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20x09 - Keeping Up With the Kids

Posted: 12/07/23 16:13
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

- Khloe: Hi, ladies.
- Khadijah: Hi!

Hey. So wait...

Khloe: You guys are
the first people to see it,

Even over my sisters.

- Khadijah: That-that, that's
your mom's house?
- That's my mom's.

- You are kidding me.
- She had no idea.

-Oh, you didn't know that?
-I had no idea.
I think that's...

- Look how cute
your little tummy is.
- Thank you.

I think that's so amazing.

I just think
it's so much more special.

You're getting an estate.
But you're getting one

- Right next to your mom's.
- It's gonna be...

No, it's gonna be amazing.

My mom and I found two lots
next door to each other,

And we are both building
our dream homes.

They will not be done for
months and months and months,

But I'm so stoked to be
living right next to my mom.

And when I mean "right next,"
I mean...

Sharing property lines.

We are... Neighbors.

And this whole area will be
just, like, a great room.

And then you look out,
and these open all the way up,

And there's, like, a fire pit,
pool and pavilion.

- Right. Here's the party.
- It's gonna be amazing.

Oh, my goodness.

So from this entry on

- Is the master's quarters.
- Mm-hmm.

- So this will be a glam room.
- Oh.

And then this is
all master closet.

- Khadijah:
This whole here, right?
-[chuckles] all of this.

- Yes, of course. Yeah.
- This is exactly what you need.

Khloe: My big-ass closet.

This, this will be...

I mean, I love, love,
love my current home.

I'm only moving
because the expansion

That I wanted
to do on my current home,

I am unable to do, um,
for a slew of reasons.

So, elevator goes down
to basement all the way

- Up to the... What would be
considered the third floor.
- Third floor.

- Uh, three kids bedrooms.
- Okay.

- So kids bedrooms are up?
- Yes.

- Okay.
- And, like, only on one side
of the house.

So, I thought
it would be really,

Really special to just
build my dream home.

This is the first home
that you're

Building from the ground up.

- Yes.
- I just got full chills.

-I can see it already.
I really can.
-Yeah. Really? Oh, good.

♪ ♪

Kim: Hey.

Oh. Rock and roll!

Look at that speed demon.

- Where are they going?
- They're just trying

To be funny and run
through the show.

Has north ever seen the show?

- I think, like, clips on tiktok.
- Right.

She sees, like,
it's a popular tiktok, where,

Like, they-they do
the crying scene

- From the bora bora. Yeah.
- Ah, the earrings? Yeah.

- Right.
- Or pretty much
all my crying scenes.

So she sees that stuff,

And she'll come in and go,
"mom, I lost my earrings."

My earring's gone!

[bleep] oh, my god.

I'm gonna cry.
[crying]: My diamond earring!

-Oh, my god. That's fun.
-And she'll, like,
do that as a joke,

And I'm just like,
"you have no idea what that is."

Right. I'm just thinking, like,

They're gonna watch it
at some point,

Because it's, like, our life.

At what point do we sit
them down and say, like,

"you're allowed to either go
through these seasons

And see what, like, mom
and dad did all these years"?

Or, you know, at some point,

They're just gonna be like,
"I want to see when..."

I don't really want to explain,
like, who kris humphries is...

See, that... but that is
your life. That is your past.

And at some point,
they're gonna be

Interested in seeing everything.

They're either gonna do it
without us or with us.

I get that
and I'd rather do it with.

I'd rather be that parent.

But I'm just not ready for
the kids to see it yet.

- I agree.
- At least north.

Recently, my kids have asked

To watch the show,
but I'm really hesitant.

I think just because
I'm gonna have to...

-Me personally...
explain a lot. [laughs]

the only person that did

Bad [bleep] on the show was me.

- Yeah.
- Right?

You have nothing to worry about.

- When'd you get here?
- [bleep] just landed.

Jesus. [bleep]

They're going
a little crazy right now.

Kris: Stop it.

[glass shatters]

I really have
some explaining to do.

I mean, it's
kind of crazy that...

When the show...
When we announced

That we were gonna stop it,
that kourtney told mason.

And, like, he really didn't
have any reaction like he does.

It doesn't mean anything to him,
you know.

- Right.
- But the kids were such
a big part of the show.

Right, 'cause they were
born into it.

If we were born
with cameras around,

We wouldn't know
the difference, either.

- Yeah.
- Must be crazy, though,

To be a kid and not even
really realize

You're on the truman show.

- Yeah.
- Like... Your whole life's

Been filmed, and it's been...

We've been putting it on tv,

Could you imagine if we named
one of our kids truman?

Oh, my god, true.

- [laughs]: True.
- True. Oh, my god.

- Why don't we call her that?
- Why-why don't we call her that?

Honey, do have
an appointment to have

- Your hair fixed tomorrow?
- Yeah.

[construction vehicles
whirring and beeping]

[kris groans loudly]

That noise outside.
You don't hear the construction?

-[quietly]: It's okay.
It's okay.
-No, it's not.

- It's okay. Yes.
- No, it's not.

Well, look where we are,
and we can't walk outside.

- Why can't we?
- Because it sounds
like... There's...

They're building a, you know,
huge building next door.

The neighbors are
in the middle of a major...

Construction project,
and it's really loud.

Like, really, really loud, where
"you can't be on a phone" loud.

"you can't think" loud.
You can't... It's really bad.

- It's okay.
- No, it's not.

Yes. It's okay.
Everything's fine.

Mom, you really just,
I think, for your own health

Have to be a little more,
like, positive and, like,

Don't sweat the small stuff.

Honestly, like, okay,
there's construction.

You can't really hear it
in here.

It's fine.

I'm not sure why, but she likes
to kind of harp on the negative,

And it boils her up instead
of just being, like, okay.

Like, just we-we can
brush things off,

And you could turn
a negative into a positive.

You can create either,
like, a [bleep] day

Or a really good day.

- I'm trying to look
at the glass half full.
- Mm-hmm.

And sometimes somebody's
drinking my [bleep] lemonade.

It's so exhausting for me even
just talking about it right now.

I'm like, ugh. So heavy.

Like, let's just have
[bleep] fun.

Let's have a nice,
beautiful day.

Holy [bleep].

This house is sold.
It's in escrow.

Khloe: Someone gave me
an offer on my home.

The only kicker is
they want me out of my house

Within just a couple weeks.

I have to find a rental
or a place to stay.

So I'm, like,
a little stressed out.

Did [bleep] ever say
anything to you?

Yeah. She was crying,
and she felt so degraded by you.

Kourtney: She's lying.

Kim's nanny and I had
a little disagreement,

When we were
away traveling together.

I never yelled!

If you have a reputation
of degrading people...

Kim, shut the [bleep] up,

I want to go
to school now, so bye.

-[indistinct chatter]
-come on, you guys.
Get in the car.

Are you coming?

- What's up?
- Khloe: Hey, kiddo.

Are you so excited
for our new barbecues?

-Oh, my god.
It's gonna be amazing.
-I am. At the new house.

It's not gonna be until,
like, April, though.

You said April?

I-I-I think it's gonna
be done around, like,

Late next year.
I say, like, September.

- Yeah, right.
- Tristan: Oh, we talking about

When khloe's house
will be ready?

I just think
there's so much work,

And you're so a**l about, like,
how you want things.

This house is sold.
It's in escrow.

Is it, like, bittersweet
for you?

Yeah, for sure.

I mean, even I'm sure for you.

Like, we're never gonna be
able to be back here again.

So, you spent
all this time putting

The effort
into this house, and...

You're just getting
rid of it like that?

It's not feasible
for me anymore.

- What if I have another baby?
- Right.

My original plan was
to wait until

My new home was as close
to being done as possible,

And I could start transitioning
peacefully and calmly over.

Like, what a great, nice plan.

But then someone gave me
an offer on my home.

The only kicker is
they want me out of my house

Within just a couple weeks,
so I have to figure it out.

I have to find a rental
or a place to stay.

And just... A lot of things
are just happening fast.

So I'm, like,
a little stressed out.

I need, like, positive stories.

How I'm gonna move in in April.
How great it's gonna be.

Yep. Gonna fix up my house.

I'm definitely
taking your ideas.

Khloe bought this house
fresh off a divorce,

And it's a big
accomplishment whenever

You buy your own house.

So I think, for khloe,

It's kind of hard
to start another chapter.

But, you know,
at the end of the day,

Change is a good thing.

It's nothing to be,
you know, scared of.

And I got the play.
I got the recipe.

I mean, just make her happy.
Weekly flowers.

[camera clicks]

What company is this?

This will go perfect
by my double sink.

So, wait. What day
do you basically, like...?

Well, I don't know.
I'm still waiting.

I'm supposed to know this week.

- I am instacarting all this.
- [camera clicks]

- I need a mirror like this.
- [camera clicks]

Like, I just started
packing up little by little

Just some accessory things,
but I'm like...

I'm just too much
of a planner for this.

Hey, guys. Miss me?

Where have you been?

What were you doing in there?

- Using the restroom.
- It's a good visual.

- What y'all been up to?
- Talking about the house.

We were just talking
about the house and...

- You're gonna miss
this house, too.
- Yeah, I'll miss a lot.

- We had great memories.
- I'll tell you

What I'm not gonna miss:
All these plants everywhere.

- Oh, my gosh. Why?
- Oh, I'm not gonna
miss the bees.

- You got too much bugs and...
- Yeah. Like, you got...

- I know you want to...
- What?

- It's just annoying.
- Well, wait until
you get to the new house.

I'm gonna...
You're gonna be covered

- In [bleep] plants.
- Is it really?

Wh-where you gonna put it?

The whole backyard
and front yard.

- I love flowers.
- Oh, my god, please don't.

What do you...
It makes the ambience.

That's what makes this house
so enchanting and magical.

What are you doing?

Oh, no, I seen, uh, like a chip,
so I'm gonna send it to alexa.

There's a chip up there,
so I'm gonna let her know.

There's a little chip, you know?

♪ ♪

You have, like, a skinny arm.

- Look at that all [bleep].
- Khloe: I know,
she looks great.

- Ten pounds down.
- There's nothing to even do.

- I lost ten pounds.
- That's insane.

So, remember when we were
talking yesterday about, like...

That the kids
haven't seen the show,

But eventually, like,
over all their lives,

They're probably
gonna see, like,

Different parts and pieces?

Whether they sit down
and watch it

Or they see it on their phone,
computer, ipads, whatever.

I was thinking...
Before everything ends,

I wanted the kids to see
where they came from, kind of.

- Where you guys were born.
- Let's make a thing.

Where you grew up.

In my eyes,
we have the most luxurious

Home videos on earth

To show our kids at some point,
once they're mature

And old enough
to see all this crazy stuff.

But for now,
I want to show the kids,

You know,
the fact that we were living

On this side of town, and that
we came from here and...

So many different places
where we basically,

Like, had those really
big moments in our lives.

The clark condo.

Some of the best times
of my life were in that house.

What in god's name?

- [crying]
- help me. Okay.

Oh, my god. One minute
with this little guy?

We have to go to your house
in beverly hills.

I love that house.

- We thought
that I made it, guys.
- I was like...

- And I did, but, like...
- Khloe: You did.

-You did.
-We were, like,
I couldn't believe

We could've afforded this house.

-We were all like...
"there's a gate?"

Kris: Kim, this is absolutely

- Gorgeous!
- Kim: Thank you.

Do you guys have
to wear your heels and stuff

On the grass?

What about the dash stores,

Yeah, hello? Dash stores.

You just are too strong
for your own good.

- Like, you just don't even know.
- Wait, don't! Khloe!

I'm getting a rug burn.

Tell me you love me.

- I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.
- Tell me you love me.

So, that sums up the tour.


- [chair scrapes]
- oh.

- You peefed.
- [chuckles]

[chair scrapes]

[chuckles]: Bye, guys.

-oh, that's what
you're gonna do?

- You're... whoa.
- Ooh!

Scott: Ah!

Sha-zay! [shouts]

What was
your favorite birth year?

- Like, 27, 28?
- Ten.

- Oh, my god, that's so sad.
- That was my funnest party.

- Or no, 11.
- No, not just your party.

-The whole year.
Like, the year...
-Oh, how am I gonna remember?

What's your... yeah... best year?
It could be now.

- Khloe: Mine's not right now.
- Although I don't think it is.

Um, what... [chuckles]

- What about...
- Yeah.

Yeah, we had a talk
and she was crying,

- And she thought...
- Oh, my god, what happened?

...She was gonna lose her job.

Kourtney: Kim's nanny

And I had a little disagreement
when we were away,

Traveling together,
but I haven't really spoken

To kim about it, so I want
to see what's going on.

She said that she felt
so degraded by you,

And you just started
yelling at her.

- Oh, my god.
- And you said,

- "keep your voice down."
- she's lying.

Reign told me this
last time we were in idaho.

Three weeks ago,
"[bleep] told me

That I will go to jail
if I talk in the car."

And reign's, like,
big on me confronting people

- In front of them.
- Khloe: Reign?

Yeah. Like, so even
saint or whoever,

He'll be, like,
"saint said this.

Can you please
talk to him, mom?"

- Wow.
- Or, "penelope said this.

Can you go talk..."
like, he wants to know

- That I...
- That you're doing it.

...Have his back
in front of him.

Like, if it's mason,
whoever it is.

So, he goes,
"can you say to [bleep]

"right now what she said
to me last week about

-Going to jail..."
-but it should
have been in private.

It should've... you sh...
She said, "I wish she would've

"tapped me on the shoulder
and said, 'hey,

"something's really bothering
me, can I talk to you?'

"and we could've
talked in private,

But for her to yell at me
in a restaurant..."

There's not even
one percent that I yelled.

Chad was like, "I'm so shocked."

He's a pastor.

He was like,
"I cannot even believe

That she would
even speak like that."

She's the one who raised
her voice, which is why I said,

"[bleep], lower your voice."

I mean, she went in
the other room and was crying,

Like, was making plans
to go home,

And I was like,
"you're not fired."

Like, "it's okay.
We're gonna talk about this."

Yeah, if you think she works
for you, that's totally fine.

She would never work for me
with what... the way she acts.

That's totally your choice,
but... so, she just said...


She's like,
"boy, you're a liar."

And I was like, "excuse me?

You're gonna call
a five-year-old a liar?"

- Yeah. She definitely
shouldn't say that.
- Oh, crazy.

But she told me that, you know,
if you would've tapped her

And said, "hey, can
we not talk about this, like,

- In a very public restaurant?"
- anyone can say...

No one was list... hearing
how loud I was talking, though.

I was talk...
Said it very quietly.

Okay, I don't want
to talk about this with you,

'cause you obviously
don't get it.

- Yeah.
- I like her,
so she's not getting fired.

- I like to keep my staff
for a long time.
- Keep her.

- Yeah, I don't care. Keep her.
- So that's how I feel.

She will not
ever be around my kids.

Kourtney, you can't
even keep a nanny.

Kim, shut the [bleep] up,

The way you're talking is wild.

Kim is throwing out
all these jabs,

Like, intentionally
to hurt my feelings.

None of which were even true.

Like, throwing out random lies
about my own stuff.

I think that was just,
like, really, really hurtful

Coming from my sister.

You keep projecting
all your bull[bleep] onto me.

Kim: I have none.

Hey, kim, look in the mirror.

- I do every five minutes.
- In the middle.

- Khloe: My gosh,
it smells so good.
- You see the vibe?

- Tristan: See the vibe in here?
- I smell the vibes.

These are cute labels.

Tristan: Yeah. Yeah,
I thought about it one morning

When I woke up.

He's just copying the things
that I do and I like.

So I'm a little confused.

Kim: Look, I know it was hurtful
that I said that to her,

Probably, that she can't
keep an employee,

But you just have to realize,

When you treat people
like that...

It's not that I believe [bleep].
I believe both of them.

- With her...
- I think I should go check
on her.

- Yeah, you should.
- 'cause she's gonna...

But, like, maybe can you
have my back a little bit?

Say, "kim..."

Khloe: 90% of these fights

Escalate because we start
throwing insults,

Getting negative.

Energy is so infectious
and contagious.

And if everyone is in
this house with a negative,

Heavy, disgusting energy, it's
just gonna infect all of us.

Kourt? You okay? Aw, don't cry.

- I didn't know you were crying.
- No, it's just [bleep] up.

She's just that person that uses

The, like...
Like, [bleep] against you.

It's just, like,
that's the stuff

That makes me question, like:

Why would you treat
your family like that?

It's so [bleep] up.

Like, you want to, like,
portray me in this way

That's, like, not even true.

It's just bizarre.

I just, I can't be around
that energy right now.

This is the exact problem
within the family

That's, like,
this unnecessary fighting

And constant negativity.

It's just such a bad quality.

It's not the energy
I need to be around,

Which is... that's when
I, like, remove myself.

-Like, why would I want
to be around that?
-And that's, like, that's great,

If you're able to do that.

And it's easier for me to say
'cause I'm not the one

- In the m...
like, involved right now.
- Yeah.

But maybe someone has to...
If that's how you feel

And you've experienced
for years, I think it's okay

To say that calmly
so someone hears you.

I don't know. It's just,
I can't be around that energy.

Like, personally
cannot be around that.

♪ ♪

Scott: [gasps] pen... no!

So, p...

I think we moved out of here
when you were born,

But this is where mason
was born, and we lived here.

I thought it would be
really, really important

For the kids to see the house

That their mom and dad
first started their love affair.

- Mwah.
- Love you.

I love you. I love you.

We had such an amazing time

Living in a townhouse
with khloe.

Oh, my god!

Those were really big moments
in our lives,

And I'm happy the people
were nice enough,

That live there now, to let us
on in and cruise around.

All right. Come on, guys.
Let's go look.

- Dad, are we sleeping here?
- You want to sleep here, reign?

- Yeah.
- And stay here?

Yeah, I want
to sleep here today.

- Okay. Yeah...
- Kim: Oh, my gosh.

- Look at how cute this is.
- Scott: We're all up here.

Oh, my gosh. I remember this.

So... Khloe lived in here.

Reign: What is that?

But we never saw her.

She would never come
out of her room.

She would just burn candles
and sit in here all day,

Very similar to, like,
what you would, mase.

And then, this was your room.

Koko moved out,
and you moved into here.

- Hey.
- Hello, hello.

- What are you doing?
- Getting this room put together.

Oh, that's cute,
with the animals there

- And the blanket.
- What do you... what about
the whole crib is all done?

Oh, no way.

Just wanted you to be happy.

Thank you. It makes me happy.

Honestly, this was one
of the best times of our lives,

When we lived here.

- It was so easy and chill.
- Reign, let go.

And, look, this was
auntie kourtney's room.

This was mommy and daddy's.

A lot of good times
in here, guys.

I love you, little one.

- I love you.
- And I love you,
little-little one.

Oh, my gosh.
I remember this closet.

Scott: The bathroom has changed.

- Kim: This is cool.
- Scott: Yeah, they redid it.

- Kim: Yeah.
- Reign: Saint,
come in here with me.

Scott: Oh, it's pimped out.

It's nice.
Reign, get out of there.

- Reign: Why?
- You can't go in
people's closets.

Reign: Is there creepy monsters?

- Mase, go easy on him.
- Mase, come on, be gentle.

Let's go downstairs and look.

Come on. One time,
mom got mad at me

And got all my clothes
and threw it off of here.

- Reign: Mase!
- Mase, stop messing with him.

- [crying]
- okay, guys.

Let's look... oh, the kitchen's
all nicely redone now.

- Reign: Dad, I want a snack.
- A snack? No, no, no.

Man, this does bring back
a lot of memories.

Hey, stop, mason.

Kim: Yeah, guys. No-no fighting.

The kids aren't really
grasping this condo

Because they were
just too young.

So, I definitely think
that we need to just

Finish up our house tour
a little bit early.

-I think it meant more
to scott and I

- Than them, to be honest.
- [tongue clicks]

N-no! No!

I think we're gonna have
to come up with something

A little bit more impactful
for the kids.

So, I'm thinking now
sitting them down

And showing them
all the highlights,

Going out through the years,
of stuff with them.

That will be impactful,
and that they'll understand

And that they'll
actually take in.

I want a snack.

When we get back to the house,
I'll g... I'll make you...

No, there's snacks here.

- We can't take their snacks.
- Kim: Okay, let's go.

We just wanted you to see it.

We wanted you to see
this gorgeous place.

- I loved seeing it.
- I loved seeing it, too.

Brought back so many memories.

- Hey. I'm gonna get out of here.
- Kiddo.

Ooh, kourtney. It's from mom.

- I love you guys.
- Mom, you're so lame!

Kim: Kourt?

Kourtney: Yeah.


I... I haven't seen you,
so I just wanted to

Come over and talk to you.

I'm sorry for arguing
with you and bringing up

A whole bunch of other stuff
that just didn't have to do with

The fight or, like, the topic
of what we were talking about.

Well, I feel like it's like...

Are you just making up
a bunch of stuff?

Or, like, are you like...

"she actually was
degrading nannies"?

Or are you just, like,
spewing out,

Like, bull[bleep]
to piss me off?

You all know that we don't
let you guys watch the show,

But we broke it down
into small clips.

- So if you will...
- The big reveal.

- Please watch the feature!
- [laughter]

Are you like, "she actually
was degrading nannies"?

Or are you just, like,
spewing out,

Like, bull[bleep]
to piss me off?

More pissing you off.

Yeah. I don't know why
we do that. Like in this family.

- We all do that.
- It's, like, really hurtful.

I rememb... I mean,
I definitely used to do it more.

- You were the queen of it.
- I mean, I... Yeah.

- I learned it from you. [laughs]
- yeah.

But, like, it's like...
And I feel like

I learned it from mom,

And it's almost like
just a tone turns

To, like, mean, you know?

Like, on everyone,
like, not just you.

-But I'm like,
why can't we just say,

Like, "how was your
conversation with my nanny?

"I heard that she felt
like this.

This is what...
How she said she felt."

Then, and why can't I be like,
"oh, really? That's so weird."

Then I wouldn't have meant to,
like, say that.

But as a protective mom...

- Yeah.
- I don't know.

Why can't the tone
just be like that, you know?

- Yeah.
- It's just like, it's...

It's just not a good,
like, way to be.


I spent time really thinking
about what happened with

Kourtney and my nanny, and
I-I completely see both sides.

But I think that I could have
handled it better,

And I feel guilty that I
contributed to this negativity.

I think, just as a family,

We should definitely,
like, work on that.

- You know?
- Yeah, we should.

Yeah. It's super negative.

You know, I'm happy that kim
came over to talk and that she

Knows that she says things she
doesn't mean just to be hurtful.

And I can do it, too,
sometimes, so I really

Want to be aware
and, like, change it.

I think most of the fights
that we have lately, especially

The ones with me and kim,
would not get nearly as far

If we just learn to communicate
without all this negativity.

Well, thanks for
coming to apologize.

- Of course.
- I appreciate it.

Fights are our thing.


♪ ♪

Alexa, all of those decorative
pillows need to just go to...

- The rental?
- The rental.

And then I might decide
to put some in storage.

- But they just have to go.
- Okay.

- I told him next week I'm gonna
determine more storage pieces.
- Okay.

[line ringing]

Hey, babe. It's you and me.

Oh, yeah, it is.
So, how do you feel today?

it's so hectic and crazy.

I did not sleep last night.

It is my final day in my house,

And it's really, really sad.

I found a rental not too far,
right down the street.

Moving just sucks in general.

This was the very first house
I bought on my own.

I love this house so much,

And I really feel like
I built this amazing fortress.

Uprooting to a completely
different house is

Challenging for adults,
but especially toddlers.

And I think there's been so much
change for true right now,

Getting rid of, you know,
the house she was born in.

- True dat!
- True-ssle. Oh, my goodness.

Look at your outfit.

Go, true, go!

[both sputtering]

I think it would be really nice
for her to have

A brother or sister for her to
play with and grow up with.

And I am just praying
that my next house will

Have more
and even better memories.

I have the best memories
in this beautiful home.

Oh, my goodness.

What beautiful blessings.

It's all done.

But if we ever get these

New [bleep] houses,
I would have my dream pantry.

♪ ♪

Kourtney: Ow.

I just had, like, a sharp pain

- Literally on my vag*na.
- Khloe: Oh.

Have you ever had
anything like that before?

No. I just think I'm not well.

- My whole body is so sore.
- Khloe: You definitely
are not well.

So, I was talking to kim because
I really, lately, have been

Thinking a lot about
negativity in the family.

All of us do it,
including myself,

Where it's like,
you talk to someone,

Like, as if, like,
you should know already.

- Like, you should know better.
- Right.

But it's an overall thing
of people,

Like, for years, you know?


I don't think
we all realize how much

We bring this negativity.

It's definitely something,
now that I'm aware of,

That I really notice, you know,

How often we all do it,
including myself.

And I definitely don't want to

Pass it down to my kids.

I genuinely want to be
more aware of it, too.

That kind of stuff, always
tell me, like, in the moment,

So I can... I like to know, so
I don't want to act like that.

Yeah. I feel like we should have

A negativity jar, and whenever
someone is negative...

- Put money in it.
- Yeah.

I absolutely love
the new plan kourt suggested.

It's a great visual
to make us aware...

Like, really aware...
Of how we all can be

- Negative in talk at times.
- I think we need to tell mom.

But instead of, like,
just making her

Feel uncomfortable,
tell everyone and tell kim.

Plus anyone who's at the house.

- Whoever's here.
- Right.

This is definitely going to be
a family exercise.

I mean, we all...
Myself included...

We have the ability
to be negative.

And, you know, it might stem
from my mom a little bit.

So I think we all need
to be aware of how we talk,

And we should want
to change this behavior.

So we need a jar,
a stapler and post-its.

- And a pen.
- Tell khloe about penelope.

- The way she packed
mason's whole bag up.
- It was just ridic...

- She goes, "mase..."
- was folding everything.

"I'll-I'll... you lay down.
I'll-I'll pack for you."

She's, like,
a literal 80-year-old woman.

She's trapped in a little body.

♪ ♪

- Hello.
- Look who it is.

- Oh, my gosh, it smells so good.
- You see the vibe?

- Tristan: See the vibe in here?
- I smell the vibes.

- Smells so good.
- What's up?

Where'd you get
these candles from?

Uh, I seen on pinterest.

Like, I just woke up one
morning, I was like, you know,

I just want to, like,
organize everything

A little bit more and...

- He's leveling up.
- Yeah.

Grown and sexy vibes.

Oh, my. Grown and sexy vibes.

It's okay. The whole family
does it. It's fine.

He came from frat house vibes,
so... To see this.

- Khloe: Yeah. I know.
- The fridges are
looking immaculate.

Oh, the fridges. I was...
I was just gonna go check.

Tristan has incredible taste,

But I've been
to this house before,

And this is the first time
it looked like this.

Like, there's so many things

That are things
that I have at my house.


Got all the drinks you need.

Really. These are cute labels.

- What labels? For the chips?
- In your pantry.

Yeah, yeah. I thought about it
one morning, I woke up...

Are you on my pinterest board?

- Tristan: No.
- Yeah, right.

Tristan: You see this?

All the baccarat glasses?

Mm-hmm. Got my,
uh, champagne glass.

- What happened?
- Those are all my glasses.

- Are they actually?
- Mm-hmm.

You like how I put
the house together?

- Khloe: Yeah, the house
looks amazing.
- Yeah.

I think I can be
an interior person one day.

Don't you think?

Yeah, you would just need, like,
a ghostwriter for interior.

- Tristan: Yeah,
my pinterest page.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm a little confused
why he just wants

To literally be twins.

I'm not sure what that is.

Like, this house is beautiful.

But that's because
so much of it is literally

Just replicas from things
that I've done in the past,

Whether it be stuff in cleveland
or this calabasas house or...

He's just copying the things
that I do and I like.

Did you put lights up there?

Yeah. Uh, one day,
I was over your house,

And it was dark,
so I took a picture.

- All right.
- Yeah.

- Khloe came over to my house.
- Yeah.

And she's like, "hmm.

This looks familiar."
and looked like she's annoyed.

Like she thought you were
trying to, like, bite her style

- For, like, yourself?
- Bite her, yeah, yeah.

He tries so hard, and he just
wants khloe to be happy.

You know, I want
to make her comfortable

And get a little mushy
with it, so...

- Robert: Kourtney.
- Rob: What do you got to say?

That's what she has to say.

What do you think today,
on mother's day, kourtney?

That it's my mommy's day,
and I like it.

Robert: You like it?

Look at these teeth.

Kim: Hi, guys.

- Kim, you're so sexy.
- I know.

I said I...
It's just I don't know

When I can ever wear this out.

You should definitely take
a good photo outside.

Yeah, you look hot to trot.

- I'll take one, if you want.
- Khloe: Okay, guys, so...

I'm about to give you
a little lecture.

I have this fancy-schmancy jar.

-Negativity jar?
-What is that?
A negativity jar?

Khloe: Negativity jar.

Kourtney made
a point saying, like,

"every time I walk in here,
it's negative."

People are like,
"what are you wearing?

What'd you do to your hair?"

- Kourtney: Yeah.
- So, this is what
we're going to do.

Until we're done
with this house rental,

We're gonna put in a dollar...
If you only have five,

You put in a five dollar bill.

If you only have
a hundred dollar bill,

- That's what goes in here.
- So, carry some ones.

You're gonna take your bill,
and you're going to write

Your name, like "kris,"

Staple it to the bill
and put it in here.

So then at the end, whoever
has the least amount of names

In here gets all the money.

There's nothing wrong
with a little family

Attitude adjustment.

We should want to change
the narrative and be happy

And have positive things
to say about each other.

Like, it's not about
the dollar amount.

It's just being aware
every time you do something

Or say something
that's negative,

Put something in this jar,
where you're aware,

"okay, I'm being
a [bleep] ass[bleep]

Right now and let's stop."

Hopefully, this will change
the tune of this house.

-It's not what you say.
It's how you say it.
-Kourtney: Yeah.

We'll speak in a way as if,
like, "you should know better."

And guess where I learned it.

-It's not just you.
It's not just you.

- I don't want you to think
this is an attack on you...
- Yeah, no.

...'cause it's not
at all. It's...

Kim does it and kourtney
does it and I do it.

It's generational,
like, these things,

Then they pass down,
which is, like,

- Why I'm trying not
to do it with our kids.
- Yeah.

And I don't want
to be responsible

For teaching you guys
how to be negative.

I don't want to pass it on
to my grandchildren.

I noticed that I'm negative
when my children point it out.

And I do feel bad about it.

I don't want to be
negative nelly, you know?

I want to be a positive person.

So I'm gonna work on that,
and hopefully

Get a little bit better
with my attitude.

You look beautiful.

- Is there a positivity jar?
- Khloe: No, but there should be.

- Why are we only
bringing out the negative?
- Kris: Yeah.

Why are we being so negative
with the negativity jar?

- Exactly.
- I think I'm even now.

I was gonna have
to wire you money.

I am back to square one.

♪ ♪

Kim: Okay, I'm gonna fly

To oklahoma city in November

To meet julius
and to talk to governor stitt.

Okay. Just send me the dates.

All right, I'll call you
in a little bit. Bye.

- Tristan: What up?
- What's going on?

- Just another... Busy day.
- Busy. Busy working.

- Making the...
making stuff happen.
- It's my side hustle.

- It's a pretty good side hustle.
- I know.

You know, most people's
side hustle is like, uh,

You know,
selling shoes, bubblegum,

But you're just,
you know, freeing,

Freeing people that are
wrongly, you know,

- Accused and...
- I know.

- ...Fixing...
- It, like, consumes me.

- Yeah.
-'cause I want to do,
like, so much, you know?

-I literally always have
to keep my phone on,

'cause I never know
who's, like, gonna call...

- Call... yeah.
-...That, like,
can only have one call.

-You know?
-Mm-hmm. 'cause you want to help
everyone, but it's like,

- You can't, unfortunately.
- I know.

You know, um, so,
khloe came over to my house...

- Yeah? Yeah?
- ...The other day.

And she's like, "hmm.

This looks familiar. Hmm."

And she just kept, like, you
know, like, kissing her teeth.

-Maybe, like, annoyed.
-Like she thought
you were trying to, like,

- Bite her style
for, like, yourself?
- Bite her, yeah, yeah.

Yeah. I wanted to, like,
replicate her house

To the best of my ability
at my place.

- Yeah.
- I just want her
to feel comfortable, you know?


just explain it to her.

Like, "listen, I was trying
to make this cute for you

"so you felt welcomed
and comfortable,

"and you felt like this was,
like, an extension

- Of your own home."
- yeah. I will.

I will. When I see her,
I'll talk to... I'll bring it up.

Yeah, 'cause, I mean, the way
she does her house is nice.

Yeah, exactly.

Kim: I feel bad for tristan.

Like he tries so hard, and he
just wants khloe to be happy.

So to copy her stuff
at her house,

To bring it into his home, to
make her feel comfortable there,

Like, that's
the cutest thing ever.

How does she not see that?

You know, I want to-to
make her comfortable

And get a little mushy
with it, so...

- Yeah. I...
- She'll be, you know,
soften up on me.

I feel like she will.

- I'll talk to her.
- Yeah.

Hopefully, she...
She understands.

- She'll be cool.
- Yeah. Think so.

♪ ♪

Ladies and gentlemen,

Please put your hands
and feet inside the sofa.

I am going to be bringing you
through the past.

Now, I think you all know
that we have a rule

That we don't let you guys watch
the show that we've filmed

For 15 years, but there's
so many amazing things

That you guys have experienced
while we have filmed.

So we broke it down
into small clips

Involving just you kids,
so you could see.

Being that the kids
seeing the condo

Didn't really hit home
with them, kim and I decided,

Since they've been born
in front of cameras,

Sitting them down
in a movie theater

And showing them
all the highlights,

Going out through the years
of stuff with them...

I mean, it's basically
like the truman show,

So here it is.

So, if you will...

- The big reveal.
- Please watch the feature!


Scott: Ladies and gentlemen,
please watch

The feature!

Kim: Welcome to my family.

I'm kim kardashian.

The princess is in the building.

I'm kourtney. I'm the oldest
and the most mature.


- [grunts]
- don't start...

We're gonna go
cheer everyone on...

- Yeah.
- ...And say hi.

Oh, my god. My water broke.

Look at mason.
He's gonna be born. Look.

Let's get this baby on the road.

Kourtney's acting like
nothing is wrong.

She isn't even crying.
I'm crying.

She looks lost. Oh, my god.

- Kim: Watch this.
- Kourtney: Aw.

- Kourtney: There's mason!
- Kim: There's mason!

No, watch.

I don't want to see.

Look at how little he was.

How is that you?

Kourtney: It's nice to be able

To show the kids
so many of their moments

On the show
that they don't know about

- 'cause they were so young.
- [squeals]

All of us were definitely big on

Not wanting to expose the kids
to the show

And really wanted them
to just have a normal childhood.

But it's so cute
and just special that we have,

You know, this footage, and that
we can show it to the kids.

- Why are you crying?
- [laughs]: Why are you?

- I'm not crying.
- Scott: Yeah, you are, pene.

- [chuckles]
- no. My eyes are watering

- Because it's so disgusting.
- [laughs]

Scott [laughs]:
Oh, yeah. That's what happened.

Kim: To our family...

Who's in my belly?

Look at what I look like,
you guys.

[chuckles] I would even...

- Am I gonna come out your belly?
- Kourtney: It's the hair.

- Maybe. It's the hair
and the makeup.
- Yeah.

Going through with this.

I am so excited to meet you.

Dad is on a plane,
and it literally lands now.

Khloe: I'm so excited!

Ah! She's coming.

North, it's you.

I am so excited
that we did this.

And I'm happy
that we take the time

To really enjoy
these memories with our kids.

It was fun
to relive all of this.

This just brings back
all of the amazing memories

That we've had
with them on the show.

This is... I took northie
to israel.

Saint was in my belly there.

It was just
a fun experience overall.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Can you say "penelope"?

- No.
- Oh.

- [laughter]
- scott: Can you say "no"?

Ow! P.

[laughs] pene... ha, ha, ha.

- Yep. She got sick
and tired of it.
- Mommy.

- Can you say "love you"?
- [babbles]: Love you.

- Aw.
- [laughs]

You know,
I think it's unbelievable

And so funny to see the kids see

What they've been missing
for all these years.

- Penelope meets mason.
- Kim: Doesn't get
any better than this.

- Kourtney: Her name's penelope.
- Mason: No.

-Her name is sister. -Okay. -Oh.

There's no way they remembered
half these things.

But for them to see it
and get a kick out of it

Is always what I wanted
at the end,

When we did show them
what was going on.

- [grunts]
- [kourtney chuckles]

I love you.

And I think, for me,

It brought back
a ton of amazing memories

When life was much more simple,

Just being together
and raising our family.

And I really do value that
more than

Probably anything else
in the world.


[kim whoops]

-And that's it,
ladies and gentlemen.

Kim: That was so cute.

Guys, what did you think of our
keeping up with the kardashians

Guys, that was just a little
peek inside the show.

And maybe,
in a couple more years,

We'll show you
a little bit more.

I'm pretty sure you guys
liked what you saw.

[cheering, applause]

Help me. I'm stranded in a car
in this beautiful life.

- Y'ello?
- Hey.

- Look at him, taking pictures
of stuff.
- What are you doing?

I was taking pictures
of the wallpaper.

I'm gonna change it out.

- Switch it up.
- [laughs] stop.

- I'm-a switch it up.
- [laughs]

You know, something that looks
more, like, you know, chic.

- Oh, my.
- With a masculine touch.

Khloe: Good one.

Um, hopefully,
I didn't offend you by copying

A lot of your ideas.

I wanted to make sure
you felt comfortable

For you and true, so...

I'm sorry if it came off
that I was annoyed or whatever.

I'm really not. It was so cute.

- I was just confused.
- Mm-hmm.

I wanted to surprise you.
You didn't expect that,

- So I wanted to show you...
- No, I didn't.

It's really cute
that you, like, pay attention

And that you listen
or you, like...

I don't know, were doing
the things that I like.

Thank you.

Tristan is so sweet
and so thoughtful.

And doing all these things
and, you know,

Trying to make true and myself

Comfortable and just feel
more at home,

When we're not
at the rental home,

It's such a huge,
selfless gesture.

And I-I mean,
it makes me really happy.

Tristan: You know, I just try
to be as available as I can be

For khloe and true.

Obviously, for khloe, sometimes
it drives her a little crazy.

But, um, I want you to feel
comfortable when you come over.

- Thank you.
- I want you to be comfortable
when you and true come over.

You know?

I got you. We're a team.

Thank you. Thank you. Oh.

- So, so good.
- Yeah.

It's a very inviting energy.

Kenny is turning 25.
Mom's turning 65.

I'm gonna style

- Khloe: This one's turning 40.
- That's a lot of big birthdays.

If I fail, then it's like,
what was the point?

Months ago, I took the baby bar.

I spent six weeks,
ten to 12 hours a day, studying.

You need a 560.
You literally had...

Sainty just tested
positive for covid.

Trying to not freak anyone out,
but I'm just really worried.

North is saying
she's feeling sick.