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20x10 - Birthdays and Bad News

Posted: 12/07/23 16:14
by bunniefuu
Then we have Kenny's birthday.

- -Mom's turning 65.
- -KIM: Guys, I'm really excited

For Mom's birthday present.

I'm gonna have racks of clothes

down the hallway, and I'm gonna

style 65 looks for her.

Mom was in my closet.

She's, like, snooping around.

- Her whole birthday's
- gonna be ruined.

It's my 40th birthday,

and we are on

an island far, far away.

The whale is right over there.

I did not pass the baby bar.

I can't do it again.

I don't have time.

- To do the next test
- is in November.

-November's in one month.

-I know.

So, have you decided if you're

going to take the bar yet?

Do I continue,

do I not continue?

My little Sainty just

tested positive for COVID.

I'm feeling pretty [bleep].

- SAM: We're talking about
- you taking

A seven-hour exam

in a matter of days.

♪ ♪



-KIM: Hi.

-Where are you?

-In the bathroom.

-What is that jungle?

Oh, my God.

- -You've never been in here?
- -Well, I never s...

- -It never looked like that.
- -Oh, this. Yeah.

No, I-I have to change the

scenery every once in a while.

- Tell me about the trip.

- Is it, like,
- a normal place we're going?

It's a really private place.

October-November gets really

crazy for all of our birthdays.

- We have my birthday,
- Kendall's birthday,

My mom's birthday.

And it's my 40th birthday,

so I want to do

a special birthday where it's,

like, my closest friends.

I know that none of them

have had any release

- or break from their kids,
- from their life,

And I thought

it would just be so amazing

for us to all have

a mental break

and go to a private location.

- -It's, like, homes...
- -Mm-hmm.

...and villas, but there's,

like, a main clubhouse...

- Three restaurants,
- like, in one... and, like,

-main beach area

where we'll all hang out.


Nobody knows anything

about where we're going.

Everyone just knows what to pack

and to bring your passports.

I rented a plane that could,

you know, fit all of us,

and we'll do a really

intense quarantining

and COVID-testing process,

but I am so excited.

- My mom doesn't know.
- No one knows.

- -Kanye doesn't know.
- -Wait. Kanye doesn't know?

No. Nobody knows.

I just want to have fun.

- Everything has been
- about quarantine.

- -And imagine...
- -I can't even hear that word.

- -Kanye always says that.
- -Does he?

- He's like, "I'll never use
- the word 'quarantine.'

- -It's so annoying."
- -Never.

- -You know another word I hate?
- -What?

"Curbside fricking pickup."

That phrase makes me

so disgusted.

I'm like, "Thanks. Oh, my God,

you're gonna let me pull up

"and get something on the curb?

-Like, this is just

so incredible."


I don't know. I'm offended.

- -It's the new normal.
- -[laughs]: No.

[bleep] Stop.

♪ ♪

- SCOTT: - Hello, Khlo.

-Wow, Scourt.


Just wow. W-O-W.

Oh, my gosh. Wow.

So first, we have

Kim's birthday, October 21st,

-which will be here

in a blink of an eye.


- Then we have Kenny's birthday,
- November 3rd.

She's turning 25,

and Mom's turning 65.

So there are two h...

And this one's turning 40.

-That's a lot of big birthdays.

-Then Corey and Dream

are November 10th.

- Don't tell me
- he's turning 40, also.

- He's turning 45.
- No, I'm just kidding.

No. He's turning, like, 39.

He's turning 40.

I'm older than him. I know that.

Okay, then he's turning 39.

- KIM: - Guys, I'm really excited
- For Mom's birthday present

-that I'm gonna get her.

You want me to tell you?

-Oh, Kim has...

-SCOTT: Must be

something ridiculous.

-Kim always has great ones.


So, as she's gotten

a little bit older,

she's gotten a little bit more

insecure about her body.

So it's harder for her to dress.

- I'm gonna have her come
- into my house,

And I'm gonna have racks

of clothes down the hallway,

- with mannequins
- that look like her

- -with her wigs, like, hair.
- -Oh, my God.

- I'm gonna get wigs
- and cut them like her hair.

- KHLOE: - I might be
- One of the mannequins.

- -Be careful.
- -SCOTT: That's so cool.

And I'm gonna style

-Oh, my gosh.

That's such a great idea.


- KIM: - I know that I have
- This reputation

For giving the most thoughtful,

sentimental gifts,

- but I think nothing
- can top the birthday

That I did last year,

of bringing my mom to the home

that her and my dad spent

all their marriage at.

-KRIS: Oh, my God.

-[excited chatter]

- Oh, she's crying already.

I'm gonna cry, too.

Because she's turning 65,

I wanted to get her 65 looks

that she can wear, that

she'll feel so confident in.

So I hired a stylist

to work on this with me,

and we brought in a seamstress

so that we would have

all of her right measurements,

so that everything would fit.

- I mean,
- confidence is everything,

- And I want her to feel good
- about herself.

So, I try it on,

and then we pin it

to be her measurements.

- -And they're, like...
- -SCOTT: But perfect

- -for what she needs.
- -They're not...


-They're not sham Choncey

pieces either.

-I'm sure.

-It's, like, a Dolce top,

with this Dolce bra

and a long shearling Gucci coat.

- -And, like, just...
- -SCOTT: Ooh, my God.

So, for all the seasons.


I love Kim's idea

for my mom's birthday gift.

I think my mom is going

to just squeal with excitement,

because it's so good.

-What a cute, like...

-So I've been

shopping online

- -and staying up all night.
- -...extravagant gift.

- KHLOE: - Can I just give my gift first?
- Like, I hate when you guys give,

- Like, these cars, and then I'm
- like, "Oh, here's your card."


- "Here's your flowers."

Kylie gave her a car one year.

I was like,

-"I'll return your [bleep]

pair of socks I got you."

-SCOTT: Womp, womp, womp.

[chuckles] Aw.

Ah! I'm doing a keg stand!

-This is crazy!



[excited chatter, cheering]

- What is the dog doing?

- KIM: - Humping the floor.

- KOURTNEY: - Hello.


Oh, that is... Yeah.

[chuckles] Good American shorts.

I, literally... this was

my doctor outfit earlier.

Hi, honey.

Why do they come to me?

'Cause they know that

you're playing hard to get.

So, you guys,

I did not pass the baby bar.


If you do law school

the way that I'm doing it,

it is a four-year program

instead of your typical

three-year program.

And after year one,

you have to take the baby bar.

This one actually is harder,

I hear, than the official bar.

You needed a 560. You got a 474.

That's extremely close on a test

that m-most people

are not taking

-in the middle of a pandemic.

-I am a failure.

You're not a failure, Kim.

- KIM: - I spent, you know,

Six weeks straight,

ten to 12 hours a day studying.

And it was so important for me

to take this,

and to not pass

gets your spirit down

- and just makes you want
- to give up.

I didn't...

fail by that much.

I feel like Dad would be

really proud of you regardless,

just the fact

that you're pursuing this.

- I think it's highly respectable
- what you're doing.

I think the time that you get

taken away from your family,

-your kids, friends' things...

-That's what pisses me off.

The fact that I spent

all that time away from my kids.

Like, I can't do it again.

I don't have time.

To do the next test

is in November.

November's in one month.

I know. And I'm filming

the ending of our show...

- -Right.
- -...which will be so emotional.

Right. Oh, my gosh.

- I have every birthday
- under the sun.

- -You know, it's my birthday, - my 40th.
- -Mm.

I planned this whole trip,

and it's too late to cancel.

- And if I fail again, then
- it's like, "What was the point?"

- No, but if you don't take it
- this time,

- -when's the next opportunity - to take it?
- -June.

So why don't you just do that?

I don't want to wait another

year to go by for school.

I feel like I just got

to the end

where I almost knew everything.

- So you just feel like
- you're already there.

- -Stay in this headspace. - Push through.
- -Stay in this headspace.

I could try,

or I could just give up.

- I think if you take
- that year off,

- You're gonna, like,
- forget about it.

I don't know.

I really need to think about it.

- Like, the core of everything,
- is this still,

Like, a passion of yours?

I mean, I go in and out.


I know that, just in general,

my dad would be so proud of me

that I'm even doing this,

but this is, like,

- no joke, the hardest thing
- I've ever done.

I wouldn't be so mad at myself

if I thought,

"You know what, I tried,

and it's not for me."

- I think I just need a minute
- to figure it out

And see what I want to do.

- -Hi, guys.
- -Today is my mom's birthday.

She has no idea

what she's walking into.

♪ ♪

- KHLOE: - Hey, bud.

- KIM: - Hi, guys.

- What's the girl's name?


-KIM: Um, Wednesday.


-Or you're Wednesday.

- -I really am.
- -What's the mom's name?

- KIM: - Morticia.

- You're Morticia.
- You're Wednesday.

- -Okay.
- -We should do that, guys.

By the way,

did you get Kendall a present?

- -KIM: I did.
- -What'd you get?

-Something for her house.

-Oh, nice.

So, I started her this

collection of Hermès china...

- -KHLOE: Mm.
- -...last year, for her birthday.

So I got her, like,

teacups and a teapot

and all the tea stuff.

- -[laughs softly]
- -And then for Christmas...

So she can spill the tea.

She could spill the tea.

- And then for Christmas,
- I added to it

And I got her, like,

all the serving platters.

So I was thinking I could

add to it and get the dishes.

-So we called Hermès...

-So cute.

...and then I was like,

"Can you send me photos

of what I didn't get yet?"

And then they just said,

"I can absolutely do that,

but she returned everything

that you got her."

-KHLOE: Stop.

-I, like, literally picked out

each dish with thought and care.


What did she say

when you gave them to her?

-She liked them.

She didn't open them.


-She's young.

She's not, like...

-KOURTNEY: Love it. China...

- Like, we love china 'cause
- we have, like, dinner parties,

- -or we have friends. Like...
- -Right. In, like, a few years,

- -she'll wish that she had it.
- -Yeah, she'll love it.


I want to be like,

"You think the joke's on me,

"you keep returning it?


Joke's on you, 'cause

I'm gonna keep buying it."

So I'm gonna still buy her...

- Buy it for her,
- for her birthday.

-So she has to keep

returning it?

-Just to be... just 'cause

- I think it's funny,
- but I just want to give it

To her again

to see her reaction.


I just thought

this was such a great gift.

I couldn't even believe

that Kendall didn't like it.

- I mean, she definitely
- could've told me.

I understand why she wouldn't...

It might be uncomfortable...

But I really just find it funny.

I just want to see

her opening it

and pretending

that this is the greatest gift.

I used to be, like,

a big returner of items.

- I don't return anything now.
- Like, I just am, like...

- -What if you don't - like something?
- "I like it."


-But I think the karma

of my, like, constant returning

-is maybe coming back to me.

-The karma gods are coming

back to you.

[Kourtney chuckles]

- KIM:
- What are you talking about?

- She said you have a lot of junk

In your trunk.

- I meant outside in your car.


I got to text

that girl back.

-Your new neighbor?

-Uh-huh. She's so nice.

-Oh, good.

-Her daughter and North are,

like, besties now.


-So they always want

a playdate.

So have you decided if you're

going to take the bar yet?

I haven't. I just feel like

Dad would also tell me, like,

"It's such a stressful life

to be an attorney.

- I don't know if this is really
- what you'd want to do."

- Like, we've had
- those conversations.

I vividly remember

talking to him about it.

-That's crazy,

'cause you were so young.

-I know.

- But it was like he was
- helping me figure out, like,

-where I wanted to go to college

and what I wanted to do, and...


He just kept on saying, "You...

- It'll give you
- lots of wrinkles."

[laughs] He knew

your weakness back then.

- But I think, at the time,
- he probably thought like,

"What is this, you know, girl?

- "She's obsessed with,
- like, makeup.

- Why does she want to...?"
- You know?

- He was probably,
- like, preparing me,

- Knowing that
- I couldn't pass the bar

-and didn't want to,

like, break my heart.

-I think you definitely could.

I just think he's probably

giving you both sides.


Okay, so all I need is a sign

to tell me what to do.

Do I continue?

Do I not continue?

Do I give it one more shot

to try it again

and put a limit on myself?

I have to register

for the November baby bar ASAP,

and I still don't know

if I should do it.

Even though my dad said

it would be hard,

- I know that if he were here,
- he would encourage me

Not to give up on something

that's important to me.

But I don't know.

Like, is this my path?

Is this what

I'm supposed to be doing?

Ever since I failed this test,

I've been obsessed with signs.

I guess I'm just, like, hopeful

for these little glimmers

to come to me, to help guide me.

Okay, give me a sign.

-It says...

- "Stay strong."

"May the struggle

make you strong."

- -Yep. Okay.
- -Yeah.

- BOTH: - "We believe in you!"


Okay, that's a plus-one.

Let's take a tally.

-There's a stop sign.


- -That's saying, "Stop."
- -"Stop."

"Don't do it."

- -No.
- - "Don't even stress yourself."

- Trust me,
- if she didn't want to do it,

- She wouldn't do it; she
- wouldn't be looking for a sign.

"Toughness doesn't last

but tough people do."

-[horn honking]

-Oh, shut up.

- KHLOE: - She knows what to do.

Try again.

And if not,

try for a [bleep] third time.

- -Oh.
- -Oh.

- My windshield wipers
- just went on by themselves.

-That is so [bleep] weird.


-That's, what, a sign?

-Wait, what is happening?

-That is a sign!

-What's that a sign?

I don't know.

Is it saying, like, "No"?

- "No, no, no. No, no, no."

- "No. No, don't do it."

Ah, I'm so much more confused.

You know what?

I wish I had the answer.

Holy cow.

♪ ♪

- KOURTNEY: - I'm so sore.

- KHLOE [chuckles]: Who have you
- been working out with?

I've been doing

Don and Joe mostly.


You guys, you have no idea

what just happened.


-Mom was in my closet,

- and the rack
- of her birthday clothes

Is on the back of my rack.

So, she was being nosy,

going through my things.

- So she comes at me in the hall
- and is like, "Hey, um,

"this dress, like, I love it.

- "Can I borrow it?
- Like, have you worn it before?

- If you're not gonna keep it,
- can I buy it from you?"

- Like, blah, blah,
- blah, blah, blah.

Well, it's one look out of 65.

I know, but still.

Can you go in there?

- Because she's, like,
- snooping around.

And I'll tell my assistant

to bring the rack out for you.

Oh, my gosh,

I thought you would never ask.

- KIM: - Ugh. I cannot believe

That my mom just saw that rack.

- I just think this will suck so
- much if the surprise is ruined.

I've worked so hard on this.

I was like... [gasps]

"Oh, my God."

What's up?

We're in the middle of nowhere.

- KIM:
- We are on my birthday trip.


-I'm just gonna really try

- to enjoy my time here, 'cause
- I'm really trying to unplug.

My stomach really hurts.

KIM: North and I

kept feeling really sick.

We took tests

right before I went to bed.

- KIM: I just don't want to be
- obvious, 'cause she's in there.

- She's in the kitchen now
- getting food.

- KOURTNEY: - Oh, dear.


Just white, tranquil furniture.

Hmm. Fine.

- I, literally...
- You should have seen me...

I ran from one side of the

hall... hallway to the other.

- I can take that for you.

- Oh, my God,
- I almost had a heart attack.

- I was like, "Her whole
- birthday's gonna be ruined."


Anybody want to buy off my cart?

- Yes. Thank God.
- We need to hide this in here.

I guess one positive thing

about her seeing the rack

- was that she's already
- liking the looks,

And they're not even styled yet.

So I'm having

all these bodysuits made.

- -That's cool.
- -Then this.

- -Gaultier. With this.
- -Yeah.

- And then I'll find brown slacks,
- you know,

- Or something to make it
- a complete outfit.

This Celine, it's...

I mean Margiela...

- -Oh, my God. I tried that.
- -KIM: I have it.

It's so stretchy.

I'm gonna make her a sheer

turtleneck bodysuit under it.


-So it'll cover everything

she doesn't want to show.

-KOURTNEY: So how many pieces

do you have now?


- We still have
- such a long way to go.

We're not there yet.

- But we've made a lot of progress
- with these looks.

I was gonna do her wig to match,

so it looked like her,

- but then that's just,
- like, stupid spending money.

I'd rather put it

into the clothes.

I just know she's gonna love it.

Like, I know

she's gonna be so happy.

I just got a brand-new rug

for my glam room.

And security rolled in

Kanye's luggage last night,

and rolled it, and...

five huge black marks.

[Khloe gasps]

- And I was like...
- I-I've never yelled at someone...

And I was like, "You guys!"

- -I was like Mom.
- -KOURTNEY: Oh, my God.

- "My brand-new rug!"


♪ ♪

- KOURTNEY: - Kenny?



What are you doing?

Your house looks so cute.

- -KENDALL: Thanks.
- -I have salads.

- KENDALL: - Oh, my God, I'm so hungry.
- Should we go in the kitchen?

- Do you want to sit at the table?

- -Yeah.
- -Cute.

I got you

some birthday presents.

- [chuckles]: - Oh, my God.


I have to drop off

Kendall's Hermès birthday gift,

and I'm so excited

to just see her reaction.

I love these...

so much.

So pretty.

Oh, my God, my collection

just keeps growing!

Kendall is a top-tier actress.

- And that's the print

- -that I've been collecting you.
- -I know. I know.

I have it all in my cabinets.


She's acting like she...

loves these dishes so much,

and, like,

this is her prized collection.


I'm so happy.

I cannot wait to see

the full set

of all your dishes together.

We need to have,

like, a tea party.

- -So down.
- -[chuckles]


do you have any idea

where we're going

for Kim's birthday trip?

Mm, no.

I mean, I know we're going

- -somewhere with a beach.
- -Hot.


-Yeah. Like,

I think I have an idea

of where we're going,

but I... I'm not sure.

I just feel like...

- the Caribbean
- would almost be too obvious.

- -Mm-hmm.
- -Right?


I don't know, though.

But it also could be,

- 'cause we know
- how much she loves it there.

- We're gonna have so much fun,
- and I cannot wait.

Like, when's the last time

we've all had a trip,

to be able to go somewhere?

- -Mm-hmm.
- -She got, like, a plane.

- The safety measures
- that she's taking to make sure

That we're all safe

and feel comfortable.

But it's only us

on the island, you know?

I just feel like we're really

lucky to be able to do it.


It's gonna be fun.

♪ ♪


Oh! It's so warm and amazing!

What's up?

We're in the middle of nowhere.

- KIM:
- We are on my birthday trip,

On an island far, far away.

Everyone that I love is here.

My family's here.

My lifers are here.

I'm just gonna really try

to enjoy my time here,

- 'cause I'm really trying
- to unplug,

- 'cause I know when I get home,
- it's gonna be, like,

My mom's birthday celebration,

- and I'm gonna have to make
- some decisions,

'cause the baby bar is

gonna be less than a month away.


This is so cool!

Its full tail just came out.

It's so cool.

The fact that we're gonna go in

with the whale, you guys.


The whale is right over there.

I have to pee so badly,

and I want to,

but I'm so afraid

the whale is going to smell it.

[others laughing]


We're gonna hit you guys?

-KIM: Ah! Sorry.


This is just our crew.

- KHLOE: - It was so...

- Just superb,
- from the minute we got there

Till the minute

we landed at home.


It wasn't even

all of our birthday, but we all

celebrated like it was

our own individual birthdays.

It was such a blessing.

-KHLOE: Come sit here.

-OTHERS: Ready?

- -ALLISON: Yeah, we're ready.
- -WOMAN: Okay.

- Kim, this is from Kanye.

- -[laughs] Happy 40th birthday.
- -WOMAN: Happy 40th!

[Allison whoops]

KIM: Kanye's not here yet,

but Allison tells me

- that his birthday present to me
- is all set up in a room,

And I have to go in there

and see it.

And I just, like, I am...

- I have no idea
- what it could possibly be.

- I'm scared.
- Is anyone gonna jump out at me?

- OTHERS: - No.

Happy birthday, Kimberly.

I am so proud

of the woman that you've become.

- KOURTNEY: - I am dying to see

The dishes set.


I really want to catch Kendall

in her lie about the plates.

- KIM: My little Sainty
- just tested positive for COVID.

- I'm trying
- to not freak anyone out,

But I'm just really worried

about him.

- -OTHERS: Ready?
- -ALLISON: Yeah, we're ready.

-KIM: I'm scared.

Is anyone gonna jump out at me?


-[soft gasping]


-Happy birthday, Kimberly.

-KIM: Oh, my God.

I am so proud of the woman

that you've become, Kimberly,

- and all that
- you've accomplished.

All of your hard work

and all the businesses

you have built are incredible.

But most impressive

is your commitment

to become a lawyer

and carry on my legacy.

It's a long and a hard road,

but it's worth it,

and I'm with you

every step of the way.

- Keep doing what you're doing,
- Kimberly.

You are a beautiful soul.

Know that I am very proud

of you, and I'm always with you.

[sobbing softly]

- -Crazy.
- -Crazy.

- KENDALL: - Oh, my God. Insane.

That looked just like him.

KIM: Oh, my God. We all

got such chills, like, sobbing.

It was just the kind of gift

that, like,

you just can't really explain.

It was so real and so emotional

and so lifelike.

And it was such a trip.

And hearing my dad talk to me

about law school

and my journey was just so...

such the sign that I needed

to really want

to continue my journey,

- because even though
- it's a hologram,

Like, it was...

just this, like, metaphor

for him watching over my life

and seeing it all.

So after seeing this,

it was really clear to me

that this was what I want to do,

and I want to take

the baby bar again.


Can we see it again?


- I don't know if
- it's we all needed to get away,

- And we all needed
- this break from reality,

But this trip was

so memorable and is,

honestly, the time of our lives.

- I think this is the best trip
- I've ever been on

In my entire life.

♪ ♪


I was thinking maybe,

like, even some down.

So, like, she'd come and

if we wanted to put 'em down...

- Or do we just want to keep 'em
- in this room?

- It's up to you. I think
- it's nice to see some of them

And then come in here

and, like, whoa.

So cool.

- We just got back
- from my birthday trip,

But we have so much going on.

It's almost my mom's birthday.

- We're setting up now.
- All the mannequins are arriving.

I had to hire a production

company to find the mannequins.

I think the mannequins

were just as expensive

as, like, half of the looks,

just to rent them.

That looks so good.

And on top of that,

my attorney's coming in town

to do my intense

baby bar studying,

'cause that's in

less than two weeks.

Oh, my God. She's gonna love it.

So when I put them all on,

I'll choose the best 65,

and I'll take the rest off.

- KIM: - Okay.

I have never gone

to this extent ever before

to shop for someone, let alone

style looks for someone.

- And then what do I do
- with the shoes?

- I just put them
- beside the mannequin?

- -I think so.
- -Okay. [chuckles]

- KIM:
- And it's a lot, because I want

- To make sure that this stuff
- looks good on the mannequins.

- Like, what order
- do we put it in?

Do we color-coordinate it?

I just can't wait to see

the look on her face.

Gonna jump in the shower.

So excited that

this is happening.

I hope she doesn't walk in.

♪ ♪


You leave your door unlocked?

- No. I thought it would
- have been locked.

[Kourtney chuckles]


I am dying

to see the dishes set.

-Want me to show you?

-Do you have them here?

Of course I do.

[chuckles softly]

- I really want to catch Kendall

In her lie about the plates.

So I decided to stop by

and say hi

and, like, get her to,

like, sweat a little bit.

So I ask her to see the dishes,

so that I can see

that they're not in her home.

- -Yes, and...
- -Nice.

- -KENDALL: Were these from you?
- -Yeah.

Just so many people

have gotten me...

the Hermès stuff,

I can't remember.

Then there's, like, this...

The big one.


- -The big horse one.
- -Yeah.

- And then the other...
- That one you just got me

Is a little bit smaller.

I was totally wrong.

Clearly, she has

the entire collection.

Now I feel stupid when I was

trying to catch her in a lie.


So, the craziest thing.

Do you want to know?




So for your... so for

your birthday this year...

- -Yeah?
- -I was like,

"I really want to get Kendall

some more of the Hermès."

And we had to, like, ask Hermès,

like, "What's left?"

So then they were like,

"Oh, my God.

Kendall returned everything

that you gave her."

-[laughs] No.

-So I'm just gonna keep

buying it

for her for every gift.

- Some of it must have been a
- duplicate, 'cause I told you,

- -some people have - gotten me horse stuff.
- -Yeah.

- -So I'm sure... Yeah.
- -'Cause it's so you.

- But I was like,
- "I'm literally just gonna keep

-buying it for her, like..."


I would never return it.

I literally love it.

Like, I just wanted to see.

- -Kendall... - -Did you want to,
- Like, catch me

- -in the act - of not having it?
- -No, I... Yes.

- I can't believe
- Kourtney would think

That I would return

very, very nice Hermès plates

that, in fact,

have horses on them.

- And those are my favorite animal
- of all time.

Why would I ever

return something like that?

That's such a nice gift.

I go, "As a joke, I'm gonna just

keep buying Kendall the stuff,

- -just cause I want..."
- -No. And you just saw it all.

No, I know, but I was like, "I

just want to see her reaction."

That's so funny.

That's funny.

Oh, my God. Well, I'm so happy

you loved the stuff.

- -Yay, Kendall. - -Next year.
- -Yeah.

Guess who's going

to New York City.

- -Who? - -You.
- -KRIS: Kendall J.


First to arrive!

-Hi, baby.

-Hey. Happy birthday.

-Well, thank you.

-Hey, Chef.

Me and all my sisters are

at my dad's house

for my dad's birthday,

which doesn't happen too often

and hasn't happened in a while,

so I'm really excited

to be here.

Oh, my God.

I missed the family so much.

Hey! Birthday time!

Happy birthday!


♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

- -Oh, no. Me?
- -♪ Cha, cha, cha ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Cha, cha, cha ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Caitlyn ♪

♪ Dad ♪

- -[laughter]
- -Yeah.

- -What is my name?
- -♪ Happy birthday to you. ♪

- [chuckles]: - Oh!



I just want to say thank you

for all you guys coming out.

- We haven't been together
- in a long, long time.

And thank you very much.

I love you all.

- -KHLOE: We love you!
- -Love you!

- OTHERS: - Love you!



-Still got air

in those lungs.

-CAITLYN: I'm super.

- -I'm super.
- -Yeah.

♪ ♪

Could they move

the orange and the silver?

Today is my mom's birthday.

She's on her way over

to my house to see her surprise.

Kanye must've moved this thing

around so many times

just to make sure that

it looks really dramatic

for when my mom walks in,

'cause she has no idea.

- I just told her to come over
- to get her birthday present.

- Okay, guys, can everyone
- get out of the way?

[overlapping chatter]


Okay. Stand over there.


But I'm just, like,

stressing a little bit,

because my kids woke up

and one of them had

a runny nose and no other

symptoms, so not a big deal,

but my mom is older, so I want

to take all the precautions

and just make sure that everyone

is all safe and healthy.

Hi, guys.

Think we're gonna be able

to make this work?

If I feel like I do now,

it's gonna be really hard

to sit up for seven hours.

KIM: We're supposed to do

- every single day
- leading up until the test.

And I've just been

feeling so sick.

Oh, my God. My stomach hurts.

♪ ♪

What's happening?

Just wanted to give you

your present.

So I thought that,

since you're 65,

I have created

an experience for you.

Let's go.

I know that she'll be

so happy about this,

but I can feel

her nervous energy

as she walks through the door.


-Looks one through 65.

-What is happening?

- KIM: For your 65th birthday,
- I know how hard it's been

- For you to find clothes to wear
- and dress yourself,

So I wanted to help you out.

- KRIS: - Oh, my God.

- KIM: - 65 looks.

These are for me?

- KIM: - Every single one.


Look. The Dior.

The... Look at the black

and white. I can't.

Oh, my God. Look at the gloves.

-Look at the gloves.


I mean, these looks.

Wait, look at this one.

-Look at this. See? Look.

-There's another room.

This is just the gift

that just keeps on giving.

Look at this.

Look at this jacket.

- KIM: - Prada pants.

- KRIS: - I'm speechless.

I cannot believe

what I'm walking into.

This is one of the biggest

surprises I've ever had

in my entire life.

I never thought that

- anything like this
- would happen to me,

Because it's certainly

so generous, so kind.

But the time and the energy

that Kim took

is the most amazing gift

I've ever seen in my life.

Oh, my God. There's more?

-My gold dress you were...

-The Chanel dress!


Oh, my God.

Hi, baby. Hi, baby.

and it's stunning.

It's just so beautiful

and magical.

It's like my very own Met Ball.

You-you guys had to have

worked on this for months.

Yeah. Doing all... I started

doing all the ordering myself,

and then I had to try 'em on.


It's absolutely beyond

my wildest imagination.

I can't even imagine

something like this happening.

It makes me so happy

that she appreciates this,

- 'cause I really did put in
- a lot of work,

And I just, ultimately,

want her to be happy

- and look good
- and feel confident.

And I think she really does get

the hard work

- that was put into it
- and really appreciates it.

This is better

than any fashion show...

-besides Yeezy...

That I've ever seen.

-[Kanye chuckles]


- -KHLOE: Leave it to the Wests.
- -Yeah.

- -KRIS: Look at this.
- -KHLOE: Thank God I'm gonna - Live next door to you, Mom.

-I can borrow your clothes.


This has to go down as

one of the best days of my life.

-[Kim laughs]

-It is.

It truly is.

You've made me so happy.

- KIM: - Just a little gift.

[overlapping chatter]

♪ ♪

[line ringing]


-KIM: Hi, it's Kim.

-BROMBERG: Hey, Kim.

How are you?

-Good. How are you?

- Good. What's happening?

KIM: So, my little Sainty

just tested positive for COVID.

- BROMBERG: I'm sorry to hear
- that. Is he, is he doing okay?

KIM: He's doing okay. He doesn't

really have major symptoms.

He just had a bit of a fever.

We test our kids once a week

because they go to school,

- and so they have to get tested
- in order to go

To this little pod.

So, someone at school

tested positive,

and my son was around them.

So Saint has COVID, and I'm

just really worried about him.

He's crying and coughing on me.

- And I'm trying to not
- freak anyone out,

- But now I have to figure out
- what we're gonna do,

- Especially with
- the three other kids.

- -KIM: North...
- -BROMBERG: Yeah.

- ...North is saying
- she's feeling sick,

- And I slept in bed
- with her last night.

She tested negative,

but I'm gonna test her again

with me on Saturday.

I'm supposed to be doing

with my tutor, who's an attorney

that flew in town

to study with me

for these two intense weeks.

But taking care of my kids,

obviously, comes first.

♪ ♪

[Kim coughing, groans]

My stomach really hurts.

-Oh, no.

-You know, at least I can

hang out with Saint, though.

Yeah, I was gonna say that.

Now you've got Sainty there

with you.

I'm feeling pretty [bleep].

North and I kept

feeling really sick.

- And we took tests
- right before I went to bed,

- And when I woke up
- in the morning,

- The tests, you know,
- came back positive.

We were supposed to do 12-hour

study sessions every single day,

leading up until the test,

and I've just been feeling

so sick and so, just, awful

with COVID that I can hardly

even get out of bed and study.

We do need to breach

the topic at some point.

- We don't have to today, Kim,
- but you know

-what I'm gonna as... say.


Think we're gonna be able

to make this work?

Oh, my God, my stomach hurts.


What'll... I just...

fight through and just try?

The reality is, this is...

this has got a lot of challenges

attached to it that... a perfect world,

you wouldn't be dealing with.

Having said that,

it's always your call.

- How do you feel about it?
- What-what is your...

Tell me what your take is.

Do you feel like...?

I mean, if I feel like I do now,

it's gonna be really hard

to sit up for seven hours,

because I just, you know...

And I'm-I'm on, like,

a heavy medication right now.

I thought that

making this decision

to stick with law school

was gonna be hard,

and to do this test,

but I had no idea

that I was gonna get COVID.

I'm feeling extremely achy,

so bad.

Like, the worst back pain.

I'm so tired.

I have 104 fever.

I don't know

how I'm gonna do this.

♪ ♪

Look at you, all dressed up.

- -KHLOE: Me?
- -Yeah.

-I'm in pajamas, bitch.

-You're what?

I'm in pajamas, bitch.

Every other day,

I've felt like [bleep].

- I have body aches.
- Like, you don't even...

-I mean, you understand,

but, like...

-That's the thing.

I've been there, babe. It sucks.

And the brain fog.

Every person I speak to

- with COVID has
- lingering brain fog.

-You're literally stupid.

-I know.

Have you decided if you're

gonna take the test or not?

There is no COVID extensions

for this,

so I'm not gonna wait until June

to take this again.

I'm gonna at least try.

Just say a prayer,

get it over with.

If I start the test,

and I feel...

like I can't push through

- and I feel really sick,
- I'll stop that.

My health, obviously,

comes first. I know that.

But if I waited, I would

have to wait another six months

- to take this test, and I don't
- really want to do that.

So I'm kind of clear

on the decision

that I'm gonna take this test,

and I'm just gonna

give it my best shot.

I'm starting to freak.

- There's so much information
- that I need to know.

But last time, you felt like

you didn't know this [bleep],

- and then when you took the test,
- you knew it all.

I failed.

- No, but you said,
- because now you're like,

- "I know it," 'cause now you know
- what it's about.

I know way more now.

I know way more now.


-So I'm good.

If I pass, then great.

I passed it with COVID, and...

Oh, and I am calling

the New York Post,

- or whoever you want me
- to call, I'm gonna say,

"My sister [bleep]

is a lawyer now,

and she did this with COVID."

Well, I won't be a lawyer

just yet, but I'm gonna be...

When I tell the story,

you're gonna be a lawyer, okay?

Okay. I have to go study.

-I love you.

No one call my phone...

-I love you.

-...until tomorrow night.

-I'm not calling you.

I'm praying for you.

♪ ♪


The headache is gone?

So far. And that was, like,

the sharpest headache for days.

So that, I'm so happy.

My back still hurts.

That's a lot.

And we're talking about you

taking a seven-hour exam

in a matter of days.

My chest is just

starting to hurt,

and that's starting to scare me.

- I think you got to rest.
- And, you know,

I don't want to push you

on these, you know?

So just let me know

if you want to circle back.

We can do some multiple-choice

questions tonight.

Okay. Let's try

multiple-choice tonight.

I'll let you know how I feel.

I registered to take the test,

but because I have COVID,

every day I'm just

gonna see how I feel.

But this level of exhaustion

is different

- and something
- that I'm just not used to,

So I keep on falling asleep.

I really don't want to study.


-I'm just gonna take it

day by day,

but the test is in a few days.

But now I have to take care

of two kids and study,

and there's no one

that'll help me.

[Saint crying]

-Oh, here they come.



- At this point, I'm like,
- "Whatever they want to do.

-I don't even care."

-I was gonna... [laughs]

- According to the California Bar,

You can actually become a lawyer

without going to law school.

So, you're gonna be...

you're gonna be a lawyer?

I know.

SAM: So when we're talking

about strict liability...

[Saint babbling]


-Uh, yeah, listen,

listen, listen.

Listen, listen, listen, listen.

-Listen, buddy.

-SAM: Hi.

Saint, look,

Sam's talking to you.

- Do you want to hear him?
- Just only you can hear him.

Hi, Saint. Mommy needs you to be

a big boy so she can study.

- -[crying]
- -What's the problem, buddy?

You've been crying

this whole time.


I want to play the game,

but... [babbling, crying]

- KIM: - So tough.

-If only I had your problems.

-[Sam chuckles]

- KIM: - I'm finally feeling
- A little bit better,

And I really

want to try to study,

but I'm also

taking care of my kids.

And this is super frustrating,

because it's crunch time.

I should be in full study mode

and tune everything out,

but it's so hard and I just,

like, want to give up.

I don't know.

[Saint crying]


- -SAINT: No!
- -I want to disappear.

- SAM: - Mm-hmm.

Hey, Saint.

You want me to teach you

some law, Saint?

♪ ♪

Okay. I'm about to take my exam

in about 15 minutes.

Gonna go have some breakfast.

Lucky slippers.

- And let's see, um,
- how this goes.

- I feel like I definitely
- know more.

I'm excited.

I have my little note cards

I'm gonna look at

during breakfast.


My breathing is a little off,

but that's okay.

I can just... take

shorter breaths when I need to.

And I'm gonna take this test,

COVID or not.

♪ ♪

I can't believe

I just finished the baby bar.

I am so tired.

I did it though.

I pulled through.

I'm proud of myself.

Even if I don't pass, it's okay.

That was probably

the hardest thing I've ever,

ever had to do.

I have about two months

before we get the results.

And if I don't pass, I don't

care, 'cause I had COVID.

And if I pass,

then it is a [bleep] miracle

and I don't know how I did that.

I definitely feel like

I knew more

this time on the test

than last time on the test.

- I feel really confident
- about that.

But, you know,

you-you get really cloudy

and you get really, like,

this, like, COVID brain.

If I didn't pass, [chuckles]

it's all COVID's fault.

So I tried my best,

I had a moment of, like,

about to black out,

but I pushed through.

It is what it is.

And I'm proud of myself,

regardless, so we'll see.

Wow. This looks so cool.

- KRIS: I'm really excited
- that we're on

Our one last family trip

for the show.

I just want to make sure

that this one is super special.


- Tristan just got signed

To the Boston Celtics.

- KIM: He definitely wants you
- to move there, though.

-Like, he wants you...

-Like, full-time?


Kim has been struggling

with her relationship.

You can always talk to me

about whatever, and...

There's, like, honestly

nothing to talk about.

I just roll with it.