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02x35 - The Tale of Cotton-tail's Tooth

Posted: 12/05/23 08:10
by bunniefuu
-♪ Let's go! ♪
-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go on a run ♪

♪ Run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every
Fence and every wall ♪

♪ Run through the fields ♪

♪ Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every
Radish that we see! ♪

♪ Go day and night ♪

♪ Go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly, come on
The wind's begun to blow ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow ♪

♪ Adventure calls ♪

♪ The game is on ♪

-♪ Come on! ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

-♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
-♪ Let's go! ♪

[Peter] "The Tale of Cotton-tail's Tooth."

[Cotton-tail crying]

[Mrs. Rabbit] Oh, darling.

[Flopsy] Aw, it's okay, it's okay.

[gasps] What's wrong?


We've got this under control, Peter.

There, there, Cotton-tail.

[Cotton-tail cries]

What's wrong with Cotton-tail, Mom?

I'm not sure.

What's wrong, darling?

Hurty. [sniffs]

Oh, dear.

I think we need to get Dr. Bobtail.

I'll get him.

-[Mrs. Rabbit] But, Peter--
-[Peter] Whoa.

It snowed last night.

It's way too deep. You'll never get there.

Never say never. All I need is…


My new sledge.


I'll be right back with Dr. Bobtail.




Look out.



Can I open my eyes yet?

[Peter] Yup.

Oh, hi, Peter.

Hop on board, Benjamin.

We've got an important mission.

But, but… I only just got here.

And I've already been there.

With all this snow
it took me so long to-- Whoa.

Come on, we've got to hurry.

[grunts] Just hold on.

Can we hurry a little slower, Peter?



Whoo! Where are my brakes?

Brrr. Oh, I can't stand winter.

Always too cold with nothing to eat.

[exclaims] My herb garden.

An exceedingly clever fox such as myself
is always prepared.

[exclaims in shock] Oh.

Just one sprig of mint?

No. Hardly a meal.

-Barely a garnish. Not without--
-[Peter whooping]


[evil chuckling]


-This is the greatest!
-[Benjamin yells]


[both screaming]



What I need is a shortcut.


Cotton-tail is really hurting,
so I said I'll get Dr. Bobtail.

Uh-huh. Really? That's interesting.

Are you really listening?

Are you really steering?

Maybe you should watch where you're going.

It's Mr. Tod. Stop, Peter.

We're going too fast.

-[Mr. Tod] It's dinner time.
-Get ready to jump. When I say…

-[Mr. Tod chuckles]
-[Peter] Now!

[whimpers] Oh.

Ha. You missed.

Uh, no, we didn't.

What? [exclaims]

[both laugh]

That worked out much better
than I expected.

Come on, Benjamin.

We need to get Dr. Bobtail and fast.


Brrr. It's cold today.


[sighs wearily] I really
don't like winter.

I hope Peter's all right out there.

[sniffs] Me hurty.

Oh. Don't worry, Cotton-tail.

Dr. Bobtail will make you all better.

[sniffles] Peber home soon?


[sighs in exasperation]

Stuck inside again, Florence.

[Peter and Benjamin] Woo-hoo!

Wait a minute, look.

[Lily] Peter. Benjamin.


[laughing] Hi, Peter. Hi, Benjamin.

Wow. It's so nice of you to come see me.

What do you want to play?
Shall we go for a ride on your sledge?

What about we see who can throw
a snowball the farthest?

I've got a good feeling
about my throwing arm today.

Uh, Lily.

We didn't come to see you.


What Benjamin means is

we need your dad.

Cotton-tail isn't feeling well.

[gasps] Poor Cotton-tail.

He'll take care of her.

[Benjamin] Brilliant.

Did I ever tell you about the time
I had a thorn in my paw?

It was as long as your arm.

But my dad told me a joke
and I was laughing so much

I didn't even notice him taking it out.

That's great, Lily, but--

Or there was this other time
when I got stung by a huge bee

and he made this special cream
and the pain went away, just like that.

Your dad, Lily? Can we see him?

Oh, sorry. Come on.


Who'd like some hot chocolate?

Yes, please, Mrs. Bobtail.

-[Lily] Me too.
-[Benjamin] It's cold out there.

[burps] 'Scuse me.


So we're not sure
what's wrong with Cotton-tail.

Well then, I must go
and examine her right away.

I'm going, too… For support.

But we can't all fit on the sledge.

Maybe I should stay here and look after
those warm, yummy oatcakes. Mmm.

-[Mrs. Bobtail] No.
-[Benjamin] Woah.

[embarrassed giggle] Oops.

[Peter] That's it.

Benjamin, the trays.

[all] Huh?

-[Peter] Hold on tight.
-I say.

Don't worry, Dad.
I'm totally, pretty sure they're safe.

-Right, Peter?
-Of course.

Let's hop to it.

Cotton-tail, here we come.

Wait a minute,
shouldn't we have a test run first?

Oh, Warren.

Don't be such a stick in the mud. [kisses]

-Have some fun.
-[Dr. Bobtail gasps]


-[stammers] But…

[Mrs. Bobtail] One.


Be careful, dears.


I don't like this.

I don't like this at all.

Oh, hold on.

I do like this.

The wind is in my ears,

the fresh air…
Why, I almost feel like I'm flying.

Look at me, Lily.

[laughs exultantly]

Wow, Dad.

[Dr. Bobtail] I bet you didn't think
your old dad had it in him.


Ahhh! Be careful, Dad.

I'm fine. I'm more than fine. I'm--

Where'd he go?

[gasps] Dad.

Dr. Tod. I mean, Bobtail.
I mean, Mr. Dr. Tod.

Um, Peter?

Not now, Benjamin. I'm steering.

I'll meet you back at the burrow.

Oh, no, Lily.

[Mr. Tod] Ahhh!

Peter, Peter… This is really important.

You can't escape me now, Peter Rabbit.

Hey, that sounds like…

[gasps] Mr. Tod.

Rabbits are brave! Rabbits are brave!

[chuckles slyly]

Where's Dr. Bobtail? And where's Lily?

And why didn't you tell me?


[Benjamin] Whoa.

Thanks for the ride,

but I think I'll stop for a snack.

Oh, yeah? We'll see about that.

Hold on, Benjamin.

♪ Run, rabbit, run! ♪

♪ Run like you've never run before ♪

♪ Run, rabbit, run! ♪

♪ If he catches you, you're done
So run some more! ♪

I've got you, Dad.

♪ Your heart is pounding ♪

♪ Those feet are sounding
So close to you ♪

♪ What can you do? ♪

♪ Oh, rabbit, run! ♪

♪ You better run ♪

♪ I think I hear him catching up to you ♪


[sighs in relief]

Shame. I was just starting to get
the hang of that skiing business.

We have to get to the burrow.

Uh, yes.
We'll have to make our way on foot,

and fast. Cotton-tail needs us.

This way, Dad.

-[Peter and Benjamin cheering]

We're losing speed.

Forward, Benjamin.

That's quite enough.

Kindly stop this infernal contraption
so I can eat you.

[Mr. Tod] Almost.

Almost… Almost got you.

I've got the mint.

Now, all I need is you rabbits

and I'll have the perfect stew.

[gasps] Benjamin, untie the rope.

[Mr. Tod] What? Wait. Stop moving.

[Peter] We're not the ones moving,
Mr. Tod.

[exclaims] Ahhh!

-[Peter] Ooh!
-[Benjamin] Ooh!

That's got to hurt.

[Mr. Tod] Oh. Peter Rabbit.

[giggles] Let's get to the burrow.

Woo-hoo! Yay!



Oh, we're here.

Yeah, but Dr. Bobtail isn't.

I had one job to do, Benjamin.

Bring Dr. Bobtail back to the burrow.

But somehow I lost him and Lily.

I have to go back for them.

No you don't, Peter.

Of course I do.

A good rabbit never gives up.

But, Peter, look.

Lily. Dr. Bobtail.

-Yay, group hug. Aw.
-Whoa. [groans]

Now let's go and help Cotton-tail.

[Cotton-tail whining]

[Dr. Bobtail] Let's get you better then.

Open wide. Ah…


Ah, yes.

I think I see what the problem is.

It seems young Cotton-tail has…

a toothache.

A toothache? Oh, no. Is it serious?

No, no, Benjamin.

Cotton-tail will be just fine.

I suspect she just chewed
a little too hard on something.

I'd suggest some mint to soothe her teeth.

Oh, dear. I don't have any.

And we'd never find any.

Not in all this snow.

[gasps] I know exactly where
I can find some mint.

Thanks, Mr. Tod.


I'll get you, Peter Rabbit.



Oh, thank you, Peter.

How ever did you manage to find mint
in all that snow?

It's easy if you know where to look.

And who to ask.

No more hurty?

[gurgles] No more hurty.

[all cheering]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪