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11x04 - All Grown Up

Posted: 12/07/23 16:58
by bunniefuu
[lively music]

Do you know Kylie's
having an 18th birthday party

in two weeks with, like,

-I haven't been invited.
-[Kourtney] Me neither.

[Khloé] What a little [bleep] Kylie is.
I'm calling her now.

-[Kylie] Hello.

So I just heard you're throwing
a huge birthday bash?

-[Kylie] I am.
-And, Kourtney and I

have not been invited yet.
Is there a reason why?

[Kylie] No. I haven't told anybody.

I'm not gonna tell anybody until I for
sure know where I want it and everything.

Well, don't you want us to hold the date?

What if we're busy?

[Kylie] You're never gonna be busy
on my birthday.

[quirky music]

Wait. August 10th?
I'm already busy that day.

[Khloé] I have an event on August 10.

[Kylie] Where?

San Francisco.

[Kylie] Can you fly back
from San Francisco or something?

-If you beg me hard enough.
-[Kylie] What do you want me to do?

[Khloé] Who would you want
to come the most

out of all your sisters?

[Kylie] Probably Khloé.

Yeah. Okay, I'll cancel
my San Francisco appearance.

-[Kylie cheers]
-Did you really have one?

Wait. Should I cancel my London,
um, my London appearance?

You don't have a London appearance.

[both laugh]

[theme music]

[lively music]

-[drill whirring]
-[Kim] So this is it.

[Jonathan] Oh, they've really demolished.

-Holy [bleep].
-[Kim] Yeah.

And then, we built that thing
at the end to put art.

[Jonathan] I can't believe
you guys moved fully in,

and now this is happening.

[Kim] It's pretty crazy.

When are you supposed to move in?

[Kim] December.

[Kim] We're remodeling our house.

There's still so much
that we'd want to do to it

to make it perfect.

[Kim] This is what the kitchen
will kind of look like.

[Jonathan] This is sick.

[Kim] We're hoping that it would
be ready before the baby's born.

So I hope that everything sticks
according to plan.

I just cannot wait to get out of my mom's.
It's been great.

But they are just so loud.
Like, they don't even--

I know, but it's their house. It's not--
You can't control it

when you're used to being
a certain level in your house.

I love my mom, and she's so gracious
to let us live there.

But last time we remodeled our house,

you know, we definitely
had our differences.

[Kim] This one has a lock on it.

First, let's start out by saying
this is my closet.

-And that was my drawer.
-[Kim] And then…

I think you really think that,
that this is your house.

I cannot stay there
for a long period of time.

So I just hope that we can make it
a really easy,

pleasant experience.

It's just really hard with, like, a baby,
and, like, they just don't…

-[Jonathan] You know this already.
-…have any consideration.

[Jonathan] You know this.

You've put yourself back into the oven.
Like, it's crazy.

Crazy, crazy, crazy.

[lively music]

[Kim] I'm 25 pounds up on the scale today.

Aah. And I'm only halfway there.
Last time, I gained 50.

But I delivered six weeks early.

And they say you gain the most at the end.

Yeah, you do.

-If you were full term--
-I probably would have gained 70.

You have to remember
that you're making another human being.

And that you, you were able
to really get in

the best shape of your life
after your baby.

-Yeah. No, I know. I'm not worried.
-[Kris] And you'll do it again.

-I'm not worried about after.
-[Kris] Yeah.

I'm just thinking about number three.

-Like, if I have three--
-Number three?

Then that's where I think
your body really starts to slip.

Whoa. Can we just slow down
and have number two?

-I know.
-[Kris sighs]

I heard that, uh,

-Caitlyn is very upset.
-[Kim] Why?

That she wasn't invited to the graduation.

[tense music]

First of all, it was a surprise graduation
for the girls.

And, yes, their dad
probably should have been there,

when I think about it in hindsight.

But it wasn't malicious.

And I didn't mean
to hurt anybody's feelings.

Also, you guys have separate lives now
and that's okay.

[Kim] Yeah.

[Kris] I feel really bad that

Caitlyn wasn't invited
to the graduation party.

Let's talk about the graduation.
Are you inviting Caitlyn?

I don't think I'm ready.
I haven't even met her yet.

To be honest, I'm scared to death.

I understand why she would be upset,

but on the other hand,
it's such a sensitive subject,

and it's something that really needs
to be done in private.

I mean, I'm just, like,
I haven't even met her yet.

I don't know if I could handle it.

I need to do it on my own terms.

We've felt like he's had such
crazy feelings towards you

in the things that he's said.

I know. I don't know how he thinks
that it's--

[Kim] So why would he want to come?

I kind of think sometimes,

she thinks that
Bruce Jenner said those things.

And, Bruce Jenner did
the Vanity Fair article.

Well, now that he's Caitlyn,

he still has to take responsibility

for what Bruce Jenner said, kind of.
You know, like…

like, he really hurt my feelings.

Why am I supposed to be so forgiving
when we haven't even discussed it since?

-[Kris] You know?

-[Kim] You don't have to cry now.
-I know, I'm just thinking about it.

-[Kim] She's not even here.
-It breaks my heart. I know.

It just scares me a little.

-[Kim] I know but it's time.
-Yes, but it does. It's like I just… I…

I don't know. It's hard.

[lively music]

[Caitlyn] Did you see
my Guinness Book of World Records?

[Kylie] Mm-hmm.

That's The Guinness Book of World Records…


Officially sent me The Fastest Ever
to a million followers on Twitter.

And I did beat out,
in the Teen Choice Awards,

Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry,
Taylor Swift, and everything,

for Social Media Queen.

I need to be on my phone.

Oh, my God, you're a changed woman.

[Caitlyn laughs]
That's true.

But, for me,
it's a great way to communicate

a lot of the things I'm trying to do.

-Can I post this?
-[Caitlyn] Uh, sure.

Let's get to the important stuff.

What about your birthday?

Want to have your friends over here
for a party?

I mean, I can throw something here.

Come on, this is a great party house.

[Kylie] I've been thinking about it.

I was just gonna do
something with my friends.

I just really don't want to deal
with the drama.

Yeah, but it's 18.

Yeah, but…

-[Caitlyn] You got to do something.
-Between you and Mom.

Me and Mom, what? We're fine.

You guys haven't even met.

I want both my parents
at my birthday party.

[Kylie] But I know that my mom and my dad

are both struggling
with their relationship.

So, I just don't really want to deal
with the Mom-Dad drama.

You're 18. You can make up
your own decision

about what you want to do.

Don't have your mom
talk you into something.

-[Kylie] No.
-[Caitlyn] Okay?

I'm not talking to either of you guys.

Uh, by the way, I have you a prezy.

I… I only have a couple of these,
and I'm gonna give one to you.

-Are you ready?
-[Kylie] Mm-hmm.

[Caitlyn] Can you handle this?

[Kylie chuckles]

-[Kylie] Stop.
-[Caitlyn] What do you think?

My picture's all over them,

and, of course, we do have the bottoms.

This is way too inappropriate
for me to wear.

[Caitlyn] I totally agree.

[Kylie] I have my dad on my underwear?

[Caitlyn] Okay, well,
I can give them to somebody else.

-[Caitlyn] Why don't… uh…

-I want them.
-Oh, of course you want them.


[lively music]

[Jonathan] Kris?

[Kris] Hey, Jonathan. Whoo.

-What's up?

Taking care of the women,
man and the kids.

-That's about it.
-You guys look cozy.

-Welcome to the playhouse.
-Chilling. We just…

I just got back from Italy,
so I didn't get my sneakers.

They're at my house waiting for me.

-[Corey] You're missing out.

-Look at.
-A little bit, yeah.

-I'll have them tomorrow night.
-We got our Yeezys.

-[Jonathan] Ooh, those are nice.
-[Kris] We're excited.

-Yo, what up?
-[Corey] How was the vacay, man?

-[Kris] Oh, my God.
-This house is so much quieter

without Kylie, though. This is weird.

You don't have, like,

No, I just have Kim, Kanye, North…

-the nanny, the house butler…
-[Jonathan] Right, but you know them all.

-…the chef…
-[Jonathan] With Kylie, you have

-37 people, you didn't know.
-…the trainer.

I feel like--
Did you ever see Dr. Zhivago?

No, not this again.

-Dr. Zhivago?
-[laughs] Wait.

She tricked me and took me on this trip,

and she wanted to stay home
and watch Dr. Zhivago.

-What the [bleep]? That's crazy.

-You guys, stop. Shh.
-[Kris] Stop. What?

[Jonathan] I'm telling-- What?

-[Kris] What?
-'Cause North is taking a nap.

This is nap time, prime time.

-Seriously, it's so rude.
-You're not serious?

-She can't hear us.
-Yeah, I am.

She's taking a nap,
and her room is right there.

-Yes, she can.
-[Jonathan] Yeah, her room is…

-Oh, she wasn't upstairs?
-[Corey] Yeah.

[Jonathan] Oh, you're not
in the little room anymore?

No, they took over three
or four bedrooms this time.

[Jonathan] Oh. And you're complaining?

[Kim] And then she yells at me
in my own bathroom

and tells me, like, what to do and--

[Jonathan] You knew
this was gonna happen, though.

-You allowed this.
-No, but I said to her…

-I said, I just--
-[Jonathan] She's the boss.

-[Jonathan] Oh, sorry. Sorry.

-I know. We can't even, like--
-Stop. Have some respect.

I'll literally kick you out of here.

[Kim] I love Jonathan.

I love that he's, like,
hanging out with my mom,

but I have a baby in this house.

I need no one to wake her,
and they have got to shut up.

Seriously, keep it down.

What the [bleep] is wrong with her?

[lively music]

[trainer] Before we get started,
we're gonna just show you,

like, some of the basic moves
that you'll be doing

throughout the whole class.

So, if you're at the bar,
or if you're seated,

something we talk about a lot
in Pure Barre is a tuck.

It's basically tightening
the base of your seat

and your low abs,

but you never want to arch your back.

It's gonna be hard, but it's--
Take it at your own pace.

Bend your knees, sink that seat down
towards knee level.

Keep that tailbone nice and heavy.

-We're just gonna start with--
-I need a glass of wine.


[Kim] Hi, guys. Hi, Heather.

-Are you doing pregnant ballet?

No, we're doing Pure Barre,
a good workout.

Pure Barre?

[Kim] Do you think I want anyone
to see me going into,

like, classes looking like a huge cow?

I want to see you lift your leg.

Um, okay, well,

I'm having some people over
for dinner in, like, an hour.

Are you gonna be wrapped up by then, or…

If I can get through it all.


[Kris] I think it's great

that Kim's working out
and staying healthy.

But I think it would be nice
if she gave me a little heads up,

considering it's my house.

-[woman] Oh, yummy.
-[Heather] So,

-they all moved back?
-[Kris] All of them.

[Heather] But why couldn't
they just go to another house?

-[woman] Why would you?
-She has a house.

She has her house in Bel Air.

And then she bought this house
and redid it,

and then, she redid it again. And so--

[Heather] And, Kanye just,
like, loves being here?

Yes. They both do.

They're never gonna leave.
I get yelled at in my own house.

"Mom, you're making too much noise."
"Mom, you're too busy."

-Oh, wow.
-[Kris] I like to do things my way,

so I like to set my music
and have my candles

and lay out my stuff.

And I don't want to have ballet class
in the middle of it.

I mean, is that wrong?

I love my kids.

And I think it's really nice

that they still want to come
and even live with me.

[Kris] But sometimes, Kim, I think,
just takes it for granted.

She needs to remember
that I live here too.

Sooner or later, we're gonna have
to establish some boundaries.

[Heather] Khloé just bought
the house in Tarzana.

-And you said--
-Thank you.

"I'm glad she bought the house in Tarzana,

but I think she's gonna regret
not buying in Hidden Hills."

And, Kim goes, "Oh, my God, Mom,
enough with the Hidden Hills.

Not everybody on Earth
wants to live in the Hidden Hills.

She doesn't want to live in Hidden Hills,
that's why I lived in Beverly Hills,

because I don't want to live
in Hidden Hills."

And then she goes and buys
a Hidden Hills house,

and then moves in with you
to Hidden Hills.


-Oh, she isn't going anywhere, honey.
-[woman] Yeah.

She'll be building
on that piece of property.

But she'll go, "Oh, I think I'll change

the toilet paper holder.
Can I move back in with you?"

I mean, that's how I feel
that's going on over there.

[lively music]

[Kris] This is supposed to be
a really bad rainy season.

-Like, crazy.
-[Kylie] I'm excited.

-Are you excited?

-For the winter and winter clothes?
-[Kris] Yeah.

And fireplaces and hot chocolate.

What do you want to do for your birthday,
you want to celebrate and do a party?

It's a big birthday.

We could do a family dinner if you want.

Why are you so funky?

Well, between you and Caitlyn,
it's just like,

I don't know, you guys are weird.

[somber music]

And then I'm not gonna not invite my dad
and invite my mom,

or vice versa.

I don't think you have to worry
about that.

I think you have to let adults
go through their thing.

And we'll figure it out.

[Kris] To hear that Kylie
has anxiety over her dad and I,

it breaks my heart.

Especially at her birthday.

So I think I have to be
strong enough to create

a great relationship with Caitlyn,

because my kids' feelings
are more important

than my own right now.

Nothing will take the shine away
from you at your birthday.

We're not that selfish.

[lively music]

[line ringing]

-[Kris] Hey.
-[Caitlyn] Hey.

Well, I just realized
I still have your name as, um…

"Bruce" in my phone.

It's "Cait."

-[Caitlyn] How are you doing?
-I'm okay.

[Caitlyn] When are we gonna get together?

[Kris] Well, you have to come over
for a glass of wine one evening.

[Caitlyn] I could come over there
or you could come over here,

I've got your wine here.

Now that I know how Kylie really feels,

I think the most important thing
that we can do right now

is make sure that her dad and I get along

so that the kids, especially Kylie,

never has to worry about
something like this again.

Do you… do you want to join us?

We're gonna have a little dinner at Nobu

to kind of kick off Kylie's birthday.

She just wants to have
a little family dinner,

just her siblings and me and then you.

And, um, that's it.

[Caitlyn] Okay.

[Kris] This definitely makes me nervous.

But sooner or later
I'm gonna have to meet Caitlyn.

And right now, I think
the time needs to be sooner.

I just think that we have
to find a way to just…

be together as a family
when we have special occasions.

And I think that Kylie's birthday
would be a really good place to start.

[Caitlyn] Yeah, I agree.


-[Caitlyn] We agree on something.


[lively music]

-[Kris] Hi, sweetie.
-[Kim] Hi.

How long have you had these allergies?

This morning.

[Kris] I feel like
you didn't have them, though,

when we were doing Glam.

Yeah, I did.

Oh, she can't take none of that stuff
because of the baby.

I know, but it's so annoying.

[Kris] Oh, so I forgot to tell you,

I'm having Faye's wedding at…
in my backyard.


[Kris] I'm sorry.

You were the one who wanted to move in.

-You can just go to Kourtney's--
-How torturous.

With your driveway like that?

-How can you--
-It'll be done.

So we have to live together
for quite a few more months.

And we have to make it work cohesively,
do you know what that means?

-With happiness.
-I'm not an idiot, Yeah, I do.

[upbeat music]

We have to minimize
the amount of human beings

in my bathroom every morning.

[Kris] I think it's time to just

maybe review some of the ground rules.

Mi casa es su casa, Kim. But…

there are definitely some boundaries.

So what else do you think would help?

[Kim] I got to figure out
where the nursery will be,

because I'll definitely have the baby
at your house.

What, you need another room?

-[Kim] What do you want me to do?
-[Kris] Can't the baby sleep in your room?

Well, I mean…

Are you asking me?

[Corey] The red room

-should be the nursery.
-[Kim] Yeah.

[Corey] Clean that closet out.

How come everyone else dictates
what I do with my closets?

Do you know I haven't had
my closets to myself

in, like, three years?

You guys know that, right?

Like, I don't even know where my stuff is.

If you gave me a million dollars
to find something,

I probably couldn't.

I think you just got to get rid
of some [bleep].

This lunch was supposed to be
about establishing boundaries.

-And every time I--
-[Kim] It's just a boundary.

I'll take the small room.

Why do I have boundaries? It's my house.

-We have to work together.
-We are.

[Kris] Okay.

I'm not taking Kendall's room,
because that's your closet room.

[upbeat music]

[lively music]

[man] Kourtney, hey, Kourtney, over here.

[camera shutters clicking]

[man] Hey, Kim.

You guys, they have watermelon lemonade.

Oh, my God.

The pasta mama is really good.

But I don't want to entice you
to get a pasta.

-That sounds amazing.
-[Kourtney] It is so good.

So, um, how is everything?

-[Khloé] Like, with Lamar?
-[Kourtney] Mm-hmm.

[Khloé] Um, I still very much love Lamar,

but I need to move forward.

[somber music sting]


I feel like that's a big step, though.

[Khloé] Mm-hmm.

[Khloé] I don't think
you really ever have peace

from walking away
from any situation that you wish,

you know, ended up differently.

Do I know for a fact
that I've done every single thing

that I could to try to save
that marriage, 100 percent?

You've told him,
like, come fix this marriage.

But I don't think he understands,
and that's what's so hard.

Then I wonder, like, so what
have I been fighting for?

I think filing for the divorce
is the worst thing in the world.

It's the worst feeling.
You feel like you're hurting everybody.

But I need to live my life
the best that I know how

and do what I feel is best.

[lively music]

-[Kris] Khloé?
-[Khloé] Mm-hmm.

[Kris] How did you injure yourself,
by working out?

Yes, it's really hard to get in shape.

You're like…

-I can hear your bones, like, creaking.
-[Khloé] I know.

And popping.

So I have to cancel
my workouts all this week

because of scheduling.

Khloé no likey that.

What happened with these divorce papers
on Friday?

[dramatic music]

It takes a long time for things
to go through the system

and to get in the judge's hands.

I told Laura, "Let's, like, tell the judge
we need to speed this along.

I'm not gonna do this forever."

[Kris] I think of all the relationships

that I've had the privilege
of being around,

the one that I thought
would be forever tried and true

was Khloé and Lamar.

And it breaks my heart
to see all of this go on.

Khloé, I love you.

I just want you to be okay.

[lively music]

[Kendall] How the hell do you wear these?

I don't know.

[Kendall] So why would you buy them?
This is so pointless

if you don't know
how you're gonna wear it.

[Kylie] I know.

So, Mom invited Caitlyn to the dinner.

They're both gonna be there and I'm…

-I've never seen them…

interact together.

-It's gonna be weird.
-I know.

[Kylie] I want both my parents
at my birthday dinner.

But I'm also a little nervous

because this is the first time
I'm gonna see

my mom and my dad together.

I just hope that we can
make it through the night

without any family drama.

I think it's our job
to not make it awkward.

[clicks tongue]
Well, duh.

I need to find an outfit
for Bootsy Bellows and Nobu.

[Kendall] Bootsy, I picked out my outfit.

I didn't tell Dad
about Bootsy Bellows, though.

I don't think I'm gonna invite Mom or Dad

because, I don't know,
it's just stressing me out.

[Kendall] You should.

It's just nice to know, like…

I'd want that peace of mind,
like, oh, I was invited.

[Kylie] I don't know,
it's just stressing me out.

Do you have to take a [bleep]?

You're making a face
like you have to take a [bleep].

-[Kylie] No.
-[Kendall] Yeah.


[Kylie] You're so mean.

Do you remember
when we were younger, growing up,

we both knew when each other,
like, had take a [bleep].

That's why I know
you have to take a [bleep] right now.

-And you totally lie.
-I don't, I swear to God.

-If I had to… I'm not.
-[Kendall] No.

I'm not five again,
like, I would handle my business.

[both laugh]

[lively music]

[Kris] Hey, guys.

-[Kourtney] Hi.
-[Reign squeals]

Is it sunny in here?

No, I'm just too lazy
to take my sunglasses off.

[Kim] Would you like me
to take them off for you?


[Kourtney] You didn't hear back
from Scott, right?


[Kourtney] He said
he was gonna come over last night,

but then he didn't.

Do you think you'll ever get back
with Scott?

I don't know.

I don't think so.

Do you miss him?

I mean, yeah, it's hard to,
like, I don't know, just…

Especially, I feel, like, on the weekend,

just to, like, do stuff as a family.

But I think that his life, I just…

there's, like, so far
that he would have to go

and, like, so much work to do and…

-[Kim] Yeah.
-[Kris] Yeah.

Can I tell you what happened to me

[Kim and Kourtney] Hmm?

[Kris] I looked down at my phone

and it was ringing and it said,
FaceTime Audio.

It was Lamar.

And he must have butt-dialed me
and it went on FaceTime Audio.

Oh, what was he saying?

[Kris] He was just telling
somebody what to pack

or put in his bag.

And he was preparing
a little mini wardrobe together.

He's texted me a few times recently.

What is he texting you about?

You know, he talks about

realizing past mistakes
and wanting a fresh start.

But realizing them after the fact
that Khloé filed for divorce

and after the fact that she's moved on?

She's so focused on moving forward

and leaving the past behind,

and then when I tell her
that he's trying to reach out,

she waited for two years
for him to reach out,

and now he's reaching out?

[Kim] Isn't that always how life happens?

[Kris] Yeah. It's so sad for me.

It's almost like it pains me
to tell her that he texts me.

Because it breaks my heart.

It's, like, she was in so much pain
for so long

and would have given anything for that.

[Kim] Yeah.

[lively music]

[Kim] You're wearing your ring? So lame.

It was my 20-year anniversary present.

Excited? Nervous?

-What's your vibe?
-A little bit nervous.

But I feel like at the end of it,

I'll be really glad that I finally…

met Caitlyn.

[tense music]

[Kris] Now that Caitlyn is coming
to the birthday dinner,

I really feel like
I should go over and meet her,

privately, in person,

before I have to do that
in front of the kids

because that would be really awkward.

I'm really grateful for Kim being here,

because it prevents me from turning around

or not going up to the front door.

I just need some closure
on a couple things,

especially the Vanity Fair article.

I want to get to a place
where it just doesn't bother me,

and there's not this tension
and it's, like, their side against us.

I want…

her to know that she's…

you know, been very hurtful.

[dramatic music]

In order for us to move on,
if she wants to be invited to stuff…

just be a decent human being, you know?

-[Kim] Yeah.
-…be a nice person.

[Kim] This is closure for you.

I think it's, like, a lot of things,
what you need to do today.

[clicks tongue]
But I can't lie,

I'm a little bit nervous.

[Kris] Bruce was super stubborn.

But who knows, maybe Caitlyn's
gonna be a little different.

Well, we are here.

[upbeat music]

-[Caitlyn] Look who's here.
-Hello. Oh, my goodness.

Look at you. Nice shoes.

-[Caitlyn] Do you like those?

-How are you?
-[Caitlyn] Oh, well, I'm fine.

-How are you?
-[Kris] I'm good.

-I brought you some cookies.
-[Caitlyn] Thank you.

Where do you want to go?

-[Caitlyn] Sit down here.

[slow tense music]

[Kris] Just that first…

look at Caitlyn

is so surreal.

And I feel like it'll take me a second
to get my bearings.

But I've got to hand it to her,
she looks great.


enough of the small talk.
How are you doing?

[Kris] I'm good.

I'm really good. Just working.

Well, I haven't heard from you in forever.

I just felt thrown under the bridge.

I felt like you were so excited
to be going through

this exciting time in your life,
but I feel like…

I didn't want to communicate with you
and be angry and be…

-And be--
-What would you be angry for?

It doesn't even matter anymore
what I think.

-Yes, it does.
-[Kris] No.

Because it affects the kids.

[Kris] One of the reasons
I wanted to talk to you

was because I don't want
your feelings to be hurt,

like when I heard that you weren't happy

about not being included
in Kylie's graduation.

[Caitlyn] It wasn't me
making that decision,

it was you making that decision.

[tense music]

I was so disappointed in everybody.

For 15 years of my life,
I carpooled kids every day.

Some days I would spend
three or four hours a day in the car.

A slap in the face

when you don't even get invited
to their graduation.

That's exactly how I felt
with the Vanity Fair article

-because I--
-[Caitlyn] Okay. It's not--

Spent 25 years of my life

-and 18 hours a day and blah, blah, blah.
-Vanity Fair was months ago.

We're talking about what happened
just a few days ago.

Listen, usually people that get a divorce
don't do everything together.

It wasn't malicious.

It didn't intend to hurt
anybody's feelings.

But my feelings still weren't healed.

And I thought, wow, this is the guy that…

When I, you know…

[Kris sniffles]

[stutters] I told myself
I don't even want to cry.

But it just… just hurt my feelings.

What did you say? I…

I mistreated you.

It was, like, mistreated you?

-Yeah, we fought like cats and dogs…
-[Caitlyn] For last couple of years.

…for the last couple of years.

But that's not what you say
in a Vanity Fair article.

And it just k*lled me.

Because it wasn't true.
And that… that's just

you know, it was, like, what happened to…

just the life we had together?

It's like you don't--
You just threw that away.

I don't want anybody to feel bad.

I thought I was very kind and nice to you.

-I didn't say anything that was bad.
-[Kris] Yeah.

[Kris sniffles]

Never texted me, never said anything,
never called.

I almost did, and then
the Vanity Fair article,

like, literally k*lled me.

[tense music]

You're sensitive and amazing
to all these new people in your life.

You're just not so sensitive and amazing
to this side of the family

-that you left behind.
-[Caitlyn] Oh.

A phone call would have been great.

[tense music continues]

[Kris] I was hoping for the best,

but nothing really has changed.

I don't think I've ever met anyone

as stubborn as Bruce Jenner…

…until I met Caitlyn.

[Kris] My feelings don't matter anymore.

-It's not--
-[Caitlyn] Oh, don't play the martyr.

-[Kris] No, I'm not. I just don't.
-[Caitlyn] Don't play the martyr.

You don't feel, "Oh, poor Kris,
my feelings don't matter anymore."

-[Kris] I'm not "Oh, poor Kris."
-That's BS.

Like, I'm trying to be understanding

of the way that you feel

and the way that you've made
this huge change in your life.

And I try to understand you
and be accepting.

But you just are more stubborn,

and won't try to see
my point of view in that,

you know, why that was hurtful.

[Caitlyn] I totally disagree with that.

Some days are just… hard.

And I know you say
you haven't gone anywhere,

and you're still the same person,

but sometimes, they just miss having…

Bruce around.

We all do.

[clears throat]

How do we move forward from this point?

[tense music]

You know, obviously, it's really important
for the kids to have you

as a big part of their life.

We just have to get used
to our new normal.

I just want to get to a place

where it's comfortable for us…

…to share celebrations together.

[Kris] I think that it might take
some time

for Caitlyn and I to see eye-to-eye

and understand each other's feelings.

But I think that this is
a really good first step

in the right direction

just to a better relationship
for the sake of the kids.

[Kris chuckles]

Oh, my God, you want to take a selfie?

Come on.

-Where's the best light?
-Right here.

Hey, there we go.

Now, what are you gonna do
with this selfie?


[both laughing]

[Kris] Okay.

[Caitlyn] You got lipstick
all over your cheek.

-It's all right.
-[Caitlyn laughs]

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Hey, P.

-No naps today, guys?
-[Penelope] No.

[Kim in sing-songy voice]
No naps today?

-I'm gonna go in the kitchen.

[Kim] You want some granola?

[Kourtney] You want some string cheese?

[Penelope] No.

[Kim] You want to go with P
and get a snacky?


[Kourtney] Um…

You never told me about Mom
meeting Caitlyn

for the first time. She just…

-I had to leave before.
-…that, "I'm heading back--"

Oh, why?

[Kim] Just because I had to work.

So I was like, "I'll drive you there."
She was so nervous.

[tense music]

We should call her.

I'm really anxious to see
how everything went

and, you know, how my mom felt about,

you know, seeing Caitlyn
face-to-face for the first time.

[line ringing]

[Kris] Hello?

[Kim] Hey.

[Kris] Hey.

[Kim] What happened with, um,
your talk with Caitlyn?

Like, how did it go?

[Kris] Oh.

Well, she did not have
one ounce of empathy

for my feelings.

Listen, I know
you're very excited and happy

about your transition,
and we're happy for you.

But you just have to give it a minute
and not take it so personally.

[Kim] From my mom's tone,

it doesn't really sound like
they found the common ground

that they were really looking for.

I mean, I just hope that
with Kylie's birthday coming up

that they're gonna be cordial
with each other,

because, you know,
it's about Kylie, not them,

and I hope they can just
put their differences aside.

[Kris] Well…

I'm trying to move on.

I want her to be happy.
And she seems really happy.

Guess what. It's not your problem anymore.

[Kris] I know, but when you really spend

that much time and energy on someone

for your whole life, you know…

Well, now you can get taken care of
and you don't have to deal.

[Kris] Yeah. So anyway,
now you're downloaded.

[Kourtney] That was riveting.

[Kris] All right, guys, I love you.

Okay, love you. Bye.

[Kris] Bye.

[lively music]

[Kris] Oh, if it isn't the birthday girl.

-Happy birthday.

-I love you.
-[Kris] You look beautiful.

-I love it.

-You're such a little cutie.
-Like, it's so cute.

[Kris] Do you want…

Where do you want to put
Kourtney and Khloé?

I'll sit over here.

Should we have Caitlyn and Kris
next to each other?

[Kris] Let's see.


I'll sit here.


Caitlyn should sit over there.

I'll sit here.

And then Kourtney and Khloé.

Okay, hold on.

[camera shutter clicks]

[Kim] Thank you.


[Khloé] Happy almost birthday,
my little munchy mix.

[Kim] You guys, Bruce was always on time,
and Caitlyn is late.

She's probably working
on her hair and her look.

[tense music]

Can I get one more of these?

[Kylie] I cannot believe
my mom is acting like this.

This is exactly what I wanted to avoid

with inviting both of my parents.

What time is it?

[suspenseful music]

Can I ask you guys a question?

Who is an hour late?

Kim, this is not even
fashionably late anymore.

-[Kim] She's arrived.
-[Khloé] There you are.

-I'm back.
-[Kendall] Why were you so late?

-That is not like you.

-I know. I'm so sorry.
-[Kim] Bruce was never late.

-I know. Sorry.
-[Kim] Is Caitlyn more late?

Yes, exactly right. That's it.

-[Kim] You look so nice.
-[Caitlyn] Well, thank you.

-[Kylie] You do look really, really nice.
-Thank you.

Well, I got to look good for my girl.

[tense music]

I want a selfie with the both of you.

Come on, yeah. Where's Kanye?

[Kim] He's at the studio right now.

Oh. Working away?

[Kim] Yeah.

Ooh, does that look good.

[indistinct chatter]

Where did you get those earrings?

-[Kris] Mine?

Kim got them for me when she--

-[Caitlyn] That was a million years ago?

[Caitlyn] I didn't know
if they were new or not.

They look great.

-Kris, Chuck Burtzloff.
-Is he out there?

What'd he say?

[Caitlyn] Obviously,
he hasn't met Caitlyn.

He comes out of the bathroom
and there I am standing there.

-[Kendall] What bathroom do you use?
-[Kim] Yeah, what bathroom do you use?

[upbeat music]

-Well, I ain't going in the guys' room.
-[Kylie] What?

-I never thought about that.
-So do you go in the chicks' bathroom?

Of course. He's--
She's wearing a Tom Ford dress.

[Kim] Do you want to open
a birthday present?

-[Kim] Okay, let's start.

[all gasping]

Ooh. So cute.

Don't copy every pose I'm doing.
Stick with the one pose I gave you.

[Kylie squeals]

[Kim] Here, Mom, come here.

[Khloé] Oh, my God, that's so cute.

-[Kim] Hold on. I want to get Mom.
-That is so cute.

-It's so good.
-[Kylie] I love it.

[indistinct chatter]

-One happy family.
-Yeah. Oh, hi.

[Kim] What should I say
with the two parents?

-The parent trap?
-[Kris laughs]

-[Caitlyn] I like that. Yeah.
-[Kris] Yeah, it's funny.

So cute.

I would like to just have a toast
to my little daughter.

You're number ten.

Kind of sad to see my last one
become an adult,

but I've been very proud of you.

-And I love you…
-I love you.

-…and happy birthday.
-Thank you.

-[all] Happy birthday.
-[Caitlyn] Happy birthday, baby.

-[all whooping]

[Khloé] Make your wish.

Yes, Kylie, yes. Slay, Mother, slay.


[Caitlyn, high-pitched]
It's Kylie's birthday.


[high-pitched laughter]

[bleep] you.

[all laughing]

[Kris] Good job, everybody.

I love you, guys.

Wait, do you know what you want
your grandkids to call you?

-I think the less fuss you make of it…
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

Only person that's gonna know anything
is Mason,

but I don't know if he's gonna go,
"Wait, that's Grandpa."

I think you just start off with Caitlyn.

-It's Caitlyn.

[Khloé] I love the fact
that Caitlyn is here

at Kylie's birthday.

Bruce has been in my life
since I've been four,

so I have a very strong relationship
with him.

And Caitlyn is still our father figure.

[Caitlyn] How's Lamar doing?

He sounds good sometimes. I don't know.

If he's not making any actual progress,

then I have to move on.

I totally agree.

I mean, it took a lot for me
to, like, file for divorce,

but I had to.

-Sorry to hear it.
-[Khloé] Yeah, but it's okay.

[Kris] These are, like,
the last few things Lamar sent.

-Mom, why are you texting him?
-I'm just saying.

[Khloé] "This dude James,
is that Khloé's boyfriend?"

Then she said, "I don't think so."
Don't believe…

I don't know him, but don't believe
all the [bleep] you read.

Mom, that's [bleep] up of you.

Why would you say that about James?

Are you okay? Seriously?
You're like a psychopath.

Ooh. Things haven't changed.

Well, it's so good to see everybody.

-Okay, so we need to know.
-Oh, no. Okay. What?

Why were you late?

-Why was I late?
-[Kris] Yeah.

A really good excuse.

Because it's a woman's prerogative
to be a little late.

-How's that? Was that good?


Khlo, do you want to go?
'Cause I have to go.

-Yeah, I have to go, too.
-[Kim] I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

[upbeat music]

Well, it's down to the two of us.

[Kris] How did we get to this point?

[Caitlyn] Our last one is 18, honey.

-[Caitlyn] Thank God.



Come on, we can shake up the paparazzis
if we leave together.


-Should we hold hands?

[both laugh]

[Kris] Uh, Jenner, hold on to me.

-[Caitlyn] What's up?
-[Kris] I can't walk.

Everyone got along at dinner.

Give me a hug. Love you.

[Kylie] What better way
to ring in my birthday

than with my mom and my dad?

[Caitlyn] See you guys later.

[lively music]

[club dance music]


[DJ] King Kylie, happy birthday.

Everybody make some noise for King Kylie.

It's the big night.

I'm 18. I am so excited.

[club dance music continues]

Tyga and I have always been friends.

Now I'm a little bit older
and we're together.

And I guess we'll just see where it goes.

[upbeat music playing]


[DJ] So right now, I want everybody
to go outside and exit to the front.

And we're gonna go check out some more
birthday gifts for King Kylie.

Let's do it.

[club dance music]

[Kris] Tyga bought her a Ferrari.

[lively music]

I got a Ferrari?

[Kylie] This is so crazy.

I literally had no idea.

Tyga is just the most selfless,

generous, nicest person.

And I am so happy.

For sure, one of the best nights
of my life.

[Khloé] Ah. Kendall.

[Kim] On the next episode…

Toast to adventures in Mexico.

I know you get excited about
doing some of these appearances,

and I worry a little bit.

I'm about to do my first club appearance.

And my mom just won't stop
checking up on me about it.

But I'm grown now.

[Kylie] Oh, my God.
There are so many people here.

-[lion growls]
-[Kendall] Sister, what are you doing?

-[Khloé] Love you, Kenny.
-[Kendall] Khloé agrees to go

-in the cage. I'm freaking out.
-[lion growls]