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01x08 - Never Go Against the Family

Posted: 12/07/23 15:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Kardashians...

I just want to do
normal things with you.

Like what would you like to do?


KRIS: The most important thing to me is

spending time with
all my kids and my family.

Maybe it's time to,
you know, have a baby.


KOURTNEY: Travis and I
are trying to have a baby.

Our new thing is Panchakarma cleanse.

No caffeine, no alcohol, no sex... have better quality eggs.

"Kanye's coming out with a new rap song.

- "Kim is all in it."
- What does that mean?

It means he's talking mad shit about me
and probably saying whatever.

Like, all I can do is control
how I react to something.

- I can't control...
- KHLOÉ: What other people do.

- he treats me.

You know, or how he's always treated
you guys.



- KRIS: Hey, guys.
- Look at you.

- Looking cute.
- Mom.

So cute.

Wow, guys. Thank you.

What are we talking about?

You guys, I've never felt better.

- KIM: You did your cleanse?
- Then after my cleanse...

I don't know if I could do no caffeine
just in the morning.

It's the only way that I can survive.

KOURTNEY: But guess what?
You would figure it out.

KRIS: Did you lose any weight?

I did lose five pounds,
but that wasn't my goal.

The goal is...

it removes all the toxins
and it gives you

like, a clean egg.

- And then I did a Yoni steam.
- A Yoni steam!

Which I'm going to buy you guys
all Yoni steams.

I don't want my vag*na
to go through that.

No. It's so good for your vag*na.

You put like roses and stuff,

and you're, like,
steaming your vag*na with roses.

Like, what is more luxurious?

I don't know what...

I don't know what you do that for.
I really don't.

A steamy vag*na. It sounds gross.

I don't want it opened up.
I want it tighter.

I think everyone needs to do
what they feel like doing.

So if this is going to relax you
and going to calm you down

so you can drop that egg, by all means,
[BLEEP] live your life, girl.

It feels really good to me
to do this kind of process than...

KIM: Doing it naturally.

We did all these healthy things
and we made love and we made a baby.

So now that we feel really healthy,

we are going to try naturally

and take a big break from IVF.

Well, whatever your journey you're on,
Kourtney, we support you in, literally.

There'll be a lot of grandkids.

This will be the golden egg.

So who wants to do a cleanse?

- Not me.
- KRIS: I would try it.

Your life would be changed.

Right, I gotta go.

KRIS: I'm not sure about the
vag*na steaming, but I'll do it all.

- You would love a good vag*na steam.
- And you're gonna love it.




This is the most beautiful door
I've ever seen.

KHLOÉ: Thank you!

SCOTT: This house is beautiful.

KHLOÉ: So, there's still
a lot of stuff...

You know, I'm not a good show-er
until it's all done.

I cannot get over how close you are

- to your mom's.
- Oh, my God.

- Crazy, right?
- Now I get it.

- I was over there.
- Seeing people in this family...

Had to measure something for her.

- ...who have to buy next door.
- Yeah.

- Even Kanye.
- Hmm.

- Bought a house across the street.
- Yeah.

- Want to see Kourt again?
- Buy a house across the street? across the road.

I mean, this is just spectacular.

KHLOÉ: Want to see
one of my favorite parts?

I would love to see how organized
you are. I'm sure it's insane.

- I'm trying to show you.
- Okay.

KHLOÉ: Ta-da-da-da!

SCOTT: Oh! She's deep.

I took a garage and I did this.

This is literally kids' heaven.

KHLOÉ: It's my heaven.
You know me, I'm not eating on a diet.

- I work out.
- I know. Because you live...

KHLOÉ: I live to eat.

- I don't eat to live.
- Not eat to live.

KHLOÉ: Want a
chocolate-covered gummy bear?

SCOTT: Strawberry. Only if it's going in
your mouth. Know what I'm talking about?

Well, this is such a cool dining table.

- KHLOÉ: Thank you.
- SCOTT: I gotta take this all in

'cause I'm sure the next family meal,
you'll probably hex me out.

Oh, shut up.

I love being around Scott.
I love hanging out with Scott.

Him and I get along so well.
He's one of my best friends.

But, like, can't we just get back
to just, like, being normal?

I'm gonna go to Mom's offices tomorrow,
if you wanna come,

- just to hang out.
- Why not?

- What else are we doing?
- SCOTT: Nothing.

My mom has been
asked to do a MasterClass.

And I'm excited
to help her navigate through everything.

And I mean, why not bring Scott?

He's funny. He might ask the most
outlandish questions. Who knows?

- You probably haven't seen her in years.
- KHLOÉ: No, we don't see each other.

I literally see her every single day.

You could always get a hold of her.

Which is... I get that. She actually
does answer the phone no matter what.

She usually says, "I have to go."

She says, "I'm filming I can't talk."
I'm like, "They're with me."

Right. I go, "It's also
reality show, so.

- "Your conversation can be filmed."
- Yeah.

- Oh, my God, whenever she says that...
- "I'm filming now.

"There's no way I could talk."

"I can't speak to you."

SCOTT: It's a reality show.

You talk on the phone, in real life.


KIM: Early sister workout.

JOEL: Let's go. Last one.

Tricep the cable
and pushups on the bench.

KIM: I have a question.

Have you talked to Scott lately?

He's being such a baby
about Kourtney and Travis.

You know, don't you think or not?

I think we baby
most of the people in our lives.

Do you think we
baby the men in our lives?

- And this is why?
- Are you being sarcastic?

No, I'm... It's like an epiphany.

- Are you joking? I mean, literally.
- No.

- Hand-feed...
- Hand-feed everyone.

- Yeah.
- We coddle them.

We put them in a little [BLEEP] blanket
and hand-feed them.

- We do.
- We give them the cozy collection.

KIM: I feel like we baby everyone
at this point, so moving forward,

whatever relationship I'm in,
I just won't allow that energy.

And like, everyone that enters my life
should just be the biggest asset.

Like, men want to be nurtured

and then when they do, they don't
get out of that fetal position.

And then they're like, "Oh...

"Kourtney is engaged.

"It's been seven years."

I'm, like, "Shut up, everyone."

All right. This is like a new start.
We don't need to baby people.


- How are you?

KOURTNEY: How are you? This is so nice.

- I'm so happy you're here.
- I'm so excited to be here!

Thank you. It was perfect.

I was down the street doing Panchakarma.

- Oh, at Surya?
- At Surya.

GWYNETH: How many days
have you been doing it?

- So I just recently did 12 days...
- Oh, my God.

...of like, no sex.

- No working out.
- No sex?

Yeah. Did she not say that to you?

- No!
- Is that only me?

And then, and then...

- What does that say?
- I know.

Gwyneth Paltrow has a similar
healthy lifestyle,

and we are both in the wellness space.

And so I'm thinking about
doing this collaboration

between Poosh and Goop,

which is Gwyneth Paltrow's
health and wellness brand.

- I'm on a journey.
- I love it.

Do you have a destination in mind?

- Um, I want to have a baby.
- Oh!

So I've done all the fertility stuff.
I've done... And so, it's like...

- How has that been?
- It just makes me, like,

- mentally, like not well.
- Right.

- And so...
- Because of the hormones?

Yeah. And when I did this to kind of
clear all that out of my body,

it just felt like this is what
I'm supposed to be doing.

This year, I've been really focusing
on growing the business.

Doing this collab with Poosh and Goop

is definitely a step in that direction.

How long have you guys been together?

- Like, a year and four months.
- Nice.

- Yeah.
- And you're ready to have another?


- You don't live together?
- No.

Just, my husband and I
did not live together

until we'd been married for a year
when we moved in together.

Really? Was there a reason
or you just...

- Well...
- It's just what worked?

It was just sort of...
I think it was mostly for our kids.

Because it's hard in a way,
you know, the stepparenting thing.

- And the, you know, blending families.
- Yeah.

That second marriage is...

- Like, it's so beautiful.
- Yeah.

It's just such a good opportunity
to do it.

This is my first marriage.

- You've never been married?
- Never been married.

- You've basically been married?
- Yes.

I do find her really inspiring

in that I feel like she's got
purpose and positivity

with all that she's doing.

If we do a candle collaboration,

I think it's such a cool opportunity

to like, for two females
in the wellness space to come together.

- And, you know what I mean? Sort of...
- Mmm-hmm.

...rebuke that idea

that there's not enough space
for everybody

and how they want to show up
and contribute to the wellness world.

- I love this.
- I'm excited

to hear a little bit about
like, what scents you like?

So do you want to maybe work
on some different things

and then we can meet again and...

- I would love that.
- Okay.

- Okay, perfect!
- It's so good to see you.

Thank you. You, too.


KIM: This fridge makes me so happy.

- KRIS: It makes me so happy.
- KIM: Just, like, to walk by.

- KRIS: I know.
- KIM: Just cute.

God, this just looks so organized
and amazing.

- Right?
- KIM: Yeah.

- Yeah.
- KIM: Yep, yep, yep.

So, Mason. I took him the other day.
It was so cute.

So it was me driving,
and Mason was in the backseat

and North was in the backseat
and I overheard their convo.

And Mason goes,

you know, "Can you drop me off
at Travis's studio?"

- You know, later.
- Mason said that?

He asked me. I was like,
"Of course, not a problem."

And he was like, it's so cool
and he was telling North,

they have these bikes,
and it's just like so fun.

- And his tune has totally changed...
- KRIS: That's nice.

...since the engagement.

And I heard him say to North,
he was like, "You know,

"getting a stepdad isn't so bad."

- Wow.
- And was like, you know,

"They're not these evil people
like you see in the movies.

"It's just not like that."

The way he was talking to her
gave me the feeling

of like, everything's gonna work out.

- Everything's gonna be okay.
- Yeah, yeah.

- And it was just so...
- He was reassuring her.

- Totally. And was so excited.
- As if, like she...

I think, after hearing this conversation
with Mason and North

and just hearing how he's getting along
with, you know, Travis

and just loving
having someone else around,

I just think like, okay, there's hope.

You know, one day I'll have someone

that can come around
and hang out with the kids.

Honestly, I just feel like

I wanted to really make sure and...

not just be so like,
"Oh, my God, I met someone

"and I'm having fun," you know.

And then, just like start
talking about it on a show.

And then if we weren't talking months
later, I'd be like an idiot, you know?

Or a whore. Either one, so...

I feel like I'm always
a step behind Kourtney.

What's so amazing for me to have a guide

- of, "Your kids are feeling this, okay."
- Yeah.

- My kids are gonna start to feel this.
- Just to know that that's...

- That it'll be okay.
- That's your inspiration.

And I'm, you know,
just starting to like, date.


Hold on, I have a mic on.

I'm not entertaining this right now.

No, no.

No, that's cute. I could. Okay.

Gotta go. Okay.

Bye. Bye, babe.

No. Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.

You know what? It's nice for you
to try something new.

- Yeah.
- I think it really is.

No matter who you're dating,
my only advice would be,

the minute you start badmouthing
the other parent

in front of your kids,
is the end of the world

- for them, as kids.
- Oh, absolutely.

KRIS: They can't handle that.

They hear everything.

- You and I...
- I would never say anything bad.

- I know.
- Even if I want to go in the other room

and scream like I literally am,
like, oh, my gosh.

Like this is so cool.
Look what your Dad did.

- Yeah.
- You know, I'm always, no matter what...

- Supportive.
- ...I'm so nice.

- So supportive.
- You have to be kind.

I would never not be that.

And that's the example you wanna set.

- Yeah.
- That's why you're here.

That's why God put you here to
raise kids and have a family and...

be with each other
and that's what life is all about.

- It's all about your family.
- Yeah.

Even if there's some shit going down,

I will always try my hardest

to keep the co-parenting
relationship positive.

And I know my kids
just want to see me happy,

their dad happy,
everyone happy and getting along.


Why do you have an Emmy behind you?

Well, you know what?

- If you put it out there...
- KHLOÉ: Is that fake?

Oh, it's fake. That's amazing.

- You put it out, it just might happen.
- That's amazing.

- For an Oscar.
- Yeah.

KRIS: You have to
put it in the universe.

That is crazy.

- That you have a fake Emmy, that's...
- No, it's a real Emmy.

Kim gave it to me for my 60th birthday.

- Whose is it?
- I don't know. I can't remember.

You guys bought someone's random Emmy?

Hey, you can buy them.

Kim bid for it at an auction.

KHLOÉ: So it's a real Emmy.
It's just not yours.

Fake it till you make it.

- KHLOÉ: Hello? My motto of life.
- That's right.

- Talk about that in your MasterClass.
- KRIS: That's right.

I think Hillary and Bill
are getting ready to do one.

But let me tell you something
right now, kids.

Are you gonna wear glasses?
'Cause you look studious.

Scientists have done this.
Nobel Prize winners have done this.

- And now, Kris [BLEEP] Jenner.
- Well, well.

KRIS: What's really crazy is

I had started my professional career

when I was about 40 years old.

And to have MasterClass reach out to me

at this stage in my life
and ask me to do a MasterClass is wild.

I really wanna communicate
my style of doing business.

I think people wanna know

how we've created this empire
and these businesses...

- SCOTT: Yeah.
- ...all under one umbrella.

Are you worried or nervous
about your MasterClass?

I am worried about my MasterClass

- because I have one chance to do this.
- SCOTT: How many people?

People love a takeaway.

Yeah, they do.

KHLOÉ: People want a little party favor.

- Yeah.
- You should do a whole piece

on just catchphrases.

You have to always
be willing to walk away.

- Not all money is good money.
- No.

- SCOTT: Don't get married to the deal.
- That's right.

SCOTT: There you go.

My mom is known for saying
a good metaphor or a catchphrase.

I mean, my mom calls me
Kylie half the time.

So I think she'll definitely mess up
one of her catch phrases for sure.

But she really is so knowledgeable.

And I am so proud of my mom
for doing this MasterClass.

And you've never burned a bridge 'cause
you always have to walk back over it.

That's right.

You meet the same people on the way down
that you met on the way up.

- There you go.
- Never go against the family.

Never go against the family.

That's something
that Khloé's dad taught me.

He taught me a lot.

What do you call it when you like...

chops you?

- What?
- What?

- A chop salad?
- KRIS: You know... no.

Karate chop?


What the [BLEEP] is wrong with you?

- SCOTT: When you're really chopped.
- I... You bust your chops.

- No, you hone your skills...
- You bust your ass.

- ...but you something your chops.
- Okay.

- You lick your chops.
- Aah.

- You...
- SCOTT: Chop licker.

- Come on, come on.
- SCOTT: Chopsticks.

- Chapsticks.
- Chappy chop.

- Okay, you...
- SCOTT: Bust my chops!

- Bust, no.
- KHLOÉ: Chaps.

- Chanel, no.
- You wanna wear chaps, chops.

You... hone your skills and you...

blank your chops.

Bust your chops.

- You lick your chops.
- You, you're...

- Lick your chops.
- No.

- There's something with chop.
- Chop salad?

- Anyway.
- KHLOÉ: If this is the way

your MasterClass is going,
we've got to start all the way over

'cause I don't know
what [BLEEP] I learned.

This whole chip chop thing?

- Don't bring it up.
- Chip chop this through.

- Let's chip chop it.
- Cancel it.

I really want to be able to articulate
where I am in life

and what my journey was
and how I got here.

But it's a little nerve-racking
and I really want to get it right.

It's my legacy.

All right. Get the hell out of here.

Holy Chicago.

- Very well.

- It was a hell of a nice time.
- Thanks for stopping by.

- There.
- Next time we see you

- you will be a master of all disguises.
- Yes, I will.

- Bye, bye.
- Ta-ta for now.

See you later. Ta-ta for now.

KHLOÉ: Adios.



Go all the way in. That's your inhale.

Exhale, squeeze bellybutton to spine.

Keep those heels connected.

There you go. The same time
you pull belly button to spine.

KIM: I'm so excited that I got the cover
of Sports Illustrated.

- Stop.
- Really?

Holy guacamole!

I am so excited for you.

Yeah, I'm so excited.

KHLOÉ: When is it?

I think it's like on the 20th
or something.

Sports Illustrated has got to be
the best, hottest cover ever.

KHLOÉ: Where you going?

KIM: We're gonna go to the DR.

'Cause I know a private place there.

It's going to be so beautiful.
I already know.

The fact that they asked me,
like, in my 40s.

I don't think any Armenian girl's
been on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

There's a lot of firsts here.

But so iconic,
legendary, exciting, crazy.

You're sh**ting your cover,
you gotta work hard.

KIM: That's why I have to, like,

double time.

So you're gonna do Pilates
once a day and...

And a workout.

This is my one chance

to really look and feel my best
and I really want to.

And I really want to be prepared
for this and not be insecure.

So you've done...

Balenciaga sh**t, Vogue.

The cover of Vogue.

And now you're going to be on the cover
of Sports Illustrated.

I think this sh**t
just represents a lot for me.

When you go through a divorce
and you go through big changes,

you just...
everyone's always finding themselves.

And I definitely have taken time
to get to know who I am and what I want.

I'm very confused.
Does this have dressing in it already?

KOURTNEY: This is the dressing, yeah.

Kourt's the good shaker.

KIM: We know how much you guys love it.

Eating a salad with us
and just shaking the salad.

KOURTNEY: I think I've...

made a phenomenon about shaking salads.

KIM: Shake a Salad.

- KOURTNEY: Whoa. You cut yours?
- KHLOÉ: Yeah.

Do you ever ask yourself why?

Because I'm a [BLEEP] freak.

KIM: What's going on with you
and Tristan? How are you guys doing?

Good. I mean,
he's, like, trying so hard.

Everyone is doing great
in their own relationships.

Tristan and I are doing really well.

Kourt is engaged, and Kim is so happy

and just seems so much lighter,

there's just like a breath of fresh air.

What's going on with you?

In your dating life?

KHLOÉ: What's going on with you?

In your dating life?

Can't a girl just be happy and live?

Yeah, a girl can.

KIM: That's what I'm doing.

- I get it.
- That's what I keep saying

happiness, peace, Zen, laughter.

It's all I want.

And I got it.

A lot of laughter.

Yeah, a lot of laughter.

Standup comedy.


All right, okay,
I'll take that as a yes.


You guys have stalked me long enough.

I'll finally answer you.

So this is how it went down with Pete.

I did SNL.

And then when we kissed in scene,

it was just a vibe.

And I was like,
"Oh, shit, maybe I've been...

"Maybe I just need to try
something different."

But Pete does not
come to my after party.

Everyone was at my after party.

Does not give me the time of day.

So a few days later,

I called the producer at SNL and I was,
like, "Hey, do you have Pete's number?"

And they were like, "Yeah."

And I text him.

I wasn't even thinking like,

"Oh, my God, I'm gonna be
in a relationship with him."

I was just thinking, like,
heard about this BDE.

I need to get out there
like, I need to just, like,

jump start my...

I was just basically DTF.


- I mean, it's obviously fun and funny.
- Yeah.

But it's not even just like...

like everyone thinks it's like a...

hysterical comedy show at all times.

I'm like, no, it's just like normal.

- Good.
- Yeah.

I'm happy for you.

I'm happy that you're happy.
I think that's everyone's...

like, dream is to have you happy.

Pete has got to be literally
the best human being I've ever met.

Like the best heart.

People always say,
like oh, he's so funny

and it's like,
has to do with how funny he is.

That's like, fourth on my list
of why I like him.

Always wants the best for people.
Can handle anything.

Always does it with grace.

He's really, really thoughtful
and humble and just so genuine.

I would say, the perfect word
to describe Pete is genuine.

I mean, I think just that I never knew
you can just be so happy

watching TV series and going to the gym.

From someone that I never thought

would even go to the gym
or had been to the gym.

And it's, you know, before.

After we got together,
and it was like a thing,

Megan Fox texts me and is, like,
"Is this shit for real?

"Because he asked me
for your number months ago."

And, like I was like, "Dude,
you have a better shot of, like...

"me and MGK

"getting eaten by crocodiles
than you ever getting her number.

"Like, never going to happen.
Do not ask us."

I actually don't care
if I go out like this

and have no makeup on like,
it's the most refreshing feeling

to not feel like, "Oh, my God..."

Like you don't have to be perfect
at all times.

- You're perfect the way you are.
- Yeah.

KIM: I had this big pimple on my nose,

and I kept on complaining
about this pimple.

And being like, "Oh, my God,
I have to get up.

"I have to, whatever put like,
pimple medicine on," and whatever.

One thing that we like, seriously have
in common is like, we're obsessed with

skin care and dermatologists
and literally beauty products.

And I fell asleep at 8:30.

I was so tired,
and I woke up in the morning

with dried pimple medicine on my nose.

And he put it on for me in my sleep,
because he knew.

KHLOÉ: So cute.

- He knew that I needed it to go away.
- KOURTNEY: That is so funny.

And I was like, "Oh!"

I definitely notice that Kim is happier.

I think that she's so much nicer now.
Thank you, Pete.

I'm so into this new Kim.

I'm not chasing anything.

And that is the best feeling.

Whether it's at
the beginning of your career,

chasing fame, chasing money,
chasing a relationship, chasing happi...

It's just all here. I don't know if I...

- I've heard the 40s are magic.

- Yeah.
- I can't wait to be in my 40s.

KIM: No, seriously.

When I turned 40, everyone said
it's the best sex of your life.

And Grandma kept on telling me,
"40 is the best sex."

- And I was like, okay, I'm ready.
- Good for Grandma.

And so far... [CLICKS TONGUE]




Okay, so this is like
picking the direction.

Mmm-hmm. And then they'll,

based on your favorites,
they refine this scent.

Okay, I'm going to put a no pile,
and tell me if you agree.

These are my no's so far.

This one's a no.

This is a little bit like spring
or like rose.

- I like that.
- I love rose.


- What are you doing?
- We're doing this...

Goop-Poosh collab candle.

You know how she does the candles, like,

- Smells Like My vag*na?
- My vag*na?

So this is going to be called
Smells Like My Pooshie.

Oh, my God, I thought
you were gonna say...

That's really funny.

KOURTNEY: I really want to
streamline the brand with my lifestyle.

And so a Poosh and Goop candle collab

makes so much sense
because I love candles.

I light candles every day in my home.

- Ooh, this is a vibe.

This definitely smells like my pooshie.


It reminds me of your,

your mom's pooshie.


Oh, my God.

We've been talking about it for a year,

and I feel like the big picture is

showing that we can

team up with other women
in health and wellness.

Like, teaming up makes you stronger.

I agree.

You support Goop. They support you.

It doesn't always have to be this
female rivalry that, the press

- or whomever, the Internet...
- The drama.

...wants to pit women
against each other.

And you're like, no.
We have the same brand ethos.

We care about the same things.

- We're gonna support each other.
- Right.

When I came out with Poosh,
people loved to compare us.

And make us like we were enemies,
and, like I'm coming for her territory.

And so, I really love the idea

of doing something together

to really show that,

you know, there is room for everybody.

To me, that's a really positive message.

STEPHANIE: Don't burn the house down.

I think when you have
the best vag*na on Earth...

- [CHUCKLING]'ve got to treat it like so.



Hi, Mom. What's going on?

KRIS: Um, well, I'm just at home,

and getting nervous
about the MasterClass.

KHLOÉ: Oh, my gosh. Why?

KRIS: I don't know.
You know, it's a big deal.

And I really want to do a good job.

And I'm just thinking...

KHLOÉ: Mom, you are
the queen of MasterClasses.

KRIS: I'm gonna Zen and take a bath.

Come over, and while I'm upstairs,
maybe we can just go over stuff.

And I thought if you weren't busy,
you could just come be my lifeguard.

Do you want me to bring you a Martini?

KRIS: Sure, come over.

It's really nice to have a neighbor

that I'm really in love with.

I make sure there's a lot of bubbles
so we don't piss anyone off.

Oh, my God, Lady Godiva.

You're everything and more.

Where'd you pull this old thing
out the closet?

This is what you have?

This is why we have to spend
more time together.

Because you have no idea
what's going on with this wardrobe.

- This is how we reward ourselves.
- You end your day.

- We work so hard all week.
- You look like it.

You're gonna be there trying on
your bathrobes right after this.

I only wear silk lingerie to sleep.
Because of you.

And you are gonna have to leave
for a second

while I jump in there. Mmm-hmm.

I don't think it surprises me that
my mom is nervous about MasterClass.

I think we all
get nervous about anything.

Even things that we know
we're really good at.

Like my mom knows, she's built for this.

I think that's a good sign.

I think when you're nervous,

you're probably going to do something
really [BLEEP] epic.

- Why are you so nervous?
- I can't help it. It's my personality.

I'm just having a hard time
trying to figure out

how to make it really personal
to the viewer.

Um, I don't know.

I mean, just pretend it's one of your
daughters and you're giving us advice.

That's good.

Can you come to the taping?
It really would make me feel better.

Of course, life is life.
Everything will be.

But you said such great things today.

- "Life is life."
- Life is life?

That was like a home run for you?

KRIS: Yeah, I think it's a T-shirt.

- Life is life, okay?
- It's merch.

My MasterClass is tomorrow.

So that means I only have a couple
of hours to boil down my last thoughts.

I get those butterflies.
I wanna do a good job.

I'm a perfectionist.

I want people to hear
what I'm trying to say,

I want to be able to communicate.

This is a really big deal, and I
just want to do the best that I can.

KHLOÉ: Do you always
bathe with your diamonds?

- Absolutely.
- KHLOÉ: Oh, good.

My bubbles are disappearing,
and it's not that kind of show.



Good morning, guys.


Today is MasterClass day,
and I'm so confident.

Because the more I thought about it,

and the more I talked it through
with Khloé,

I thought, you know what?
I do have something to say.

My gosh, this is like a major thing.




KRIS: The number one thing
that I would love

for people to take away
from my MasterClass

is learning step by step,

how to get to where you want to be.

I'm Kris Jenner,
and this is MasterClass.

Never give up and learn
how to navigate the system.

And really have somebody in your corner
to help you get there.

I think you have to connect
with your audience.

You have to connect with the followers
and the brand that you're building.

And it's all about a relationship.

And just because it's authentic to you

doesn't guarantee
it's going to be a success.

And really, the person
who's just looking for the fame,

usually never succeeds.

KHLOÉ: Mom, can I say something
that we always talk about

that would be good here?

There is a difference
from fame and success.

- No! This is your...
- KRIS: Yes!

KHLOÉ: You could...

You're my coach.

- I don't have the makeup for that.
- KRIS: You are beautiful.

- GIRL: They'll tell you.
- KRIS: Come on, you got this.

Say what? Sit with you?

They're gonna... I'm sorry,
you guys at the MasterClass.

WOMAN: No, we love it.

KHLOÉ: I'm a bossy girl.

KHLOÉ: I'm my mom's daughter!

You are your mom's daughter
and I love you.

My mom has taught us
that nothing is impossible

and you could do anything
you set your mind to.

And whoever signs up
for this MasterClass

gets to have such a great
motivational positive speaker.

And she's just so, so smart,
and, I love that she's been my mom.

And sometimes you start
and you don't know what you're doing.

We didn't know what we were doing.
We were supposed to be filler on TV.

We were never supposed
to have a season two.

And when we started
getting more seasons,

we all had to sit down and have
family meetings and say, okay wait.

We have this opportunity.

Let's have a game plan,
and it's okay to have game plans.

It's okay to check in with yourself
and your brand

and redesign
what you want the end game to be.

Oh, amen, sister.

She is. She's the wisest of the wise.

Khloé's my favorite today, folks.

- Thanks for joining.
- KHLOÉ: Sorry!



Plane's so pretty.

I'm leaving for Sports Illustrated

in the Dominican Republic on my plane.

Oh, my God. I mean, I never dreamed
I would own a plane.

It's just I wanted it to feel like
an extension of me

and an extension of my home.

Welcome to Air Kim.

Usually, planes are, like, dark
with lighter leather.

Mine, I had custom all light wood.

I had a bathroom put in the front,
a bathroom in the back.

Every seat has its own phone charger.

The best, most exciting part
of the plane is it's all cashmere.

Cashmere ceilings, pillows, headrests.

I feel like I'm doing
an MTV Cribs for planes.

Like, oh, what a dream.

I'm so excited for just all the people

I spend a lot of time with to see

all the hard work that I put into this
and my first flight.

KIM: Don't touch a thing.

- This is so nice!
- KIM: Don't breathe.

Don't touch a thing.

Just kidding.

I'm gonna do no shoes on the plane
and get custom Skims slippers.

So wouldn't it be so cute if I made
custom Skims in this color, like...

- WOMAN: Yeah, are you gonna do it?
- Pajamas.

- socks and blankets, and slippers.
- WOMAN: Blankets.

- And then instead of that...
- Slippers will be nice. Clay Lacy runner,
it should say, like, Air Kim.

Or wait, Kim Air. No.

What's Michael Jordan's Air?

- Kim Air sounds nice.
- I think Kim Air.

GIRL: Kim Air, yeah.

How many times have you been on it?

- This is my first time!
- GIRL: Oh, my God!

- This is my first time seeing it!
- GIRL: So exciting.


- KIM: Hi, I'm on my plane. - PETE: Hello!

It's so good.
Like, the plane is so, so, so good.

Can I give you a tour?

We have two beds in the back.

But this can all
come out as one king bed.

PETE: Whoa!

KIM: It's really cute.

It's like so perfect.

I feel like I'm in a really good place.

It all started when I did this,
like solo Balenciaga campaign

and then my Vogue cover.

And now Sports Illustrated.

It's so cool. It's such a moment, right?

PETE: Oh, that's cute.

What are you doing?
Are you gonna work out?

PETE: I just woke up
and I'm gonna work out.

KIM: Nice.



And it just feels like I'm embarking
on this new journey.

This is like the year about me

and to do what I want
and what makes me happy.

And it almost feels
like this is a dream come true.


KIM: Oh, my God!

Shut up!

- These are my favorite!
- Thanks, Pete!

KOURTNEY: Next on The Kardashians...

KIM: We're here in the DR
and we're doing Skims sh**t,

Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover.

There's so much going on.
I'm trying to get so much content.

I'm about to meet with Benny Drama.

- My God.
- Hi, babe.

- It's like looking in a mirror.
- Stop.

Are you excited for Poosh Wellness 2022?

Does it fit?

[GASPS] It fits perfectly.

KHLOÉ: Good American
is five years old now.

We are doing another open casting.

There's tens of thousands of people
that entered.

And then we cut it down to what?

I reckon we should go down to five.

I just moved in to my dream home

with True and Tristan, of course.

It's finally done.

Everything's just in a really good place
right now.

KIM: It's his whole thing, saying,
"I'm Tristan Thompson.

"Met this girl in Houston.
I slept with her on my 30th birthday."

So I said to him, I said,
"Does Khloé know about this?"

Khloé doesn't even [BLEEP] know!