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01x10 - Wild Outlaw

Posted: 12/05/23 17:52
by bunniefuu
[all] ♪ Get your spy on

♪ Spy on

♪ You're on a mission with a Twist and Shout ♪

♪ Shout!

♪ Kiki and Marina spy it up to work it out ♪

♪ Out!

♪ Bounce with our sidekick, Bo

♪ Gadgets on the go

♪ Who's the first at the scene of the crime? ♪

♪ Fresh Beats!

♪ Solving the mystery every time ♪

♪ Trouble's no match for the Fresh b*at Band of Spies ♪

♪ Get your hands up high

♪ Find a cool disguise

♪ Fresh b*at Band of Spies ♪

♪ Get your spy on







Rootin' tootin' horses!

[crowd murmuring]


A big howdy and bigger how do

to all y'all city folk.

My name is Yvonne Haw, but you can call me Yi.


And this is my horse, Snort.


Show them your stuff, Snort.



We're here to invite you all to the biggest, bestest

Wild West show of them all, starring me, Yi-Haw,

at the Old West Fest.

You won't regret it, and you'll never forget it.






- Fresh Beats! - Reed!


Oh, yeah.

[laughing] What are you doing, Reed?

I call this the Buckaroo Boot Scoot.


And that was the Buckaroo Bottom Bounce.


Oh, I love the Old West Fest.


Yippity yee yo!


See y'all soon!


Giddyup, Snort.



Wow. [laughs]

I did not know horses could dance like that.


I did not know Reed could dance like that.


[horses neighing]

Ready to check out the Wild West Show, Fresh Beats?

Sure are.

We've been practicing our cowboy talk.


Giddyup, yippity-ti-yi-oh, and come on, little dogie.


[dog barks]


[dog panting]

Oh, uh-- sure, not doggy.


I was speaking cowboy.

I've got the tickets.

Let's go!

- Fresh Beats! - Reed!

You have a spy mission.

The town's bank has been stolen!

You mean the bank has been robbed?

No, I mean the bank has been stolen.

The entire bank is gone.

The whole building!

How does someone steal an entire bank?

That's what you have to find out.

I guess the Wild West Show will have to wait.

Okay, Reed, the Fresh b*at Band of Spies are on the case.

Fresh Beats, let's rock and roll.


Kiki on scooter!

Shout on hover board!

Marina on turbo wheeler.

Twist on Double Pogo to Go-Go!

Come on, Bo Monkey!


Ride 'em, Cowbo!

Whoa, Reed wasn't kidding.

The bank is completely gone.

Why would someone steal the whole bank?


Are we sure that the bank is gone?

Maybe the building has just turned invisible.


I can prove my theory.

If the bank was still here but just invisible,

the front steps would be right here.



Okay, new theory.

The bank is really gone.

Hmm, there must be a clue around here somewhere.

[gasps] Look!

A star.

And horse hoofprints.


Fresh Beats!

Come back to headquarters pronto.

Something else has been stolen.

On our way, Reed!


- Huh? - This is weird.




[all gasp]

The music store is gone.

[Reed] Fresh Beats!

[all] Reed!

Fresh Beats, we've been robbed.

The music store and spy headquarters

have been stolen!

First the bank and now the music store.

Horse hoofprints and a star.

Just like at the bank!

They must have been stolen by the same outlaw.

With horses! Of courses!

Oh, there are tons of horses at the Wild West Show.

Let's start there.

Fresh Beats, if our spy headquarters--

And music store.

Fall into the wrong hands, it would be a disaster.

You have to find out who is stealing these buildings.

Reed, don't worry.

This is the perfect mission for the Fresh b*at Band...

[all] of Spies!

Fresh Beats, let's spy it up...

western style!

Sharpen up your spurs, y'all.

There's a new cowboy in town.

And cowgirl.

And cowmonkey.


Guys, the Old West Fest rocks!

It's like going back in time.

Remember, we're here to find an outlaw.

Keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

Like the mechanical bull ride?

What's suspicious about a mechanical bull?


I just love the mechanical bull ride!



Well, guess we have to start somewhere.

Let 'er rip!


Ha ha!








Heh, nice horsey.

Have a banana.

Well, no building stealing outlaws there.

[man] Stop right there and throw down all your money.

That sounds like an...

[all] Outlaw!

[gasps] Over there!

This here is a robbery.

I'll stop you, you building-swiping varmint.




Throw down all your money.

All your mo--all your-- all your--

Ah, a Wild West robot outlaw.

I did not see that coming.


This tent is a history of Old West outlaws.

[man] A long time ago,

the Old West was chock-full of outlaws and bandits,

like Long John Jones, the famous long johns thief.

Long John Jones!

[man] Or Charlotte Cheats,

the cheatingest poker player west of the Mississippi.

But of all the outlaws in the Old West,

none was more feared than Wicked Wes of the West.

The most famous bandit of all,

Wes robbed more places than any outlaw.

He robbed a bank, a roller skating rink,

a music store, and even a train.

They had roller skating rinks in the Old West?

[man] Of course we had roller skating rinks in the Old West.

What do you think we did on Saturday nights?

Wicked Wes always left behind a shiny sequin star.

That looks exactly like the stars we found

where the bank and music store were stolen.

[all gasp]

So the thief must know all about Wicked Wes.

And if the thief knows about Wicked Wes,

he must be from the Wild West show.


We need to find out if anyone has a star

like the ones we found.

Fresh Beats, let's cowboy it up!

How do, pardner?

How do.

You fellas mind if we rattle your jawbones a piece?


Take a load off by the fire.

My name's Rattlesnake Red,

'cause I'm meaner than a rattlesnake.

And my hair is red, of course.

They call me Bullwhip Bob,

'cause I'm good with this bullwhip...

and my name's Bob!

Who are you fellers?

Oh, uh, I'm Steely Shout,

'cause I'm tough as steel.

Uh, wow.


Tennessee Three-Toed Tree Toad Tussling Twist...

junior...the third,

Because I've tussled a ton of three-toed tree toads

in my day, and Tennessee starts with T.

Y'all want some coffee and beans?

Uh, no thanks.

I'm good.

Tea and bean, milk and beans,

rice and beans, kale and beans,

beans and beans, or maybe just beans?

Cool beans!

But we were wondering iffen you fellers

ever seen anyone 'round here wearing a star?

Hmm. Let me see.

Lots of folks in the rodeo show have stars.

Ten Star Stan, Starry-Eyed Sue.

Chief Star in the Sky, the Stargazer's Cowboy Quartet.

Yeah, lots of stars in the show.

Guess we'll go check out the rodeo show.

Nice to meet you boys.

All right, see you-- uh, see you around.

Hey, Rattlesnake.

I've never heard of a three-toed tree toad.

They said lots of folks in the rodeo wear stars.

Okay, let's sneak in undercover so we won't be noticed.

Bo Monkey, Banananoculars.


[Twist] Nothing strange yet.

Oh, wait, wait!


Nope, it's just a banana shaped cactus.

A banananactus.

[both laugh]


Twist, see any stars yet?

[Twist] That's a negative, Kiki.

Still looking.




Get your Wild West food here!

Cackleberries, fresh skunk eggs with Texas butter!

Kiki to Marina.

Haven't seen any star yet.


Got it.

No stars here either.


No sign of a star from my Googly Goggles.

[fireworks popping]

[Shout] Those fireworks are star shaped.

Yi-Haw! That's my name.

Why, I'm tickled as bubbles in a mug of root beer

to present the biggest, bestest, wildest Wild West show

this side of the Rio Grande!





This next trick was passed down to me

by the greatest outlaw in the Old West,

my great-great-grandpappy, Wicked Wes of the West.


Yi-Haw is related to Wicked Wes.

I'll sneak up on her.


Hmm, I don't recognize that dancing horse, Snort.


And I don't recall having a barrel of monkeys in my show.

[horse whinnies]



Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hang on, Twist!

Whoa! Whoa!



[Twist] Whoa, whoa, whoa!

[Marina] Oof!

[Yi-Haw] Ha ha ha!

I don't take too kindly to strangers

poking into my affairs.

[Snort whickers]

Now git!

[Shout] A star!

Just like the ones left behind at the crime scenes.

And we know you're related to Wicked Wes,

the greatest outlaw of the Old West!

I'm an even greater outlaw than he was.


You'll never stop me.

Hold it right there.

Not another step--

or trot--or gallop-- whatever--

Just wait up a second!

You'll never catch me, or my name's not Yi-Haw!

Giddyup, Snort!

Look, she's headed for the cliff!

- Huh? - Whoa!

That wasn't a cliff!

Yeah, it's just a big painting of a cliff.


[Yi-Haw] Giddyup!

Hey, that's the music store!

[Kiki] She's stealing it!

You'll never get away, Yi-Haw.

Just you watch!

[bull snorts]

[all] Whoa!

Bo, you don't suppose that bull's mechanical?

[all] Whoa!


[Bo chattering]

[bull galloping]

Time to boot it up!



Ha ha ha!



Whoa! Whoa!


[bull snorts]


Marina, Kiki.

When I say so, close the gates.

We're on it!



Close the gates!

[gate clangs]

Shout, are you okay?

[Shout laughing]

Okay, okay, big fella.

Here's another: why do cows wear bells?

Because their horns don't work!

[laughing and snorting]

Whoo, thanks for stopping that bull, Shout.

Now we have to stop Yi-Haw.

All right, Fresh Beats.

Time to follow that snort.

I mean that horse.


[hooves clopping]

Let's go!

[horses whinny]





Kiki, can you tell which direction Yi-Haw went?

I know; I'll use my Reflector Detector

to analyze the hoofprints.

Huh, looks like she went straight out into the desert.

All right, let's follow that building thief.

- Yee-haw! - Giddyup!

♪ Oh, give me a home

♪ Where Yi-Haw roams

♪ And the Fresh Beats won't ever find me ♪


While they follow these fake hoofprints,

I'll escape!

[horses galloping]

[Kiki] Oh, no!

The hoofprints split off in two directions.

Which way do we go?

[Marina] Brainstorm!

My paw print detector will show which of these prints

we should follow.

[machine beeping]

They went...

that way!


[Yi-Haw] Oh, consarnit!

My fake hoofprints didn't stop their noseying.

Well, there's more than one way to shave a snake.

[Snort whickers]

Just a saying, Snort, just a saying.


[horses galloping]

The trail ends here at this canyon wall.

[Marina] The hoofprints all just disappear.

[Twist] Just like the buildings that were stolen.



[Shout] Hey, this isn't a canyon.

This is a painted canvas like at the Wild West Show.

Yi-Haw must be hiding something behind that canvas painting.

How are we gonna get through it?

I know!

And it goes a little something like this!


♪ La la la la la la

Whoa, whoo, whoa!

This guy's got boogie fever.


[all] Whoa!


[Shout] Look!

The bank and the roller skating rink

and the music store with the spy headquarters.

It's all here!

[Marina] This is where Yi-Haw put all the buildings.

[wind whistles]

My, my.

Look what the tumbleweeds blew in.


[Marina] We've got you cornered, Yi-Haw.

There's nowhere to run.

Congratulations, Fresh Beats.

You're pretty smart for city folk,

but your luck has dried up

quicker than a dew drop in the desert.

Don't count your griddle cakes before the butter's churned!

That was awesome.

Thank you.

It's a stare down.

Just one question, Yi-Haw.

Why'd you do it?

My great-great-grandpa Wes

was the biggest, baddest outlaw of them all.

I'm carrying on the family tradition

but bigger and badder.

He stole all the money in the bank.

I stole the whole bank! Ha ha!

Well, you'll never get away with it.

Already have.

Although I was kind of hoping to snag me a movie theater

and one of those roller coaster contraptions.

Oh, and maybe a new video arcade

with the new improved Boot Scooch Revolution!

Oh, can't wait to play it!

[both grunting]

Help, Snort!


[all grunting]

[horses whinnying]

[all grunting]



You know, you almost got me, but you forgot about...

[train horn blows]

The train!

[train engine chugging]


You can't tame this wild outlaw!

She's getting away!



♪ Now let me hear you say

♪ Whoa whoa

[Twist] Follow that train!

♪ Whoa whoa

♪ Come on and shake the ground

♪ Whoa, there's a Fresh b*at in town ♪

♪ Turn that sound up everyone ♪

♪ Got you dancing

- Yee-haw! - ♪In the sun ♪

♪ Saddle up now, move your feet ♪

♪ Cowboys, cowgirls, feel the b*at ♪

♪ Whoa whoa

♪ Now let me hear you say

♪ Whoa whoa

Twist, take my horse!

♪ We're here to save the day ♪

♪ Whoa whoa

Twist, take my horse!

♪ Whoa, there's a Fresh b*at in town ♪

Twist, take my horse!

♪ Hey hey, yippee-ki-yay

♪ Fresh Beats here to save the day ♪

They're not horsing around.

Grab on, Bo!

Let's go!

♪ Come on little dogie, now get along ♪

♪ Hey, DJ, spin the song

♪ Round 'em all up, yes we can ♪

♪ What's that sound? ♪


♪ That's my jam ♪

♪ Stamp your feet like a wild stampede ♪

♪ Shake it all out, that's what you need ♪

♪ Hey, hey, that's the way ♪

♪ Fresh Beats here to save the day ♪

♪ Whoa whoa

♪ Now let me hear you say

♪ Whoa whoa

♪ We're here to save the day ♪

♪ Whoa whoa

♪ Come on and shake the ground

♪ Whoa

♪ There's a Fresh b*at in town ♪

[Twist] The caboose is loose!

♪ Whoa whoa

♪ Now let me hear you say

♪ Whoa whoa

♪ We're here to save the day ♪

♪ Whoa whoa

♪ Come on and shake the ground


♪ Whoa, there's a Fresh b*at in town ♪

♪ Hey, hey, yippee-ki-yay

♪ Fresh Beats here to save the day ♪

♪ Hey, hey, yippee-ki-yay




♪ Hey, hey, yippee-ki-yay

♪ Fresh Beats here to save the day ♪




You said it!

Howdy, Fresh Beats!

[Marina] Commissioner Goldstar!

Fresh Beats, I want to thank you.

You found the missing buildings

and caught the wild outlaw, Yi-Haw.

We couldn't have done it without you.

Or our horsey friends.

[horses whinny]


Commissioner Goldstar, what's gonna happen to Yi-Haw?


[Yi-Haw crying]

Why, it ain't fair!

Great-great-grandpa Wes never cleaned the horse stalls!



Aw, this ain't yee-haw.

This is is wah-haw!


[Reed] Ah, it's great to have the music store

and our spy headquarters back.

What a great adventure.

What a great Wild West Fest.

What a rootin' tootin' great day!


[all] Yee-haw!

♪ We had a great day

♪ It was a super way

♪ To spend some time together

♪ La la la la la la

♪ Great day

♪ Great, great day

♪ Great day