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02x47 - The Tale of The First Bluebell

Posted: 12/05/23 08:20
by bunniefuu
-♪ Let's go! ♪
-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go on a run ♪

♪ Run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every
Fence and every wall ♪

♪ Run through the fields ♪

♪ Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every
Radish that we see! ♪

♪ Go day and night ♪

♪ Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly, come on
The wind's begun to blow ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow ♪

♪ Adventure calls ♪

♪ The game is on ♪

-♪ Come on! ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

[Peter] "The Tale of The First Bluebell."


-Hold still, Benjamin.
-[grunts] I'm trying!

Ah! Phew.

Kind of quiet, isn't it?

Oh, Benjamin, shh!
I'm trying to concentrate.

-Whoa! [yelps]

Tch. Boys.

Quick! We've got to get to my burrow fast!

-What is it?

-It must be serious.

-[Benjamin] Let's go!
-Uh… wait for me!

Mum, we're here!

[all] Whoa!

What is it, Peter? Is Cotton-tail missing?

Are Flopsy and Mopsy trapped in a well?
Is it Mr. Tod?

-It's oatcakes!
-Fresh from the oven.

Peter! We thought it was important.

There is nothing more important

-than freshly baked oatcakes.
-[all sniffing]

[laughs] Well you'd better all
sit down then.

Okay, maybe one.

But then I have to get back to the woods.

It's the first day it's been warm enough
to sit and paint outdoors!

[sighs] Spring already…

What's the matter, Mum?

I was just remembering how your father

used to always bring me
the first Bluebell of Spring.

[chuckles] He had a special trick
to make sure I got the first one.


If my dad found the first bluebell
for my mum, so can I!

Let's hop to it.

Thank you, Mrs. Rabbit.

Those oatcakes smell delicious.

Just the right blend of oats
and flour and milk and…

-Mmm… is that honey?
-[Peter] Hello?

-Are you coming?
-Sorry. Coming.

-[Lily] Benjamin!

-Come on.
-I haven't finished.

[sighs] Don't worry,
I'm not leaving you behind.

-Wait for me!



Also known as "Galanthus."

They're so pretty and white

and when they bloom
that means winter's over!

Then the birds start to sing
and the weather gets warmer and…

Yeah but we need bluebells, not snowdrops!

I don't get it.
This place is usually full of them.

Peter, it's too early in the season
for bluebells.

I know that for a fact.

Er… I've got an idea.

Snack break!

[both laughing]

Wait! Behind that bush.


No. It's just a little blue bottle.

[gasps] You found my bottle! [exclaims]

It's for hazelnut storage!


-They never fit though.

Don't be sad, I'll figure it out one day.

It's not that, Nutkin.

I just thought this bottle
was the first Bluebell of Spring.

You thought the bottle was a bluebell?


You need to get your eyes examined,
my friend.

Anyway, you won't find any bluebells!

It's way too early in the season.

Not for me.

I'm gonna get one for my mum.

My dad had a special trick
for finding them.

Ooh, tricks, I love tricks!

-[laughs] What was it?
-I don't know.

Oh, this has been
a very disappointing conversation.

[panting] Well, good luck!

At times like these,
I find that what you really need is food.

-Come on, let's keep looking!

[sighs] I'm really sorry
to have to do this to you.

There! Look!

Let's hop to it!

-Mrs. Puddle-Duck?

-[all] Whoa!

-Oh, no.
-[gasps] Feathers and fluff!

-[Peter] Are you okay?

Sorry, Mrs. Puddle-Duck!

We thought you were a bluebell!

A bluebell?

Goodness, I've never been confused
with a bluebell before.

Oh, dear, my blueberries!


Mrs. Puddle-Duck, you haven't seen
any bluebells in the woods, have you?

It's too early
in the season for bluebells, Peter.

[hums] Too-da-loo!

[all] Bye, Mrs. Puddle-Duck!



Come on, we've got to keep looking.

[sighs] I'm going to eat you one day.

[snickers] No, Benjamin Bunny, I am,

and all I have to do
is find them a flower.



There are no bluebells anywhere, Peter.
Maybe we should give up.

A good rabbit never gives up!

[sighs] Do good rabbits ever stop
for a snack?

[gasps] Peter, over there!

Come on.

[gasps] Sammy Whiskers?

What did you expect? A bluebell?

What do you know about bluebells?

I know where to find one, for a start!

You can have it if you like.

What's the catch?

Catch? There's no catch.

-[both] Hmm…
-All right, all right.

I'll give you a flower
if you give me something in return.

Something like… an oatcake?

What? No way!


[sighs] Do I have to?


[sighs] One flower for one oatcake.

All right, here's the oatcake.

Thanks, and here's your flower.

Wait a minute.

This isn't a bluebell!

It's a snowdrop
and I know that for a fact!

Ha, I said I'd give you a flower,

I didn't say what kind! [snickers]

Hey! Give me back my oatcake!

-In your dreams!
-Stop him!

-Come back with my oatcake!
-[Peter] Follow that rat!



-Peter! He's getting away!

-[gasps] A bluebell
-[Lily] The first Bluebell of Spring.

[exclaims, laughs smugly]

-[all] Whoa!

Of all the places in the woods,
it had to be there?

[sighs] Finally, it's warm enough for you
to go outside, my little blue companion.

-What are we going to do?


I'm going to get my mum that bluebell!
Wait here.

Ah, the first day of Spring.

The sun is shining, the sky is blue…

-And there's a rabbit under my deck chair.
-[Peter grunting]

-What! Got you!

[Peter yelps]

-[grunts] Confounded chair!
-This way!

Ow! Peter Rabbit!

I've got to go back.

Pushing your luck aren't you, Peter?

Mr. Tod seems pretty angry.

Maybe my dad's trick was getting
the bluebell without Mr. Tod catching him.

Maybe we could try offering this
in exchange?

I suppose it's worth a try.

[grunts] This suit is ruined.

Back again, Peter Rabbit.

Mr. Tod, er… I really need that bluebell.

And, er… If… If you give it to me,

I'll give you this lovely snowdrop.

Ha! And why would I do that?

Because deep down you're a nice fox
with a heart of gold?

[laughs] Heart of gold.

[chuckles] That's a good one. [grunts]

Please… It's for my mum.

[gasps] A present for dear Mummy?

Well, why didn't you just say so?

Of course, we simply must swap.

Here, come and get it.

Well… all right,
but you promise you won't try to grab me…

Grab you? Why would I do that?

Oh, wait, I remember.

Because I'm a fox and that's what I do!


Get the flower!

Come on, Benjamin!

Rabbits are brave, rabbits are brave.

[Peter] Hurry!


-[Peter] Ha!

Hey, good catch!

Huh? [snarls]

[exclaims] Angry fox!

♪ Run, rabbit, run! ♪

♪ Run like you've never run before ♪


♪ Run, rabbit, run! ♪

♪ If he catches you, you're done
So run some more! ♪

[yelps, grunts]

♪ Those feet are sounding
So close to you ♪

♪ What can you do? ♪

♪ Oh, rabbit, run! ♪

-[grunts, exclaims]

Oh, no!

-My bluebell!
-[both] My oatcake!

My rabbits!

Split up!

Huh? [yelps]

Oh, doh! Foiled again!

I can't believe I'm going home
without a bluebell for my mum.

I wish I knew what my dad's trick was.

Look on the bright side,
I saved some blueberries.

You tried your best, Peter.

You could always make her a painting.


-What is it?

I may not know how my dad found
the first Bluebell of Spring,

but I have a special trick of my own.

Lily, have you got any blue paint?

[Peter] Come on!

White for snowdrops.
Green for Benjamin's hat.

Brown. No. Sorry, no blue.



Sorry, Benjamin,
I'm going to need those blueberries.

[sighs] I'm never going to have
another snack again.

Here goes.

[all] Oh! Wow!

[Peter] I got it for you, Mum.

The first Bluebell of Spring.

Oh, Peter! It's beautiful.

-[all] Mmm.

[slurps] Blueberry juice?

Ah, well, I can explain.

Peter, you clever rabbit!

How did you know
what your dad's special trick was?

You mean he painted a potted snowdrop
with blueberry juice too?

-Of course!

It's far too early in the season
for bluebells.

Yum! Finally!

[all laugh]

Peter Rabbit, just like your father.

[all laughing]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪