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05x01 - Peril in the Surface World/So Spreads the Net/The Unveiling

Posted: 12/06/23 07:17
by bunniefuu
goddammit see you soon

stumper than a wheel you can swim

anywhere you can breathe underwater I go

flying for the air

all that life it is the Prince of the

an atmosphere of gloom pervades the

fabled city of Atlantis or within the

palace royal its monarch Prince Namor

the first lie is ill still the fever of

Ages my Lord Vashti there must be more

we can do our court physician is doing

all that can be done lady Dorma we can

do not but wait the drug I have given

him will induce deep sleep until the

fever of eight I would prescribe rest

for you to buy lady no I must be near to

heed him should he awaken very well we

should prepare a couch for you within

this chamber I beseech thee try to rest

exhausted from any sleepless hours the

lady Dorma soon falls into deep slumber

unaware that her prince is gone while

many leagues away the figure of the

mighty Submariner streaked surface word

and in the dark hours of the surface

world's night soon emerges from the sea

my head spins and my limbs are weak yet

some powerful compulsion drives me on

there is something here that I must find

I must

and as night dissolves into morning hey


has a law about sleeping on the beach

come on on your feet what's your name

where do you live I I am I cannot

remember a trip to the station might

refresh your memory unhand me no one

touches my person and nobody strikes an

officer of the law you're under arrest

thank you your puny weapons can frighten

me brother that does it I'll book you

for hey I just don't believe it

I tell you captain the guy had wings on

his feet he just up and flew away yes

that's him all right

him oh the Submariner I wonder what

brought him back to the service you mean

he came out of the sea that's right and

he has little love for surface people

there's no telling what he's up to but

you can be sure it's no good put out an

all-points bulletin for Namor the

Submariner I know not who are him know

where I am but I do know that I am in a

world unfriendly to me and somewhere in

this alien world is what I seek but what

and where at last he has returned my

chance has come

Oh Freddie and George I have a most

important job for you the Submariner is

back quite correct and you must find him

before the police do

oh we recognize this would be very

difficult to make a mistake however to

erase any doubt study this picture oh I

see what you mean remember whatever

happens you must not fail if he's out

there we'll find him by him

it throbs like the Restless tides and

though this compulsion grows stronger I

still know not what it is that I see 10

the Submariner

radio chatter bye I wish to use

why they will follow I shall take my

chances in here I must keep out of sight

the Submariner has been cited on a

rooftop at fifth and clover police are

on the way we ask all citizens to stay

clear of the area upon a charge we've

got to get there first

well according around the building and

don't let anyone in or out quickly

before were spotted

we're in but once we get to Submariner

how do we get out I'll show you you say

you saw the Submariner flying towards

Central Park that's right he flew out of

a window just before the police arrived

who's calling and just called me red -

Eric flying toward Central Park well it

could be a wild goose chase

but we can't afford to take a chance it


now to find our elusive Submariner still

the enemy hovers above my only Escape is

through this accursed building it is too

quiet I sense a presence of danger ah at

last we meet and you will not escape us

what new Menace faces the mighty

Submariner now

only we can get you out of here safely

so if you're smart you'll come along


I'll not comply with your demand then

we'll be compelled to take you by force

take him George

I've met up with a lot of punches of my

day but never one like that I'm more

concerned with what mrs. B will say than

with your beauty lista career how could

you be so careless did you really think

you could take the Submariner back boss

you briefed us that he was strong but

you didn't tell us how strong my one

consolation is that the police do not

have him either I will give you another

chance but this time use your heads

we've combed every inch captain is

nowhere in the area something tells me

we've been duped he's somewhere in the

city and I'll find him if it's the last

thing I do what mysterious force urges

beyond I must not stop yet my limbs grow

weak I must find water for only that

will restore my waning strength

in this holder is every speck of

information we have concerning the

Submariner somewhere in here there must

be a clue as to why he's here and where

he might go a guy just has Mark around

New York with wings on his feet not be

seen I still think he headed back to see

that's it sooner or later he must find

work even though he is part human

he must be flesh his strength every so

often was water I want every source of

water in the city patrolled the East

River the waterfront and keep a sharp

eye on the fire hydrants cheap

Barney what would you do if you really

saw their self Meredith I'll tell you

what I do I clip his wings that's what

well if I'm seen like you just might get

the chance look over there see the

life-giving sea I must reach it I'll bet

there's a nice fat reward out for him

but we're waiting for the sea I must

reach the sea if you're thinking about

taking a swim forget it

stand back you ready get him fellas

even with my feeble strength you are no

match for me

there is surround them stop sh**t away

I have not the strength to fly father I

must not give up did I find what I seek

but without water I cannot pursue my

quest don't tell me you failed again I

promise you we've left no stone unturned

but there is no sign of the Submariner

and it should have gone back to the sea

because the police have every inch of

waterfront covered of course why didn't

I think of that

without water he cannot live which makes

finding him even more urgent

they've even covered the fountain in

Rockefeller Plaza ah but there is one

place that would be most natural to him

the aquarium we forgot the aquarium with

all those fish why not

he certainly used to them get me a squad

car and fast

I feel the strength returning the

life-giving force of the sea water

surges through my veins again only

moments more my friends and I shall be

able to well there's no way out are we

going to get him out of there same as we

would any creature of the sea with a net

there are times I wish I'd taken up

another career we're too late they have

him no what do we tell this is B there

is still away

what what am I doing here for one thing

as*ault on an officer of the law mainly

me you mean I am imprisoned these two

gentlemen have put up your bail is

namoore at last at the mercy of the two

emissaries of mrs. beat these are not my

friends anyone who puts up $5,000 bail

is a friend what do you want to be the

money came from a lady who's very

anxious to speak with you how do I know

this is not a trap well you have only my

word and the promise of the lady that

once you've seen her you'll be free to

go very well but should you think to

deceive me huh

say no more I recall our last encounter

only do well

at last he is here go in she's waiting

welcome navel why do you call me name or

don't you know your own name I know only

that a strange compulsion has given me

on and though I have reached the end I

still know not what I was seeking

perhaps I do listen well Namor for what

I am about to tell you may decide your

destiny it began many years ago near the

South Pole a young captain aboard an

icebreaker ship gave an order that was

to determine your fate depth charge is

in place sir good fire away

little did he suspect an age-old

civilization many fathoms below would be

rocked by that expl*si*n

tis the surface men who are responsible

I shall order a force to go above and

investigate no father

descend a force would mean bloodshed let

me go and though the King resisted

strong-willed Prince's then had away

reaching the Oracle she climbed aboard

oh who are you

now look what I found captain where did

you come from she's having trouble

breathing she fainted get some water

quickly revived by the water the

beautiful princess look deep into the

eyes of the young captain and both fell

hopelessly in love and so the two races

separated for countless ages were united

once more until death do us part

weeks later the king concerned about his

daughter's prolonged absence dispatched

a w*r party to rescue the princess



and so the heartbroken princess returned

to Atlantis to bear a son then died of a

broken heart and you Namor are the child

of that tragic marriage but how could

you know all this because that young

captain was my son look at me Namor and

you will know I speak the truth I

believe you and I pay you homage

it is not homage that I want it is to

give you your surface heritage stay here

with me you shall inherit all my wealth

you are most generous but I too have

wealth the wealth of the people who love

me and the love of lady Dorma lady Dorma

without her I could not live and she

would surely die as my mother did if I

do not return I see

I have been wrong instead of giving you

your heritage I would be denying you the

right to live and love as you choose

return to Atlantis my son I shall help

you Freddie find a suit of clothes for

Namor and see that my yacht is ready to

sail as soon as it is dock

police ready we'll handle him evening


any sign of the Submariner not a nibble

sorry who's bad

why that's mrs. B and her grandson and I

better catch up with him goodbye

Namor the memory of these few hours will

last me the rest of my life and I have

learned that I can be proud of my

surface arrogant and as Namor streets

onward there is one in Atlantis who

watches and waits Dorma Namor you did

return to me yes and here when I stay

forever bunker than a wheel he can swim

anywhere he can breathe underwater angle

flying in the air

of Atlantis is the Prince of the