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01x02 - Angler Fish

Posted: 12/06/23 17:03
by bunniefuu
DIANNE: I'm planning a job, David.

And I'd like for you to

come and work with me on it.

It would require you to leave

your current life behind.

New identity. No coming back.

We're all blank canvases here now.

I'm Brain. That is Right Hand.

Soldier. Officer. Muscle. Driver.

DIANNE: We exist only for this job.

And then we cease to exist afterwards.

You're turning Bill's store into a bar.

- A bistro.

- Bistro?



JOE: Hey! Hey!


A hit-and-run is serious.

Are you sure about that license plate?

JOE: Why? Who's it belong to?

I can't say, but you better be sure.

- BUD: Taylor's dad's in jail.

- He's not in jail. He just got arrested.

- JOE: What's Taylor's last name again?

- FRANKIE: It's Taylor Bedrosian.

JOE: You said risky. How risky?

DIANNE: We're going to be f*cking

with some very serious people.










GUNMAN: Take them down!




OFFICER: Jesus. Let me out!

I'm going to die. I'm

begging you, please!

Don't take me with you.

I need to go to the hospital! I

need to go to a real hospital! f*ck!

Just pull over. Just drop

me on the side of the street.

I won't say anything.

I won't say anything!

- No.

- I won't say anything.







Hey! Open the back door.

Open the f*cking door! Move back.




Officer, talk to me!


She's in the back of the car.


- Bring her right through.

- Okay.


Well, okay.

Is she gonna live?

I don't know.

She definitely needs more work,

but this will probably help her

stop from bleeding out for now.

There's some bags back there.

Two have your names on them.

There's clean clothes inside.

You two should get going.

I'll help you get her dressed.

Is it okay to move her?

Probably not.

But neither of you can stay here.

Good luck.

Thanks, Doctor.


Very good.

You hungry?

Okay, good.









This was you.

You know this woman.

You worked for this woman.

- Please, please.

- Now, Doctor,

you're going to tell

me where this woman is.

You're going to tell me

everything I want to know.

Please, wait.

DOCTOR: Please!

NEWSWOMAN: Since his career ended,

Barry lived as a recluse

in Northern Italy.

He was found dead this morning

with multiple g*nsh*t wounds.

Police have yet to comment on his death

and no suspects have been named.




- Hello?

- MOLLY: Joe.

It's Molly Farber. Are you here?

I'm at the property.

- I know I'm a bit early, but

- Molly, hi.

I'm really sorry. I just,

I just lost track of time.

I will be right there, okay?


Like I said in my email,

if we lose this wall here,

it will completely open

the whole bar area up.

That will push the budget up a little.

- Gonna be a problem?

- I really love it. It's great.

I just need to take one

more measurement. Can I

I sure.

Saw your planning notice in the window.

It's all getting real, huh?



- Do you smell that?

- Smell what?

Definitely worse over here.

Oh, Molly? Um

You know what? I got it.

Yes, I'll figure it out.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

You probably have a dead

animal under the floor here.

You got to get rid of that.

- Otherwise

- JOE: Mm-hm.

that stink is gonna seep

into these walls forever.

JOE: Thank you. It's

looking great. Very excited.

- Okay, see you.

- Thank you, Molly. Take care.

Drive safe.

Oh, shit.

Yeah, an animal crawled under and

died, so I'm gonna be home late.

JULES: Oh, my God, that's gross.

Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.

Remember, the kids have

after-school clubs today

- Mm-hm.

- so don't pick them up until 3:45.

Oh, okay.




FRANKIE: When you and Daddy get

married, do we still call you Joe?


If you want to. Or y'all can call

me something else if you want.

- Like what?

- I don't know. Um

Like Pop or

Poppa, maybe?

Poppa Joe?

- Joppa Poe?

- No.

BUD: You said Joppa Poe.

I said Poppa Joe.

BUD: No, you didn't.

Poppa Joppa.

- I like it.

- Yeah, I like that.

- Yeah, Poppa Joppa.

- Yeah.

BUD: Yeah, Poppa Joppa. I like it too.

- BUD: No, it isn't.

- FRANKIE: Yeah, it does.

Poppa Joppa.

What's so funny? You're

like cracking up by yourself.

Can I just

BUD: Joe, I have to go pee.

Joe, I have to go pee.

- Joe, I said I need to go pee.

- You could've gone at home.

Oh, shut up!

- You shut up!

- Hey, hey, hey! Stop, stop, stop.

Bud, we're about 15 minutes. Okay, Bud?

Can you hold it?

I don't think so.

- Hold it.

- Okay, okay. Don't worry.

We'll find we'll find you somewhere.


Come on, Bud.

Okay, come on.

Frankie. Frankie.

Joe, I really got to go right now.

Okay. This way.

- Shit.

- No, I can't go in there.

- Frankie, please.

- FRANKIE: No, it's gross.

There's men with their things out.

Well, I can't go into

the ladies, so come on.

- I'll wait in the food court.

- No, just hang on.

There must be someone

with the key for this.

- Let me find someone with the key.

- BUD: No, I can go in on my own.

I can't let you do that, kiddo. Come on.

Oh, excuse me.

My kid needs to use the disabled

bathroom. Do you have a key?

Can you unlock it for us?

Is he disabled?

No, but I can't take

her in the men's room,

and I can't go in the ladies' so

Oh, geez. Fine, come on.

Thank you. Come on, Frankie.

JOE: Bud?

You okay?

Hang on.

- Thought you were busting?

- BUD: Shut up!




Okay. Hands, hands, hands.

- Thank you.

- Sure.

Whoa, Frankie, Frankie, Frankie.


- Hello?

- Mr. Petrus?

This is Amanda from the planning office.

Mr. Metcalf was wondering if

you can stop by later today?

Uh, today? Is everything okay?

There is an issue with your application

that he would like to discuss with you.

Is 5:00 okay for you?

Uh, uh, yeah, yeah, um I, I guess so.

Okay, great. We'll see you then.

Oh Okay, bye.

FRANKIE: You okay, Joe?

Yeah, yeah, I'm

Come on. Let's get you guys home.

DIANNE: All right,

listen up. Settle down.

Pay attention.

This is Titus Wainwright.

He was a mill owner, an

extremely wealthy one.

About a hundred or so years ago,

Titus hired this man, Ernest Morello,

to design and build him a vault.

Titus wanted to hide his money

from his workers and the tax man.

Morello was a genius.

His vaults were way ahead of their time.


So Morello built Titus a vault,

and they hid that vault in

the depths of a building.

This building.

One of Titus's mills.

Hidden in plain sight.

And for years, Titus

squirreled his wealth inside it.

But as the industrial boom ended,

Titus's star waned. He liquidated.

And so the vault was

cleared out and abandoned.

It was sealed up and forgotten.

For much of the 20th century,

the property above it was

used for offices and retail

with nobody knowing

what was hidden below.

- So, is the vault still there?

- DIANNE: Yes.

- But it's empty now?

- No, it's not empty.

A whole new generation

of fat cats unearthed it,

resurrected it and repurposed it.

- To hide their wealth?

- Exactly.

And you brought us together to rob it?

I did.

That vault is our target.

I have it on good authority.

There's at least 30 million in there.

So we need the designs,

the plans to work out how to get

in, crack it, and get out again.

We need the original blueprints

for the building and for the vault.

And where are the blueprints?

Phillip Wainwright,

great-grandson of Titus.

He has them in his house.

So let's go and get them.

OFFICER: Mid six figures, right?

Is that what she said

to you too? Mid six?

What are you gonna do with the money?

We're not supposed to talk about it.

Oh, okay.

Oh, you like sticking

to the rules? I get it.

Rules can be comforting.

They make things simpler.

Take the stress out of,

you know free agency.

Look, Brain might be impressed by

you, but I don't know you at all.

I don't like putting my life and freedom

in the hands of someone I just met.

Especially someone so

- So what?

- Chatty.

Chatty is my superpower.

I once got a man to give

me 10,000 euros in cash

after talking to him

for just four minutes.

Four minutes.

- Ten grand.

- For what?

He wanted to help me.

It was a damsel in distress bit.

Ten thousand euros for nothing?

Well, I gave him some collateral,

so he knew I wasn't ripping him off.

What did you give him?

- Fake Rolex I got off eBay for 20 quid.

- Oh, bullshit.

(LAUGHS) All right. Look.

Actually, that's pretty convincing.

It should be.

This is the real deal.

I bought it with the 10

grand the guy gave me.

God, you're not meant to tell

me anything about your past.



You will never know if anything

I tell you is true or a lie.

So I can tell you anything I like.

Truth, lie.

It's all just noise.

- Do you want to know my name?

- No.

- It's Nisha.

- Oh, for f*ck

- Really?

- Could be.

Except it's not, it's actually Melanie.

- Melanie?

- Mm

It sounds plausible, right?


(SUCKS TEETH) Or maybe it's Rosanna.

- What do you think?

- I think it's gonna be a long afternoon.

- What's your name?

- Muscle.

Ah, your real name.

All right. Tell me a fake name.

Calling you Muscle sounds so dumb.


Oh, okay. I Okay, how about this?

Think of ten names,

including your real name,

then look at me and

list them off one by one.

I don't want to play this game.

I'm like a human lie detector.

I bet you a thousand pounds

I can guess the right one.


- What are you scared of?

- It's against the rules.

No, see, it's not

because you're not actually

telling me anything.

You're just saying a bunch of names.

If it makes me feel better, I won't

even say which one I think it is.

Come on.

Humor me.

Ten names.


Mark, Robert, Russell, Lee, David,

Steve, Keith, Saul, Jay, Richard.

I know your name.

- I know which is your real name.

- No, you don't.

You did about 50 microexpressions

that totally gave you away.

Okay, so what's my name then?

Oh, sorry, I can't. I made a promise.

- You don't know.

- I do.

I know your name, I swear to God.

You're so full of shit.

You're so full of shit.

Yeah, maybe.

Maybe not.

That's my cue.

See you in the funny pages.


Hi, um

Excuse me, do you speak English?


Yes, of course, I speak English.

Thank God.

The last few people

couldn't understand me.

I was wondering if you could help me.

My car broke down somewhere

down the road, and I

My phone is completely dead.

- I'm so sorry to do this

- Listen, why don't you come in?

Can I? Oh, my God.

That's so kind of you.

- Thank you so much.

- No, not at all. Not at all.

Oh, how lovely.


Mr. Petrus, will you come in, please?

Mr. Petrus,

I'm afraid we've had some

pushback on your application.

A lot of local people have

real concerns about your plans.

Really? Because

everyone I've spoken to in

the area seems very supportive.

Well, people are often scared

to be honest face-to-face.

So they write letters.

We've had a lot of letters.

Can I see them?

- See what?

- The letters. Concerns.


Oh, no. I don't think

that would be appropriate.

Oh, um Well, then

maybe you can tell me

their concerns, and I can address them.

METCALF: Well, I wouldn't want to risk

the confidentiality of those people

who came forward by

divulging any details.

That wouldn't be fair.

Fair to who?

On the concerned citizens.

What about me?

METCALF: I'm sorry?

- How is that fair to me?

- METCALF: I don't follow.

Well, you're not giving

me any right of reply here.

I feel like I'm being judged

without any chance of

No one's judging you here, Mr. Petrus.

This is just the process.

An official process

- that we must abide.

- How many letters?

How many do you receive

pushing back against my plans?

METCALF: Quite a few.

How many exactly?

Mr. Petrus, we'll make our

decision in the coming days.

But with the sheer number

of complaints we've received,

I think we all know what

the outcome would be.


Yeah, I see what's happening here.

METCALF: Goodbye, Mr. Petrus.

NEWSMAN: Councilman Kyle Bedrosian

was again interviewed by police today

in connection with a

hit-and-run incident

in Starling earlier this week.

Police say the female victim of

the incident remains in a coma

and that Mr. Bedrosian

is cooperating fully

with their investigation.

Students at the



Don't get me, don't get me ♪


Don'tget, get, get, get me ♪

Out on the block

hustling at the spot ♪

GOT, this is how you get ♪

Got ♪

At the gambling spot ♪

And your hand is mad hot ♪

GOT, this is how you get ♪

Got ♪

Out in Brooklyn late night ♪

Flashing all of your rocks ♪

GOT, this is how you get ♪

Got ♪

Some girl from pink house

said I like you a lot ♪

GOT, this is how you get ♪

Got ♪

This one goes to all

them Big Will cats ♪

With ice on they limbs

and big rims on they Ac ♪

You goin' around town

with your system bump ♪

And you ♪


Now, this would seem

to be clear common sense ♪

But cats be livin'

off sheer confidence ♪

Like "f*ck that, picture

them tellin' me run that" ♪

But acting invincible,

just ain't sensible ♪

It's nineteen ninety-now and

there's certain individuals ♪

Swear they rollin' hard

and get robbed on principle ♪

Five-star general ♪

Wit' nothing you can do

but bust back and cop ♪

Don't get me, don't get me ♪

Don't get, get, get,

get, get, get, me ♪

Don't get me, don't get me ♪

Don't get, get, get, get, get, get me ♪

Come on ya'll now, let's ♪



Why are you following me?

What? What?

- f*ck. Let me go.

- Seen you following me

- I'm not

- following my kids.

- What the f*ck do you want?

- No, no. You're making a mistake.

I'm not Jesus, no! Okay, okay.

You're right. You're right.

Please! f*ck. I'm an investigator.

A private investigator.

I was just hired to follow you.

Get some dirt on you, get some leverage.


Who hired you?


Kyle Bedrosian.


Why? What does he want?

I don't know. I didn't ask.

Usually, it's revenge or blackmail

or I assumed that you

were boning his wife?


I know how to hurt you.

I know how to hurt you in

a way that will never heal,

and it will never stop

hurting until you die.

So don't follow me.

Leave me alone.

- Okay?

- Yes. Yes, sir.



Oh, God.


Here you go.

I think it works.

Thank you, Phillip. You are a lifesaver.

Would you like me to call

the man who does my car?

No. That is so kind, but

I've already paid for the membership,

I may as well use the

breakdown coverage.

Uh, would you like some more tea?

Actually, um

is that Scotch?

This whole experience has

shaken me up a little bit.

Oh, of course. Um

No, no, that's okay.

I can serve myself. You've

already done so much for me.


Join me?

Why not?


I, um love your house.

You been here long?

It's been in my family

for over 200 years.

(GASPS) Goodness.

Well lucky you.


- Mm

- Mm.

PHILLIP: Now, this is a new blend.

It's the kind of drink you need

- on a day like today.

- Glad that is.


- It really is.






My gift to you.

No help?

You're the muscle







PHILLIP: Who the f*ck are you?

Get out of my house.



WOMAN: Don't do it.

Put it down.

Now, stand up.

Both of you.

Right into the garage.

You too, Muscle.


Get on the hood of your car.

And turn around now, please.

Take a step forward.

What? No, wait. (GRUNTS)


Who the f*ck are you?

DIANNE: Muscle. This is Specialist.

She's on our side.

Come with me upstairs.

We're not done here yet.


You know who that is, right?

- Brain called her Specialist.

- More like Psycho.

That's Inga Beatrice. She's famous.

Like f*cking ice-cold k*ller famous.

Look, you messed up.

You didn't dose him right. He woke up.

I did not mess up.

I gave him exactly what

Dianne told me to give him.

Hey, your name's David.

Am I right?

Am I?

You wanted him to wake up?

You told Officer to half dose

him. You were testing me again.

That Psycho put a g*n to my head.

She k*lled an innocent man.

Trust me, Muscle, he

wasn't that innocent.

I didn't sign up to k*ll civilians.

If that's the deal, I'm done.

Be careful, Muscle.

You know you can't walk

away once you're inside.

Try it.

You won't last long.

I don't leave loose threads.

You know, I have high

hopes for you, David.

But you never question me again.



Back to work.

Oh, hey, Taylor. Um

Is your dad in?


I'm not here for trouble.

I just want to talk.

Come in.

KYLE: Why did you come here?

Did you lean on Harry Metcalf to

refuse my planning application?

There were no complaint letters.

Just you.


You need to withdraw the

statement you gave to the police.

- I can't do that.

- Why not?

Because I told the truth.

Let me tell you something.

Nobody gives a shit about the truth.

People only care about the weight

of the voice that is speaking,

and in this town

my voice is like heavy

metal raining from the sky.

It's a f*cking expl*si*n.

Your voice isn't shit. In

fact, it's less than shit.

When I say something, it's believed.

When you say something, it's nothing.

If that's true, then why all

the effort to mess with me?

Do you have any idea who I am?

Who I really am?

The friends I have?

Someone like you should be

very scared of someone like me.

So stop being a f*cking idiot.

Retract your statement, take the hit

and get out of my life.

You know, it wasn't your fault.


The accident,

that woman in a coma,

it wasn't your fault.

She was on her cell phone. She

ran a stop sign. That's on her.

You ran right into that intersection

because your stop sign was broken.

That's the town's fault.

Not yours.

It wasn't your fault,

but you still ran away.


I mean, I understand.

We're human.

We do bad things, and we get

scared we'll get in trouble.

So we run

and we lie to cover our asses.

We're doing it since

we were little kids.

We tell lie after lie to

try and hide the truth.

- We dig deeper and deeper

- What's your point?

My point is, you can

try and get in my life

you can ruin my plans,

but it won't save you.

With or without me,

the thing that you did

will come back and burn you.

You can run and hide,

but it will find you.

You have something huge

in your favor, Kyle.

You're white

you're male, and you're rich.

If you go to the police,

tell them the truth.

Tell them you just

panicked in the moment.

Tell them you f*cked up and you know it.

My bet is you won't even do any time.

Because people like

you have a superpower.

The law doesn't see you.

It only protects you.

So if it catches you in its net

it just throws you right back.

Trust the system, Kyle.

It was made for people like you.

Now you listen to me.

I could destroy you

with very little effort.

Never think of you again.

I am an important man.

A big man and you, well

you're not.

I think we're done.

Please get out of my house.

Where have you been?

What's going on, Joe?

I was worried about you.

I don't need to know every little thing,

but please don't keep secrets from me.

- I'm not.

- Okay, but, Joe

If you get hurt in a

hit-and-run, you call me.

If you get in trouble, you

call me. That's how this works.

We share problems. We fix them together.

We're a team.

Joe, I know you're

keeping things from me.

I'm not stupid.

Is there someone else?


- No.

- Because if this isn't what you want

It is, Jules.

It is.

We've been through a lot, Joe.

The kids lost a mother.

I lost a wife.

It took a long time

to not be under that.

It took a long time.

So if you're not fully into this

Jules. Jules.

I am.

I know they talk about me.

About us.

The mothers at school, our

friends, I know what they say.

- Who cares what they say?

- They don't think this is real.

Or if it is real, that

what I had with Laura

must have been fake.


I wasn't straight enough for Laura,

now maybe I'm not gay enough for you.

- That's bullshit.

- Is it?

We barely have any other gay friends.

- I don't care about that.

- For now.

But what if we get married,

and in two years you realize

Jules, Jules. Stop, stop.

Come here.

It's not going to happen.

Okay? What I want is what we've got.

I want this.

I want you.


So, what is it, Joe?

What are you not telling me?

I think they're gonna

reject my application.

Said they got a lot of pushback

from locals against the plans.


- You're kidding.

- No.

JULES: f*ck.

I just wanted some time

alone to think it over and

to process it.

Well, to be honest, I was I

was kind of scared to tell you.

I didn't want it

I didn't want to disappoint you.

(SIGHS) Hey, come here.

I'm sorry.

And that's it?

The application, that's

what this is all about?

I just wish you'd tell me these things

without me having to

force them out of you.

I know. I know. I know.

I just don't find it easy.

You coming to bed?

- You look exhausted.


No, I'm

I think I'll

I need to wind down a little first.

All right.

Don't stay up too late.



Oh, hey

Hey, sweetheart.

JOE: You okay?

We were watching The Blue Planet,

and they had an anglerfish on it.

Now, every time I close

my eyes, I see one.

I hate fish.

I hate the ocean.

- It's just full of things that scare me.

- Oh, it's okay. It's okay.

Why am I so scared of everything?

Can I tell you something?

Most things in this world

are way more scared of

you than you are of them.

Because we're apex predators.

It means we k*ll


So you are way more

scary than an anglerfish.

You just got to push the bad image away.

Concentrate on a happy thought instead.


Like what?


sometimes when I get scared, I

think about a time when I was a kid.

Out in the woods with my mom,

we'd gone out of the

city for the day and

and we got to this place

where there are all these

wildflowers growing between the trees.

And as we walked through,

these butterflies suddenly

rose up all around us like a

like a cloud.

It was amazing.

Do you miss your mom?


Yeah, I do.

Okay. Back to bed.

Can you come with me?

Come on.

All right.

Good night.

I love you.

- I love you too.

- Poppa Joppa.


Good night.

Think happy thoughts. Okay?

Joe, our wedding venue!




- Who is this?

- It's me, Officer.


Driver's dead, David.

Soldier's dead.

Doctor's dead.

Somebody is k*lling us, David.

Someone's coming.

It's happening.