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01x01 - The Origin of Captain America/Wreckers Among Us/Enter Red Skull

Posted: 12/06/23 08:03
by bunniefuu
when Captain America throws his mighty

Shield of those who chose to oppose his

shield must heal


his tubes and the Reds and the white and

the blue will come through when Captain

America throws his

that's my least favorite of the theme

songs because all it does is talk about

their Shield Captain America is almost

an appendage to the shield rather than

the other way around and it's kind of

funny Iron Man started right in without

an origin story and he's the only one

who did that all the others begin with

the character's origin though neymars

was done in a wonderfully roundabout way

and cap is no exception


America was at w*r and across the

country anybody who could make it to the

draft board under his own steam was

healthy enough to be in uniform

meanwhile in a clandestine meeting

somewhere someone is announcing to a

couple of generals that the experiment

is ready operation rebirth is about to

become reality moments later a speeding

car reaches a gloomy looking stereo shop

half hidden in the shadows and the two

generals now in civilian clothes are LED

into the shop by an intelligence agent I

believe you're expecting us I expect

nobody identify yourselves to my

satisfaction or die

I am

I commend your caution agent arm

watch where it is rebirth shall occur

this night say no more you will follow

me now let's meet Steve Rogers wimp at


too puny to be accepted by the Army but

willing to risk death for his country in

the greatest experiment of all I drink

quickly before the chemical loses its


good luck my boy

I've committed the formula of memory so

enemy agents can never steal it the

formula didn't work and the comic folded

after one issue remember how he said the

formula only exists in his head there's

one problem with that approach and it is

a success

we have won soon there will be a million

like never you will and your cursed

experiment shall die within this room

down with democracy down with freedom

Dr Erskine

yeah that's the problem with that

approach it's too bad too and here's why

stop you fool you're running into the

electrical omniverted

stay away you'll never get me

not only did the formula turn him into a

perfect physical specimen it taught in

Judo gymnastics and what an electrical

omniverter is Dr Erskine is dead

and his formula died with him so there

can be no more like me

but I will Champion the fight for

freedom and Justice wherever tyranny


in the critical days that follow Steve

Rogers blazes into action like a red

white and blue rocket the old Comics

never really explained where his shield

came from and incidentally in the first

issue his shield was shaped like a

medieval Shield later on he adopted the

round one that we all know when he got

rebooted in the 60s or more precisely

thought out in the 60s the guys at

Advanced idea mechanics or aim once

captured him and analyzed The Shield

They concluded that whatever it was made

of the metal was never mined on Earth

that implied that it was made of

something from a meteoriter similar but

during the time that I was reading they

never clarified that the Valiant

Defender conceals it behind the uniform

of a newly inducted Army private yo

bumbling Meathead is that the only

position you know


oh not on my foot you idiot

did I do something wrong Sarge yeah he

milks the whole bumbling private thing a



while back at the post Bucky Barnes the

Camp's teenage mascot exclaims

boy wouldn't it be great to have a guy

like him around here set up complete

let's get on with it I hate to barge in

on you this way Steve but man

it's you

York Captain America

I was careless I should have checked the

ten entrants but now what am I gonna do

with you

gosh cap

there's only one thing you can do

now that I know your secret that may be

your partner teenage Sidekicks were all

the rage in the 40s Batman had Robin the

Human Torch had Toro and Captain America

had Bucky right now I'm wondering how he

do such a bad job of day for night in a

cartoon after months of intensive

training Bucky has given his first

uniform and his first challenge as

Captain America's partner as our new

fighting team is Born the show the

comics and the whole Mythos lost me

right there the camp has a teenage

mascot named Bucky suddenly Captain

America has a teenage sidekick named

Bucky and nobody puts this together

he wears a domino mask that might as

well be eyeliner the first time he

showed up everybody in the camp should

have been saying what's that Barnes kid

doing running around with Captain


for as long as Bucky was around I

couldn't suspend disbelief in the 60s

Revival Bucky had been k*lled in the

same expl*si*n that got capped Frozen

for who knows how long cat mourned him a

lot and once he even found a way to look

into the past and be sure because if he

survived who's to say Bucky didn't do

his Excursion confirmed that Bucky

couldn't have survived the blast and

that was the end of it I was just as

happy some time later off a remote

stretch of the coast a forbidding

silhouette appears my suspicions were


that's an enemy sub offshore

holy cow Captain look over there and so

Captain America and Bucky prepare to

meet their first deadly challenge

together the theme of the episode is

saboteurs these guys have brought a

whole bunch of expl*sives with the

intention of making things like

factories go boom


I've got so many of them numbers don't


take your cue from me and remember what

I taught you

I'll stop him

okay others rushing you from behind

what's applied strap insulate shrine

we wouldn't want you boys stubbing your

toes on our far and Shore cap doesn't

believe in Finders Keepers so like the

good citizen he is he returns the

submarine's property including the raft

look it's going to hit very perceptive

I suggest we return to shore

we'll be a team for as long as the Free

World needs us don't it yet you're right

here out

there's a new act downtown that has

everybody's attention Sando puts the

mysterious Omar in a trance and tells

him to project his visions of the future

into a crystal ball


slowly unbelievably a column of U.S army

tanks appear within the crystal ball an

instant later

kind of an odd vision isn't it maybe not

so odd I don't get it Steve how could

Omar know that t*nk would blow up I

don't know but I'm requesting a pass for

tonight how about taking in a show The

Bijou is showing the Wizard of Oz he's

seen it a dozen times and knows all the

songs hey YouTube

major Corey needs two drivers tonight

what he don't know is by putting you

behind the wheel the enemy don't need no


later that evening well good night boys

but major you're involved in an

important Army project maybe we'd better

stick around

nonsense you're dismissed that takes

care of their transportation on with the

show I've got news for you cat the

balcony seats are in the other direction

why we're going this way

I want to see Sando and Omar at close

range look there they are Mr Sando

people are wondering how absolutely no

interviews satisfied

that girl reporter slipping into that

dressing room looks like she beat us to

the punch Steve that's right even in the

60s men were several steps behind women

but still insisted on being in charge

what now this Mr Barnes just what I

hoped you'd say Mr Rogers it won't take

long to find what he expected to find

while on the stage below uh you are

thinking of the bridge which links Camp

Cosgrove with the mainland


Pony a psychic act that's fake I'm

shocked shocked I tell you

how dare you break up my ACT hold on

Sando I want some explanation about your

so-called act they won't come out and

say it but Omar's projections or

instructions to saboteurs about their

next Target you will pay for this with

your lives

a girl's voice she must be in deadly


cap look out it's a trap

come in masked man we figured your

charge in here if you heard the Dame

scream stop struggling lady we don't

like girl reporters oh I'm not a

reporter I'm a

man there was a dozen ways to get out of

that hole before that guy knows what

happened meanwhile in the quiet of his

study major Corey relaxes with his pipe

and book unaware of the Sinister

presence drawing closer

good evening major Corey who and blazes

are you I am the Red Skull The Red Skull

was Captain America's Nemesis both

during and after the w*r may still be

for all I know marvel finally gave him

an origin story not long before I quit

reading he was Hitler's own special

creation brilliant crafty and ruthless

we never saw his face once he put that

mask on that was it before that he was

always in silhouette his specialty was

sabotage which frequently brought him

across Captain America's path after the

w*r he disappeared for a while but

reappeared in the 60s at the head of a

Neo-n*zi group called the Exiles their

goal was to establish a fourth Reich

with the Red Skull as fuhrer I stopped

reading while that was still happening

but I assume it didn't work out too well

and you made a fatal Mistake by leaving

your window open it's too late to use

that g*n

beats gas will take away your memory for

months by then we will have Triumph he's

the head of several projects vital to

the w*r effort and with his memory gone

they all go back on the one of these

days shelf I warned you you would pay

with your lives

give us the word Colonel and Captain

America dies it'll take more than a word

let's move Bucky

nice going young man but don't sell the

female species short

I tried to warn him there are some nice

action scenes in their decently animated

like what Bucky was doing there now they

know that free men can play rough too

we fought side by side but we don't even

know your name till we meet again you

may know me as agent 13. agent 13 or

Sharon Carter as we would eventually

learn would figure prominently in Cap's

life in the 60s she's been projected

back to the 40s here but she was an

agent of shield which didn't come into

existence until the 50s according to its

own backstory the two of them worked

together countless times and became very

close in fact before he even learned her

real name he proposed to her she said no

because they each had their Duty and

that came first that prompted cap to

hang up his cow and reveal to the world

that Captain America was retiring

it didn't work out

they've just learned about major Corey

Bucky is the first to come upon signs of

sinister activity and following the

suspects to their Lair Witnesses more

than he bargained for

a spy The Red Skull will want to talk to


we've met in a valuable

don't open that door but he's expecting

an Avon order

thank you

never mind that's not the Avon lady The

Red Skull not so easily caught he's

getting away

I've guessed he'd have an Escape Route

this wall is solid steel he got away for

now but they both know he'll be back the

only question is when and where

okay that's two questions I keep telling

people I have trouble counting past one

Captain America

he will not interfere with my plans

nothing can stop the Red Skull and we

know who he's after next later that very

general appears at our camp man this is

Mr Maxson of Max and aircraft

Corporation he is here to personally

watch the Army test his giant plane

and as the bomber takes off

the bomber's on fire

it'll crash with no survivors what could

have gone wrong our newest most valuable

playing lost

that night in Camp


what do you suppose went wrong Steve I

don't know but you should have seen the

look on maxson's face as if he expected

it to crash I noticed that too better

check on the general we're too late he's

been hurt

The Red Skull and the General's

housekeeper you again and that fancy

dressed brat this is the last time you

shall interfere with the plans of The

Red Skull he might have finished with

them by now if he'd stop talking and get

on with it I wouldn't bet on that




what did you do with a real Mr Maxson

American swine he was on the plane well

that's not good and when General Curtis

got suspicious you tried to m*rder him

that's worse

oh thanks to his Torpedoes Red Skull

made a clean getaway but he left

something behind

and I'll give you three guesses who was

next on his Hit Parade The Red Skull

will live to fight another day and he

will and he'll talk just as much then as

he did this time every so often somebody

had an issue with how much dialogue

there was in these Comics even during

the action they'd say it wasn't


I was undecided until I started studying

the life of Wyatt Earp and especially

the gunfight that put him on the map

did you ever see how much talking there

was during that fight it made me believe

ongoing chatter like this is not only

possible it's already happened

I like this show it's off to a good

start we met the hero his sidekick and

his chief adversary we established what

each of them is about and what they can

do and we left a big door open for more

action to come and one of the best parts

to me he used his shield maybe twice the

theme song should be when Captain

America throws his mighty fist all those

who chose to oppose it can't reason

when captain

of those who


maybe let's do a fight and they're doing

this dude then the Reds and the white

and the blue will come through when

Captain America

operation rebirth is Operation rebirth

okay is a physical specimen if I can say

that one he adopted the adopted doing or


go go you're out

okay here

there's a new act down


there's a new act downtown that has

every yeah do that right David good

grief you're showing The Wizard of Oz

no whistling frequently brought him

across a cost she's been she's been

I have no idea what that vowel was