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10x22 - Specter

Posted: 12/05/23 11:27
by bunniefuu
Gintama,Title Card: Gintama

Silver Soul,Title Card: Silver Soul

Title: Silver Soul Arc

Title: Specter

G: It's time for the opening comments by the first prime minister, Donald Zuramp-kun.

Warning: Watch the Silver Soul arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from the TV!!!!!!!

Kat: I'm not Zuramp!

Kat: I'm Katsura!

Kat: Oh, my mistake.

Kat: I meant that not in the sense of a name, but as in a wig.

Kat: I wanted to go public with it before Bunshun caught wind of it.

Kat: I am the first prime minister of Japan, Donald Zuramp.

Kat: I stand here and speak as your representative today,

Kat: but I'm just an ordinary human who eats, poops, and sleeps like you all.

Kat: We stand at the precipice of a new era.

Kat: Our last two shoguns once said,

Kat: "Our country no longer needs a shogun."

Kat: And indeed, from now on, every person in this country

Kat: will be a tiny king standing on this podium.

Kat: We cannot waste what they protected until their dying breaths.

Kat: Within each and every one's hearts, they...

Kat: Our kings still live on!

Kat: When the countless kings across the country join hands and become one,

Kat: our sad past will turn into a source of pride for us!

Kat: That wasn't the day our country was reduced to rubble!

Kat: It was the day our country was reborn!

G: Hey, look!

G: No!

G: You're a crook warping the history books.

G: This is divine punishment!

Kat: Given that, I would like to establish some new rules.

Sign: Constitution of Japan

Kat: And by that, I mean a constitution.

Sign: Constitution of Japan

Kat: We'll be working on it together from now on,

Kat: but I've already put down the basic stuff.

Kat: It'll be distributed as a supplement with Jump, Sunday, and Magazine.

G: Didn't he get stabbed just now?

G: I'm pretty sure he did.

Kat: Make sure you all check it out.

G: Was that an assassin?

G: Donald Zuramp!

G: Divine judgment upon the con man ruining this country!

Kat: The journey we're about to start will be endlessly long!

Kat: But if we all work together, we will definitely reach our goals!

Kat: So please, everyone...

Kat: I'm not going to reject you or your beliefs.

Kat: However, true divine punishment is much harsher.

Kat: You're fired!

Mat: I see. So it ended in failure.

Mat: Don't worry about it. We'll have plenty more chances.

Mat: Well, there you have it.

Shin: Uh, were you just orchestrating an assassination of the prime minister?

Mat: What kind of moron entrusts the country to an ex-t*rror1st?

Shin: But don't you kind of owe him your life?

Shin: Back when you were imprisoned on Kokujo Island...

Kat: I hope you understand what this means, Matsudaira.

Kat: What I'm trying to open here is the door to a new era.

Kat: If we escape this island and eventually reach a stage where we rebuild the nation...

Mat: Okay, okay. I'll talk you up to the bakufu or the new government or whatever.

Mat: If we're still alive. Only if we're still alive.

Mat: I was sure he'd die at some point.

Shin: Wait, you're the one who brought that monster prime minister into power?!

Shin: It's basically your fault the Shinsengumi was dismantled!

Mat: On that note...

Mat: Have you ever k*lled a man?

Shin: Like hell I'd do it!

Shin: What the hell are you trying to make me an accomplice in?!

Mat: You only have two options:

Sign: k*ll

Mat: k*ll, or take a life.

Sign: Take a life

Shin: They're both m*rder!

Soy: Katakuriko, that's enough.

Soy: I see he still remembers.

Soy: "Our kings still live on," huh?

Soy: Right.

Soy: I'm sure he'll build a wonderful country.

Soy: Just you watch.

Sak: I see. Zura's the prime minister?

Sak: Looks like Edo's goin' ta become an even more fun place now!

Shin: It's no laughing matter, Sakamoto-san.

Tam: I'll add this to my data:

Tam: "Shinpachi-sama quit Odd Jobs

Tam: and switched to being an assassin."

Shin: Quit saying such disturbing things!

Shin: I'll dismantle you!

Tam: But you already took the money and came to the meeting place.

Shin: I-I'm here to stop them, obviously!

Mat: The princess is saying that, but I've already made preparations.

Mat: I arranged for a dangerous w*apon and a first-rate assassin.

Mat: Go to the pier, receive the w*apon from the black market dealer,

Mat: and meet up with the rest of the team.

Shin: Help me out here, Sakamoto-san!

Shin: You're the only one who can stop Katsura-san!

Sak: Unfortunately, I'm a bit occupied right now.

Sak: I'm on this ship called Espoir,

Sak: walkin' across an iron beam to try to win a fortune.

Shin: So you're bankrupt?!

Sak: Help me out here, Shinpachi-kun.

Sak: You're the only one who can save me...

Shin: I'm the one calling for help!

Sak: Fine. I'll send some help your way.

Sak: I'm pretty sure Mutsu is on Earth for some wor—

Tam: I'll add this to my data:

Tam: Kaientai Captain Sakamoto Tatsuma, dead.

Shin: Don't jinx him!

BMD: Hey.

BMD: You the recipient for the goods?

Shin: The dealer?

Shin: N-No, I'm...

Tam: Yes. From m*rder to arms smuggling, Odd Jobs will do everything.

Shin: Hey!

Tam: Did I say something wrong?

Shin: I told you, I'm here to stop the plot!

BMD: Boss, they're arguing about something.

Mut: Doesn't matter.

Mut: Just hand over the goods and grab the money.

Mut: That's what we do as black market dealers.

Shin: It was you?!

Shin: How can this be?

Shin: I never dreamed you'd be a black market dealer, Mutsu-san.

Mut: In the battle two years ago,

Mut: we Kaientai lost most of our ships.

Mut: That moron tried to recover those losses

Mut: by investing the money we had left in cryptocurrency.

Mut: As you'd expect, he lost it all and left us flat broke.

Mut: To bring the Kaientai back, we all decided to raise funds separately.

Shin: Forget it! He's never coming back from that!

Mut: I've gone back to my roots and am dabbling in some rather gray trade.

Shin: You have the skull and crossbones right on your cape, though!

Shin: What you're doing is nearly pitch-black!

Mut: Take it and go.

Mut: We got our hands on the ultimate w*apon as ordered.

Shin: Wh-What is this?

???: Don't show me something so disgusting as soon as I wake up.

Mut: As far as I know, this is the ultimate w*apon.

Mut: Member of the universe's mightiest warrior race, daughter of its best alien hunter,

Mut: and also the kid sister of its most notorious pirate,

Mut: Kagura...

???: Huh... So this is Earth, Mommy's other home?

Mut: Kagura's daughter,

Mut: Kanna.

Shin: The Final Fantasy Phenomenon is still going?!

Gin: That's weird.

Gin: I don't remember there being a grave out here.

Gin: And I don't remember it being a place where weird ghosts appeared in broad daylight.

Tak: Unfortunately, I went and made a promise

Tak: that I'd bring him back here for sure.

Gin: Then hurry up and pass on.

Gin: You finished what you came for, right?

Tak: Finished?

Tak: Only a specter can grab another specter's hand.

Tak: Would you like to hop over to this side, too?

Gin: Takasugi, you...

G: You must be Takasugi Shinsuke, the wanted man!

G: Quietly turn yourself in!

Gin: Takasugi!

G: Are you Takasugi's friend?

Gin: Is that what it looked like?

Hij: Leave it at that.

Hij: It's been a while since we've caught such promising prey.

Hij: I'm getting excited.

Hij: The savior of Earth, meeting up with an old buddy and plotting evil?

Sign: Questioning

Gin: Listen to me!

Gin: I told you, we were just conspiring to destroy Earth!

Hij: You're supposed to make some excuse!

Hij: You should be trying to prove your innocence here!

Hij: Like you'd have the balls to destroy Earth, anyway!

Gin: If you know that, then don't ask me to begin with!

Hij: Again, come up with some excuse!

Gin: Let's make it quick.

Gin: I can't be bothered making excuses anymore.

Gin: I bet you'll take your demotion out on me by torturing and then executing me.

Hij: Who got demoted?

Gin: Then why're you doing this out here in the boonies?

Gin: Well, if you don't wanna talk, that's fine.

Gin: We have all the time in the world.

Gin: Hey, get us two katsudons.

Gin: One covered in mayonnaise.

???: Roger.

Hij: Why are you making it look like I'm the one being questioned?

Gin: If you wanna make someone talk, you've gotta first spill it all yourself.

Gin: Give me everything you've got, Toshi.

Hij: Who do you think you are? What's with that stern-yet-caring gaze?!

Hij: The Shinsengumi have just split up temporarily for reasons.

Gin: Oh, really?

Hij: After abandoning Edo and Odd Jobs and disappearing for two years,

Hij: I was wondering how you could face yourself in life,

Hij: but this is just stupid.

Hij: It's the same old stupid face I'd grown tired of seeing.

Hij: Did you know?

Hij: On that day two years ago,

Hij: Takasugi's group wasn't the only one that vanished from the Heavenly Bird.

Hij: There was one other entity.

Hij: The Tendoshu.

Hij: At a glance, they were just lumps of meat,

Hij: but it seems Utsuro's blood still remained within them.

Hij: And lately, out in space,

Hij: there've been frequent t*rror1st att*cks in countries that nationalized Altana.

Hij: Rumors are spreading that the Tendoshu have revived

Hij: and have returned to take back the Altana they lost.

Gin: And you're saying he was behind it all?

Hij: No, I can't say anything for sure.

Gin: He covered his hands in blood to overturn the world the Tendoshu and Utsuro created.

Hij: But...

Hij: He was never picky about the means to his ends, either, was he?

Hij: What if, just like you did when you cast aside Odd Jobs and left,

Hij: he had something he had to do, too?

Gin: It's not like I had some big reason.

???: If you don't talk, we'll be forced to arrest you as a prime suspect.

???: Is that what you want?

Gin: It'd be a great help, getting a place to sleep for free.

???: Hijikata-san,

???: it seems that further questioning would be a waste of time.

Hij: Yeah.

Hij: But first, there's something I want to ask.

Hij: Who are you?

Hij: You joined in like it was nothing, but who are you?

???: Just a mob character.

Hij: But you stand out too much for that.

Hij: Could you be Robo—

???: I'm Mobcop.

Hij: What the hell is a Mobcop?

Mob: Pardon the late introduction.

Mob: I'm actually Metal Constable , introduced by the new government.

Mob: Today is my first day on the job.

Hij: Look, you stand out too much for a mob character!

Hij: Could you shut up? You're distracting from the topic.

Mob: Oh, I'm sorry. I got too worked up.

Hij: Odd Jobs, you're free to keep your mouth shut,

Hij: but there's a chance you could hurt Edo with that choice.

Hij: Is that okay with you?

Hij: Is that all Edo means to you these days?

Hij: Or what is it?

Hij: Do you believe...

Hij: Too distracting!

Hij: What have you been dropping over there?!

Mob: I was just making katsudon.

Hij: Where the hell are you dumping the cutlets from?!

Mob: I'm sorry. I'll spew out some mayonnaise right away, too.

Hij: Don't want it!

Hij: And why's more than half your body made up of cooking tools?!

Hij: I'm telling you, you stand out too much!

Hij: Nobody can focus with you in the frame!

Hij: If you're a mob character, act like one!

Mob: How about just letting me handle this investigation, then?

Hij: Huh?

Mob: I've been coded with a wealth of knowledge amassed by the police over time.

Mob: Winning over a man like him would be a piece of cake for me.

Hij: That's some big talk, little man.

Mob: Hey, you!

Mob: Think about your mum back home!

Hij: That's too cliched.

Hij: Like you could win over this punk with such sentimental crap.

Mob: Do you want to make your mum sad?

Mob: If I use the w*apon I've been equipped with,

Mob: your mum and the three-kilometer area around her will be reduced to embers.

Hij: I didn't see that threat coming!

g*n: I hate to break it to ya, but I don't even know if I still have a mum.

g*n: What about you, though?

g*n: How could you turn the body your parents gave you into something so metallic?

g*n: They must be so sad.

Mob: Don't be silly.

Mob: There isn't anyone who would be saddened over this Mobcop.

Mob: Is that really true, though?

Mob: I have no memories of my life before my remodeling.

Hij: Hey! Why's a mob character entering a flashback?!

Mob: But from what I've heard,

Mob: I got into an accident and was in critical condition

Mob: when I offered my body up as a test subject for Mobcop.

Hij: Nobody cares about you!

Mob: Was there nobody saddened by that?

Mob: No, wait. The fact that nobody's looking for me tells the whole story.

Mob: I've been forgotten by one and all.

Mob: And I forgot everything so I wouldn't remember that!

Hij: What's the point of you spilling your guts?

Gin: Someone who didn't have anybody to sadden would never shed those things.

Gin: Even if your memories are gone, your body still remembers

Gin: that you once had people dear to you, people you would shed tears over.

Gin: They just haven't recognized you in your changed state.

Gin: If you put your name out there, they'll surely come running to you.

Mob: R-Really?

Hij: Hey, who are we questioning here?

Gin: Yeah.

Gin: So don't fear. Remember.

Gin: Who are you?

Gin: Were you plotting evil with Takasugi?

Hij: Don't try to frame him for your crimes!

Mob: I think I'm starting to remember! It's at the tip of my helmet!

Mob: My ID! Where's my ID?!

Gin: Your ID?

Mob: The only lead to my past life!

Mob: My police ID still had my photo...

Hij: Oh...

Gin: Oh...

Hij: I forgot about him.

Gin: I forgot about him.

Ymz: Are you kidding me?!

Ymz: I remember now.

Ymz: Thanks to you guys forgetting about me, I've got this cool body now!

Ymz: And my real body is being treated, put up for display in briefs that have skid marks!

Gin: Wait, hold up! We didn't forget you!

Gin: We've just been busy since then,

Gin: so we forgot—er, put you on the back burner for a bit!

Hij: We remembered him, right?

Gin: Totally remembered him!

Gin: I'm so glad to see you're doing well, uh, er...

Gin: Shibasaki-kun?

Ymz: So you did forget!

Hij: Why, you little!

Gin: You guys are still the same, too.

Gin: What about them?

Gin: Are the Odd Jobs guys doing all right?

Hij: Go see for yourself!

G: After him!

Hij: That moron!

Mut: Well, it's in your hands now.

Tam: Shinpachi-sama.

Tam: Shinpachi-sama?

Tam: Shinpachi-sama!

Kan: Hey, what're you doing?

Kan: I wanna hurry up and explore Edo, 'kay?

Kan: Can I go on ahead?

Tam: I'm sorry. Something's wrong with Shinpachi-sama.

Tam: Hey!

Kan: That probably won't help.

Kan: He dropped this earlier.

Kan: Mommy told me that there are creatures on Earth whose glasses are their real body.

Shin: Wait, who the hell is your mommy?!

Kan: See?

Shin: Th-That was close!

Shin: My heart and straight man routine had stopped.

Shin: Wh-What's going on?

Shin: Kagura-chan's daughter?

Shin: Th-That can't be.

Shin: You won't trick me anymore, Final Fantasy!

Kan: You're Pachi-boy, Mommy's lackey, right?

Shin: Who're you calling a lackey?!

Kan: I've heard all about it.

Kan: About how there are a bunch of base lifeforms on Earth that I've never seen.

Shin: So all you heard was bitching?!

Shin: J-Just drop it already!

Shin: There's no way you can be Kagura-chan's kid!

Shin: She was only back then!

Shin: Even now, she's only !

Shin: Sh-She'd never do something so dirty!

Shin: Neither I nor Jump will ever accept it!

Kan: Dirty? Is having a kid a dirty thing?

Kan: What about it is dirty?

Shin: Well, uh... Please stop looking at me with stars in your eyes.

Shin: Wh-Who's your father, then?

Kan: A banana.

Shin: That's not what I meant.

Shin: Um, whose banana?

Kan: When she ate too many bananas and puked, I came out, apparently.

Shin: She gave birth like King Piccolo?!

Shin: Is that how it goes for Yato?!

Kan: Nah, she said it was a technique she was taught on some planet.

Kan: Apparently, it's more like cloning than giving birth.

Shin: That's not the kind of move a heroine should learn!

Shin: Then you are...

Shin: Has Kagura-chan been well?

Shin: And Sadaharu?

???: What's this?

???: I asked for a w*apon to k*ll the prime minister with,

???: not something else for me to k*ll.

Shin: That's...

Mat: I arranged for a first-rate assassin.

???: Hey.

???: I'll let you guys check the contents of those boxes.

???: Leave this to me.

???: You can't tell if a w*apon's any good until you use it.

???: Show me...

???: what you've done these past two years, Odd Jobs!

TBC,Sign: To Be Continued

Preview,Sign: Preview

Gin: In reality, that's probably the right answer.

Tak: I'm always prepared to look back.

Title: Silver Soul Arc

Title: Two in Girl Years Is Equal to Ten in Man Years

Old buddies have changed drastically

in every way over these two years.

Wandering alone after leaving Odd Jobs,

how does Gintoki feel right now?