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11x13 - Unforeseen Future

Posted: 12/07/23 17:06
by bunniefuu
[Khloé] Previously on Keeping Up
with the Kardashians…

I got the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

[Khloé] Oh, my god.

Maybe we should come.

[Kendall] To have
my whole family sitting there,

it's a media frenzy.

I'm just trying to be professional

and not have to worry about anything else.

No. You can't. You can't come.

-Kendall is pissed.
-[Kylie] I've already been disinvited.

I'm going to therapy today with Scott,
at the rehab place.

I hate doing that kind of stuff.

I know nothing's gonna change overnight.

[Kourtney] Who knows
what next week will bring?

-[Kourtney] Happy birthday!
-[Kris] Incredible!

[Khloé] He's improving little by little,
and that's all that matters.

[Khloé] I have been asked
about Lamar 40 times.

It's hard, it's tough.

I feel like I need a glass of champagne.

Shut the [bleep] up.
Uncle Charlie, come here.

[Khloé] You're about to get
your panties moist, girl.

[guests exclaiming]

[bright music]

Alexa, who is Kourtney Kardashian?

[Alexa] Kourtney Mary Kardashian
is an American television personality…

-[Jonathan] Oh.
-…fashion designer

-and model.
-Oh, [bleep].

-Two snaps.
-[Jonathan] You're a model…


Alexa, what do you do
when your water breaks?

[Alexa] I didn't understand
the question I heard.

Well, then, you're [bleep] dumb.

-[Jonathan] Bitch!

[Kim] Alexa, how far away
is Cedars-Sinai from here?

[Alexa] It's 63.5 miles away
on N. Robertson Boulevard.

I used to hear stories all the time,
like, people couldn't make it,

so they'd give birth
on the front lawn of, like,

-some random person's house.
-I know.

I've heard all those stories, too.

[Jonathan] No, we have to time it.

Or she's gonna give birth in the car.

All right, let's go!
We kind of got to be in a rush.

-I got so scared.
-Yeah. I know, let's go.

-[Kim] We gotta go.
-We don't have time to chill like this,

you see? It's got to [bleep] happen.
Let's do this.

Come on, Kim. You're dripping.

-Shut up.
-[Jonathan] The water's about to go.

[Kim] I can't even begin to explain

the anxiety that you have
when you just don't know

when you're going to go into labor.

They always say your second baby
comes quicker,

so I just… I hope I make it there in time.

I just want to time it out,
like, from Calabasas

to the hospital.

The unknown just scares me.

-[tires screech]

-Don't drive that fast.

-Slip and slide all over here.
-[Jonathan] Don't worry.

[Kourtney laughs]
The hospital timing.

[upbeat music]

We're here.

-[Kim] Oh, [bleep].
-[Jonathan gasps]

-So that took 55… 56 minus 12.

-Hold on.
-56 minus 12 is 44.

That's about what I thought.

Forty four minutes from start to finish.

That's better than I expected.

I'm so [bleep] nauseous.

[Jonathan] Don't say it's because of me.

-No, it is.
-Are you serious?

I've never gotten carsick, ever.

I am the best driver, are you kidding?

[theme music]

[upbeat music]

Oh, my gosh. That was the best night ever.

-[Kourtney] Who came back here with you?
-[Khloé] I was by myself.

Jen and Mike put me in a car
and sent me home.

[Kourtney] We went to The Chateau.

-[Khloé] What?
-Yeah, me, Kim, Kanye,

-[Khloé] Are you kidding?

[Kourtney] Kanye played us
all of his new songs.

My favorite part was Khloé
kicking Charlie Wilson off the stage,

'cause she was over this [bleep].

Listen, Kanye said I was a great emcee
and, that's a compliment.

I definitely don't remember
a good 80 percent

of my mom's birthday.

I do know I looked really good
in my dress.

[Khloé] You've got to stop
posting these videos

I don't remember.

I needed to blow off some steam
and I just don't feel guilty

about getting that [bleep] up,

because I deserved
every glass of champagne.

[Jen] You were grabbing everyone's boobs

and hitting everyone in the d*ck.


-[Kourtney] Hitting everyone in the d*ck?
-I remember hitting everyone

-in the d*ck.
-[Jen] She hit Mike, like,

three times in the d*ck.

-[Khloé] But then I would say…
-Did you [bleep] him off after?

I did. But then I would…
I would pretend to hit him

and I'd go, "Gotcha that time, Mike."

Like, I would do it every time.

-So he never knew.
-[Jen] That was wild.

[Khloé] We have to shut this door
because I don't need The Today Show

hearing me saying
I hit people in the d*ck.

I'm, like, getting nervous
all of a sudden.

[Kourtney] Do you want me
to pre-interview them

about what you're gonna be?

-They're gonna…
-Apparently, I did one.

It's just, like, so serious, everything.

I have canceled a ton of my book tour

because I just don't feel comfortable

leaving LA at the moment,
because of Lamar's health.

But I am doing an interview
for The Today Show,

and I'm very blessed
that they are coming to my home.

[Jen] Did they give you
the questions beforehand or no?

No, but I could guess.

I know everyone is curious

and wanting to have answers to everything,

but the situation right now is
incredibly fragile

and, it goes up and down so quickly

and every day is different.

[Kourtney] Well, why don't you say,
"Can we, like, not be so serious?"

That's what you want me to say?

"Can we, like, not be so serious?"

Do you want me to run
in the background in my robe?

To liven things up?

[Khloé] No, I don't like that robe.

[Kourtney] I'll go borrow one of yours.

[Khloé laughing]
Yeah… can you change?

[upbeat music]

[photographer] Just like that. Perfect.

Might have you scooch in later. But, okay.

[Natalie] Love the cookie display.

-I would be eating those.

They… I have them all the time,
so they're not tempting to me.

But if I go to someone else's house
with, like, new treats, I get excited.

[Natalie] Yeah, all right. We ready, guys?

-[man 1] Uh… Yeah.
-[man 2] Good.

Khloé, there are lots of diet, self-help,

nutrition books on the market already,
written by celebrities.

Why did you think your transformation

and writing about it
was something that your fans

would want to know about?

For me,
it was really about just telling people

that it's not about one size fits all.

It's about being, I think,
starting with being happy from within.

This is a platform

where, even if I could help
better five people,

then that's what I think
I should be doing.


Moving on to the crisis
with Lamar recently…


[somber music]

There's so many things
going through my head,

and I am also nervous,
which I'm not used to nerves.

I have to think, like,
what would Lamar want right now?

What would he want me
to be saying to people?

What would he want me
to be telling the world?

So it's… it's hard, it's tough.

[Natalie] You really rushed right there

to be right by his side
and were there the whole time.

Yeah, no, I never left his side.
I never left the hospital room,

um, until we left to go to LA.

[Natalie] Were you worried
that he might die?


Knowing he's in a coma
and having to run these tests

or make medical decisions, I…

it's terrifying.

Having to make these executive decisions
is really hard, I think, on anybody.

So it was definitely…

probably one of the most…

emotionally stressful times
ever in my life.

[Natalie] How did you get
through that time?

[Khloé] I talked to my dad a lot.

I have, like, conversations with him.

People might think I'm crazy, but…

I love it. It gives me comfort.

But there was a time I didn't shower
for six or seven days,

and, like, the doctors were like,

"Okay, like, if we let your mom
in here and watch him

while he's sleeping, will you just
go take a shower downstairs?"

I was like, "Okay, sure."
So, I smelled that bad,

-I guess, they were forcing me to shower.
-[Natalie laughs]

[Khloé] I'm very open and honest,

but sometimes
I share too much information.

And this is a situation
I've never been in before.

It's sad and…

it's just a really weird,
overwhelming, like, feeling.

[Natalie] What has life,
in this past year,

taught you about yourself?

Well, it's taught me

you could never guess
what's gonna happen tomorrow.

[Khloé] And again, going back to,

you really need to live in the moment.

And I don't know how I would live my life

without my family.

It's… I… it's the best
support system in the world.

[upbeat music]

[seagulls squawking]

[Caitlyn] You know what I had today?

-[Kendall] What?
-I had this guy come out

to see what it's gonna take
to put in solar heating.

I don't want to waste all of my stuff,
so you put solar panels down here

and it heats all the water up.

Why is it cold?

Hey, not even close to what it's been.

Do you know how cold it's been out here?

-I know.
-For the last week?

-We can't even go outside.
-It's been colder than New York.

-[Caitlyn] Speaking of New York!


-Victoria's Secret.
-[Kendall] I know.

Well, first of all,
I have to say I was upset.

[Kendall] Why?

Because you said I couldn't come.

You know, I was gonna show up

-whether you said I couldn't come or not.

[Kendall] Last week, I walked
in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

It was something
that I've always dreamed of.

[Kendall] I originally didn't want
anyone in my family

to come to the show.

I didn't want it to be taken over
by a media frenzy with them,

but in the end,
my dad and my mom ended up coming,

and everything turned out amazing.

It was nothing personal.

But you have to realize
we take it personal.

I love when anybody,
but especially my kids,

fulfill their dreams.

-It was good. It was fun.
-[Caitlyn] Yeah.

Are you gonna do it again or not?
What do you think?

-Who knows?
-Who knows, huh? Who knows?

We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Yes, cross that bridge, absolutely.

But you did good. I was proud of you.

That was the worst high five ever.


[upbeat music]

[birds chirping]

I'm so annoyed at every last person.

[Kim] I've been cussing
everyone out all day.

[Kourtney] Why?

[Kim] Our move in date is now March.

Our lights came in,
and they were all the wrong lights,

so the whole house,
you can't put the floors

or the walls or anything
until the lights are done.

[line ringing]

Hey. You and I are having
an emergency meeting tomorrow.

-[contractor] Okay.
-[Kim] I told my mom to go look

at the house, and she, like,
looked at it and said,

"You're not moving in until next July."

I can't, like, I just…
I can't live like this.

I can't live in my mom's house anymore.

And if there's another team

that I have to hire to pay
to open up the walls,

we'll do that.

Just tell me who you think that is.

[contractor] The main problem is, Kim,
I could get 1,000 guys in there.

I just don't have the materials.
You know, I don't have the lights.

[Kim] But I specifically said
if the lighting will hold anything up,

we don't have to do it.

All right, let's talk,
see what you're willing to not do.

I'm gonna write everyone an email.

All right, let's move on and we'll talk
tomorrow and see what we can do.

Okay, bye.

My construction is delayed again.

I really, really, really
wanted to be in my house

when I have the baby.

It's just so overwhelming.

How should I start off this email?

-[Kim] This is beyond [bleep] up.
-[keyboard clacking]

And this is so not fair

to do to me and my family.

[lively music]

[dogs whining]

[Kourtney] I'm so glad I don't have pets.

I can't even tell you.

[whining continues]


You guys, I'm not into dogs.

[Kourtney] Literally.

I just found out that Khloé's doing a post

about me saying the word "literally."


I think from hanging out with you a lot,

I've been saying the word
more than I normally do,

which I normally say it a lot.

-[Kylie] Yeah.
-I feel like I'm saying it even more.

I say it a lot. It's just life.

So, I'm gonna go to Australia
with Kendall.


Because our clothing line is launching.

[Kourtney] Well, that's fun.

Yeah, it's pretty cool, but…

I am just kind of annoyed
with the Victoria's Secret situation.

-And how she didn't, like,

want us to come or whatever.

Everyone thinks I'm the jealous sister.

And I didn't show up
because I was so jealous.

Kendall didn't really want
anyone else to have attention

on the biggest night of her life,
which I totally understand,

but I feel like we're all, like,
kind of known for, like,

supporting each other.

But now I feel like it almost backfired,

and now it's like

more attention on me that I didn't go.

So, I just feel like people
are kind of blowing this up.

We should just support
each other and not wor…

Because if I… that was me,
I would say, "Yeah, sure, come."

I think you should talk to her for sure.

Maybe just say that your feelings are hurt

and that, like, you really wish
you could've been there to support her.

-[Kylie] Yeah.
-I mean, it's hard to not care.

But I feel like, you know,
just try your best.

[lively music]

[Jonathan] Hello.

-[Jonathan] Where have you been?

I have been a huge whale,
roaming around town.

-So, I went to the doctor today.

And the baby already is seven pounds,

which is, like, unheard of.
It's supposed to be four.

-Super baby?
-Like, really healthy.

Just, like, a big baby.

[Jonathan] Why is your house
not ready still?

What's going on? What are you gonna do?

What about the other house?

Why don't you guys move in there
temporarily, like, what's…

Like, we're gonna be showing the house,

so it's like, do we want that?

People in and out
while we're living there?

You can't be in your mom's
for, like, six more months.

-[Kim] I know.
-[Jonathan] That's crazy.

Our Bel Air house is done,
so I have the option to move into that.

This house was the reason
why we had to move into my mom's

the first time,
but I want to sell our Bel Air house.

So I, you know,
I want that to be available

for people to come look at it,

and with a new baby, I just don't know

if that's the best decision
to move into it.

[Jonathan] It's more convenient
for you, the kids.

Like, it's fine. And it's temporary.

The only thing is,
I never installed the closets.

Your clothes are in a garage right now.

[Jonathan] Who cares?

You have to understand,
another baby in that house,

it's gonna be crazy.

You need to make, like,
a hard decision on it,

and, like, do it.

[lively music]

[hostess] Welcome to Regatta, everyone.

Thank you for being here today

for the Kendall and Kylie
Collection at Forever New.

[hostess] Can you please
put your hands together

and welcome Kendall and Kylie Jenner.

[cheers and applause]

I'm in Australia with Kendall,
and our line has finally launched here,

so it's really exciting,
but I also do want to see Australia

and would love to explore it.

[reporter] Welcome to Australia.
It's an absolute pleasure to have you.

We're excited to be here.
It's my second time,

-her first time.
-My first time.

[reporter] Now, you guys did
a collaboration with Forever New,

and you guys designed the collection.

So, tell me about that process.

Yeah, I think that, uh, this collection

was kind of our first
more mature collection

than stuff we've done in the past, so…

I think it was something that we really
put a lot of effort into.

[Kylie] More mature, and, like, high end.

Now, I have to ask you
about your show last week.

I mean, you must have been so proud
of your sister doing…

-Yes. So proud of her.
-…the Victoria's Secret show.

Tell me how that whole experience was.

I mean, I've literally wanted to do it

since before I can remember,
and, like, my dad saw the show

and afterwards, like, made me cry,
because she was crying.

And it was just, like, an emotional thing,

but it was super exciting.

Now, you must be so proud,
and… but I hear that you got

banned from doing the show?

-Banned? No.
-From, going from…

-to the show with her?
-No, I didn't get banned.

I think she just felt the pressure.

So now it's like "I'm jealous of Kendall"
and "I'm banned from the VS Show."

And they're all lies,

and it's just not
something I want to deal with.

Well, thank you so much, ladies,
and enjoy your time in Australia.

We absolutely love having you here,
and, um, we'll see you soon.

-See you soon.
-Thank you.

[upbeat music]

Khloé, I was gonna call you
and talk to you last night about this.

-[Khloé] What is it?
-Your whole face has changed.


-Did you do any filler?
-[Kourtney] The craziest laugh.

-No, I asked her that. She said no.
-[Khloé] No! I haven't.

-You haven't done any Botox?


Khloé, your whole face changes
when you laugh.

It's like, I stare at you.

No, wait. But, you guys,

I think it's 'cause, like,
I'm forcing a fake laugh.

-No, 'cause you were so laughing…
-No, you really are laughing.

-…so hard.
-[Kim] You noticed it?

-[Kim] I thought she was on dr*gs. I…

-You think I'm on dr*gs?

Oh, my god, you're gonna die.

-[Kim] Look.

[Khloé] No, like… I'm, like,
freaking out right now.

No, it's, like, her whole gums and teeth.

[Khloé] I got to go. Bye.


[Kourtney] Oh, my god.

[Jonathan] How was your therapy?


-Intense. Mm-hmm.

[Kim] Wait, what therapy?

I had to go to therapy

-or I didn't have to.
-[Kim] With Scott?

-Yeah. Yesterday.
-[Kim] How'd it go?

[Kourtney] Good.

[Kim] So, if you, um,

-are going to therapy with him…

…does that mean you want to work it out?

[Kourtney] No.

[Kim] You just wanna, like, help him?

I want to have a relationship
with him for my whole life.

I have committed

to going to therapy with Scott
once a week.

You know, we do have three kids together,

and I think it's really important
to be friends, be there for each other.

What if he was like,
"I'm back, I'm normal. Oh, my god."

-[Kim] Would you take him back?
-He definitely gets ahead of himself.

He thinks he's, like, cured already?

I feel like he's always like that.

[Kourtney] I feel like there's no rush.

[Kim] Scott is getting out of rehab soon,

and of course,
we don't have a crystal ball to say

what's gonna happen when he comes back.

I just hope she's strong.

I hope she sees, like, the bigger picture

and she's not just gonna jump back
into a relationship with him.

I need to work on things
just to co-parent together.

[lively music]

[crowd clamoring]

[indistinct chatter]

[woman whispers]
You guys look so excited.

I know.

I'm just genuinely hurt,
and I feel a little neglected.

[Kylie] I wish Kendall would just speak up
about this Victoria's Secret show

and end all the rumors.

She's just really focusing on herself.

Kylie, answer the question.

I forgot it 'cause I was so mad.

[woman] Uh, could you describe
Kendall's style for me

-in a few words?

It's, like, simple and…

-[woman] Cool.

We have tons of press to do, and of course

Kylie is lagging and being snippy.

[Kendall] I don't even know
why she's acting like this.

She just needs to relax
and enjoy the trip.

[crowd clamoring]

Wait, Kylie, look around.
You have to look around.

Look how pretty it is.
Like, the sky is so blue.

Yeah, the sky is so blue.

[upbeat music]

[Jonathan] Oh, wow, you guys
really redid this place.

-Oh, no. We…
-This used to be like,

-a barnyard.
-We tore it down.

-This was a chicken coop…

…that you guys made into, like,

-a modern palace.
-It's, like, insane.

-[Jonathan] I love this. I wish…
-[Kim] This is

-the gorgeous counter.
-…I had this house. Amazing.

[Kim] You should've seen
the paint color they chose.

The whole house was painted periwinkle,

-and I was like--

-Pretty much.

Wow. People would k*ll for this.

People would sell their children
to live in a house like this.

[Jonathan] This is amazing.
Why wouldn't you want

to move in here for four months?

But then to furnish it all, and then…

You have furniture from your old house.

We do, but, like, will it all go?

-Yeah, for two months.
-But then…

No, it's not. It's till March now.

[Kim] Then what if it sells?
Then we have to move out right away.

I mean, don't have a baby over it.

The house is looking amazing,
but there's still so much

that we'd want to do to it

in order to get the house
ready to be sold,

and it just might be more hassle
than it's worth.

[Kim] I just don't think
it's an option anymore.

So, I… I don't see you moving in here.

[Jonathan] So what's the plan?

[Kim] Ugh, I just don't want
to have to live with my mom.

We've been living with my mom for, like…

it'll be a total of two years,

maybe two years and a month.

We're already at my mom's house,
so it's obviously easier to stay there,

but, you know,
my mom's house is really crazy.

[Kim] There's so many people in and out,

just so overwhelming.

It's too much to move in here
and figure it all out

-and, like, make it perfect.
-[Jonathan] My, my question is,

what if it's not March?

If it's, like, July,
Kanye might lose an arm.

He said, "I feel like a struggle rapper
living in my baby mama's mama's house."

[both] "Mama's mama's."


[upbeat music]

[Kylie] My face just feels
like a little robot.

So I was reading everything
on Twitter and stuff.

-About what?
-[Kylie] The VS show.

I have been a little passive-aggressive
towards Kendall.

She doesn't seem to be understanding
why I'm upset, but we just need to talk.

Everyone thinks…

that I'm the bad guy or I'm so jealous.
And everyone was like,

"You're so… you're such a jealous sister.
Like, how could you not go?"

And I know you don't want anybody there,

but it feels like,
it's like, turning on me.

But, like, it's not like that at all.

And who cares what people think?

[Kylie] It's just kind of hurtful,

because I wanted to be
at the show and support you.

It's a lot to have every single one
of you there for me.

It's just, like, an extra amount
of pressure and, like…

[Kendall] I'm really sorry
if your feelings were hurt.

It was kind of my night,
and I wanted to take it.


I told everyone not to come.

I didn't need all that pressure there.

Kylie respected what I asked of her.

But every day,

there's some false story about my family
that someone likes to make up.

They love to spin everything,

so, I can understand why it's frustrating.

Sometimes things get to me, too.

[Kendall] But you know I love you, boo.

-[Kylie] I love you.
-[Kendall] I love you, bitch.

[both] I'll never stop loving you, bitch.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Seriously,
my smile is so [bleep] up.

Watch this. Are you ready?

[Jonathan laughs]

[Khloé] How crazy?

It's like it only goes

-It's like this.

-[Khloé] Yes. It doesn't go up.
-It doesn't go up anymore.


[comical music]

-[Khloé] Wait, but seriously…
-What happened?

…like, do you think, like,
sucking d*ck could affect that?

-I'm not kidding.
-I have no idea,

but that's the craziest thing
I've ever heard,

'cause hookers don't have
smiles like that.

I think it's the stress from Lamar.
I'm not kidding.

So this was the day,
those, my photo sh**t before,

and this was after.

[Jonathan] I was very upset to see him.

Unbelievable that he looked that good.


your hair's long again?

-Kourtney, it's extensions.
-Oh, sorry.

[Kim] You know, you've been
in this game way too long.

Why do you think it's this fluffy?

It looks good though.
It doesn't look weird.

It's not, like,
"Wow, what's wrong with you?"

Yeah, so I'm, like, to the doctors,

"How are you gonna leave this person?"

Like, he's gonna leave there on the 24th,

so I'm going there tomorrow
to meet with, like,

four or five of his doctors
in the morning.

He needs to go to a home,
but where is that home?

On Monday, the doctors were like,

we'll need, like, home nursing
and blah, blah, blah.

Um, and they were asking me if I had
an elevator in my house or this,

and I'm like…

I mean, if you're responsible for him,

that's like… you're locked in for life.

Like, at your house, it's different.

The doctors told me
that Lamar could be going home

as early as two weeks.

We could be discharged
from the hospital and…

he would be going home,

but Lamar lives in Vegas,
and he needs fulltime care.

So, I just…

don't really know what to do.

[Khloé] I feel very overwhelmed.

Khloé, do not let them con you into it.

[pensive music]

[Kim sighs]
I just went to the doctor.

Someone help me take my boots off.

[Khloé] Mm-hmm.

[Kim] Whoa, look at that foot.

-Kourt, look at my feet.
-[Kourtney] It's very swollen.

Oh, my gosh.

I know.

[Kourtney] What does he say about that?

He said he thinks
it's the preeclampsia coming back.

But the baby's breech.

[Kim] My baby is breech.

The delivery is way more scary to me
because I have to get the baby turned

and in the right position.

Otherwise, there could be
some complications.

So, we basically have to get this baby
to term within the next week.

If it's stuck like this,
then I need to have a C-section.

I have a little bit
of high blood pressure,

and I have ur… protein in my urine,

which are both indications
of preeclampsia,

so I have to deliver before Thanksgiving,

November 23rd.


[Kourtney] There's so much
going on in our family.

Khloé is figuring out
everything going on with Lamar.

Scott is going to leave rehab.

And now, to find out
that the baby is breech.

It's, like, one thing after the other.

Two weeks. I can't deliver
any later, he said.

[upbeat music]

[Andy] Kendall, Kylie, thank you very much

for joining us and being on
The Hamish and Andy Show.

[Kendall] Yeah, of course.
Thanks for having us.

Um, a limited edition

Kendall + Kylie Collection
for Forever New.

Are there some bits that are Kylie
and some bits that are Kendall?

[Kendall] The cool part
about having two people

working on a clothing line is that…

you kind of get two opinions on it,

and, for the most part, we have the…
we do have the same taste.

I think we both really
like the same things.

[Hamish] Who gets the split vote
if you guys can't decide?

I'm, like, a sucker,
and I usually end up giving in

if she, like, really hates something,

I'll just be like,
"Ugh, fine, get rid of it."

[Hamish] Well, growing up, is there a lot

of clothes sharing
that goes on between sisters?

[Kylie] It's clothes stealing.

Yeah, with us two, we just love to fight,

so it's, like, a fighting thing,

and we just steal each other's
stuff and make it a big deal.

I think we're fighting right now.

-[Andy] Are you guys…
-I'm just kidding.

[Hamish] Damn it, I was gonna say,

-this is a lovely fight.

[overlapping chatter]

Even though Kendall and I
make each other mad sometimes,

she is still my sister,
and I love her to pieces.

[Kylie] Now we can finish our appearances

and go out and explore Australia.

[interviewer] How much of a strength, uh,

and support have you two been
for each other?

Because you…
you literally have grown up together

in this incredibly unique situation.

[Kendall] Um, I think it's…

It's really amazing,
and to have her do it with me,

it's, um, someone you can always lean on,

it's someone you can always talk to

if you're having,
like, some issue and, like,

figure it out together, so…

Like, I couldn't even imagine
doing all this without Kendall.

It's like having your best friend
with you all the time.

[Kendall] Sometimes I take
working with Kylie for granted.

In this world,
there's kind of a lot of people

telling you what to do,
what you shouldn't do,

who you should invite,
who you shouldn't invite.

And I can't let that get
in the way of me and my family.

[Kendall] It's really nice to have someone

that can understand
what you're going through.

[interviewer] Thank you very much
for your time, ladies.

-Thank you.
-[Kendall] Thank you for having us.

[woman] Up to the room,

she can go change. The turnaround's quick.

[indistinct chatter]

[fans cheering]

[crowd chanting]
Kendall, Kylie! Kendall, Kylie!

Kendall, Kylie! Kendall, Kylie!

I'm obsessed with Australia.
I can't wait to come back.

Well, I mean, absolutely awesome.

[fans cheering]

[lively music]

[Kourtney] What are you hungry for?

A donut.

Well, we don't have donuts here.

Go to Lovey's house.

-[Kourtney] No.

[Khloé] Can I have a hug, hello?

You know the rules. Out of being kind,

what do you do?

[Kourtney] What?

-Really appreciate that hug.
-[Kourtney] Give KoKo a hug.

[Mason] No.

[Kourtney] That's how we greet
our family members.

[Khloé] How do you greet
your family members? With hugs?

-[Penelope] Uh, yeah.
-[Khloé] Why do you like to say

"Uh, yeah" now?

The kids just called.
And Lamar just can't talk.

[Kourtney] Can't talk, like, on FaceTime?

[Khloé] No, like, no words
were coming out today.

It's like, the doctor was like,

"You can tell he wants to talk
but just can't come out."

Is that normal to get worse?

The doctor said they're "disappointed"

with the lack of growth that he's had.

-[Kourtney] Mm-hmm.
-[Penelope babbling]

Just really sad.
Let's call Mom one more time.

[line rings]

Hi, babe, what are you doing?

[Khloé] Hi, I'm here
with Kourtney and Penelope.


You said you were gonna see,

-like, some other…
-Go upstairs.

-…facilities for Lam.
-[Kourtney] Be right back.

Yeah, options that are in Westlake

and in Thousand Oaks.

[Khloé] There has to be a place closer.

I need to see him, like,

almost every day or every day, and if I--

-[Kris] Yeah, well, there's--
-I can't drive to San Diego.

I had a meeting
with all of Lamar's doctors,

and once Lamar is discharged,
he will go to,

like, a transition assisted living place,

because he's great one day,

and then tomorrow,
he will completely regress,

and it's my job to find the best therapy
that I can get my hands on.

I have a meeting tomorrow
with the head of UCLA.

So, tomorrow I'll have answers?

-I'm supposed to tour places this weekend.

I'm doing my best, I promise.

I love you, beautiful.

-Love you too, gorgeous.

[hopeful music]


[upbeat music]

I have, just, all my skin tags.
I got them burned off before,

-but they never came off.

[Kim] They're because
of my pregnancy hormones.

-[Larsa] Kim, they're not that bad.
-No, I know they're not that bad,

-but I just--
-[Larsa] But you want them gone?

Do they get stuck on your necklace? Like--

-[Larsa] No, 'cause… have you heard that?

-I've heard people that, like…
-[Kim] Ew.

-[Jonathan groans loudly]

-Are you serious?
-I'm serious.

If she doesn't get rid of them,
that's what's gonna happen.

They get bigger, and if they get bigger

as she's wearing a necklace,
it's gonna get hooked on her necklace.

That's so funny.

-We went out to dinner yesterday.
-[Kim] How was it?

-It was kind of…
-Kourtney is, like, on…

[Jonathan] It's a new Kourtney.

-I've never seen anything like it.

How is she gonna go back to,
like, fake married life?

-[Larsa] She's never gonna go--
-She's not,

I don't think she's gonna.

-Why's she in therapy with Scott then?
-'Cause she's helping him.

I think she's just, like, help…
It's the father of her children.

She broke it down, and she said

she doesn't know
what she's gonna do tomorrow,

but today, where she is now,
she wants him to get better for the kids.

-[Dr. Lancer] Knock, knock.

-[Dr. Lancer] Hello, how are you?
-[Kim] This is Jonathan. This is Larsa.

-Hi, I'm Lancer. Hi, hi.
-Hi. How are you?

My neck again.


Breathe, Kim.

Wait, what's that vag*na thing
you were telling me about?

We got to tell Larsa.

[Dr. Lancer] It takes about 45 minutes,
and it'll tighten the vaginal canal.

Look, maybe you should do it.

[Larsa] No, I'm not ready for it now.
I'm not spreading eagle right now…

-Why? Why?
-…not mentally. 'Cause it's…

They're sticking something in your vag*na,

-you've to be prepared for that.
-I never have

to be prepared for that.

-[Dr. Lancer] Good. That's it.

[lively music]

[Stephen] So, I'm gonna put
a plan together

for this breech birth.

You comfortable? Get your head there.

[Kim] Yeah.

[Stephen] So let's take this off.

-Hey, Kris.
-[Kris] Hey. How are you?

Good. So I assessed her legs and found out

that the sacrum is causing pressure
on the nervous system.

I hope you don't mind we turned this room

into a chiropractor's office.

[Stephen laughs]

The main thing that's happening is that
her spine is very compressed.

Right, 'cause, yeah.

-The head should be down.
-I think he's breech right now.

[Stephen] Right, he's breech now.

Kim is still trying to figure out
where she really wants to be living.

She's also just found out
that her baby is breech,

which puts more stress
on the whole situation.

It's a very dangerous thing potentially.

[Kris] All right, Kimmy.

[Kim] My bed is so high
that I have to do a full sit-up

every time I get up out of bed.

To pee, to move, to switch positions.

I get these awful cramps
every time I sit up.

I worry. I just…
you know, she's so pregnant,

there's a lot of issues
that she's dealing with,

and I don't want anything
to go wrong with her pregnancy.

I wish there was something I could do
to make it better for her.

[Stephen] The more distressed you are,

-the more it keeps it…

…locked in its position.

The baby wants to move,
it's just that all this tension…

You're stressed out.

So, I'm gonna need to see you in two days.

-Okay. Yeah.
-We'll figure it out. Yeah.

[lively music]

[Jeff] Let's just pull the rug.
A little more. That's good.

Kris, do you like this amount
of space over here now?

Yeah. And there's plenty
of room over here.

It's, like, perfect.

I really hate how stressed out
Kim's been living at my house lately,

and as a coincidence,

I was driving around town and saw a place

that magically was so familiar to me,

because Kim's grandparents
used to live there.

And I thought maybe this is a sign.

This is definitely
a different look for you.

[Jeff] I like it.

[Kris] I do, too.

Buying this piece of property
is probably one of the best things

I've ever done
and I feel so good about it.

[Kris] This way, I can be out of her way.

She can have her baby

and bring him home from the hospital

and be peaceful and have space.

And I think it will be
really good for both of us.

[Corey] It's time for something to eat.

[indistinct chatter]

Use my phone right here,
[bleep] up the couch.


[Jeff] Needs something up there.

Maybe if Karl Lagerfeld comes over,

-he'd just sign his name…
-In lipstick.


-In lipstick.
-I'd love that.

[upbeat music]

[assistant] You want to rub this
on your pants so it goes away?

Will it go away, though?

-[assistant] Yes.
-[Khloé] Oh, my god.

-[man] Are you ready?

Even though I've canceled
so much of my book press,

I'm still doing a few books signings,
so I am in San Diego right now.

[fans cheering]

[Khloé] Hi.


This is the farthest
I've been away from Lamar

since all of this stuff happened.

I wanted to go a little further
than just LA,

but still, I'm comfortable enough
that I can drive there

and drive right back in case
anything ever were to happen.

If my face starts doing something,
you got to tell me.

-[assistant] I know.
-[Khloé] Okay?

Or my tits come out, either one.

[crowd chanting] Khloé, Khloé!

Hi, honey.

I love your glasses. Love them.

-[Khloé] Thanks, gorg. Thank you.
-Thank you so much.

Hi. How handsome are you?

[Khloé] Oh, you are so cute.

No crying.

But you look… you have a pretty cry,

-so go ahead and cry.
-Oh. [chuckles]

-[man] How you doing?
-[Khloé] I'm great. How are you?

Pretty good. How my bro Lamar doing?

-Go ahead and turn around.
-He's good.

-Yeah, thank you for asking.
-He making a good recovery?

He is.

I have found a great facility for Lamar.

Still, there's a long way to go.

Slowly, but surely, right?


Yeah, thank you.

-[security] Next, please?
-[Khloé] I'm really committed

to Lamar's wellness first.

And of course,
I have to continue with my life

and find the balance
between Lamar and work.

I got to try to get everything back
to normal eventually.

[fans cheering]

[Khloé] Hi, guys.

[clamoring in excitement]

[upbeat music]

-[Khloé] Bye, you guys!
-[girl] Bye, Khloé!

We love you!

[lively music]

Hi, boo. Hi, you cute boy.

[Kourtney] He gives the best hugs.

[Kris] You give… give me a hug.

Oh, you are so huggable.

[Reign coos]

-[Kris] Is that your mom?


You gonna go give her a hug?

[Kourtney] Give me a hug.

Do you want Penelope's comb?


-[Scott] Ooh!
-[tense music]

[Kris] Scotty.

[Kourtney] Hi, Scott.

-I'm out.
-[Kris] Oh, my god!

You're out. Hi.

-Hi, how you doing?
-[Kris] I'm so happy to see you.


[Kourtney] Hi.

[Kris] Did you come from there,
straight here?

[Scott] Yeah.

What's your name?


Where's Mase?

[Kourtney] I saw him go that way.

[Scott] Marty?

Oh, I'm so glad you're back.

[Kris] Good to have you back, Scotty.

Seeing Scott, I mean, I don't know…

[Kourtney] I don't know.

I'm really proud of Scott, you know,

for being in rehab for 30 days.

Was this couch always this uncomfortable?

But he's just out. It's like
I don't know what's gonna go on.

I don't want to end up
in the same situation

that I just got out of.

[tense music]

-[Kris] Was it weird to leave?
-[Reign squeals]

-[Scott] A little bit.
-[Mason yells]

[Scott] Hey, buddy boy!

-My Marcel Marceau.
-[Kris chuckles]

-How you doing, pretty boy?
-[Mason] Good.

What's going on? Why you're so clean?

[Scott] I'm gonna find P.

Bye. Happy you're out.

Well, I'm gonna let you…

enjoy your kids and visit with Scott.

And I'm going to see you tomorrow.


[Kourtney] I just don't
really know how to be yet.

It just takes time to figure out, like,

how to be with each other
co-parenting our kids together.

I just don't think the 30 days is, like,

enough for me to,
like, trust the situation.

[lively music]

[Kris] Welcome to my new apartment.

For who?

For me, because we felt so bad

that you were so crazy

with all those people at the house that…

we got this.

And we're gonna leave you alone
in my house.

This is my new getaway.

-Are you insane?

My mom is, like, so crazy.

[Kim] I'm literally
four centimeters dilated

and the doctor's at the hospital
getting our room ready.

And she's, like,
trying to show me her place.

I realized that it was getting
a little crowded over at the house

and you were…

might not gonna leave for a long time.

I mean, the timing's a little off,

but I'm so grateful and thankful
that she got an amazing place,

so that we won't be
so on top of each other.

-Isn't it good?
-[Kim] Yeah.

And it's right above Nana's.

[Kim] That is crazy.

And the view, Kim, the street…

-[Kim] This is really cozy.
-…is so beautiful.

[Kim] My mom is so nice.

She, you know, has been
such a supportive person

when she knows that I'm stressed out.

[Kim] I am so grateful for her.

This rug looks so good.

Oh, wait. Mom,
my [bleep] water just broke.


-[Kim] In your new apartment.

Your water just broke?

[Kim] Okay, can I please
go to the bathroom?

Yes! This is epic.

[Kris] Oh, my god.

This is just spectacular.

Did your water really break?

[Kim] Seriously, Mom, I'm not kidding.

This is gonna be an amazing night.

[Kris] Let's go.