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01x03 - Mummy Mayhem

Posted: 12/05/23 17:43
by bunniefuu
[all] ♪ Get your spy on

♪ Spy on

♪ You're on a mission with a Twist and Shout ♪

♪ Shout!

♪ Kiki and Marina spy it up to work it out ♪

♪ Out!

♪ Bounce with our sidekick Bo

♪ Gadgets on the go♪

♪ Who's the first at the scene of the crime? ♪

♪ Fresh beats

♪ Solving the mystery

♪ Every time

♪ Trouble's no match for the Fresh b*at Band of Spies ♪

♪ Get your hands up high

♪ Find a cool disguise

♪ Fresh b*at Band of Spies

♪ Get your spy on

Yeah, come on!

This concert is going to go down in history.

'Cause it's going down in a history museum.

We're rocking out in front of cavemen.

And playing to the stars!

And I get to meet my all-time hero,

world-famous treasure hunter, Professor Arizona Jones.

I still have my Arizona Jones club pin.

I was a Junior Jones.

And I get to play in front of my hero:

T. rex, the beast with the beats.

♪ Beast of the beats

♪ I'm a music monster ♪

♪ Do do do

♪ I'm a beast of the beats ♪

♪ Music monster music monster ♪

♪ Having myself a music feast

♪ Boom, boom, boom

♪ Feel the floor shake

♪ Boom, boom, boom

♪ Hear the noise they make

♪ Boom, boom, boom

♪ Get on your feet

♪ Boom, boom, boom

♪ Hear the noise they make

♪ Look now, my beats are dynamite ♪

♪ I'm ready to roar, I'm tearing it up now ♪

♪ Can't stop the beats ♪

♪ You can't stop the beats ♪

♪ Can't stop, won't stop ♪

♪ Can't stop the prehistoric freak ♪

♪ I'm a music monster, music monster ♪

♪ Music monster, do do do ♪

♪ I'm a music monster, music monster ♪

♪ Having myself a music feast

♪ I'm a music monster, music monster ♪

♪ Music monster, do do do ♪

♪ I'm a music monster, music monster ♪

♪ Having myself a music feast

[cheers and applause]

Thanks, everybody.

We're the Fresh b*at Band, and we're so excited

to rock out here at the opening

of the brand-new Egyptian hall.

[cheers and applause]

And the unveiling of the pharaoh's crown.

Is he here yet? Is he here yet?

Who, Shout?

My hero, Professor Arizona Jones.

Did you see him?

Uh-huh. Over there.

Thanks, Arizona Jones!

He's here? He's here? He's here!


He's here. He's coming this way.

What do I say? What do I say?

World-famous treasure hunter, Professor Arizona Jones,

in your presence.


Freezed to bleat you, Fopressor.

I mean, sneezed to cheat you.

I mean, cheese Toledo.

I mean...


Yeah. Honored, I'm sure.

I--I--I've looked up to you forever, Professor Jones.

And it appears you still do.

You okay, Shout?

I'm more than okay.

You're Arizona Jones, and I'm fantastic!

[muttering indistinctly]


Professor Jones, you're my hero.

Well, I don't have to brag, but I like to.

I'm a really big deal.

[cameras clicking]

Ha, you said it.

You wrote the book on the pharaoh's crown

and the curse of the dancing mummies.

That's right.

Would you like a personalized signed copy?

- Oh, yeah. - Great.

I'm selling them after the party.

Hardcover, $..

Guys, what's this about mummies and a curse?

Legend has it, long ago, a pharaoh wanted

to throw a huge dance party.

[Arizona] So he used his magic crown to unlock the pyramid

and let out an army of dancing mummies.

Whoa, what happened next?

Only the bumpingest, grooviest mummy dance fest ever.

That's what.

But at the same time,

the curse of the dancing mummies was born.

[Shout] The army of mummies caused chaos all across Egypt.

So the pharaoh wrote a special song and dance

to get the mummies back into the pyramid,

and they've been trapped in there ever since.

The crown was lost for thousands of years,

until I, Professor Arizona Jones,

found it!


Curse of the dancing mummies?

Did he say curse of the dancing mummies?

Did you say dancing mummies?

Don't worry, Kiki.

There aren't any dancing mummies.

It's just a story, right?

Who'd be afraid of dancing mummies, anyway?



[chuckling] Sorry, I kind of--

[coughs] I freaked myself out there.


They're about to unveil the pharaoh's crown.

Come on, guys!

Welcome, everyone!

It is my honor to unveil

the history museum's greatest treasure:

an ancient, incredibly valuable and unimaginably beautiful--




[blows raspberry]

That lemur took the pharaoh's crown.

Stop, thief!

Larcenous lemur!

Oh, I didn't mean to do that!



Watch out for that step.

It's a big one.

- Fresh b*at! all: Reed!

You've got a mission:

get the pharaoh's priceless crown back.

Don't worry, Reed, we'll get that crown back for you.

I know you won't let me down, Fresh Beats.

We're on it.

This is a job for the Fresh b*at Band....

[all] of Spies!

Time to spy it up!

We have to find where the lemur took the crown.

On it. Time to gadget up.



Ah, giant monkey eye!


Whoa, Fresh Beats. Right there!

Right there! Check it out!

They just brought out a brand new batch

of banana bacon burritos.


[all] Twist.

Oh, yeah, and there's a lemur

with a crown at the other end of the hall.


All right, Fresh b*at Band of Spies.

Let's rock and roll!

Kiki on scooter!

Shout on hover board!

Marina on turbo wheeler.

Twist on Double Pogo to Go-Go!

Come on, Bo Monkey!


Hey, wait up! Bo Monkey!

We lost the lemur and the crown.

My infrared paw print detector is detecting lemur paw prints,

and they went that way!

Follow those paw prints!

They'll lead us right to the crown.

[Marina] The lemur took the crown through there.

Wait, stop!


Okay, I'm good.

Yeah, me too.

Watch out!

Be careful of the laser beam security system.

Laser beams? I don't see any laser beams.

Set my Super-Styling Hair Dryer to steam and watch.

[hair dryer whirring]

Oh, those laser beams.



Sorry, Bo.


Oh, I can fix that.

[hair dryer whirring]

[lemur muttering]

[blows raspberry]

We have to get to that crown-stealing lemur

without tripping the laser beams.

I got this.

Time for a little twisty Twist action.


A little tougher than I thought.


[chuckles] Yay.




Left foot on red.

Right hand blue!

Right foot yellow!



Twist, you're all extra twisty.

Yeah, I got this.


- Good job! - You did it!

Hey, here's a switch.

Laser beams off, laser beams on.


Off, on, off, on.

Okay, they're off.

Now they're on! Ha!

Check it out; laser light show.

Go lasers, go lasers, go laser light show!

Everybody, dance party!

[all] Twist!

Oh, sorry.

Laser beams off.

Fresh Beats, find that lemur.

[lemur cackling]

♪ There's no problem that's too tall ♪

♪ Together we can rise above it all ♪

♪ When we work as a group and we don't quit ♪

♪ We're unstoppable ♪

♪ Unstop

♪ Unstoppable

♪ Unstop

♪ Unstoppable

[Shout] ♪ Unstoppable!

[Kiki] Oh, no! Where'd he go?

He crawled through the crowd.

With the crown.

Who crawled through the crowd with the crown?

That crazy critter crawled through the crowd

[both] With the crown!

What crazy critter crawled through the crowd

with the crown?

[all] The lemur!

Oh! We have to find him.

Oh, there he is!

I have that lemur!

I don't have that lemur.


The lemur doesn't have the crown.

Where is it?

It has to be around here somewhere.

Hmm, if only we had some kind of super-secret spy gadget

that would help us detect where the crown went.

- Fresh Beats! all: Reed!

Take this Crypto Crown Magnet.

Yes, a crown magnet is exactly what we need.

Well, I'll be going now.

[magnet clangs]

Sorry, Professor Jones.

Just looking for the stolen crown.

Look, this is my favorite color: glitter!

And this is my favorite flavor: delicious.

See you all later.


Sorry, this crown magnet is acting funny.

Bye, now.


[all gasp]

[all gasp]

Oh, my.

How did that magic, priceless crown

end up in my satchel?

Um, because you were stealing it?

Me, world-famous professor, Arizona Jones,

use a highly trained lemur to steal

the pharaoh's magical crown that would let me unleash

an army of mummies?

[echoing cackle]

Sorry, got carried away there.

Here, Shout, I'll prove to you

that I wasn't stealing the crown.

Give it to me, and I'll put it back.

Don't do it, Shout.

What? You trust me, don't you, Shout?

I'm your hero!

Professor Arizona Jones, the man with the honest chin.

I mean, look at this chin. Look at it.

Don't give it to him, Shout.


I, uh...

[lemur muttering]

- My hair. - Oof!

Ha ha! Tricked you.

Good work, Femur.

[blows raspberry]

Arizona Jones and Femur the Lemur

stole the crown together!

But you said I could trust you.

And you do have an honest chin.

Well, to be honest, I lied.

But why?

Because with this magic crown, I can unleash a mob

of , mummies.

Sorry, Professor, that plan isn't gonna work.

You're trapped by the Fresh b*at Band...

[all] of Spies!

We're going to take that crown back.

Oho, you poor, silly Fresh b*at Band of Spies,

you're forgetting about the pharaoh's curse.

The curse of the dancing mummies is just a story.

Ooh, or is it?

[mummies groaning]

There's mummies coming out of the pyramid!

[Twitch] Mummies, stop.

Please go back into the pyramid.

[grunting] Look out.

But I said please.


Stay calm, people.

The Fresh b*at Band of Spies are on the job.

We're gonna clean up this mummy mayhem.

But how?

If we get the pharaoh's crown back,

we can use it to lock the mummies back in the pyramid.

Worth a sh*t.

Time to lace it up!

[Shout] Hi!



I got it! I got it!

No, you don't.

The crown is mine.


Got it.

Ah! And lost it.

[Shout] The mummies have the crown!

[mummies groaning]

Those dancing mummies are spreading out everywhere.

We've got to get that crown.

Got it! Missed it.

Got it! Missed it.

Oh! Got it!

Ugh, missed it.

[bones rumbling]

Whoa, you're knocking down the dinosaur!

Oh, I got it! Ah, I got!

Whoo, I got it!

[bones rattling]

Wow, how about that?


[bones clattering]

There, good as new.


[mummies groaning]

Ha ha ha! The pharaoh's crown is mine!

All mine!


Time for you to phone home, Arizona Jones.


That ought to hold you.

There are too many mummies.

It's mummy madness, mummy mischief.

It's mummy mayhem.

- It's a hot mummy mess. - Yeah.

The mummies are running amok!

You've got to get them back to the museum

and into the pyramid!

They're at the park.

[mummies groaning]

The movie theater.

Even the amusement park!

Get these mummies back in that pyramid, Fresh Beats.

- Hurry! - Brainstorm!

Instead of chasing the mummies around town,

we have to get the mummies to come back to us.


Like the pharaoh did.

We need to use the special music and magic dance moves

to get the mummies back into the pyramid.

Then we use the crown to lock them inside.

Magic mummy dance party?

Sweet! I'm on it.

All the mummies on the floor do the magic mummy mambo.

Magic mummy Macarena.

Magic mummy--ugh!


That didn't work.

We need the pharaoh's special music

and magic dance moves.


Wouldn't it be cool

if the pharaoh had left pictures of his special music

and magic dance moves on the walls,

like these cool paintings?

Ugh, if only we could read them.

- Fresh Beats. all: Reed!

These Hieroglasses will help you read those hieroglyphics.

And don't tell the mummies I'm in here.

Whoa! It is a special song and dance!

If we follow these hieroglyphics,

the mummies should dance right back into the pyramid!

For this to work, we'll have to go undercover.

Egyptian style!

Fresh Beats, time to dance like an Egyptian.

♪ All the old paintings on the tombs ♪

♪ They do the same dance, don't you know ♪

♪ If they move too quick

♪ Oh hey oh

♪ They're falling down like a domino ♪

♪ All the mummies dance fine

♪ But now hey move and groove and shake their wrap ♪

♪ With a kicking style

♪ Oh hey oh

♪ It's the Fresh Beats on the case again ♪

♪ All the Fresh Beats on the streets say ♪

♪ Hey oh hey oh

♪ Oh hey oh oh hey oh ♪

♪ Walk like an Egyptian

♪ Slide your feet up the street, bend your back ♪

♪ Shift your arm, then you pull it back ♪

♪ Life's fun, you know ♪

♪ Oh hey oh

♪ So strike a pose while you sing and dance ♪

♪ If you want to find all your friends ♪

♪ They're hanging out in the desert sand ♪

♪ They sing and dance like

♪ Oh hey oh

♪ They move and shake while they wave their hands ♪

♪ We'll be grooving till the day ends ♪

♪ We'll play and jam between the pyramids ♪

♪ And everybody knows

♪ Oh hey oh

♪ We dance a lot like Egyptians ♪

♪ All the spies in their cool disguise say ♪

♪ Hey oh hey oh

♪ Oh hey oh oh hey oh ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah!

♪ Walk like an Egyptian

♪ Walk like an Egyptian

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah!

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Whoo!

♪ Ooh, yeah, yeah

[cheers and applause]

Yeah, Fresh Beats in the house!

Mummies in the pyramid, crowns in the--


Not so fast, Fresh Beats.

It looks like you're one crown short of saving the day.

But you were locked in that space capsule.

That's why I never leave home without my lovely little lemur.

[blows raspberry]

Femur the Lemur, you're such a schemer.

Now, the crown is mine.

With it, I can release the mummies again!

Bo Monkey, bananarang me.


Gadget up! Bananarang!

Ugh, not the bananarang! I hate bananarangs!


I want my mummies!


Professor Arizona Jones, you're history.

Ha! That is historical.


All my life, you were my hero, Arizona Jones,

but you're a phony.

And I don't want to be in your club.

Here's your pin back.

[blows raspberry]

Fresh Beats, you saved the crown

and danced the mummies back into the pyramid.

Great job.

[all] Thanks, Commissioner Goldstar!



[all] Whoa!



Oh, Bo, you silly monkey.


What a great mummy dance party.

What a great mission.

What a great day.

[Twist] ♪ And it goes a little something like this ♪

[all] ♪ We had a great day

♪ It was a super way

♪ To spend some time together

♪ La la la la la la

♪ Great day, great, great day ♪

♪ Great day

[Twist] ♪ And it goes a little something like this ♪