicks...

had become the super evil...

Foursome of Fear!

Two against four?

Oh, baby. I do not like those odds!

How will Rocky and Bullwinklestop this super team of evil?

Let's find out in this next super episode!

We pick up our story at Buckingham Palace in London,

where the Queen of England was about to experience

a changing of the guard!

But uh-oh! Change of plans!

Cheerio, my dear Queen,

allow us to introduce ourselves.

We're the Fearless Foursome!


What do you ruffians want?

What any super bad guy wants

to take over the world.

And since we love crumpets, I thought

why not start with England?

Now, hand over the crown!

Oh, dear.

Well, in that case...

Come and get it!

She's got a battle throne!

Get that crown!

Cheerio, pip pip and all that.

Send in the funny hat guards!

So that's why their hats are so big!

Bormungus, catch!

Blueberry crumpet.

The crown, Your Majesty.

Fix this for me.


NARRATOR:No! The Fearless Foursome just took over jolly old England!

Let's hope our jolly good good guys can stop them!

BOTH: Oh, you know we can!

NARRATOR:Then again, maybe they can't.

♪ Here they come to save the world

♪ One's a moose and one's a squirrel

♪ Louder than lightning

♪ And brighter than thunder

♪ It's Amazamoose and Squirrel Wonder

♪ They save the day and save the night

♪ Save the mid-morning and even twilight

♪ Evil villains betterwatch your back

♪ These super good guys are on the attack

♪ They Pow! Zap! Bang! and drink their juice

♪ It's Squirrel Wonder and Amazamoose ♪

FEARLESS LEADER: You hear that, Director Peachfuzz?

Take one last look at the unstoppable Fearless Foursome

before we take over the world!

Okay, now take one more look.

Now let's do a silly one.

We have fun. We do have fun.

We have to stop 'em.

We can't! Cause there's four of them and there's only two of us!

And with no more goop...

we can't make any more super-powered good guys to help!

What if I told you there was another kind of goop...

that doesn't give super powers...

but takes them away?

This juice is terrible!

Seriously. Why'd we pick guava?

I'm sorry, please go on.

We have discovered an opposite dimension...

where you'll be able to find opposite goop...

that will take away Fearless Laser's powers.

It's awful! It's awful!

If the juice is terrible, why are you still drinking it?

I'm very thirsty!

And I forgot!

This juice is terrible! Where are we?

PEACHFUZZ: Gimme that juice!

Now I need you to go to opposite world and get that opposite goop

so we can stop the Fearless Foursome!

Okay. Well, how do we get to opposite world?

The S.H.H. hired a brilliant, mad scientist

that built a gateway to take you there.

BOTH: Wait, did you say mad scientist?

Hello, boys!

Did ya guys miss me?

Can you give us a minute to think about it?

What is this, guava?

NARRATOR: It's Doctor Lesso...

the bad mad scientist from Rocky and Bullwinkle's monster adventure!

And we did miss her!

And, not missing a beat

Peachfuzz raced our heroes and Doctor Lesso

to Pottsylvania to get the opposite goop!

But why are we going to Pottsylvania?

Simple, Rock.

Since the super goop was found in Pottsylvania

logic dictates that the opposite goop will be found in opposite Pottsylvania.

Exactly correct.

He was right?

We're still drinking this juice?

Stop drinking that juice!


It's time to fire up the, "Transport-Thing ."

Why do you call it that?

Because the other , transport things I built, all exploded.

Okay, in you go!

Now remember, this is an opposite world.

Things that appear dangerous may be nice.

Nice things may be dangerous.

And peanut butter may even taste like jelly.

This sounds kinda dangerous.

But with our super powers, there's nothing we can't handle!

DOCTOR LESSO: Oh, yeah...

since this is an opposite world with reverse mumbo jumbo

you won't have any super powers while you're there.

BOTH: Wait, what?

Have fun!

We don't wanna do this!

Okay, we just changed dimensions.

We're skinny and weak again.

Well, I'm skinny, you're weak.

And we've gotta find opposite goop.

But fun, right?

Everything's opposite!

Cats chase dogs.

Trees taste good.

And evil spies are coming right for us!

BOTH: Get them!

NARRATOR: And indeed it was Boris and Natasha...

but something was different about them in this opposite world.

Natasha, can I give you a lift?

Thank you, dahlink.

Thank you for stopping me, Natasha...

I almost flipped too far!

Of course, Boris.

I would never want you to look like a fool.

What's going on?

What's going on, moose and squirrel...

is that we're going to stop your super evil genius plans...

to take over the world!

What? We're not evil.

But we are geniuses.

Have you guys tried these trees?


Something's different about moose and squirrel.

Okay, Moose and Squirrel...

you're going to tell us what's going on here right now.

As soon as you're done chewing, of course.

We traveled here from another dimension

where we're the heroes and you're the evil spies.

Really? And people watch that show?

We're on a mission to save our world!

And we're looking for goop that takes away super powers.

That goop sounds exactly like super weakening goop

the bad guys in our world have been making...

And we're here to stop them!ROCKY: Wait.

If you're the good guys in this world...

then that means the bad guys must be

NARRATOR:In opposite world, Rocky and Bullwinkle are the villains!

Great evil job creating this goop that makes people weak, Evil Rocky.

And great evil job plotting to use this anti-goop on the world leaders

making them super weak,

so we can take over the world, Evil Bullwinkle.

More lightning! More!

Cool. And we'll goop them tomorrow

when they gather at the World's Fair

in the world's most famous city...

BOTH: Frostbite Falls!

Opposite world is so whack.

Up is down. Cold is hot. We're evil!

And check it. Here it's lefty tighty, righty loosey!

[ROCKY YELLING] Are you nuts?


Smokey Hokes!

Did you make evil clones of us, Evil Bullwinkle?

Not that I remember, Evil Rocky.

But we do a lot of evil stuff.

We're the nice versions of you from another dimension.

It's kinda like this place, except with yucky tasting trees and...

Grab the goop, squirrel!

Evil, get them!

Hit the down button!

Oh, yeah, down is up here.

You know you can fly, right?

Oh, yeah.

And so can Evil Rocky!

We're gonna evil take back that goop! Evil!

Yeah, you and what evil army?

Aw, crud.

We're going down!

Hey! It's nice moose and squirrel.

We really missed you guys.

And does someone need a hug?

Enough yapping, get to the gateway!

Someone definitely needs a hug.

They're coming! I'll turn on the gateway!

Wait a minute!

This is opposite world.

Which means if we want to power it on

logic dictates we need to press the Self-Destruct button.

Smooth move, Rocky.

What? This is your fault!

Well, this is opposite world, so it's your fault.

Yeah, I'm sorry, Rocky, but he's right.

Now how are we gonna get this goop back to our world?

EVIL ROCKY: You're not!

And now to take over Frostbite Falls!

And then evil take over the world! Evil!

More lightning!

NARRATOR:Smokey Hokes!

Will Evil Rocky and Bullwinkletake over opposite world?

Can Good Boris and Natasha helpRocky and Bullwinkle

get the anti-goop back and save regular world?

And what about regular world?

Maybe the self-destruct button was a bad idea.

What do we do now?

You get captured by the Fearless Foursome!

NARRATOR:Find out what happensnext after this"Opposite World Magic Break."

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.

Bullwinkle, this is opposite world.

Something totally messed up is gonna come out of that hat.

But we have to, Rock.

The good folks at home have tuned in to be entertained.

I can't look.

Nothing up my opposite sleeve.


Hey Rock! Look!

I guess in opposite world, your magic actually works!

And it worked again!

And again! And again.

Bullwinkle? I can't stop it!

This is it, Rock!

I hate this dimension!

NARRATOR: Those rabbits are adorable!

But in opposite world, shouldn't they be evil?

Let's get back to our show!

Where Rocky and Bullwinkleand Good Boris and Natasha

were surrounded by not-good henchmen!

Oh, no! We don't have the goop, we don't have the gateway.

We got nothing!

There's only one thing left for us to do.

Sing the happy hug song!

♪ Why use blasters when you can give a hug?♪ No

♪ Isn't that nicer you big old lug?

♪ We know you bad guys want to do us harm♪ Oh my

♪ But we know something better you can do with your arms

Spell it out for them, Boris!

♪ H

♪ U

♪ G

♪ Spells Hug! ♪

By the way, while we were hugging you, we hacked all your jet packs.

Wait, what?


Bye bye, dahlinks!

Wow! What a great song!

And these are pretty great hugs.

But we've gotta get that goop!

Yeah! Evil us are headed to opposite Frostbite Falls.

Our beloved hometown?

BOTH: Seriously?

We have to get there right away!But how?

During the hug song, we also swiped two jetpacks.

Doesn't that make it a stealing song?

And isn't stealing bad?

NATASHA AND BORIS: Opposite world, baby!

NARRATOR: Can't argue with that logic!

And so, our heroes headedfor opposite Frostbite Falls.

Where the opposite world leaders

were arriving for the opposite World's Fair.

And you can tell it's a World's Fair,

because there's a useless spacey tower thing.

But little did they know

the World's Fair hot dog standwas being run by

Evil Rocky and Evil Bullwinkle!

Now my sinister squirrel sidekick...

when the world leaders show up for hot dogs...

'Cause who doesn't like hot dogs.

We goop them with the weakening goop, rendering them powerless and weak.

You mean like this?

Out of my way, old weak man.

So weak.

And now, we are evil open for business!

And evil nothing can stop us!

NARRATOR: That's what you think, Evil Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Because arriving at the World's Fair were

our good heroes!

And good always wins over evil.

Dude, this is opposite world, we lose all the time.

Not helping!

Okay, Evil us has got to be around here somewhere.

We need to warn the mayor.

You mean Mayor Grundstrom?

No... I mean the mayor.

There he is!

Welcome to Frostbite Falls!

BOTH: Fearless Leader is the mayor?

No! Friendly Leader the mayor.

Who wants a hug?

Evil Moose and Squirrel!

Help! Help!

No, Friendly Leader. This is nice Moose and Squirrel.

They're from another dimension.

Hug time!

Enough with the hugs!

Evil Rocky and Evil Bullwinkle are here.

And we have to stop them from weak gooping the world leaders.

And then we need that weak goop to save our world.

Okay, new plan.

Good Rocky and Bullwinkle, you go search the food area.

Good Boris and Natasha, you search the fun ride area.

And I'll go check out the spacey needle area with Huggy Chicken.

Huggy Chicken?

No more hugs!

Are you sure they're the nice Rocky and Bullwinkle?

'Cause they seem kind of nasty.

Move out!

NARRATOR:And everyone took offin a desperate attemptto save the opposite world...

and the opposite world leaderswho had just finished ridingthe Ferris Square.

That was fun.

Who's hungry?

ALL: Yay!

What should we eat?

Deep Fried Chocolate Pretzel Hunks!

I want cheese fried butter!

How about a hot dog?

ALL: Yay!

Here they come.

And away we goop.

Four hot dogs please.

Sorry, we're all out of hot dogs.

But we have plenty of goop!

All right, then. Four goops please.


It took all my allowance money, but I finally won this giant bear!

That's great sport.

Ugh, it's the hug patrol again.

And Good Rocky and Good Bullwinkle!

Now give up evil doers.

Because the good guys always...

BOTH: Beat the bad guys!

BOTH: But you're in opposite world.

Run, nice moose and squirrel!

No! Don't run!

They split up!

Where are you, Good Rocky?

Come on out so I can goop you.

You'll never get away with this, Evil Rocky.

Evil won't I?

You missed.

Does somebody need a hug?

No hugs.

By the way, while I was hugging you, I took your goop.

You would never sh**t a defenseless squirrel.

'Cause you're too nice.

But I'm in opposite world.

Now to go help my friend.

Why did I come in here?

You're in my world now

you can't win!

Nice moose!

I couldn't find the leaders, so let's share a shaved ice!

Again, he seems kind of nasty.

Nice to know that even in this weirdo dimension

there's still regular old bumper cars.

You can say that again, Daddy-O.

Okay, let's do this.

So you wanna dance, nice moose?

Maybe later.

But first...

I want to drive bumper cars.

Looks like we've got ourselves a game of chicken!

Evil chicken!

Can you imagine an evil chicken?

Yeah! Yeah!

BOTH: The goop! It's mine!

Back off! You're never getting that goop!


Or I'll goop you up good.

Careful squirrel-o.

You wouldn't want to goop the wrong moose!

Which is that one. Goop him.

Goop me? Goop you! You're the evil Winkle!


Rocky, you can't believe this guy! Look at me.

I don't know who to believe...

but I have to goop one of you!

What's my favorite color?

All of them? Really?

Yep, it's all of them.

Rocky. It's me!

I know you better than anybody!

Your favorite food is acorn loaf with extra acorn butter.

You always wiggle your nose when you have to choose between two things.

And your birthday is November th.

You're % right, buddy.

Now goop that evil Winkle so we can go home and save our world

bestest buddy ever!


Rocky, how did you know that was Evil Bullwinkle?

'Cause you forget stuff all the times

especially my birthday.

Which is crazy 'cause we have the same birthday.

We do?

Arrest that weird deflated moose!

Wait, where's that evil squirrel?

I'm gonna just evil rest here, for a minute.

I guess they are nice after all!

BOTH: No more hugs!

Okay! We defeated the evil us and we got the opposite goop!

Yeah! Even though we can't get back to the real world

since the gateway was destroyed.

That's right!

We'll be stuck here forever!

Good, you got the goop.

We're gonna need it. It's a real mess back there.

Well, I guess this is goodbye.

We know you're not crazy about hugs, so...

This is me throwing up, let's go!

Are we back? Is this our world?

Only one way to find out.

We're back.

But how come Frostbite Falls is so dark and ominous?

Because that Fearless Laser guy took over the world.


Will our heroes be able to take back the world from Fearless Laser?

Or will the Fearsome Foursomeprove unstoppable?

FEARLESS LEADER: That's the one. That's the one I'd like to happen!

NARRATOR:Find out on our next exciting episode...

"I Want a New Hug!" or...

"Goop: There it is Two: Electric Goop-a-loo."