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20x15 - Celebration Continues: Happy 40th Birthday, Kim!

Posted: 12/07/23 16:49
by bunniefuu
- We welcome you.
- Welcome you.

Come on down to memory lane.

Kim's 40th birthday

special extravaganza.

Kimberly's fourth birthday.

For the last couple of decades,

I have promised myself
that I would go through

all of my old video.

- Are you happy today?
- You're gonna have a good time?

And finding some old video
and pictures of Kim

made me realize
that we've given some great

celebrations over the years, and

we've chosen the most special
ones to be able to recreate.

Here's our birthday girl.

We are gonna throw
the most exclusive,

amazing party for her.

Yay, Kimberly!

We have the theme,
but now we just need

to keep it a secret from her.

Let's get
this party train going.

- Toot-toot! Choo-choo...
- I say choo-choo.

Oh, wait, I don't know
why I said "toot-toot."

- Choo-choo.
- Yeah, choo-choo.

What are those?

I don't even know.

I'm not good with knowing
about the ocean stuff.

Me, either.

Okay, so here is the deal.

There is gonna be two parties.

One is the fake one

that we're gonna
go over highlights

about Kim's best moments
on the show.

Hopefully, she's gonna believe
that it's a special for E!

And that her other party
will be a big surprise.

I was so looking forward
to my 40th

having, like, the sickest party.

I had Mugler make me
this, like, costume.

Like, one of his metal
robot situations.

And it was gonna be amazing.

I don't think anyone's gonna
want to come 'cause of COVID.

- What a heavy-ass year.
- Yeah.

I had all these, like, dreams
and goals for my 40th birthday

- that can't come true.
- Aw.

I had this original

At first, I was thinking
to, like, go to Wyoming,

and have this Wild,
Wild Miss West party

and get planes
for all my friends.

But with COVID,
I just don't honestly

feel like now is the time
to celebrate anything.

It's just, I don't know,
it doesn't feel

like it's right to do that.

I think just, like, turning 40...

I'm not freaking out
or anything.

It's definitely a realization.

Like, "Holy, I'm 40."

That's what
I just keep thinking.

Like, holy, what happened?

- True.
- How did this happen?

How did I get here?

I'm really glad that Kim
isn't planning anything

for her birthday,

because, my family and I,
we have something

up our magical little sleeves,

and we're gonna do
all the planning for her.

I didn't know
our sleeves were magic.

- Look.
I don't even have a sleeve.

So, guess what, there's
magic up in this sleeve.

How do you act 40?

- I don't know. I don't know.
- What does that mean?

- Right.
- That's what I got
to figure out.

But it's definitely like,

damn, I can't really be posting,
like, too sexy,

like, pics
on my Instagram anymore.

So I'm, like, purging,
and I want to get it all out.

If you post sexy photos,
please drop something

that gives me some motivation
to wake up and work out.

- How are you, guys?
- Khlo.

- This is so pretty.
- Oh, isn't it?

It's like you're
in another country.

Thanks for coming out.

Yeah. I'm so happy
to drive somewhere.

We gave you somewhere to drive.

- Well, we can have a meeting
every day.
- Yeah.

- Kim's a little disappointed...
- Right.

...'cause she can't have
the party that, like, she...

- Dreamt. Mm-hmm.
- ...wanted to, like,

- throw for herself.
- Mm-hmm.

So, explain to me the vibes.

We watched all these movies

- that were spliced together.
- Mm-hmm.

- Most of her birthdays.
- Mm-hmm.

So, we had talked about maybe
making different experiences.

- Kind of like This Is Your Life
sort of thing.

- That's cute.
- You know?

Kim has always been the one
that creates

the most magical memories
for the rest of us.

I'll never forget
my last birthday,

when she took me to Tower Lane,

where she grew up and where
my most treasured memories are.

This is the wallpaper
in the kitchen!

Oh, it is! You're right!

And so I want this
to be really special for Kim

during this crazy time.

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy.

- Guess who's gonna be 40.
- Oh, no.

I've known Mindy
since I gave birth to Kourtney.

Mindy was the one who did all
of Kim's birthdays growing up.

Kimberly at six years old.

Happy birthday, Kim.

Happy birthday.

Come on! Blow 'em out!

Blow 'em out.

I blew one out!

Come on. Blow 'em out!

We're really planning this party
short notice.

Because of COVID and just
nothing really loosening up,

it's really time
to get something planned

for Kim's birthday.

So if anyone can pull off
an amazing event for Kim,

it's Mindy Weiss.

Yeah. We're gonna try.

And, again, we'll show you
kind of a video presentation.

And, you know, your dad kind of
narrated the whole thing.

- You know, and got you guys
to say certain things

- and stuff, so...
- Do we just have him on a loop?

Yeah. We're gonna try
and have these walls,

where it will be playing
in the background.

- Mm-hmm.
- You know, kind of make...

The walls of the room
would be that party.

So, it's not essentially
a party?

It's like an experience for her.

It's a walk down memory lane
for her.

- And then...
- What if you all put on

a black leotard and a top hat
and a bow tie,

- like I had you dress...
- Yeah, we want them to.

The dance. Yeah.

I'm the star of the performance,

so just don't forget.

When Kim was turning
ten years old,

I was giving her a big party
at the house.

And I came up with the idea
that I would get

all of her little girlfriends
to give a performance.

- Kimberly.
The friends got together

and did a little dance to a song
that they wanted.

I thought it would be so much
fun to recreate the dance.

And then, maybe when we do
the 16th birthday,

- there's a real car in there.
- Car in there. Oh, for sure.

- We were planning on that.
- Yeah.

Wouldn't that be funny,
to buy her the same car?

- A white 1996...
- BMW.

Oh, you should've
heard your comment.
- What?

- It was so funny.
- You were such an ungrateful ass.

-"I don't have a 328.
I have a 3..."
-312. Or...

And she was like,
"Ugh. She gets..."

And she was out there,
supposed to be documenting

Kim walking out, and she's
just complaining the whole time.

Wait up. Mom, that's so unfair!

Everybody over here. Quick.

Cooler car than mine.

- Wow, where is she?
- She's coming.

Shut up! She got a 328

and I only got a 318?

You must be honored
to know me today.

Oh, my God.

So, we like the...

- the kind of ideas
that were going?
I love the idea.

- Yeah.
- I like it
because it's bigger than life.

- Right.
- But it's intimate
at the same time.

- Mm-hmm.
- And really emotional.

And it's so hard when I see her,
'cause I want to be like,

"I saw... Uh..."
And, like, I've caught myself

probably three different times,
wanting to do that.

Kim is like a detective,

and she never misses a beat.

She hears what everybody says,

and she has ears
literally everywhere.

So if we can pull this off,
it'll be epic.

Today, we're filming
Kim's best moments on camera

as a way to celebrate
her 40th birthday.

And she thinks that this is
the big celebration.

Okay, how are we starting this?
What's even going on?

Kim, you're older, you're wiser,

- and you're
still absolute fuego.
- Fuego.

Hi, guys!

Oh, my God!

No, I feel like
it's, like, a wedding.

Oh, my gosh, look at you,
in your own throne.

She's in the throne.

Today, we're filming
Kim's best moments on camera

as a way to celebrate
her 40th birthday.

And she thinks that this is
the big celebration.

Okay, how are we starting this?
What's even going on?

Happy birthday.

- So I think
we should walk out again.
- Okay.

I really can't tell
if she's buying

that this is
her birthday celebration

or if she thinks
that something's up.

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here today
to celebrate


We're here to party and to wish
Kim the best 40th birthday.

Who's got a saying
for how fabulous it is

to be 40?

Fabulous 40.

Foxy 40.

- Feisty.
- Not feisty.

- That was our dog's name.
- Fierce.

Khloe, I said "fierce" for you.

- Don't worry.
- Oh, thank you.

Just say "rad," Kourtney.

No, it needs to start
with an "F."

-Just say "fierce."
-I said "fierce"!
-Okay, well, whatever you guys

want to call it!

We are here to celebrate
Kim's 40th,

and we're gonna take a look back
at some of the best

KKW memories.

Do we all remember
when Kim was a pop star

- for a quick second?
- Can we not?

- Jam! Let's pump up my jam.
- Jam!

Come on. She's a TV star,
pop star, designer,

mogul, cosmetics...
I mean, everything.

- A really great dancer.
Yeah, really good.

- Don't know how to dance.
- She is the worst dancer.

I don't even like her dancing
at, like,

- birthday parties.
- Yeah, traumatizing.

- You go, girl!
- There you go.

Oh, my God. Remember that?

Oh, my God. What's happening?

Pussycat Dolls!

The things I've done
are so embarrassing.

- the balls to do that...
- I need the music down,
I think.

-literally can't watch it.
-Can we maybe turn it down
a little

- so I can hear myself sing
a little bit?
- It's so cringey.

- I can't.
- I did it again.

I can't even hear my voice.

Does everybody have a favorite
or a least favorite outfit

of Kim's over the years?

I just like all
of our twinning moments.

- Yeah, we've had
really good twinning moments.
- We've had some really iconic...


Can we just get to the legendary

- Kim fashion flashbacks already?
- By "legendary,"

do you mean "iconic"?


With Kourtney.

- a little bit.
- Yeah, nice.

It's really sweet
and a lot of fun

to celebrate all of Kim's
best moments on the show.

But little does she know all
the things that we have planned

to celebrate her big day.

Kim, you've always had
a pretty charmed life.

But I've really been fortunate
to watch you blossom and grow

really from the moment
that Kanye came into your life.

And I'm so grateful
for the beautiful family

that you guys have together.

- And all the Yeezy wear
we get for free.

Remember when they called you
guys Kimye?

They still call them Kimye.

- Don't you think?
- Definitely.

- Or what else
do they call you guys?

- "Kim and Kanye"?
- We're definitely Kimye.

Scott's supposed to say,

- "Your Majesty."
- "Your Royal Highness."

"Your Royal Anus."

I just think
of Kim and Kanye as, like,

always being together.

- What's up?
- Hi.

- I like the fur.
- Like the fur? I like your fur.

Yeah, I've heard it. So what?

Kanye has a new song out

where he talks about falling
in love with Kim.

Kanye's been in love with Kim
since the minute he saw her.

I think that we all know
that Kim and Kanye

have been obsessed
with each other.

I love you.

Kanye and I have been
so close for so many years.

I'm finally marrying
my best friend.

- Aw.
- It's just crazy,

how fast time flies.

And I can't imagine our family
without Ye.

- Aw.
- Aw.

- Cute.
- That's cute.

- Oh, Mom, don't cry.
- You're crying over that?

- Mom's crying?
- Oh, my goodness.

I could've cried. I had to
hold it, hold myself back.

- Thank you, Kourtney.
- Aw.

- That's very cute.
- Yep.

I'm a crier.

Kim, you're older, you're wiser,

and you're still absolute fuego.


- Fuego.
- Thank you.

What do you get a girl
who has everything?

I sure hope this was it.

- This definitely could be it.
she could dream of.

- This could be it.
All of your dreams
come true?

Do not worry.

It is so much fun
just to look back

and see all of the fun times
that we had together.

This viewing party
is so, so special.

And even though it was
really small and intimate,

it's just, like, fun
to just do something chill

and just with my family.

I'm totally fine with that.

So, this is 40?

This is 40!

- Happy birthday, Kim.
- Happy birthday.

Today is the day.

This is our first
dance rehearsal,

and I'm so excited to do
this dance with my sisters.

Kim is going to be so surprised.

My name is Antonio Banderas.
What is it?

- "My name is Inigo Montoya.
- You k*lled my father..."

- "Prepare to die."
- Prepare to die.

And then I can get you
on the side.

- Die.
- All right, guys,

we're gonna do a dance.

- We got top hats.
- Wow.

- We've got batons.
- Wow.

I think we're so lucky that our
dad documented our whole lives.

Like, I would've not remembered
the tenth birthday dance

if it wasn't for these videos.

I think it was me,
Allison and Khloe

and five or so other
of Kim's best friends.

Okay, so you start
with the chair backwards.

I mean, if I could do this dance
as an 11-year-old,

I can definitely do it now,
and so can Khloe.

Put some hat out to the right.

- And then you get up and you go
do some kind of weird tap.
With the hat on.

I don't know what tap...

We need somebody to teach us.

Oh, wait, you go...

I'm trying not to curse.

Okay, why don't you start
from the beginning so I can see?

I saw a little bit of this
and then a little of...

And then it's,
like, chair forward.

You stand there for a moment...

Okay, then I think
you go like this.

No, no, but now
you do that part.

Okay, now you perfect that.
So let's rewind it.

And then y...
That's how you learn dance.

Then you go more.

We have no idea
what we're doing.

Like, we're not,
we're not dancers.

And it's been 30 years
since we did this.

- What's shaking?
- Practicing.

Uhp. Oh.

I feel like
it's not a hard dance.

I feel like we'll get,
we'll get through it,

but we need to get
at least one more rehearsal

and I need to, like,
really take charge

and get this dance in order.

Oh, you know
your vag*na's out?
Do you want to...

Well, sorry, guys.
This is all I got to work with.

- But you're supposed
to be facing...
What is this,

The vag*na Monologues?

You're supposed to be
facing the other way.

Oh. Do you want a Pap smear
while we're in this position?

-It's like, "Oh, my..."
-Yeah, if you want to look
at my vag*na, bless yourself.

We're throwing her
a surprise birthday thing,

so she won't have any idea
about it, but we somehow

have to get her an amazing
outfit that she will love

and want to be, like,
the belle of the ball in,

but without her knowing that
it's a fitting for her birthday.

Here we are at Kimberly's
birthday at the bowling alley.

So we have pawns,

a king and a queen, a knight.

Listen, I don't know
how to play chess, okay?

- I used to, once upon a time.
- I used to, too.

- And I'm really upset
that I don't.

Oh, sh**t.
Veneda just texted me.

Okay, so how are we gonna
do this?

Let's call her and see
just what she can get...

- like, an outfit that Kim loves.
- Let's call her.

And we're gonna say
this has to be a surprise.

Oh,. Hello.

Hi, it's Kourtney and Khloe.

Hi, Kourtney. Hi, Khloe.

So, here's the thing:
we're throwing her

a surprise birthday thing.

Um, we somehow have to get her
an amazing outfit that she will

love and want to be, like,
the belle of the ball in,

but without her knowing that
it's a fitting for her birthday.

Oh, my gosh, okay.

Yeah, that's gonna be tricky.

So we've been going back
and forth for a minute now,

how are we gonna get Kim
to the surprise party

in a gorgeous dress that
she's gonna want to be in

for her 40th birthday?

I know there's two dresses at
her house that she hasn't worn.

And we came up with an idea
that we can say

that we are doing
an E-photo sh**t.

We're gonna have
everyone in on it,

from her team, we're gonna
have production in on it,

so everyone sends her
a call sheet

so it seems really legit.

So, she...
There will be a camera

following her in glam
to the event.

And she thinks
we're all having that...

- Ooh.
-, but we're not.

...and, like,
pulls a few things.

And then, um, maybe Kim Schraub
can help me pull it off somehow.

Cool. So, I think
at least we have a plan.

We'll obviously keep you
in the loop,

'cause we're gonna need
your help.

- Of course.
- Um, I'm here.

- Thank you, guys. Talk soon.
- Okay, we'll talk to you soon.

- Okay. Okay, bye.
- All right. Bye.

Okay, guys.

- This is how we start.
- Ooh.

- It's like NSYNC.
- Is this Kim?

I don't think we use this

- from the beginning.
- No, this is us.

- We don't use it ever.
- I do for my solo.

- For your solo.
- Oh, you're right.

We don't use it ever.

Wait, where's our hats?

- Okay, pretend.
- Uh-oh.

This is our second
dance rehearsal.

The last one was
a little all over the place,

but we have Kendall
and Kylie here.

We are here to win.

Do you have
the dance routine down?

I mean, just as much as you do.

That's for sure.

So, why don't we start

with the first five seconds
of the dance?

And then break it down.

Kylie, Kourtney doesn't know
how to do this.

Sit down. We're doing it.
We're counting it.

One, two.

Turn, three, four.

Look back, five, six.

Seven, eight.

One, two.

- Oh, you don't do this?
- Then it's, uh, one,

- two, three, four.
No, then we're
just gonna stand up.

- Like, we're all
gonna get it down.

Five, six.

- Five, six, seven.
- Five, six, seven.


All right, ladies.
Five, six, seven.

-No, that's too...
that was too fast.

I can do it.

Yo, this girl's got it.



Then we all come back.
We come back like this.

- We go...
- And that should be the end.

- And then that'll be the end.
- This...

And then my solo.

- My solo is...
- Oh, let's see the solo.


Break it down.

That's it. And then
I could try to do a trick...

- like that.
- Pow!

All right, I didn't sign up
for this in life.

I didn't sign up to do this.

Can we just all wear outfits

- and do cancan the whole time?
- Yeah.

And Kourtney's gonna be...
We weren't even here!

- Yeah.
- I wasn't even here!

We weren't even born.

I have no clue how Kylie and I
got roped into this dance,

'cause we weren't even alive
when this actually happened.

Why doesn't Kourtney
do the whole dance,

and us three
are in the background

- just cancanning the whole time?
- Yes!

Because I don't...

I can k*ll this in the back.

I think the simplest way
to get it done is

to just have Kourtney
do the whole dance.

We'll be the backup dancers.

That way,
if Kourtney even messes up,

it doesn't really look like
anyone's messed up

'cause we're not all following
the same routine,

and we'll kind of just wing it.

We will literally cheer you on,
Kourtney. This is your moment!

- This is your moment!
- Yeah, let's try it this way.

- Okay, let's try it
the other way.
- You guys.

- Okay, let's do this.
- Come on, guys.

- This is so lame.
- Go ahead, Kourtney.

- You guys are lame.
- Come on, Kourtney.

We're gonna try it.

What are you doing
for Kim for her birthday?

Doing a solo dance

was never the plan.

Um, I don't know why
everyone's being so lame

and bailing out on this.

do you want to do it with me?

No. I couldn't
remember one thing, actually.

I could do it in a second
with my sisters,

but, like, I'm the one
who gets shy, I feel like,

to do anything by myself.

Yeah, Kylie,
you get the chair out.

We grab Kim.
We need to grab Kim.

But I'm also the only one

that's good at it at all.

I love our new choreography.

It's so much better.

You were the queen
of the one when you were ten.

You're gonna be the queen
of this one.

You better work, Kourtney.

Yeah, I love this one.

I've always loved this one.

Like, what-what are we
doing? Is it just a photo sh**t?

We need to make sure that nobody

messes this up.

Happy birthday!

Hi, ladies

and gentlemen.

Hi, girl. -Hi. -KRIS: Hi.

Today's the day of our final

meeting with Mindy,
and I can't wait

to see what she's put together.

So we have our packets,
and we would love

for you guys to kind of
run through your whole party.

Here we go. It's pretty cute.

In front of the gates,
we're gonna have

- two ponies.
- Aw.


Hi, Kimberly.

- Oh, my God. So cute.
- Then you'll walk through

kind of a hedged area

where we'll have balloons,
kind of birthday partyish.

On the walls,
there are gonna be videos.

All the ones that you guys
gave us and you captured.


All of the old movies

and photo albums,
and it brought back

so many memories, and I think
that Mindy's chosen the most

special ones to be able
to recreate,

because they're the ones that
stand out the most in my memory.

Then we'll go into Tao.

Love Tao.
So Tao's all
gonna be a surprise.

Tao was a very special place
for a decade

for all of us,
for my entire family.

And the first person
to experience going to Tao

and celebrating her birthday
there was Kim.

Love being at a party

my last year of my 20s
before I'm 30.

Let's party, Las Vegas!

Let me ask you a question.

Should we have, um,
Mike Snedegar there for Tao?

He was the one
who always did the deals.

Literally, he still calls
to this day.

Definitely a good idea.

Mike Snedegar is the one
that would be

responsible for throwing these
epic birthday parties at Tao

and making it so special for Kim
each and every time.

For that,

I think Kim will always have
these amazing memories

of Mike Snedegar.

I was gonna ask
about the-the song.

- Oh, God, you guys.
- Would it be okay

if when it opened,
we played Kim's song, "Jam"?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- If you didn't,
we would be offended.

Okay. Love it.

So, we had a little dilemma.

We thought it would be very easy
to find this car.

No one had tan interior.

We looked everywhere.
So we had to go to Washington,

- where we bought the car.
- What?


We hope it's okay, because
we already pulled the trigger

- to get it here in time.
- It's all good.

- Shut up. It was...
- Uh, yeah, it was red,

and now it's being wrapped
right now to look white.

- Right. Amazing. Oh, my gosh.

That's so fun. She's gonna die.

This car's really important
to me,

because turning 16,
getting your driver's license,

learning how to drive
and getting your first car

is something you never forget.

- Can you just tell her?
- You ready?

Oh, my God!

Proud owner of a brand-new BMW.

Yeah, and there you go.

- Huh?
- Thank you.

So recreating that moment

means everything to me.

Thank you guys so much.

- You're welcome.
- You're welcome.

I like this embroidery vibe
for this. Yeah.

This is really fancy.

All this puffiness is,
like, kind of hard.

Kim is very smart and knows.

- She's like a detective.
- She is.

What-what are we doing?
- Is it just a photo sh**t?

- I think it's video.
-'Cause if there's video,
it might be hard.

I just want to know,
how fancy are my sisters going?

- That's the thing.
- I mean, they told me

that it's, like, the studio is,
like, super fancy.

We need to make sure that nobody

messes this up.

- What's up?
- Hi.

Bow tie and all already?

Oh, my God!

- What's up, dude?
- What's up, baby? You all right?

- You got room?
- Yeah, I'm good. I'm good.

- We make it work.
- Today's the day.

It's Kim's
surprise birthday party, and

I just can't wait
to have a fun night with her,

and, you know, I hope

that she just feels
really special and loved.

You guys think anybody
spilled the beans and told Kim?

said that she dropped Ryan

off to sleep over, and that
Kim seemed completely clueless,

and told her
she had a photo sh**t.

Kim thinks that we're all

behind-the-scenes footage

while we're in glam
and getting dressed,

and we're all on a group chat
talking about our outfits.

So she definitely thinks that
we're all doing this together.

We're so close. I just really
hope nobody messes this up.

Yeah. Yes.

And we'll touch you up there.

Another star is born.

- Man, it's a coming out.
- It's your coming out party,

- Hi, guys! Hi!
- Hi.

- You have a 40-year-old.
- I have a 40-year-old?

- Yes.
- I know. It's just so sad.

- You're 40 your damn self.
- You're-you're too young.

You really know how
to put a pep in my step.

Thanks, Malika.

Any time, love. Any time.

Oh, my God. Yes!

You look so cute.

Hi, honey. Mwah.

You look so good.

See? You were born to do this.

- I don't know about "born to."
- Born.

We're all here just waiting

for the special birthday girl
to arrive.

And because of COVID,
everyone has to get tested

before and during the party.

- We haven't gotten
our results yet.
- Okay.

Yeah, I am.
Should I come and see?

I always get such a sense
of excitement

when I get to see one of Mindy's
events for the first time,

and I love getting there early

so I can get a whole
walk-through by Mindy herself.

Oh, my God.

I'm getting super stressed out.

I can't find Kanye anywhere.
And I keep texting him,

like, "Babe,
I have a photo sh**t.

"I need some help with the
kids. Like, where are you?

The kids said you're not here."

And he's like,
"Oh, I went driving around."

And I was like,
"Well, that's annoying."

Hi. Mmm.

This is definitely not a sh**t.

- Ponies and a balloon.
- What the is this?

- Tap, tap, tap.
- Hit it hard.

Should I come and see?

Oh, my God, the ponies.

Oh, my God.

This is so perfect.

Mindy never disappoints.

You walk into

her first birthday, and
it just goes on from there.

And one of my favorite stops
was Ed Debevic's,

because I remember that day
like it was yesterday.

And Mindy recreated it down
to the booth and the jukebox

on the table with the ketchup
and mustard.

And we had all
of her favorite foods,

including the Ed Debevic
little, tiny, mini sundaes.

It was just brilliant.

Oh, my God. These are real.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Oh, my God.

- I thought they were fake.
- Okay, so,

- this is her first birthday.
- Oh, my God.

And this is
the Tower Lane gates.

Oh, my God. So good.

Kimberly's first birthday party.

- This is what
the gate looks like.
"Hi, Daddy."

Say, "Hi. This is my birthday."

This is the first
we've gotten Kimberly in here.

"My birthday."

Hey, here come the ponies.

So, her ponies,

- and then her first cake.
- Aw!

All right, let me get
a picture of this cake.

Happy first birthday, Kimberly.

As long as she sees all this,
maybe there shouldn't be

a bunch of people out here.
Everyone's inside.

She should just come in alone.

-Don't you think?
-Yeah. Then,
should we be sitting

- when she walks in?
- Yes. We should just go
right into it.

Then we'll just go
right into our thing. Yeah.


Oh, yeah. That's a...
that's a "no answer."


You're on speaker.

- Um...
- That means you can talk,

or no, 'cause
there's ears listening?

- Hi. My name is Marshmello.
- Oh, my gosh.

The Marshmellos just walked
in my room.

I have to take a picture
and send it to your mom. Okay.

- Um...
- I'm going to dinner.

Okay, you're-you're not doing
the sh**t?

I think that that's why Ariel
was available for me.

Um... Yeah, I think
I'm passing on that one.

This is typical detective Kim

the fine little details.

Kim is using Kylie's
makeup artist.

She's like,
"Why would I get Kylie's

favorite makeup artist today?"

- Love you.
- Love you. Bye.

But Kylie handled this
so perfectly.

She basically said she was
bailing on the photo sh**t.

So, I mean, it was very
believable. She really sold it.

- That's cute, right?
- Put the dress on. We'll see.

Kourtney, you better work.


I wish I knew how to tap.

Oh,. it up.

- It up. Yeah!
- And then I go down.

Oh, and Kendall, that's our cue.

Kim is always super punctual,
and she rarely runs late.

And, of course, the one day
she does run late is the day

of her surprise birthday party.

- Has she still
not left her house?

Doesn't she know
that we have a photo sh**t?

- Kourtney?
- What?

You would normally
call and say...

When was she supposed
to be there?

You should get her.

Just say...

I feel like you would be
the one to text her

and say, "Where are you?"

I'm-a text her and say,
"Where are you?"

Where are you?

Yeah, maybe a drop more curly.

- Yeah. Come here. Let me look.
- Okay, here. Come here.

- Okay.
- Sorry.

I'm getting super stressed out.

I can't find Kanye anywhere.
And I keep texting him

like, "Babe,
I have a photo sh**t.

"I need some help with the kids.
Like, where are you?

The kids said you're not here."

And then he's like,
"Oh, I went driving around."

And I was like,
"Well, that's annoying."

Hi. Mmm.

Well, we might as well practice
while we wait.

Like, we can do it here.

All right.

- Ladies.
I don't think
my tap shoes work.

The silver lining
about Kim running late

is that we can squeeze in

at least one more rehearsal
that we definitely need.

- Big smiles, girls.
- I mean,

obviously, I'm ready,

because I'm the star
of the show,

and I've definitely
been practicing.

Kourtney, you better work. Yeah!

But I don't know
if they're ready.

Oh, ! My baton!

Oh! Sorry, Kourt.

Yeah, Kourt.
Oh, now this is this.

Am I taking your chair now?

No. We go one more time,
and then we get Kim.


- Wow!
- Go get Kim. Kim!

Smile, everyone.

- The end.
- Okay.


Happy birthday, Kim.

We're ready to perform, guys.

Oh, my God!

- Okay.
- She's five minutes away!

She's five minutes away!

- I'm ready.
- Where's Kylie?

Oh, my God.

Will someone just yell
when she's here?

- How many minutes? Like, five?
- Two.

Should we stretch?

They're here? They're here.

She's pulling in. Kylie.

She's pulling in!

- Kylie, lock bodies.
- Come here.

- Well,.
- Oh, shut up. She's pulling in.

Why are there clubs
with, like, people?

- And, like, are those bars?
- Yeah.

It's over here.
We're going through this door.

Smile, ladies.
Hands on your hip.

This is it, ladies.

Don't forget to smile.
Shoulders back.

Jazz hands. Show teeth.

- Everyone, shut up.
- Shh.

I'm nervous all of a sudden.

- Ponies and a balloon?
- What the is this?

This is definitely not a sh**t.

- Ponies and a balloon?
- What the is this?

Kimberly. Look at Daddy.

- Hi, Kimberly.
- Oh, my God.

- Happy first birthday.
- I just can't cry

- 'cause I have my makeup done.
- Want to ride

one of the ponies?

As soon as I heard
my dad's voice,

talking as if it was
my first birthday,

- it all clicked.
- Kimberly.

Having a perfect day
on your birthday?

- Well, clearly,
this is a photo sh**t.

Just look at all the balloons.

Oh, my God. Ed Debevic's?

So, so cute.

My mom and dad
videoed everything,

took pictures of everything,

so I have, like, clear memories

of each birthday party.

And, so, to see them all set up

as I walk through this party

and then just have it,
like, the huge screens

playing my birthday parties,

so fun to see that
all come to life in this room.

My car!

Kimberly, we're all here
to say happy birthday,

and we love you very, very much.
This song is dedicated to you.

What do I do?

Happy birthday, Kim.

Love you, guys.

- Happy birthday!
- I'm sweating.

- That was
my 11th birthday party.


Oh, my God.
I was genuinely in such shock.

'Cause I think
my tenth birthday party, so far,

has been my most fun
birthday party of my whole life.

- Really?
- Oh, my God.

Yeah, I just remember
everyone had the best time.

- Everyone stayed up.
-'Cause it was
a real dance party.

It was, like, a dance party.

- We were old enough
to kind of like boys.
You were ten.

And I got a Betsey Johnson
black baby doll dress

with white flowers on it.
I wore leggings underneath.

I think I wore Converse.
I was just so excited, so...

- Work with that
Betsey Johnson dress.
- Yep.

So, just, like,
everyone doing the dance,

- like, I automatically...
- You mean me doing the dance.

I was the only real performer.

I basically saved the day.

- Did you feel good about it?
- Yeah. I k*lled it.

It was really cute.

- Yeah.
- And much appreciated.

And here is Kimberly
at six years old.

Happy birthday, Kim.

What losers.

My best friends
that I grew up with

since, like, preschool,
we call ourselves the Lifers.

We have seven of us that are
best friends since childhood,

and it is so special
and thoughtful

having them here
that I want to cry,

but I think I'm in shock.

That is, like, my exact...

Oh, my God.

Pumpkins. Look at how cute
everything looks.

Happy birthday, Kimberly.


Oh, my God.

The biggest surprise of all
is Tao Nightclub.

Just, it's beyond fabulous
in every little detail,

and so I know
Kim will be really happy.

- Set you up.
- K-I-M.

Let's go back here.

I definitely think Kim

is gonna lose her mind
when she sees this,

'cause I don't think
in a million years she thought

that we would bring Tao

into the studio
for her birthday.

- Welcome to Tao!
- It's Tao!

Kim Kardashian, happy birthday!

- Oh, my God.
That's my 30th birthday.

Oh, my God.

My family really recreated Tao.

- They really outdid themselves.
- Happy birthday.

I-I just... I forgot

about how important
Tao was in my life.

I mean, I spent
over a decade celebrating

every single birthday party

- Yes, yes!
- Let's do it.

So funny.

I think this is the best part
of the party.

we just want to all wish you

a happy 40th birthday.

I was thinking
about the year 40,

and I remember
when your dad turned 40.

And somebody said at that party,

"Lordy, Lordy, Lordy,
Robert's gonna be 40."

- So, that's the way
I kind of feel about this,

'cause I can't believe
that here I am,

and you're 40.

It's crazy. It's...
It blows my mind.

- But I'm so proud of you.
- Crazy.

And I couldn't ask
for a more amazing daughter.

I love you more
than you can ever imagine.

And maybe you can now that
you have daughters of your own.

And when
they're 40, it's-it's crazy.

So, I said I wasn't gonna cry,

so I'm gonna stop now
before I...

- ...embarrass you. Every time.

But I love you so much,

- and, um...
- I love you, too.

I'd love if we can all sing
"Happy Birthday" to Kim.

This was such a nice surprise.

Like, a genuine surprise.

Every ounce of detail

for every single party,
I feel like I remembered.

I lived.
I saw through videos and photos.

So, thank you guys so much
for putting that together,

'cause I know what hard work
that was, and I'm...

I just want
you guys to know, like,

I'll remember that forever.

Like, just when I thought like,

"I don't really want
to celebrate. I don't care.

It's a COVID birthday,"

all my favorite people
were there,

all my best friends and family,

and that's really all
that I needed.

Make a wish!

We love you.

Even though it's been
the most challenging year

that any of us
have ever been through,

I'm really proud of my family

and feel so appreciative that
no matter what happens,

we figure out a way
how to come together,

how to lift each other up,

how to be there for each other,

support each other
and always celebrate

no matter what.

Happy 40th birthday, Kim.

I wish you love and happiness.

We all love you and adore you,

and you deserve the world
and so much more.

- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.

This was so much fun.

- It was fun. It was, Kim.
- So cute. It was so thoughtful.

- So amazing.
- Good.

I know it took so much work,

- so I love it. So fun.
- It was fun. Really fun.

When I've dreamed

of what I would be doing at 40,

this is way above and beyond
what I ever could've imagined.

And I can't wait
for another 40 years.