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06x08 - Knots on a Counting Rope

Posted: 12/05/23 08:48
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪





I'm doing something
I've never done before.

I've hiked
into the wilderness.

I'm spending
the night here--

All night,
all alone.

I've been camping before,
but never by myself,

And that's the scary part--
by myself.


I'm here.

Might as well
make camp, hmm?

Sure is quiet out here.

[Owl hoots]

Dark, too.


Did you hear that?

Ok...i guess...

It was nothing.


You know, I think I need
a little inspiration.


This is a book
that always gives me courage

When I need it.

It's about a boy
who conquers fear every day.

It's called
knots on a counting rope.

Grandfather, tell me
the story again.

Tell me...
Who I am.

I have told you
many times, boy.

Listen carefully.

This may be
the last telling.

No, grandfather!

There will never be
a last time.

Promise me.

I promise you
nothing, boy.

I love you.
That is better
than a promise.

And I love you,

But tell me
the story again.

It was
a dark night,

A strange night.

A wild storm
came out of the mountains.


Your mother said,

"I hear it
in the wind.

A boy child
will be born."

And then what happened,

The grandmother and I
rode up the canyon fast.

Was the wind
calling for me,

Yes, boy.

It was whipping up sand
as sharp as claws

And crying like a bobcat,

Were you afraid,

I was much afraid.

It was strange.

Just as you came
forth and made
your first cry,

The wind
stopped howling,

And the storm
was over.

And I was born strong,
wasn't i, grandfather?

No, you were
not strong.

And you carried me out
to see the morning,

But I didn't
open my eyes.

Two great blue horses
came galloping by,

And you
raised your arms
to the horses.

I said,
"see how the horses
speak to him.

"They are
his brothers.

"This boy child
will not die.

"The great blue horses

Have given him
the strength to live."

That is when you named me
boy strength of blue horses.

I grew strong, didn't i?

Yes, boy strength
of blue horses.

Each day you
grow stronger.

learning to cross
dark mountains.

I've crossed
some dark mountains.

There will be more,

Dark mountains
are always around us.

Will I always
live in the dark?

Yes. You were born

With a dark curtain
in front of your eyes.

There are many ways
to see.

You learn to see

Because you have
the strength
of blue horses.

I see the horses
with my hands, grandfather,

But I cannot see blue.

What is blue?

There was blue
in the rainbow

That morning
your horse was born.

I couldn't see
the rainbow,

But I still feel
its happiness.

It was a night
of rain.

As the sun came
through the clouds,

The foal was born.

I named the foal

No one thought
you could teach her
to race.

But I did.

Day after day,
we followed you
along the trail.

You traced the trails
in your mind, boy.

I learned from rainbow
when to turn

By the pull
of her neck

And by counting
her gallops.

Tell me again
about the race.

You and the other boys
were at the starting line.

You pulled back.

I was afraid,

Until you
called me.

I said,
"don't be afraid, boy.

Trust your darkness.
Go like the wind."

Rainbow and I
went twisting, turning,

galloping, galloping!

Counting the gallops!

Remembering the way!

And what did
the people say,

They said,
"who is that boy
riding bareback,

Racing with
all of his heart?"

And you said, "that is
boy strength of blue horses.

He and his horse
are together like one."

I didn't win,

No, but you rode
like the wind,

And you
were smiling.

I wasn't afraid,

I could see
through the dark

Every turn
of the race.

Tell me again
what you told me then.

I said,
"boy strength
of blue horses,

"You have raced
darkness and won.

"You now can see
with your heart.

"Feel a part of all
that surrounds you.

Your courage
lights the way."

Now, boy,
now that the story
has been told again,

I'll tie another knot
in the counting rope.

When the rope
is filled with knots,

You will know
the story by heart.

So I will grow stronger,

Yes, stronger.

Strong enough
to cross the dark mountains.

I always feel strong

When you are with me,

I will not always
be with you, boy.

No, grandfather.
Don't ever leave me.

What will I do
without you?

You will never
be alone, boy.

My love will always
surround you...

With the strength
of blue horses.

Whooo whooo
whooo whooo whooo!


Can you believe this?

Well, I'm not going to
let a little rain stop me.

I guess
this really is my night

For facing challenges.

I came prepared, though.

Snug as a bug
in a rug.


Got to keep
the fire going, though.

Having a fire
really makes a difference.

Helps push back the shadows
on the outside,

But, you know,

It doesn't
always keep you

From feeling afraid
on the inside.

Only your own courage
can do that.

Courage is something
bree walker knows a lot about.

Bree is
a television news reporter.

She has to deal with something
no other reporter has to face.

Because of an inherited
physical disorder,

Bree's hands and feet
are deformed,

And because her job
is so public,

Her deformity
is on display,

But that doesn't stop
bree walker

From pursuing
the career she loves.

How the ghost
of the williamsburg

new york commuters,
coming up.

I had to think
if I was ready

To present my hands
to the public.

I thought I'd have
my same childhood feelings,

And that was that
I was different and on display,

Which meant I was
up for ridicule again.

I thought about whether
I was ready to do that.

It took me three years.
I thought it over.

When I decided
I could handle it,

I made tapes
and took them to tv stations.

That's when I felt

The obstacle
my hands presented.

I met a couple
of news directors

Who didn't think
the viewing audience

Was ready for this.

I knew I'd hear it,

But the first time
was a shock,

And I wasn't sure
I could handle it.

Remembering what it was like
as a child is still painful.

For any kid
growing up,

There are things
that you worry about.

You're hoping to
feel like everyone else

Instead of feeling

That's why it was tough.

I was special in a way
I didn't want to be.

Growing up,
my inspiration came from adults

Who were understanding.

When I was
getting used to

Not fitting in
with peers,

There were lots of adults
who were sympathetic

And encouraged me
to read

And encouraged me
to do the things

That helped me become
the person I wanted to be.

If they
hadn't prompted me,

There were occasions
I might have given up

Because I did get
frustrated sometimes

That I hadn't been born
like everyone else.

When I escaped into books,
I was so happy.

My second-grade teacher

Checked books out
from the library

At the third-grade level

So I could read
above my grade level.

I cared more about
what my friends in school

Thought about me

Than I care about what my peers
in the adult world

Think about me.

Do you remember?

Yeah. J.s.s.

Because bree was so good
at her job and wouldn't quit,

She ended up

With one of the country's
best reporting jobs.

This is channel 2 news
at 11:00.

Everything you
need to know,

Because anything can happen
in new york.

I loved it.

I knew it would be
more work,

But I felt as soon
as I started, this was it.

Do you
solemnly swear...

Things that require
the use of fingers

Takes me
a lot longer to do,

But I do it.

I just don't give up
unless I'm against a deadline.

I've gotten
to where I'm not ashamed

To ask for help.

It would be nice
to have 10 fingers.

I always wanted
to play the guitar.

That's small
compared to what I can do.

If I've shown any courage,
broken any barriers,

It hasn't been done
with me knowing it.

I think
that's the natural tendency,

If you have
a loving family

And loving,
caring friends

And good teachers,

Is that you just try to do
what you want to do in life.

If people see that as courage,
you're lucky.

If you're proud
of who you are,

Then I think you feel grateful
to be here.

It sounds so cliched
to say

Keep trying,
don't stop trying,

Don't let anyone tell you
you can't,

But that's the truth.

People who tell you you can't
just don't know.

♪ It's hard
to be courageous ♪

♪ When what you want
seems so far away ♪

♪ Still you imagine yourself
a winner ♪

♪ Reaching the top
someday ♪

♪ So you don't
give up ♪

♪ And you try
even harder ♪

♪ Keeping your goals
in sight ♪

♪ And every day you get
a little bit closer ♪

♪ 'Cause you never give up
the fight ♪

♪ Reach for your dreams ♪

♪ And know in your heart
you can do anything ♪

♪ That you want to ♪

♪ Reach for your dreams ♪

♪ And right
from the start ♪

♪ You'll find they're not
as far away as they seem ♪

♪ So reach
for your dreams ♪

♪ You've got to believe
you're good enough ♪

♪ To be anything
you want to be ♪

♪ Give it all
that you've got ♪

♪ And soon you'll
be headed toward victory ♪

♪ You don't give up,
and you try even harder ♪

♪ Keeping your goals
in sight ♪

♪ And every day you're just
a little bit closer ♪

♪ 'Cause you never
give up the fight ♪

♪ Reach for your dreams ♪

♪ And know in your heart ♪

♪ You can do anything
that you want to ♪

♪ Just reach
for your dreams ♪

♪ And right
from the start ♪

♪ You'll find they're
not as far away as they seem ♪

♪ So reach for your dream ♪

♪ Reach for your dream ♪

♪ And know in your heart
you can do anything ♪

♪ Just reach
for your dreams ♪♪


I was just thinking about
the first time

I tried to ride my bike
without my training wheels.

I was scared.

I didn't want to try it.

My father was there...

Running along beside me
holding me up.

We were moving down the street
when all of a sudden

I looked up,
and I realized he wasn't there.

I was concentrating so hard,
I hadn't noticed he let go.

Then I fell,

But I had done it.

I rode my bike
without the training wheels

For the first time.

Every time after that,
it got easier.

Everybody gets scared

When was the last time
you had to be really brave?

I was home
with my brother.

There was thunder
and lightning.

He was scared.
I had to pretend I wasn't.

I was afraid to go to school
because there was a bully.

I stood up to him.
He didn't pick on me anymore.

There was a fire
in my house.

I thought
it would burn me.

I ran outside
and yelled "fire!"

Our neighbors called
the fire department.

It takes
a lot ofraveness

For me to sit up here
and be on television.

I was scared of movies
when I went to bed.

I'd get nightmares.
Now I don't get as many.

I was in camp,
and we were up on a mountain.

There was a thunderstorm.

We managed to pull through,
but we were totally scared.


Well...i guess it's time
to turn in for the night.

That means...
Turning out the light.


It's not so bad.

it's kind of nice.

You know,
I feel like I'm crossing

My own dark mountain

Oh, you know,

If there's something
in your life

That you're trying
to face,

Then here's some stories
you might want to get to know.

Don't take my word
for it.

Have you ever felt
afraid to perform?

Harriet has
in this book

harriet's recital.

Harriet loved
her ballet classes.

She was very nervous
about the dance recital.

Everything she did
reminded her

Of something that could go wrong
in her dancing.

When harriet was in the bathtub,
she thought about falling.

When her mom sewed,

She thought her costume
would rip.

Harriet was very scared.

At last
the big day came.

With the help
of her teacher,

took a deep breath,

And she was dancing.

I'm leyla marchetto, and I say
read harriet's recital.

It might help you
overcome a fear.

I'm kit rosenstein.

Have I got a story
for you!

It's called let's go swimming
with mr. Sillypants.

Is it a riot!

It's all about a man
named mr. Sillypants.

He's called that
because he's very silly.

Mr. Sillypants
is afraid to swim.

He's afraid
he'll sink like a rock

Or step on a fish.

He has
this terrible nightmare.

He dreams
he falls into the water,

Turns into a fish,

And gets chased
by dill pickles.

He's having a hard time.

The next day,

He finds out that swimming's
really not that bad.

There's an important message
hidden in all this silliness--

It's ok
to be scared,

But don't let it
discourage you

From trying new things.

Try this book!

Have you noticed
that each night

When you look up
into the sky,

The moon's
a different shape?

it's an owl moon.

An owl moon
is a big bright moon.

This story is about
a girl and her father

Who go out at night
on an owling adventure.

There was no wind.

The trees stood still
as giant statues,

And the moon was so bright,
the sky seemed to shine.

To see and hear

The great horned owl,
you have to be silent.

I'm andrea.

I'd like you
to read this book

Because it has
suspense, beautiful language,

And a whole new way
of looking at the moon.

Whooo, well...
I did it.

I made it
through the night,

And morning...mmm.

Morning never looked
so good,

And you know what?

I discovered something
last night.

Unless you face
your own fears,

You can never
conquer them,

And that owning up
to what's inside here

Makes you feel great,

And I feel great!


I'll see you next time!

Today's reading rainbow books

Knots on a counting rope
by bill martin jr.

And john archambault,

Illustrated by ted rand,

Published by henry holt
and company, inc.

Harriet's recital,
by nancy carlson,

Published by
carolrhoda books, inc.

Let's go swimming
with mr. Sillypants,
by m.k. Brown,

by crown publishing company.

Owl moon
by jane yolen,

by john schoenherr,

by philomel books.