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01x09 - Bucket List Goals

Posted: 12/07/23 15:19
by bunniefuu

KIM: I'm so excited that I got the cover
Sports Illustrated.

Holy guacamole!

Sports Illustrated
is the best cover ever.


KYLIE: I am very excited
to have another baby.

Maybe it's time to have a baby.


- KENDALL: Guess what?
- What?

It's my life.

What's going on with you and Tristan?
How're you guys doing?

Good. I cannot wait for summer time
when Tristan gets back.

Tristan and I are doing really well.

There's just like a breath of fresh air.

Plane's so pretty.

Ah! What a dream.


KIM: Oh, my God!

Pete has got to be
the best human being I've ever met.


It feels like this is a dream come true.


KIM: Oh, my God!


- KIM: These are my favorite.
- Are they?

You have no idea.
We went to the movies in Staten Island,

and all I wanted was Dibs.

I'm obsessed with Dibs,

but you can only get them
in gas stations these days.

So Pete and I have been dating
for a few months.

We're doing really, really good.

Pete said,
"I'm gonna grow on you. Just wait."

- He knew.

He's like, "I give it four months
and you're gonna be obsessed."

And I was like, "We'll see."

I don't know if that's
any of your business.

This is when I will budge
on being a vegan.

Oh, my God!

I'm so impressed.

I swear, it's like the cutest,
littlest things.

I know.

I can't get over how sweet this was.

But is it sweet, or is it being a d*ck?
Because I have a swimsuit sh**t.

- And I shouldn't have eaten that.

Thanks, assh*le.

Oh, nice.

Just about to eat lunch with Stephanie.

I'll call you on my drive
to pick up Penelope.

I love you.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How are you?

I don't know if I'm gonna regret
this lunch choice.

I have to eat quail eggs every day, too.


For baby making.

Why can't you just eat a regular egg?

I don't know.

They're cute and small.
It's weird though.

Quail eggs supposedly are useful

when trying to have a baby,

but I'm not sure
if that's like documented online.

I haven't looked it up.

I know.

So how is filming going?

Is Travis filming and stuff?

Yeah. We like film
and have the best time ever.

And then we've been watching the edits
and we're just

so annoyed, because they're like
swirling us in with this drama.

- Like Scott drama?
- Mm-hmm.

Especially when I saw
my engagement episode,

editors or whoever
is like taking it as like,

"Let's take Kourtney.

"She's the chosen one to be the drama."

While sh**ting our show,

we're all executive producers,
so we get to see cuts of the show,

and give notes on episodes and make sure
that our stories are being told.

I am in one of the best places
I've ever been in my life.

And it's time for our show to catch up.

That night I wasn't like,
"God, everyone's such [BLEEP] assholes

"for bringing up this,"
because it wasn't a part of the night.

- Yeah.
- It was like two seconds of the night.

I didn't even remember it
until I saw the cut of that episode.

Do you have sympathy for Scott at all?


'Cause it doesn't feel like you do.

It's enabling this old narrative,

and buying into something
that just doesn't really exist.

It should be an empowering episode
about me

getting out of toxic relationships

and really
having this fairytale love story

that is my reality.

It wasn't like 50% of the night,

like it's made to be on the episode.

Yeah, but that's good
for at least for your life.

Yeah, if I remind myself.

I wish they would take that out

and put it in the next episode
and give us our respect.

So it's like, let us have our moment.

Yeah, this story for you was like
you were in a shitty relationship

and now you're in a great one.

- And the great one should be focused on.
- Right.

And I'm like,
why is the fairytale not being told?

Like the true fairytale that it is.

I don't wanna be insensitive

but what you said to me on the phone
and you're like,

"Why isn't everyone empowering you
and celebrating

"that you've done all this work
for years,

"and now have this relationship

- "that I deserve?"
- Healthy relationship.

Right. Like, something healthy.

Like, how could this be
taken negatively?

'Cause we didn't realize, we're filming
and then everyone is commenting on us.

If I were someone watching the show
and I watched it,

I would obviously be asking
those same questions.

"Oh shit! It's Scott.
Like, what's Scott gonna say?"

That's like... I understand that

- that's a normal thought.
- Right.

But I think, we're talking about,

- out of respect for Travis...
- Mm-hmm.

...and out of respect for you being able
to come out of that place in your life.

I don't wanna harp
on this storyline anymore. It's done.

It's all good.

Isn't it all good?

It is all good.

We've been broken up for seven years.

I'm allowed to create new memories

- and new ways of doing things.
- Hundred and ten percent.

Hundred and ten percent.

I started writing my speech for
your wedding literally two years ago.

Oh, my God.

And I want people to feel that.


We just landed in the DR
and I have to go straight to work.

While I'm here,
I have this
Sports Illustrated sh**t

and I have a full Skims campaign.

We're launching Skims Swim.

It's game time. We have so much to do,

and it's gonna be exhausting.

But it's gonna be amazing.

- Hi. How are you?
- This is M.J. Day.

M.J: I'm all about trying everything

'cause happy accidents
are half of what we end up running with.


I love it!

M.J: The top is insane, too.
WOMAN: Yeah.


It's definitely bucket-list type shit.

KIM: I'm just trying to really
live in the moment of

how cool it is that I'm doing
Sports Illustrated sh**t.

I'm gonna soak up this moment.


I am feeling like
I'm getting a sore throat

so I'm starting
to freak out a little bit.

I'll never like, not show up to work,

but I think my body
is drained a little bit.

- I'm really tired.
- You definitely have to sleep.

Yeah, I'm going to try to.
I mean, obviously, I'm super-stressed.

So I took a COVID test
and it's not COVID,

so I am going to sh**t tomorrow.

I don't know what else to do.
I have to push through.

We all flew out here.
We're all ready to go.

I just have to work and try to focus
and just try to get some sleep.

- Definitely.
- And pray for the best.

That's all I can do.

Go to sleep and pray for the best,

'cause we have
an amazing sh**t tomorrow.

Yeah. Can't wait.
It's gonna all come together.

It's so cool.

What do you get here?

Well, I'm gonna get an artichoke today,

because that sounds good
and I always get the cacio e pepe.

Cacio e pepe. Cocio e pupu.

- What the [BLEEP] is that?
- I don't know.

It's like pasta with pepe.

- What's a pepe?
- Pepper?

- Can I ask you a question?
- Yeah.

How do you say cacio e pepe?


Cacio e pepe.

- Yeah. I just fake it. I'm not Italian.

- She's clearly not either.

KHLOÉ: That looks beautiful.

- My goodness.
- KRIS: Thank you.

SERVER: You're welcome.

KHLOÉ: I'm excited for Good American.

We're doing our open casting again,
we do every year.

My goodness. I love that.

I love it. It's such a good time
to get to know all the girls

and just to meet all these people.

Really fun.

KHLOÉ: How are you and Corey?


- Really good.
- Good.

He's been so amazing
moving in to the house.

Because he really handles everything.
There's so much security going on.

Is he like your head of security?


I love that side of him
because he's always really protective.

KHLOÉ: Mom, I've heard from so many
people that you're secretly married.

No, I'm not secretly married.

Let me see your hands.

Mmm. Looks like it.

Stop. You think I'm gonna get married
and not have a big-ass party?

Thousand percent. I think you guys
are gonna just sneak it on by...

I've heard from four different people.

No, Khloe. I'm not secretly married.

I swear to God on all my kids and Daddy.


I'm gonna be honest with you.

All Tristan talks to me about sometimes
is getting married.

Yeah, he talks about it all the time
but I'm like...

He's always talking about
how much he wants to make sure

that he regains that trust
that he knows that he lost.

Like a new fresh start.

Chapter. Totally.
And I think we both do.

I think we both are excited for this

and get out of that toxic place
we were in.

I believe people should have
multiple chances in life. I do.

But it takes work and it takes time.

And everyone just has to be patient
and not everyone is.

I love marriage. I believe in marriage.
I take it very seriously.

I don't just think people should go
and get married

because it's a Tuesday
and they're bored.

I know what marriage is about.

- Right.
- I love being married.

You are the best wife.

- Thank you.
- You really are.

You are the perfect person
to be married.

I'm not with Tristan
to just float around with Tristan.

I mean, marriage is the end goal,

but right now I still think there is,

just work to be done
with him and I both.

Marriage is definitely not easy.


KOURTNEY: Where's Benny?

So I'm about to meet with Benny Drama

who does spoof videos

of me and my family.

He's been doing them for years.

And I've invited him over
to do a video for Poosh

of him like taking over my house.

Welcome to Kourtney's house.

And I'm super excited.

Welcome to my home.

- Hi! My God!
- My God!

I was thinking you're gonna be
dressed like me.

- No, literally, I should have.
- The widow's peak.

- I should've... I should've drawn it on.
- You should've.

I love that Benny can make fun of us

in a way without crossing a line.

I wanna mosh, Trav.

Welcome to our new show on Hulu.

It's so different from Keeping Up.
It's on Hulu.

We ride at dawn. Travis, come on.

I mean,
it's like an exaggerated Kourtney.

The Poosh word of the day is anarchy.

But also things that
I don't even ever do.

I've never done this, like...

Trav, you know, let's mosh.

I heard that you will not get a nice wig
made for me, that you have to draw on

- the widow's peak.
- I have to draw on the widow's peak.

I'm seeing it in person
and it's really not.

I'm being ridiculous.

When I saw you at Simon's wedding,

I was definitely drunk,
but my Poosh team was like,

"I'm so impressed
that you remembered to say to Benny

"when you saw him drunk at the wedding,

"that you actually asked him
to do this Poosh thing."

I'd love to. She's a business woman. Absolutely.

That's such a Kris Jenner move.

- So tell me about...
- Poosh?

- Poosh. Yes. Tell me about the full...
- Okay.

Yeah, I'm excited.

You're going to k*ll it.

Every year we do
a Poosh your wellness virtual festival.

I really wanted to do
something fun for Poosh

where we're not taking ourselves
too seriously.

So, I asked Benny to make

a spoof video for Poosh.

It's a way to kick off our festival.

Our thought was like,
what if you take over my house.

- Yeah.
- Like, get in my bed.

Play in my closet.

Make yourself a matcha.

- Yeah, do Pilates.
- Do Pilates.

- Like, blasting punk rock music.
- Oh, my God.

- Doing Pilates.
- Mosh Pilates.

- Yes.
- Yeah.

And then we were talking
about you kind of being

one step behind me the whole time.

But I miss you.

Yeah, you miss me.
So then you go up and it's like,

- I've left a mess...
- So good.

...and you're like, "What's going on?"

And I wake up next to Travis in bed
and I'm like, "Good morning, babe."

- Is he here? Travis?
- No.

Should I see...

- Travis, where are you?
- ...if he's nearby?

This is going to be so good.

Yeah, these are so good.

You're not worried about grin through
or anything like that?

No, I mean, 'cause I would be
probably bra-less and give a little...

- Are you bra-less under there? Really?
- Sometimes.

If it's white,
I like a little sneak peek.

Good American is five years old now
which is crazy to me.

It will always be my very first baby.

Almost everything Good American
is from my previous journey.

We were gonna talk a little bit
about good '90s today

because this is probably like
the best fit that we've done all year.

I still think there's a way
to make these a little more tailored.

We don't sell to retailers
that won't buy the entire size range

because when I used to shop
at department stores with my sisters,

I would be ushered up to the attic to go
find my size when I was much larger.

With Good American,

you have to carry the full size range
and you can't separate them.

There's no plus-size section,
petite section. It's one section.

And if people don't agree to that,
then they can't carry the brand.

So, the next I'm seeing you
is open casting.

Open casting and then
we have a sh**t one week after.

Every year since we've started
Good American,

we do an open casting call.

We find new girls for our Good Squad.

And our Good Squad
is essentially a group of girls

that model for Good American.

Do we have an idea of how many people
are going to come?

I mean, there's tens of thousands
of people that enter, so I never know.

And then we're gonna meet
with like 250 to 300 girls.

- Yeah.
- And we cut it down to what?

I think we should go down to like five,

because you're gonna have 250
in each of those states.

And then we're going to, like,

- whittle down.
- Right.

When we select our Good American models,

they have the potential to participate
in billboards, commercials,

everything Instagram.

I love just like the eclectic bunch
that we get,

- all different walks of life.
- Yeah.

We were the first website ever
to have three different models.

Petite, regular and plus size.

You can look at how it looks
on a plus size person.

You have to do extra photography,
extra photoshopping, extra clothing.

But if you look at other big brands,

they're now having
different size models,

model their clothes on Ecom.
You're welcome.

You don't think the girls
are running away from skinny

- any time soon?
- No.

You're still keeping skinny jeans alive.

I'm like, listen,

as long as I fit in them,
I'm still wearing the skinny jeans.

EMMA: We'll be doing skinny jeans
until we die.

KHLOÉ: Thank God.


KIM: So, I'm here for the
Sports Illustrated cover sh**t tomorrow.

But I'm also here to do
a Skims swimwear campaign.

And even though I'm feeling sick,
I'm gonna get all of this done,

because when I commit myself
to something,

I will give a 150% of myself
and I'll never disappoint anyone.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Can I also get the little ice-cream
in the red box?

Thank you.

Usually after a sh**t,

I go to like In-N-Out.

- I'll get ice-cream or something.
- Yeah.

So, I have a new tradition

where I'm just gonna eat Dibs
before a sh**t.

French fries, pasta, and do it all.

Are you nervous about
any part of the SI sh**t?

Not really.

Do you think about anything
people will say

about you being on the cover,
like haters?

- What could they hate on?
- Exactly.

Like, "You're a loser
that you're working.

"And you're on the cover
of this b*mb magazine."

You know, like...

Thank you.

So fancy.

I can't stop eating these.

It was just such a cute gesture
from Pete.


I feel like he's not just that kind
of guy in a honeymoon phase.

I feel like he's gonna be like that,
like, for a long time.

He's totally like that.

Just even like little things,

you know, that he has gotten me
that are really just thoughtful.

Pete is such a good good person,
I can't even explain it.

He just has the best heart,

and always thinks about
the small things.

One time, he was like, "Babe,
let's go get some ice-cream at Thrifty."

And I was like, "Oh, my God!

"You're making me so [BLEEP] horny.
Rite Aid. Thrifty."

That was literally like
one of the best nights of my life.

I just want a drama-free life.

And it's like there's always headlines
and this and this and this.

Even if there's things
that are inaccurate,

it's not like
I could get out there and be like,

"Hey, this is wrong, this is wrong,
this is wrong.

"This is what happened." This is wha...

It's like, at the end of the day,

that will just be another story
and another thing.

- And I just want it to go away.
- Right.

I never want the person
that I'm dating to be subjected

to public scrutiny
just because we're dating.

He knows what he's getting
himself into, obviously.

But I'm trying to minimize

any tabloid drama.

I just wanna have a good next few days.

Sleep, focus. And I can't believe
I [BLEEP] ate that whole thing of Dibs.


But I did, and now I'm gonna go to bed.

Yeah. Perfect.

Because I'm sick and I cannot be sick
for my sh**t tomorrow.

Should we say goodnight to the moon?

So you're supposed
to look into it and manifest.

You're supposed to go...

I see you!


Hi, babe. It's like looking in a mirror.

- You look beautiful.
- Hi.

Is this your Pilates outfit?

Yeah, this is my Pilates fit
with my Doc Martens.

Today is a big day.

Benny Drama is here
to sh**t our Poosh video,

and I'm so happy.

I can't stop flipping this hair.

- Oh, my God. I love it.
- Like, Kourt.

Do you do this all day with your bob?

- Flip?
- Yeah.

- No.
- The power.

No, but I can start.

- Okay, well, you finish glam.
- Okay.

You finish your breakfast.

I'm going to harass you all day.

Please. I live here now.

- I love it.
- I love it.

- Bye.
- Love you, baby.

- Bye, doll.
- Bye, doll.

Can I just tell you that you've sold

So, just wear the shorts. [LAUGHS]

No, we've sold 37,000 pairs of them,
so once you wear them,

we'll sell 50,000 pairs a month.

I was like, "I don't think
I've ever worn these shorts before."

We do about four to six
photoshoots a year

for Good American that I'm involved in.

Next outfit!

Every new season we do
big campaign imagery.

These are very nice.

This is so hot here, on the sides.

EMMA: I think that Sasha would be
very satisfying to be in bed with,

'cause she's like, "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

So pretty.

You got it.

- Let's hurry this up.
- Let's hurry this...up.

Why, because you can't wait
to get back on set...

- I gotta get home.
- ...of the show?

KHLOÉ: Emma and I
are huge multi-taskers,

so even though I'm on set
for a Good American photoshoot,

we are also whittling down

our open casting call.

We've seen 5000 girls
in eight different cities.

This is the shortlist.

KHLOÉ: What pretty girls.

EMMA: They are such pretty girls.

And a boy.

KHLOÉ: Oh, yes.

When I was a kid,

the people that I saw
on fashion magazines

were all pretty similar.

But I never felt like there was someone
that looked like me.

And I love that we try to be so diverse

and inclusive of all women.

So somebody looks at our ad and says,
"Hey, that looks like me."

- I think she's interesting.
- Me too.

I think her, her, her, her.

- I kinda like her.
- EMMA: Me too. She's in my top four.

All right, so, in your hand

are the girls.

You hold the key
to the kingdom right there.

You're putting these girls on a plane.

Oh, my God. We are.

Yeah, for real.

- I like it.
- Me too.


I love being in this closet.

Honey, we've got an obsession, babes.

Literally, we gotta scale back
on Mickeys.

I'm in Kourtney's house dressed as her.

This is heaven.

- Okay bridal. Okay, hello stunning.
- Okay. Perfect.

Hello, thread count. Yes, Kourt.

I just love you so much,
Bonnie and Clyde babies,

Sid and Nancy, Jack and Sally,
it's us against the world.

g*ng, g*ng. We ride at dawn.

Baby, it's me, Kourtney.

It's very surreal

to spend the day with someone
that you've done videos of for so long.

I did her morning routine.

What I've done is obviously ridiculous.

But I feel like Kourtney's core spirit
is definitely a part of my video.

Are you excited for Poosh... What is it?

Poosh Your Wellness.
Why do I, like, have a blank?


Are you excited for
Poosh Your Wellness 2022?

- It's all about future you.
- You're kidding.

You're looking at future you
right now, girl.

Exactly, I am.

So get ready to just Poosh
Your Wellness.

Poosh it, baby.

Do we kiss?

A lot of dreams came true today
but definitely very meta.

And that's what me
and Kourtney like to do.

We like to play with the metaverse.

- Let's zip you up.
- Just this little.

Does it fit?


It fits perfectly.

What are you doing here?

I thought I told you
never to come here again.

MAN: Cut.


Kourtney, you're an actress.

That was incredible.

BENNY: She was amazing.

She got it in one take.
She's a one take wonder.

So, yeah,
Kourtney is a total professional.

How do we rock out?

Here's the proof that I am

and will forever be the funny one.

BENNY: I thought we were really good.

Wow, this is a car.

Do you remember when G-wagons
used to look like this?

KHLOÉ: I know. This is like a blast
from the past, this car.

- Isn't it crazy?
- KENDALL: I love it.

You know Kylie is literally gonna have
her baby. like,

- in a second.
- I know.

- Which is just so crazy.
- So crazy.

- I can't believe there's another kid.
- Let me call her.

I can't believe there's another kid.

We're just multiplying.

It's just so many kids.

Hey, girl.

- Hi.
- Hi.

How are we feeling?

I just finished my nursery.

And now that my nurseries are done,
I feel like I can just really Zen out.

I just deleted all my social media
off my phone.

Oh, good for you.

It's so healthy.

You should Zen out.
I can't believe you're now just nesting.

I know. It's crazy.

We love you. We're actually gonna go,
get you a little something right now.

That's sweet.

- I love you guys.
- BOTH: I love you.

I hope you're feeling good
and we're here.

I'm only a phone call away.

- KENDALL: We are here.
- Your real mommy.

Kylie is my little baby.

I am like her second mom.

It's so beautiful, it's nuts
that she's gonna be a mom of two.

Without all these kids,
how boring would it be.

I guess not that boring.

All right, love you, Mommy.
Love you, Kendall.

- Love you.
- Love you.

Kendall's a wild driver. Okay, bye.

I am the world's greatest
parallel parker.

- I am not.
- Look at that. One [BLEEP] time.

Kendall, that is legit!

- Khloe, I am the world's...
- I hate parallel parking.

- ...greatest parallel parker.
- Yeah, that was good.

No, I'm actually proud.


KENDALL: There's a bell.

KHLOÉ: Here you go, cub.

How're you going to hold her?

- Gotta get the head.
- Yeah.

- You're perfect. You're a pro.
- She's beautiful.

I'm so excited to be an aunt again.

I mean, I just have so many nieces
and nephews at this point.

But it's always exciting.

It's always exciting to, like,
meet a new little personality

and see who they become.
So it's really cool.

Oh, my God. Being in a baby store

feels real for me these days.

KHLOÉ: What?

Just like the day
is coming for me, you know.

Remember what we talked about?

- I know.
- The standards.

- KENDALL: I do have standards.
- Good.

And I'll hold myself to them 100%.

But, it's just being 26, I feel like
it feels a little more real for me.

Twenty-six! Kendall, that's not old

- to have a baby.
- I know.

Oh, my gosh,
I love these Madame Alexander dolls.

I'm actually getting Kylie one.

I gotta call mom. Mom would love this.

You don't remember this?
Mom used to buy these for us as kids.

Wait. I'm definitely getting these.


- Do you know, this is...
- KENDALL: Is that Mom?

She hung up on my call earlier.

KHLOÉ: How cute.

Shouldn't I buy one of these for Storm?

- Where are you?
- Why don't you ever answer my calls?

Are those Madame Alexander dolls?

Yeah. That's why I'm calling you.

You guys, those are my favorite dolls.

You have to get all of them.
They're very hard to find.

Why don't you get six of them
and I'll pay you back.

Six of them?

For my six granddaughters.

Oh, my God. The little babies.

I got all of them that they have.

Do you guys have any more of these
Madame Alexander dolls in the back?


Yeah, not everyone gets us, Mom.


Look how many Mom is buying.

Okay. Love you. Bye.

Thank you.

We were supposed to leave
three hours ago but we got rained in.

Which was good for me
'cause I'm really sick.

So I was able to sleep.

Today is the big day.

I'm sh**ting
the cover of Sports Illustrated.

I feel like absolute shit.
I want to die.

This is it.

I mean, I definitely am so excited.

I've never done
a swimsuit sh**t like this.

It's just being a little bit different
than your typical bikini sh**t.

I just wish I felt better.


Oh, my God, Khloe is calling.

Hey, Joge, how are you?

Aw, don't say that, Joge.

You're gonna love it.
You look beautiful.

The scenery looks...

I can tell you can't function.
The scenery looks great.



That's my girl.

Okay. Well, I love you.
I was checking on you.

I could tell
you're not really there, babe.

Okay. I'll call you.

Okay. Love you. Bye.

I love you. Bye.

Okay, guys, she's ready.

I'll never ever cancel,

but my throat is k*lling.

It feels like
I have almost like strep throat.

But I just have to push through.

I almost feel like I need to just
jump in and get all wet.

- Should we sh**t it?
- Yeah, we're sh**ting it.

- Perfect.
- Gorgeous.

- Beautiful, Kim.
- Wow!

What a shot.


It kills me,
'cause she looks so amazing.

You would never know she feels like
total dog food.


You know the editorial story,

it's like, you know,
a modern take on swimsuit.

And like, you know,
she is kind of the epitome

and definition of the modern woman.

She's a boss, she's a babe,
she's a mom, she's a friend.

Yeah. That's nice, gorgeous.

She works really, really hard.

And she looks amazing.

I'm exhausted, but we're getting
the sh*ts. That's all that matters.

This feels like everything
that I've dreamed,

whether it's like a Vogue cover,
a Balenciaga campaign,

like Sports Illustrated.

Things I never even thought I would do,

I'm doing them.

But I feel like the universe
is rewarding me,

and like this is the year about me
and to do what I want

and what makes me happy.
And it almost feels like

all my dreams are coming true.

- It's so good.
- Oh, my God.

It says everything.

It's like I'm sweet, I'm a badass,

I'm sexy, I'm confident, I'm powerful,

I am what I wanna be right now.

I'm a [BLEEP] Sports Illustrated
swimsuit cover model.

I mean, this is like bucket list goals,
you know.


Thank you, everybody
for an amazing job.

And Kim Kardashian, you're the b*mb!
We love you!


We've finished the sh**t. I'm exhausted.

I'm going to go to bed,
so enough of you guys.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Here's what I'm imagining.
I'm gonna say,

"Hi, how are you?
How's everything going?"

We just wanna talk to you again. And
then you will appear and go camera on.

Today, I am setting up

to surprise Zoom the final girls

that made it to the Good squad
from the open casting calls.


Hello. How are you?

I love your energy.
You got lovely energy.

Actually give me one second, okay?


Hey, Sophia.

Hi! Oh, my God!

This is amazing. Are you real?
Is this real?

I am real. Well, virtually real,
but I am real.

Wow. What an honor.

Just the fact that I even made it
through to the final round

is absolutely incredible.

- But babe, guess what?
- What?

You are part of the Good squad.

- You're kidding.
- No, not kidding.


Yep. You're going to be
in our next campaign.

And we are so thrilled
to have you in our campaign.


My God!

KHLOÉ: I love it because we have
so may women of different ages,

ethnicities, body types.

Whoever you are, I want that to shine
and I want that to be promoted.

And that's the point.
We just want to give people

that wouldn't have a platform or maybe
an opportunity, that opportunity.

You are part of the Good squad.

Thank you, so much.
Oh, my God! I'm so excited!

Oh, my gosh!
We're just so excited to have you.

And you are one of our girls.

- Oh, my God.
- Aw!

This is amazing. Oh, my God!

Oh, my gosh. I have chills.

You don't even know this means so much.

You're the perfect fit for us

and we're thrilled
and honored to have you.

The fact that I have been blessed enough
to be in a position

that I get to bless somebody else.

I thank God every single day.

I'm just so touched by you.

And I'm so honored
that you came and showed up.

When you have the opportunities
in front of you,

you gotta take them, you know.

KHLOÉ: I'm just so excited
to see them model live in front of me,

and just see them be
the best versions of themself.

Pack your bags. You're coming to L.A.!

They're so sweet, these girls.

- Hi.
- Gorgeous


- Are you good?
- I'm good.

You look beautiful. So good.

- Thank you.
- Best open casting ever.

It's the Denim Goddesses, come inside,

- come in.
- KHLOÉ: You guys look so good.

I have a special visitor for you.

KHLOÉ: I love coming to the photoshoots
with the girls from the open casting.

Most of them have never modeled before.

It's always been a dream of theirs
and something they've aspired to do,

but they have never had the opportunity.

- Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you.
- Hi, how are you? I'm Khloe.

- Nice to see you.
- I'm Sophia. So nice to meet you.

- Hi.
- Hi, you guys look so beautiful.

The Good American vibe is empowering
other women and empowering people

to be the best version of themselves.
That's what life is about.

Okay, let's turn on the music
and get to sh**ting.

Good American is not just about
selling product.

It's the messaging behind it.

And I'm so proud that this is mine.


It represents everything that society
says that we cannot be as models.

Celebrating women of all shapes,
all sizes, all races. It's b*mb.

Can you guys act like
you love each other?

KHLOÉ: A this moment in my life,

everything is just
in a really good place right now.

We got it.

WOMAN: Rolling.

MAN 1: Let's head in.

MAN 2: Good to go. Good to go.

WOMAN: Heading in.

KIM: Oh, my God.

His whole declaration is in this thing
which says, "I slept with her."

It's his whole thing, saying,

"I, Tristan Thompson
met this girl in Houston.

"I slept with her on my 30th birthday."

So I sent it to him. I said,
"Does Khloe know about this?"

Khloe doesn't even [BLEEP] know.

This is Kylie. I gotta go.
I'll call you back.


No, I'm not [BLEEP] lying.
I'm shaking for her.

My soul dies for her.

No, she's not awake.

And what's so [BLEEP] crazy is,

he wrote a whole declaration.
Let me read this to you.

Hold on. I'm literally shaking.

No, I know. I'm filming right now
but this is always what happens with us

because I'm always filming
when this shit happens.

Wait. Hold on. Let me read this to you.

So this is paperwork
that he's filed that says,

"The only time I had sexual intercourse
with petitioner, which is the girl

"was in March 2021 in Houston, Texas.

"Petitioner claims she's pregnant
with my child

and that she's due December 3rd

"However, petitioner does not recall
when I had sexual intercourse with her.

"Therefore, I do not know if the claims
that I'm the father of the child

"are supported by facts."

He's saying that he slept with her.

"I specifically remember having
sexual intercourse with petitioner

"in March because it was my birthday."

Hold on.
Let me merge in Kourtney. Hold on.

- Hi, I'm merging you.

Hey, so in this...

It says, "Petitioner initiated initial
sexual contact

"and never objected
to having sexual intercourse.

"Petitioner insisted that she would meet
me at my hotel and spend the night.

"She wanted to give me
a special birthday surprise

"which I understood to be sex.

"When we got to my hotel room,
we immediately had sexual intercourse."

This is Tristan talking.

These are his...

Yes, today is the date.

This is his whole declaration.

He's asking for a paternity test
and admitting that he had sex with her.

Khloe threw him his 30th birthday.

So he went home from
the 30th birthday party,

went to Houston to play on the road.

We can check his schedule,

- and then slept with this girl.
- Yeah.

I just sent it to him and I wrote,
"Does Khloe know about this?"

Khloe is not answering. She has no idea.

I mean...

the whole thing is...

Now is just the biggest sign. She's...

The whole thing that's so sad
is she wants a baby boy.

And now this girl is having
a [BLEEP] baby boy.

A [BLEEP] random that
he sleeps with one night.

[BLEEP] him.

Oh, I was so team him.

No. We don't know if she knows.
How do we know if she knows.

That's the thing. We don't know.

We have no [BLEEP] idea.
She's not responding.

I sent it to her and I said call me.

- This is her. I'll call you right back.



Did you see what I sent you?

No. Hang on.

What the [BLEEP] is this?


Oh, my God. I think we need
to have a family meeting.

Is she coming?

Khloe just texted me
that she's not gonna come.

I think the longer it goes on
without really expressing her feelings

can be very alienating and lonely.

KHLOÉ: I wanted to believe
that Tristan could change.

I wanted to trust him.

What? Khloe, how... When did you faint?

You know...