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20x04 - New Friends and the Bunker

Posted: 12/07/23 16:09
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

- [Khloe speaking indistinctly]
- KENDALL: Hey, come here. [smooching]

- [Kim whimpers]
- [Kendall and Fai laugh]

- KIM: You guys!
- No, they're nice. I swear.

- KHLOE: What's wrong... what's wrong with her?
- Pyro, come here.

- KIM: Can you tell them I'm nice?
- KENDALL: Go in...

- Go in the room. Come here. [chuckles]: Oh, my God.
- [barks]

KIM: Oh, my God, you guys.

Make sure they don't come out,

KIM: That black one is,
like, oh, my God.

KHLOE: The spotted one's, like,
my favorite dog in the world.

-[bark] -[thump, rattling] -Oh.

KENDALL: I bet you that's Pyro,

and he's gonna
[bleep] those doors up.

- [door thumping]
- [gasps] -He locked it?

He locked the door? [gasps]

- The dogs locked the door on themselves.
- [Kendall scoffs]

- What are we gonna do?
- [chuckling]

- Oh, my God. They locked it.
- No.

-[laughs] -What are we gonna do?

- You guys.
- [laughs] -What kind of lock is it?

- It's not a...
[laughing] -It's a turn.

- It's an old-school turn lock.
- [laughs]: I don't...


- FAI: Oh, my God.
- No, no, no, no.

KENDALL: Me and Fai's dogs

locked themselves in a room.

My dog Pyro is a
little bit of a lunatic,

and he just hopped
on the door wrong

and, like, spun the lock.

And so he locked them
both into a little media room.

Oh, my God. What a dummy, Pyro.

KHLOE: And they're
gonna be so scared.

- [dogs whimpering]
- KENDALL: There's a window.

KIM: Oh, there is?

♪ ♪

Let's see if the window's open.

-Oh, it is. -[whimpering]

they're trying to come out.

-[whining] -[chuckles]

Do you need me to,
like, help push you?

- [chuckles]: No, I got it.
- [whimpering]

-[bark] -Hi, guys.

[chuckles]: Oh, my God,
you're so crazy.

- Success. Success.
- Oh, my God. Okay.

- [laughs] -Okay,
we're not putting them back in there.

♪ ♪

- KOURTNEY: Mom, are you going?
- [chuckling] -KRIS: Yeah.

- Is Corey going or are you staying?
- COREY: She's tired.

he's gonna stay for a bit.

- KOURTNEY: Yeah, stay for a little.
- He'll stay for a little.

I love having sleepovers
with my friends.

-Hi! -Cheers. -Cheers.

KOURTNEY: With my friends,
it's just about...

Like, time almost doesn't exist.

Just, like, being in the moment.

- ADDISON: Hello!
- KOURTNEY: Corey stayed to do the dance.

- Oh, my gosh. So fun.
- We can do our dance together.

I know. Kris said she wanted to do a dance,

Addison Rae is a...

world-renowned TikToker.
Just kidding [chuckles]

Mason introduced me
to knowing who she was.

- LARSA: ...crazy.
- I mean, I feel fine.

I just cry myself to
sleep every night.

LARSA: Yeah.
That's totally normal.

KOURTNEY: Addison and I made
a Poosh workout video together.

- [laughs] -And we've
been working out ever since.

And she just
basically never left.

♪ ♪

Should we play... should we play... Wait,

- no, what is it called? The closet...
- Seven minutes in heaven!

- No, in the closet! -Yes.
- Seven minutes in heaven!

- Yes. -Seven minutes in heaven.
- Seven minutes in heaven.

- We're doing it till it lands on you two.
- Harry-Harry and Sarah,

just go in the closet
for seven minutes.

I want you and Harry

- to go in a room for seven minutes.
- Yeah, that's fine.

- We're always in a room.
- We will. We're literally together every day.

HARRY: All right,
but the real question is,

Addison and Kourtney.

- Let's really talk about this.
- What?

- Oh, my God.
- Seven minutes in heaven!

If you guys... if you guys aren't doing it,
then we're not.

- We should do it...
- Fine, we'll go! We'll go! -Oh...!

-We'll go! We'll go! -[laughing]

Oh, my God.

During quarantine, like,
everyone kind of had

their own little group going on,

and Harry and Addison
would come over every day.

Me, Kourtney and Harry
are gonna go for a second.

- SARAH: Threesome! Seven minutes in heaven!
- [laughs]

It's just nice to have good,
positive energy around.

- Guys, don't get too excited.
- Don't get too excited.

are you gonna swim?

I think sometimes you just
connect with certain people,

and we just, like,
love hanging out with each other.



NATALIE: Show us! He just said,
"TikTok," Addison!




NATALIE: Hey, Kourtney!

now you have to try to do it with Addison.

- [whooping] -COREY: Kourtney,
get down.

-HARRY: Yeah! -[cheering]

-[laughing] -Yeah!

[indistinct shouting]


♪ ♪


[screaming, laughing]

- KRIS: It's recording.
- Oh, don't take my picture.

- Okay, Kris. Are you Kris?
- I am.

-Gorgeous. -MAN: Beautiful.

It's beautiful.

[playing stiltedly]

It's like riding a bike.

[discordant notes]

I should've learned how to
play the piano much better.

[phone rings]

Hello? Hi, Mom.

Hi, Kris. What's up?

Nothing much.
What are you doing?

Oh, I was just thinking about,

going down to San
Diego for my birthday,

and I wondered if
you wanted to come.

I thought I might
do my usual thing

and have my girl party,
you know, like,

at the La Valencia Hotel,
like I usually do.

-Well... -What do you think?

I don't know. I'm
just thinking about it.

I think that...

I think about your age,

- and you have underlying conditions.
- Yeah.

That worries me a little bit,

about you going to
a public restaurant

with a bunch of girls,

where you don't know
where they've all been.

I pretty much know,
you know, my friends,

but we can always check 'em,

- you know, at the door or something.
- Yeah.

KRIS: Usually,
my mom spends her birthday

in La Jolla with her friends,

and they all go to the La
Valencia Hotel for lunch.

She's been doing that for
as long as I can remember.

I just think that it's
risky going to a hotel.

I just don't think we know

- what's really happening right now.
- Mm-hmm.

I just don't think it's a
good idea this year, Mom.

I feel bad that she's
not able to follow up

with that tradition
and be with her friends.

But it's her 86th birthday.

because of this whole pandemic,

she needs to be careful.

I wish that you could be
living this life that's magical

and didn't have to worry
about all these things in your...

MJ: I know. It's kind of in
the back of everyone's mind,

especially older people,
you know.

KRIS: Yeah. [chuckles] Okay.

I love you, Mom.

- Oh, I love you. Thank you for thinking of me.
- [playing piano]

That's my "I love you" music.

♪ ♪

- MJ: Aw. So cute. I didn't...
- Do you like that?

I didn't know you played,

Well, you know,
I wish you would've made me

take piano lessons
when I was little.

That's the least
you could've done.

MJ: Well,
you weren't too agreeable.

Oh, my gosh.

[MJ laughing]

♪ ♪

her trick and tell us

if you can do it. [chuckles]



MALIKA: Can we just
talk about your sister?

She hasn't smiled this much.

She's so funny.

I forgot she was here.

KOURTNEY: You bounce
while we're gonna play cornhole.



SCOTT: What's shaking?

- MALIKA: Hey, hottie.
- Hey, Scott.

- Just saying...
- MALIKA: Really, just talking

about what a great
mood Kourtney's in.

Do you have to be
this close to my ass?

-Oh, did you? -Like...

- my ass is literally on his thigh.
- I would've been really happy

for you if that were true.

Yeah, I was sitting here.

isn't Kourt just a jolly old girl?

- But I don't want to mess it up, because...
- It sounds amazing.

...she's much happier now.

We know Kourtney had, like,
a fragile s... year last year.

I want Kourtney to be happy.

I want the old Kourtney back,
and this is her.

- I'm seeing a glimmer of it.
- I'm just...

Just going off of
her smile alone,

- it seems healthy.
- SCOTT: Hey, it's a hell of a lot better than what it was.

- KHLOE: Ugh, you remember.
- It see... Oh, I know.

KOURTNEY: Oh! That is a point!

[indistinct shouting]

KHLOE: Ever since quarantine,
Kourtney has been super happy.

KIM: And, you know, I think,
as Kourtney's sisters,

we're obviously gonna
question everything

- that each one of us does.
- [chuckles]

So, I mean,
I think we are a little curious

if it's because of Addison.


KIM: She's 20 years old,

and we don't really know her.

So we are a little
curious to know

what do they have in common.

There is a big age difference.

I mean, we question everything,

- so why aren't we gonna question this?
- Everything, everyone,

no matter who it is.

-Stella. -SCOTT: Stella is back.

MALIKA: I really thought that I
needed to date younger men to have fun.

- I just need to get a younger friend.
- SCOTT: Right.

KHLOE: Well,
don't get carried away.

I mean... I'm sorry. I'm gonna keep you.

- Maybe you and I can get a younger friend.
- Yeah. Oh. In addition.

- Got it.
- I did have a 21-year-old girlfriend.

- You're a... [laughs]
- KHLOE: Seriously.

SCOTT: What the [bleep] is this boat,

KHLOE: That helicopter landed

- on the [bleep] yacht.
- Right on the back.

Let me go see if this is my new husband,

-[laughing] -Hey!

Taking my shirt off.

-Who is this? -[Malika laughing]

SCOTT: Yeah,
show 'em everything.

♪ ♪

[Kim yawns]

[phone rings]


What's wrong?

Wait, wait,
wait. Take a deep breath.

Hold on, hold on.

- JONATHAN: Oh, my God.
- What is wrong?

JONATHAN: You don't understand
what just happened to me.

What-what happened?

They came with g*ns to, like...

They robbed me for my watch.

There was, like,
two of them. I'm freaking out right now.

- My hand is...
- Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Wait.

-Wait, where? -I'm freaking out.

In New Jersey. They... I
don't know what happened.

W-W-Wait, wait, wait,
wait. Wait, wait. Cal...

Wait, slow down. Wait, just...

- I can't breathe. I'm, like, out of [bleep] breath.
- Just take a deep breath.

- Did you call the cops?
- Yeah, of course I called the cops.

They're looking for them now.

I'm, like, [bleep] freaking out.

They put a g*n to my mom's head.

I am definitely shocked
over what Jonathan's saying.

I've never heard him over the phone,
like, crying,

and it's really scary
because this kind of thing

can really traumatize someone.

I cannot believe this happened.
There's literally 20 cops

in the house right now.

I don't know. I'm freaking out.

- Like, I don't even know how I'm gonna stay here.
- Come to L.A.

Come here. You're
safe. I love you.

- I got to go. I love you.
- That's all that matters, Okay. Bye. Bye.

Oh, my God.


- So,
you... [chuckling] -[laughing]

Kourtney and Addison's dynamic,

it's just a little...

-All we do is laugh. -[laughing]

[crowd chatter]

KOURTNEY: I'm really
scared to work out tomorrow.

I am, too, and Harry was, like,
pushing him to do the stairs.

KOURTNEY: Oh, I know.

Unless we decide
to take tomorrow off

and work out on Sunday.

-Yeah. -Hey!

My favorite person in the world!

-What? -Besides my kids. -What?

I thought you were gonna
say "Besides Addison."

I was gonna say, "Oh, my."

She just... She
couldn't say that yet.

- [Kourtney chuckles]
- KHLOE: I know.

Not-not in front of you
guys yet. Just to me.

- KHLOE: Oh, my goodness.
- Welcome.

nails look really nice.

Oh, thank you.

KOURTNEY [laughing]:
Simon just wrote me,

"I jog like a senior."

[Kourtney and Addison laughing]

So, you... [laughing]

-[laughing] -KHLOE: Oh, my God.

KOURTNEY: He posted
this jogging video...

- ADDISON: It's horrible.
- ...of us, and he wrote,

"I jog like a senior."

did you know Suzanne Somers

lives somewhere around here?

You should do, like,
the Thighmaster on the beach

and see if she comes.

It's like, that's, like,
her Bat-Signal.

Where are you right now?

-I don't know. -Mm.

ADDISON: I feel like
I can read your mind.

-I was thinking. -ADDISON: Yeah.

She's thinking about
the bigger picture.

- Mm-hmm.
- KHLOE: Kourtney and Addison's

dynamic, um...

It's just a little...

Kourt's not interested in what I'm saying,

as soon as Addison would say something,
she would, like,

-listen. -KIM: It's all just

-a mystery to us. -A mystery.

And we need to crack the code.

Unsolved Mysteries.

We're always thinking
about the bigger picture.

Don't worry about
the small stuff.

Chef K, this is so good.

I don't know what

your plan is for me,
but if you're gonna eat me,

just let me know because

I feel like that's what I'm
getting so fattened up for.

[Kourtney and Addison laughing]

-Oh, my God. Are you okay? -Mm.

- Is that so funny to you?
- Mm-hmm.

that was really funny.

KOURTNEY: All we do is laugh.

Jolly good. Jolly good indeed.

- It's jolly good.
- Jolly good. Jolly good.

KRIS: Just like Prince Charles,

KENDALL: Hey, dog.

my gosh. Whose dog is this?

KHLOE: Kourtney,
how have you not seen this?

KENDALL [chuckling]: Yeah,
this dog's been here the whole time.

- KHLOE: How could you miss him?
- KENDALL: He's literally

probably heavier
and bigger than you.

how much does he weigh?

I don't know.
Heavy. I don't know.

KIM: I can't deal
with those balls.

- Like, I would die.
- JONATHAN: Yo, this place

-is paradise. -KIM: Hey!

- SCOTT: Hey.
- Wow. I cannot believe

- you guys landed in this jackpot here.
- Hey.

- This is amazing.
- KRIS: Paradise.

- KHLOE: Finally. Hi.
- What's up, guys?

So, wait. So,
will you tell us what happened?

Yes. So,
what happened to me was that I went

to this mall called
"The Americana."

It's in Long Island. It's,
like, beautiful.

Nice car... It's just
a nice place to go.

So we had... I went shopping there,
and we had dinner.

And then, um, drove 40 minutes

back to New Jersey
where my mom lives,

right across the bridge,
and we pull into her driveway.

And it's like just, like, nice,
normal houses there.

Get out of the car,
and I see this guy just,

like, randomly, like,
walking down the street.

And all of a sudden,
I see the guy comes.

He's behind me, like,
standing, like, in the driveway.

And he goes, "Do you know
what time it is?" And I literally,

like, looked... I, like,
just, like, looked

at my... for a second,
like, at my...

Like, I go, "No,
bro, I don't know."

And I turned around,
and all I see is,

like, this g*n, like,
going right to my mom.

We're stuck in
between the two cars.

And then I felt him. Like,
he ripped the-the-the watch,

- like, right off my hand.
- KOURTNEY: Oh, my God.

- SCOTT: Did they catch them?
- No, but they're-they're, like,

- working on it.
- KIM: I'm really glad

that Jonathan is here.

It's good to, you know,
be with him.

But I don't know if it's, like,
a combination of being

a mom and robbery and listening
to Jonathan, but my anxiety

starts setting in again. It's just,
like, after

my robbery situation.

I have a split second in my mind

to make this quick decision.

am I gonna run down the stairs

and, like,
either be shot in the back...

It... Like,
it makes me so upset to think about it.

But, like,
either they're gonna sh**t me in the back,

or if I make it and they don't...

If the elevator does
not open in time,

or the stairs are locked... then,
like, I'm [bleep].

There's no way out.

After the robbery,

I definitely retreated a lot,
and I turned

into a little bit more of a
hermit than I usually was.

You think, like, "Well,
what if this and what if this."

And you just want to be prepared
for anything and everything.

You know, when you have kids,
you want to save them

and make sure that
everything's gonna be okay.

I've never heard him hysterical like this,
I've never

- heard you cry like this.
- I couldn't catch my breath.

KIM: I nev... Yeah,
he couldn't talk, and I was just like,

"You're okay. Like,
you're okay."

- Yeah, it's over.
- "You're safe. It's over.

- So, like, just..."
- KHLOE: That's so sad.

"Like, stay still. You're okay."

- It's traumatizing.
- JONATHAN: Oh, it was so crazy.

- It's so traumatizing.
- KHLOE: How's your mom now?

uh... She was better than me.

I was so scared for her,
and I was so worried to leave...

like, for her to even,
like, walk outside.

KIM: Like little things. You
always think you see people,

and you just get kind of panicked,
you know?

- Right.
- MASON: When you got robbed?

Yeah. I'll tell you
about it one day

-when you're... -MASON: Okay.

KHLOE: What's the
plan moving forward?

are you gonna now have full-time security?

- JONATHAN: Yeah, yeah.
- KHLOE: That's annoying.

[seagull squawking]

KIM: Do you think I should

post this tonight, or now?

- Just now, right?
- MASON: But I could do...

- Wait. What?
- KHLOE: Do you, like, interact

with people,
or you just post and drop the mic?

I just post and drop the mic.

But two of my other posts are
so close to getting four million.

They're, like, 3.99, you know.

But, like, who cares, right?

Yeah. They'll still get...

That might attract more
people to look at your page.

-You know what? -MASON: What?

I'm gonna give you an example

of what never to do to
your family members.

-MASON: Okay. -I called Mom.

Addison was over.

I was telling her a deep
problem I was having.

I needed someone to talk to,
I needed someone to confide in.

I called her. We were talking.

She was like, "Uh-huh. Mm-hmm."

She acted really interested

- in what I was saying, right?
- MASON: Mm-hmm.

And then she's like, "Okay,
I'll call you back because, you know,

"Addison's here,
I can't really talk,

and I want to,
like, be private."

respectable, right?

She goes, "I'll call you later."

She thinks she
hangs up the phone.

- You know what she said?
- MASON: What?

"Ugh. Sorry,
that's my sister Kim. She's just blabbing.

"I've tried to get off
the phone with her

"ten million times
for the last hour,

and she just won't shut
up or get off the phone."

And I was like, "What? Uh."

KIM: So,
when Addison is with Kourtney...

KHLOE: We don't exist. [laughs]

Kourtney's not really like
this with her other girlfriends.

- KHLOE: We just...
- KIM: We just don't know.

Kourtney's a vault. She's
always been like this.

We're just nosy and gossipy,
and we want to, like,

gossip just with each other,
so I want to investigate.

I was like, "Is this a joke?"

KIM: Do you have siblings?

SCOTT: Have you
ever been arrested?

KRIS: What's your blood type?

KHLOE: What is
your credit score?

We just want to ask Addison

a couple questions and
get to know her more.

We just want to
feel her out a little bit.

KENDALL: Oh, my God, you guys.

Are you interrogating
this poor girl?

[both laughing]


Hi! This is crazy.
How are you all doing?

- Good. How are you?
- We're... great.

- Y'all are looking good.
- Thank you.

- You're looking good, Ron.
- person.

Let's go hang out and party!

-Yeah! -Yes, in-in a bunker.

KIM: Jonathan's robbery
just has me freaking out.

And on top of that,

we've been going through
just everything imaginable.

So, me being me,

I had to look into some kind of,
like, survival shelters

and to see what our options are.

I really think the bunker
business is where we need to be.

I think we just
need to have them.

life is definitely going in that direction.

-That's for sure. -SCOTT: Yeah.

-KIM: Yeah. -For real, for real.

I found this guy on the Internet named Ron,

and he builds bunkers.

And I want to at least,
like, listen to him

and explore it and see
what they're all about.

So, tell us about these
bunkers. Kim and I are so excited.

The bunker is designed
to withstand all disasters,

both man-made and natural.

It can withstand wildfires.

It can withstand a nuclear
blast from a certain distance.

As long as you got food,
water, fuel, supplies,

you can last down
there for years.

Then the shelter
itself will be airtight.

You know,
the world's not getting any better,

so if [bleep] hits the fan,
where are you guys gonna go?

What's the largest that,
you know...

'cause we have a
pretty big family?

I sold one today for 40
people in Tennessee. Yeah.

-Oh, my God. Wow. -I mean...

-Yeah, yeah. -That's awesome.

But if I do a bunker for the
entire Kardashian family,

we would probably do, you know,
six to seven bedrooms,

and then you'd have a-a living room,
a den with couches.

I have a bunker right now

that no one's seen on
YouTube or social media.

Most people in the world
would k*ll to have this bunker.

-That's amazing. -It's, uh...

the bunker that you guys are gonna go to

feels like a Cold
w*r era bunker.

I cannot wait to
see these bunkers.

KIM: I know that this might look silly,

if I'm gonna get one,
I need to have the full experience

and see what it's like
before I go and invest in this.

I met you at the Lakers game one time,
eight, nine years ago.

that's why I didn't recognize you.

You look more handsome
now than you did back then.

I was 17% body fat.

Oh, you better take that shirt
off and show me something.

Yeah! Take it off, Ron.

I wish I was, like,

[Kim and Khloe laugh]

♪ ♪

[line ringing]

-MJ: Hello? Hello? -Hi!

I'm good. How are you?

I know. I miss you.

I know. Any thoughts...?
Your birthday's coming up.

I kind of wanted to go to San Diego

because I've been doing that

for so many years
with my girlfriends.

-Yeah. -And we always were

at the hotel,
you know... La Valencia.

You've been there with me,

You know,
it just seemed like why not?

There probably isn't
many people there.

But Kris kind of put
the screws on it really,

because she doesn't really want
me to go down there in a hotel.

And, uh, I keep telling her,
you know, it'll be pretty safe.

but that's why... exactly why

you should live your
life the way you want.

-You think? Well... -For sure.

I totally disagree with my mom,

so I need to talk
to my mom about it.

I think there's a safe way
that MJ can feel celebrated.

I think she's been really,
really careful

and not been seeing
a lot of people at all,

and so I think she's
probably lonely.

She lives by herself,

and I'm sure she would
love to have a birthday party.

I'll sneak you there if you...

if you feel like being
daring. [chuckles]

[laughs] The wild
birthday party girl.

I'll sneak you there
anytime you'd like.

Aw, you're so sweet.

Um, all right, well, I love you.

- I want to catch up.
- Let's catch up soon.

-Okay. Love you. Bye. -Bye.

KOURTNEY: Out of my way.
What do you want to do, Kim?

What's the matter, dude?

♪ ♪

Everyone has sunglasses
on except for me.

- KHLOE: You can wear my glasses.
- KIM: It's all right.

[chuckles] Here, look,
I got some right here.

Don't worry. I came prepared.

- KIM: I like your nails.
- ADDISON: Thank you.

I'm surprised Kourtney
doesn't have long,

coral-y, orangey,
neon nails now.

Oh, no,
she's gonna redo them tomorrow. [laughs]

She is?

She's gonna do
long nails like yours?

ADDISON: No. Should she?


KHLOE: We all decided

to get to the bottom of
Kourtney and Addison,

so we invited Addison over
for lunch but without Kourtney,

'cause we just want to
ask a couple questions

- and get to know her more.
- We just want to feel her out a little bit.

KIM: Wait, so,
where are you from?

- ADDISON: Louisiana.
- Like, what's your story?

- So, you're from Louisiana...
- KRIS: When did you move here?

Um, December.

do you live with your parents?

- Mm-hmm.
- Have you ever been arrested?

KRIS: What's your blood type?

KHLOE: What is
your credit score?

- KIM: Do you have siblings?
- KENDALL: Oh, my God, you guys.

Are you interrogating
this poor girl?

KIM: So,
what does Kourtney tell you about us?

KRIS: Who's her favorite?

KHLOE: What the [bleep]
did you do to Kourtney

- to make her so happy?
- KIM: Honestly, at the beginning

we were like,
"Wait, are they..."

- I'm still thinking that.
- ..."hooking up?"

If it was, like,
that kind of relationship.

SCOTT: That was the elephant in the room,
if they were...

No, we're not, Scott.

SCOTT: Oh. It's okay if you are.

[laughs]: No, we're not.

- Nobody judges.
- ADDISON: No, but it is funny...

No, it's just very funny that
that's what the impression was.

- SCOTT: Yeah.
- For just, like, two seconds.

SCOTT: I would say, like, four.

KENDALL: Oh, my God, you guys.

This is making me uncomfortable.

Any other ideas
for MJ's birthday?

San Diego's just not possible.

But it's also not fair to
deprive MJ of a party.

You should try getting her,
like, a guy for the night.

[Kris laughs]

♪ ♪

ROB: Hey.

You didn't eat any of those
chicken nuggets, North.

Oh, yeah, That's right, you are.

-Mom, you okay? -Yeah.

You seem a little
stressed today.

I'm good. MJ wanted me to take her

to San Diego for her birthday,

and I said,
"We're in the middle of a pandemic."

KRIS: Kourtney spoke to MJ,

and while the two of them were talking,
MJ was saying

that she was really wanting to
celebrate her birthday this year

and how important it was to her.

But because of COVID,

San Diego's just not possible.

But it's also not
fair to deprive MJ

of a party to
celebrate her big day.

Brought her here on Saturday,
and she said,

"I love it so much here.

This is where I'd really like
to come for my birthday."

So, I'm thinking Malibu
would be the perfect place

to celebrate MJ's birthday.

I think we can do
everything possible

to control the safety factor.

We can have everybody tested.

We can have masks,
social distancing.

This is gonna be the
best birthday ever.

Years and years ago,

she used to go to the
Hotel del Coronado,

and to all these
places with my dad,

and she would listen to this guy

play the piano and sing songs.

And then he played

at Papa's memorial
after the funeral,

when we all went
to the La Valencia,

and all she does is
talk about this guy.

So as a surprise,

I thought I would hire
him to perform for her.

Any other ideas
for MJ's birthday?

You should try getting her,
like, a guy for the night,

like, to hook up with.

She might be down.
She's getting old.

[Kris laughs]

You have a very
interesting sense of humor.

ROB: What the
hell did I just say?

- I was just saying that. I didn't say nothing.
- Yeah. Uh-huh.

♪ ♪

KHLOE: Okay,
so where the hell are we going?

KIM: We are gonna go to...

a bunker that we might
very necessarily need...

-We might. the times...

-Of 2020. -...of 2020.


KIM: 2020 has been really crazy,

and on top of that,

Jonathan's robbery
just has me freaking out.

And so,
because I really have to check this out

and have to, like,
test-drive this

before I decide to
make this commitment,

- I'm gonna take Khloe -Sure,

To this undisclosed location,

where there's a
bunker waiting for us,

and we're gonna test it out.

I packed a bag. I packed some food,
my study books,

so we can just have
everything that you need here.

This will be an experience.

I know. I'm excited
to just go feel it out,

see how long we'd
have to live in this bunker.

KHLOE: I definitely
understand that headspace

that Kim sometimes goes
back to because of her robbery.

Obviously, my...

fears or anxiety are
way different than Kim's,

but I get that you almost,
like, fear for the worst,

and you just... like,
you have all these...

you play out these whole
scenarios in your head

that kind of boil inside of you.

Should I ask in my group chat,

"Serious question: has
anyone invested in a bunker?"


♪ ♪

KHLOE: All right. Here we are.

KIM: Ooh, it's echoey.

KHLOE: We're gonna bunker it up.

- [siren blaring] -Oh,
my God. It's an emergency.

-We got to go! Come on! -Okay.

- Wait. Come on.
- Kim, I forgot the food.

- KIM: It's an emergency.
- KHLOE: Oh, my God, for what?

-Aah! Aah! -I hurt you?

- No, no, no. How do you shut it?
- Push it, push it.

- Oh, yeah. Okay, done.
- What the [bleep]?

- That was actually really scary.
- You need to act like it's a real emergency.

- This is what would happen.
- Oh, my God, but I dropped all the food out there.

Oh, my God, what is going on?

You're taking this
way too seriously.

It's supposed to be a trial run.

We have to do it,
like, as if it's real.

The [bleep] Pearl Harbor
alarms are going off.

I'm like,
what the [bleep] is happening?

Oh, my God, I can't be in here.

KIM: Oh,
a desk! This can be my study desk.

A microwave. A fridge.

Oh, my gosh,
and another bed back here.

KHLOE: It's hot in here.

This is a real situation.
Take it seriously.

chuckles] You're scaring me. I'm scared.

Okay, there's beans.

Crème brûlée? Yeah, right.

KIM: This looks delicious.

if we treat this like a joke,

then we won't get the
full experience out of this,

and we won't know if
this is what we need.

We're investing in this.

We have to know if
this is what we need.


It's not bad. It's
cup o' noodles.

This is her, like,
method acting moment,

so I'm not allowed
to leave this...

very hot bunker.

- There you go.
- Why are you giving it to me?

'Cause you should try it.

That is...

It says "convenient"...
That's true...

"versatile"... true...
"lightweight"... true...

"long shelf life"... true.

KHLOE: I'm really just...

watching the minutes inch on by.

And I'm just
trying to figure out,

what the hell am
I gonna do here?

KIM: Should I do a law question?

"Bean has sued
Carville for defamation.

"In that suit, Bean will..."

Dot, dot, dot. Okay, then...

♪ ♪


I'm just so over this round,
cylinder structure!

I literally feel like I've
been in here for three days.

[Kim chuckles]

you guys didn't want to tell me

that you invited
Addison for lunch?

Even though my
sisters are annoying,

I understand their curiosity.

And, I mean,
I'm just so exciting

that they just want to
know everything about me.

What is your obsession?

KHLOE: Whew!

I feel like I'm in Dubai.
I don't even know.

Shouldn't have
worn a weave today.

Let me ask you this, Sherlock.

Is this how you want to live

the rest, like,
the end of your days?

You want to be
sitting on the floor

in 110-degree heat, shvitzing,

making sure your kids aren't going crazy,
eating one another?

Sitting in a room with
urine and [bleep]?

-For what? -No, I don't.

-Right? 'Cause this is... -Yeah.

I don't know if
this is bearable.

Can we just be
done with this game?

I don't even
care. I won't ask...

Unless you have, like,
an air conditioned,

-amazing bunker... -Gin.

[snaps fingers]


Do we have drinks in here?

'Cause I don't know
how to drink urine.

We don't have cell
phone chargers.

Like, does that TV really work?

I don't think the TV works.

Maybe it does if you
fully buy this thing.

KIM: Yeah.

There's really nothing to do.

You're in this quiet space,

and it's definitely
warmer than I anticipated.

But it, honestly,
when it's hot somewhere,

it just makes me
fall right asleep.

♪ ♪


-[Kim grunts] -Hey.

You're not gonna sleep if
you're making me stay here.

This is not normal.

Kim, I got to get out of here!

[door thumps, echoes]


KIM: I guess you're right.

This isn't gonna work at all.

- Your kids need fresh food.
- Can you imagine your kids in there?

I couldn't. I couldn't imagine.

The underground
bunker feels really safe,

but it's just not for me.

I don't want to survive
by myself in a bunker,

and having to live in,
like, a tiny space.


was pretty wild.

Yeah. For sure.

I've never been so
happy to go home.

♪ ♪

you guys didn't want to tell me

that you invited
Addison for lunch?

she thought... she thought I was literally

coming to the lunch.

And then she told me after,

"You're... I thought
you were co...

I thought I was meeting you
and your sisters for lunch."

What is your obsession?

KHLOE: You are in
such a fantastic mood

when you're around Addison
that we were really just...

We thought we were
being proactive and just

trying to, like, pick her brain. Like,
what do you do?

What do you guys talk about?
Who do you guys hang out with?

That's... We're not
dissing Addison or you.

We love Addison. We
literally just want to know,

does Addison do something
where she pulls out,

like, a better attitude in you?

Or do you just get...? Like,
that's what we're asking.

- No... [mumbles] -Like,
does she have to do something?

- I'm...
- 'Cause you definitely don't...

Start my day... Like,
I'm always in a good mood.

I'm really content with my life.

Even though my
sisters are annoying,

I understand their curiosity.

And I mean, I'm just so exciting

that they just want to
know everything about me.

I think, also,
the people that you choose, like,

when you choose to
hang out with someone,

it's like a... it's like
your energies align.

- So you have kid-like energy?
- I do.

I feel like I have a young
heart and an old soul.

I don't think
it's-it's about age,

'cause, like, Simon and Phil
were just here, and we had...

They have that energy.

I feel like we all have such a
good circle of people around us.

Everyone's just different ages,

and I don't think
it's about the age.

I think it's just about
people's energy...

-Connecting. -...and vibes.

KOURTNEY: People seem to focus

on the age gap
between Addison and I,

but I don't think
every person needs

to understand my relationships
with each of my friends.

I think we just wanted to,
like, check out the vibe

and, like,
see what... what... she brings out in you,

so maybe you can, like,
sprinkle some of that Kourtney with us.

Who is this guy you
wished a happy birthday to?

Oh, David Dobrik?

But who is that?

He's just, like, a YouTuber.

Is...? Did Addison bring him in?

- Like, how did you meet him?
- No, no.

- That's how I met Addison.
- Got it.

Was through him. Mason
loves his YouTubes.

- KIM: Mm-hmm.
- And then Harry was like,

my God. I'm friends with him."

So we called him on FaceTime.

And then he was like,
"Why don't you guys come over on Sunday?"

He knew that Mason loved Addison,
so he brought her

and had her hiding
in the trunk of his car.

And he was like, "Mase,
who's your favorite TikToker?"

And then he was, like,
talking about Addison,

and then Addison
was hiding in the trunk.

And then she, like,
popped out at the end.

And then Mason was like,
"Oh, my gosh."

'Cause all Mason's
been asking him is,

"Please introduce...
Call Addison.

Introduce me to Addison." Like,
talking about her all the time.

And then that's how we met her.

-That's super cute. -Mm-hmm.

♪ ♪

ROBERT: Grandma.

Hi, Papa!

-ROBERT: Hi. -Hi.

- You having a little drinky?
- Little one.

KRIS: Oh, Mom,
you look adorable. Look...

Look how cute she looks.

-Kris. -Oh, my God.

KRIS: It's the
day of MJ's party,

and I am so excited
because she hasn't seen

her friends in so long,
so this will be a lot of fun.

MJ: Oh, it's so beautiful.

- KRIS: Isn't this cute?
- MJ: It's gorgeous.

MJ! Happy birthday.

-Hi. Kiss, kiss. -Kiss, kiss.

KRIS: It's really important

to celebrate MJ's birthday,
and I feel bad

that she can't go down
to La Jolla and celebrate

with her friends,
but it's for her safety.

So, we have a clinic here set up

so everybody can
be rapid tested.

And as much as we feel sad
about not being at the La Valencia,

we can have a beautiful
party here in Malibu

so that everybody
feels like they're safe.

come here. I want to show you something.

Just because the party
wasn't a surprise doesn't mean

that I don't have
a surprise for MJ.

She's gonna be in heaven.

MJ: Oh, my God.

KRIs: Mom,
come here. I want to show you something.

[playing upbeat jazz]

MJ: I'm so happy.

KRIS: Isn't he great?

- MJ: This is amazing.
- KRIS [chuckling]: I know.

- My old friend.
- Well, happy birthday.

-Yay! -He's my old friend.


Thank you for being here, Rick.

- Thanks for having me. This is fun.
- We appreciate it.

Rick Ross is a musician
who MJ has been listening to

over the years with her friend
Marcy and some of her pals.

He is so good. He's so good.

SCOTT: How long have
you been watching him play?

Well, he's at the La Valencia

where I have my
birthday every year.

And Marcy and I go see him

whenever we're in Palm Springs
'cause he goes over there, too.

She's just... in love with
Rick Ross and his music.

- Bravo! [whoops] -Very,
very nice.

So nice.

we sound like a bunch of groupies.

-[laughter] -We are.

KRIS: We're gonna throw our
underwear at you in a minute.

MJ: We are a bunch of groupies.


KRIS: I think,
giving the opportunity

to do this with my mom...
It's her 86th birthday...

And to be able to be
in this magical setting

on this beautiful day
with my beautiful mom,

dancing and holding her,
and just being able to

live in this second,

it means the world to me.

- That is so beautiful.
- To the best mom

and beautiful person,
my favorite human in the world.

-Aw. -I love you so much, Mommy.

And we just want you to be happy today,

- MJ: Thank you.
- Don't make me cry, but

I'm so happy.

-[clapping] -Love you, Mom.

- MAN: Okay.
- [cheering, whooping]

KRIS: Yay!


I only want to
say to all of you,

this is just overwhelming
and too much.

Too much happiness.

- We love you.
- LISA: You deserve it.

- WOMAN: Yes.
- MAN: Yeah. -MAN 2: Yes.

MJ: I wish I could
hug and kiss all of you.

MAN: Well,
what's holding you back?

MJ: Oh,
my God. This is such a day.

This is such a happy day.

How wonderful life is
when you're in this world.

-Yeah. Yeah. -You know that.


MJ: Perfect day,
Kris. A perfect day.

I'm gonna cry again.

-Cheers. -Cheers to that.

Happy birthday, MJ.

-Thank you. -Happy birthday, MJ.

Happy birthday!

KIM: I think I have a lot
to learn from my grandma,

'cause she really
knows how to enjoy life

and not let it get
the best of you.

I mean, on our group chat,
she was telling us like,

"Guys, this is nothing. I
went through World w*r II."

I never had anxiety before

until I had my robbery situation,

I definitely want to
survive for my kids,

but I don't know if I want to be this,
like, anxious person

that's just waiting for the
next bad thing to happen.

So I definitely want to take a
page from my grandma's book

and just live as
anxiety-free as possible.

KIM: Do you feel like
opening up a present?

MJ: Sure.

Ah! [laughs]

Oh, no.


I got her... I got
her a TOTO toilet.

Oh! [laughing]


KIM: Oh, Gypsies.

KHLOE: Oh, my goodness.

Disney princesses.

- Wow. You guys look nice.

the-the vibe for today was Disney.

- KHLOE: I like it.
- KOURTNEY: Disney princess.


- What are you guys wearing?
- We just felt like matching.


Um, Addison and I are learning,
uh, a handshake to, like a...

- KHLOE: Like a friendship shake?

- Like, when you see each other.
- Like, with some TikTok

- moves involved to, like...
- KHLOE: Oh, my God.

ADDISON: It would
only make sense.

I feel like we just have
that connection now, though.

Like, she gets it.

you guys don't even have to practice.

-No. -We're just, like...

NSYNC, literally. Like the band.

ADDISON: Like, see?


-See that? -[chuckles]

KHLOE: I actually really enjoy

getting to know Addison.

And the more I get to know her,
the more I understand

why Kourt is such
good friends with her.

- KHLOE: Show us.
- KOURTNEY: I'm still learning.

KIM: Show us your moves.

-Oh, link up. -KHLOE: Yeah!

KHLOE: She's, honestly,

an incredible girl,
and I really, really do like her

and enjoy spending
time with her.

- KHLOE: Yeah, there you go, right there!
- SCOTT: Yeah!

KHLOE: Oh, yeah, with the step.


KIM: Are you a real dancer?

danced since I Was six.

KHLOE: Well,
then that's not fair.

okay, you guys do it.

I think she's so genuine.

I think she's so nice.

She's just a good
person and a good friend.


Captioning sponsored by

Addison's like,
"You are all fired."


- Oh, my gosh.
- KOURTNEY: Oh, my God.

So, I got a call from Caitlyn.

She's looking for something
to do with her career.

But I just don't know,
am I gonna want to go down this road?

KHLOE: Tristan and I are on

-a UFO/ -USO watch.

Wait. You saw that.

No, I definitely saw that. 100%.

Oh, my God, I... Oh, my God.

I spent two hours calling my team

to, like, check in and, like,
see how everything's doing.

All of them inundate me

with their, like,
drama about each other.