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02x49 - The Tale of The Great Tortoise Rescue

Posted: 12/05/23 08:21
by bunniefuu
-♪ Let's go! ♪
-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go on a run ♪

♪ Run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every
Fence and every wall ♪

♪ Run through the fields ♪

♪ Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every
Radish that we see! ♪

♪ Go day and night ♪

♪ Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly
Come on, the wind's begun to blow ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow ♪

♪ Adventure calls ♪

♪ The game is on ♪

-♪ Come on! ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

[Peter] "The Tale of
The Great Tortoise Rescue."

[all cheering]

Yes, I'm going to win!

Not if I can help it.

Or me!

No way I'm going to lose this race.


[Benjamin] Peter!

It's a beautiful day.



Sounds like those young rabbits
are having fun today.

[all yelling]

Ooh! O-ho!

[chuckles] That was a fine
"How do you do"

-Mr. Tolly!

Come on. [grunts]

Oh, no.



[Peter] I can't reach him.

-Now what?

There! The boat!


Come on! [grunts]

Jump on. Quick!


We'll never catch him.

Never say never, Benjamin.


Did you get him?

If by "him" you mean Jack Sharp,
then yes. Yes, I did.

[all scream]

Well, isn't this a proper pickle
I've got myself into? [chuckles]

-[all scream]
-Oh, boy.

[Peter] Jack Sharp, stop!


Sorry about this, Jack.
We were aiming for Mr. Tolly.

-We accidentally knocked him--
-Onto a lily pad

and now he's drifting across the lake
and he can't swim back

even if he wanted to,

because he's a tortoise
and tortoises can't swim.

I know that for a fact.

Anyway, we've got to rescue him.

Just-in-case-pocket, just in case.

Uh, boys, we'd better hurry.
He's heading towards Owl Island.

Owl Island? This is bad.
Really, really bad.

Come on, then, guys.
Let's hop to it. Bye, Jack.

Good luck.

[chuckles] Well, that was
quite a little adventure!

[stomach grumbles]

All right, all right, I hear you.

I wonder what they've
got to eat around here.


[gulps] Not bad. Mmm. Not bad at all.


[squirrels squeaking]

-Mr. Tolly!
-Mr. Tolly!


[gasps] Felix!




Do you see what I see?


That's right! A giant, walking nut.

This could turn out to be
the greatest hazelnut raid

in the history of hazelnut raids.

Forget these. Too puny.

We could live on that nut
for a whole year!


[Old Brown muttering]



That was close!

I probably should have said that
a little quieter.

That mean old owl
does not like being woken up!


Oops. Sorry.
Felix, what was I doing again?


That's right, getting that giant nut.
Come on!



Ooh! Ooh!


Peter! What are you doing here?

Have you seen Mr. Tolly?

Mister who?

We had a race and we knocked
Mr. Tolly into the water and …

whoops, slosh! He floated off.

Then Jack Sharp came and… [squeals]

The rod and… Oh, no! Mr. Tolly…


I still have no idea
what you're talking about.

Mr. Tolly.

He's about this big, large shell,
sort of greeny colored.

Did he pass this way?

You mean the giant nut?

Never heard one called a Tolly before.

Felix, make a note.

Giant nut, otherwise known as a Tolly.

He's not a nut, he's…

Mr. Tolly the tortoise.



[all] Phew!

You're trying to trick me, aren't you?

Making me believe
that giant nut's a tortoise!

Ha! Who would fall for that?

[laughs] All right, maybe Felix.
But not I!

Can't fool me.

[Peter] Hey! Nutkin!

Hmm. Not bad. Could use a little summat.

There we go.
Nothing a little salt can't fix.

[excited squeals]


[Peter] Nutkin, stop!

[Nutkin] Tolly nut!

[Mr. Tolly] Oh! Oh!

[Nutkin] Oh, no, you don't!

That giant nut is mine!

What? That nut is mine, I tell you.
Now, where did he go?

Argh! Ow!



Ha! You can run,
but you can't hide, Tolly nut!

Tolly what?

[gasps] Peter, everyone, it talks.

A giant, walking, talking, Tolly nut!

[both screaming]

Huh? [exclaiming]

What is it? Tailfeathers.

Mr. Tolly!

Oh, it's you. [chuckles]

Are you all right?

Couldn't be better.

So what's all this about a nut?

Aha! You think by pretending
you're not a nut,

I'm going to think you're not a nut.

Ha-ha-ha! Only Felix would fall for that!

But he isn't a nut, he's a tortoise.

Mr. Tolly tortoise.

Wa… Wait a second!

You're Nutkin, aren't you?

I remember you when you were
knee-high to a twig.


[laughs] The nut's
trying to make friends with me!

Isn't that sweet?

-[all gasp]

Squawking squirrels, I've got you now!

[all scream]

Run to the boat!

[Old Brown] Aha!

[Peter] Come on! Hurry!

Just because you can walk and talk
doesn't mean you're not a nut, you know?


You've woken me up
for the last time, Nutkin!

Look out!

Hoo, hoo!

Argh! O-ho!

Take that, you winged nuisance!

Think you can stop me,
you trouble-making tortoise?

Uh-oh! [screams]

Hey, that's my Tolly nut!


[Nutkin] Peter, he took my Tolly nut!

Mr. Tolly!

Oh, no, he's doomed!

No, he isn't.
A good rabbit never gives up.

Come on!

[Nutkin] Tolly nut!

♪ A good rabbit never gives up
Never gives in ♪

♪ Never has a doubt
He's going to find a way to win ♪

♪ Good rabbit ♪

♪ A good rabbit rises up
Just to save the day ♪

♪ Always believes
He's going to find a way ♪

♪ Find a way to win ♪

[all screaming]

♪ A good rabbit never gives up
A good rabbit never gives up ♪

[Peter] Come on!

You're sitting
right next to me, Tolly nut,

where I can keep my eye on you.



-That's better!


Quick, start rowing.

Uh, where are the oars?

Nutkin, where are the oars?

Oh, I threw them overboard
to make room for my Tolly nut.


[all] You did what?

[all gasp]

Oops! [chuckles nervously]

You certainly make things
interesting, Nutkin.

[Peter] Nutkin!

We need to get out of here
before Old Brown comes back.

I know! I'll use my tail to make a sail!

But you don't have one.

And there isn't any breeze.

Oh, ah!

Aside from that,
what did you think of the plan?

Uh, I don't want to break up the party,
but you might want to look behind you.

[all scream]

Ha-ha! Stranded, are we?

There must be something we can do!

Look on the bright side.

You got to see me discover
the world's first giant talking nut.

I'm a tortoise!

Oh, yes, silly me!

[whispering] Nut!


We'll never get to the other side now.

Never say never, Benjamin.


[Peter] Aha!

Lily, I need you to whistle
as loud as you can.

Fishing? Now?

Ready or not, here I come!

Trust me. Ready?


[shrill loud whistle]


Hooting hollows!

Ooh, argh!


Jack Sharp, catch! [grunts]


-Got it.
-[Peter] Pull!

-[all exclaim]


[Old Brown] Where do you
think you're going?

Tailfeathers! Oh, no!

All this zigging and zagging… Enough!

One day! One day!

-Yeah! We did it!

Thanks, Jack.


Now can I get some rest
without being disturbed,

fished or whistled at?

Be our guest.

[all] Bye-bye.

I'm really sorry
about all that, Mr. Tolly.

I'm sure you could use some rest too.

Mr. Tolly?


How many times do I have to tell you,
I'm not a nut, I'm a tortoise.



Whoa! Whoa!


You know, you're one tough nut to crack.


♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪